Social 20-2 Study Guide

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- Adolf Hitler came into German power - His goal was to build a German empire of the pure Aryan race - Eliminate all Jews - antisemitism - discrimination against Jews - was common - Many people knew what was happening, but did not believe it - 5 to 6 million killed

FN Land Claims and Self Government

-Aboriginal peoples believed that self-determination is an inherent right - a right that exists because they occupied the land and governed themselves for thousands of years before Europeans arrived in North America. -For aborignal people, the pace of settlements has also been var slow. Though specific land claims have are not always tied to self-government, the two issues often affect each other.

Ukrainian Famine/Holodomor

1917, revolution began after being ruled by a complete monarch government. Union of soviet socialist republics was formed. Joseph Stalin had emerged as head of the communist party and the country's leader and dictator. He would decide what was in Russia's best national interest First act was to confiscate farmers' land Ordered them to work on the new state-owned collective farms. Farmers who objected were punished, 5 million people depicted to prison camps in Siberia or Central Asia. 10 million Ukrainian's starved to death in the 1930's

Cultural pluralism

A belief or doctrine that holds that collectives should be encouraged to affirm and promote their unique cultural identity in a diverse society


A country that has physical borders and a single government that makes laws and conducts business on behalf of its citizens. EX: Japan


A distinct physical territory with a government. Countries have official borders that are recognized by other countries. EX: Canada


A feeling of being left out or on the outside. People who choose one song loyalty over another another may feel alienated from an important part of their identity and may not share in the collective consciousness of their group


A large group of people who share common beliefs and values People who share a sense of belonging together, and want to control their own destiny Specific geographical area, one government EX: Canada, christian nation

Reasonable accommodation

A legal and constitutional concept that requires Canadian public institutions to adapt to the religious and cultural practices of minorities as long as these practices do not violate constitutional right and freedoms


A policy by which countries agree to abide by the decisions of an International Organizations made up of independant off. On rep. Elected by merable countries


A policy of staying completely out of world affairs. It doesn't participate in international, social, economic affairs.

Contending Loyalties

A struggle among competing loyalties Such conflicts can be difficult to be resolved A loyalty to one group may compete with a loyalty to another group


Abolute poverty is a condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education, and information Causes include changing trends in a country's economy, lack of education, high divorce rates which causes feminization of poverty, having a culture of poverty, overpopulation, epidemic diseases such as AIDS and malaria and environmental problems such as lack of rainfall.

Domestic Policy

Administrative decisions that are directly related to an issues and activity within a nation's borders. Differs from foreign policy National

Former Yugoslavia

Allied leaders decided to create Yugoslavia United a number of nations in the area known as the Balkans Balkan nation fought a lot Tightly controlled communist state Soviet union started to crumble


An act of resolving differences and repairing relationships. Reconciliation helps bring people together so they can live in peace.

Collective consciousness

An awareness, or internal consciousness, shared by many people. It may be based on a shared memory of and pride in specific events which become myths and symbols of belonging

United Nations

An intergovernmental organization to promote international co-operation

Government programs

Art's and Culture programs The CBC, NFB, and CRTC National Galleries and Museums

Ethnic Nation

Based on shared ethnicity, culture and language People who share the above traits may choose to create a nation-state based on their collective identity

Japan and WW1

Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Many believed that dropping the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 was in the national interest of the US


Can only act if being acted upon Can only enter a country if invited

Official Languages Act

Canadian law that came into force in 1972, which gives English and French equal status in the government of Canada

Nationalism to Ultranationalism

Change and crises can inspire nationalism to become ultranationalism Economic crises National identity and interests threatened Indoctrinating children Inflation Charismatic leaders Scapegoating Appeasement

Development of Ultranationalism

Countries in crisis Charismatic leaders Instilling ultranationalist values Ultranationalist values in Japan Appeasement

National Identity

Developing a national identity is a process with a past, a present, and a future. National identity is complex and multifaceted People have differing visions of their national identity These differing views affect the way people view their nation and nationalism

Motives of nation states

Economic stabiliy Peace and security Self-determination Humanitarianism

European Union

Economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe

Foreign Aid

Foreign aid, the international transfer of capital, goods, or services from a country or international organization for the benefit of the recipient country or its population. Aid can be economic, military, or emergency humanitarian

Trickle-down effect

Foreign aid, the international transfer of capital, goods, or services from a country or international organization for the benefit of the recipient country or its population. Aid can be economic, military, or emergency humanitarian

Cultural Nation

Form of nationalism in which the nation is defined by a shared culture Focuses on national identity


Giving into demands. A foreign policy practiced by Britain and the US when they granted Adolf Hitler concessions in an effort to avoid WW2.

Religious Nation

Group of people who share the same religion

Linguistic Nation

Group of people who speak the same language

Odious debt

Hateful or repulsive debt Money that is borrowed by a country without the consent of citizens Money borrowed b a government for use against its own citizens Borrowed money used by government officials for their personal gain


Home to Tutsis and Hutus Hutus formed a majority, but Tutsis held much of the political power Tutsis were favoured by the Belgians, who had controlled the country when it was a colony Hutu ultra nationalists used radio broadcasts to spread hate against the Tutsis 800 000 killed UN intervened, but could have done it sooner Canada peacekeeping mission


Information and ideas that are spread to achieve a specific goal. Extreme nationalism may use misleading and dishonest information to create fear and insecurity to persuade people to behave in certain ways.

Foreign Policy

International A plan of action that guides a government's decisions about its official relations with other countries. May involve with co-operating with int. Organizations. Government's strategy in dealing with other nations

Voluntary Balkanization

Internet users try to connect with people who share the same values and opinions as their own Balkinization refers to the separation of people into isolated , hostile groups.

Causes of WW2

Italian fascism Japanese militarism and invasions Political takeover of Germany by Hitler Nazi party and aggressive foreign policy Treaty of Versailles Appeasement Great Depression Invasion of Poland


Killing of members of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group Deliberately inflicting on the group's condition's of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction

Causes of WW1

MAIN... Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism Germany, Austro-Hungary, and Italy made up the Triple Alliance Big 5: France, Austro Hungary, Russia, Germany and Britain

Bill 101

Made french the only official language in the province of Quebec Restricted access to English-language schooling Required french to be used in all workplaces, law courts and in writing laws and other legal documents and on all public and commercial signs

Civic Nation

Made up of people who share certain political beliefs. When people share these beliefs, their race, colour, gender, language etc. do not mtter Citizens are equal


Many parties acting together as one (Middle Powers) EX: Kyoto protocol, NATO/Warsaw Pact

French Revolution and Nationalism

March on Versailles and Marie Antoinette Storming of the Bastille Reign of Terror

Quiet Revolution

Modernized the education system to include more science and business studies. Improved social programs Tried to promote Quebecois owned businesses.


Moral of kindness, benevolence, and sympathy extended to all human beings Has been an evolving concept historically but universality is a common theme in its evolution


North Atlantic Treaty Organization Protective alliance among countries Goals include maintaining the security of Western nations

Non-nationalist Loyalties

Not related to nationalist loyalties Sometimes contend with nationalist loyalties Loyalties that do not involve the idea of a nation

Treaty of Versailles

One of the first peace treaties at the end of WW1. Ended the state of war between Germany and Allied powers. Signed on June 28th, 1919, exactly 5 years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Nationalism helped lead to WW1 because it caused conflict. The Archduke was assassinated because of nationalism

Interwar Period

Period between the end of WW1 and the beginning within the Armistice with Germany that concluded WW1 in 1918 and the following Paris Peace conference and ending in September 1939 with the invasion of Poland and the start of WW2

Conscription crisis

Political and military crisis in Canada during WW1. It was mainly caused by disagreement on whether men should be conscripted to fight in the war

Characteristics of a nation (state)

Population Territory Soverignty Government


Refers to agreements between 2 countries EX: Canada/US acid rain

0.7 solution

Suggestion that rich countries spend 0.7% of their GNI on foreign aid which refers to the total value of goods and services produced by a country in a ear, both inside and outside a country's borders.


System of racial segregation in South Africa enforced through legislation by the National Party


The policy of a country acting on its own without agreements with a support from other countries EX: US/USSR during cold war, France under Napoleon


The power to control one's own affairs Power of people in a country or a nation to make their own decisions about what is in their interest.


To end armed conflict and human rights abuses Not required to remain neutral May shoot to kill May enter a country even if not invited

Crimes against Humanity

Torture, mass murder, slavery, extermination, deportation etc. May occur during war or peace Take away a groups dignity Offensive to almost all people Widespread or systematic attacks on civilian groups.

Successor States

Totally new state; distinct from a continuing state, also known as a continuator, which despite change to its borders maintains the same legal personality and possess all its existing rights and obligations


UN established a committee to set up a permanent international court


Undoing of colonialism, where a nation establishes and maintains its domination over dependant territories

Western Alienation

Western alienation is the notion that the western provinces - BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba - have been alienated, and in extreme causes excluded, from mainstream Canadian political affairs in favor of the central provinces of Ontario and Quebec.

War Crimes

Willful killings, torture, or inhumane treatment Causing great suffering and intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population or against those who are involved in a humanitarian peacekeeping mission

Cultural pluralism

is a term used when smaller groups within a larger society maintain their unique cultural identities, and their values and practices are accepted by the wider culture provided they are consistent with the laws and values of the wider society.

Quebecois nationalism

is the belief that the Quebecois people are an independent nation, separate from the rest of Canada, and promotes the unity of the Quebecois people in the province of Quebec.

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