STL Associative Containers

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How do you access individual elements in a pair?

.first or .second

What is the default load factor for unordered maps?


What is a red black subtree?

A self balanced binary search tree with: -Red roots and leaves -Insertion adds a node and colors it red -Longest path to a leaf is no more than twice the shortest path -Guarantees O(log n) lookups and insert/delete

What is a self-balancing search tree?

A tree that maintains its balance after insert/delete operations

What is a binary tree?

A tree where each parent has two children

What is a search tree?

A tree where nodes store keys

What is a sorted binary tree?

A tree where the key in the node is greater than keys in left subtree and less than keys right subtree

What is a balanced search tree?

A tree where there is a constraint on differences in the subtree heights

What is a rooted tree?

A tree with a single distinguished node

What is a subtree?

All the descendants of a node

What is the time complexity of lookup/insertion/deletion for hash tables?

Amortized O(1)

What is a hash table?

An Array of buckets of elements

What is a pair?

An aggregate of values of two, possibly different types

What is an unordered associative container?

An associative container that preserves the order of elements and implemented using search trees

What are pairs used in?

Associative containers

How do maps erase?

At iterator or iterator range, returns iterator to next element past erased element

How does erase work for sets/multisets?

By element, iterator, range

How does insert work for sets/multisets?

By element, with iterator hint, or iterator range

How are maps sorted?

By key

What is an unordered associative container?

Does not order elements and has quicker access using hash tables

What is special about associative container time complexities?

Generally, insertion, deleting, and lookup times are equivalent

What is collision?

Hashing different key to the same bucket and usually resolved through pointer to linked list of elements

What is different between the unordered set and ordered set interfaces?


What is different between unordered and orders map interfaces?


What does bucket_count() do for unordered maps?

Number of buckets

What is the BigO of map lookup/deletion/insertion

O(log n)

What are the two types of associative containers?

Ordered and unordered

What do maps store?

Sorted key/value pairs

What is a parent node?

The closest ancestor

What is a child node

The closest descendant

What is the height of a tree?

The length of the longest path to a leaf

What is the depth of a root?

The length of the path to the root

What does key erase return on a map?

The number of nodes erased.

How do you declare a map?

map <int, string> employees;

How do you erase by key on a map?


How do you range insert on a map?

map_name.insert(container.begin(), container.end());

How do you hint insert with an iterator on a map?

map_name.insert(it, make_pair(val1, val2));

How can you insert with initializer lists on maps if const value?

map_name.insert({val1, val2})

What is index lookup on a map?


What is a tree?

A graph with no cycles

What is a leaf node?

Node with no children

What is a multi map?

A map that can store several elements with the same key

What is an ancestor node?

A node on path from N to root

What is a descendant node?

A node whose ancestor is N

What is a root node?

A node with no parents

What do you need for maps in a file?

<map> and std::map

How do you use set in a file?

<set> and using std::set or using std::multiset

How do you use unordered maps in a file?

<unordered_map> and using std::unordered_map

How do you use an unordered_set in a file?

<unordered_set> and using std::unordered_set

How do you define pairs in a file?


What is an associative container?

A container that does not store elements in a linear order and provides mapping from keys to values.

What is equal_range() for multi maps?

A function that returns a pair of iterators for the range

What are keys implicitly always?


What operations do pairs have?

Copy and comparison

What does bucket(key) do?

Creates a bucket for a key

How can you lookup in a map?

Indexing, find, or range

What does insert() do?

Inserts a pair into map or returns a pair if the key already exists

What happens in hint insert?

Inserts before iterator position or returns iterator to existing pair

What is the different between maps and unordered_map functions?

No lower_bound() or upper_bound() on unordered

Can you modify set keys?

No, must be erased and inserted

Why is overloading index operation on a map unsafe?

It overwrites old key value if it exists or creates a new one if it does not

How do you traverse a map?

Iterating over map by keys or range based for

What does load_factor() do for unordered maps?

Its the size() / bucket_count()

What are sets/multisets?

Keys and values are the same

What is different between a map and multi map interface?

Multimaps do not provide indexing operator

Do sets have indexing?


What does erase(element) do for a multiset?

Removes all elements

What does find() do?

Returns iterator at value or returns end() if not found

What does find() do for multi maps?

Returns iterator one of the elements to the key, not necessarily the first

What does upper_bound(key2) do?

Returns iterator to first element greater than key

What does lower_bound(key1) do?

Returns iterator to first element no smaller than key1

What does begin(key), end(key) do?

Returns local_iterator for the chain of elements in a bucket

What does max_load_factor() do for unordered maps?

Returns or sets maximum load factor before bucket count increases

What does the hash function do?

Translates key to bucket index

What happens if keys are equal in range insert?

Unspecified behavior

Are set elements sorted?


Can maps be const?


What is the code for iterating over a map?

for (auto it=employees.cbegin(); it != employees.cend(); ++it) { ..... }

What is the code for range based for looping over a map?

for(const auto& e: employees) { .... }

What does insert() return?

pair<map<type1, type2>::iterator, bool> where bool indicates if insert was successful and the iterator is the iterator to the successful insert location or the existing key

How can you construct a pair?

pair<type1, type2>(arg1, arg2)

How can you return a pair of arg1 and arg2?

std::make_pair(arg1, arg2)

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