Sociology Final Study Guide

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"Inequality is inevitable and purposeful for society." This statement best represents which theoretical perspective?

symbolic interaction.

"Society is socially constructed through human interpretation." This statement is most closely associated with


A college graduate examines her income and wealth in relation to others. She is interested in social

stereotype interchangeability.

A traditional stereotype of African Americans is that they are inherently lazy. This stereotype has also been applied to Hispanics, Polish, and Irish groups. This is an example of


A(n) _____ is something that stands for something else, or anything to which people give meaning.

people will blame marginalized groups, like immigrants, for taking their jobs.

According to Durkheim, during an economic crisis

The capitalist class controls the production of ideas

According to Marx, the beliefs of the common people tend to support the interests of the capitalist system, not the workers themselves. This is because

in the 1600s, when European nations needed sources of raw materials as well as markets in which to sell products.

According to dependency theory, today's global system of inequality originated

stems from technological change.

According to modernization theory, social change

The beliefs and interests of the most powerful group(s) in society

According to racial formation theory, what is the most important factor for determining the racial categories within any society?


According to the United Nations, absolute poverty is defined as a situation in which people live on less than ____ a day.

Functional Theory

According to the perspective of _____, age differentiation contributes to the common good of society because each group has varying levels of utility in society.

They care what others think of them.

According to the social control theory, what is the primary reason that people internalize social norms?

Religious extremists do not recognize the economic dependency of poor countries on wealthy countries.

According to the text, global stratification contributes to the threat of terrorism, particularly against the United States. Which of the following is not one of the reasons why this is the case?

A Black male with less than a high school education living in a rural area.

According to the text, which of the following individuals is least likely to use the Internet?

the environmental consequences of the overproduction of greenhouse gas

Although living in a wealthier nation can often benefit residents, such nations are not without their problems. Your text cites _____ as a particular problem that wealthier nations create.

it is likely to be impossible for her to fully satisfy the expectations associated with all of those roles.

Anne is a college student, a full-time employee, and a mother of two young children. Anne may experience role conflict because


As soon as it drops on Netflix, Zorah binge-watches the new season of Orange Is the New Black. Like the others watching it, Zorah is part of a(n)

Social status

Blair can't help but notice what people are wearing at the office party. Some are wearing the latest from designer brands, accessorized with designer shoes and expensive jewelry, and others are wearing what seems to her to be indistinguishable popular brands of clothing and shoes. Blair is best described as musing on the _____ projected by what people are wearing.

A deviant identity is simple to change.

From a labeling perspective, which of these statements about deviant identity is false?

The members of a society share a culture to some extent.

From a sociological perspective, what is the relationship between culture and society?

Biology alone does not determine a person's gender.

From a sociological perspective, which of the following is true regarding sex and gender?

it must violate socially created rules and norms.

From a sociological point of view, in order for behavior to be considered deviant,

deviance reaffirms social solidarity.

From the conflict perspective on deviance, all of the following are true except

to discuss observing behavior while participating in the situation.

Harriet Martineau's book How to Observe Morals and Manners was the first

Varied from state to state

Historically, within the United States, laws that defined who is Black

A nationwide sample of people is asked to evaluate a series of different jobs.

How are occupational prestige ratings obtained?

Suicide bombers are often recruited from among the most poorly educated and impoverished groups in a society.

How is inequality related to the emergence of terrorism?


If Mary wants to take an in-depth, nuanced look at how mothers and daughters interact, what type of research would she most likely be doing?

age, gender, race, and class distinctions

In contemporary societies, division of labor is most likely to be based on

Freud believed the identity was fixed in childhood, whereas Mead thought it was constantly emerging.

In terms of how identity is understood, how does Mead differ from Freud?

train and socialize prisoners into a career of secondary deviance

In their research on the American prison system, Bruce Western and Jeffrey Reiman note that the prison system functions as though it were designed to

Science can predict with whom we will fall in love, at least to some extent.

It is not uncommon for people, especially unattached young people, to wonder whether they will ever find their soul mate, the person with whom they will share love and life. What does research have to say about such matters?

take risks that put him in danger.

Jake is an unabashed traditionalist when it comes to gender roles and is proud of it. As a result, he is more likely to


John believes that children should be taught to conform to the roles and values of society? Which theory is most consistent with John's beliefs?

conspicuous consumption.

John doesn't just make a point of buying the latest and most expensive cars, electronics, and clothes whether he needs them or not—he makes sure others realize that he is buying the latest and most expensive cars, electronics, and clothes whether he needs them or not. John is engaging in


John wants to be a sociology major who studies the social cause of crime. He is interested in

Gender roles

Jordan has learned that, as a boy, he should be strong and never cry. Jordan is learning about

her attachment to social bonds is weakened.

Lisa does not especially care what others think of her or her behavior and typically does whatever it suits her to do at the time. Social control theory would predict that she would be more likely to engage in deviant behavior because


Mark was drunk but drove anyway and struck and killed a pedestrian. He was charged with DUI resulting in a fatality and was convicted and sent to prison. The prison sentence is best described as a

class analysis; participant observation

Marx is to _____ as Martineau is to _____.

profit is produced through the exploitation of the working class.

Marx's perspective of society argued that

imitation, play, game.

Mead's stages, in their correct order, are

Max Weber

Modernization theory derives some of its thinking from the work of _____, who argued that the value of individual achievement emphasized by Protestants promoted economic development during the Industrial Revolution.

strict norms that control moral and ethical behavior.

Mores are

human development is the result of the interaction of natural and social influences.

Most sociologists would probably agree that in the "nature versus nurture" debate,


Professor Porter is interested in studying how students interact with faculty on her campus. All the students at her college represent the _____ in her study.

the amount of space between interacting individuals.

Proxemic communication refers to

Policy Research

Research to learn what educational practices work best in order to improve how public schools are run is an example of

the result of shaping oneself in response to the expectations of others.

Social learning theory views identity as


Sociological research that starts with a specific research question based on some generally held principle is using _____ reasoning.

shared ideas held collectively by people within a given culture about what is true.

Sociologists define beliefs as

Social Structure

Sociologists use the term ______ to refer to the organized pattern of social relationships and social institutions that together make up society.

in proportion to the numbers in the United States in 1890.

The 1924 Immigration Act (also called the National Origins Act) limited the number of immigrants

$11 Trillion

The United Nations estimates that the value of women's unpaid work amounts to at least


The _____ is the midpoint in a series of values arranged in numeric order

global culture.

The diffusion of a single culture throughout the world is termed

an increase in the influence of capitalism.

The emergence of a global culture has resulted in

emphasizes the links among events across the globe.

The global perspective


The idea of cultural capital was developed by

that it cannot tell us how people respond to the media.

The major disadvantage of content analysis as a method is

bind different generations and define some of life's most significant events.

The phases of the life course

Social class

The position one holds in relation to the economic, political, social, and cultural resources in a society is called one's

Gender socialization

The process of learning the expectations for behavior associated with each sex is called

Most individuals who were employed through workfare make poverty wages, and when states have seen increases in family income, those increases have been slight.

What have been the results of workfare?

Subjects of research altering their behavior if they know they are being studied

What is the Hawthorne effect?

Cultural hegemony blunts political resistance.

What is the effect of cultural hegemony on political resistance?

Gender differences

When Johnny learns about gender from a conservative Judeo-Christian religious perspective in the United States, he will most likely learn about


When an individual is born with both male and female biological sex characteristics, the individual has a(n) _____ condition.

Semiperipheral Countries

When economic power is used to stratify nations, semi-industrialized countries that play a middleman role, extracting profits from the poor countries and passing those profits on to wealthier countries, are referred to as


Which approach highlighted the importance of empiricism in the study of society?

The middle class is a very small and homogeneous group.

Which of the following does not represent a reason why "middle class" is difficult to define?


Which of the following is an example of nonmaterial culture?

It is not possible for people to change whatever social class they are born into.

Which of the following is false regarding social class?

Women's and men's wages are determined by biological trait

Which of the following is not an explanation for the gender pay gap?

Violent crime is decreasing and is not random in terms of who is victimized.

Which of the following is true regarding violent crime?

Most deviant actions are deviant regardless of the circumstances.

Which of the following statements about deviance is false?

A hypothesis may be either accepted or rejected.

Which of the following statements about hypothesis testing is true?

Brown v. Board of Education

Which of the following was the landmark Supreme Court case that established "separate but equal" as unconstitutional?

The division of labor creates organic solidarity.

Which of these is true about gesellschaft societies?

The gap between the income of Whites and the income of Blacks and Hispanics has persisted over time.

Which of these statements about economic inequality is true?

Race is a socially constructed category

Which of these statements regarding race is true?

Most of the time the quick judgments that people make are remarkably comprehensive and accurate.

Which of these statements regarding the judgments people make about others is false?

Men are filling the newly created service positions, leaving women unemployed.

Which of these statements regarding the restructuring of the U.S. economy is false?

The Conflict Theory

Which sociological theory argues that the elite shape societal beliefs and practices in order to make their own privileges appear legitimate and fair?

It is possible for some people to conform too much.

Which statement about conformity is most consistent with how sociologists view it?

In female-dominated occupations, it is difficult to determine cause and effect with respect to the pay discrepancy between males and females.

Which statement about how dual labor market theory accounts for the gender pay gap is false?

The inequities brought on by global stratification contribute to the causes of terrorism.

Which statement about terrorism is the most accurate?

It is always important to consider who owns the website, as some corporations and organizations may be motivated to misstate research findings.

Which statement about the accuracy of information about research findings obtained from the Internet is most accurate?

Many of the jobs, like corporate executive, are those most likely to be held by men.

Which statement about the primary labor market is the most accurate?

Popular culture is produced by corporations that serve the interests of the 1 percent.

Which statement would a conflict theorist be likely to make?

socialization practices may differ as a function of social class.

Children raised in upper- and middle-class families are given highly structured activities, such as music lessons, organized sports and clubs, language instruction, and other activities, that both fill the family calendar and give children little free time. Working-class children, on the other hand, have much more unstructured childhoods, allowing them to create their own activities. This illustrates that

the United States wanted cheap labor

Chinese immigrants began migrating to the United States in the mid-19th century because

Semiperipheral countries

Countries that are semi-industrialized and that may perform the role of middleman between wealthier and poorer countries are called


Despite their diversity, Hispanics in the United States are increasingly identified as "brown people." This suggests that _____ is occurring.

Whether people see climate change as a serious concern

Dr. Gore believes that people who live in regions that have been impacted by multiple, severe storms or related natural disasters like flooding are more likely to report that climate change is serious concern to them than are people who live in regions that have not been impacted. Using National Weather Service data on storm severity, she categorizes people as living in regions impacted by at least one such storm in the five years or no such storms and then looks at the percentage of people who rate climate change as a serious concern based on where they live. In this example, what is the dependent variable?

Altruistic Suicide

Durkheim referred to suicide associated with excessive regulation of individuals by social forces as

They were all macrosociological theorists.

Durkheim, Marx, and Weber have which of the following in common?

expectations and structures reproduce gender norms, even when parents try to resist them.

Emily Kane's concept of the gender trap refers to the observation that


Faisal describes himself as a 42-year-old man. Faisal is describing his _____ status.

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