Steps of Ethical Decision Making

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Step seven components

-Be sure you have not been unnecessarily forced into a corner -You may have some choices or alternatives that have not been considered -If you have come up with solutions "a" and "b," try to brainstorm and come up with a "c" solution that might satisfy the interests of the primary parties involved in the situation.

Step six components

-Consider what your relevant community members would consider to be the kind of decision that an individual of integrity would make in this situation. -What specific virtues are relevant in the situation? -Disclosure rule. -Think about how your decision will be remembered when you are gone. -Did you consider any relevant cognitive biases/barriers? -What decision would you come to based solely on character considerations?

Step five components

-Obligations should be thought of in terms of principles and rights involved -Did you consider any relevant cognitive barriers/biases? -Formulate the appropriate decision or action based solely on the above analysis of these obligations.

Step eight title

Check your gut

Step one title

Gather the facts

Symbolic consequences

each decision sends a message

Step three title

Identify the affected parties

Step four title

Identify the consequences

Step five title

Identify the obligations

Step nine title

Decide on proper ethical action and prepare for opposing arguments

Step two title

Define the ethical issues

Step nine components

-Consider potential actions based on the consequences, obligations, and character approaches. -Do you come up with similar answers from the different perspectives? -Do the obligation and character help you "check" the consequentialist preferred action? -How can you protect the rights of those involved (or your own character) while still maximizing the overall good for all of the stakeholders? -What arguments are most compelling to you to justify the action ethically? How will you respond to those with opposing viewpoints?

Step one components

-Don't jump to conclusions without the facts -Questions to ask: Who, what, where, when, how, and why. -However, facts may be difficult to find because of the uncertainty often found around ethical issues -Some facts are not available -Assemble as many facts as possible before proceeding -Clarify what assumptions you are making!

Step two components

-Don't jump to solutions without first identifying the ethical issue(s) in the situation. -Define the ethical basis for the issue you want to focus on. -There may be multiple ethical issues - focus on one major one at a time.

Step eight components

-Even though the prior steps have argued for a highly rational process, it is always good to "check your gut." -Intuition is gaining credibility as a source for good decision making - knowing something is not "right."

Step three components

-Identify all of the stakeholders -Who are the primary or direct stakeholders? -Who are the secondary or indirect stakeholders? -Why are they stakeholders for the issue? -Perspective-taking

Step four components

-Think about potential positive and negative consequences for affected parties by the decision. -What are the magnitude of the consequences and the probability that the consequences will happen. -Short term vs. Long term consequences -Broader systemic consequences (symbolic consequences and secrecy consequences) -Did you consider relevant cognitive barriers/biases? -Consider what your decision would be based only on consequences - then move on and see if it is similar given other considerations.

The 9 Steps of the Ethical Decision Making Process

1. Gather the Facts 2. Define the ethical issues 3. Identify the affected parties (stakeholders) 4. Identify the consequences 5. Identify the obligations (principles, rights, justice) 6. Consider your character and integrity 7. Think creatively about potential actions 8. Check your gut 9. Decide on the proper ethical action and be prepared to deal with opposing arguments.

Obligations in terms of principles and rights (3)

1. What obligations are created because of particular ethical principles you might use in the situation? Examples: Do no harm; Do unto others as you would have them do unto you; Do what you would have anyone in your shoes do in the given context. 2. What obligations are created because of the specific rights of the stakeholders? What rights are more basic vs. secondary in nature? Which help protect an individual's basic autonomy? What types of rights are involved - negative or positive? 3. What concepts of justice (fairness) are relevant - distributive or procedural justice?

Step six title

Consider your character and integrity

Step seven title

Think creatively about potential actions

Secrecy consequences

what are the consequences if the decision or action becomes public?

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