Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification

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Discrete date parts

BLUE Years, quarters months. DIMENSIONS.

Remember the Undo button

Click to undo any action

Order of Operations in Tableau

Find out

Stacked Bars on a Combined Axis Chart

Remove "Measure Names" from the view and the measures will be stacked marks. Move the measures on the measures names card to reorder them.

And Logic for filters

Tableau applies filters using "and" logic, on top of filters that already apply according to the order of operations.

Geographical data

Use maps and add pie charts

How many rows of data appear in Tableau preview?


Measure Values Card

A Measure Value Card allows you to organize the measures in the display on a combined axis chart.

Bullet chart

A bar chart with a reference line ideal for comparing actual and target numbers

Best view for showing Trends over Time?

Best choices are line, area and bar charts, with time on the X-axis and the measure on the Y-axis. Note that area and bar charts treat data differently.

Manual sort

A specific order you tell Tableau to keep the data. If you move an element to the top of the list it will maintain this order even if the data changes. Manual sort contains the data in the order you choose. When you "drag and drop" fields into the order you want, Tableau will automatically change to a manual sort. You can also click the drop down menu on the field (pill) and select manual sort option in the sort dialogue box.

Continuous Date Fields vs Discrete Date Fields

Shows data over time (line chart graph) GREEN. Shows data in specific date parts (bars).

Actions in Dashboards

Allow users to interact with view. Require source sheet, and sometimes a target sheet. Three types of actions: Highlight Actions these color targeted marks and dim others. Activate in the source sheet to highlight marks in the target sheet. Filter Actions: filter data showing only targeted data cross multiple data sheets to drill down on specific data to find trends or data points or navigate other sheets. URL Actions: click source sheet to go to target URL resource Three ways to run any action: HOVER (best for highlight) SELECT (best for filter) or MENU (best for URL) where a menu appears in the tooltip when you click a mark

Creating Groups in the Dimensions Pane

Best for large groups. Right click any field in the dimension pane, click "Create" then "Group". When the create group dialogue box appears use control+click to select the dimension members you want to use and then click "group". If your dimension has a really long list of members, use the 'find' button text search field.

Creating Groups in the View

Best for short data groups, group manually by selecting marks or labels. Labels: Use Control+click on labels (shown) then right click any selected label and pick "group". Now the mark will group those labels together in one mark, and a new dimension appears in the dimension pane. Right click the label to rename with "edit alias" or "rename". Marks: This is visual grouping, control+click the marks, right click on a mark, and select group. Or click and drag to select marks. Visual grouping automatically adds a dimension to color on the marks card. Visual is Good for ad hoc analysis and data exploration.


Can be built from views based on different data sources Dashboards monitor (performance dashboard), explore (lets user answers questions), inform (quick points and specifics for user) Dashboard Editing Pane Tools: " Device Preview" button "Size" and "Sheets" "Objects" Tiled (single layer grid tiles snap into place) Floating (can overlay) Show Dashboard Title LayoutPane- See objects on view and note floating vs tiled icon Note vertical vs horizontal containers (blue frames) Sheets (grey frame) Tiled objects are fixed, cannot change position or size but can be changed to floating by selecting "floating" from Dashboard editing pane Each view added to the dashboard brings in its own legend and any filters included in the view. Gray box preview area. Click and drag to rearrange tiles. Click corner arrow to visit underlying worksheet or click on worksheet name in dashboard editing pane

How to show filter card (for date filter)

Click the drop down arrow on the field in the view and click "show filter". The filter card will appear in the upper right.

Dashboard Filters and Legends

Click the drop down menu on a filter, set to "floating" to move on top of a tile. Legend Highlights: on filter drop down arrow, select "Highlight Selected Items" Use View as Filter: click the Filter Icon on the tile you want to use. Now, other views are filtered by data selected on that mark. Set a filter card to apply to more than one view: Click on filter card filter icon, and "selected worksheets" or "all sheets using this data source" to filter entire dashboard through this filter (shown) Title: Click "Dashboard" on top nav menu, then "Show Title" Double click any filter or legend to rename the title How to hide sheets on dashboard - right click on sheet in dashboard pane and click "hide sheet" so it no longer appears in the bottom tabs (or right click tab to hide) . RIGHT CLICK THE DASHBOARD TAB TO SELECT "HIDE ALL SHEETS"

How to change a date field between continuous and discrete

Click the drop down menu on the date field, select date parts (blue) or date values (green). Date parts are automatically discrete and date values are automatically continuous. NOTE: CHOOSING DISCRETE OR CONTINUOUS FROM THE DROP DOWN MENU WILL NOT CHANGE WHETHER A DATE IS A PART OR VALUE. INSTEAD, FOR EXAMPLE, A DISCRETE DATE VALUE WILL HAVE MANY BARS WITH INDIVIDUAL COLUMN HEADINGS.

How to sort on a field that isn't in the view

Click the drop down menu on the field (pill) in the view and click "sort" and the sort dialogue box will appear. Click "field" and select what you want or change the aggregation. (Note: sort appears on dimensions but not measures).

How to edit date filters

Click the drop down menu on the field in the filter shelf and click "Edit Filter" for the dialogue box to appear. Tableau defaults "relative dates" to anchor relative to "today" so the data updates dynamically every time the workbook is opened.

Highlight Tables Crosstab

Crosstabs can make it difficult to identify outliers and trends. Highlight tables are a solution because they encodes a measure on text and color and a "square" mark. Create: Drag a measure to the marks card on "text" and then right click to duplicate the measure and drag it to "color". Set the marks shape to SQUARE or else you will just get colored text lol Edit the color card to set a midpoint for the color range. You can also create Highlight table from the "Show Me" menu. Only use crosstabs when every data value needs to be visualized. Be very careful if using more than one measure (one on color and one on text) that the labels are VERY clear to avoid confusion.

Calculated Fields

Customized fields allow you to transform the data you have to answer questions using formulas. For example, use "GDP" and "Population" fields to create a new "GDP per capita" field. Calculated fields are built from fields, functions, operators, and parameters (and can also include comments). Field: All data source fields and calculated fields can be brought in to the calculation. Functions: define operations that can be performed on data (aggregation, data type conversions, logic etc.) Operators: shortcuts for more complex functions added by manual typing (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, comparison) Parameters: variables that can be inserted into calculations to replace constant values. Comments: added to provide context for user; not displayed in the view You can use calculated fields to break up a data field or combine data fields. There are many ways to create calculated strings, dates, logic fields and geographic fields.


Depending on the version the extract was created in, Tableau extract files can have either the .hyper or .tde file extension. Extract files are a local copy of a subset or entire data set that you can use to share data with others, when you need to work offline, and improve performance.

Filtering with the filter shelf and filter dialogue box

Drag any measure or dimension to the filter shelf and the filter dialogue box will appear. Tabs include: General, wildcard (allows you to filter date via include or exclude), condition (ranges, eg) and top (10). The dialogue box also shows a summary of all filters applied to fields. Fields with filters applied will be shown in the filter shelf.

Filtering dimensions vs measures

Filter on a dimension to show a subset or part of a category; filter on a measure to show a specific range of values within the data.

Continuous date range

GREEN Range of dates, relative dates; starting/ending dates, special dates. MEASURES.

Continuous Fields

GREEN Values can fall anywhere on an infinite axis (ie. temperature, height of a tree, wind speed, price) . In a view, they create an axis. Vertical Y axis. Rows.

How to add Totals to Crosstabs from the Analytics pane

Great way to click and drag totals from the Analytics Pane to the correct option on the view.

Heat Map Crosstabs

Great way to compare categorical data with color and size. Great for encoding two measures at the same time to identify outliers. Using the stepped color option helps the viz. Orange and blue are best for color blindness. You can also use "Show Me" to build heat maps.

When a date field is brought into the view...

It defaults into a discrete date at the highest level ie. Discrete year. You can change default in the data pane by clicking the drop down menu on the date field and selecting "convert to continuous" and the field will stay continuous whenever it is added to the view.

Percent of Total Table Calculation

Look for the total that has "100%" to know the direction of the table.

Default filter type settings for measure vs dimensions

Measure: range of values slider; dimension: multiple value list with all values selected.


Metadata such as data type and field names displayed in the data source. Tableau indicates number, date, string and geographic metadata by icon below each field name. You can

Rank Calculations

Note that the Delta Symbol appears on the measure field used as a table calculation |> (triangle)

Measure Names Filter

On the filter shelf, right click measure names. Changing the measure names filter will change the data in the crosstab.

Computed sorts

Organizes data by applying rules like sorting alphabetically or by number of books sold. These update dynamically: if data changes, Tableau will update automatically when you refresh, so listing might change order. Click sort icon on tool bar shown or on the field in the view.


Paper clip icon. Groups let you combine several members of a single DIMENSION into categories, creating a new dimension field that didn't exist in the data.

Reference lines and bands

Provide context and analysis to a view.

Sharing your Viz

Publish to a secure online environment using: Tableau Online-a cloud product hosted by Tableau Tableau Server- hosted by your organization These allow colleagues to view, interact, edit and download views. You must be invited to the site by your site admin and create a username/password. Click "server menu" then "publish workbook". In server box enter server name or URL or click Tableau Online link ( . Select what sheets you want to publish and embedded data source vs. publish separately (workbook local connection is replaced by a connection to the public data source) or to include external files. Tableau Public-free Good for non sensitive data. viewers can interact/download your views WATCH THIS AGAIN


Qualitative or categorical data


Quantitative data

How do you refresh the data source while you work in Tableau?

Right Click the connection on the data pane (in a worksheet) and click "refresh". Tableau will automatically refresh the data each time you open the workbook.

How to set the default sort for a dimension

Right Click the field in the data pane, select "default properties" and "sort". You can always override the default sort when you create a view.

Show Filter Card

Right click any dimension or measure, and click "show filter". The field will appear on the filter shelf and its filter appears in the upper right corner of the viz. You can also click on the filter card arrow to open a menu of many filter options. Click customize to click and clear "show all value" setting to remove the "all" default setting. Adding a filter card to the view allows users to filter the data in the view. Filters appear in Tableau Reader.

Change default properties of a field

Right click the field and select "Default Properties" then change things like numbers format, colors or aggregation. These changes will work across all worksheets. However, if you make changes to field properties by right clicking a pill in the view, the changes only apply to that worksheet.

How do you save a .TWBX for sharing?

Save as a .TWBX to share with anyone who can open with Tableau Desktop or Tableau Reader (free for interacting only with a viz using limited features). .TWBX can only save data from a flat file unless you create an extract. Click Save/Save as/.twbx The default is a .twb

View Data Button

Shows the data Tableau is using in the view, including calculated fields. You cannot edit data or metadata here, although you can rearrange it visually. This will not save to the data source.

Calculating String Data

String= any data that is text, not numbers/dates/locations. Concatonateterm-78=add together You must use the same data types when you concatonate fields, Use the same operators when concatonating strings and numbers (+ sign) Tableau ignores spaces between fields and operators, so to add a comma or space, you must enclose it in " " between operators Remember that you can right click a calculated field in the data pane to edit it A fixed string is one that term-78doesn't change when the data changes

Maps in Tableau

Symbol Maps: uses symbols to represent a central point of a geographic region; Filled maps: geographic region boundaries filled with color Geographic data: describes a physical location with a latitude and longitude which together form a coordinate point that can be plotted anywhere on a map. Latitude is on the Y axis because it tells you how far north or south you are from the equator, and Longitude is on the X axis because it tells you how far you are to the east or west of the prime meridian. This can be tricky because we think of latitude as running east/west and longitude as north/south so don't confuse the direction of lines on a globe with the direction in which they plot measurements. Remember that in Tableau maps are scatter plots. Tableau can geocode eight geographic info types plus lat/long and automatically assign lat/long to that info.


TDSX A packaged data source is a zip file that contains the data source file (.tds) described above as well as any local file data such as extract files (.hyper or .tde), text files, Excel files, Access files, and local cube files. Use this format to create a single file that you can then share with others who may not have access to the original data stored locally on your computer.


Tableau Bookmarks contain a single worksheet and are an easy way to quickly share your work.


Tableau Data Extract- this is a snapshot of the data that Tableau saves locally, best for when connecting to extremely large sets of data of which you need only a portion. By saving this locally, Tableau can optimize speed performance by querying the data directly and not relying on the speed of the original database, which can be slow.


Tableau Data Source: Saves the connection info and any organizational or metadata changes made to the data. TDS does not save login info or viz's created with data. It does not save the actual data. If saved locally they appear on the connection page. Types of metadata changes are pictured, including changing dimensions to measures and folders, groups, and calculated fields


Tableau Packaged Workbook saves all views, dashboards, images and, if you choose, it will save a copy of the flat data source files. If the data source is not a flat file you must create a flat extract to save it. .TWBX will also save live connections. This is the best file option for sharing with anyone who don't have access to the local data source used in your viz, because anyone with Tableau Reader can view a .TWBX file.


Tableau workbook is the default file type in Tableau for saving. It saves views, dashboards and connection info but does save a not a copy of the data source file. A link is saved to the established data source so that when you open a .TWB it automatically updates to show any changes made to the data source.

Edit data types in calculated fields

The Type Conversion menu in editor shows all the data types you can use in Tableau. Select a field in your calculation, click the type you want to convert it into, and Tableau's autocomplete function will add the correct syntax.

Date-Specific Calculations

There are many date specific calculations you can use as inputs or outputs for a calculated field. DATEDIFF is a function that finds a calculation between two dates. Double click this function to bring it into the editor. Note that many date functions need you to include the 'date part' (day, week, minute etc.) singular, lower case and in quotes. See example using 'day' . Note: the default aggregation is sum, which you can change in Tableau.

Date Parts

These are the individual components of the date (month, day). In a view, a "January date part" would add data from every January of every year into one bar. Discrete. BLUE.

Tableau Desktop Workspace

This is where you Analyze and visualize your data.

Changing Continuous into Discrete Fields

This will change, with dates for example, a continuous graph over time into distinct bars.

How do you save a .TDS for future use?

To save locally: Click the data menu ("Data" in the upper left), select the name of the data source, then click add to saved data sources, this opens the dialogue box that prompts to save in My Tableau Repository where it will then be available on the data connection page under Saved Data Sources, making it easy to find when I open Tableau again. to save to Tableau server: power users can access without credentials to access database directly (click Server in upper bar menu) NOTE: This does not save the data, just the info about the connection

Best view to show a Distribution of data?

Use a Box-and-whisker plot or histogram

Best view to show Correlations between measures?

Use a scatter plot

Tree Maps

Use for hierarchical data with more than 5 categories. To create, bring one measure to color and size, and a dimension to 'detail' on the marks card. Add the same dimension and measure to "label" for clarity. Tree maps do not use the rows and columns shelf. They do not have axis. Tool tips can be used to add info not in the viz. Just drag dimensions to "tooltip". Color: no more than 7 colors in a view. A word cloud can be made from a tree map by changing the mark type to "text" Bubble charts show relative values without axis too. Change mark type to "circle". Note: if you do bring a dimension to "rows" it will build multiple tree maps for each member of the field.

Pie charts

Use for high level comparisons of parts of a whole. Limit to five categories. Select "pie" from the marks card and a new 'angle' mark is added to the card. Drag a dimension to angle. Or use Show Me.

Highlight Actions

Use the Actions Dialogue box as the best way to edit actions. However, there are two more ways to use highlights- the little highlighter pen is on the top nav of the dashboard and on each pane. Activating "highlight on hover" is best practice

The Calculation Editor

Use to create calculated fields. Right click any white space in the data pane and click "Create calculated field". Or click the drop down arrow on the Data Pane. The Calculation includes all the functions in Tableau. You can change the calculation at any time by right clicking a calculated field in the data pane and opening the calculations editor. This is an area to study for the test


Uses position as a visual cue to explore the relationship between marks with numerical values. Spot trends, clusters, and outliers. Create: add two measures to the view-tableau will automatically sum these and create a single mark. To add more detail, add measures to the marks card. OR at more detail by clicking "Analysis" in the menu and uncheck "Aggregate Measures" to visualize the lowest level of detail in the data.

Shared/Combined Axis Chart

When measures have the same measuring units, more than one measure can share the same axis. Drag your second measure to the first axis and hover so a light green double icon ruler appears. Add more measures if desired. Note: MEASURE NAMES (dimension for each label in the data source) and MEASURE VALUES (numerical value for each measure) appear in the view automatically when connected to data.

How to create folders

When you right click a field in the data pane, do not confuse "Group By" (and then "folder) with the correct way to create a folder! To create a folder, right click a field in the data pane, select "Folders" and then select "Create Folder". You can drag and drop any fields into your folder.

Note to self

When you see a column with 'abc' on the view, add a value to "text" on the marks card or drag it into the column to use it there.

Drop Field Dialogue Box

You can choose the date part or value when you add the field to the view by right clicking the date field and dragging/dropping it in the view. The drop field dialogue box will appear. On my Mac it has to be "option + click and drag"

Multiple value vs single value list

You can decide whether filters allow for multiple "select" or one single "select". A multiple value list is helpful for comparing/combining different members in a dimension. A single value list is great for showing one dimension at a time. To change either, click the drop down arrow on the filter card and choose the new style. The Customize menu also has other features. Change the title by opening filter menu and selecting "edit title".

Connecting to data on a server

You will need your usual server login credentials and a driver for that server installed on the machine your connecting from


Allows us to organize dimensions in data as we define them from highest at top to lowest at bottom (geographic, eg). In a view, you can drill up and down on the hierarchy field (pill) by clicking the + sign. Create by selecting a dimension in the dimensions pane, right clicking and select "Hierarchy"> "Create Hierarchy" and name it and it will appear in the dimension pane. Members are listed alphabetically. You can also drag and drop one dimension onto another one, name it, and it will appear. You can add additions to a hierarchy by right clicking any dimension and selecting "add to hierarchy". You can click and drag to rearrange the order of members of a hierarchy. You can duplicate a field to add it to two different hierarchy. If a hierarchy is removed, members will return to individual dimension fields in the dimension pane. You can drill down in Tableau Reader and Server.

Ascending vs. Descending

Ascending is smallest to largest/ descending is largest to smallest

Measure Names

Automatically appears on the filters shelf on a combined access chart. Click to display the filter dialogue box.

Part to whole

Avoid pie charts, use bar charts

Discrete Fields

BLUE Values can fall only into specific bins or categories, not between them (pet names, countries, employee IDs). In a view, they create categories or headers with bars. Horizontal X axis. Columns.

Best view for Comparison and ranking?

Bar Charts are best

Export as Image/data/excel

Choose data for export to Access

How to change dimensions to measures

Click and drag a dimension to the measures area, or vice versa

How to show a filter in the view for any field

Click field menu (drop down arrow on a field) for any field in the data pane or view and click "show filter".

How to filter for a field that is not in your view

Click field menu (right click or drop down arrow on field in data menu), and click "show filter". Tableau will place the field on the filter shelf and the filter card appears in the right view. Filter can be moved to another area in the view by click/drag. The default setting is a multiple value list with all values selected.

How to add Totals to a Crosstab from the Analysis Menu

Click the "Analysis Menu" and select "Totals", then select "row" or "Column" grand totals. You can also add sub totals from this menu and edit defaults.

Date Value

Complete specific dates to a specific level of detail, ie "January 24, 2018 5:45pm". A January date value in a view will aggregate all data into the separate months and year it belongs and ignore the lower date parts in the hierarchy. Continuous field because it will include the year (it is like a funnel and you set how detailed it goes down). GREEN.

Running Total Table Calculation

Create a cross tab with totals and sub totals, right click the measure on the marks card, select Quick Table Calculation and "Running Total" . To change the direction of the calculation, right click the measure on the marks card, select "compute using" and make a choice. Notice that the Grand total matches the last total before "total" (this is confusing!) as a clue to know which direction the calculation is running.

Tableau is read only


Adding URL Action

Hyperlink pointing to webpage, file outside Tableau. No target sheet on this Action. Interesting feature: click arrow to open list of fields in view for dynamic selection. (Pictured) You can adjust the URL to substitute a variable as a field (DYNAMIC ACTION_


Ideal for checking data accuracy and referencing. Add grid lines by right clicking any measure in the crosstab and select "format". The format font menu will appear (shown).

Create a Symbol Map

If you drag a geocoded dimension into the view it will be added automatically to the marks card and lat/long fields added to rows/columns. Add measures to size to create marks. Avoid using measures with negative values. NOTE: Click "map" in the top menu and "map layers" to adjust the background using the Map Layers menu.

Remember that a field is...

Just the name of any dimension or measure in the data pane of a worksheet

Order of Operations (PEMDAS)

Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction

Date dimensions

Tableau automatically converts dates in relational databases to a dimension. Also, Tableau automatically converts dates into discrete values.

Change aggregation methods for crosstab totals

Tableau defaults to "sum" but this can be changed. Click the drop down arrow from the measure in the tool menu and select your choice. You will need to manually right click to change the headers to match your choice. NOTE: Tableau cannot perform these actions if you are connected to a cube/multi dimensional data source.

Filter Action

The Source sheet is the one you click on to activate the filter on a target sheet. Run on select is best practice. Exclude all Values is ok for crosstabs with lots of data but not good if you don't want target panes to disappear. You can apply multiple filters to a sheet. Add instructions to let users know what to do. Filter Card Vs Filter Action: Cards are on the view separate from the sheets, filter actions are on the sheet itself.

Discrete/Continuous Date Fields Notes

The color legend will change (different colors for discrete, gradient for continuous) Filter Shelf-Selecting green continuous opens range of dates options; blue discrete gives general range choices

Filtering on a *measure*

The default setting is "all values" but can be adjusted, and you can pick range of values, at least, at most, special (for null values) and adjust the slider. Double click to re open the filter dialogue box

More on Aggregations

The order of operations doesn't always matter, but often does. When the aggregation is not included in the calculation, Tableau will calculate data at the row level of detail and then aggregate and brought into view. IF you include aggregation in a calculation, then the results will be at the level of detail in the view based on the dimensions in the view. Note: you can write ad hoc calculations in the view by double clicking an existing field. This will only be available in the view unless you drag the field in the data pane which saves it for future use.

What is a mark?

The shape used to represent data in the viz (bar, line, pie, etc) see "marks card" for full menu of marks features

Quick Table Calculations

These add computations applied to values in the data table for the view and often dependent on the table structure. Calculated fields query the database directly, but table calculations perform after the results are returned from the database and are processed locally in Tableau. Filters can affect table calculations ie. Better to hide an empty value than filter it out in some cases. Quick Table Calculations from Tableau make it easy to add table calculations to the view. Note that you table directions matter. Scope also matters (the segment of the table the calculation is applied to ie. Who table, panes, cells).

Weighted Averages

This is a tricky explanation. Tableau aggregations (such as averages) average all the data in the data source and not just what is showing in your view. Thus, it can be the case that the "total average" in a view is not actually the average of the "averages" shown in the columns or rows, but includes the underlying data. This is a weighted average and cannot be calculated from cube data. It *is* possible to force Tableau to change the way data is aggregated on various measures by using the Analysis menu and clicking "totals" but using an "average of an average" is not best practice (pictured). This will force an aggregation based only on the displayed values. It is mathematically sound best practice to change aggregations on the measure field on the marks card.

Aggregation in Calculations (O of O)

This is the most difficult concept in the course and I should view this "Concept" video often. Example: SUM(Profit/Sales) vs. SUM([Profit])/SUM([Sales]) If you pre-define aggregation in a calculation it will add an AGG before the calculation and won't perform further aggregations.

What is the data source page?

This is where you connect to a data source and see sheets from the data source (on left , shown) to bring into the join area. Drag or double click sheets to bring onto the canvas.

Custom Date Fields: Continuous date Values vs. Discrete Date Parts

To Create Either: Click context menu on date field in dimensions, click "create" then "custom date" for Custom Date Dialogue Box. Most common custom date values. D(note, you can only drag and replace same types in the view) Also note you cannot expand a custom date in the view, unless you create a hierarchy first. Hierarchies clean up dates.

How to manage metadata?

To edit metadata either click directly in the data source view or click the manage metadata button to (for example) change the data type or rename the field. Note that you cannot edit the table or remote field names.

Dual Axis and Combo Charts

Useful for showing how two measures compare against each other. There are two measure axis and one dimension axis. Measures can have the same or different values and mark types. To create: drag two measures to the view, click the menu on the second measure and select "Dual Axis" OR drag and drop the second measure on the far right side of the view where a black vertical ruler appears. NOTE: A new marks card named ALL will appear so that you can edit the measures together or separately. Additionally, a "Measure Names" field appears on color automatically. You can mix bars and lines, called a Combo Chart. If both measures are similar values, click the right one to select "synchronize axis", and right click to remove it altogether for a cleaner view.

Updating the data source

With a live connection Tableau can automatically update the viz, or you can manually right click the data source in a worksheet and click "refresh". However, Tableau cannot process the following changes if they are made to the data source: changing the name of columns, or removing columns. If this happens to the source data, the pill for these fields will change to pink with an exclamation appears by the field. You can fix the viz by right clicking the field and selecting "replace references". Then select the renamed field to fix the viz.

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