SOC 323 Midterm

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-it makes a person unqualified for a wide variety of jobs -means employers and government agencies can legally discriminate even though the person has served their time -makes a person unqualified for government assistance

A felony conviction can be a major hurdle when a person is released from prison because:


According to sociologist Oliver Cromwell Cox, racial inequality is an extension of class inequality.


According to sociologist Robert Blauner, the experiences of colonized minorities and immigrant minorities in the United States are similar.


After the Civil War when public education was finally extended to minorities in the United States, it was substandard. One of the most powerful and effective ways that minority groups fought this inequality was through:


Although the Brown decision technically mandated an end to segregation in 1954, white resistance to school desegregation took many forms. Which example below was NOT a form of white resistance?

Social Network

An example of a person's social capital is their _____________.


By 1976, an estimated 24-42% of Indian women of childbearing age were sterilized, many without their knowledge.

-racial/ethnic minorities are underrepresented in corporate America -poverty -law enforcement is better trained to apprehend street criminals rather than white-collar criminals

Conflict theorists discovered that lower-class African Americans and Hispanics tend to commit more street crimes and middle and upper-middle class white individuals tend to commit more white-collar crime. Which explanation describes this race-crime link best?


Contact between different racial/ethnic groups leads inevitably to racial/ethnic inequality.

the cultural competencies of whites is seen as the cultural norm

Critical race theory argues that:


Cultural ideologies are fueled through _______, which are exaggerated and/or simplified portrayals of an entire group of people, based upon misinformation or mischaracterizations


During the 1970s, the U.S. went through an economic restructuring in which manufacturing jobs moved out of unionized states and into non-unionized states or to Third World locations for cheaper labor. This process is called:

it was legal to have segregation in schools.

In Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) the Court declared that states could continue to enforce racial segregation as long as the facilities provided for each race were equal. This meant:

Conflict Theory

In explaining racial inequality in the criminal justice system, which theoretical perspective primarily argues that the law is used to maintain dominant group power in society and is a form of social control of subordinate groups?


In order to understand race, racism, and race relations today, social scientists argue that it is important to take history into account in order to understand why these patterns of racial inequality first arose and the ways they influence race relations today.

Critical Race Theory

In regards to racial inequality in the criminal justice system, which sociological theory primarily argues that legal reasoning and constitutional law reflect a white view of the world:

brings about an understanding of how the rules, ideologies, values. and norms of our society are all constructed by white people, yet appear race neutral brings about an understanding of how white standards affect our interpretations of ourselves and others explains how most educational institutions can be understood as racialized spaces, thus campuses themselves are examples of whiteness in education

In sociology, whiteness studies:


In the U.S., African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans are imprisoned at higher rates than are whites, despite the fact that whites make up the bulk of arrests


People of color have a more difficult time seeing themselves as "raced," and thus have a more difficult time seeing themselves as having a racial identity than do whites.


Race varies tremendously between societies and has changed a great deal over time.

Racial wealth gap

Racial disparity in wealth accumulation is best described as:

NACCP Efforts

Racial resegregation occurs in public schools today due to many factors. Which of the following has NOT directly contributed to resegregation:

oppositional identity model minority street identity

Racial/ethnic group members negotiate their school identities in the school environment differently than white students. Which of the following is an example of the different school identities developed by some racial/ethnic minority students?


Robert Ezra Parks' "race relations cycle," his theory for the incorporation of immigrants into American society, culminated with __________

Spatial Mismatch Thesis

Sociologist William Julius Wilson (1987) coined the term _____________ to describe a phenomenon in which blue-collar manufacturing jobs, which require less education, move far away from the population of people limited to these skills.

Racial Formation Perspective

Sociologists Howard Winant and Michael Omi introduced a new theoretical perspective on race called _________, which emphasizes the ways racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed over time, and the ways race plays out structurally in our everyday, lived experience, becoming "common sense" or a way of making sense of our world

policies have interfered with the ability of black Americans to accumulate wealth

Sociologists Oliver and Shapiro (1995) use the term racialization of the state to explain how:

Racial Apathy

Sociologists use the term __________ to describe when whites object to or have a complete lack of feeling toward social policies and programs designed to address racial/ethnic inequalities:

-labeling areas of the city that are predominantly black as risky to creditors -through the use of restrictive covenants, or language on a deed that obligates the buyer not to sell the home to a specific group

The Federal Housing Association (FHA) actually encouraged residential discrimination in which of the following ways?

Split Labor Market

The __________ perspective on racial/ethnic inequality emphasizes that white workers fuel antagonisms between racial groups in the labor force which ultimately benefit them as white workers.


The elections of President Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 are evidence that the U.S. is a post-racial society.


The fact that every modern era has supported a "science of race" which emphasizes race as biological is evidence of the lack of objectivity of race science.

white workers earn more than non-white workers, for the same education, skills, and experience

The racial wage gap refers to the fact that ___________:


The world has not always been "raced;" meaning societies have not always been organized along the lines of physical features such as skin color with economic, political, social, and psychological rewards awarded or denied along such lines.


This term refers to a now defunct branch of science that compared the skull sizes of various racial groups and used that data to try to determine group intelligence, social and cultural characteristics, and the presumed innate group differences between the races.

Racial Profiling

When a person comes under police attention primarily due to their race this is known as:

Pretextual Traffic Stops

When police use minor traffic violations as reasons to stop a minority to search for drugs, it is known as:

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)

Which historical Supreme Court decision has had the most significant impact on desegregation in American schools nationwide?

It only operates in conjunction with class privilege

Which of the following is NOT an aspect of white privilege?

Africans were enslaved due to anti-black racism

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons Africans were originally enslaved in the New World.


Which of the following is a way white workers have been able to maintain a split labor market and secure a dominant position in the labor market for themselves?

"war on drugs" political movement

Which of the following is the greatest factor contributing to the growing prison population in the United States:

Incarceration rates are so high that it is a defining feature of entire communities.

Which of the following is true about mass incarceration in the U.S.?

All of the above groups resisted their oppression and exploitation in some way

Which of the following racial/ethnic minority groups did NOT resist their oppression and exploitation?


Which of the following sociological perspectives emphasizes social order and the value of consensus, harmony, and stability for a society, as well as the interdependence of social systems

Critical Race Theory

Which of the following theoretical perspectives on race embraces an activist agenda instead of objectivity and emphasizes narrative and storytelling as a method of knowledge production?

The Bureau of Indian Affairs did not approve of the boarding school movement.

Which statement is NOT true regarding the boarding school movement and the systematic resocialization of Indian children:


White privilege has gone unexamined primarily because it is the societal ______. For sociologists, these are significant aspects of culture that refer to the shared expectations about behavior in a society, whether implicit or explicit.

Affirmative action

_______ is not a single policy but instead a collection of policies that are specifically designed to promote equal employment opportunities for women and racial minorities.

Gendered Racism

________ refers to the expectations about appropriate behavior for males and females that vary along racial lines.

One-Drop Rule

________ refers to the idea, formerly legally enforced and later a U.S. cultural norm, that if a person has any black ancestry, they are considered to be black.

Scientific Racism

________ refers to using science to prove the innate inferiority of some racial groups and the innate superiority of others.


_________ refers to a person's assets, which includes savings, retirement accounts and the equity in one's home. It is cumulative and passed down through generations.


_________ refers to the belief that one's own culture or group's ways of doing things are superior to others and is one of the necessary conditions for racial/ethnic inequality to emerge.

Ethnic Group

__________ is a term that refers to a group of people that share a culture, nationality, ancestry, and/or language.

Internal Colonialism Theory

__________ theory emphasizes the distinction between voluntary immigrants, known as immigrant minorities, and involuntary immigrants, known as colonized minorities

People of color

___________ is a term that can be used to collectively refer to racial/ethnic minority groups that have been the object of discrimination in the United States.


______________ has long been the preferred model for race relations among the dominant group in American society. It refers to the push toward acceptance of the dominant culture, at the expense of one's native culture

Prison Industrial Complex

______________ is the best term to describe the interconnectedness of politicians, government, and private industry and the incentives associated with a commitment to increasing spending on the prison industry, even as crimes decrease.


______________ specifically refers to a group of people that share some socially defined physical characteristics, for instance, skin color, hair texture, or facial features.

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