Stats 171-Test 1

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9. A.) If P(A)= 8/48, what are the odds of event A? The odds of event A is _____ B.) If the odds of event A is 15:8, what is the probability of event A? The probability of event A is____ (round to the nearest thousandth)

Ch, 2 a.) The odds of event A is 8:40 b.) The probability of event A is .652

10. A die is rolled two times. a.) What is the probability of rolling a 2? The probability of rolling a 2 is _____(Round to the nearest thousandth) b.) What is the probability that the sum of the two rolls in a 12? The probability that the sun of the two rolls is a 12 is _____(Round to the nearest thousandth)

Ch, 2 a.) The probability of rolling a 2 is .306 b.) The probability that the sun of the two rolls is a 12 is .028

8. A box contains 4 red, 5 blue, and 6 yellow marbles. a.) If a marble is randomly drawn, the probability that it is a blue is _____ (Round to the nearest thousandth) b.) If a marble is randomly drawn, the odds that it is yellow is __:__

Ch. 2 a.) If a marble is randomly drawn, the probability that it is a blue is .333 b.) If a marble is randomly drawn, the odds that it is yellow is 6:9

A urn contains 5 red marbles, 13 blue marbles, and 14 white marbles. Two marbles are drawn without replacement from the urn. Find P( white marble| blue marble). P( white marble| blue marble)= ___ (Round your answer to 3 decimal places)

Ch. 3 P( white marble| blue marble)= .452

You completed a multiple choice quiz. If the probability of answering none of the question correctly is 0.086, what is the probability of its complement? The probability of the complement is ___, (Express your answer to three decimal places)

Ch. 3 The probability of the complement is .914

A multiple choice quiz has 6 question, where each question has 3 possible choices. By random guessing, how many ways can a student complete this quiz? There are ___ ways to complete this quiz.

Ch. 3 There are 729 ways to complete this quiz.

A die is rolled two times. a.) What is the probability that the sum of the two rolls is a 12? The probability that the sum of the two rolls is a 12 is ____ (Round to the nearest thousandth) b.) What is the probability that the sum of the two rolls is a 5 given that a 1 was rolled? The probability that the sum of the two rolls is a 5 given that a 1 was rolled is ___ (Round to the nearest thousandth)

Ch. 3 a.) The probability that the sum of the two rolls is a 12 is .028 b.) The probability that the sum of the two rolls is a 5 given that a 1 was rolled is .182

A restaurant offers a $12 dinner special that has 5 choices for an appetizer, 12 choices for an entree, and 3 choices for a dessert. How many different meals are available when you select an appetizer, an entree, and a dessert? A meal can be chose in ____ ways. (Whole number)

Ch. 3 A meal can be chosen in 180 ways

A 6 digits code is made using only the number from 0 to 7. With repetition, how many 6 digit cods are possible if the first digit cannot start with a 0 and the last digit must be an odd number? There are _____ different possible codes.

Ch. 3 There are 114688 different possible codes.

The probability that a randomly selected U.S. Senator is a Democrat is 0.44. The probability of this complement is ___ (Round to two decimal places)

Ch. 3 The probability of this complement is .56

Use the fundamental counting principle to solve the problem. A shirt company has 7 design each of which can be made with short or long sleeves. There are 12 color patterns available. How many different shirts are available from this company? This company can produce ___ different shirts.

Ch.3 This company can produce 168 different ways

The real estate value of all houses in a certain neighborhood is symmetrically distributed with a mean of $205315 and a standard deviation of $8787. What percent of the houses in this neighborhood have a real estate value of more than $214102? ___% of the houses have a real estate value more than $214102.

Quiz 10 16% a real estate value more than $214102.

The scores on a Chemistry test were symmetrically distributed with a mean of 75 and a standard deviation of 7. What percent of the class scored at most 68? ___% of the class scored at most 68.

Quiz 10 16% of the class scored at most 68.

The mean scores on a SAT test are symmetrically distributed with a mean of 1208 and a standard deviation of 40. What percent scored at most 1128?

Quiz 10 2.5 % scored at most 1128

The local temperature for month of July are symmetrically distributed with a mean of 87.2 degree F and a standard deviation of 2.2 degrees F. What percent of all days in July will have a temperature more than 85 degrees F? ___% of the days in July will have a temperature more than 85 degree F.

Quiz 10 84% of the days in July will have a temperature more than 85 degree F.

A population is symmetrically distributed with a mean of 64 and a standard deviation of 7. For all practical purposes, what is the largest data value? The largest data value is ___(Enter answer as a whole number)

Quiz 10 The largest data value is 85

A population has a mean of 76 and a standard deviation of 11. If x has a z-score of 6, what is the value of x? The value of x is ___ (Enter answer as a whole number ).

Quiz 10 The value of x is 142

A population has a mean of 81.76 and a standard deviation of 6.31. If x has a z-score of -3.12, what is the value of x? The value of x is ___ (Round to 2 decimal places ).

Quiz 10 The value of x is 62.07

Find the z-score of the data value 72 for a population having a mean of 92 and a standard deviation of 12. Give an interpretation to this value. The z-score is ____(Round to 2 decimal places) The score x=72 is ___ standard deviations ____ its mean.

Quiz 10 The z-score is -1.67 The score x=72 is 1.67standard deviations below its mean.

Find the z-score of the data value 75 for a population having a mean of 95 and a standard deviation of 6. Give an interpretation to this value. The z-score is ____(Round to 2 decimal places) The score x=75 is ___ standard deviations ____ its mean.

Quiz 10 The z-score is -3.33 The score x=75 is 3.33standard deviations below its mean.

Find the z-score of the data value 93.1 for a population having a mean of 73.5 and a standard deviation of 13.2. The z-score is ____(Round to 2 decimal places)

Quiz 10 The z-score is 1.48

Find the z-score of the data value 98 for a population having a mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 8. The z-score is ____(Round to 2 decimal places)

Quiz 10 The z-score is 2.25

The starting salary of all graduates with a PhD in Computer Science is symmetrically distributed with a mean of $92000 and a standard deviation of $5100. What percent of the graduates with a PhD in Computer Science will have a starting salary between $97100 and $102200. ___% of all Computer Science PhD graduates will have a starting salary between $97100 and $102200.

Quiz 10 13.5% of all Computer Science PhD graduates will have a starting salary between $97100 and $102200.

The pulse rate of all U.S. adult males is symmetrically distributed with a mean of 74.9 beat per minutes (bpm) and a standard deviation 7.2. What percent of all U.S. adult males have a pulse rate between 53.3 and 60.5 bpm? __% of all adult males have a pulse rate between 53.3 and 60.5 bpm.

Quiz 10 2.35% of all adult males have a pulse rate between 53.3 and 60.5 bpm.

A population has a mean of 66.96 and a standard deviation of 11.92. If x has a z-score of 1.34, what is the value of x? The value of x is ___ (Round to 2 decimal places ).

Quiz 10 The value of x is 82.93

A probability experiment consists of rolling a 6-sided die. Find the probability of the event below rolling a number less than 4. The probability is _____ (Round to three decimal places as needed).

Quiz 2 The probability is .500

3. Consider a company that selects employees for random drug tests. The company uses a computer to randomly select an employee's number that range from 1 to 81. Find the probability of selecting a number less than 66. The probability is _____(Round to the nearest thousandth).

Quiz 2 The probability is .802

2. Seventeen of the 100 digital video recorders (DVRs) in an inventory are known to be defective. What is the probability you randomly select an item that is not defective? The probability is _____(Do not round).

Quiz 2 The probability is .83

4. Identify the sample space of the probability experiment and determine the number of outcome in the sample space. Randomly choosing a multiple of 3 between 1 and 20 a.) The sample space is {__________} b.)There are __outcome(s) in the sample space.

Quiz 2 a.) The sample space is {3,6,9,12,15,18} b.) There are 6 outcome(s) in the sample space.

An urn contains 7 red marbles, 10 blue marbles, and 16 white marbles. Two marbles are drawn without replacement from the urn. What is the probability of drawing a white marble? P( white marble)=____ (Round to 3 decimal places)

Quiz 5 P( white marble)= .742

A study has shown that 79% of all apartments in the U.S. have a computer. Given you have a computer, the probability that you have Internet connection is 0.94. Given you do not have a computer, the probability of having Internet connection is 0.09. What is the probability that a randomly selected apartment will not have Internet connection? The probability is ___ (Round to four decimal places)

Quiz 5 The probability is .2385

A study has shown that 14% of all U.S. college students smoke cigarettes. Three college students are randomly selected. What is the probability that exactly one will smoke cigarettes? The probability is __(Round to nearest thousandth)

Quiz 5 The probability is .311

There is a 34% chance of rain today. Given that it rains today, there is a 88% chance that is will rain tomorrow. Given that it does not rain today, there is a 33% chance that it will rain tomorrow. What is the probability that it will not rain tomorrow? The probability is ___ (Round to 4 decimal places)

Quiz 5 The probability is .4830

66% of all U.S. adults have high blood pressure. Of these 66%, 86% are on medication. What is the probability of randomly selecting a U.S. that is on medication and has high blood pressure. The probability is ___ (Express answer to two decimal places)

Quiz 5 The probability is .57

By random guessing, a student completed a multiple choice quiz having 10 questions. Each questions has 4 possible choices of which only one is correct. What is the probability that this student will guess at least one question correct? The probability is ___ (Round to four decimal places)

Quiz 5 The probability is .9437

The probability of randomly selecting a U.S. adult high blood pressure is 0.78. A U.S. adult having high blood pressure has a probability of 0.93 that h or she is on medication. A U.S. adult that does not have high blood pressure has a probability of 0.35 that he or she is on medication. What is the probability that a randomly selected U.S. adult is on medication? The probability that a randomly selected U.S. adult is on medication is ___ (Round to 3 decimal places)

Quiz 5 The probability that a randomly selected U.S. adult is on medication is .802

The probability that a person living in the United States having type B+ blood is 0.81. Three unrelated people living in the United States are randomly selected. a.) What is the probability that all three people will have type B+ blood? The probability is ___ (Round to three decimal places) b.) What is the probability that none of these three people will have type B+ blood? The probability is ___ (Round to three decimal places) c.) What is the probability that at least one of these three people will have type B+ blood? The probability is ___(Round to three decimal places)

Quiz 5 a.) The probability is .531 b.) The probability is .007 c.) The probability is .993

In professional golf (PGA), the probability that a play drives the ball into the fairway is 0.63. Given that he drove the ball into the fairway, the probability of reaching the green in regulation is 0.71. If he does not drive the ball into the fairway, the probability of reaching the green in regulation is 0.48. What is the probability of making it to the green in regulation? The probability of making it to the green in regulation is ___ (Round to 4 decimal places)

Quiz 5 The probability of making it to the green in regulation is .6249

A study has shown that 20% of all U.S. college students smoke cigarettes. Three college students are randomly selected. a.) What is the probability that they all smoke cigarettes? The probability is ___(Round to four decimal places) b.) What is the probability that at least one college student will smoke cigarettes? The probability is ___ (Round to four decimal places)

Quiz 5 a.) The probability is .0080 b.) The probability is .4880

Suppose ED is going to burn a compact disk (CD) that will contain 7 songs. In how many ways can Ed arrange the 7 songs on the CD if he has 12 songs to chose from? There are ____ ways to burn this CD.

Quiz 6 There 3991680 ways to burn this CD.

There are 49 runners in a race. How many ways can the runners finish first, second, and third? There are ____ (Express answer in whole number) different ways that the runners can finish first through third.

Quiz 6 There are 110544 different ways that the runners can finish first through third.

The U.S. Senate consists of 52 Democrats and 48 Republicans. In how many ways can you form a subcommittee consisting of 1 Democrats and 2 Republicans? There are ____( Express answer as whole number) ways of forming a subcommittee of 1 Democrats and 2 Republicans.

Quiz 6 There are 58656 ways of forming a subcommittee of 1 Democrats and 2 Republicans.

You ordered a 4-topping pizza by selecting the toppings from a list of 23 different toppings. Without duplicate toppings how many ways can you order a 4-topping pizza? There are ___ ways to order this pizza.

Quiz 6 There are 8855 ways to order this pizza.

You randomly order a 5-topping pizza. You can choose from 7 types of meat and 8 types of vegetables. Without repetition, how many ways can you order a 5-topping pizza 3 type(s) of meat and 2 type(s) of vegetable? There are ___ ways to order this pizza.

Quiz 6 There are 980 ways to order this pizza.

Space shuttle astronauts each consume an average of 3000 calories per day. One meal normally consists of 1 main dish, 2 vegetable dishes, and 2 different desserts. The astronauts can choose from 8 main dishes, 10 vegetable dishes, and 9 desserts. How many different meals are possible. There are ___ possible meals.

Quiz 6 There are 12960 possible meals.

A certain lottery has 39 numbers. In how many different ways can 6 of the number be selected? There are ____ (Simplify answer) different ways the numbers can be selected.

Quiz 6 There are 3262623 different ways the numbers can be selected.

You have 7 different video games. How many different ways can you arrange the games side by side on a shelf? You can arrange the 7 different video games in ____ different ways.

Quiz 6 You can arrange the 7 different video games in 5040 different ways.

A club consists of 18 members- 12 men and 6 women. a.) In how many ways and this club elect a president, secretary, and a treasurer with three women? There are ___ (Express answer as a whole number) ways to elect a president, secretary, and a treasurer with three women. b.) In how many ways and this club elect a president, secretary, and a treasurer? There are ___ (Enter answer as a whole number) ways to elect a president, secretary, and a treasurer.

Quiz 6 a.) There are 120 ways to elect a president, secretary, and a treasurer with three women. b.) There are 4896 ways to elect a president, secretary, and a treasurer.

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