Social Responsibility Ch 9

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An organization that produces net zero emissions of greenhouse gases is achieving:

Carbon neutrality.

The core idea(s) of sustainable development is (are):

Both of these answers are correct: Economic development must be accomplished sustainably; and poverty is an underlying cause of environmental degradation.

Reasons for the destruction of rain forests include:

Commercial logging. Cattle ranching. Conversion of forests to plantations.

Both large and small businesses have adopted sustainable practices to what advantage?

Cost savings from operational efficiency. Opportunity to serve emerging economies. Reduction of regulatory risk.

With respect to fresh water, according to one estimate, if it were possible to eliminate pollution, capture all available fresh water, and distribute fresh water equitably:

Demand would exceed supply within a hundred years.

Participants in the Montreal Protocol agreed that by 2030 they would phase out:


Arable land is accurately described by which statement?

It is a renewable resource.

Which of these activities is not considered to be a marine ecosystem threat?

Ocean alkalinity.

Global warming can be described by which of the following?

The Earth has already warmed by between 0.7 and 1.1 degrees Celsius over the past century. Burning fossil fuels is the leading contributor of global warming. The amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has increased by as much as 40 percent since the Industrial Revolution.

Sustainable development:

Balances economic and environmental considerations.

An example of industrial ecology in practice is:

Using wastes from one process as raw materials for another process.

The term circular economy refers to:

A production system that is regenerative by design.

Depletion of the ozone layer, destruction of the rain forests, and species extinctions all have an impact on:

All of society.

Which pattern of consumption is recommended to reduce humanity's global footprint?

Choosing less harmful products.

Life-cycle analysis involves:

Collecting information regarding the lifelong environmental impact of a product, from extraction to disposal.

A shared resource, such as land, air, or water, that a group of people uses collectively is a(n):


The commitments of the Convention on Biological Diversity include:

Developing national conservation strategies.

The amount of land and water a human population needs to produce the resources it consumes and to absorb its wastes given prevailing technology is called:

Ecological footprint.

The idea that companies have a continuing responsibility for the environmental impact of their products or services, even after they are sold, is called:

Extended product responsibility.

Sustainable development through technology cooperation is best illustrated by:

Microsoft provided the Jane Goodall Institute with animal tracking tools.

Which of the following statements is not true about the population?

Over the next century, population growth is expected to be greatest in developed nations.

Which of these factors has accelerated the current ecological crisis?

Rapid industrialization.

According to the case Clean Cooking, the widespread adoption of clean cookstoves would provide which of the following benefits:

Reduced health risks.

Rapid economic development is often accompanied by:

Rising incomes, bringing higher rates of both consumption and waste.

An example of codes of environmental conduct that have been developed by and for specific industries include:

Both of these answers are correct: The Equator Principles; and The Forest Stewardship Principles.

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