Social Studies 1914-1939

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R in brat

Germany had to pay £6,600 million (called Reparations) for the damage done during the war.

Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, Marcus Garvey

-Two great leaders of the black community in the late 19th and 20th century -Booker T Washington Gradual change Blacks should earn their rights, maintain dignity, peaceful, work har Economic gains rather than legal gains -WEB DuBois Immediate change Blacks should be demanding rights Founded NAACP for the advancement of colored people - Marcus Garvey minorities must come together to fight hatred Black people need to take pride in their race and culture (Black nationalism) Black people should work to achieve economic independence

What are the four reasons that the 20s are dubbed an age of wonders?

1) 51% of Americans now lived in cities 2) 2/3 of Americans had electricity in their homes 3) massive economic boom 4) cars became affordable and trustworthy

T in brat

Germany lost Territory (land) in Europe (see map, below). Germany's colonies were given to Britain and France. (Also, Germany was forbidden to join the League of Nations, or unite with Austria.)

downsides of 1920

All the big business ment small businesses disappeared 40% of americans lived in poverty Farmers were struggling The top 5% of americans owned more wealth than the bottom 60% (WEALTH GAP) Rise in nativism -- restriction laws on immigration

Tulsa Race Riot

1921 - more than 300 blacks were killed and over 10,000 left homeless after a white mob, including police and National Guardsmen, burned an all-black section of the city to the ground. The Tulsa riot erupted after a group of black veterans tried to prevent the lynching of a youth who had accidentally tripped and fallen on a white female elevator operator, causing rumors of rape to sweep the city.

FDR becomes president


women gain the right to vote in

19th Amendment (1920)


A discriminatory real estate practice in North America in which members of minority groups are prevented from obtaining money to purchase homes or property in predominantly white neighborhoods. The practice derived its name from the red lines depicted on cadastral maps used by real estate agents and developers. Today, redlining is officially illegal.

Harlem Renaissance (1920s)

A literary, artistic, and intellectual movement that kindled a new black cultural identity in America (JAZZ)

Second New Deal

A new set of programs and reforms launched by FDR in 1935 differed from the first b/c it bashed business more instead of cooperating w/it.

The Osage Reign of Terror Murder Trials 1926-29

About oil The oil company was doing really well (made ab 30 mill) one by one members of the family were murdered Targeted by two men who were after her family's money Osage often viewed as subhuman Trials highlighted systemic racism and discrimination Corrupt legislation passed to rob them

african americans in great depression

African americans were pushed deeper into poverty and segregation Black unemployment rates were higher than for whites Hoover was insensitive to race issues

Treaty of Versailles

BRAT - blame, reparations, army, territory

FDR solution to depression

Bank Holiday, Economy Act, fireside chats, public works, etc new deal

2 reliefs

Bank holiday - declared so that the panic would be stopped. beginning March 6, 1933, that shut down the banking system. Emergency banking act - closed the insolvent banks and only reopened the solvent ones

Scopes Monkey Trial 1925

Can evolution be taught in school Should schools just teach the bible Trial ended up being more about PR than anything else Monkey who could do tricks was involved → media Fundamentalists vs modernists Fundamentalists believed in the bible teachings and were anti darwin Modernists were pro evolution and argued that not the bible left too many things open to interpretation

To what degree and in what ways were traditional religious values challenged?

Because of how fast the world around people was moving, religious movements got swept up in this too. Many began to ignore some core tenets of the bible especially in evangelical christianity. Religion became a tool to help people live their 'most fulfilling lives' in the present world. Even though there was a progressive twist to evangelical christianity, many chose to remain steadfast in their beliefs. But many began to abandon religion as a whole concept. Middle class Americans began to put religion on the back burner during the age of technology. Continuous with the consumer culture of the time, the sabbath moved from being a day of rest to a holiday filled with entertainment and activities Religious fundamentalism was largely challenged with the Scopes "Monkey Trial" Large push to move towards modernism and abandon fundamentalism (a largely evangelical movement).

key facts about women's suffrage

By 1900 more than half the states allowed women to vote in local elections The west (more progressive) allowed women to hold public office Alice Paul argued that: How could the country fight for democracy abroad, Paul asked, while denying it to women at home?

A in brat

Germany was forbidden to have submarines or an air force. She could have a navy of only six battleships, and an Army of just 100,000 men. In addition, Germany was not allowed to place any troops in the Rhineland, the strip of land, 50 miles wide, next to France.

How treaty of versaille allows Hitler to come to power

Destroys economy Makes it borderline impossible for Germany to recover from the war When this happens, people get angry and look for someone to blame In comes Hitler with a scapegoat and a plan that will bring Nationalism back and gather people together Anger works to bring people together

Scottsboro Boys" Trials 1931-1937

During great depression boys would "hoboing" on trains to find work Fight broke out between group of black boys and white White boys pushed off train White men in the group who were with their prostitutes had them say the black men raped them Many trials long process → all 9 tried together, 8 sentenced to death, 13 y/o sentenced to life in prison Lawyers were dysfunctional Then huge cultural movement for their retrial Got a great jewish lawyer backed by the communist movement Were still sentenced to life in jail or death b/c racism despite overwhelming evidence and one of the prostitutes coming forward that she was never raped

Great Migration

Eager to escape the racially oppressive social and political environment of the South and lured by wartime industrial job opportunities, approximately 500,000 African-Americans migrated to northern cities such as Chicago, New York and Detroit. The Great Migration, which continued throughout the 1940s, fundamentally transformed the demographics of the United States.

who was involved in treaty of versaille

England - Churchill and Lloyd George USA - Wilson (14 Points - statement of principles for peace that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end World War I. other leaders found it to be naive and idealistic) Georges Clemenceau of France Vittorio Orlando of Italy

issues with neutrality

Ethnic diversity - people took sides according to national origins Economic ties - US and Britain had big time trading and bank links that were essentially to US economic health Ideological similarities - wilson favored british because he believe that british supremacy gave his principe,s more a chance

African American women in the war

Existing networks of black women's organizations mobilized on the national and communal levels to provide support for African-American soldiers at training camps throughout the country. Black women also served in various social welfare organizations like the Red Cross, YMCA and YWCA to provide much needed support to black troops in the face of institutionalized discrimination.

feminist problems that still exist

Feminism isn't equally applied to black women This becomes an issue bc the feminist movement is fragile as is, if they start demanding rights for black women and POC, they may lose support they need for even just white women Solution -- have black women march in the back Ida B Wells was like bitch no tf

Most memorable components of roaring 20s

Flappers Dance halls Movie palaces Radio empires Prohibition and speakeasies Jazz Gangsters Consumerism based on credit Scientists shattered the boundaries of space and time Aviators made med fly Women went to work

To what degree and in what ways did disillusionment with World War I influence society in the 1920s?

Generation that lived through the great war began to see conflict as a useless waste of lives for no purpose For many young people, disenchantement with the war meant disenchantment with the US Artists and intellectuals began to see the new consumer-driven society as vulgar and pointless As a result, young people attempted to separate themselves from modern society "Lost generation" The main thing the youth protested was the restoration of "business as usual", reinforcing the idea that the war had been a fraud- all of the suffering and death in vain Young people feel increasing personal alienation One result of this alienation was a series of savage critiques of modern society by writers Known as "debunkers" Ridiculed everything : religion, politics, arts, and even democracy Books like Main Street, Babbitt, Arrowsmith, by Sinclair Lewis critique the small town, medical profession, and popular religion Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitz critiques the aspirational world of wealth and social prestige, which Jay works his whole life to enter, ends up destroying individuals world full of pretension, fraud and cruelty.

B in brat

Germany had to accept the Blame for starting the war (Clause 231). This was vital because it provided the justification for...

controversy over ERA

Having gained political equality, she insisted, women no longer required special legal protection—they needed equal access to employment, education, and all the other opportunities of citizens. To supporters of mothers' pensions and laws limiting women's hours of labor, which the ERA would sweep away, the proposal represented a giant step backward

Impact of the automobile in the 1920's

Henry Ford's automobile and assembly line revolutionized the U.S. Ford could produce one Model T on his assembly line every ten seconds. Spurred other industries like gas and oil and changed a luxury good into a necessity. better roads + transportation sense of freedom and independence in US more jobs were available bc of all the new industries service stations + gas stations popped up

motivations for great migration

Higher wages Opportunities for educating their children Escape of lynchings Prospect of exercising the right to vote

Hawley-smoot tariff (1930)

Huge mistake Killed off foreign trade by raising tariffs ultra high

fdr response to depression

Intense gov intervention New deal 100 days Public works project (Civilian Conservation Corps)

societal changes for women in 1920s

More freedoms, could dress and express themselves differently Though still expected to marry and have children at home

When was the Treaty of Versailles signed?

June 28, 1919

To what degree and in what ways did industry re-consolidate and form a relationship with government similar to that of the Gilded Age?

Large sectors of American business accelerate their drive towards national organization and consolidation US Steel concentrates production in a small number of firms that dominate industry All of the competitors combined are referred to as "Little Steel" Modern Administrative Systems: efficient divisional organization, which makes it easier to control a companies subsidiaries and simpler Many corporations (General Motors) utilized this method to further expand Trade Associations: a national organization created by multiple members of an industry to encourage coordination in production and marketing techniques These were mainly used in industries less susceptible to domination by a few corporations Largely succeeded in limiting competition through cooperation Unemployment lowers, but average workers remained impoverished and powerless Multiple family members were needed to make ends meet Large proportion of the workforce was out of jobs b/c rapid growth of industrial technology made jobs obsolete Protecting the Open Shop Corporate leaders promote the ideology that unionism is subversive and open shop is a key tenet of democracy Open shop= a shop in which no person is required to unionize Crusade for open shop is titled "American Plan" Endorsed by National Association of Manufacturers and encourages harsh campaign of union busting Government assistance: Supreme court upholds ruling declaring picketing illegal and the right of courts to issue injunctions against strikers Justice dept. Intervened to end a strike by railroad workers Government refuses to protect members of United Mine Workers Union when mine owners launch a violent campaign in the West Effects: largely there is little progress in unionization and workers rights, because the constant influx of immigrants to urban cities along with the great migration provide for continuous unskilled labor and the government + corporation scare tactics resulted in union membership falling from over 5 mil to under 3 mil.

Hoover response to Depression

Limited gov intervention Volunteerism Reconstruction finance corporation Public works projects (hoover dam)

Immigration laws in the 1920s

Limiting number of immigrants from Europe to 357,000 This dropped to 150,000 and established quotas based on origin Immigrants from southern and eastern europe were drastically reduced Asians - filipinos were totally forbidden 50 filipinos per year were allowed No restrictions on western hemisphere countries bc california need mexican laborers for farms

Causes of WW1

MAIN (Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism) Serbian terrorist group black hand assassinated Archduke franz ferdinand on June 28 1914 Powder keg of Europe

Analyze the degree of change in nativist sentiment and the ways in which it manifested in the 1920s

Many companies continued to urge an influx of cheap immigrant laborers Post WWI congress passed immigration quotas, these were strengthened over time. And at one point all immigrants for east asia were not allowed into the country. Again, starting during the war, and booming after there was a large resurgence in the KKK. They moved to not just targeting african americans, but also jews, catholics and all foreigners. It is a misconception to believe that the KKK only existed in the south, it quickly spread through the northeast and midwest. The KKK also worked towards maintaining the perfect american patriarchal society. They wanted to encourage traditional values. This included persecuting even people who were white protestant if they engaged in 'sexual promiscuity' or alcoholism. (KKK were huge supporters of prohibition)

2 Recovery Programs

National industrial recovery act (NIRA) - Encouraged cooperation among businesses in establishing production and labor practices Works Progress Administration (WPA) - Provided public-works jobs on a wide range of projects for many of those needing relief

Analyze the reasons for and the consequences of the movement toward a mass consumer society in the 1920s

Pros: Emerging middle class that could afford more than necessities for survival completely changed the american spending culture New technology for housework like vacuums, laundry machines, refrigerators revolutionized life within the home and greatly reduced chores → people have more free time outside work Cars: made it possible for rural people to be visit friends and be social, allowed the urban to escape the densely populated cities Made vacation possible for more than just the uber wealthy Created a new vibrant youth culture Created suburbs and commuting to cities possible/common Advertising boom: leisure products marketed to more than wealthy, and to direct audiences who salesman think would buy their product Lot of new emphasis that someone could gain happiness by buying a consumer product (makeup, cigarettes) "Keeping up with the Joneses" → new idea that you must have the latest technology to keep up with your neighbor and be socially accepted economically Provides many new jobs: car industry: gasoline, rubber, steel, road pavers, car manufacturers, etc. Creates economic boom in nation Cons: People are buying on credit meaning they can't actually afford their purchases Many are uneducated about what buying on credit means and how interests stacks up Middle class wealth is mainly a farce No protection within banks in case of a stock market crash or other unexpected event Wasteful spending money-wise and wasteful to environment

RRD & administration & field administration

Regulated their respective industries, fuel administration rationed gasoline as well.

Selective Service Act of 1917

Required all males between 21-30 (later 18-45) to register Most draftees were white, poorly educated americans Some african americans signed and faced a lot of discrimination

short term effects of depression

Scapegoating of wall street + hoover Farmers ended up poorer than usual Most lost everything People committed suicide End of 20s "illusion"

2 reforms

Securities & Exchange commission (SEC) - Provided increased gov. regulation of the trading on stock exchanges Social Security Administration - Established pensions for retirees, unemployment insurance, and aid for certain groups of low-income or disabled people. The key here is that they would also then be able to spend throughout their lives

Plessy vs Ferguson

Separate but equal (1896)

Hoover solution to Depression

Talks about self-help Pull yourself up by your bootstraps Voluntary Cooperation w/ Business & Labor Leaders Employers: Don't cut production or fire employees Labor: Don't demand higher wage or better hours Agricultural Marketing Act: Fed. $ to voluntary cooperatives, attempt to maintain prices, populist legacy?

Sedition Act (1918)

The SA made it illegal to obstruct the sale of war bonds and to use nasty language against the gov't, Constitution, flag, or uniform. It was very vague, and allowed for plenty of gov't intimidation.

Double V Campaign

The World War II-era effort of black Americans to gain "a Victory over racism at home as well as Victory abroad."

significance of WW1

The entire world had industrialized between WW1 and every earlier war People had no idea what they were getting themselves into with this war Medicine had not caught up to the new tec

Compare and contrast the myth and the reality of the "new woman" in the 1920s.

The idea of the "new woman" was able to spread throughout the country because now college educated women were typically 2nd or 3rd generation. Women had real fields in which they could work; fashion, nursing, education, social work. However, the reality was, most fields were male dominated (doctors, lawyers, executives, journalists, businessmen etc.) It was incredibly difficult for women to break through. Most women who wanted to work ended up having to choose between work and family. With that said, though the "new woman" was widely publicized, most women did not work outside the home. Socially - women experienced more freedoms They were allowed to participate in their husbands social lives Birth Control now exists Women "flapper era" can now smoke, drink, dance, dress however they want Women, despite these changes, were often underpaid and mistreated causing them to remind dependent on men When light was shed on how the "new woman" was actually a myth, feminist groups were inspired + motivated

ways in which new technology influenced American society.

The nations manufacturing rose by over 60% Automobile industry developed As a result of the assembly line Steel, rubber, glass and tool companies rose along with gasoline and oil companies Road construction became an important industry People could travel independently. There was a new sense of freedom. Everyone began owning cars. Idea of escaping where your from Vacationing Radio became popular Families began buying them → by end of 20s almost every family in america owned one Allowed people to listen to music + news in a better, quicker way As opposed to reading newspaper Commercial aviation develops -- allowing for mail deliver by plane Trains became faster + more efficient Electronics, home appliances, plastics and synthetic fibers, aluminum, magnesium, oil, electric power industries all spurred Telephones continued to proliferate (ab 25 million across US by late 30s) Early computers were created Genetic research was being conducted Goes to show how much development is being done, progress is being made on an unprecedented scale The different industries experiencing economic booms were able to consolidate and organize themselves As a result of this economic boom, the wealth gap widened dramatically more than ⅔ of america lived no better than "minimum comfort level" Welfare capitalism - capitalism that includes social welfare policies and/or the practice of businesses providing welfare services to their employees There was a "new culture" in America. Now, many Americans began to live and perceive the world in similar ways causing them to develop shared sets of values.

how was 1920s an age of contradiction

The unmatched prosperity and cultural advancement was accompanied by with intense social unrest and reaction Urbanism + modernism at the same time KKK + prohibition + nativism + religious fundamentalism American was at crossroads between innovation and tradition

opposition to feminism

There were a lot oppositions to feminism Including from other women It is portrayed through the media to make feminists seem ugly, bad, immoral, controlling. Made it look like they would roll swap with men Made it seem like feminists shamed current women for taking care of their families Said women were too uneducated to do anything except housework

buy low, sell high

This is the underlying theory to investing in the stock market in order to maximize your profits (make the most money)

Tensions between science and religious beliefs

Trial of john scopes - punished for trying to teach about evolution instead of bible

The two main alliances before WWI starts are:

Triple Alliance (germany, austria-hungary, italy) Triple Entente (great britain, france, russia

What are the reasons the "party" ends by 1930?

Warren G. Harding→ inclined to please everyone and offend no one Conservative vision → lower taxes and less regulation Corrupt presidency and a lot of extra-marital affairs

Why did the U.S. enter World War I?

Zimmerman telegram - intercepted in Feb 1917. Telegram asked Mexico to join alliance against US in exchange for help recovering territories lost in Mexican American war Did not go over well Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare Tsarist regime in russia falls -- makes Wilson's claim of wanting to fight for democracy more plausible

laissez-faire capitalism

an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for profit with minimal or no government interference

suffrage hunger strike

a group of women chained themselves to the White House fence to protest resulting in a seven-month prison sentence. They began a hunger strike -- prisoners were force fed Widespread outrage

dust bowls

a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American and Canadian prairies during the 1930s; severe drought and a failure to apply dryland farming methods to prevent the aeolian processes caused the phenomenon. Many move from Oklahoma and Arkansas to California- nicknamed "The Oakies and The Arkies"

how were ww1 years boom years for farmers and industry

allowed farmers to get mechanized...led to growth

federal reserve board

believed the speculation of stock was dangerous. They stayed silent bc of issues regulating the stock market

Sweet Trials 1925 & 26

black family moves into white neighborhood Mob shows up at new house Owners shoot into the crowd Are found not guilty, but brother who admitted to firing shot is retried, but again found not guilty All white jury

buying on margin

buying a credit, with money that isn't actually there. Cultivated consumerism. Expands stock market to all americans. Everyone can borrow money. Over inflation (manipulations below)

De Facto Segregation

by practice Racial segregation that occurs in schools, not as a result of the law, but as a result of patterns of residential settlement

African Americans in the war

faced systemic racial discrimination in the army and endured virulent hostility upon returning to their homes at the end of the war.

role of stock market

companies rely on investment. People stupidly believed that nothing could go wrong. Manipulating stock was legal and common

War Industries Board

coordinated the nat'l economy by making purchases, allocating supplies, and fixing prices. It also ordered the standardization of goods. Not all-powerful, though, b/c there had to be lots of compromising w/the big corporations.

Causes of the Great Depression

credit buying, overproduction - underconsumption, less consumer spending, corporate debt, falling stocks, laissez-faire, too much faith in banking and gov

what did US do initially in ww1

declare neutrality (aided british ships though)

how did ww1 mark the beginning of the modern civil rights movement for African-Americans,

empowered soldiers to demand their individual rights as American citizens and laid the groundwork for the future movement for racial justice. They used their experiences to organize and make specific demands for racial justice and civic inclusion. beginning of great migration

radio pool

group of highly placed wall streeters drove up the price of RCA stock, took their gains, and then left the other investors with plunging prices


groups of investors colluded to pull off major market manipulations

Food administration

had voluntary programs [like the "victory gardens"] and other duties, like setting prices and regulating distribution.

Sacco and Vanzetti 1921

italian immigrants who were tried and found guilty of murder despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary anti-immigrant sentiment they were believed to be anarchists and harmful to democracy

government role in economy before depression

little to no regulation. Insider trading is legal. laissez faire under coolidge. Hoover claims poverty will be a thing of the past

wash sales

making sales and purchases from fictitious accounts to create the illusion of genuine activity and lure other investors into a market

examples of industrialized war equipment

maxim gun machine guns (rapid fire) ankstanks more advanced tanks Subs / U Boats bio chemical warfare. mustard gas, and chlorine gas biochemical warfare: mustard/chlorine gas very basic air warfare / airplane red baron zeppelin flame throwers shells blitzkrieg western front, trenches→ no mans land

Eros & field shortages

mistakes made due to hectic pace of production and distribution. Severe coal shortage that left many w o heat

controversy over FDR approach

people felt like there was too much regulation America is rlly big on freedom FDR needed to find a balance

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

proposed to eliminate all legal distinctions "on account of sex."

view of wall street

seen as heroes. Opportunity for all. "Permanent prosperity." allowed people to partake in wealthy lifestyles

De Jure Segregation

segregation by law

red summer

summer of 1919 brought race riots, began in July when whites invaded a black section of Longview, Texas and burned shops and houses. It was a lash out against the growth of blacks in cities African Americans come home after war and expect better treatment but don't get it they move north


traditional american ideals (democracy + open door) internationalism, and american exceptionalism

why was it controversial when wilson entered US in ww1

wilson was reelected on the slogan "he kept us out of war"

Analyze the ways in which and the degree to which significant changes occurred for African Americans and for women.

women Growing workforce of women in "pink-collar" jobs → underpaid service occupations Salesclerk, secretaries, telephone operators Lacked organization to any unions because not real industrial labor College-educated woman normalized Many professions for females was limited to what men deemed suitable for women labor Some wild success stories about few female doctors, lawyers, business woman executives, journalist, but realistically, the educated professional women were teachers, nursing, fashion, social work, lower level business management Some middle class women could balance a career with family but most had to choose one or the other Most married women who were also working were working class Professional woman was a widely publicized image but in reality most middle class married women were in the home Shift in motherhood being an instinctive role to seeking advice from professionals like doctors, teachers etc from institutions Less emotionally fulfilling for women Compensated by having a "companionate marriage" Involved in husband social life, devoted to appearance in grooming, clothing, makeup, less willing to let children interfere with the marriage Intercourse became about more than procreation, pleasure and love now involved Birth control boom Women could enjoy life and be less "respectable" and rigid → free to enjoy the culture: flappers Lower-middle class to working class women adapting this free lifestyle in forms of dress, hairstyle, speech, behavior Flappers went to clubs - searched for companions and fun The seemingly freeing image was not a reality as women were still dependent on men and men exploited that Women got the right to vote! National Women's Party run by Alice Paul worked toward the Equal Rights amendment Sheppard-Towner Act: federal funds for prenatal and child healthcare programs Paul opposed b/c classified all women as mothers Others thought it would discourage birth control publicity The American Medical Association hated it because it would allow untrained "medics" into the healthcare field. African americans: Great migration to urban northern cities from rural south Lacked union representation in workforce AFL worked to exclude black people (and women) from skilled labor and trades Worked as janitors, dishwashers, garbage collectors, commercial laundry attendants, domestics A Philip Randolph: The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters → union that represented all black workforce, increased wages and lowered hours for the black service workers Harlem Renaissance: Black culture boom in Harlem: art, theater, poetry, KKK grew and was very prevalent: targeted anyone who wasn't a white protestant/ anyone who challenged "traditional values" - racial impurity Operated like a frat and provided community and power to its members who actually had no societal power Whipped, tarred, feathered, arson, lynching National Origins Act of 1924: banned immigration from east Asia, reduced europeans migration quota (based on 1910 and 1890 census) from 3% to 2%

were there anti-war groups

yes, a lot of progressives + religious groups

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