Social Media Marketing - Dr. Robinson UHCL Test 2

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Delivering Podcasts to Consumers

-Podcasts can be shared at no cost. -Directories for listing podcasts, including Podcast Alley, and -Separate search engines for finding podcasts -To assist search engines in finding podcasts, fill in the ID3 tag manually. --ID3 is a file data tagging format that is recognized by most media-playing software.

Content clutter

-There is a proliferation of content online. -Some blogs have many readers, while many blogs have almost no readers

Elements of Content Marketing

1. Strategy - key in developing strong content. 2. Format - content can be deployed across many channels. 3. Content type - Different types of content work well for different businesses. 4. Platform - Can be over paid, earned, or owned media. 5. Metrics - Understand who, when, the reach, and other useful information. 6. Goals - Content should support the business and brand strategy. 7. Sharing Triggers - Marketers use emotional and other triggers to create responses in the audience. 8. Checklist - Content is optimized for search, to support the firm's goals, and other factors.

Best practices for using images and photos

1.Use images that express your brand's personality and develop your brand archetype. Don't just use static images but ones that evoke the brand. Use hashtags, descriptive titles, and captions to help measure the popularity of specific content. 2.Know the basics of design principles such as the rule of three, contrast, focal points, and the color wheel. Keep it simple and don't overedit. 3.Use the best image quality, so make sure you know the specs for each platform. Hootsuite has a guide available for sizing images for each platform. 4.Establish objectives and select appropriate metrics to measure the effectiveness of your content. Each piece of content or post should be created with the purpose of helping to achieve your objectives. 5.Benchmark against others in your brand category to see how they are using images. Make sure your approach is unique and resonates with your audience. 6.Optimize your content by not posting the same content the same way on every site. Realize that one platform may be necessary to your audience and gauge the analytics. Create visuals for each social media platform that you are on, and don't merely cross-post. 7.Don't just display products; show products in the context of how they are used. Instead of showing a coffee cup, for example, show people enjoying coffee. 8.Don't forget to use text for your story. Use hashtags, descriptive titles, and captions to help measure the popularity of specific content.

What is a blog

A collection of the blogger's personal thoughts and ideas around a particular topic.

White Paper

A technical document that describes how a product solves a particular problem.

Article directory

A website where users submit original articles for approval and syndication.

How to Create Appealing Video Content

Authentic Entertaining Intimate Offbeat Unusual

How are discussion boards organized

By interest and in chronological hierarchy

Producing Podcasts

Choose an articulate moderator Because Recorded audio often amplifies people's speaking quirks. Create talking points, not scripts Be brief, but determine the content first and the length second Avoid overediting Include music

Marketing requires a strong ________ to creating content tailored to marketing goals


A ______ is vital for engagement and can be boosted by powerful images and videos

Compelling story

Which individual can legally reproduce original artwork?

Copyright holder

3 major components of content marketing

Creation Dissemination Measurement

Social media marketers must

Cut through the clutter

Social media marketers need to look at ______ such as ___ and _____

Demographics age & gender

Another name for content calender

Editorial Calendar

Good content is enough to reach the top of social news sites


One size fits all content is good


Without ________ it is unlikely a marketer will achieve goals from social news

Genuine participation

________ is a way brands can promote their products through endorsements or recommendations from influencers and content creators on the Internet.

Influencer marketing

________ is and creating buyer personas will help focus resources and time on the audience's most-used platforms.

Knowing who the target market

Step 2 Plan

Plan how the content will be constructed

_________ content can achieve a wide variety of marketing goals and objectives


Best practices in crafting articles, white papers, and E-Books

Step 1 - Assess needs Step 2 - Plan Step 3 - Acquire information Step 4 - Organize Step 5 - Design the look and feel Step 6 - Write Step 7 - Illustrate Step 8 - Review, revise, and approve Step 9 - Publish

Success requires a clear and meaningful content ________


The power of article marketing comes from the many easy ___________ that exist to share online articles.

Syndication services

Setting up a blog

The difficult parts of blogging are creating a compelling, relevant subject for the blog, writing effectively, and improving content over time

Draw attention and develop a firm's reputation for ___________________, then use that expertise to generate sales

Thought leadership

How do most buyers do their research?

Through information obtained independently. (competitor's sites, review sites, trade publications, and networking sites)

The bottom line is that images and videos encourage consumers to share and interact with posts


The market for self-produced e-books for promotional purposes is growing


Use of online white papers for marketing will continue to grow in popularity.


•Only the copyright holder can then reproduce, display and distribute, and create derivative works. Copyright law can be interpreted relatively strictly.


•Videos encourage shares, which is an excellent way to get the marketing message out.


virtual community

an aggregation of individuals or business partners who interact around a shared interest, where the interaction is at least partially supported and/or mediated by technology and guided by protocols or norms

thought leadership

applies to a person who is recognized among peers for innovative ideas and who demonstrates the confidence to promote these ideas

When producing a podcast, it is BEST to:

create talking points, not scripts.

When they post for a brand, influencers have a legal requirement to disclose all of the following EXCEPT

personal feelings

First step in publishing and distributing an article

produce content that the target audience will be interested in reading.

The most critical factor of an article's success or failure is

the title on the social news sight

social news sites

websites that allow users to decide which content is promoted on a given website by voting that content up or down (reddit or Buzzfeed)

SMM with Images

•A Facebook post with an image has 2.3 times more engagement than a post without an image. •A tweet with an image receives 150% more retweets than those without an image. •People are 65% more likely to remember a message if it has a visual image.

Step 9 Publish

•Before publishing, always check the final output to ensure that it correctly transferred from final draft to final product version.

Step 6 Write

•Create a catchy title page •Fill in the content that was outlined earlier using details gathered through research.

Step 4 Organize

•Create a simple outline with groups and subgroups to represent different themes or strands of information.

Step 5 Design the look and feel

•Different audiences may have varying expectations for document presentation and formatting.

Sharing occurs in several stages:

•First, the primary sharing occurs when the video creator posts it online. •The secondary sharing happens as insiders or friends of the creator share the video. •Tertiary sharing occurs when online viewers begin sharing the video of their own accord. •To be widely disseminated, an online video must pass through all three stages.

Step 7 illustrate

•Good articles, white papers, and e-books contain a visual as well as textual element to keep readers engaged.

An effective white paper will:

•Have at least six pages of text •Provide useful information about a business or technical issue •Contain sources, facts and figures •Be intended for the reader to review before making a purchase.

Personal branding in virtual communities

•Lesson #1: Engage in professional discussions related to your career interests. •Lesson #2: Be careful of participating in discussions on controversial topics. •Lesson #3: Your username will be associated with your post or bookmark, and you can't control the comments of others. •Lesson #4: Search before posting. •Lesson #5: Properly attribute the source of any content that you pin to your Pinterest or another bookmarking account. •Lesson #6: Follow the rules of the virtual community or group. •Lesson #7: Do not feed the trolls. Lesson #8: Don't participate in call-outs or cancel culture.

Step 1 assess needs

•Necessary to have a clear vision of the goals one is attempting to achieve. •After considering the goals, define the audience that the content is being written for.

Risk and danger of webinar

•No way to gauge audience reaction; no feedback. •No chance to rerecord if speaker is stumped or misspeaks.

Step 8 Review, revise, and approve

•Should be evaluated by experts in the field or ideally by some of the people interviewed during step three.

Best Practices for Social Media Marketers when Building Virtual Communities

•Step 1: Identify the Key Employees and Departments •Step 2: Research Your Target Market •Step 3: Define the Purpose of the Community •Step 4: Decide Where to Host the Community •Step 5: Create Rules and Community Norms •Step 6: Launch Your Community •Step 7: Evaluate and Improve

Reaching Large Audiences

•Study after study has shown that young consumers, generally those aged 18-34, watch more video than older age groups. More people choose to consume their information visually, and online video marketing taps into this growing trend.

Step 3 Acquire Information

•The relevant knowledge can be gained from reading and research or through interviews with authorities in the field. •Interviews are especially valuable for unearthing information that may not yet be widely known.

Engaging Viewers

•Video is a popular medium because it can create a stronger connection with consumers. It is perfect for storytelling. Viewers become more vested in the content when a human face is attached to it. Further, communication studies estimate that 50-80% of meaning is conveyed through body language.

Webinar vs Podcast

•Webinars valuable for learning or collaboration •Podcasts less interactive but have continuing accessibility because downloaded. •A natural fit for opinion, information, entertainment •Less expensive

Article Directory characteristics

- Organized by categories - Typically 400-500 words - has a highly descriptive title

Creating a content strategy should be

- Specific as possible - Able to serve niche markets on a large scale

What classifies a good white paper

- Written for a business audience - defines a problem - offers a solution - does NOT pitch a particular product or company

Promoting a blog

-Drive traffic to the blog site and keep them coming back. -Request an email sign-up; create a list of readers who receive content on a regular basis

A well-executed e-book has:

-Lots of white space -Interesting graphics and images -Copy typically written in a lighter style than white papers

Podcasting Content

1. Instructional 2. Informative 3. Entertainment

Best practices for video marketing

1. Match the production techniques to the intent of the video. 2. Design and produce videos for mobile - first and always. 3. Design and produce videos for the platforms on which they are to appear. 4. Post your videos on multiple platforms and on your own website. 5. Optimize your videos to be found in search. 6. Encourage viewers to share your videos. 7. Finally, don't make a sales video.

Blogging's six pillars

1. Publishable 2. Findable 3. Social 4. Viral 5. Syndicatable 6. Linkable

Blogging advantages

1.Communicating with (Potential) Customers 2.Word-of-Mouth Marketing •May be more than twice as effective as traditional marketing.

Facebook suggests that less than what percent of the content be text based on its research of ad performance?



A PDF Document that identifies a market problem and supplies an answer

One of the earliest types of social media

Discussion board

Anyone can become a publisher at _____________. All users can create and interact with the content they see

Minimal cost

What is the most significant source of revenue for social media

Paid advertising

Podcasts revenue types

Paid sponsors or fee-based

Regarding using photos and other images to increase engagement, which of these is FALSE?

People are 30% more likely to remember a message if it has a visual image.

Podcasting Formats

Presentation Q&A Co-Hosted

The basics of design principles for using images and photos include all BUT which of these?

Static Images

________ has shown to increase blog engagement


social commerce

a subset of e-commerce that incorporates selling within social networks

The power of article marketing comes from the many easy _____________ that exist to share online articles


brand community

can be member-initiated by the brand's admirers, but the organization can officially sponsor it.

three main advantages of marketing with online videos

engaging viewers, reaching large audiences, and showcasing products.

social bookmarking

having a specific web page to a social bookmarking platform so you can revisit it later

The content calendar

helps the marketer keep track of campaigns and how content is being purposed.

No follow Links

links tagged in the code to tell search engine crawlers not follow this link to the URL for indexing purposes OR to pass link popularity to the URL for SEO purposes. Keeps sights from gaining higher placement in search engine ranking


online seminars that resemble conference or seminars

Digital Content Marketing concept

provide appropriate content when the customer is looking for information versus when the objective is product comparison or post-purchase support

Hero's Journey

the mythic quest in pursuit of some destination or goal whose attainment will lend greater meaning to life. The hero is the consumer

The fact that everyone is a publisher means:

users can create and interact with the content they see

Virtual communities exist across the internet and can be found on

•company websites •websites for social media •social news •discussions and Q&A sites

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