Soci 101 Test #3

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It is a community in which the residents have little or no access to fresh, affordable, healthy foods, usually located in densely populated, urban areas

Define food dessert

It is the tendency to choose romantic partners who are similar to us in terms of class, race, religion, education, or other social group membership. An example of homogamy is two working class ppl who get married after meeting at the house of worship their families attend.

Define homogamy

They are the practical physical tasks necessary to maintain family life. A few examples include doing the laundry, grocery shopping, running errands, meal preparation, housekeeping activities, and managing household finances.

Define instrumental tasks

It refers to relatives or relations, usually those related by common decent. Examples of kin include your siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Define kin

It is a formally recognized bond between two spouses, establishing contractual rights + obligations between them.

Define marriage

It is the process by which some behaviors or conditions that were once seen as personable problems are redefined as medical issues.

Define medicalization

It is a heterosexual couple with one or more children living in a single household. It consists of a father, mother, and dependent children (their children).

Define nuclear family

It is the tendency to partner w/ ppl who live close by.

Define propinquity

It refers to the unpaid housework + child care often expected of women after their day's paid labor. Examples of second shift include the unpaid household labor such as cleaning, food preparation, and caregiving for children and other family members.

Define second shift

It is the actions and attitudes that society expects from someone who is ill.

Define sick role

Relative income hypothesis: Everyone feels poor in comparison to people above them. This leads to worse health. --> Income inequality by itself is harmful to health. - Much debated, and much disputed. - All countries have relative income variability.

Define the relative income hypothesis

Symbolic interactionists examine the types of social dynamics and interactions that create and sustain families, emphasizing the ways in which our experiences of family bonds are socially created rather than naturally existing.

Describe symbolic interactionism and the family

Teen births are down approximately 80% from the 1950s. It is at a record low right now.

Are teen births up or down now compared to the 1950s (key term)?

It is the prohibition of interracial marriage, cohabitation, or sexual interaction.

Define antimiscegenation

It is living together as a romantic couple w/out being married.

Define cohabitation

It is the concept of acknowledging and incorporating a patient's cultural background as a part of the treatment process; the recognition that patients' beliefs shape their approach to health care.

Define cultural competence

Deprivation amplification occurs when the risks we already have because of our background are amplified by social factors.

Define deprivation amplification

It is when our individual disease risks (based on our heredity and physiology) are amplified by social factors.

Define deprivation amplification

It is the marriage to someone w/in one's social group.

Define endogamy

It is the study of disease patterns to understand the cause of illnesses, how they are spread, and what interventions to take.

Define epidemiology

It is the marriage to someone from a different social group.

Define exogamy

They refer to the emotional work necessary to support family members. Examples of expressive tasks include managing conflict, soothing hurt feelings, and encouraging good humor.

Define expressive tasks

It is a large group of relatives, USUSALLY including at least three generations living either in one household OR in close proximity.

Define extended family

It is a social group whose members are bound by legal, biological, or emotional ties, or a combination of all three.

Define family

It is close relations with ppl we consider "like family" but who are not related to us by blood or marriage. Examples of fictive kin include godparents, informally adopted children, and close family friends.

Define fictive kin

1800 - 7 babies per woman 1900 - 3.9 babies per woman 1930 - 2 babies per woman 1960 - 3.7 babies per woman 1975 - 1.7 babies per woman 2020 - 1.7 babies per woman

Give key facts on fertility rates since 1800.

1. Life expectancy by race and gender at birth 2. Changes in life expectancy and disparities between 2019 and 2020

What are two key facts we need to know about life expectancy?

The fastest growing household type is Individual

What is the fastest growing household type (key term)?

- Median age at first marriage is 30 for men and 28 for women. - This is up about eight years from the 1950s low.

What is the median age for first marriage for men and women (key term)? How much is this up from the 1950s low?

The most common form of interracial/ethnic marriage is white/Hispanic.

What is the most common form of interracial/ethnic marriage (key term)?

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