Strength of Materials

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For ductile materials, what is the material stress in the calculation of allowable stress from the formula: Allowable stress

= material stress / factor of safety? A. yield strength B. ultimate strength C. endurance strength D. mean stress= A. yield strength

For brittle materials, what is the material stress in the calculation of allowable stress from the formula: Allowable stress

= material stress / factor of safety? A. yield strength B. ultimate strength C. endurance strength D. mean stress= B. ultimate strength

Poisson's ratio of concrete A. 0.2 B. 0.21 C. 0.22 D. 0.19

A. 0.2

Poisson's ratio of steel A. 0.27 B. 0.23 C. 0.25 D. 0.2

A. 0.27

Which of the following may be the Poisson's ratio of the material? A. 0.35 B. 0.55 C. 0.65 D. 0.60

A. 0.35

The value of strain rate sensitivity in which a material tends to exhibit super plasticity behavior A. 0.5 B. 0.25 C. 0.43 D. 0.7

A. 0.5

The factor of safety for steel is in the range A. 1.5 -2.5 B. 2.1 - 3.2 C. 1.0 - 5.0 D. 2.5 - 3.5

A. 1.5 -2.5

What pressure is required to punch a hole 2'' A. 10 tons B. 20 tons C. 30tons D. 40 tons

A. 10 tons

The modulus of elasticity of steel is A. 200 Gpa B. 225 Mpa C. 350 Gpa D. 500 Gpa

A. 200 Gpa

The yield strength of pure aluminum is A. 7 - 11 MPa B. 7 - 11 GPa C. 2 - 5 MPa D. 2 - 5 GPa

A. 7 - 11 MPa

Material strength divided by the factor of safety is A. Allowable strength B. working stress C. Applied Stress D. Rupture stress

A. Allowable strength

Solids which break above the elastic limit are called: A. Brittle B. Ductile C. Adhesion D. Malleable

A. Brittle

Large deformation of a structural member bending out of line because of large and critical loads: A. Buckle B. Instability C. Plastic deformation D. All of the above

A. Buckle

The area of the shear diagram between any two points on the beam is equal to: A. Change in shear between two points B. Total shear between the two points C. Average moment between the two points D. Change in moment between the two points

A. Change in shear between two points

The inertia portion of the stress-strain diagram of a steel is known as the: A. Elastic range B. Strain hardening C. Plastic range D. Modulus of elongation

A. Elastic range

A simply supported beam, fixed at the other end and vertically loaded is indeterminate to what degree? A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth

A. First

A vertically loaded beam, fixed at one end and simple supported at the other is indeterminate to what degree? A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth

A. First

The stresses caused by the bending moment are known as bending or _______ stresses A. Flexure B. Fiber C. Section D. Fixture

A. Flexure

A specimen is subjected to a load when the load is removed. The strain disappears. From this information, which can be deduced about the material? A. It is elastic B. It is plastic C. It has a high modulus of elasticity D. It is brittle

A. It is elastic

The SI unit of modulus of toughness is A. J/m^3 B. J/m C. J/m^2 D. Jm^2/s

A. J/m^3

The property of a material that resist elastic deformation A. Modulus of elasticity B. Modulus of rigidity C. Modulus of toughness D. Bulk Modulus

A. Modulus of elasticity

What should be used to graphically determine the moment of inertia about the principal axes? A. Mohr's Circle B. Goodman's Circle C. Soderberg Line D. Polar Coordinates

A. Mohr's Circle

Material that has three mutually perpendicular planes of elastic symmetry A. Orthotropic B. Isotropic C. Anisotropic D. Monotropic

A. Orthotropic

Once the centroidal moment of inertia is known, the mass moment of inertia about any parallel axis can be found using A. Parallel Axis theorem B. Varignon's theorem C. Pappus Theorem D. Guldinus Theorem

A. Parallel Axis theorem

For materials operating in the non-linear region, the instantaneous ratio of stress to strain is called: A. Secant modulus B. Modulus of toughness C. Modulus of resilience D. Modulus of rigidity

A. Secant modulus

The bending moment at a section of a beam is derived from the A. Sum of the moments of all external forces on one side of the section B. Difference between the moments on one side of the section and the opposite side C. Sum of the moments of all external forces on both sides of the section D. Sum of the moments of all external forces between supports

A. Sum of the moments of all external forces on one side of the section

The moment diagram for a simply-supported beam with a load at the mild point is a A. Triangle B. parabola C. trapezoid D. rectangle

A. Triangle

Very low values of the coefficient thermal expansion lead to A. Very low values of thermal expansion B. No thermal expansion C. High values of thermal expansion D. very high values of thermal expansion

A. Very low values of thermal expansion

Distortion energy theory is also known as A. Von Mises theory B. Mohr-Coulomb theory C. Drucker-prager yield criterion D. Bresler-pister yield criterion

A. Von Mises theory

A material which exhibits a low value of ultimate strength is A. Weak B. Strong C. Hard D. Soft

A. Weak

The three moment equation may be used to analyze A. a continuous beam B. a beam loaded at the third points C. a step tapered column D. a three element composite beam

A. a continuous beam

A positive moment on a beam causes what kind of stress in the upper fibers of the beam? A. compression B. tension C. shear D. fatigue

A. compression

The region immediately adjacent to the point of maximum bending moment of the beam is called: A. dangerous section of the beam B. critical section of the beam C. safe section of the beam D. strong section of the beam

A. dangerous section of the beam

A material that deforms and elongates a great deal before failure is said to be A. ductile B. brittle C. malleable D. plastic

A. ductile

The ratio of the ultimate failure strain to the yielding strain is called _____. A. ductility B. malleability C. rigidity D. poisson's ratio

A. ductility

The edge view of the neutral surface of a deflected beam is called the ______ of the beam. A. elastic curve B. elastic segment C. elastic edge D. elastic deflections

A. elastic curve

For any rectangular element in a stressed body, and is not restricted to an element of a torsion member, the longitudinal shear stress is then _____ in value to the transverse shear stress. A. equal B. greater C. less D. greater or less

A. equal

A vertically loaded beam, fixed at one end and simply supported at the other is indeterminate to what degree? A. first B. second C. third D. fourth

A. first

Individual rigidity values A. have no significance B. indicate how much stronger one member is than another C. are significant only for ductile materials D. are significant only for brittle materials

A. have no significance

It occurs when a long unsupported member rolls out of its normal plane A. lateral buckling B. local buckling C. web crippling D. vertical buckling

A. lateral buckling

For any specific material, the percentage decrease in diameter is known as A. lateral strain B. axial strain C. normal strain D. shear strain

A. lateral strain

The weight of all non-permanent objects, including people and furniture, in the structure. A. live load B. dead load C. natural load D. working load

A. live load

Tensile and compressive stress are caused by forces _________ to the areas on which they act A. perpendicular B. parallel C. angled D. skew

A. perpendicular

Materials with low values of thermal expansion are desirable for A. pyrex glassware B. barometers C. thermometers D. railroad rails

A. pyrex glassware

What do you call a material which is able to absorb and release strain energy without permanent deformation? A. resilience material B. plastic material C. flexible material D. tough material

A. resilience material

A shearing stress acting on a body changes its A. shape B. length C. volume D. area

A. shape

When an axial stress is applied eccentrically to a beam, the combined stress due to compression (tension) and bending may be found by A. simple addition B. combined stress theory C. mohr's circle D. finite element analysis

A. simple addition

Very low values of the coefficient of thermal expansion lead to A. very low values of thermal expansion B. no thermal expansion C. high values of thermal expansion D. very high values of thermal expansion

A. very low values of thermal expansion

It is defined as the actual strews the material has when under load. A. working stress B. normal stress C. yield stress D. minimum stress

A. working stress

The maximum moment in a simple beam subject to a triangular load beginning at zero from the left support to a value at the right support occurs at distance from the left support of: A. 0.5 l B. 0.577 l C. 0.667 l D. 0.750 l

B. 0.577 l

The typical Young's modulus of steel is A. 145 - 170 GPa B. 195 - 210 GPa C. 225 - 240 GPa D. 275 - 310 GPa

B. 195 - 210 GPa

The modulus of elasticity of steel is: A. 150 Gpa B. 200 Gpa C. 50 Gpa D. 400 Gpa

B. 200 Gpa

A homogenous round bar of diameter D, length L, and total weight W is hung vertically from one end. If E is the modulus of elasticity, what is the total elongation of the bar? A. WL/piD^2E B. 2WL/piD^2E C. WL/2piD^2E D. WL/2E

B. 2WL/piD^2E

The modulus of rigidity of a material is roughly _______ of its modulus of elasticity A. 50% B. 40% C. 25% D. 15%

B. 40%

In a beam of rectangular cross section, the maximum shear stress _______ higher than the average shear stress is A. 86% B. 50% C. 33% D. 60%

B. 50%

In a beam of rectangular cross section, the minimum shear when related to the average shear stress is A. 150% higher B. 50% higher C. 33% D. 50% lower

B. 50% higher

Engineering strain is also known as A. Hooke strain B. Cauchy strain C. Couch strain D. Pascal strain

B. Cauchy strain

The moment produced by two equal and opposite and collinear forces is known as A. resultant B. Couple C. Torque D. Equilibrant

B. Couple

To determine the required section modulus S, the minimum M max should be: A. Multiplied by the maximum allowable bending stress B. Divided by the maximum allowable bending stress C. None in the list D. Divided by the modulus of elasticity e and moment of inertia

B. Divided by the maximum allowable bending stress

If a member is not restrained against sway, and has hinged ends, and the critical load is reached, this member will buckle laterally turning into the shape of; A. S-curve B. Full sine wave C. Half sine wave D. Not in the list

B. Full sine wave

A graph which relates the yield strength and the endurance limit in ductile materials, but has disadvantage of requiring the ultimate strength to be known A. Mohr's Circle B. Goodman's line C. Soderberg Line D. Euler's line

B. Goodman's line

A material with a high value of modulus of elasticity A. Strong B. Hard C. Weak D. Soft

B. Hard

Where do stress concentration occurs? I. near the points of application of concentrated load II. along the entire length of high distributed loads III. at discontinuities A. I and II B. I and III C. II and III D. I, II, and III

B. I and III

A material with a very high value of bulk modulus A. Compressible B. Incompressible C. Soft D. Hard

B. Incompressible

A thin homogeneous metallic plate containing a hole is heated sufficiently to cause expansion. If the coefficient of surface expansion is linear, the area of the hole will. A. Increase at twice the rate the area of the metal increases B. Increases at the same rate as the area of the metal increases C. stays the same D. decreases at the same rate as the area of the metal increases

B. Increases at the same rate as the area of the metal increases

In the discussion of torsional stress a _______ stress aside from shearing stress on transverse section is also induced which is perpendicular and numerically equal to the transverse torsional shearing stress. A. Linear B. Longitudinal C. Centroidal D. Cross-sectional

B. Longitudinal

The area under the entire stress-strain curve of a material is A. Modulus of resilience B. Modulus of toughness C. Young's Modulus D. Modulus of rigidity

B. Modulus of toughness

A mathematical model describing the response of brittle materials such as concrete, or rubble piles, to shear stress as well as normal stress. A. Von Mises theory B. Mohr-Coulomb Theory C. Drucker-Prager yield criterion D. Bresler-pister yield criterion

B. Mohr-Coulomb Theory

In many materials the proportional limit is about _______ of the ultimate strength. A. Equal B. One half C. One third D. One Fourth

B. One half

The moment of Inertia of a plane area about an axis normal to the plane is equal to the sum of the moment of inertia about any two mutually perpendicular axes lying in the plane and passing through the given axis. This is best known as A. Parallel axis theorem B. Perpendicular axis theorem C. Transfer Inertia D. Pappus Theorem

B. Perpendicular axis theorem

A very short compression members are known as A. Beam B. Piers C. Girder D. Column

B. Piers

A material with a high poisson's ratio value A. Cork B. Rubber C. Steel D. Glass

B. Rubber

The moment of Inertia is also known as A. First moment of Area B. Second moment of Area C. Centroidal moment of Area D. Varignon's principle

B. Second moment of Area

A stress that is caused by force acting along or parallel to the area of resisting forces. A. Normal B. Shearing C. Tensile D. Compressive

B. Shearing

The ratio of the unsupported length to the least radius of gyration of a column is called: A. Poisson's ratio B. Slenderness Ration C. Modulus of elasticity D. Strain

B. Slenderness Ration

A material with low value of modulus of elasticity A. Weak B. Soft C. Hard D. Tough

B. Soft

It is made of elastic material formed into the shape of a helix which returns to its natural length when unloaded A. Autumn B. Spring C. Spiral D. Beam

B. Spring

What refers to the parallel axis theorem for second moment of area? A. Mohr's theorem B. Steiner's theorem C. Maxwell's theorem D. Young's theorem

B. Steiner's theorem

The principle of ______ per units the defection at a point to be calculated as the sum of the deflections from each individual load acting singly A. Substitution B. Superposition C. Interaction D. elastic deflection

B. Superposition

Which of the following metal has the highest value of modulus of elasticity? A. Steel B. Tungsten C. Titanium D. Aluminum

B. Tungsten

The maximum bending stress at a given cross section of an I-beam occurs A. where the shearing stress is maximum B. at the outermost fiber C. at the joint of the web and the flange D. at the neutral axis

B. at the outermost fiber

The property of some elementary particles that causes them to exert force on one another is known as: A. potential difference B. charge C. specific charge D. nucleon interaction

B. charge

The volume strain for a constant applied force increases directly with an increase in A. volume B. compressibility C. surface area D. bulk modulus

B. compressibility

When a load is applied to a beam axially at the centroid of the cross section, the beam is said to be loaded A. eccentrically B. concentrically C. dynamically D. pseudostatically

B. concentrically

It is an inert, inactive load, primarily due to the structure's own weight A. live load B. dead load C. natural load D. working load

B. dead load

The tendency of a body to return to its original size or shape after having been deformed is called: A. elastance B. elasticity C. elastivity D. anelastivity

B. elasticity

Stress on an object is _________ its cross sectional area A. directly proportional to B. inversely proportional to C. less than D. greater than

B. inversely proportional to

The elastic deformation of a material is: A. directly proportional to cross-sectional area of the material B. inversely proportional to the modulus of elasticity of material C. inversely proportional to the force acting on the material D. inversely proportional to the initial length of the material

B. inversely proportional to the modulus of elasticity of material

If the properties of a body are the same in all directions, it is called: A. isodynamic B. isotropic C. isogonic D. isotopic

B. isotropic

A shearing stress acting on one face of an element is always accompanied by a numerically ________ shearing stress acting on a perpendicular face A. equal B. less C. greater D. is equal to or less than

B. less

The property of metals that allows them to be drawn into thin wires beyond their elastic limit without being ruptured is called A. ductility B. malleability C. elasticity D. hardness

B. malleability(true answer is ductility, please check the imax for correction)

It is an inelastic failure of the beam A. vertical buckling B. rotation C. web crippling D. local buckling

B. rotation

In heavy loaded short beams, the design is usually governed with the _______ but in longer beams, the _______ generally governs A. shearing stress, shearing stress B. shearing stress, flexure stress C. flexure stress, shearing stress D. flexure stress, flexure stress

B. shearing stress, flexure stress

The energy per unit volume stored in a deformed material is called: A. stored energy B. strain energy C. distortion energy D. stiffness

B. strain energy

It occurs whenever there is a discontinuity or non-uniformity of an object A. stress disturbance B. stress concentration C. stress combination D. stress failure

B. stress concentration

When an air entrainment agent is introduced into a concrete mix A. the strength will increase B. the strength will decrease C. the strength will not be affected D. the water/cement ratio must be reduced from 10-15%

B. the strength will decrease

In calculations using standard structural shapes of I-beams, it is assumed that the shear stress is carried by the A. entire cross-sectional area B. web only C. top flange only when in compression D. flanges only

B. web only

It describes the length elasticity of the material A. bulk modulus B. young's modulus or tensile modulus C. modulus of compressibility D. shear modulus

B. young's modulus or tensile modulus

Common values of Poisson's Ratio 0.25 to 0.3 for steel, and approximately _______ for most metal A. 0.20 B. 0.38 C. 0.33 D. 0.23

C. 0.33

Stress tensor contains the following independent stresses: A. 6 normal stresses + 3 shearing stresses B. 6 normal stresses + 6 shearing stresses C. 3 normal stresses + 3 shearing stresses D. 3 normal stresses + 6 shearing stresses

C. 3 normal stresses + 3 shearing stresses

In a beam of circular cross section, the maximum shear stress _______ higher than the average shear stress is A. 86% B. 50% C. 33% D. 60%

C. 33%

The maximum shearing stress in a rectangular section is __________% greater than the average shear stress. A. 25 B. 35 C. 50 D. 75

C. 50

Which of the following materials is known to expand instead of contracting when stretched in the other direction? A. Cast iron B. Sand C. Auxetics D. Cork

C. Auxetics

It is an internal stress caused by contact pressure between separate bodies. A. Compressive B. shearing C. Bearing D. Longitudinal

C. Bearing

It is defined as the summation of moments about the centroidal axis of any selected section of all the loads acting either to the left or right side of the section. A. Vertical moment B. Moving Load moment C. Bending moment D. longitudinal moment

C. Bending moment

The method of superposition for calculating beam deflections due to multiple loads is valid as long as A. none of the deflections are excessive B. stresses are less than the yield strength C. Both A and B. D. deflections are negligibly small

C. Both A and B.

Continuing changes in dimensions of a stressed material over time is called ______. A. Aging B. Embrittlement C. Creep D. Deformation

C. Creep

A pressure-dependent model for determining wheter a material has failed or undergone plastic yielding A. Von Mises theory B. Mohr-Coulomb Theory C. Drucker-Prager yield criterion D. Bresler-pister yield criterion

C. Drucker-Prager yield criterion

The sum of all forces in the orthogonal directions and sum of all moments about any point are zero: A. Buckling load B. Compatibility C. Equilibrium D. Stability

C. Equilibrium

In a long column, (slenderness ratio > 160) which of the following has the greatest influence on its tendency to buckle under a compressive load: A. Modulus of elasticity B. Radius of gyration of the column C. Length of the column D. Compressive strength of the material

C. Length of the column

It permits us to extend Hooke's Law of uniaxial stress to the case of biaxial stress. A. Stress-Strain ratio B. Free body diagram C. Poisson's Ratio D. Moment-Shear Diagram

C. Poisson's Ratio

The angle of twist is measured in A. Mils B. Gradians C. Radians D. Degrees

C. Radians

A graph which relates the yield strength and the endurance limit in ductile materials A. Mohr's Circle B. Goodman's line C. Soderberg Line D. Euler's line

C. Soderberg Line

Which of the following substances has the least average coefficient of linear thermal expansion? A. Copper B. Concrete C. Steel D. Tin

C. Steel

What is the easiest way to determine the redundant support in propped beams. A. Double integration method B. Area moment method C. Superposition method D. Single Integration method

C. Superposition method

The maximum safe stress a material may carry is called A. Working stress B. true stress C. allowable stress D. normal stress

C. allowable stress

If the bending of a rectangular beam is under axial loading, where is the location of maximum shear stress? A. at the top edge B. at the bottom edge C. at the neutral axis D. at the horizontal axis

C. at the neutral axis

The reciprocal of bulk modulus is A. bulk modulus B. young's modulus or tensile modulus C. compressibility D. shear modulus

C. compressibility

The sum of the strains in the three orthogonal directions in accordance with poisson's ratio A. hooke's law B. modulus of elasticity C. dilation D. shear modulus

C. dilation

The ratio of the ultimate stress to the allowable stress of the material is called A. elastic limit B. strength C. factor of safety D. modulus of elasticity

C. factor of safety

All of the following shapes can lead to stress concentrations except A. stepped shafts B. plates with holes C. gently tapered parts with large fillets and radii D. shafts and keyways

C. gently tapered parts with large fillets and radii

The conjugate beam method of calculating beam deflection allows the deflection to be found by drawing A. shear diagrams B. shear stress diagrams C. moment diagrams D. shear and moment diagrams

C. moment diagrams

Whenever an element is subject only to shear stress, with no normal forces on the faces of the element, a state of ______ is said to be exist. A. basic shear B. specific shear C. pure shear D. normal shear

C. pure shear

When more than one spring or resisting member share the load, the relative stiffness is known as A. shear modulus B. dynamic stiffness C. rigidities D. flexural stiffness

C. rigidities

The inelastic or plastic failure of the beam is called: A. dilation B. translation C. rotation D. torsion

C. rotation

Structural steel elements subjected to torsion develop A. tensile stress B. compressive stress C. shearing stress D. moment

C. shearing stress

What type of stress is produced whenever the applied load cause one section of a body to tend to slide past its adjacent section? A. normal stress B. sliding stress C. shearing stress D. bearing stress

C. shearing stress

It is often referred as spring constant A. strength B. malleability C. stiffness D. none of these

C. stiffness

Shearing stress is also known as A. simple stress B. shearing stress C. tangential stress D. normal stress

C. tangential stress

When applied normal an shear stresses are resolved in such a manner that the shear stresses vanish (go to zero), the resulting normal stresses are the point are A. resolvable to shear stresses B. negligible C. the maximum and minimum stresses acting in any direction D. important only in comparison

C. the maximum and minimum stresses acting in any direction

The thermal stress in a bar that is allowed to expand freely when heated to a higher temperature is A. large and positive B. small and positive C. zero D. small and negative

C. zero

Floor beams carrying plaster ceilings beneath them are usually restricted to a maximum deflection of ______ of their lengths. A. 1/240 B. 1/150 C. 1/300 D. 1/360

D. 1/360

A cylindrical tank is considered to be thin-walled if its diameter is more than ____ times the wall thickness. A. 5 B. 6 C. 2 D. 10

D. 10

Which of the following is a uni of toughness of a material? A. Pascal B. Psi C. J/m^3 D. All of the above

D. All of the above

This subject involved analytical methods for determining strength, stiffness (deformation characteristics) and stability of the various member in a structural system: I.Mechanics of materials II.Strength of materials III.Mechanics of deformable bodies A. One of the three B. Two of the three C. One of the three D. All of the three

D. All of the three

The _______ yield criterion is a function that was originally devised to predict the strength of concrete under multiaxial stress states A. Von Mises theory B. Mohr-Coulomb Theory C. Drucker-Prager yield criterion D. Bresler-pister yield criterion

D. Bresler-pister yield criterion

Like the Soderberg criterion, the Goodman criterion should be used with all the following materials except A. steel B. aluminum C. titanium D. Cast Iron

D. Cast Iron

Long compression members are known as A. Beam B. Piers C. Girder D. Column

D. Column

The load at which a column fails is known as A. Live load B. Common Load C. Dead load D. Critical Load or Euler Load

D. Critical Load or Euler Load

The type of loading which occurs when the load is not applied through the centroid A. Torsion B. Axial or Concentric C. Direct Shear D. Eccentric

D. Eccentric

The young modulus E is nearly: A. 80700n/mm2 B. 2154465n/mm2 C. 21654024n/mm2 D. None in the list

D. None in the list

A tee section is made up of a 30 x 150 mm flange and a 30 mm x mm web. The neutral axis above the lowest fibers of the section is : A. 155 mm B. 35 mm C. 160 mm D. None of the above

D. None of the above

A simple beam of length L has a concentrated load of P at a distance A from the left support and B from the right support. The maximum moment in the beam is: A. Pa2 /L B. None in the list C. Pa2 /L2 D. Pab/L

D. Pab/L

The strength of a material is not only the criterion that must be considered in designing structures of equal importance is the ________ of the material. A. Toughness B. Hardness C. Ductility D. Stiffness

D. Stiffness

Who introduced the modulus of elasticity in 1807? A. William Young B. James Young C. Lord Young D. Thomas Young E. O.M. Jr.

D. Thomas Young

The location of the maximum shearing stress in the structural steel rolled section is at the : A. Flange junction of web and flange B. Web junction of web and flange C. Uniform a cross section D. Web neutral axis

D. Web neutral axis

What is the bending stress at section of a loaded beam at its neutral axis? A. a combination of both shear and moment at that section B. equal to the shear at that section C. the maximum stress at that section D. Zero

D. Zero

Which of the following method of determining the bar force of a truss member A. method of section B. method of joints C. method of virtual work D. all of the above

D. all of the above

For a simply supported beam, where does the maximum shear stress occur? A. at the section of maximum moment B. at the top fibers C. at the bottom fibers D. at the supports

D. at the supports

When a twisting moment is applied to a circular shaft, shear stresses are produced in A. horizontal planes B. transverse planes C. longitudinal planes D. both transverse and longitudinal planes

D. both transverse and longitudinal planes

The constant of proportionality relating the volumetric expansion of an object to its change in temperature is called A. modulus of elasticity B. bulk modulus C. coefficient of linear expansion D. coefficient of volumetric expansion

D. coefficient of volumetric expansion

The units of relative stiffness or rigidity are A. newtons B. newtons/meter C. newton_meter D. dimensionless

D. dimensionless

Beams selected must have its section modulus ______ the ratio of bending moment to allowable stress. A. equal B. greater C. less D. equal to or greater than

D. equal to or greater than

The progressive decrease of a property as a result of repeated stress is called: A. debility B. rigidity C. elastic deformation D. fatigue

D. fatigue

The stress concentration factor A. is the ratio of the average stress on a section to the allowable stress B. cannot be evaluated for brittle materials C. is the ratio of areas involve in a sudden change of cross section D. is the ratio of the maximum stress produced in a cross section to the average stress over the section

D. is the ratio of the maximum stress produced in a cross section to the average stress over the section

Brass could not be used to reinforce concrete because A. its density is too large B. its density is too low C. its too expensive D. its coefficient of thermal expansion is not right

D. its coefficient of thermal expansion is not right

It is an overload condition that occurs nears large concentrated load A. rotation B. lateral buckling C. elastic failure D. local buckling

D. local buckling

A circular shaft is subjected to a pure torsion will display which of the following? A. constant shear stress throughout the shaft B. maximum shear stress at the center of the shaft C. no shear stress throughout the shaft D. maximum shear stress at the outer fibers

D. maximum shear stress at the outer fibers

A fictitious stress used to compare the ultimate strengths of various sizes and materials. A. bending stress B. modulus of rigidity C. flexure stress D. modulus of rupture

D. modulus of rupture

The amount of lateral strain in a tension member can be calculated using A. the bulk modulus B. poisson's ratio C. the yield stress D. nonisotropic

D. nonisotropic

Wood has grain resulting in a material properties quite different normal to the grain compared with properties parallel to the grain. Such a material is A. nonhomogeneous B. nonhomorphic C. nonorthotropic D. nonisotropic

D. nonisotropic

The region of the stress-strain curve extending from the proportional limit to the point of rupture is called A. rigid range B. malleable range C. elastic range D. plastic range

D. plastic range

When applied normal an shear stresses are resolved in such a manner that the shear stresses vanish (go to zero), the resulting normal stresses are called the A. main stresses B. normal stresses C. extreme shear stresses D. principal stresses

D. principal stresses

Volumetric stain is the: A. change in volume per unit time B. square root of difference of original volume and change in volume C. original volume minus change in volume D. ratio of change in volume to original volume

D. ratio of change in volume to original volume

Under which type of loading does fatigue occur? A. static load B. plastic load C. heavy load D. repeated load

D. repeated load

When more than one spring or resisting member shares the load, the relative stiffness is the A. modulus of elasticity B. normal stress C. stiffness D. rigidity

D. rigidity

It describes the shape elasticity of the material A. bulk modulus B. young modulus or tensile modulus C. compressibility D. shear modulus

D. shear modulus

The amount of force required to produce a unit deformation in a given material is called: A. modulus of elasticity B. normal stress C. shear stress D. stiffness

D. stiffness

What is used to determine the actual stress experienced on the surface of a member? A. seismograph B. barometer C. pitot tube D. strain gage

D. strain gage

All of the following are feasible methods for calculating truss deflection of statically indeterminant trusses except the A. strain energy method B. virtual work method C. unit load method D. table look-up method

D. table look-up method

The easiest, most straight forward method for determining the beam deflection is the A. double integration method B. moment area method C. strain energy method D. table look-up method

D. table look-up method

In a long column (slenderness ratio > 160) which of the following has the greatest influence on its tendency to buckle under a compressive load A. the modulus of elasticity of the material B. the compressive strength of the material C. the radius of gyration of the column D. the length of the column

D. the length of the column

In the stress-strain diagram, what is the correct term for the stress level at 0.20% A. the elastic limit B. the plastic limit C. the offset rupture stress D. the offset yield stress

D. the offset yield stress

The "Slenderness ratio" of a column is generally defined as the ratio of its A. length to its minimum width B. unsupported length to its maximum radius of gyration C. length to its moment of inertia D. unsupported length to its least radius of gyration

D. unsupported length to its least radius of gyration

A 3'' diameter short shaft carrying two pulley close to the bearings transmit how much horsepower if the shaft makes 280 rpm? A. 199 hp B. 198 hp C. 200 hp D. 210 hp

A. 199 hp

Determine the estimate weight of an A-36 steel plate size 3/16 x 6' 20'. A. 919 lbs. B. 1012 lbs. C. 829 lbs. D. 735 lbs.

A. 919 lbs.

To reduce cost in the manufacturing of large worm gears the materials to utilize: A. Alloyed aluminum rim with cast iron spider B. Bronze rim with cast steel spider C. cast iron rim with bronze spider D. all of these

A. Alloyed aluminum rim with cast iron spider

What is a structural member supported horizontally and carries transverse loading? A. Beam B. Column C. Arch D. Shaft

A. Beam

Modulus of rigidity of a steel member is A. Define as the unit shear stress divided by the unit shear deformation (shear strain) B. Equal to the modulus of elasticity divided by one plus Poisson's ratio C. Defined as the length divided by the moment of inertia D. Equal to approximately 7/10 of the modulus of elasticity

A. Define as the unit shear stress divided by the unit shear deformation (shear strain)

It is the change in shape and / or size of a continuum body after it undergoes a displacement between an initial and a deformed configuration A. Deformation B. Distortion C. Deflection D. Dilation

A. Deformation

An instrument that measures the hardness of the work piece in terms of the work piece in terms of elasticity A. Durometer B. Scleroscope C. Mohs's Scale D. Brinell tester

A. Durometer

____ is the stress beyond which the material will not return to its original shape when unloaded but will retain a permanent deformation. A. Elastic limit B. Proportional limit C. Yield limit D. Yield strength

A. Elastic limit

The differential of the shear equation is which one of the following: A. Load of the beam B. Slope of the elastic curve C. Bending moment of the beam D. Tensile strength of the beam

A. Load of the beam

Within elastic limit, the shear stress is proportional to shear strain. What is the constant of propotionality of this statement called? A. Modulus of rigidity B. Modulus of elasticity C. Young's modulus D. Bulk modulus

A. Modulus of rigidity

What is the ratio of the transverse strain to the corresponding axial strain in a body subjected to uniaxial stress? A. Poisson's ratio B. Euler's ratio C. Refractive index D. Dielectric index

A. Poisson's ratio

When a material is stretched in one direction and the other direction tends to contract, the Poisson's ratio is A. Positive B. Negative C. Zero D. Cannot be determined

A. Positive

What is another term for modulus of rigidity? A. Shear modulus B. Young's modulus C. Bulk modulus D. Modulus of elasticity

A. Shear modulus

Defined as the ratio of the ultimate strength to the specific weight A. Specific Strength B. Specific Rigidity C. Specific Modulus D. Specific Gravity

A. Specific Strength

What are the four basic forms of deformation of solid bodies? A. Tension, compression, bending and twisting B. Tension, compression, elongation and bending C. Tension, compression, plastic and elastic D. Tension, compression, elongation and torsion

A. Tension, compression, bending and twisting

The moment of inertia about the principal x - x axis of a cross section is: A. The integral of y2Da B. The integral of xda C. The integral of x2Da D. The integral of xyda

A. The integral of y2Da

Is the twisting of an object due to an applied torque. A. Torsion B. Radial distortion C. Circumferential shear D. Centrifugal force

A. Torsion

What is a metal characteristic to withstand forces that cause twisting? A. Torsional strength B. Modulus of elasticity C. Twisting moment D. Elasticity

A. Torsional strength

Poisson's ratio is the ratio of the: A. Unit lateral deformation to the unit longitudinal deformation B. Unit stress to unit strain C. Elastic limit to proportional limit D. Shear to compressive strain

A. Unit lateral deformation to the unit longitudinal deformation

Principal stresses occur on those planes: A. Where the shearing stress is zero B. Which are 45° Apart C. Where the shearing stress in minimum D. Which are subjected to pure tension

A. Where the shearing stress is zero

The modulus of elasticity is also known as A. Young's modulus B. Modulus of rigidity C. Hooke's ratio D. Yield strength

A. Young's modulus

A ________ material has a relatively small strain up to the point of rupture A. brittle B. malleable C. ductile D. conductible

A. brittle

Strength of materials can most aptly be described as "statics of deformable _______ bodies". A. elastic B. rigid C. compressible D. thermal

A. elastic

The maximum stress that may be developed during a simple tension test such that there is no permanent or residual deformation when the load is entirely removed A. elastic limit B. proportional limit C. yield point D. rupture point

A. elastic limit

Stiffness is: A. ratio of force to deformation B. ratio of force to modulus of elasticity C. ratio of product of cross-sectional area and initial length to deformation D. ratio of initial length to cross-sectional area

A. ratio of force to deformation

Fixing both ends of a simply supported beam that has a uniform load throughout the span will increase the allowable load by: A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 100%

B. 50%

The change of volume per unit volume is defined as the A. Convection B. Dilatation C. Expansion D. Mutation

B. Dilatation

Continuous stretching under load even if the stress is less than the yield point: A. Plasticity B. Elasticity C. Creep D. Ductility

B. Elasticity

Which of the following materials has the least modulus of elasticity? A. Steel B. Glass C. Copper D. Aluminum

B. Glass

It states that the elongation is proportional to the force A. Pascal's Law B. Hooke's Law C. Young's Theorem D. Farrell's Law

B. Hooke's Law

The deflection of a beam is: A. Directly proportional to the modulus of elasticity and Moment of inertia B. Inversely proportional to the modulus of elasticity and moment of inertia C. Directly proportional to the load imposed and inversely to the length squared D. Inversely proportional to the weight and length

B. Inversely proportional to the modulus of elasticity and moment of inertia

One of having the same elastic properties in all directions at any one point of the body A. Orthotropic B. Isotropic C. Anisotropic D. Monotropic

B. Isotropic

When a material is stretched in one direction and the other direction tends to expand, the Poisson's ratio is A. Positive B. Negative C. Zero D. Cannot be determined

B. Negative

The ratio of the lateral expansion to the longitudinal shortening of a concrete cylinder when subjected to compressive load. A. Modulus of elasticity B. Poisson's ratio C. Modulus of rupture D. None of the above

B. Poisson's ratio

It is hardening treatment whereby a cast metal is being heated to a very high temperature then suddenly subjected to rapid cooling to improve hardness is called: A. Normalizing B. Quenching C. Tempering D. Annealing

B. Quenching

A short structural member of length l, area a and modulus of elasticity e, subjected to a compression load of p. The member will: A. Elongated by pl/ae B. Shorten by pl/ae C. Buckle at π2 Ei/ll D. None of the above

B. Shorten by pl/ae

What does it means when the material is said to be "yielding"? A. The material has pass through plastic range and enter the elastic range B. The material has pass through elastic range and enter the plastic range C. The material is in the elastic range only D. The material is in the plastic range only

B. The material has pass through elastic range and enter the plastic range

Stresses arising when a change in temperature affects the original length of a body A. Kelvin stress B. Thermal stress C. Hydraulic stress D. Humid stress

B. Thermal stress

It is the rotational force down a shaft A. Pressure B. Torque C. Torsion D. Tangential load

B. Torque

What is the unit of strain? A. Pascal B. Unitless C. N-m D. N-m/s

B. Unitless

The maximum safe stress a material can carry A. Optimum stress B. Working stress C. Differential stress D. Partial stress

B. Working stress

What refers to the stress in the material at the elastic limit? A. Working stress B. Yield stress C. Ultimate stress D. Maximum stress

B. Yield stress

The maximum stress that may be developed during a simple tension that the stress is a linear function of strain. A. elastic limit B. proportional limit C. yield point D. rupture point

B. proportional limit

Poisson's ratio of glass A. 0.16 B. 0.19 C. 0.23 D. 0.27

C. 0.23

How many times greater is the plastic range of strain as compared to the elastic range of strain? A. 100 B. 200 C. 300 D. 400

C. 300

Material that does not possess any kind of elastic symmetry A. Orthotropic B. Isotropic C. Anisotropic D. Monotropic

C. Anisotropic

Heating of metal above the critical temperature and then cooling slowly usually furnace to reduce the hardness and improve the machinability is called: A. Normalizing B. Tempering C. Annealing D. Quenching

C. Annealing

The _________ test is used for determining the hardness of metallic materials consists in applying a known load to the surface of the material to be tested through a hardened steel ball of known diameter. A. Shore B. Vicker C. Brinell D. Rockwell

C. Brinell

A measure of the resistance of a material to change of volume without change of shape or form A. Young's modulus B. Modulus of rigidity C. Bulk modulus D. Shear modulus

C. Bulk modulus

The form of deformation of a spring is A. Twisting B. Volume expansion C. Elongation D. None of the above

C. Elongation

Stress concentration factor: A. Is a ratio of average stress on a section to the allowable stress B. Is the ratio of areas involved in a sudden change of cross section C. Is the ratio of maximum stress produced in a section to the average stress over the section D. Is the load factor applied to loads

C. Is the ratio of maximum stress produced in a section to the average stress over the section

The ratio of the moment of inertia of the cross-section of the beam to the section modulus. A. Equal to the radius gyration B. Equal to the area of the cross-section C. Measure a distance D. Dependent on the modulus of elasticity of the beam measure

C. Measure a distance

It is a measure of the ease with which a crack progresses through a material from an existing notch, crack, or sharp corner A. Creep Rate B. Brittleness C. Notch Sensitivity D. Moh's Scale

C. Notch Sensitivity

What is the unit of the modulus of elasticity? A. N-m B. Unitless C. Pa D. N-m/s

C. Pa

One Newton per square meter is one A. Joule B. Watt C. Pascal D. Kelvin

C. Pascal

What refers to the point in which the bending moment changes sign through a zero value? A. Critical point B. Point of inflection C. Point of contraflexure D. Point of zero stress

C. Point of contraflexure

The section of a beam at which the bending moment changes from positive to negative is called. A. Critical point B. Deflection point C. Point of inflection D. None of the above

C. Point of inflection

The stress in an elastic material is: A. Inversely proportional to the materials yield strength B. Inversely proportional to the force acting C. Proportional to the displacement D. Inversely proportional to the strain

C. Proportional to the displacement

Defined as the ratio of the Young's modulus to the specific weight A. Specific Strength B. Specific Rigidity C. Specific Modulus D. Specific Gravity

C. Specific Modulus

Killed steel is very much associated with: A. Manganese B. Phosphorous C. Sulphur D. Silicon

C. Sulphur

The region of the stress-strain curve extending from the origin to the proportional limit is called A. rigid range B. malleable range C. elastic range D. plastic range

C. elastic range

One of the same elastic properties at all points in the body A. heterogeneous material B. multistate material C. homogenous material D. monostate material

C. homogenous material

The strain energy of a member is: A. inversely proportional to the square of the force acting on the member B. directly proportional to the modulus of elasticity C. inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the member D. inversely proportional to the initial length of the member

C. inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the member

What is the maximum moment of a beam supported at both ends and carries a uniform load of w throughout its entire length? A. wL / 2 B. wL / 8 C. wL2 / 8 D. wL2 / 4

C. wL2 / 8

The ordinate of the point at which there is an increase in strain with no increase in stress is known as A. elastic limit B. proportional limit C. yield point D. rupture point

C. yield point

Steel has a modulus of elasticity of _____ MPa. A. 200 B. 2,000 C. 20,000 D. 200,000

D. 200,000

Shear center of a cross section: A. Is located at the centroid for wf and doubly symmetric shapes. B. Can be located by equilibrium of internal torsional shear stresses with external torsional forces. C. For singly symmetry cross section such as c shape, is located at the axis of symmetry but not at the centroid. D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following is/are known as tangential stress? A. Circumferential stress B. Hoop stress C. Girth stress D. All of the above

D. All of the above

The section modulus of a rectangular of base "b" and height "h" about its base is: A. Bh2/6 B. Bh3/3 C. Bh2/12 D. Bh3/12

D. Bh3/12

Within elastic limit, the volumetric strain is proportional to the hydrostatic stress. What is the constant that relates these two quantities called? A. Modulus of rigidity B. Modulus of elasticity C. Young's modulus D. Bulk modulus

D. Bulk modulus

Which of the following is known to have no contractions or expansion when stretched in the other direction? A. Cast iron B. Sand C. Auxetics D. Cork

D. Cork

The linear portion of the stress - strain diagram of steel is known as the: A. Modulus of elongation B. Plastic range C. Strain hardening D. Elastic range

D. Elastic range

The moment of inertia of any plane figure can be expressed in units of length to the: A. First power B. Second power C. Third power D. Fourth power

D. Fourth power

All are methods of determining the bar force of a truss member except one. Which one? A. Method of joints B. Method of section C. Method of virtual work D. Maxwell diagram

D. Maxwell diagram

The ratio of the strain in the lateral direction to that in the axial direction A. Pascal's Number B. Factor of Safety C. Young's Modulus D. Poisson's ratio

D. Poisson's ratio

The condition under which the stress is constant or uniform is known as A. Shearing stress B. Tangential stress C. Torsion D. Simple stress

D. Simple stress

Expressed as the ratio of total deformation to the initial dimension of the material body in which forces are being applied. A. Elasticity B. Dislocation C. Stress D. Strain

D. Strain

What refers to a slender member which prevents parts of a structure moving towards each other under compressive force? A. Tie B. Column C. Panel D. Strut

D. Strut

For a system to be in equilibrium, the sum of the external forces acting on the system must be: A. Equal to unity B. A maximum C. Indeterminate D. Zero

D. Zero

The maximum ordinate to the curve A. yield strength B. ultimate strength C. tensile strength D. both B and C are correct

D. both B and C are correct

A ________ material is one having a relatively large tensile strain up to the point of rupture A. malleable B. brittle C. conductible D. ductile

D. ductile

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