SSCI Test #2 - Study Guide

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The Chicanismo movement questioned the value of ______.


Ozawa v. U.S. was a 1922 Supreme Court decision that declared that ______.

Asians were ineligible for U.S. citizenship

At the beginning of the 20th century, Mexican Americans were a low-paid workforce in the rural sector of their regional economy. In this regard, they resembled ______.

African Americans

Unlike ______, Chicanos were not cut off from their homeland and native culture.

African Americans

Which of the following groups is the most likely to be acculturated?

African Americans

The paternalistic, oppressive systems used to control the labor of minority groups in the ______ system were abolished and replaced by competitive systems of group relations.


Which of the following groups has a higher percentage of college graduates, in comparison to non-Hispanic Whites?

Arab American

Which of the following statements regarding the educational achievements of Asian Americans is true?

Asian Americans compare favorably with the society-wide standards for educational achievement and are above those standards on many measures.

Which of the following statements is true of Asian American cultures?

Asian cultures predate the founding of the United States by centuries.

Sending Native American children to boarding schools is one way coercive acculturation was "achieved." Within these schools, tribal languages, dress, and religion were forbidden, and Native American culture was generally discouraged. Which theory or hypothesis would most likely have predicted this?

Blauner hypothesis

The secondary structural assimilation of Native Americans is low; on many measures of quality of life, they are the most impoverished American minority group. Which theoretical perspective best explains this phenomenon?

Blauner's hypothesis

According to the chapter text, in 1910, between 30% and 40% of all Japanese immigrants living in ______ were engaged in agriculture.


One of the best-known attempts to limit benefits to illegal immigrants occurred in 1994, when ______ voters passed Proposition 187.


______'s best known tactic was the organization of a grape pickers' strike and a national grape boycott that began in 1965.

Cesar Chavez

Which language is spoken in Haiti?


Like ______ Americans, Chinese and Japanese Americans have used their traditional cultures and patterns of social life to create and build their own subcommunities, from which they have launched the next generation.


Which Hispanic group has the highest level of income and the lowest level of poverty and unemployment?

Cuban Americans

Arab Americans make up 30% of the population of ______, the highest percentage of any city in the nation.

Dearborn, Michigan

______ data is important for getting a better understanding of the variations in structural integration within the larger Asian American group.


Which of the following groups is most likely to be trapped by very low levels of human capital?

Dominican Immigrants

Immigrants from ______ benefited the most from the industrialization of the economy.


The classic assimilation model holds best for immigrants from ______.


According to the chapter text, racial minority groups, particularly African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Ricans, began to enter the urban working class after ______ had moved up the occupational structure, at a time when the supply of manual, unskilled jobs was dwindling.

European Americans

Most U.S. history textbooks credit ______ for the discovery of the land known as America.


A 2002 survey found that most Latinos who predominantly spoke English were members of the second generation of Latino immigrants.


A study found that most contemporary immigrant groups are acculturating and integrating at a fifth-generation pace.


According to the chapter text, Puerto Ricans and Cubans are clustered along the West Coast, particularly in Los Angeles and San Diego.


According to the chapter text, all six major Asian groups have a higher percentage of high school graduates than non-Hispanic Whites.


African Americans best represent the idea of an ethnic enclave.


All Hispanic American groups are recent immigrants to the United States.


Assimilation is the most sensible goal for minority groups.


Boarding schools were successful in fully inculcating Anglo values, ethics, and religion to Native children.


Contemporary immigrant groups who are non-White and bring high levels of human capital find themselves in situations resembling those of colonized minority groups.


During World War II, the United States placed all citizens from enemy countries (Germans, Italians, and Japanese) into relocation camps.


Group networks, which assist new immigrants in adjusting to their new country, no longer operate in the United States.


Hispanics are much more likely to register and vote in national elections than non-Hispanics.


In popular culture, Native Americans have not yet enjoyed an upsurge of popularity and sympathetic portrayals.


Indian immigrants to the United States are the Asian American group with the least human capital.


It was not until 1954 that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that detention (i.e., of Japanese Americans) was unconstitutional.


Japanese Americans, Filipino Americans, and Asian Indian Americans have poverty levels comparable to those of colonized racial minority groups.


Like their parents, second-generation Chinese Americans remained strictly loyal to their clans and regional associations.


Native American conceptions about the land were easily translated into Americanized ideas about private property.


Native Americans are highly individualistic, rather than group-oriented.


Native Americans have been unable to resist coercive Americanization.


Negative intergroup feelings have largely disappeared as society has become more diverse.


Over the past century, Native Americans have become increasingly rural.


Puerto Ricans who live in the United States are mainly centered in Boston.


Racial minority groups benefited from the continuing industrialization of the economy, but this has failed to work for European Americans.


Recent immigrants from Egypt consist mostly of individuals with very little human capital.


Salvadorans tend to reside in the East (40%), mostly in New York.


Schools for Native Americans were primarily focused on education and not on "Westernizing" children.


The Bureau of Indian Affairs has tried to take into consideration the needs of various tribes by asking tribal leaders for their input regarding policy.


The Self-Determination Act of 1975 primarily benefited smaller, less well-organized tribes.


The United States can be best described as a melting pot--people of different cultures coming together to create a unique society.


The commonalities between Native American and Anglo cultures have created relatively easy means of communication between groups.


The marielitos were all undesirables, convicted criminals, and outcasts.


The most recent immigrants to arrive in large numbers to the United States are Japanese and are seeking a less depressed economy.


The sense of a personal link to particular groups and heritages within American society is fading quickly.


The stereotypes attached to Native Americans and African Americans during the early years of European colonization are similar.


The term Chicano was originally used by the dominant culture in a derogatory manner.


Women of the dominant group as well as minority women have had equal access to leadership roles and high-status positions.


The varying frameworks of gender between tribes support which conclusion about gender?

Gender is socially constructed

Which of the following is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere?


Contemporary immigrant groups who are non-White and bring few resources and low levels of human capital, such as ______, may experience segmented assimilation and find themselves in situations resembling those of colonized minority groups.


Explanations that attribute Asian Americans' success to their having better values and working harder than colonized groups are informed by ______.

Human Capital Theory

According to the text, the ______ view of social mobility is consistent with the human capital perspective and the traditional melting-pot view of assimilation.


Which theory can be used to best explain the experiences of Black queer women?


The generation of immigrants born in Japan was called ______.


Douglas Massey identified which of the following as a crucial difference between past and contemporary assimilation?

It is unlikely that contemporary immigrants' cultural traditions will lose prominence because of Americanization.

By 1960, ______ had an occupational profile very similar to that of Whites, except for the fact that they were overrepresented among professionals.

Japanese Americans

Which of the following groups both formed ethnic enclaves?

Japanese Americans and Korean Americans

Which of the following statements about Chinese and Japanese immigrants is true?

Many of the occupational advances made by Chinese and Japanese Americans have been due to the high levels of education achieved by second-generation Asian Americans.

The assimilation experiences of minorities in the United States challenge which of the following conclusions that Gordon makes?

Minority groups must undergo acculturation before structural integration.

Which of the following groups is the least likely to be acculturated?

Native Americans

In what way did the Red Power movement lead to more assimilation?

Native Americans from different tribes had to find common bonds in order to work together.

Recent data show that the largest groups of African immigrants came from ______.

Nigeria and Ethiopia

Unlike the situation of African Americans in the 1600s and Mexican Americans in the 1800s, the dominant group had no desire to control the labor of Chinese and Japanese immigrants. This observation would most likely be made by which social theorist?


______ hypothesis states that if ethnocentrism, competition, and a differential in power are present in the contact situation, ethnic or racial stratification will result.


As opposed to African Americans and many other minority groups, Native Americans have been more interested in ______.


Which of the following permitted immigration from Mexico?

The Beacero Program

The 1980s legislation that allowed illegal immigrants to legalize their status as immigrants was ______.

The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)

In renditions of ______, Native Americans are often portrayed as bucks and squaws, complete with headdresses, bows, tepees, and other "generic" Native artifacts.

The Noble Red Man

Puerto Rico became a U.S. territory as a result of ______.

The Spanish American War

Which of the following is the most prominent difference between Mexican Americans and Anglo-Americans?

The dominant society (i.e., Anglo-American society) is largely Protestant, while most Mexican Americans are Catholic.

Which of the following statements about Native Americans is true?

The rate of out-marriage for Native Americans is quite high compared with other groups.

Which of the following resulted from the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act?

Tribes were granted increased control over the administration of reservations.

About 20% of all Native Americans in the continental United States speak a language other than English at home.


According to the chapter text, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an example of a neoliberal policy.


African Americans are highly acculturated but not highly integrated into American society.


Although the number of Native Americans enrolled in college has increased, the percentage of Native Americans who actually graduate from high school and college is still well below the national average.


Americans tend to see immigrants as individuals acting on their own free will and often as individuals who participate in illegal activity.


Among Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans, the amount of assimilation may vary significantly, depending on newness of immigration, language skills, and to which generation they belong.


An executive order in 2012 allowed DREAMers who met certain criteria to stay in the United States for a renewable 2-year term, without fear of deportation.


Asian Americans in general are highly urbanized.


Assimilation in the United States has generally been a coercive and one-sided process described as Anglo-conformity.


Cuban Americans are one of the most spatially concentrated minority groups in the United States.


Dominant groups are often unaware of the systems of privilege they benefit from.


During the repatriation campaign, many legal immigrants and native-born Mexican Americans were forced to move to Mexico.


Each of the groups discussed in the chapter text (except for the White ethnic groups) still controls relatively few resources and is limited in its ability to pursue its self-interests.


Ethnocentrism can lead to misunderstanding and conflict through the belief that one's culture is superior to another's.


From a Western perspective, the division of labor in Native American societies was "backward." Thus, White military representatives tended to ignore women tribal leaders.


Group membership continues to be important because it continues to be linked to fundamental patterns of exclusion and inequality.


Hispanic Americans are partly an ethnic minority group (i.e., identified by cultural characteristics, such as language) and partly a racial minority group (identified by their physical appearance).


If we look at patterns of immigration dating back to the 1900s, it can be argued that Mexicans have served as a reserve labor pool for the benefit of U.S. businesses, agricultural interests, and other groups.


Immigrants who enter the primary labor market upon or soon after arrival tend to be highly educated, skilled professionals, and businesspeople.


Immigration contributes to the wealth and affluence of more developed societies, particularly the dominant groups and elite classes of these societies.


Income per capita is lower than the national average for Asian Americans.


Incorporation via the secondary labor market is more typical for immigrants with lower levels of education and fewer job skills.


Many Native Americans are offended by the nicknames of athletic teams, such as the Cleveland Indians or Atlanta Braves, and the use of tomahawk chops and Native mascots, while the public dismisses these things as “trivial.â€


Many of the treaties established during the 1800s have been broken, although some tribes have had success with regaining treaty rights through the court system.


Most Vietnamese Americans do not fit into one of Blauner's categories of "conquered or colonized." They have, however, had to adapt to American society with few resources and contacts.


Native Americans began to urbanize rapidly in the 1950s but are still less urbanized than the national population. In fact, they are the least urbanized minority group in the United States.


Native Americans have been oriented toward a pluralistic relationship with the larger society.


Nigerians and Ethiopians are small minorities, consisting of about 0.2% of the total U.S. population.


One type of evidence that illustrates the effectiveness of the ethnic enclave as a pathway for adaptation is the difference in Mexican and Cuban incomes; Cubans tend to make much more money than Mexicans.


Programs under the Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) included opportunities for women that helped prepare them for jobs off the reservation in the fields of nursing and clerical work.


The Industrial Revolution and technological innovations have changed not only the manufacturing process but also agricultural practices.


The contact period for Cuban Americans, as for Puerto Ricans, dates back to the Spanishâ€"American War of 1898.


The ethnic enclave economy helped Cubans resist assimilation and therefore move closer to equality, unlike Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans.


The first Cuban immigrants to the United States were White, Americanized elites.


The largest Latino group in the United States is of Mexican ancestry.


The percentage of all Asian Americans present in the highest income brackets is higher than the percentage of the total population present.


The problems and issues of minority women are tied to the patterns of inequality in the larger society and within their own groups.


The relative status of Native Americans in the United States improved significantly in the last decade of the 20th century, and most Americans view them more positively.


The speed and ease of modern transportation and communication will maintain cultural and linguistic diversity.


The structural explanation for Asian American "success" argues that Chinese and Japanese Americans had the opportunity to build their economies, while colonized groups were still trapped in paternalistic systems.


The two-spirit people in many Native tribes challenge the Western idea of the gender binary.


The use of services by undocumented immigrants is generally limited by their vulnerable legal status.


Women in more agrarian societies face especially formidable barriers to gender equality.


Which of the following is a benefit of urban space for LGBTQ communities?

Urban space provides opportunities to develop a sense of community and form organizations.

______ immigrants have incomes and educational levels that are somewhat comparable to those of colonized minority groups.


The Trail of Broken Treaties was a protest march to ______.

Washington, D.C.

The ______ thesis hypothesizes that Latinos and Asian Americans are not Black and hypothesizes that they eventually will be accepted as White.


Which of the following most closely resembles the goals of Operation Wetback?

a 1950s government program to deport illegal immigrants from Mexico

Based on the information presented in the chapter text, which of the following individuals would probably have the highest income?

a Cuban American man who is self-employed within the enclave

The federal policy of termination was intended to encourage ______.

a return to the system of private land ownership imposed on the tribes

In order to be governed by the provisions of the Indian Reorganization Act, tribes were required to ______.

adopt a constitution and hold elections

The Red Power movement was required to strike a balance between ______ in order to best advocate for tribal rights and sovereignty.

assimilation and pluralism

Efforts to develop Native American reservations have focused on creating jobs by ______.

attracting industry with an incentive of a low-wage labor pool

Compared to Nigerian immigrants, immigrants from Ethiopia are more likely to ______.

be refugees

Evidence presented in the chapter text supports the view that minority groups may ______.

become increasingly committed to their ethnic and/or racial group over time

Asian Americans, unlike other racial minority groups, have a ______ distribution within income categories.


______ is the term for the loss of more-educated citizens to other nations.

brain drain

The ______ thesis argues that Whites will gradually lose their dominant status as Latino and Asian American groups grow in numbers.


The sending nations of contemporary Asian immigrants are considerably less ______ than the United States.


Noel's hypothesis states that if three conditions are present in the contact situation, ethnic or racial stratification will result. Which of the following is one of these conditions?


Due to differences between conceptions of race in Puerto Rico and the United States, many Puerto Ricans ______.

feel they have no clear place in the United States

During the 20th century, immigration from Mexico to the United States ______.

fluctuated according to the demand for unskilled labor in the United States

Federal policy toward immigration from Mexico ______.

has fluctuated between being pro- and anti-immigration

On Native American reservations, unemployment ______.

has risen to a range of 70â€"80% on the smaller, more isolated reservations

Efforts to decrease the flow of illegal immigration through denying access to services ______.

have been declared unconstitutional

Among Hispanics Americans, English fluency ______.

increases by generation and is greatest for people who have been in the United States the longest

The proverb “the nail that sticks up must be hammered down†comes from ______.


As a result of the Dawes Act of 1887, Native Americans ______.

lost most of their land

Contrary to what is traditionally considered successful assimilation, success for Cuban Americans is associated with ______.

lower levels of acculturation and integration

The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) was managed by ______.

members of many different tribes

Research shows that native-born Asian Americans were ______ likely to marry outside their groups than foreign-born Asian Americans.

much more

Native American cultures tend to understand humans as ______.

no more important than other animals, plants, or the earth itself

Women in Native American tribes ______.

often held important ecumenic and political roles

In 2004, the Native American Church's right to use ______ was upheld by the Supreme Court of Utah.


Arizona's Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act (Arizona SB 1070), in part, allowed ______.

police to check anyone for proof of citizenship

Haller and colleagues argue that contemporary immigrants face different barriers to successful adaptation because ______.

primary sector jobs require high levels of education they often do not have access to

Cultural differences between Mexican Americans and the dominant society have ______.

provided a basis for group solidarity among Mexican Americans

Chinese immigrants' ability to find economic opportunity in areas with low competition with the dominant group allowed them to ______.

remain an "invisible" minority

Key to modern racism and sexism is the belief that ______.

routes of upward mobility in American society are equally open to all

Puerto Ricans' movement to the mainland is voluntary in some ways, but in others, it is strongly motivated by the transformations in the island economy that resulted from modernization and U.S. domination. Which theory can be used to best explain their process of entering the United States?

the Blauner hypothesis

In the early reservation period, tribal membership was determined by ______.

the Bureau of Indian Affairs

Immigration typically flows from the Global South to the Global North due to ______.

the demand for cheap labor in the North

Korean American immigrants have entered the economy through ______.

the ethnic enclave

It seems highly likely that, at least for the near future, a substantial percentage of racial and colonized minority groups and some recent immigrant groups will be participating in the mainstream economy at lower levels than will the dominant group and the more advantaged recent immigrant groups. This outcome would be consistent with ______.

the segmented assimilation perspective

Two recent studies provide support for Gordon's theory of assimilation by suggesting that most contemporary immigrant groups are acculturating and integrating at the "normal" ______-generation pace.


According to recent research, there seems to be a correlation between pessimism about the economy and the perception of immigrants as threats.


The emerging information-based, high-tech society is ______ to offer many opportunities to people with lower levels of education and few occupational skills.


The Chinese who immigrated to the United States in the 19th century were mostly ______.

younger men

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