SWK Ethics

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Which of the principles listed below is NOT one of the four commonly accepted principles of health care ethics?


Is the scenario below an example of competing values or competing loyalties? I want to buy new furniture so my house looks nice and is comfortable. I also want to save money to help pay for my children's college expenses.

Competing values

Two potential causes of ethical problems presented in the online lecture last week were

Competing values and competing loyalties

It is important to ask your self which to questions before self-disclosing information to a client:

a. and b.

Which relationship(s) with clients should be avoided:

all of the above

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was:

an example of how a research study without informed consent can harm people.

Sally is a social worker and was in a car accident. It looks like she has a broken arm and may need some stitches. One of the EMTs at the scene is Sally's client. This is an example of what kind of dual relationship?

an unavoidable dual relationship

The concept of "standard of care" resulted from a court case in the late 1800s dealing with a person from which profession?


Self-disclosure in social work practice should

be used only when the self-disclosure is intended to help the client.

Documentation can protect a social worker in all except one of the following circumstances:

physical assault of an angry client.

According to the NASW Code of Ethics, in instances when clients lack the capacity to provide informed consent, social workers should

protect clients' interests by seeking permission from an appropriate third party.

The concept that every person has a right to make his or her own decisions is known as


Alma is a social worker who is two months pregnant. Alma is over the moon with joy and can hardly wait to tell everyone she knows that she is pregnant. Alma has decided to wait until she is 12 weeks pregnant before sharing her exciting news. Today, Alma met with a client. The client told Alma that she (the client) is about one month pregnant with a very unexpected pregnancy. The client stated she is considering all her options including raising the baby, placing the baby for adoption, and abortion. Which option is the most ethical option for Alma to take at this time, based on the information above:

self-disclosure to her client that she is also pregnant and can relate to how she is feeling.

Sloppy documentation is equated to

sloppy care. (even if the care was no sloppy, the reader may have the impression that care was sloppy).

Dawn Hobdy, NASW Director of Ethics & Professional Review, stated that social workers should not friend clients on social media due to:

the potential for conflict of interest, dual relationships, and boundary issues.

It is important for human service and social workers to be aware of their personal values because

this awareness helps prevent the oozing of the worker's personal values onto the client, who has their own values.

This week we watched a Ted Talk by Professor Ronald Sullivan, a Harvard Law Professor. In his talk Professor Sullivan stated,

"Justice doesn't happen. People make justice happen".

Personal questions from a client can be out of curiosity, cultural norms, politeness, or the need to know that the social worker has the skills/experience/knowledge to help the person. If a client asks you something that you are not comfortable sharing which answer below is an ethical response?

"That is a personal question. I am wondering why it is important for you to know that about me?"

Review from last week's online lecture on Competing Values and Competing Loyalties. Is the scenario below an example of competing values or competing loyalties? A school social worker has been contacted by the local Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office and has been asked to provide names and addresses of students whose families are undocumented.

. Competing loyalties

In the 1970's the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics was how long?

1 page

Marvin is a social work supervisor who is concerned about a newly hired social worker's documentation. The new social worker wrote in the case file: "My client is gross. She comes in for meetings dirty and smells bad. I need to put Vicks under my nose so I can sit with her in our small meeting room and not gag." Which ethical standard can Marvin use to support his reason for concern about inappropriate documentation?

1.12 Derogatory Language Social workers should not use derogatory language in their written, verbal, or electronic communications to or about clients. Social workers should use accurate and respectful language in all communications to and about clients.

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment took place between:


Hana is a social worker who works in a local high school. She coordinates services for students who have learning disabilites and various special needs. Her community is known for receiving refugees from war torn countries. Her supervisor asked her to document in her files what countries the students are from and their immigration or refugee status. Hana is refusing to record this information and is using what ethical standard of the NASW Code of Ethics to guide her decision to refuse her supervisor's request?

3.04 Client Records (c) Social workers' documentation should protect clients' privacy to the extent that is possible and appropriate and should include only information that is directly relevant to the delivery of services.

Dawn Hobdy, NASW Director of Ethics & Professional Review, stated that the director of NASW appointed how many people to be on a committee to revise the NASW Code of Ethics, which includes standards for ethical use of technology and social media in social work?


The NASW Code of Ethics states in 1.06 Conflicts of Interest (f) Social workers should be aware that posting personal information on professional Web sites or other media might cause boundary confusion, inappropriate dual relationships, or harm to clients. Which example below is NOT an example of a conflict of interest for a social worker?

A social worker posts online the name of a great self-help book that just read and wanted to share with others.

A social worker should not equate confidentiality with secrecy because

All of the above.

According to the NASW Code of Ethics, in instances when clients are not literate or have difficulty understanding the primary language used in the practice setting, social workers should

All of the above.

Dawn Hobdy, NASW Director of Ethics & Professional Review, stated that before using technology such as Facetime, Zoom, or other computer based system, a social worker should:

All of the above.

In appropraite self-disclosure can lead to:

All of the above.

Social workers may share information about a client under which of the following circumstances

All of the above.

Accuracy in documentation in the field of social work has always focused on accuracy. Starting in the 1990's documentation was influenced by managed care in what way?

All the above

In the Ted Talk: "The Ethical Dilemma of Designer Babies" Links to an external site.by Dr. Knoepfler, he stated his opinions that:


Dr. Martin Luther Kink Jr. stated in the clip viewed this week, "It is a moral obligation to disobey unjust laws because non-cooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as cooperation with good". Which famous historical event did Dr. King reference to highlight how it is in the spirit of America to disobey unjust laws?

Boston Tea Party

Nancy is a social worker in a hospital. She is having a really stressful day. In the hallway she begins talking to her trusted friend and colleague, Jayla, who also works as a hospital social worker. Nancy is complaining about how her patient is a "frequent flyer" and comes into the emergency room when it is very cold outside. Nancy starts telling Jayla that the patient has a daughter who is financially well off and does not return Nancy's calls for help with finding a place for the patient to say once he leaves the hospital. At that point, Jayla asks Nancy to come into her office and out of the hallway to talk about a patient. What ethical principle that Nancy is violating?


Mrs. Brown is a social worker and case manager in a group home for adolescents who are in long term foster care. Darlene has been a resident in this home for three years and has a close attachment to Mrs. Brown. Darlene is getting ready to graduate from high school and is planning on getting married shortly after graduation. At the time of Darlene's wedding, she will no longer be in foster care. Darlene has invited Mrs. Brown to attend her wedding and has asked her to walk her down the isle. Which response is the most ethical for Mrs. Brown?

Consider what is in the best interest of Darlene. How could attending or not attending the wedding impact Darlene? Formally document Darlene's request, who Mrs. Brown consulted with, what decision she decided to take with an explanation supporting her reasoning.

Case 1 Daniel is a 35-year-old delusional mental health client who has been hospitalized numerous times. Daniel lives in New York. He states that he does not like his brother, Carlos, who lives in California and states that he has threatened him in the past. This afternoon Daniel told his social worker he was going to beat up his brother after supper tonight. The social worker in assessing the dangerousness of the situation decides that there is no duty to protect or warn. The social worker determines that the threat posed is not serious. The social worker refers him to his psychiatrist for a medication check. What is a main factor in this decision to maintain confidentiality and NOT contact the brother Carlos nor law enforcement?

Daniel is in New York and his brother Carlos is in Calidornai. Daniel does not have access to his brother. There is no credible threat of danger to Carlos at this time.

Documentation provides a record of services provided. What are two other reasons documentation is important for a professional?

Defense against an ethics complaint and defense against professional negligence.

Dr. Knoepfler uses which term for the phrase "human genetic modification"?

Designer Babies

Which is statement below is false?

Documentation is only for the social worker to see and not other people, professionals, and clients.

Calling the police and notifying a person that someone has a plan to hurt them is called

Duty to Warn

Tarasoff v. The Board of Regents is a court case that impacts which issue for helping professionals?

Duty to warn a person who a client has made credible threat toward

The new social worker accepted Marvin's guidance well and updated her documentation to say the following: "Mrs. X presented with muddy shoes, a shirt with grease stains, tried mud, and pants covered in dog hair. Mrs. X was malodorous." Is this updated version ethical or unethical in light of the ethical standard identified in the previous question?


During this period, increasing numbers of scholars and practitioners in a wide range of professions (e.g., medicine, nursing, psychology, social work, journalism, business, law enforcement, engineering) focused explicitly for the first time in their respective histories on the nature of challenging ethical dilemmas facing practitioners.

Ethical dilemmas and decision-making period

For the first time in social work's history, literature emerged about the links between social workers' ethical judgment and potential malpractice, negligence, and professional discipline. Licensing boards developed websites listing social workers who were sanctioned because, for example, they committed fraud, had sex with clients, and disclosed sensitive confidential information without proper authorization. Which period is discussed in this section?

Ethical risk management period

A good way to explain confidentiality to a child is to say, "Your secrets are safe with me. I won't tell anyone what you tell me".


An ethical social worker will NEVER be in a dual relationship with a client.


In the most difficult ethics cases, where social workers' duties and obligations clash and where there does not appear to be any simple solution, practitioners usually agree on a single, clear standard of care.


Question from this week's online lecture: Introduction to the NASW Code of Ethics. TRUE OR FALSE The NASW Code of Ethics is absolute and specific in every section. Meaning, there is no room for different interpretations on any part of the document.


The article "Social media considerations for social work students" by the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Social Work stated that social workers may post information about clients as long as there is no identifying information and the client's privacy is maintained.


True or False: Respecting self-determination means the social worker is ethically required to fully support a client in whatever decision the client make, which means the social worker is called to help the client with any decision the client makes. Group of answer choices


True or False: It is unethical to break confidentiality under all circumstances.


What sport does James Franklin coach?


Fourteen year old Mario was arrested last night for robbery. He is the only person arrested but the police think other people where involved. The truth is, Mario did not commit the robbery (he was baby sitting his younger siblings at home). Mario's 19 year old brother committed the robbery. Daniel asked Mario to confess to the robbery because he thinks a minor will receive a lighter sentence. Based on this information, what do you think Daniel, the older brother values?


Dr. Knoepfler offers several risks of using human genetic modification. Which of the following is NOT a risk that he described?

Human population will become less diverse and diversity it the strength of humanity.

According to the MINDTools video watched in class this week, ________________ is when your actions and decisions align with your values.


Which scenario is an example of ethical behavior?

Jo uses music a a tool to connect with Roland but is careful to keep the focus of their meetings on there treatment goals.

If you were the social worker working with Mario, what would be the correct ethical decision?

Look at the NASW Code of Ethics for guidance. Consider all the possible options including how people would be hurt. Consult with a trusted social work colleague. Remember that a social worker's commitment is to their client first. This means you would want to act in the best interest of Mario and do what was possible to minimize damage to others.

The video presented by the state of Alabama stated social wrokers should keep records for three years. The updated NASW Code of Ethics state that a social worker must maintain documentation of services rendered for at least how long?

No specif time is given and but records should be kept according to laws, agency policy and contract requirements.

Maria works as a school social worker with students who have special needs. A parent approaches Maria and says she is friend's with David's Mom. The parent says she cares about David and wants to know how Maria is helping David. Maria should:

Politely tell the parent she does not comments about students.

A man was located in the middle of a busy street shouting, "Stop your cars! Men from Mars are coming for you!" over and over again. When he was asked politely to move to the side walk, he said, "No, I need to make the cars stop". What is key factor to consider in this case in regards to this man's right to self-determination to be in the middle of a busy street?

Professional expertise states that this man is hallucinating and may hurt himself. Due to his diminished mental capacity and the risk of hurting himself (and causing a crash) it is not ethical to support his right to self-determination to stand in the street.

Janie asks for a free cup of water when eating our, rents used college text books, and buys most of her close at a second hand store. Based on this information, what do you think she values?

Saving money

An ethical dilemma is a situation where there are at least two competing values and one must be violated in order to follow the other. Karen is a seasoned social worker who really cares about her clients. Last week one of her favorite client's lost their housing became homeless. Karen has been working with this client for a few years and thinks of her as a friend. Karen invited the client to stay at her house while she and the client figure out what to do about her long term housing situation. Karen values the dignity and worth of a person and does not want to see any one suffer. How would you describe her behavior in this scenario, given the little information provided?

She is displaying poor professional boundaries and is creating the potential for wide range of ethical problems.

SOAP notes is an acronym for what:

Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan

Professor Sullivan stated that, "Justice does is a decision". He challenged viewers to

Take one minute our of our day and do some justice.

Question from this week's online lecture: Introduction to the NASW Code of Ethics. What is the following list? Service. Social justice. Dignity and worth of the individual. Importance and centrality of human relationships. Integrity. Competence.

The core values of the social work profession

According to the NASW Code of Ethics, social workers may disclose confidential information when appropriate with valid consent from a client or a person legally authorized to consent on behalf of a client.


Ever since its formal inauguration in the late 19th century, social work has always paid attention to social justice issues. Since its beginning, social workers have wrestled with the complex relationship between "case" and "cause" and between amelioration of individual suffering and social change that addresses the structural flaws and injustices in the broader society that foster the problems people experience.


If Karen were your co-worker and you knew she invited a client to stay in her home the ethical response from you would be to first approach Karen and let her know you are concerned about boundary issues, confidentiality, and conflict of interest issues. Then offer to help Karen problem solve the client's immediate housing situation and help find an appropriate place for her to stay both short term and long term. Document your concerns and how you responded. Finally, if Karen is not open to seeing how and why her actions are unethical, take the next step of notifying the supervisor and finally, as a last resort, the state licencing board.


Medical ethics started in the in the 4th century BCE, when Hippocrates, a physician-philosopher, directed physicians "to help and do no harm" .


Practicing good self-care is one way to decrease a social worker's vulnerability to having poor boundaries and making unethical decisions.


Social work is a profession based on core values.


The article "Social media considerations for social work students" by the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Social Work stated that social workers could consider using a pseudonym for online accounts to mask their identity as one way to maintain privacy and clear boundaries with clients.


The article "Social media considerations for social work students" by the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Social Work stated that social workers should assume that anything said or done online is public.


What is the name of the period where social workers started considering the conflicts between one's personal values, professional values, and societal values?

Values period

Which of the following is NOT a core value of Coach Franklin's team?


Social worker Jo is working with Roland, a 14 year old who loves to listen to death metal and plays an electric guitar. Roland is reluctant to talk to Jo about his recent charges of shop lifting, drinking underage, and truancy. As it turns out, Jo used to listen to death metal as an adolescent but prefers to listen to metal, classic rock and a range of music. Jo is very musical and plays acoustic and has wanted to learn how to play the electric guitar for years. Jo decides to talk to Roland about music as a way to:

build rapport by self-disclosing a common interest

The concept of standard of care is

doing what any other social worker with the same amount of training and experience likely do in a given situation.

If Mario does confess to a crime he did not commit to protect his brother, what would likely value?

family loyalty

Duty to Protect refers to

keeping person safe who is likely to hurt themselves.

A social worker has been working with a client to reach economic self-sufficiency. The client has worked very hard and made a lot of progress learning how to budget his money, say "No" to unnecessary expenses, and has made significant progress paying down his $25,000 in credit card bills. The client wants to discuss with you his choice of buy a modest house he can afford or buying an expensive brand new 4x4 truck to replace his reliable, but not so cool minivan he inherited from his grandmother. After discussing the pros and cons to each choice, the client decides to buy the expensive truck. Although you do not think this is in his best interest to meet his long term financial goals of being economically self-sufficient, you recognize that he is free to make this choice. This is an example of respecting a client's right:

to self-determination

Based on the MIND Tools video and article, when your behavior contradicts what you believe you are likely to feel


A dual relationship is:

when a professional has a professional relationship AND a second type of relationship (business, social, religious, other) with a client that may cause conflict between the professional duties and the secondary relationship

A person's right to self-determination is limited ________________:

when people may be harmed (the individual and/or others)

Dr. King stated there are two types of laws: a just law and an unjust law. In reference to civil disobedience, he said when one breaks a law, they must be

willing to accept the penalty.

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