Social Problems (FINAL)

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Approximately high much higher is the teen pregnancy rate for African Americans compared to non-Hispanic whites?

3xs higher

About what percent of the Fortune 500 companies have policies banning discrimination based on sexual orientation?


Approximately what percentage of Americans living in poverty are either children or the elderly?


About what percent of U.S. income does the top fifth of the population have?


According to our textbook- About what percent of all crimes apparently go unreported?


Many poor families spend more than what percent on their rent?


About what percent of American adults are currently married?


Today, more than what percent of married women with children under six years of age are in the labor force?


About what percent of U.S. high school graduates attend college?


Approximately what percentage of African American and Latino children live in low-income families?


About what percent of medical schools provide training about LGBT health issues?


What percentage do women comprise of the world's poor population?


What percent of Americans in the 20-75-age range have either lived in or near poverty for one year?


What percentage of all capital gains are received by the top one percent of the income earners?


The U.S. high school graduation rate is about what percent?


About what percent of Americans were married in 1960?


People from different races have what percent of their DNA the same?


The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that about how many acts of violence are committed annually by one intimate against another intimate?

About 500,000

Children who attended Head Start programs are more likely to?

All of the above

Conflict theorists hold that (aofa)

All of the above

Conflict theory believes which of the following are examples of a problem becoming "medicalized" to enrich doctors?

All of the above

Opium was commonly used before and after the Civil War because it ____

All of the above

People who are considered part of the same ethnic group, share which of the same items below?

All of the above

Rape is more common in societies

All of the above

According to the text, war and the threat of war are considered perhaps the most pressing social problem of our times. (T/F)


Americans place more emphasis on the ideal of romantic love as a basis for marriage compared in other western democracies. (T/F)


Among industrialized nations, the US has the highest degree of income inequality.


C. Wright Mills emphasized that unemployment is best viewed more as a public issue than as a personal trouble.


Conflict theory attributes world hunger to inequalities in the distribution of food rather than to overpopulation. (T/F)


Contemporary terrorists tend to come from well-to-do families and to be well educated themselves. (T/F)


Deviance is behavior that violates social norms and arouses strong social disapproval. (T/F)


Drug use is functional because it provides users the various positive physiological effects that drugs have. (T/F)


From the presentation- Stigma affects not only people stigmatized but their families as well. (T/F)


Homosexuality in ancient Greece was not only approved but also encouraged. (T/F)


Humans have used mind-altering plants since prehistoric times. (T/F)


If a person believes that homosexuality is biological in origin, they are likely to be tolerant. (T/F)


Illness is socially defined, meaning it changes overtime and not culturally universal. For example in Victorian times what we describe as overweight factors (fatty diets, lack of exercise and over eating) was considered the norm of middle-class and upper-class people. In some culture overweight people are considered healthy and prosperous. (T/F)


Many experts believe it is a mistake to blame world hunger on a scarcity of food. (T/F)


Mortality is the flip side of fertility and refers to the number of deaths for every 1,000 people in a population in a given year. (T/F)


Most African Americans still live in neighborhoods that are heavily populated by African Americans and hence racially segregated. (T/F)


No one society is purely capitalist or socialist. (T/F)


One of the most important functions of the family is the socialization of children. (T/F)


Several alcohol companies rank among the largest corporations in the world. (T/F)


Sexual orientation is a person's preference for sexual relations. (T/F)


Socialization into gender roles begins in infancy. (T/F)


Sociologists define the economy as the social institution that organizes the production, distribution, and consumption of a society's goods and services. (T/F)


Some people might consider terrorists, freedom fighters. (T/F)


The Global Commission on Drug Policy's 2011 report suggested that decriminalization and even legalization of illegal drugs be seriously considered. (T/F)


The US has the largest health care spending per capita in the industrial world. (T/F)


The advantages of cities are often disadvantages for rural areas, and the disadvantages of cities are often advantages for rural areas. (T/F)


The economy is not the same as government. (T/F)


The four forms of terrorims include 1) State terrorism 2) Vigilante terrorism 3) Transnational terrorism 4) Insurgent terrorism. (T/F)


The public has moved from sexism toward feminism. (T/F)


Wealthy nations are more urban than poor nations (T/F)


When people move out of a region, we call it out-migration, or emigration. (T/F)


Workers' wages have essentially stagnated during the last three decades.


The underemployment rate when compared to the unemployment rate is?

Twice as large

Women married to or living with men spend

Two to three times as many hours per week on housework

Which of the following is recommended to reduce crime?

All of the above

Which of the following is true regarding homicide?

All of the above

Which of the following professions or business engage in "professional fraud"?

All of the above

Which of the following societies approved of homosexuality?

All of the above

Which of the following were recommended for cities to help the environment?

All of the above

Which of the following would be considered a non-violent crime?

All of the above

Why is there less poverty in other western nations?

All of the above

An androgynous gender is one in which

All of the answers

What is the name of the last stage of the natural history of a social problem?

Alternative strategies

The belief that socialization rather than biology is the key to behavior is sometimes referred to as?

Behavior modification

When Europe became Christian, what was the major influence that resulted in the prohibition of homosexuality?

Bible passages

Which group has the shortest life expectancy?

Black males

Another name for the individualistic explanation for poverty is?

Blame the victim

Which of the following is NOT a socialization explanation for why males commit more crime than females?

Boys are "hardwired" to be more physical

The text says that perhaps the most serious issue involving higher education is?


Social inequality characterizes the quality of health and the quality of health care is part of which theory about health?


The belief that education perpetuates and reinforces existing social inequality is part of what theory?


The practices of multinational corporations and weak regulation of these practices account for many environmental problems is part of which theory?


War and militarism primarily advance the interests of the military-industrial complex is a belief of what theory?


Which of the following theories would look at a bank robbery and demand changes in society's economic structure?


Which theory most supports social change to reduce inequality?


The statement: much drug use in poor urban areas results from the poverty, racial inequality, and other conditions affecting people in these locations, reflects what sociological perspective as discussed in Chapter 7?

Conflict theory

What may have contributed to an increase in homosexuality in early China?


The perception aspect of a social problem's existence is at the heart of which sociological viewpoint?


The social disorganization theory of crime does NOT include which of the following?


A relatively recent example of left-wing insurgent terrorism is the infamous 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols that killed 168 people. (T/F)


Deviance results from the real bonds people have with their families are part of the labeling explanation of crime. (T/F)


Less than half of all college students agree that it is better if the man is the achiever outside the home and the woman takes care of the home and family. (T/F)


Males between the ages of 15-24 are more likely than females to engage in same sex behavior. (T/F)


Many studies find that teachers call on and praise boys more often. Teachers do this consciously. (T/F)


Married couples who have cohabited with each other before getting married are less likely to divorce than married couples who did not cohabit. (T/F)


More men than women are arrested for prostitution. (T/F)


Patients must perform the "sick role" in order to be perceived as legitimately ill and to be exempt from their normal obligations according to the conflict theory. (T/F)


School violence has increased since the 1990s. (T/F)


Sex Trafficking is not a problem in the United States. (T/F)


Street crime has more victims than White Collar crime. (T/F)


The DARE program was a huge success in reducing drug use. (T/F)


The percentage of teens having sex today has increased from the 1980s. (T/F)


There are more men attending college now than women. (T/F)


Which of the following is NOT a reason given for the declining crime rate?

Fewer men

The extent of a person's physical, mental, and social well-being is the definition of?


The use of military power and other means to extend a nation's influence and control over other nations is called?


Regarding religion and the number of sexual partners a person has in past five years which of the following is NOT true?

Less religious results in fewer partners

In ancient Rome, homosexuality was practiced primarily by?

Masters and slaves

A social problem is any condition that has what kind of consequences?


Which of the following is NOT an example of social bonding theory?


Regarding the relationship between rape and pornography, what does the research conclude?

No relationship

Federal law prohibits discrimination based on all BUT which one of the following?

Sexual orientation

Which of the following would NOT be an example where institutional racism is evident?


The belief that wives and husbands have different styles of communication is an assumption of what theory?

Symbolic Interactionism

The labeling theory of crime causation is considered part of which major perspective?

Symbolic Interactionism

Social problems are the result of the interaction of individuals is the belief of?

Symbolic Interactionist

Which of the following theories would try to prevent bank robberies by having after school programs?

Symbolic Interactionist

Which of the following statements is not included in the functional understanding of the family.

The family as a social institution contributes to social inequality.

A major reason why the sexual revolution of the 1960's occurred was?

The pill

According to Mills, the power elite is composed of government, big business, and the military, which together constitute a ruling class that controls society and works for its own interests, not for the interests of the citizenry. (T/F)


Some scholars say mental illness is a social construction or a/an?


Which of the following groups has the highest percent in poverty?

Native American

According to our textbook- Homicide is what percent of all violent and property crime?


About how much has the US spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?

1 trillion

Approximately how much have workers' wages increased over the last three decades?


During what decade did the "War on Poverty" begin?


About what ratio of Americans have used prescription drugs for non-medical purposes?


Approximately, what percentages of non-Latino whites are poor?


Approximately how many soldiers and civilians died from wars in the 20th century?

100 million

Which Amendment banned the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcohol?


The tobacco culture began to abate in the _____ as evidence mounted about the deaths and other serious health effects of tobacco use and second-hand smoke.


The suicide rate for veterans is how much higher than the general population?

3 times

About what percent of U.S. income does the bottom fifth of the population have?


How many children live with one-parent families? (%)


What percent of single-parent families headed by women are officially poor?


What percentage of young African Americans has an STD?


Which group has the lowest graduation rate from college?

African Americans

Which of the following groups has the highest infant mortality rate?

African Americans

According to the Barkin textbook- Which two drugs cause the most harm?

Alcohol and Tobacco

A family, as defined in chapter 10, is a

All of the above

Which group of immigrants came to the U.S. in large numbers after the Civil War to help build the railroads?


Sexual orientation includes which of the following sexual relationships?

All of the above

Studies show that the news media convey the message that black people are more likely to be?

All of the above

The defining features of terrorism include which of the following?

All of the above

Through education, society teaches its children which of the following?

All of the above

What accounts for the gender gap in earnings?

All of the above

What factors contribute to make rural poverty more persistent than urban poverty?

All of the above

Which of the following are more likely to happen to teen mothers?

All of the above

Which of the following are poor people more likely to have than wealthy people?

All of the above

Which of the following is NOT a sociological explanation for why African Americans commit more crimes?

All of the above

A person's sex refers to

Anatomical differences

When too many African Americans attend segregated schools, this sometimes called?

Apartheid Schooling

Which of the following groups has the highest percent college educated?


What group is considered the model minority?


The name of the sociologist who distinguished between personal troubles and public issues is?

C. Wright Mills

Who wrote the book The Power Elite?

C. Wright Mills

In what state is the Three Strikes You're Out the most used?


When manufacturing companies move their plants from U.S. cities to the developing world in Asia and elsewhere, this is called?

Capital fight

The phrase that means the amount of pollution a person causes is?

Carbon footprint

What is the cause of the air pollution in the world's most polluted country?


A current example of a problem with serious consequences that is mentioned in the text is?

Climate change

Civilian deaths or wounding in a war are frequently referred to as?

Collateral damage

The most important goal of socialism is?

Collective good

The ideal outcome of socialism, said Marx, would be?


Cities are run by political and economic elites that use their resources to enrich their positions would be a belief of which theory?


Partly to increase their incomes, physicians have tried to control the practice of medicine and to define social problems, as medical problems care is part of which theory about health?


One theory about the poor asserts that poor people have beliefs and practices that doom them to continued poverty. Another name for this is?

Culture of poverty

The combination of capitalism and socialism is called..?

Democratic Socialism

The study of population is within sociology is called?


Crime is part of the sociological study of?


Much of today's focus of white-collar fraud looks at which professions?


The discipline of Sociology began in what continent?


Which of the following would help the environment?

Expanded solar energy programs

Who publishes the Uniform Crime Reports?


In what theory is there a belief that prostitution may lower the divorce rate?


Some wars have also helped preserve freedom and democracy is a belief of what theory?


The physician-patient relationship is hierarchical: the physician provides instructions, and the patient's need to follow them is part of which theory about health?


Which sociological theory considers population growth and its various components as normal and essential processes for any society?


Social placement discussions about education would be part of what theory?


Which of the following theories would consider a bank robbery to have positive aspects?


The social and cultural differences a society assigns to people based on their biological sex.


A society's expectations of people's behavior and attitudes based on whether they are female or males.

Gender roles

What is the major argument for all-female classrooms?

Girls do better academically

Which disease of the 1980's reversed some of the sexual revolution of the 1960's?


What Act banned the manufacture, sale and use of opium (except for use with a physician's prescription)?

Harrison Narcotics Act

Which of the following would NOT be considered part of the "sick role"?

Have the government pay for the cost

The conflict theory of poverty is summed up as a battle of?

Haves and have nots

A synonym for "intersexed" is


A set of values that support the status quo in education is sometimes called?

Hidden curriculum

The official position of the American Psychological Association (APA) regarding sexual orientation is?

Homosexuality is biologically determined

When the media shows violent crimes first on the news, this is sometimes called?

If it bleeds, it leads

According to Barkin textbook- Which of the following drugs is most used in the United States?

Illegal prescription drugs

The anomie explanation of crime refers to?

Inability to achieve success legitimately

According to symbolic interactionism theory, which of the following is true regarding work?

Individuals interpret their work relationships

The actions the colonists waged against British forces before and during the American Revolution were what type of terrorism?


Violence committed by private citizens against their own government is called?


What is the name of the second stage of the natural history of a social problem?


Which scientific development came about because of military spending?


What was the name of the famous sex researcher of the 1940s and 1950s who carried out the first notable attempt to estimate the number of gays and lesbians?


What is the French phrase that essentially means leave the economy alone?


Jim Crow racism has been replaced by?

Laissez-faire racism and symbolic racism

What was the Supreme Court case that legalized same sex relationships?

Lawrence v. Texas

Giving preference in admissions to a son or daughter of a college alum is called?

Legacy admissions

Which of the following is true about the population growth rate of many European countries?

Little growth to negative growth

The most famous (or rather, infamous) hazardous waste site in the United States is called?

Love Canal

Who is thought to benefit the most from same-sex classrooms?

Low income boys

Higher levels of education are associated with

Lower levels of tobacco use and lower levels of alcohol use

Which of the following jobs would be scarce in a postindustrial economy?


What is the percent of men with college degrees compared to women?

Men and women are equal

President Eisenhower is well known for his warning about the?

Military-industrial complex

The belief that women of color are oppressed not only because of their gender but also because of their race and class.

Multicultural feminism

The great migration of African Americans in the early 20th century from the South ended where?

Northern cities

When U.S. companies who hire workers overseas for customer care, billing services, and other jobs, this is called?


In what state was Three Mile Island where a nuclear disaster almost occurred in 1979?


What was the name of the unsafe Ford automobile that resulted in about 500 deaths?


When a defendant agrees to say they are guilty, this is called?

Plea Bargaining

Which of the following regarding social class and crime is true? A) Wealthy commit more street crime than white-collar crime B) Poor have equal rates of street crime and white-collar crime C) Wealthy have equal rates of street crime and white-collar crime D) Poor have more street crime than white-collar crime

Poor have more street crime than white-collar crime

In what type of economy are most of the jobs services oriented?

Post industrialization

After the Civil War many husbandless women were forced to do what for work?


What is the phrase "the world's oldest profession" referring to?


Which of the following would NOT be an advantage of living in a rural area?

Public schools

What was the name of the US Supreme Court case that legalized abortion?

Roe v. Wade

In 1500's Japan, male love was considered to be part of what tradition?


Another name for frustration theory is?

Scapegoat Theory

Cocaine use was popular in the 19th century thanks in part to the enthusiastic claims by American physicians and what famous psychologist?

Sigmund Freud

Which of the following is true regarding people's attitude regarding premarital sex?

Small majority against

People who become prejudice because they are conforming to society's norms are examples of what theory?

Social Learning Theory

The study of how health and illness vary by socio-demographic characteristics is called?

Social epidemiology

Which of the following would be considered a major assumption of the Functionalism theory in sociology?

Social stability is necessary for a strong society

Prejudice and racism are usually based on?


What was the name of the gay bar in NYC that was raided by the police in 1969 and started the Gay Rights Movement?

Stonewall Inn

The lowest form of prostitution is called?


According to the best evidence, what is the major reason for child abuse?

Stress families suffer from poverty

The perception that there is a social problem points to what aspect of the definition of a social problem?


People have certain perceptions and understandings of population and environmental issues and their social backgrounds affect these perceptions. This view is part of which theory?

Symbolic Interactionism

Symbols such as the flag play an important role in marshaling support for war is a belief of what theory?

Symbolic Interactionism

What is the major recommendation suggested to alleviate auto traffic?

Taxing autos when they enter the city

Standardized testing now ties students' scores with what other variable?

Teachers performance

Prescription drug sales amount to

Tens of billions annually

What sector dominates much of the economy in today's wealthiest democracies?


"Nuclear weapons remain the greatest and most immediate threat to human civilization." Is a quote from which group?

The Union of Concerned Scientists

What causes the greenhouse effect, which is part of the global climate change?

The trapping of gasses in the atmosphere

Which of the following statement is not true? A) Humans have been ingesting drugs for thousands of years. B) Significant numbers of nearly every society on earth have used one or more drugs to achieve certain desired physical or mental states C) Drugs come close to being a universal worldwide D) The use of mind-altering plants is a modern phenomenon E) Drugs come close to being a universal throughout history

The use of mind-altering plants is a modern phenomenon

A sick person is expected to follow the professional's instructions in order to become well. If a sick person fails to do so, she or he again loses the right to perform the sick role. (T/F)


A sense of community, or Gemeinschaft, characterizes what kind of societies?


A large-scale business organization that is headquartered in one country but operates in many countries is known as


Who administers the Nation Crime Victimization Survey?

U.S Government

To limit the potential for war and other armed conflict, efforts by international bodies must be increased, particularly at which well-known organization?

United Nations

The country with the highest military budget in the world is?

United States

Violence committed by private citizens against other private citizens is what type of terrorism?


Until recently, formal education was primarily for?

Wealthy males

What Race/Ethnicity has the most poor people?


Which of the following is an example of renewable energy?


According to conflict theory, which of the following is NOT true regarding work?

Work provides self identity

Since people of color disproportionately live in cities and urban air pollution affects them more than it affects white people. This disparity is sometimes called?

environmental racism

British economist Malthus predicted that?

population would grow faster than food supply

Sociologists have concluded that gender-role socialization stems from

practices by adults

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