Sports Medicine turf toe, sprains and drugs

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treatment for ankle disloction

-Immobilize & apply "light pressure" -Ice and elevation to control swelling if open wound NOT present -MD referral/Call 9-1-1

If turf toe is an acute injury was is the treatment?

-P.R.I.C.E -Tape support -xrays in some cases to rule out fractures

what three ligaments most will get injure

-anterior talofibular -posterior talofibular -calcaneofibular

mechanism of medial ankle sprain

-eversion -less common than inversion -pes planus increases risk

mechanism of ankle dislocation

-foot is forced inward/outward -foot is planted & lower leg is forcibly rotated internally & externally

What is the mechanism of turf toe?

-forceful hyperextension -forms--> slipping on wet surface -can cause dislocation

If turf toe is an long term injury was is the treatment?

-increase ROM/ strength -ice, rest -NSAIDS -tapping / padding of the foot -stretching and strenghting exercises

signs and symptoms of turf toe

-pain -swelling -limited joint movement

what are the signs/symptoms of 2nd degree sprain

-possible complete ligament tearing with others being partially stretched -moderate loss of function, ROM, strength, -discoloration & swelling -athlete complains of a "pop" or "snap"

3rd Degree Sprain

-relatively uncommon, with tearing of most of the ankle ligaments -commonly associated with a fracture -severe pain, swelling & tenderness -very disabling -Usually requires surgery

how much is missed in an 1st degree sprain

1-3 days

ankle dislocation

A dislocation of the ankle involves a separation of the tibia and fibula from the talus

examples of NSAIDS

Aleve, Advil, Motrin

what two affects does NSAIDS have in your body

Analgesics and inflammatory drugs

What is tylenol

Anti-pyretic and an analgestic

how much does an athlete miss in a second degree sprain

Athlete will miss approx. 2-4 weeks

What is NSAIDS?

Non Streroidal Anti- Imflammatory Drugs


Severe pain/deformity Possible open fracture Athlete will not be able to bear weight on injured leg

What is another name for ´great toe sprain´

Turf toe

what is the drug name of tylenol


drug name of advil and Motrin


what is the mechanism of an ankle sprain lateral and medial?

inversion combined with plantar flexion

signs /symptoms of 1st degree sprains

mild stretching little loss of function, ROM, strenght no discoloration and minimal swelling

drug name of Aleve


is tylenol an NSAIDS ?


what are analgesics?

pain delivers

whats is anti-pyretic?

reduce fever

What are inflammatory drugs

reduces inflammation

Define turf toe

stretching / tearing of the ligaments in the great toe located on the bottom of the foot.

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