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public policy

Which of the following is a subfield of political science that studies the interface of politics and economics? political theory public administration compartitive politics public policy

A severe economic depression was inevitable.

Which of the following is one reason why Marx believed the capitalist system would eventually collapse? The burgeois would rise up in revolution A severe economic depression was inevitable The global financial system would become too integrated Capitalists would completely strip the world of its natural resources

increase regulations on the banking sector

A modern liberal would most likely support which of the following policy proposals?


A written document outlining the structure of a political system is a _______ precedent statute referendum consitution

is rendered unnecessary

According to Karl Marx, a communist system is one where the government ______ is rendered unnecessary is limited to national security measures creates policies to promote rapid economic growth ensures that one social class does not oppress another

exploit people and resources

According to Lenin, imperialist countries build colonial empires to ________ demonstrate the efficiency of capitalism encourage the socialist revolution against oppressive regimes spread liberty and prosperity around the world exploit people and resources

Classic liberalism

Adam Smith is associated with _________

power; legitimacy

Although they seized _______, The taliban regime in afghanistan lacked_____.


As a _____, Machiavelli argued that leaders needed power to acheive any of their goals.

the existence of component states with some powers that cannot be easily overridden by the central government

At the heart of the concept of a federal system is _______ the power of central government to dissolve political subunits at any time the existence of component states with some powers that cannot be easily overridden by the central government the nearly absolute lack of government regulation of the economy a fusion of the legislative and executive branch functions of government


First order civil tdivisions in the united states are represented by: states districts counties municipalities

two party

First-past-the-post (FPTP) countries tend to have __________ systems. multiparty weak judicial corrupt electoral two party

Franklin Roosevelt

George Washington retired after two terms. No other president tried to serve longer, until _______ John F. Kennedy Woodrow Wilson Franklin Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt

It adopted the universal declaration of human rights

How did the UN General Assembly react to Nazi and Japanese actions during World War II? It adopted the universal declaration of human rights It authorized a relocation program for refugees displaced by the fighting It sent UN troops to oversee the political reorganization of Germany and Japan It revoked Germanys and Japans membership

The US government is more restrictive of press freedom

How does the US differ from most other countries in terms of its treatment of freedom of expression the us govt is more restrictive of speech related to national security the US govt is generally less restrictive of hate speech than other countries The US govt is more restrictive of press freedom The US govt is less restrictive of speech on the internet


How many votes are needed to overcome the filibuster in the US senate?

The end of communism and a rocky transition to federalism

If the politics of glasnot in Russia were applied in a similar manner and with similar results to the communist dictatorship of North Koreas, what would be the outcome? The end of communism and a rocky transition to federalism the decline of socialism as a political ideology, but the preservation of communism as a form of government the dissolution of North Korea as a state and the complete control of its territory by south korea the expansion of communist ideals solidified in a new constitution

supports traditional Christian values

In the United States, a modern conservative is most likely to support government action that _____ reduces the power of big banks addresses the root conditions of poverty protects the right of minority groups supports traditional Christian values

of its key role in keeping government accountable to citizen demands

In the United States, the press is often referred to as the "fourth branch of government" because _________ It is considered equally as powerful as the other three branches in its impact on government decisions of the cooperative arrangements made between the media and the other three branches of its constitutional obligation to keep citizens informed about public affairs of its key role in keeping government accountable to citizen demands

It is shorter and more vague than most other constitutions

In what way does the US constitution differ from most other constitutions? it is shorter and more vague than most other constitutions unlike other constitutions, the US constitution has never been amended it contains many more rights and liberties than other constitutions the US constitution contains more economic rights such as right to work and minimum pay

undermines legitimacy of government and the rule of law

It is dangerous for a country to keep introducing new constitutions because this ______ makes it easier for criminals to escape from police custody undermines legitimacy of govt and the rule of law leads to economic instability reduces the effectiveness of the bureaucracy

Providing the nation with the wealth needed to avoid popular discontent

Petrostates are able to resist democratization by _____ Providing the nation with the wealth needed to avoid popular discontent Paying foreign mercenaries to employ totalitarian methods of social control Resisting the problem of brain drain experienced by underdeveloped nations Financing a successful propaganda operation to reinforce the official ideology

relates to other social sciences

Politics could be considered the "master science" because it _________________


States with which type of government regularly use organized terror and violence against citizens to maintain control and achieve goals? Totalitarianism Socialism Oligarchy Illiberal democracy


The American civil war was largely fought for reasons that involved ______


The State Duma is the legislature of what country? Russia Ireland Sweden Germany


The ability to shape others' behavior is known as _____


The states rights question that led to the American Civil War were primarily ________ in nature partisan ideological economic technocratic

the collapse of communism as a system

The fact that the Soviet Union ceased to exist by the end of 1991 is indicative of _____ the collapse of conservatism as a system the collapse of communism as a system the collapse of liberalism as a system the collapse of neoconservatism as a system

limit the power of the government

The founding fathers created a separation of powers system in the US constitution because they wanted to ________ design a government capable of swift action limit the power of the government give citizens numerous opportunities to elect public officials create a system reflecting the will of the majority

regular electoral challenge

The main way that democratic governments are held accountable is through: dissident movements ballot initiatives civil disobedience regular electoral challenge


The statement "Man is by nature a political animal" is attributed to _________


The term polis originated in _________

Lenin's seizure of power in Russia

Totalitarianism began with ________ Lenin's seizure of power in Russia Mussolini's seizure of power in Italy Hitler's accession to the chancellorship of Germany Mao Zeldong's rise to leadership of the Chinese Communist Party

the penetration of crime into politics

Weak states are characterized by: the penetration of crime into politics the lack of civilian control over the military an adherence to economics obedience to laws

Power in a kleptocracy is a means for distributing favors among privileged elites rather than an end in itself

What distinguishes a kleptocracy from other types of authoritarian states? The mass media in a kleptocracy is run by the middle class rather than the government Kleptocracies are secretly run by an oligarchy rather than by the official leader Power in a kleptocracy is a means for distributing favors among privileged elites rather than an end in itself Kleptocracies mainly function according to cultural and religious customs.


What is essentially the opposite of capitalism socialism welfare state statism laissez- faire system

It is difficult for constitutional amendments to be passed in both countries

What is one common feature of the Japanese and US constitutions Both contain provisions that retain elements of monarchy It is difficult for constitutional amendments to be passed in both countries It is difficult for candidates to win a simple majority in both countries Both have a highly detailed list of civil liberties and civil rights

North Korea

Which country is a present-day example of a totalitarian regime? Vietnam North Korea Iran China

Periodic elections

Which feature of democracy may still exist in an authoritarian regime? Freedom of the press Protection of minority rights periodic elections majority decision making


Which ideology prefers virtually no government involvement in anything other than personal and national security? marxism fascism neoconservatism libertarianism

King Louis XIV

Which leader showed an early form of authoritarianism by claiming "The stat- that's me"

the government is inherently hostile to individual rights

Which of these ideas was first advanced by Adam Smith Human beings are fundamentally moral the government is inherently hostile to individual rights Governments have a role in preserving traditions self-interest can produce social benefits

China retains and authoritarian political structure even as it continues to open its markets

Which statement accurately describes present-day China? China is moving to mirror the political and economic structure of the Western world China retains and authoritarian political structure even as it continues to open its markets China has moved more closely towards state ownership of the entire economy China has adopted significant political reforms as part of its program to modernize the economy

Modern conservatism retains many of the principles of classical liberalism

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between classic liberalism and modern conservatism? Classical liberalism generated the opposition that gave rise to modern conservatism Modern conservatism retains many of the principles of classical liberalism Modern conservatism is a m ore radical ideology than liberalism Classical liberalism is deeply opposed to the tenets of modern conservatism

Poor countries tend to lack vibrant middle class, education levels are low, pluralism functions poorly, and people have yet to be shaped by markets that normalize behavior.

Which statement explains why democracies tend to fail in poor countries? Majorities in poor countries are fundamentally intolerant of other ethnic groups, and this is reinforced by poor educational standards Poor countries tend to lack vibrant middle class, education levels are low, pluralism functions poorly, and people have yet to be shaped by markets that normalize behavior. Totalitarian government places a much lower cost burden on society, and poorer citizens tend to favor dictators for the order they can impose The income of politicians is too low for them to produce positive social change and governments themselves are poorly structured

The text of the amendment refers only to " well regulated militias

Which statement explains why the interpretation of the second amendment as an individual right to bear arms is controversial? several of the original 13 states never ratified by the second amendment most of the other rights in the bill of rights are collective rights guns were relatively new inventions at the time the amendment was written The text of the amendment refers only to " well regulated militias


Which thinker gave us the concept of the social contract?

Theodore Roosevelt split the republican party

Woodrow Wilson won the U.S. presidency in 1912 only because __________. Theodore Roosevelt split the democratic party Theodore Roosevelt refused to run for president the constitution had been amended to impose terms limits Theodore Roosevelt split the Republican Party

public administration

_________ is a subfield of political science psychology public administration sociology anthropology

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