TAP Lab 2
internal thoracic (mammary) artery
- come off subclavian run down sternum to innervate or BS to medial breast or mammary glands and held in place by transverses thoracics muscles - about 6th rib it splits to form superior epigastic and musculophrenic artery also has some anterior intercostals that will overlap with posterio intercostals
intercostal muscles
- external in purple - internal in blue - X is membrane
medial pectoral nerve
- medial cord of brachial plexus - enters pec minor deep and pec major - medial doing minor and major - in green is the medial pectoral nerve in blue is lateral cord - first cord coming off medial will pierce pec minor other cords run off to arm
- posterior wall - stars in pictures - same plane as innermost intercostal msucles but not in intercostal space span from rib to rib -
diffrent view
1- pec major 2- pec minor 3- medial pectoral nerve coming out of pec minor to pec major 4-lateral pectoral nerve branching and faning underside of pec major 5- clavicle
transversus thoracis
anterior thoracic wall - radiates to ribs from internal surface of sternum - hold internal thoraci vessles in place
areola - red nipple- blue lactiferous duct - green suspensory ligament of breast - purple dermis to pec
internal intercostals
in purple inferior anf later fibers
pectoralis minor
origin ribs insertion coracoid process
padding - holds sternoclavicualr head to manubrium etc.
lateral pectoral nerve
pectoralis major innervation - lateral cord of brachial plexus - lateral pectoral nerve in blue and comes down dashed sitting on pec minor but not innervating it - clavicle is removed but if in place lateral nerve will run under and fan underside of pec major
pectoralis major
red line by deltoid is the = boundary bewteen PM and deltoid called the deltopectroal groove that is where cephalic vein will run - clavicular head in blue - sternocostal head in green and will hit apernerosis of external oblique - insert lateral lip of interturbercular groove
external intercostals
thick posterioly thin and stop anteriorly in red is external instercostals and in purple is the membrane