SSD: Doing What Works!! Chapter 3
A framework to effective goal setting is the ABCS model, involving affective and cognitive components.
By self-reflecting about your goals, you will be able to modify your behavior as needed.
Goal setting can lead to overall well-being.
One of the most important time-management skills is being able to prioritize tasks.
Research consistently supports aiming high when setting goals.
Research has shown that creating a to-do list is a powerful organizational tool linked to getting tasks accomplished.
Research has shown that the optimal amount of work time is somewhere between 10 to 19 hours per week.
Short term goals help support achieving goals, as it is easier to stay motivated when we meet with success more frequently.
Starting easy tasks may fuel your motivation to tackle more challenging tasks.
Students can learn to set effective goals with just a short goal-setting session training.
The most effective strategy to combat procrastination is to break large tasks into small and manageable ones.
ABCs approach to goal-setting:
A- Aim high B- Believe in yourself C- Care and Commit S- Specify and Self-reflect
"I will pass all of my classes" is an effective goal.
Distributed practice mean you spend at least 8 hours studying for an exam
Moderate goals are best.
Research has consistently shown that students who do not work while attending college perform the best academically.
Examples of long-term goals include:
Graduating from college, earning an advanced degree, and securing a job in your area of interest
Self-regulation refers to:
Monitoring progress towards achieving long-term goals
What is an effective goal?
One that you define in specific and measurable terms
Another term for short-term goals is:
Proximal goals
Which goal has mixed support from research?
Realistic goals
Proximal Goals
They can be accomplished in the near future