SPM 4154 FSU Exam 2

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What are some people calling the current collegiate e-sports environment?

"Wild West" (because many administrators say it's not a sport)

Explain the current status of e-sports among COLLEGES in the U.S.

-about 40 colleges have VARSITY e-sports

issues with eSports in universities

-administrators unsure, feel that esports are not sports -games are owned by private companies, which make it difficult for a governing body to manage nationwide competitive effort -demographics are exceedingly male, difficulty adhering to title IX regulations -does not offer straight forward revenue stream

why are teams investing in eSports?

-cheap -huge anticipated growth-global-young audience -in 2017, industry is expected to grow 51% from 2015 -revenues include media rights, merchandizing, ticket sales, advertising, sponsorship -50% of eSport fans watch the NBA -allows teams to reach the other 50% of this public who is not interested in NBA

future of eSports

-coming to high schools -potentially in 2020 olympics- but more likely 2024

How might climate change affect the growth and development of golf tourism and winter sport tourism

1. Environment is the core of tourism 2. Destroying the environment destroys tourism 3. Tourist awareness of own carbon footprint 4. move towards to sustainability. To combat environmental changes, strategies implemented like fake snow that have negative impacts because it uses so much water.


A collective group of athletes in team sports who unionize so that they can bargain collectively with the league owners. It is typically represented by a union head in negotiations with management

Destination Marketing Organization

A community agency funded by "bed taxes," which are the local taxes paid for stays in commercial lodging facilities such as hotels. A DMO promotes tourism in a community and acts as a centralized source of information about events, accommodations, and other visitor-related information.

MORE people watched the e-sports finals than what sporting event?

ANY other sporting event BESIDES the Super Bowl

Academic Progress Rate (APR)

According to the NCAA, this is a measure of how successful athletics programs on individual campuses are ensuring that college athletes make appropriate progress toward their degrees

What are the major dimensions of sport tourism and the sport tourism industry?

Active sport tourism, event sport tourism, nostalgia sport tourism. or Social, Economic and Environmental

Salary Caps

Agreements collectively bargained between labor and management that establish a league-wide team payroll threshold that cannot be exceeded in most cases. It usually set using a percentage of league gross revenues as a starting point

Local Television Contracts

Agreements made between professional teams and local television stations and regional sport networks. This provides teams with additional media revenue beyond what they receive from the national television contract

mega event

An event, such as the Olympic Games or the FIFA World Cup, that garners international participation and attention and is of international significance and scale.

Virtual Reality

Computer technology that generates realistic, three-dimensional images and environments that people can interact with using special equipment.

e-sports are expanding to high schools, starting with which state?


Luxury Tax

Device used to tax the teams that spend the most on player payroll; those taxes are then shared with the teams that do not have high payrolls

What are the key differences in education, background, and and preparation between athletic directors working in division 1 compared to athletic directors working division 2 and division 3?

Division I athletic directors are more likely to have degrees in business or law. In contrast, Division II and III athletic directors are more likely to have received degrees in physical education or education. Nearly 70 percent of Division I ADs have no high school or college coaching experience, but more than 75 percent of Division III athletic directors have been assistant or college coaches.

What are the possible rules violations that athletics development officers need to be aware of, and how do they try to reduce the likelihood that those violations will occur?

Donors and friends of athletics programs may offer athletes under-the-table payments, improper gifts and other benefits that violate NCAA rules. Athletics development officers are required to show the steps that they take to educate friends of the program about rules and regulations that govern athletics programs so as to avoid problems in this area.

What role did President Theodore Roosevelt play in the development of college sport in the United States?

Due deaths and charges of brutality in college football, President Theodore Roosevelt summoned people from Harvard, Yale and Princeton Universities in order to encourage the representatives to carry out both the letter and the spirit of the football rules. Led to the formation of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States (IAAUS) which became the NCAA in 1910

What is the relationship between winning and high coaching salaries, at least according to one study noted in the chapter?

Even if coaches win there is no significant relationship


Historically Black colleges and universities (Alabama State U, Albany State U, Bethune Cookman U, FAMU, Grambling State U, Howard U, Tuskegee U) were established before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the intention of primarily serving the African-American community.

How is the management of professional sport different from the management of microsoft?

In professional sport they have people that can tell them how they can make money but places like microsoft do not have that

What was the relationship between the NCAA and NAIA in the 1970s? How has that relationship changed today?

In the 1970s, the NCAA and NAIA were both very large and the NAIA was considered a realistic competitor of the NCAA, similar to a David and Goliath type relationship. They are now closer to a partnership where they sort of work together.


In the context of the chapter's section on the marketing of college programs, it refers to the use of outside sport marketing firms to maximize revenues for athletics programs

Why is nostalgia sport tourism popular?

It glorifies sporting heritage, helping people relive the past through imagery and relics

Why is the ECAC such an unusual conference?

It is the largest conference in the united states with 300 teams from 16 states and it includes teams in Divisions I, II, and III

Sports Commission

Local or state agency responsible for attracting and organizing sport events to help communities capitalize on the potential benefits of sport tourism

What was the 1st D1 school to have a Varsity e-sports team?

Miami University

Is a professional athlete a sport tourist?

No sport tourism is defined as leisure based travel that takes individuals temporarily outside of their home communities to participate in activities. A professional athlete does this as an occupation.

How many Division I athletics departments make a profit?

Not a lot. Only 19 NCAA Division I athletic departments generated a profit in 2006


People who happened to be visiting the destination and chose to attend the event instead of doing something else. Their attendance at the event was not their prime reason for visiting the destination

League Think

Pioneered and most effectively implemented by the NFL, this term represents the notion that teams must recognize the importance of their competition and share revenues to ensure that their competitors remain strong.

What are two general categories of jobs within the professional sport organization?

Player-personnel and business positions

What are the arguments for hosting the Olympics?

Pro: invite international travel media, boost economy, create jobs, showcase country. Con: costly to prepare, jobs are only temporary, flaws are seen by locals

Ticket operations

Process by which tickets are distributed to customers (season ticket holders and fans), coupled with attention to high level of customer service

Collective Bargaining

Process used to negotiate work terms between labor and management. All active league players are in a bargaining unit and thus forma collective unit for negotiating and bargaining with the owners.

Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA)

Provides public information about the spending patterns of athletics departments in terms of men's and women's programs. Information about EADA may be found at ope.ed.gov/athletics

Ticket Scalping

Selling a ticket for a price in excess of the price printed on the ticket

LED Signage

Signage located in the arena bowl and primarily found on the fascia below the upper bowl. THis signage is computer generated and has the capability to add sound, animation, and other visual effects to present a colorful eye-catching message. Usually sold in 30 second increments, with a predetermined number of rotations per game

Virtual Signage

Signage that is generated by digital technology and placed into a sport event telecast so that it appears as though the sign is part of the playing surface or adjacent to the playing surface

what is a priority for varsity e-sports programs in colleges?

TITLE IX compliance (e-sports is a male-dominated sport, may be due to the fact that it's popular in countries that only allow MEN to play)

Tribal colleges and universities (TCUs)

The 37 tribal institutions (aihec.org) of higher education in the United States and Canada


The acquisition of rights to affiliate or associate directly with a product or event for the purpose of deriving benefits related to that affiliation or association

Power Five

The conferences that are at the highest level in terms of visibility, revenue generation, and power within the structure of the NCAA: the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC), the Big Ten Conference, the Big 12 Conference, the Pac-12 Conference, and the Southeastern Conference (SEC).

Licensing Royalty

The earnings paid to the sport property, or licensor by a licensed manufacturer in return for the right to produce and sell merchandise bearing a logo or other mark associated with its sports program

Senior woman administrator (SWA)

The highest ranking female administrator involved in the management of an NCAA institution's intercollegiate athletics department

Destination Image

The impression that people have of a certain location, especially potential tourists


The interaction between two components, such as tourism and sport


The league structure that exists to oversee the competitive and business elements of the sport.

How does college sport in Turkey differ than in the United States?

The number of college athletes in Turkey is 18 times lower than in the United States. the NCAA earned around US$912 million in 2015, whereas the TUSF earned US$2.7 million.

Displacement Effect

The process whereby potential tourists are discouraged from visiting a destination because of perceptions of such hassles as crowding and construction or fear of terrorism


The variable patterns of tourist visitation throughout the year at a destination. Most destinations have three seasons. A peak season, a shoulder season, and an off-season.

How do FBS conferences exert influence and control over decision making within the NCAA?

They have automatic bids in the BCS. They have guaranteed seats on the Division I board of directors. and the other 20 conferences get to fight for the 7 remaining seats. Therefore, they have the majority rule no matter what

How can we sustain sport tourism?

Through social, economic, and environmental dimensions. Look out for future while enjoy present sport. Cooperation between sport and tourism agencies at all levels may be one way of reaping benefits, economically and socially, while decreasing the negative impacts on the physical and social environment

Time Switchers

Visitors who had been planning to visit the destination and then switched their visit to coincide with the event; their spending cannot be attributed to the event


When referring to the collective bargaining process, management refers to the collective group of ownership that is negotiating with players, or labor. Management is typically represented by a league commissioner, who is technically an agent for the owners, in negotiations with labor

gamers travel on

athlete visas

Small-Scale Event Sport Tourism

can be professional and college-level sports. amateur sport events such as the Senior Games. need for community tourism agencies

What are four ways in which the explosion of social media opportunities and platforms has affected the professionals involved in the two general categories of professional sport organizations?

can promote teams, promote players, allow the fans to see highlights or full games, and gives any kind of information to fans at any time. For the player personnel side theres so many ways people can see you either do well or do bad so they have to be really careful with everything they do. For the business side they have to do a lot to make sure that the people in the player personnel positions don't bring any bad media to themselves making the team or league look bad.

a Miami University e-sports game had MORE streaming viewers than the school's what?

football, basketball AND hockey matches throughout the entire year

The games played by students are what property and owned by what kind of company?

intellectual property owned by a private company

What is the purpose of collective bargaining?

is the process by which players and owners negotiate over the terms of the employment relationship. The primary goal of collective bargaining is the achievement of a collective bargaining agreement between the union and employer. This means workers are often able to secure better pay and working conditions.

How have cable television media rights deals entered into by teams such as the LA Dodgers and Texas Rangers affected the teams, league, fans and professional sports?

it causes a disparity in revenue between the teams. These more popular teams can make more money on local television contracts compared to other teams. So although the fans get to see their teams more easily it makes the league a little unfair moneywise. Which is why things like salary caps and lux ury taxes were created to try and make the teams as equal as possible.

What would you consider to be three future challenges that the professional sport segment of the industry will face?

keeping management and labor happy or in unison, having to deal with the ever increasing technology demands and inventions ,and globalization

Since 1850, what have been the three most significant developments affecting the growth of professional sports?

labor, management, governance

Hallmark Events

major events drawing international attraction. ex. Mardi Gras, British Royal Wedding, Super Bowl. Concept of destination image and host cities

administrative struggles exist for e-sports because...

many administrators say it's not a sport

teams & give scholarships

other colleges have club teams -other colleges just have informal groups

Describe the general topics that ESPN.com covers as it relates to eSports

player profiles. brand rankings. categorization of games and teams. college E-sports

in 2016, more people watched the eSport finals than any other event besides the

super bowl

e-sports may have a future in

the olympic games

What are two or three recent television rights deals that have been signed? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such deals for the stakeholders involved?

things like the mlb network. Although it allows the fans to see more games its decreasing the amount of outside revenue they could be getting from other sources. theres also things like directv Sunday ticket. Fans get to basically see any nfl game every single Sunday. But now all other forms of media have to compete for the consumers attention and money in any way they can


using strategies to optimize the benefits or outcomes associated with an event

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