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*Impermeable*(adj) [im-pur-mee-uh-buh l]

*Examples:* an impermeable membrane * Meaning:* not allowing liquid or gas to go through, not permitting passage through its substance - *বাংলা অর্থ:* অপ্রবেশ্য *Root:* *Synonym:* watertight, waterproof, damp-proof, airtight, (hermetically) sealed, *Mnemonics*


*Example* *Meaning* Adjective: (of part of the body) soft and hanging loosely or limply, especially so as to look or feel unpleasant. *বাংলা অর্থ* বীর্যহীন, তুলতুলে, ঢলঢলে, ঢেপসা, নড়বড়ে, কোমল *Root* *Synonyms* limp, flabby, weak *Abstruse:* flaccid=শক্তিহীন, অক্ষম VS Placid=শান্ত, প্রশান্ত, নিস্তব্ধ *Mnemonic* FLACCID == If you put Plastic in ACID it becomes weak, and loses firmness

*Hallmark* (hawl-mahrk)

*Example* 1. A true coffee lover knows that the hallmark of a truly fine establishment is the free refill. *Meaning* Noun: a mark stamped on articles of gold, silver, or platinum in Britain, certifying their standard of purity. *বাংলা অর্থ* ছাপ দেত্তয়া *Root* *Synonyms* assay mark, official mark, stamp of authenticity

*Filial* (fil-ee-uh l)

*Example* 1. A youth, when at home, should be filial, and, abroad, respectful to his elders. *Meaning* Adjective: relating to or characteristic of or befitting an offspring, designating the generation or the sequence of generations following the parental generation *বাংলা অর্থ* সন্তানোচিত, পুত্রোচিত, কন্যোচিত *Mnemonic* Phil and Al (can be names of children, therefore it is pertaining to a son or daughter - definition)

*Fete* (feyt)

*Example* 1. After World War II, war heroes were feted at first but quickly forgotten. 2. The town has a fete each year to celebrate the last day of the harvest. *Meaning* verb: to celebrate a person *বাংলা অর্থ* উত্সব, পর্ব, পর্বদিন *Synonyms* celebrate *Abstruse:* fete=উতসব VS effete= দূর্বল

*Expansive* (ik-span-siv)

*Example* 1. After a few sips of cognac, the octogenarian shed his irascible demeanor and became expansive, speaking fondly of the "good old days". *Meaning* adjective: communicative, and prone to talking in a sociable manner *বাংলা অর্থ* অকপট, বিস্তৃত, ব্যাপক, প্রসারিত, সরল, প্রসারণক্ষম, বাচাল *Root* ex (from, out) *Synonyms* talkative

*Forlorn* (fawr-lawrn)

*Example* 1. After her third pet dog died, Marcia was simply forlorn: this time even the possibility of buying a new dog no longer held any joy. *Meaning* adjective: marked by or showing hopelessness *বাংলা অর্থ* আশাহীন , নিরাশ , হতাশ্বাস , পরিত্যক্ত , ফেলে-যাওয়া , শূন্য , জনহীন *Synonyms* unhappy, sad, miserable, sorrowful, hopeless, vain, with no chance of success *Mnemonic* F OR L OR N: Fall OR Lose OR Nothing -basically hopeless

*Flag* (flag)

*Example* 1. After the three crushing defeats in the last three games, the team's enthusiasm began to flag. *Meaning* verb: droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness; become less intense *বাংলা অর্থ* নিস্তেজ হত্তয়া *Synonyms* droop , sag , swag *Mnemonic* Normally Flags don't fly strongly. It needs strong wind.

*Exiguity* (ig-zig-ui ty)

*Example* 1. After two months at sea, the exiguity of the ship's supplies forced them to search for fresh water and food. *Meaning* noun: the quality of being meager *Root* ex (from, out) Ty (state, condition or quality) *বাংলা অর্থ* অল্পতা, স্বল্পতা, নিস্বতা, দীনতা *Synonyms* exiguity ( স্বল্পতা,দীনতা), dearth(অভাব, দুর্ভিক্ষ) , scarcity, scant(অপ্রচুর, অত্যল্প , নিতান্ত অপ্রতুল), paucity(অভাব), Modicum(সামান্য পরিমাণ, অল্প পরিমাণ, যত্কিঁচিৎ), Scintilla(স্ফুলিঙ্গ,a tiny trace) *Mnemonics:*

*Fleeting* (flee-ting)

*Example* 1. Albanian refugees fleeting from the Turkish invasions that followed upon the death of Scanderbeg. *Meaning* Adjective: lasting for a markedly brief time *বাংলা অর্থ* দ্রুতগামী, দ্রুত ধাবমান, অস্থায়ী, ক্ষণজীবী, ক্ষণকালীন *Synonyms* fugitive, momentary *Mnemonic* fleet is usually used for a group of airplanes/ship/cars which can be seen for short period of time, so shot lived

*Gustatory* (guhs-tuh-tawr-ee)

*Example* 1. All of us know people whose gustatory reflexes are unusually strong. *Meaning* Adjective: concerned with tasting or the, relating to sense of taste sense of taste. *বাংলা অর্থ* রাসন, স্বাদগ্রহণ *Mnemonic* Mnemonic: disgusting means tasteless.

*Flippant* (flip-uh nt)

*Example* 1. Although Sam was trying to honor Mark's sense of humor, many found it quite flippant that he wore a comic nose and glasses mask to Mark's funeral. *Meaning* adjective: showing inappropriate levity *বাংলা অর্থ* জেঠা, বাচাল, ধৃষ্ট, হাসিখুশি, উটকা, ফাজিল *Synonyms* light-minded *Mnemonic* flippant - person who flips a coin and decides is not serious.

*Exigency* (EK si jen see)

*Example* 1. An academic exigency: You haven't opened a book all term and the final is tomorrow morning. *Meaning* Urgent situation; pressing needs or demands; state of requiring immediate attention *Root* ex (from, out) *বাংলা অর্থ* জরুরি অবস্থা, অত্যাবশ্যকতা, সঙ্কট, দুর্দশা, চরমাবস্থা, অত্যন্ত দু:খ *Synonyms* emergency, pinch

*Hamper* (ham-per)

*Example* 1. As the rain water began to collect in pools on the highway, it began to hamper the flow of traffic. *Meaning* Verb: prevent the progress or free movement of *বাংলা অর্থ* ব্যাহত করা, গতিরোধ করা *Root* *Synonyms* cramp , halter , strangle *Mnemonic* PAMPERS DIAPER for babies .restrict the free movement :-)

*Gambit* (gam-bit)

*Example* 1. Randy played a gambit, telling his boss that he would leave at the end of the week if he didn't get a raise. *Meaning* noun: a maneuver or risk in a game or conversation, designed to secure an advantage *বাংলা অর্থ* চাল *Synonyms* ploy , stratagem *Abstruse:* Gambol=তিড়িং তিড়িং নাচ VS Gamble=ঝুঁকি VS Gambit=চাল ,an act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage *Mnemonics:* game bit


*Example* 1. At mile 23 of his first marathon, Kyle had all but given up, until he noticed his friends and family holding a banner that read, "Go Kyle"; galvanized, he broke into a gallop, finishing the last three miles in less than 20 minutes. *Meaning* verb: to excite or inspire (someone) to action *বাংলা অর্থ* বিদ্যুত্প্রবাহ প্রয়োগ করা *Synonyms* jolt, shock, startle, impel, stir, spur, prod, urge, motivate, stimulate, electrify *Mnemonic* Imagine a Van filled with Girls(gals) appear, (GALs in VAN)how will you react, you will be STIRRED UP or REVITALIZED as if you have HAD A SHOCK.

*Faction* (FAK shun)

*Example* 1. At the Republican National Convention, the Bush faction spent much of its time shouting at the McCain faction. 2. The faculty was relatively happy, but there was a faction that called for higher pay. 3. When the controversial topic of the fund drive came up, the committee descended into bitterness and faction. It was a factious topic. *Meaning* Noun: a group, usually a small part of a larger group, united around some cause; disagreement within an organization *বাংলা অর্থ* দলাদলি, দলবিরোধ, বিরোধী দল, চক্র, ঘোঁট *Root* FAC/FIC/FIG/FAIT/FEIT/FY (to do, to make) tion (state or quality) *Abstruse:* fractious=ঝগড়াটে, VS factious=বিরোধপূর্ণ vs Faction: দলাদলি VS Factitious:কৃত্রিম vs Fastidious:খুঁতখুঁতে *Mnemonic* faction, fraction means fraction of a large party

*Fervor* [650th] (FUR vur)

*Example* 1. Avid baseball fans frequently display their fervor for the game by throw ing food at bad players. *Meaning* noun: great warmth or earnestness; ardor; zeal *বাংলা অর্থ* উত্সাহ, তাপ, আবেগের তীব্রতা *Root* FERV (to boil, to bub ble, to burn) *Synonyms* ardor, ardor, fervency, fervidness, excitation, excitement, fervor *Mnemonic* Read it as fever. You got excited about exam and fever comes.

*Exhaustive* (ig ZAWS tiv)

*Example* 1. Before you use a parachute, you should examine it exhaustively for defects. Once you jump, your decision is irrevocable. 2. They will also focus on the exhaustive nature of the investigation, during which staffers reviewed over 16 million documents. *Meaning* adj: thorough; rigorous; complete; painstaking *Root* ex (from, out) *বাংলা অর্থ* সম্পূর্ণ, সমগ্র, সামগ্রি, পরিশ্রান্তিকর, নি:শেষিত করে এমন *Synonyms* thorough, thoroughgoing complete

*Genial* (jeen-yuh l)

*Example* 1. Betty is a genial young woman: everyone she meets is put at ease by her elegance and grace. *Meaning* Adjective: agreeable, conducive to comfort, cheerful and pleasant; friendly; helpful *বাংলা অর্থ* সদয়, অমায়িক, আনন্দদায়ক, স্বাস্থ্যকর, চিবুকসংক্রান্ত, বর্ধনসহায়ক *Root* GEN (birth, creation, race, kind) *Synonyms* friendly, kind, mental, amiable *Mnemonic* GENIAL = GENUINE. A genuine person is genial.

*Frivolous* (friv-uh-luh s)

*Example* 1. Compared to Juliet's passionate concern for human rights, Jake's non-stop concern about football seems somewhat frivolous. *Meaning* adjective: not serious in content or attitude or behavior *বাংলা অর্থ* বোকার মতো নয়ছয় *Synonyms* flippant, glib, facetious, joking, jokey, lighthearted, fatuous, inane, senseless. *Mnemonic* Fri-vo-lous ~Free - If something is free, u don't take it seriously, you think oh they are giving it for free because its not that important stuff. or not the stuff in demand.. or not the stuff taken seriously by public

*Fallow* (fal-oh)

*Example* 1. Danny Williams claimed Stephen Harper was prepared to consider so-called fallow field legislation for the offshore. *Meaning* Adjective: (of land) plowed and left unseeded for a season or more; uncultivated, not in use; inactive *বাংলা অর্থ* পতিত, অনাবাদী, কর্ষিত, অকর্ষিত, খিল, পড়ো *Synonyms* unbroken, unploughed, unplowed, undeveloped, unexploited *Mnemonic* after plowing farmer fallow(fall-low) of money so, he left it without seeding(uncultivated)

*Facetious* (fuh SEE shus)

*Example* 1. David was sent to the principal's office for making a facetious remark about the intelligence of the French teacher. 2. Our proposal about shipping our town's garbage to the moon was facetious, but the first selectman took it seriously. *Meaning* adjective: humorous; not serious; clumsily humorous *বাংলা অর্থ* মজার , মজা-করা , চ্যাংড়া , ফাজলামি বা ইয়ারকিতে ভরা , বেয়াড়া রসিকতাপ্রিয়, সদানন্দ *Root* ous (full of) *Synonyms* Bantering, tongue-in-cheek *Mnemonic* someone who makes funny faces Facetious>>>Face is not Serious

*Filch* (filch)

*Example* 1. Dean steals cars where the others are scarcely capable of filching a loaf of bread from an untended grocery. *Meaning* verb: make off with belongings of others *বাংলা অর্থ* ছিঁচকে চুরি করা, গ্যাঁড়া মারা *Synonyms* abstract, cabbage, hook, lift, nobble, pilfer, pinch, purloin, snarf, sneak, swipe *Mnemonic* fil(fill)+ch(cheese) --> Lord Krishna filled cheese in his bag which is 'STOLEN'

*Extant* (ek-stuh nt)

*Example* 1. Despite many bookstores closing, experts predict that some form of book dealing will still be extant generations from now. 2. The horseshoe crab lived at the time of the dinosaurs and is still extant even today *Meaning* adjective: still existing, not lost or destroyed. (usually, refers to documents). *বাংলা অর্থ* অদ্যাপি বর্তমান *Abstruse:* extant=still existing, অদ্যাপি বিদ্যমান VS Extinct=লুপ্ত *Mnemonic* Opposite of extinct is extant

*Goad* (gohd)

*Example* 1. Doug did not want to enter the race, but Jim, through a steady stream of taunts, goaded him into signing up for it. *Meaning* verb: urge on with unpleasant comments, to urge forcefully; to taunt someone into doing some thing *বাংলা অর্থ* অঙ্কুশ, ডাঙ্গশ, প্রেরণা, উত্তেজিকা, উদ্দীপনা *Synonyms* prick,needle *Mnemonic* GO + And + Do it. Inspires


*Example*: *Meaning*: allowing light to show through; delicate *বাংলা অর্থ*: স্বচ্ছ, নির্মল *Root*: *Synonyms*: Very sheer, fine, translucent *Mnemonic*:

*Fulminate* (fuhl-muh-neyt)

*Example* 1. Even as a kid, Miller liked to fulminate against immigration and decry the ambient leftism of coastal California. *Meaning* Verb: to explode with a loud noise; detonate. *বাংলা অর্থ* সশব্দে ফাটান, নির্ঘোষ তোলা, উচ্চনাদ তোলা, বিস্ফোরিত হত্তয়া *Root* fulm (shine, burn) *Synonyms* screed, diatribe, harangue(দীর্ঘ বক্তৃতা related) Diatribe, Tirade, Harangue, and Fulmination are all words for bitter, angry speeches or attacks. *Abstruse:* Fulminate=সশব্দে ফাটান, নির্ঘোষ তোলা, উচ্চনাদ তোলা, বিস্ফোরিত হত্তয়া VS Culminate=সর্বোচ্চ সীমা পৌঁছান vs fulsome: গর্হিত, ন্যক্কারজনক, ক্ষতিকারক, আধিক্যপূর্ণ, আতিশয্যপূর্ণ, ক্ষতিকর *Mnemonic* fulminate sounds like full + illuminate During an explosion or lightning, everything is illuminated completely.

*Gall* (gawl)

*Example* 1. Even though Carly was only recently hired, she had the gall to question her boss's judgment in front of the office. 2. In an act of gall, Leah sent compromising photos of her ex-boyfriend to all his co-workers and professional contacts. *Meaning* noun: the trait of being rude and impertinent, feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will *বাংলা অর্থ* বিরক্তির কারণ, পিত্ত, তিক্ততা, বিদ্বেষ, যন্ত্রণা, জ্বালা *Root* *Synonyms* bitterness , cheekiness , crust , freshness , impertinence , impudence , insolence *Mnemonic* A slap on his 'Gall'(cheek) completely exasperated him.

*Flux* (fluhks)

*Example* 1. Ever since Elvira resigned as the head of marketing, everything about our sales strategy has been in a state of flux. *Meaning* noun: a state of uncertainty about what should be done (usually following some important event) *বাংলা অর্থ* বহ্য , নিঃসরণ , প্রবহন , প্রবাহ *Root* FLU, FLUX (to flow) *Synonyms* *Mnemonic*

*Ferret* (fer-it)

*Example* 1. Ever the resourceful lexicographer, Fenton was able to ferret out the word origin of highly obscure words. *Meaning* verb: to search for something persistently *বাংলা অর্থ* সন্ধানী, খুঁজে বের করা, শক্ত সুতির বা রেশমের ফিতে, নেউল জাতীয় ছোট জন্তু *Synonyms* ferret out *Mnemonic* Ferret is also an animal that looks like a large rat. There was a ferret in my house so we hunted it out of its hiding place so as to kill it

*Grovel* (gruhv-uh l)

*Example* 1. Every time Susan comes to the office, Frank grovels as if she were about to fire. *Meaning* Verb: show submission or fear, Creep or crawl with one's face to the ground, prostrate oneself as a token of subservience, degrade or abase oneself *বাংলা অর্থ* উবুড় হয়ে থাকা , বুকে হাঁটা *Synonyms* cower , crawl , creep , cringe , fawn *Mnemonic* One who wants to "grow well" needs to grovel before his manager.

*Extraneous* (ik STRAY nee us)

*Example* 1. Extra ice cream would never be extraneous unless everyone had already eaten so much that no one wanted any more. 2. The book's feeble plot was buried in a lot of extraneous material about a talking dog. 3. The soup contained several extraneous ingredients, including hair, sand, and a single dead fly. *Meaning* Adjective: unnecessary; irrelevant; extra, coming from without, not belonging *বাংলা অর্থ* পরক, বিদেশী, নিজস্ব নহে এমন, বহি:স্থ *Root* extra, extro (outside, beyond) ous (full of) *Mnemonic* Think of news channels....EXTRA+NEWS...In order to get TRP, news channels show irrelevant or unrelated things hence the news is most of the times EXTRANEOUS

*Fell* (fel)

*Example* 1. For fans of the Harry Potter series, the fell Lord Voldemort, who terrorized poor Harry for seven lengthy installments, has finally been vanquished by the forces of good - unless, that is, JK Rowling decides to come out of retirement. *Meaning* Adjective: terribly evil *বাংলা অর্থ* নির্মম, নিষ্ঠুর, দয়ামায়াহীন, নিষ্করুণ, কঠিনহৃদয়, পাষাণহৃদয় *Synonyms* Barbarous, brutal, cruel, roughshod, savage, vicious

*Gnostic* (nos-tik)

*Example* 1. For some pavements such a religious symbolism has been suggested: examples at Brading and Littlecote have been seen as representing 'Orphic' or Gnostic (mystical knowledge) ideas. *Meaning* Noun: of or relating to knowledge, especially esoteric mystical knowledge. *বাংলা অর্থ* জ্ঞানবাদী, অবগত, জ্ঞানসম্পন্ন *Abstruse:* Agnostic= a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena VS Gnostic=অবগত, জ্ঞানসম্পন্ন VS Prognostication: ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করা বা পূর্বাভাস দেওয়া , পূর্বলক্ষণ দেখা *Root* GN/GNO (know)

*Firebrand* (fahyuh r-brand)

*Example* 1. Freddie is a firebrand: every time he walks into the office, he winds up at the center of heated argument. *Meaning* noun: someone who deliberately creates trouble *বাংলা অর্থ* জ্বলন্ত কাষ্ঠখণ্ড *Synonyms* inciter, instigator , provoker *Mnemonic* People who start fires are firebrand

*Extrapolate* (ik STRAP uh layt)

*Example* 1. George's estimates were extrapolated from last year's data; he simply took all the old numbers and doubled them. 2. Emeril came up with a probable recipe by extrapolating from the taste of the cookies he had eaten at the store. 3. By extrapolating from a handful of pottery fragments, the archaeologists formed a possible picture of the ancient civilization. *Meaning* verb: to project or deduce from some thing known; to infer *বাংলা অর্থ* আগেই জানা, পূর্বেই দেখা, দূরদর্শন করা, বহির্পাতন *Root* extra, extro (outside, beyond) *Synonyms* generalise , generalize , infer *Mnemonic* from the EXTRA info that u have, u guess what might happen LATEly or in future

*Expunge* (ik-spuhnj)

*Example* 1. When I turned 18, all of the shoplifting and jaywalking charges were expunged from my criminal record. *Meaning* verb: to eliminate completely to erase, eliminate completely *বাংলা অর্থ* মুছিয়া ফেলা *Root* ex (from, out) PUNC/PUNG/POIGN/POINT (to point, to prick) *Synonyms* excise , scratch, strike *Mnemonic* expunge rhymes with the sponge. which is used to remove dirt.

*Grievous* (gree-vuh s)

*Example* 1. Give me some suggestions so I don't make the grievous error of leaving something out and then getting two dozen emails about it. 2. With the available data, the grievousness of the condition of the dugong population in the country was evident. *Meaning* Adjective: (of something bad) very severe or serious. *বাংলা অর্থ* যন্ত্রণাকর, মর্মান্তিক, কষ্টকর, পীড়াদায়ক, উত্কট, দু:খজনক *Root* GRAV/GRIEV (heavy, serious) *Synonyms* serious, severe, grave, bad, critical, dreadful, terrible, awful *Mnemonic* we always say like a soul from grave threatens us or causes fear so grievous is like from grave.

*Fanciful* (fan-si-fuh l)

*Example* 1. Hans Christian Andersen often drew from personal experience to create his fanciful tales. *Meaning* Adjective: indulging in or influenced by fancy, not based on fact; unreal *বাংলা অর্থ* কল্পনাপ্রবণ , খামখেয়ালী , অস্থিরচিত্ত , অদ্ভুতদর্শন , সৃষ্টিছাড়া রকমের , অদ্ভুতধরণের বিচিত্রিত *Synonyms* notional, whimsical, creative, originative

*Fluke* (flook)

*Example* 1. He got the job by a fluke. *Meaning* Noun: Stroke of luck, something accidentally successful *বাংলা অর্থ* অপ্রত্যাশিত বা আকস্মিক , সৌভাগ্য , নোঙরের প্রতিটি বাহুর প্রশস্ত ত্রিকোণাকার চ্যাপ্টা প্রান্তদেশ , ভেড়ার যকৃতে পুষ্ট পরাশ্রিত জীব *Synonyms* good fortune, good luck *Mnemonic* F(ortunately)LUKE(Y) means fortunately lucky

*Glean* (gleen)

*Example* 1. Herb has given us no formal statement about his background, but from various hints, I have gleaned that he grew up in difficult circumstances *Meaning* verb: collect information bit by bit *বাংলা অর্থ* ফসল তোলার পর পড়ে-থাকা শস্যের দানা ক্ষেত থেকে খুঁটে খুঁতে তোলা, উঁচ্ছবৃত্তি, সংগৃহীত দ্রব্য *Synonyms* harvest , reap, obtain, get, take, draw, derive, extract *Mnemonic* It sounds like clean. You clean by gathering the leavings bit by bit

*Gainsay* (geyn-sey)

*Example* 1. I can't gainsay a single piece of evidence James has presented, but I still don't trust his conclusion. *Meaning* verb: deny or contradict; speak against or oppose *বাংলা অর্থ* প্রতিবাদ করা, অস্বীকার করা *Root* *Synonyms* deny, refuse, negate, contradict, renounce, gainsay *Mnemonic* Girls GAIN weight but does not SAY it which means, she is denying the fact.

*Fathom* (fath -uh m)

*Example* 1. I cannot fathom the meaning of the clues in the poem. *Meaning* Verb: Measure the depth of (usually of water) as with a sounding line; penetrate and discover the meaning of, understand *বাংলা অর্থ* জলের গভীরতার মাপ , বাঁও , তলিয়ে বোঝা , অনুধাবন করা *Mnemonic* short form of "father or mother"; they always like to see their son working; he may be an investigator or a plumber (measure the depth of water) doesn't really matter for them

*Forthright* (fawrth-rahyt)

*Example* 1. I did not expect the insurance agent to give us any straight answers, but I was pleasantly surprised by how forthright he was. *Meaning* adjective: characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion *বাংলা অর্থ* স্পষ্টাস্পষ্টি, সরাসরি, অতি দ্রুত *Root* for (completely, used to intensify the meaning of a word) *Synonyms* blunt , candid , frank , free-spoken , outspoken , plainspoken , point-blank , straight-from-the-shoulder *Mnemonic* forthright=for+the+right(rite) = for your rites you need to be straightforward

*Glib* (glib)

*Example* 1. I have found that the more glib the salesman, the worse the product. *Meaning* Adjective: (of a person) speaking with ease but without sincerity *বাংলা অর্থ* সাবলীল, শতমুখ, মসৃণ, পিচ্ছিল, সহজ, চপল, অনর্গল , স্বচ্ছন্দ , সাবলীল , সদাপ্রস্তুত *Synonyms* slick, pat, fast-talking, smooth-talking, disingenuous, insincere, facile, shallow, Loquacious(বহুভাষী, বাক্পটু), Garrulous(বাচাল, অতিভাষী, গপ্প, আড্ডাবাজ) , Volubility(শব্দব্যবহার), glib(সাবলীল, শতমুখ, মসৃণ, পিচ্ছিল), Articulate( Using language in a clear, fluent way), Eloquent (speaking in a fluent, powerful, appropriate way) *Mnemonic* glib sounds like Ghalib..his shayeri was slick and fluent

*Frustrate* (fruhs-treyt)

*Example* 1. I thought I would finish writing the paper by lunchtime, but a number of urgent interruptions served to frustrate my plan. *Meaning* verb: hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of *বাংলা অর্থ* পরাভূত করা, বিফল করা, ব্যাহত করা, ব্যর্থ করা *Synonyms* baffle , bilk , cross , foil , queer , scotch , spoil , thwart

*Glacial* (gley-shuh l)

*Example* 1. I would be interested for your explanation of atmospheric gas bubbles and volcanic ash in glacial ice. *Meaning* Adjective: relating to, resulting from, or denoting the presence or agency of ice, especially in the form of glaciers. *বাংলা অর্থ* বরফতুল্য, জমাট বাঁধা, নীরস, তুষার সংক্রান্ত, বরফসংক্রান্ত, তুষারযুগীয় *Synonyms* freezing, cold, icy, ice-cold, subzero, frozen, gelid, wintry, arctic *Mnemonic* glacial can be considered as facial(unfriendliness expression)

*Gaffe* (gaf)

*Example* 1. In a famous gaffe, Vice President Quayle attempted to correct the spelling of a grade school student, only to find that the child was correct. 2. Remember, a gaffe is when you accidentally tell the truth *Meaning* noun: a socially awkward or tactless act *বাংলা অর্থ* অসমীচীন কাজ, ভুল, অসমীচীন মন্তব্য, ভুল পদক্ষেপ *Synonyms* faux pas , gaucherie , slip , solecism *Abstruse:* guffaw=অট্টহাসি, উচ্চহাসি VS Gaffe= ভুল পদক্ষেপ, অসমীচীন কাজ VS Gaffer=শ্রমিক সর্দার *Mnemonic* Disney character Goofy who was always making Blunders.

*Graft* (graft)

*Example* 1. In countries with rampant graft, getting a driver's license can require no more than paying an official. *Meaning* Noun: corruption, usually through bribery Verb: Insert part of a plant into another plant, where it continues to grow; join living tissue (such as skin) to part of the body where it will continue to live and grow; attach as if by grafting Noun: the part so grafted (as in a graft of skin); the act of acquiring money or other benefits through illegal means, esp. by abusing one's power *বাংলা অর্থ* ঘুস, কলম, ঘুষ, টিকা, উত্কোচ *Synonyms* transplant, implant *Mnemonic* a grafted plant is given a part of another plant... so that it grows along with the original plant.. similarly graft means to give money as a bribe

*Fallacy* (fal-uh-see)

*Example* 1. It is a fallacy to think because someone is elected president so, he is a smart person. *Meaning* Verb: a deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief *বাংলা অর্থ* হেত্বাভাস, প্রতারণামূলক কিছু *Synonyms* misconception, delusion, misapprehension *Mnemonic* first three letters of d word fallacy n first 3 letters of false i.e. "fal" r same, so fallacy indicates something false.

*Fervent* (fur-vuh nt)

*Example* 1. It is my fervent hope that my whole life on this earth will ever be tears and laughter. *Meaning* Adjective: having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc.; ardent *বাংলা অর্থ* তপ্ত , দীপ্ত , প্রগাঢ় , ঐকান্তিক , তীব্র *Root* FERV (to boil, to bubble, to burn) *Synonyms* fervid, impassioned, passionate. *Mnemonic* fervent/fervid both can be remembered by February -specifically Feb14 when youngsters are quite emotional regarding V-Day.

*Fanatical* (fuh-nat-i-kuh l)

*Example* 1. It's no coincidence that the word fanatical comes up so often when talking about this company's customer service ethic. *Meaning* adjective: Excessively devoted, enthusiastic, or zealous in an uncritical way *বাংলা অর্থ* প্রধানত ধর্মীয় ব্যাপারে উগ্র বা অন্ধ ভক্ত , যুক্তিহীনভাবে বা প্রবলভাবে অনুরক্ত , ভক্তিমত্ত *Synonyms* fanatic, overzealous, rabid

*Guile* (gyle)

*Example* 1. José used guile, not intelligence, to win the spelling bee; he cheated. 2• Stuart was shocked by the guile of the automobile mechanic,who had poked a hole in his radiator and then told him that it had sprung a leak. *Meaning* Noun: cunning; duplicity; artfulness *বাংলা অর্থ* ছলনা, ছলাকলা, চাতুরি, প্রতারণা, ধড়িবাজি, কূটবুদ্ধি *Synonyms* cunning, craftiness, craft, artfulness *Mnemonic* SOME GUYS guile GIRLS

*Exemplar* (ig ZEM plahr)

*Example* 1. Lena's homework is on the wall because it is an exemplar of clean, neat, and thoughtful work. 2. Fred participated in every class discussion and typed all of his papers. His teacher thought Fred exemplified the model student; Fred's class mates thought he was sycophantic. *Meaning* noun: something to be imitated *Root* ex (from, out) *বাংলা অর্থ* আদর্শ, দৃষ্টান্ত, নমুনা, আদর্শ ব্যক্তি,উদাহরণ *Synonyms* example , good example , model

*Exemplify* (ig-zem-pluh-fahy)

*Example* 1. Lincoln exemplified the best of not only America, but also the potential greatness that exists within each person. 2. Please present some case studies that exemplify the results that you claim in your paper. *Meaning* verb: be characteristic of, clarify by giving an example of *Root* ex (from, out) *বাংলা অর্থ* উদাহরণ দ্বারা ব্যাখ্যা করা, উদাহরণ দেত্তয়া *Synonyms* illustrate , instance, represent

*Fleece* (flees)

*Example* 1. Many people have been fleeced by Internet scams and never received their money back. *Meaning* verb: to deceive *বাংলা অর্থ* ধোঁকা দিয়ে লুঠে নেওয়া *Synonyms* sneaky , devious , fallacious(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ) Hoodwink (প্রতারণা) ছলনাপূর্ণ, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ Circumvent(ফাঁদে ফেলা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, প্রতারণা করা), Duplicity(প্রতারণা), Finagle( প্রতারণা করা) , Elusive(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ), traitor (বিশ্বাসঘাতক ), insidious (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ), Perfidious(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), treacherous(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), Fleece( ধোঁকা দিয়ে লুঠে নেওয়া), deceive (ছলা, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা)

*Flummox* (fluhm-uh ks)

*Example* 1. Mary's behavior completely flummoxes me: I never have any idea what her motivations might be. *Meaning* verb: be a mystery or bewildering to *বাংলা অর্থ* বিভ্রান্ত করা, বিহ্বল করা, হতবুদ্ধি করা *Synonyms* Conundrum(ধাঁধা, জট), Confound(বিহ্বল করা , বিভ্রান্ত করা), nonplussed(কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়), Enigma(ধাঁধা, জট), Flummox(বিভ্রান্ত করা, বিহ্বল করা, হতবুদ্ধি করা), Obfuscate(হতবুদ্ধি করা, বিভ্রান্ত করা), puzzle, riddle

*Frugal* (froo-guh l)

*Example* 1. Monte was no miser, but was simply frugal, wisely spending the little that he earned. *Meaning* adjective: not spending much money (but spending wisely), Economical, thrifty, not wasteful with money; inexpensive *বাংলা অর্থ* *Root* FRUIT/FRUG (fruit, produce) *Synonyms* economical , scotch , sparing , stinting *Mnemonic* Read it as free+girl. If a girl comes for free, it saves waste of money.


*Example* 1. Most accounts of Tiger Woods life were hagiographic, until, that is, his affairs made headlines. *Meaning* Adjective: excessively flattering toward someone's life or work *বাংলা অর্থ* অতিরঞ্জিত *Root* *Synonyms* *Mnemonic*


*Example*: *Meaning*: although, even though *বাংলা অর্থ*: যদ্যপি, যদিও *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:

*Germinate* (jur-muh-neyt)

*Example* 1. Most of the seeds in the seed packet will germinate if they are given water and plenty of sunshine. *Meaning* Verb: (of a seed or spore) begin to grow and put out shoots after a period of dormancy. *বাংলা অর্থ* অঙ্কুরিত করা, অঙ্কুরিত হত্তয়া, উদ্ভিন্ন হত্তয়া *Synonyms* tyro(শিক্ষানবিস), inchoate(অপরিণত), incipient(জায়মান), germinate(অঙ্কুরিত করা), burgeon(কুঁড়ি, মুকুল, কলি), nascent(জায়মান, বর্ধনশীল), rudimentary(প্রাথমিক) novice(শিক্ষানবিস) neophyte(নবদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি) Fledgling(অনভিজ্ঞ লোক) embryonic(rudimentary) sprout, shoot (up), bud, develop, grow, spring up, vegetate *Mnemonic* opposite of terminate is germinate

*Fringe* (frinj)

*Example* 1. Much of the vigor of the textile traditions of Mahdia comes through the embellishment of woven cloth with embroidery and the addition of fringes , tassels, and pompoms *Meaning* Adjective: On the margin, periphery Noun: the people in a group who hold the most extreme views *বাংলা অর্থ* পাড় , আঁচল , কপালে ঝুলে-থাকা চূর্ণকুন্তল , প্রান্ত , প্রত্যয় , ধার *Synonyms* edging, edge, border, trimming, frill, flounce, ruffle, trim, edge, hem. *Mnemonic* fringe...remember it with fridge(short form of refrigerator). lets decorate the fridge with threads

*Fledgling* (flej-ling)

*Example* 1. Murray has years of experience in family practice, but he is just a fledgling in surgery. *Meaning* adjective: young and inexperienced; describing any new participant in some activity *বাংলা অর্থ* অনভিজ্ঞ লোক *Root* ling (younger or inferior) *Synonyms* callow , unfledged,entrant , freshman , neophyte , newbie , newcomer , starter tyro(শিক্ষানবিস), inchoate(অপরিণত), incipient(জায়মান), germinate(অঙ্কুরিত করা), burgeon(কুঁড়ি, মুকুল, কলি), nascent(জায়মান, বর্ধনশীল), rudimentary(প্রাথমিক) novice(শিক্ষানবিস) neophyte(নবদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি) Fledgling(অনভিজ্ঞ লোক) embryonic(rudimentary) *Mnemonic* Mind it Sledging. Your cricketers (bowlers) sledge the talented one if he can't out him. Huh, lack of experience.

*Exhort* (ig ZORT)

*Example* 1. Nelson's parents exhorted him to study medicine, urging him to choose a respectable profession; intransigent, Nelson left home to become a graffiti artist. 2. The fearful forest ranger exhorted us not to go into the cave, but we did so anyway and became lost in the center of the earth. *Meaning* verb: to strongly urge on; encourage *Root* ex (from, out) *বাংলা অর্থ* উত্সাহিত করা,পরামর্শ দেত্তয়া, উপদেশ দেত্তয়া, প্রণোদিত করা *Synonyms* barrack , cheer , inspire , pep up , root on , urge , urge on *Abstruse:* Exhort=উতসাহিত করা VS Cohort=দল *Mnemonic* my ex gf is very hot(hort)...she urges men ...

*Garner* (gahr-ner)

*Example* 1. Nor did he received huge lump sums of money garner from the misery of those who WERE defrauded! *Meaning* Verb: Gather and store; amass, collect *বাংলা অর্থ* মজুত করা , সঞ্চিত রাখা , জমা রাখা , গোলাজাত করা , সংগ্রহ করা *Synonyms* gather, collect, accumulate, amass, assemble, reap *Mnemonic* Sounds like a gardener who gathers fruits and vegetables from his/her garden

*Gestation* (je-stey-shuh n)

*Example* 1. Once pregnant they cease to feed for the 3 to 4 month gestation period whilst the embryos develop inside the body. *Meaning* Noun: the process of carrying or being carried in the womb between conception and birth. *বাংলা অর্থ* গর্ভকাল, গর্ভধারণ কাল, গর্ভে ধারণ *Root* tion (state or quality) *Synonyms* pregnancy, incubation, development, maturation *Mnemonic* when we pronounce gestation, we have guest in the name. so a guest is about to come permanently which implies pregnancy


*Example* 1. Our field hockey team floundered helplessly around the field while the opposing team scored goal after goal. 2. Sylvia has excelled at advanced calculus, but ironically, when she has deal with taxes, she flounders. *Meaning* verb: behave awkwardly; have difficulties *বাংলা অর্থ* রাঘববোয়াল *Synonyms* stagger *Mnemonic* Fly+under water is accompanied with lots of struggle and confusion

*Facile* (FAS il)

*Example* 1. Paolo's poems were facile rather than truly accomplished; if you read them closely, you soon realized they were filled with clichés. 2. The CEO of the company was a facile speaker. He could speak en gag ing ly on almost any topic with very little preparation. He spoke with great facility. *Meaning* adjective: fluent; skillful in a superficial way; easy *বাংলা অর্থ* সহজ, সাবলীল, সহজসাধ্য, অনর্গল, নমনীয়, অনায়াস *Root* FAC/FIC/FIG/FAIT/FEIT/FY (to do, to make) *Synonyms* superficial, Effortless *Mnemonic* Facile, Face I will. I will be able to face the problem (/person) because it is EASY (REQUIRES VERY LITTLE EFFORT) to solve

*Foible* (FOY bul)

*Example* 1. Patti's foibles included a tendency to prefer dogs to people. 2. The delegates to the state convention ignored the candidates positions on the major issues and concentrated on their foibles. *Meaning* noun: a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual, a minor character flaw *বাংলা অর্থ* চারিত্রিক ত্রুটি, দুর্বলতা *Synonyms* idiosyncrasy , mannerism *Mnemonic* Feeble are similar also . Fail to be able.. so you have a weakness or slight fault at something

*Fatuous* (FACH oo us)

*Example* 1. Pauline is so pretty that her suitors are often driven to fatuous acts of devotion. They are infatuated with her. *Meaning* Adjective: stupid; smugly foolish; unconsciously foolish *বাংলা অর্থ* গবা, মূর্খ, নির্বুদ্ধি *Root* uous (state or quality of) *Synonyms* asinine, inane, mindless, vacuous, foolish *Mnemonic* generally fat people in US are foolish!!


*Example*: *Meaning*: fanciful, imaginary, visionary; impossible *বাংলা অর্থ*: কাল্পনিক *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:

*Forage* (fawr-ij)

*Example* 1. Researchers caught fewer forage fish, such as herring, anchovy and smelt. *Meaning* Noun: The act of searching for food and provisions; Animal food for browsing or grazing v. - Wander and feed; Collect or look around for (food). *বাংলা অর্থ* ঘোড়া ও গবাদি পশুর জাব বা খোরাক বা খাদ্য , খাদ্য-সন্ধান *Mnemonic* it take as for+age(alive)=food(which is most important)so for the further a living searching of food is necessary

*Fervid* (fur-vid)

*Example* 1. She has always been a fervid orator. *Meaning* Adjective: extremely hot, characterized by intense emotion *বাংলা অর্থ* উত্তপ্ত , উদ্দীপ্ত , কামনাতাড়িত *Root* FERV (to boil, to bubble, to burn) *Synonyms* ardent, fervent, fiery, impassioned, perfervid, torrid, passionate *Mnemonic* fer-fur vid-video video with girls in furs =extremely hot

*Fickle* (fik-uh l)

*Example* 1. She was so fickle in her politics, it was hard to pinpoint her beliefs; one week she would embrace a side, and the next week she would denounce it. *Meaning* adjective: liable to sudden unpredictable change, esp. in affections or attachments *বাংলা অর্থ* চপল, পরিবর্তনশীল, চল, অস্থির, তরল, খামখেয়ালী *Synonyms* erratic, mercurial , quicksilver *Mnemonic* imagine you are in a grocery shop. you need to select a PICKLE bottle . there are so many varieties of pickle there so your FICKLE (changing mind) about which one to buy

*Expedient* (ik SPEE dee unt)

*Example* 1. Since the basement had nearly filled with water, the plumber felt it would be expedient to clear out the drain. 2. The candidate's position in favor of higher pay for teachers was an expedient one adopted for the national teachers' convention and abandoned shortly afterward. *Meaning* providing an immediate advantage; serving one's immediate self-interest; practical *বাংলা অর্থ* সমীচীন, সুবিধাজনক, উপযুক্ত, যুক্তিযুক্ত, উপযোগী *Root* ex (from, out) *Synonyms* advisable, appropriate, desirable; advantageous *Mnemonic* pronounce it like "experienced"...an experienced person is always SUITABLE for making decisions

*Exigent* (Ek-si-jent)

*Example* 1. Since the cargo claimants presented no exigent circumstances requiring a return of the attached funds, maintaining the attachment would not be inequitable. *Meaning* Adjective: demanding attention or requiring precise accuracy *Root* ex (from, out) *বাংলা অর্থ* প্রয়োজন, জরুরি *Mnemonic* EX-tremely ur-GENT

*Gambol* (gam-buh l)

*Example* 1. So, the wonderful free gambol in the pastures is over and The Guardian is now having to share the cowshed with everybody else; even the BBC will find itself lassoed by the government sooner or later. *Meaning* Noun: to dance or skip around playfully *বাংলা অর্থ* ক্রীড়াচ্ছলে তিড়িংতিড়িং নাচা, ক্রীড়া করা, তিড়িং-তিড়িং নাচা *Synonyms* frolic, frisk, cavort, caper, skip, dance, romp, prance, leap, hop, jump, spring *Abstruse:* Gambol=তিড়িং তিড়িং নাচ VS Gamble=ঝুঁকি VS Gambit=চাল ,an act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage *Mnemonic* gambol : game-ball, in a football game you have to skip the ball playfully because if you don't do it the opposite player will tackle you quickly.

*Expiate* (ek-spee-eyt)

*Example* 1. Some South Koreans will no doubt insist that Tokyo hasn't done enough to expiate war memories. 2. He died in an attempt to expiate his own guilt. 3. Generally, there is—much later—a period of national reckoning when the sins of the moment of crisis are both expiated and forgiven. *Meaning* verb: to atone for, make amends for sin *বাংলা অর্থ* প্রায়শ্চিত্ত করা, পূর্ণপ্রায়শ্চিত্ত করা, খেসারৎ দেত্তয়া *Root* ex (from, out) *Synonyms* Atone *Mnemonic* Rhymes as Ex Pirate. An ex-pirate always tries to expiate his guilt.Ex pirate becomes pious.

*Finagle* (fi-ney-guh l)

*Example* 1. Steven was able to finagle one of the last seats on the train by convincing the conductor that his torn stub was actually a valid ticket. *Meaning* verb: achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods *বাংলা অর্থ* প্রতারণা করা, প্রবঁচনা করা, বঁচনা করা, ঠকান, ফাঁকি দেত্তয়া *Synonyms* sneaky , devious , fallacious(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ) Hoodwink (প্রতারণা) ছলনাপূর্ণ, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ Circumvent(ফাঁদে ফেলা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, প্রতারণা করা), Duplicity(প্রতারণা), Finagle( প্রতারণা করা) , Elusive(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ), traitor (বিশ্বাসঘাতক ), insidious (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ), Perfidious(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), treacherous(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), Fleece( ধোঁকা দিয়ে লুঠে নেওয়া), deceive (ছলা, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা) *Mnemonic* finagle:it is very difficult to have an ANGLE in FINLAND,BY ANY TRICKS

*Fortify* (fawr-tuh-fahy)

*Example* 1. Tensions with Ethiopia remain high across a closed and heavily fortified border. *Meaning* Verb: make strong or stronger, to increase the effectiveness of, as by additional ingredients *বাংলা অর্থ* শক্তি বাড়ান, বলাধান করা, শক্তিশালী করান, সমর্থন করা, উত্কর্ষবৃদ্ধি করা *Synonyms* build defenses around, strengthen, secure, protect; strengthen, reinforce *Mnemonic* fort is strong n fortify is to strengthen

*Exponent* (ik-spoh-nuh nt)

*Example* 1. That number has an exponent of three above it so you have to multiply it by itself three times. *Meaning* noun: Person who expounds or explains; champion, advocate, or representative *বাংলা অর্থ* সূচক, উদাহরণ, নজির, উদ্গাতা, ব্যাখ্যাতা *Root* ex (from, out) *Synonyms* supporter, champion, embodiment *Mnemonic* in math exponent increases value.. thus exponent is someone that increases the value by pleading for it!


*Example*: *Meaning*: physical grace and beauty *বাংলা অর্থ*: লাবণ্য *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:

*Expatiate* (ik-spey-shee-eyt)

*Example* 1. That scientist will expatiate about the newly released study that supports his original conclusions. *Meaning* to wander; to discuss or describe at length *বাংলা অর্থ* বিস্তৃতভাবে আলোচনা করা বা লেখা *Root* ex (from, out) *Synonyms* dilate, elaborate, enlarge, expand *Abstruse:* Expatriate=নির্বাসিত করা, বিতাড়িত ( opposite of patriate করা ) VS Expatiate= বিস্তৃতভাবে আলোচনা করা, VS Expiate=প্রায়শ্চিত্ত করা, মিটমাট করা *Mnemonic* expatiate sounds like expect and you expect every writer to clarify the meaning or the intent of his written essays..or stories.

*Goosebumps* (goos-buhmps)

*Example* 1. That was a fantastic film, with tons of goosebumps emotional beats mixed in with action and adventure. *Meaning* Plural noun: The "bumps" created by hairs standing up on the skin in response to cold, fear, etc. *বাংলা অর্থ* শিহরন

*Exegesis* (ek-si-jee-sis)

*Example* 1. The Bible is fertile ground for exegesis -over the past five centuries there have been as many interpretations as there are pages in the Old Testament. 2. If they were not willfully blind, such facts as are established by the following quotations would open their eyes to the errors in their exegesis *Meaning* noun: critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text (especially of the Bible *বাংলা অর্থ* বাইবেলের সমালোচনা ও ভাষ্য *Mnemonic* Exegesis- EXEcuted, JESUS please explain how Jesus was executed.

*Expound* (ik-spound)

*Example* 1. The CEO refused to expound on the decision to merge our department with another one, and so I quit. 2. We hope that the professor will expound on that scientific theory so we can understand it. *Meaning* verb: add details or explanation; clarify the meaning; state in depth *বাংলা অর্থ* ব্যাখ্যা করা, অর্থপ্রকাশ করা, মানে করা, উদ্ভাসিত করা *Root* ex (from, out) PON/POS/POUND (to put, to place) *Synonyms* dilate , elaborate , enlarge , expand , expatiate. *Mnemonic* can u please EXPLAIN what is your "ex" doing with your "pound"(money)

*Factious* (fak-shuh s)

*Example* 1. The Court had become factious because the judges were following their personal ideologies instead of upholding the Constitution. *Meaning* adjective: artificial; not natural, produced by, or characterized by internal dissension *বাংলা অর্থ* দুর্দান্ত, রাজবৈরপূর্ণ, দলাদলি-প্রবণ, বিরোধপূর্ণ *Root* fac/t (make, do) ous (full of) *Synonyms* Dissentious, divisive *Abstruse:* fractious=ঝগড়াটে, VS factious=বিরোধপূর্ণ vs Faction: দলাদলি VS Factitious:কৃত্রিম vs Fastidious:খুঁতখুঁতে *Mnemonic* factious = fact + ious. factious people are so concerned about their facts (views). so they won't agree with others. so factious means opposition or dissenting

*Hamstrung* [ 750th ] (ham-string)

*Example* 1. The FBI has made so many restrictions on the local police that they are absolutely hamstrung, unable to accomplish anything. *Meaning* Verb: made ineffective or powerless *বাংলা অর্থ* বধ করল ফলে *Root* *Synonyms* cripple, lame, disable, incapacitate

*Glut* (glut)

*Example* 1. The Internet offers such a glut of news related stories that many find it difficult to know which story to read first. 2. In the middle of economic crises, hiring managers find their inboxes glutted with resumes. *Meaning* Noun: an excessive supply Verb: supply with an excess of *বাংলা অর্থ* *Root* *Synonyms* plethora(আধিক্য), excess(বাড়তি), overabundance(প্রয়েজনাতিরিক্ত), superfluity, superabundance(অত্যধিক প্রাচুর্য), surplus(উদ্বৃত্ত), glut(অতিরিক্ত সরবরাহ), surfeit(প্রয়োজনের চেয়ে অতিরিক্ত) *Abstruse:* Glut:oversupply vs Glutton:পেটুক VS Protean:Trending or able to change frequently or easily আকৃতি পরিবর্তনের তত্পর *Mnemonic*

*Forthcoming* (fawrth-kuhm-ing)

*Example* 1. The President announced that the senators were about to reach a compromise, and that he was eager to read the forthcoming details of the bill. 2. As a husband, Larry was not forthcoming: if Jill didn't demand to know details, Larry would never share them with her. *Meaning* adjective: available when required or as promised, at ease in talking to others *বাংলা অর্থ* আসন্ন *Synonyms* approaching , coming , upcoming, extroverted , outgoing

*Foliate* (foh-lee-eyt)

*Example* 1. The action plates, which are engraved in foliate scroll, can have either a multicolored case-hardened finish or a flat-silver coin finish. *Meaning* verb: Grow leaves; Number the pages of a book or manuscript; Coat or back with metal foil; Decorate with leaves *বাংলা অর্থ* পাতা মতো , পত্রযুক্ত *Synonyms* leafy, stratified, bedded

*Expurgate* (ek-sper-geyt)

*Example* 1. The censor expurgated every reference to sex and drugs, converting the rapper's raunchy flow into a series of bleeps. 2. The editor's job was to expurgate any passage deemed inappropriate for young eyes. *Meaning* verb: to remove objectionable material *বাংলা অর্থ* শোধন করা *Root* ex (from, out) purg (clean) *Synonyms* delete, excise, censor, purge, bowdlerize. *Mnemonic* Expurgate - divide this word into (expel+ur+gate), you always expel the waste from your gate to make your home 'clean' and 'purified'.

*Felicitous* (fi-lis-i-tuh s)

*Example* 1. The chairman's felicitous anecdote set everyone at ease. *Meaning* Adjective: suitably expressed; well chosen, Admirably appropriate, very well-suited for the occasion; pleasant *বাংলা অর্থ* যথাযথ, সুখপূর্ণ, মনোরম *Root* ous (full of) *Synonyms* well-chosen, fitting, suitable, appropriate, apposite, pertinent *Mnemonic* felicitous sounds like felicitation.in felicitation the person is praised with SUITABLE, APT , WELL CHOSEN remarks

*Fey* (fey)

*Example* 1. The clowns were acting fey as they danced around the stage. *Meaning* Adjective: doomed; fated to die, Suggestive of an elf in strangeness and other worldliness, slightly insane *বাংলা অর্থ* মৃত্যু অবধারিত এমন , মরণোন্মুখ , খামখেয়ালী , অবাস্তব

*Gibe* (jahyb)

*Example* 1. The club did not take the gibes of the opposing club well. *Meaning* Noun: an insulting or mocking remark; a taunt. Verb: make insulting or mocking remarks; jeer. *বাংলা অর্থ* ঘৃণা, অবজ্ঞা, উপহাস, বিদ্রূপ, বাক্যবাণ *Synonyms* Jibe(বিদ্রূপ), Gibe(উপহাস), Snide(কটাক্ষপূর্ণ, মেকি, জাল, বিদ্রুপপূর্ণ), Quip(ঠাট্টা, বাক্ছল, পরিহাস, তামাশা, সরস জবাব, বিদ্রূপ), Epigram(সরস বুদ্ধিদীপ্ত ক্ষুদ্র কবিতা), taunt(বিদ্রূপ), mock *Mnemonic* GIBE = "GIBES" Remember !! when Hersheell Gibes missed the catch of steve wagh in world cup , everyone mocked him

*Feasible* (fee-zuh-buh l)

*Example* 1. The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a 'C,' the idea must be feasible *Meaning* Adjective: Possible; logical or likely; suitable *বাংলা অর্থ* সাধ্য, কার্যকর, সম্ভব, সম্ভাব্য *Synonyms* executable, practicable, viable, workable, possible

*Exorbitant* (ig-zawr-bi-tuh nt)

*Example* 1. The cost of the new television was truly exorbitant. 2. Shelley made one exorbitant purchase after another, buying new clothes and taking vacations even though she earned a limited salary. *Meaning* adjective: greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation *Root* ex (from, out) *বাংলা অর্থ* অতিরিক্ত, গলাকাটা, অত্যধিক, অতিশয় *Synonyms* extortionate , outrageous , steep , unconscionable, usurious *Mnemonic* ex(out) + orbit - that is out of orbit or limitations that are binding it.

*exonerate* (ig ZAHN uh rayt)

*Example* 1. The defendant, who had always claimed he wasn't guilty, expected to be exonerated by the testimony of his best friend. 2. The document clearly indicated that Nick was out of the state at the time of the crime, and so served to exonerate him of any charges. *Meaning* verb: free completely from blame; to exculpate *Root* ex (from, out) *বাংলা অর্থ* পুনর্বাসন করা, ক্ষালন করা, দোষক্ষালন করা *Synonyms* acquit, clear , discharge , exculpate *Mnemonic* break it as EX (gone) HONOR (pride) ~ to bring back your gone or fallen honor by getting the blame off you.


*Example* 1. The exam's passage is flush with difficult words, words that you may have learned only yesterday. *Meaning* adjective: to be in abundance *বাংলা অর্থ* ঘনিষ্ঠরূপে, নিবিড়ভাবে, ঘনিষ্ঠভাবে *Synonyms* bloom , blossom , efflorescence , flower , heyday , peak , prime

*Grating* (grey-ting)

*Example* 1. The final way the narrator is annoying is that his voice is just plain grating *Meaning* Adjective: sounding harsh and unpleasant. Noun: a framework of parallel or crossed bars, typically preventing access through an opening while permitting communication or ventilation. Verb: reduce (something, especially food) to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater. *বাংলা অর্থ* শ্রুতিকটু, কর্কশ, কটু, দারূণ, খর্খরে *Synonyms* scraping, scratching, grinding, grid, grate, shred, pulverize

*Halcyon* (hal-see-uh n)

*Example* 1. The first decade after WWI was a halcyon period in America with new-found wealth and rapidly improving technology. *Meaning* Adjective: idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquility; marked by peace and prosperity, Calm and peaceful, carefree; prosperous, successful, happy *বাংলা অর্থ* শান্তিপূর্ণ, সুখপূর্ণ *Synonyms* golden , prosperous *Mnemonic* halycon can be considered as opposite of cyclone...just imagine a cyclone...you will understand what I mean

*Grandstand* (gran-stand)

*Example* 1. The flags are flying proudly at York Racecourse after a new grandstand was officially handed over to race chiefs *Meaning* Noun: Perform showily in an attempt to impress onlookers/ the audience at a stadium or racetrack *বাংলা অর্থ* লোকদেখান

*Gossamer* (gos-uh-mer)

*Example* 1. The gossamer wings of a butterfly, which allow it to fly, are also a curse, so delicate that they are often damaged. *Meaning* adjective: characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy *বাংলা অর্থ* লূতাতন্তু(unusual lightness) *Synonyms* ethereal *Mnemonic* GO+SAMMER(summer) - we wear clothes of light fabric

*Extenuating* (ik-sten-yoo-ey-ting)

*Example* 1. The jury was hardly moved by the man's plea that his loneliness was an extenuating factor in his crime of dognapping a prized pooch. 2. Cherrie admitted that she stole the Cracker Jacks, but claimed that there were extenuating circumstances: She had no money to buy food for her pet chameleon. *Meaning* adjective: making less guilty or more forgivable, To lessen the seriousness of an action by giving an excuse. *বাংলা অর্থ* প্রশমিত করা, হ্রাস করা, গুরুত্ব হ্রাস করা *Root* ex (from, out) *Synonyms* exculpatory *Mnemonic* EX Ten Uating : I came with my EX at Ten to home and my wife gave Shunting..which is forgivable because she saw me with ex

*Genteel* (jen TEEL)

*Example* 1. The ladies at the ball were too genteel to accept our invitation to the wrestling match. 2. A live string quartet would provide a more genteel air to the wedding than would a folk singer. *Meaning* Adjective: refined; polite; aristocratic; affecting refinement, marked by refinement in taste and manners *বাংলা অর্থ* বিনয়ী, সুশীল, ভদ্র *Synonyms* civilized , cultivated , cultured , polite *Mnemonic* A person who is genteel has gentility.

*Explicit* (ik SPLIS it)

*Example* 1. The sexually explicit movie received an X rating. 2. The machine's instructions were explicit—they told us exactly what to do. 3. No one explicitly asked us to set the barn on fire, but we got the impression that that was what we were supposed to do. *Meaning* adjective: clearly and directly expressed *বাংলা অর্থ* স্পষ্ট, পরিষ্কারভাবে বর্ণিত, সুব্যক্ত, স্পষ্টভাষিত, স্ফুট, কবুল *Root* ex (from, out) PLEX/PLIC/PLY (to fold, to twist, to tangle, to bend) *Synonyms* denotative, literal, express, definitive *Mnemonic* "please sit" let's CLEAR out the things


*Example*: *Meaning*: piece of personal property *বাংলা অর্থ*: অস্থাবর সম্পত্তি *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:

*Glower* (glou-er)

*Example* 1. The manager glowered at us and stalked off back to his office. The sacked bloke was reinstated and all six of us passed. *Meaning* Noun: an angry or sullen look. Verb: have an angry or sullen look on one's face; scowl. *বাংলা অর্থ* কটমট করে , ভীতিজনকভাবে তাকানো, একদৃষ্টিতে তাকান, ক্রুদ্ধভাবে তাকান *Synonyms* morose(বিষণ্ণ, বিশুষ্ক, কঠিন গোমড়া মুখ, রুক্ষ), lugubrious(নিরানন্দ), ennui(মানসিক ক্লান্তি), saturnine(বিষণ্ণ মেজাজসম্পন্ন), damp(স্যাঁতসেঁতে, কুয়াশাচ্ছন্ন, ভিজা) Sullen(গোমড়া-মুখো) Bleak(নিরানন্দ) Stark(সম্পূর্ণ, পুরোদস্তুর, সাধারণ এবং অপ্রয়োজনীয় সাজসজ্জা ছাড়া) Glower(কটমট করে , ভীতিজনকভাবে তাকানো, একদৃষ্টিতে তাকান, ক্রুদ্ধভাবে তাকান) *Mnemonic* Gulshan Grover- stared angrily at the hero.

*Fawning* (fawn- ing)

*Example* 1. The media fawned over the handsome new CEO, praising his impeccable sense of style instead of asking more pointed questions. *Meaning* verb: try to gain favor by extreme flattery, trying to please by behaving obsequiously, flattering, or cringing *বাংলা অর্থ* পদানত, ধামা ধরা, সেবকোচিত, তোষামোদী, খোশামুদে বাদামী রঙ বা রঙের, ক্রীতদাসের মতো ব্যবহার করা, পা চাটা, কারো দাক্ষিণ্য পাবার জন্য হাত কচলা *Synonyms* bootlick , kotow, kowtow, suck up, toady, truckle *Mnemonic* Read it Fao (ফাও কথা). Trying to impress by ফাও কথা which seems Fao-ning.

*Gouge* (gouj)

*Example* 1. The men who delivered the table tried to hide the gouge in it. *Meaning* Noun: Scooping or digging tool, like a chisel, or a hole made with such a tool Verb: cut or scoop out; force out a person's eye with one's thumb; swindle, extort money from, overcharge *বাংলা অর্থ* প্রতারণা, বাটালিবিশেষ, গর্ত করা, উপড়াইয়া ফেলা *Synonyms* scoop, hollow, excavate, cut, dig, scrape, Rout (dig around, as with a snout; rummage; scoop out or gouge) *Mnemonic* In slang language we call goggles as gouge - So when you buy a pair of branded gouge, which are expensive, you think the shopkeeper is overcharging you.

*Extol* (ik STOHL)

*Example* 1. The millionaire extolled the citizen who returned his gold watch and then rewarded him with a heartfelt handshake. *Meaning* verb: to praise highly; to laud *বাংলা অর্থ* উচ্চপ্রশংসা করা, অত্যধিক প্রশংসা করা, কীর্তন গাত্তয়া, কীর্তন করা, গুণানুবাদ করা *Root* ex (from, out) *Synonyms* Plaudit(তালি শুনতে), laud(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), extol(উচ্চপ্রশংসা করা, encomium(স্তুতিবাদ), estimable(শ্রদ্ধেয়), Accolade(প্রশংসা), Eulogy(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), Panegyric(প্রশংসামূলক), Paean(বিজয়গাথা), acclamation(প্রশংসা), hail , Commendable(প্রশংসনীয় ), applaudable , laudable , praiseworthy, exalt (মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা),glorify, Sublime(মহিমান্বিত), exalt(মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা) , Seraphic(স্বর্গীয়) *Mnemonic* Extol = Ex + Tol. My EX-Girlfriend always praised the 'Tall' guys highly in front of me. And so our relationship ended!

*Gradation* (grey-dey-shuh n)

*Example* 1. The picture is nice and clear, fine details are razor-sharp, and shadowed areas show very good depth and subtle gradations . *Meaning* Noun: a scale or a series of successive changes, stages, or degrees. *বাংলা অর্থ* ক্রমবিন্যাস, ক্রম, ধাপ, ধাপে ধাপে উন্নতি, মাত্রাবিন্যাস, মাত্রা *Synonyms* range, scale, spectrum, span, progression, hierarchy, ladder *Mnemonic* You have to increase in steps to reach graduation, and if you graduate more, the color of your robes change.

*Foolhardy* (fool-hahr-dee)

*Example* 1. The police regularly face dangerous situations, so for a police officer not to wear his bullet-proof vest is foolhardy. *Meaning* adjective: marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences *বাংলা অর্থ* হঠকারী, মূর্খের মত সাহসী, গোঁয়ার গোবিন্দ, গোঁয়ার *Synonyms* heady , rash , reckless *Mnemonic* A fool and hardy sailor would take the risk of sailing in a bad weather.

*Fetid* (fet-id)

*Example* 1. The pond was often fetid during the warm weather of the summer. *Meaning* Adjective: having an offensive odor; stinking *বাংলা অর্থ* পূতিগন্ধময় , পচা গন্ধযুক্ত *Synonyms* malodorous, smelly, noisome *Mnemonic* Feet smells bad

*Filibuster* (fil-uh-buhs-ter)

*Example* 1. The president faces the prospect of filibusters in the Senate to block his latest policy to be legislated. *Meaning* Noun: (law) a tactic for delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches, a legislator who gives long speeches in an effort to delay or obstruct legislation that he (or she) opposes. Verb: obstruct deliberately by delaying *বাংলা অর্থ* বক্তৃতাবাজি, লম্বা বক্তৃতা দিয়ে সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণে বাধা দেওয়া *Mnemonic* something that is filled to burst the final outcome (which delays the outcome)

*Germane* (jer-meyn)

*Example* 1. The professor wanted to tell the jury in detail about his new book, but the lawyer said it wasn't germane to the charges in the cases. *Meaning* Adjective: relevant and appropriate, *বাংলা অর্থ* যথাযথ, সঙ্গত, প্রাসঙ্গিক *Synonyms* relevant, pertinent, applicable, apposite, material, apropos, appropriate *Mnemonic* germane...very close to word ..germany..so if you want TO learn GERMAN LANGUAGE....I GUESS A GERMAN teacher would be APPROPRIATE.


*Examples:* *Meaning:* *বাংলা অর্থ:* পাতন করা *Root:* *Synonym:* purify; refine; concentrate *Mnemonics:*

*Extemporaneous* (ik-stem-puh-rey-nee-uh s)

*Example* 1. The speech teacher made the students give two extemporaneous speeches during the school year. 2. His former style is what we call extemporaneous, but we do not wish to convey the idea that he spoke without preparation. *Meaning* Done without preparation (esp. of a speech), or with some preparation but no notes; improvised, done on the spur of the moment *বাংলা অর্থ* অনিয়মিত, তত্ক্ষণিক, পূর্বপ্রস্তুতিহীন, অচিন্তিতপূর্ব, আকস্মিক, আপতিক *Root* ex (from, out) ous (full of) temp means time. *Synonyms* Impromptu(উপস্থিতমত, বিনা প্রস্তুতিতে, পূর্বপ্রস্তুতি ব্যতীত), Improvise, Extemporaneous(তত্ক্ষণিক, পূর্বপ্রস্তুতিহীন, অচিন্তিতপূর্ব, আকস্মিক, ), unscripted *Mnemonic* TEMPORARILY done in haste(দ্রুত অগ্রসর হত্তয়া) and so not planned

*Exorcise* (ek-sawr-sahyz)

*Example* 1. The spiritual group worked to exorcise the evil spirits that seemed to reside in the building. *Meaning* Verb: to expel evil spirits *Root* ex (from, out) cide, cise (cut, kill) *বাংলা অর্থ* ভূতপ্রেত ঝাড়ান, ভূত ঝাড়া, যাদু করা *Abstruse:* Exorcise: ভূতপ্রেত ঝাড়ান, ভূত ঝাড়া, যাদু করা vs Excoriate: to criticize very harshly *Mnemonic* Who size(cise) the exor ( outer ) He thought he could "exorcise" (to drive out evil spirits; to purify) his fears by performing regular "exercise" (physical training).

*Facilitate* (fuh-sil-i-teyt)

*Example* 1. The teachings are the means to achieve ultimate inner freedom, whereas money and wealth facilitate worldly happiness, temporary satisfaction. *Meaning* Verb: to make easier or less difficult; help forward (an action, a process, etc.) *বাংলা অর্থ* সহজতর করা, সহজ করা *Synonyms* alleviate, ease

*Fealty* (fee-uh l-tee)

*Example* 1. The tenant farmer had to swear an oath of fealty to the owner of the property. *Meaning* Adjective: the loyalty that citizens owe to their country (or subjects to their sovereign) *বাংলা অর্থ* আনুগত্যের *Synonyms* allegiance *Abstruse:* allegation=অভিযোগ, VS allegiance=আনুগত্য *Mnemonic* sounds like fidelity....fidelity means loyalty....

*Fallacious* (fuh-ley-shuh s)

*Example* 1. The widespread belief that Eskimos have forty different words for snow is fallacious, based on one false report. *Meaning* Adjective: false; misleading, of a belief that is based on faulty reasoning *বাংলা অর্থ* প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, হেত্বাভাসমূলক *Root* ous (full of) *Synonyms* sneaky , devious , fallacious(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ) Hoodwink (প্রতারণা) ছলনাপূর্ণ, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ Circumvent(ফাঁদে ফেলা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, প্রতারণা করা), Duplicity(প্রতারণা), Finagle( প্রতারণা করা) , Elusive(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ), traitor (বিশ্বাসঘাতক ), insidious (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ), Perfidious(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), treacherous(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), Fleece( ধোঁকা দিয়ে লুঠে নেওয়া), deceive (ছলা, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা) *Mnemonic* Read it Falsious. False-ious.

*Grouse* (grous)

*Example* 1. There's been quite a lot of grumbling and grousing in corporate America. *Meaning* Verb: Complain or grumble Noun: a reason for complaint *বাংলা অর্থ* অনাদর, অপমান, অবজ্ঞা, নালিশ, গরগর শব্দ, অসন্তোষ, অভিযোগ করা , অসন্তোষ জানানো *Synonyms* grumble, complaint, grievance, objection *Mnemonic* spouse .... complain a lot

*Feckless* (fek-lis)

*Example* 1. Two years after graduation, Charlie still lived with his parents and had no job, becoming more feckless with each passing day. *Meaning* adjective: lazy and irresponsible *বাংলা অর্থ* অসহায়, নিস্তেজ, ব্যর্থ, নিষ্প্রভ *Synonyms* inept *Mnemonic* it sounds like reckless

*Gumption* (guhmp-shuh n)

*Example* 1. Wallace Stegner lamented the lack of gumption in the U.S. during the sixties, claiming that no young person knew the value of work. *Meaning* Noun: resourcefulness and determination *বাংলা অর্থ* বুঝ, সাধারণ বুদ্ধি, কাণ্ডজ্ঞান, ণত্বষত্বজ্ঞান *Synonyms* backbone , grit , guts , moxie , sand *Mnemonic* gump sounds like jump . to jump on from the top of the building need courage

*Fractious* (Fractious)

*Example* 1. We rarely invite my fractious Uncle over for dinner; he always complains about the food, and usually launches into a tirade on some touchy subject. *Meaning* adjective: irritable and is likely to cause disruption *বাংলা অর্থ* অবাধ্য , খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি , ঝগড়াটে *Root* FRA/FRAC/FRAG/FRING (to break) *Synonyms* Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা), Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) *Abstruse:* fractious=ঝগড়াটে, VS factious=বিরোধপূর্ণ vs Faction: দলাদলি VS Factitious:কৃত্রিম vs Fastidious:খুঁতখুঁতে *Mnemonic* those who get their limbs get fractured...gets annoyed or bad tempered by taking bed rest for long

*Florid* (flawr-id)

*Example* 1. When he tripped over his own foot, his face became florid with anger. *Meaning* Adjective: Reddish or rosy; flowery, showy, or excessively fancy *বাংলা অর্থ* প্রচুর পুষ্পরঞ্জিত , অলংকারবহুল , ঝলমলে , রাঙা *Root* flor/a, fleur (flower) *Synonyms* flamboyant, rubicund, ruddy, sanguine *Mnemonic* florid sounds like Florida. So u see beautiful beaches, with beautiful girls taking sunbath. There skin becomes reddish. So florid means reddish.

*Figurative* (FIG yur uh tiv)

*Example* 1. When the mayor said that the housing market had sprouted wings, he was speaking figuratively. The housing market hadn't really sprout ed wings; it had merely risen so rapidly that it had almost seemed to fly. *Meaning* Adjective: based on figures of speech; expressing something in terms usually used for something else; metaphorical *বাংলা অর্থ* প্রতীকী, আলংকারিক, শব্দালংকারপূর্ণ, শব্দালংকারপ্রি *Synonyms* non literal, analogical, metaphoric, metaphorical

*Guffaw* (guh-faw)

*Example* 1. Whenever the jester fell to the ground in mock pain, the king guffawed, exposing his yellow, fang-like teeth. 2. Unable to control herself any longer, she started giggling, letting it cascade into a full blown guffaw. *Meaning* verb: laugh boisterously Noun:A burst of deep loud hearty laughter *বাংলা অর্থ* অট্টহাসি, অট্টহাস্য, অট্টহাস *Synonyms* laugh heartily, laugh loudly, roar with laughter, roar, bellow *Abstruse:* guffaw=অট্টহাসি, উচ্চহাসি VS Gaffe= ভুল পদক্ষেপ, অসমীচীন কাজ VS Gaffer=শ্রমিক সর্দার *Mnemonic* Remember Disney's character GOOFY & his laugh.

*Gerrymander* (jer-i-man-der)

*Example* 1. Years ago, savvy politicians had gerrymandered the city center to ensure their re-election. *Meaning* verb: to manipulate voting districts in order to favor a particular political party, to divide a state or county into election districts to gain political advantage *বাংলা অর্থ* নির্বাচনে অন্যায় সুযোগ লাভের জন্য নির্বাচনী এলাকা ইত্যাদির পুনবির্ভাগ, ষড়্যন্ত্র, কূটকৌশল *Mnemonic* Relate it with Jerry of 'Tom and Jerry' cartoon in which Jerry divided everything partially with Tom and quarrels with him... so possessing a Jerry's mind - Gerrymander.

*Ford* (fawrd)

*Example* 1. You used to be able to drive across the ford at Water splash Lane, but it had to be blocked off because cars kept getting stuck halfway across, and we had to get tractors out to pull them clear *Meaning* Noun: Place where a river or similar body of water is shallow enough to walk or ride a vehicle across Verb: to cross at such a place *বাংলা অর্থ* নদীর যে অগভীর অংশ ঐরূপে পার হওয়া, হাঁটুজল *Root* *Synonyms* crossing place, crossing, shallow place *Mnemonic* if u have a ford car and you take it in beside a river, the river give way (just as it gave way to lord RAMA), where there is ford there's a way

*Gawky* (gaw-kee)

*Example* 1. a gawky lad with long ungainly legs. *Meaning* Adjective: nervously awkward and ungainly, Physically awkward (esp. of a tall, skinny person, often used to describe teenagers) *বাংলা অর্থ* ন্যাকা , বিদঘুটে , লাজুক *Synonyms* awkward, ungainly, gangling, maladroit, clumsy, klutzy, inelegant, uncoordinated

*Gullible* (guhl-uh-buh l)

*Example* 1. an attempt to persuade a gullible public to spend their money *Meaning* overly trusting; willing to believe anything *বাংলা অর্থ* অতিসরল, অতিসরলতা, সহজে ধোঁকা দেওয়া *Synonyms* credulous, naive, over trusting, over trustful, easily deceived, easily taken in *Mnemonic* Gulli (গুল্লি ) goes straight. Just for reminding (অতিসরল)

*Forswear* (fawr-swair)

*Example* 1. he would never forswear the religion of his people *Meaning* Verb: formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure *বাংলা অর্থ* শপথ করে কোনো কিছু অস্বীকার , মিথ্যা শপথ করা , মিথ্যা শপথদুষ্ট *Root* for (completely, used to intensify the meaning of a word) *Synonyms* abjure, recant, retract *Mnemonic* formally swear to renounce..

*Foreshadow* (fawr-shad-oh)

*Example* 1. it foreshadowed my preoccupation with jazz *Meaning* Verb: be a warning or indication of (a future event). *বাংলা অর্থ* পূর্বাভাস দেত্তয়া *Root* FORE (before) *Synonyms* signal, indicate, signify, mean, be a sign of, suggest, herald, be a harbinger of *Mnemonic* A 'shadow' of an assassin alerts you 'before' his arrival.

*Gist* (jist)

*Example* 1. she noted the gist of each message *Meaning* Noun: the substance or essence of a speech or text, Main idea, essence. *বাংলা অর্থ* সারকথা, নিষ্কর্ষ, মূল বক্তব্য, মূল সারমর্ম, ফলিতার্থ *Synonyms* essence, substance, central theme, heart of the matter, nub *Mnemonic* gist..sounds very similar to list.....SO your lecturer is asking you to LIST OUT THE MAIN POINTS of the paragraph.

*Forfeit* (fawr-fit)

*Example* 1. the lands which he had acquired were automatically forfeit 2. If the flame should accidentally be extinguished during transfer, then the receiving player is eliminated from the game, and must pay a forfeit *Meaning* Adjective : lost or surrendered as a penalty for wrongdoing or neglect. Noun: a fine or penalty for wrongdoing or for a breach of the rules in a club or game. Verb: lose or be deprived of (property or a right or privilege) as a penalty for wrongdoing. *বাংলা অর্থ* খোয়ানো , খেসারত দেওয়া , অধিকার হারানো, বাজেয়াপ্ত *Root* for (completely) *Synonyms* penalty, sanction, punishment, penance, fine, confiscation, loss, relinquishment *Mnemonic* forfeited == fore (before) + feet , that is when u have done some mistake u fall on some ones feet for excuse


*Example*: *Meaning*: Gather together, amount to (verb); constituting a whole made up of constituent parts (adj) *বাংলা অর্থ*: সমষ্টিগত, মোট , সমষ্টিগত , রাশিকৃত , যোগফল *Root*: greg means flock. aggregate:-"toward + flock"= collect or add up *Synonyms*: gather; accumulate *Mnemonic*: aggregate- a gre gate - all of us need gre "total" score to reach gate of university

*Fulsome* (foo l-suh m)

*Example* 1. they are almost embarrassingly fulsome in their appreciation *Meaning* Adjective: complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree. *বাংলা অর্থ* গর্হিত, ন্যক্কারজনক, ক্ষতিকারক, আধিক্যপূর্ণ, আতিশয্যপূর্ণ, ক্ষতিকর *Root* some (characterized by, group of) *Synonyms* excessive, extravagant, overdone, immoderate, inordinate, over-appreciative, flattering, adulatory *Abstruse* fulminate:সশব্দে ফাটান, নির্ঘোষ তোলা, উচ্চনাদ তোলা, বিস্ফোরিত হত্তয়া vs fulsome: গর্হিত, ন্যক্কারজনক, ক্ষতিকারক, আধিক্যপূর্ণ, আতিশয্যপূর্ণ, ক্ষতিকর *Mnemonic* You can FOOL SOME people with excessive and insincere praise.

*Forestall* (fohr-stawl)

*Example* 1. vitamins may forestall many diseases of aging *Meaning* Verb: prevent or obstruct (an anticipated event or action) by taking action ahead of time. *বাংলা অর্থ* কিছু আগে করা *Root* FORE (before) *Synonyms* leash ( শিকল ), forestall(প্রতিরোধ) , Impede(ব্যাহত করা), Deterrent(প্রতিবন্ধক), Trammel(প্রতিবন্ধক, মাছ ধরা জাল ,শিকল), Occlude(বন্ধ করিয়া দেত্তয়া, to obstruct or block), Preempt(to prevent something from happening by taking action first), balk *Mnemonic* fore = front/before. Stall = Stop. Stop before anything bad happened.

*Flout* (flowt)

*Example* 1. • A driver flouts the traffic laws by driving through red lights and knocking down pedestrians. *Meaning* verb: to disregard something out of disrespect *বাংলা অর্থ* বিদ্রুপ, কোনো কিছুর বিরোধিতা করা , হেয় জ্ঞান করা , উড়িয়ে দেওয়া *Synonyms* scoff *Mnemonic* Read it Flirt. Flirt Girls means make fun of them and reject them.

*Garrulous* (GAR uh lus)

*Example* 1. • Gabriella is gregarious and garrulous; she loves to hang out with the gang and gab. 2.Lynne was garrulous: once, she had a fifteen minute conversation with a stranger before she realized the woman didn't speak English. *Meaning* Adjective: talkative; chatty, full of trivial conversation *বাংলা অর্থ* ফচকে, বাচাল, অতিভাষী, গপ্প, আড্ডাবাজ, মুখফসকা *Root* ous (full of) *Synonyms* chatty , gabby , loquacious , talkative , talky. Loquacious(বহুভাষী, বাক্পটু), Garrulous(বাচাল, অতিভাষী, গপ্প, আড্ডাবাজ) , Volubility(শব্দব্যবহার), glib(সাবলীল, শতমুখ, মসৃণ, পিচ্ছিল), Articulate( Using language in a clear, fluent way), Eloquent (speaking in a fluent, powerful, appropriate way) *Mnemonic* Read it Girl-ous (Girlish). Girls talk so much & its an attitude of them.

*Gauche* (gohsh)

*Example* 1. • Smadar had a poor sense of comic timing, and her gauche attempts to mock her left-handed friends soon left her with none. 2. Sylvester says the most gauche things, such as telling a girl he liked that she was much prettier when she wore makeup. *Meaning* adjective: lacking social polish, unskillful; awkward; maladroit *বাংলা অর্থ* পরিস্থিতি বা লোক বুঝে কথা বলার বা আচরণ করার ক্ষমতাবর্জিত লোকব্যবহার-অপুট , কান্ডজ্ঞানহীন , বেআক্কেল , অপ্রস্তুত , আনাড়ি *Synonyms* graceless , unpolished *Mnemonic* t is pronounced 'gosh' O my Gosh!!- she reacted to his gauche behavior.

*Gratuitous* (gruh TOO uh tus)

*Example* 1. • The scathing review of the movie contained several gratuitous remarks about the sex life of the director. 2. • Their attack against us was gratuitous; we had never done anything to offend them. *Meaning* Adjective: given freely (said of some thing bad); unjustified; unprovoked; uncalled for *বাংলা অর্থ* ভিত্তিহীন, প্রমাণহীন, খয়রাতী, অকারণ, বিনামূল্যে প্রদত্ত, একতরফা উপকারসাধক *Root* GRAT (pleasing) *Synonyms* unjustified, uncalled for, unwarranted, unprovoked, undue *Mnemonic* GRE tution is not necessary.It's about common sense :P

*Futile* [ 700th ] (FYOOT ul)

*Example* 1• A D+ average and no extracurricular interests to speak of meant that applying to Harvard was futile, but Lucinda hoped against hope. 2. I thought I could repair the car myself, but after two days of work with no success, I have to admit that my efforts were futile. *Meaning* adjective: producing no result or effect; unproductive of success *বাংলা অর্থ* অকার্যকর, ব্যর্থ, তুচ্ছ, অনর্থক, পণ্ড, বেফায়দা, নষ্ট, বৃথা, নিরর্থ, নিরর্থক *Synonyms* ineffectual , otiose , unavailing,bootless , fruitless , sleeveless , vain *Mnemonic* futile is not fertile, hence not fruitful.

*Furtive* (FUR tiv)

*Example* 1• Cal wiggled his ears while the countess was talking to him in a furtive attempt to catch our attention. 2• The burglars were furtive, but not furtive enough; the alert policeman grabbed them as they carried the color TV through the Rubenstein's back door. *Meaning* Adjective: marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed secretive; sly *বাংলা অর্থ* অলক্ষিত, টিপিটিপি, চোরা *Synonyms* sneak , sneaky , stealthy , surreptitious *Mnemonic* One who is FARTive has to expel farts stealthily.

*Gregarious* (gruh GAR ee us)

*Example* 1• Dirk was too gregarious to enjoy the fifty years he spent in solitary confinement. 2• Kyle wasn't very gregarious; she went to the party, but she spent most of her time hiding in the closet. *Meaning* Adjective: sociable; enjoying the company of others *বাংলা অর্থ* যূথচর, যূথভূত, সঙ্গলিপ্সু *Root* greg (flock, herd) *Synonyms* sociable, company-loving, convivial, companionable, outgoing, friendly *Mnemonic* remember AGGREGATION means gathering something together. similarily Aggregation -> gregation ->gregarious


*Example*: *Meaning*: Pleasing or sweet sound, especially as formed by a harmonious use of words *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: eu means well, good, beautiful + phony means sound *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* euphoria=a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness VS euphonic=শ্রুতিমধুর *Mnemonic*:

*Hackneyed* (HAK need)

*Example* 1• Michael's book was full of clichés and hackneyed phrases. 2• The intelligent design issue had been discussed so much as to be come hackneyed. 3. Cheryl rolled her eyes when she heard the lecturer's hackneyed advice to "be true to yourself. *Meaning* adjective: lacking significance through having been overused, worn out by over-use *বাংলা অর্থ* বহুলব্যবহৃত, গতানুগতিক, বস্তাপচা, পচা *Synonyms* banal(গতানুগতিক, তুচ্ছ, বস্তাপচা), trite(মামুলি, গতানুগতিক), hackneyed(বস্তাপচা, গতানুগতিক), cliched, platitude(মামুলি মন্তব্য), vapid(স্বাদহীন), bromide(নীরস মন্তব্য) commonplace(সাধারণ, প্রচলিত, মামুলি) inanity(অসারতা) Humdrum(একঘেয়ে , গতানুগতিক) monotonous: একঘেয়ে *Mnemonic* concentrate on hack !!! once a hacker is ALWAYS a hacker.. he overuses his techniques.

*Fastidious* (fa STID ee us)

*Example* 1• Mrs. O'Hara was a fastidious housekeeper; she cleaned up our crumbs al most before they hit the floor. 2• Jeb was so fastidious in his work habits that he needed neither a wastebasket nor an eraser. 3• The fastidious secretary was nearly driven mad by her boss, who used the floor as a file cabinet and his desk as a pantry. *Meaning* adjective: overly concerned with details; fussy, meticulous; demanding; finicky *বাংলা অর্থ* খুঁতখুঁতে , রুচিবাগীশ , অতিসুক্ষ্ম রুচিসম্পন্ন *Root* ous (full of) *Synonyms* exacting *Abstruse:* fractious=ঝগড়াটে, VS factious=বিরোধপূর্ণ vs Faction: দলাদলি VS Factitious:কৃত্রিম vs Fastidious:খুঁতখুঁতে *Mnemonic* just like, If your boss is a demanding person he may not leave to you time to eat.Fasting is tedious. So your boss is fastidious.

*Foment* (foh MENT)

*Example* 1• The bad news from abroad fomented pessimism among professional investors. 2• The radicals spread several rumors in an effort to foment rebellion among the peas ants. *Meaning* verb: to stir up; to instigate *বাংলা অর্থ* সেঁক দেওয়া , উসকে দেওয়া , প্ররোচিত করা , মদত দেওয়া , লালন করা *Root* ment (action, result) *Synonyms* agitate , stir up *Mnemonic* Foam starts to appear once you profusely foment (stir up) a soapy hot water bucket(2nd meaning ).

*Fidelity* (fuh DEL uh tee)

*Example* 1• The crusader's life was marked by fidelity to the cause of justice. 2• The soldiers couldn't shoot straight, but their fidelity to the cause of freedom was never in question. *Meaning* Noun: faithfulness; loyalty *বাংলা অর্থ* সততা, বিশ্বস্ততা, আনুগত্য, অনুরক্তি, কর্তব্যনিষ্ঠা *Root* FID (faith, trust) *Synonyms* faithfulness *Mnemonic* look for the root word fid...means faith, belief..so words like fidelity, confide, diffident, bonafide, fiduciary..all have fid in it and all these words are related to involving trust or faith, similarly fidelity..

*Finesse* (fi NES)

*Example* 1• The doctor sewed up the wound with finesse, making stitches so small one could scarcely see them. 2• The boxer moved with such finesse that his opponent never knew what hit him. *Meaning* Noun: skillful maneuvering; subtlety; craftiness *বাংলা অর্থ* নিপুণতা , দক্ষতা , সূক্ষ্ম রুচিশীলতা , বড়ো তাস হাতে রেখে ছোটো তাস খেলে পিট নেওয়া , কৌশল বা চাতুরির আশ্রয় নেওয়া *Synonyms* delicacy, diplomacy, discreetness *Mnemonic* fine-ness..

*Fecund* (FEE kund)

*Example* 1• The fecund mother rabbit gave birth to hundreds and hun dreds of little rabbits. 2• The philosopher's imagination was so fecund that ideas hopped out of him like a million baby rabbits. 3• Our compost heap became increasingly fecund as it de com posed. *Meaning* Adjective: intellectually productive *বাংলা অর্থ* ফলপ্রসূ, উর্বর, বহুপ্রসূ *Synonyms* fertile, prolific *Mnemonic* Sounds like "FU*K" "AND". You fu*k and You are able to produce an offspring (no offense)

*Grandiloquent* (gran DIL uh kwunt)

*Example* 1• The president's speech was grandiloquent rather than eloquent;there were some six-dollar words and some impressive phrases, but he really had nothing to say. 2• The new minister's grandiloquence got him in trouble with deacons, who wanted him to be more restrained in his sermons. 3. The dictator was known for his grandiloquent speeches, puffing his chest out and using big, important-sounding words. *Meaning* Adjective: pompous; using a lot of big, fancy words in an attempt to sound impressive *বাংলা অর্থ* শব্দঝংকৃত , বাগাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ, জাঁকজমকপূর্ণ *Root* GRAND (big) *Synonyms* overblown , pompous , pontifical , portentous *Mnemonic* Grand (Huge/Large audience)+ Eloquent (বাক্পটু)

*Fortuitous* (for TOO uh tus)

*Example* 1• The program's outcome was not the result of any plan but was entirely fortuitous. 2• The object was so perfectly formed that its creation could not have been fortuitous. *Meaning* adjective: occurring by happy chance; having no cause or apparent cause, Happening by chance; lucky *বাংলা অর্থ* আকস্মিক, আপতিত, আপতিক, আধিদৈবিক, দৈবাৎ, দৈবক্রমে ঘটিত *Root* FORT (chance) *Synonyms* chance, adventitious, unexpected, unanticipated, unpredictable, unforeseen *Mnemonic* equivalent to fortune. fortune isn't destined to occur it is accidental

*Frenetic* (fruh NET ik)

*Example* 1• There was a lot of frenetic activity in the office, but nothing ever seemed to get accomplished. 2• The bird's frenetic attempt to free itself from the thorn bush finally exhausted it. Then the cat strolled over and ate it. *Meaning* Adjective: frantic; frenzied *বাংলা অর্থ* ধর্মান্ধ, ক্ষিপ্ত, প্রলাপ বকে এমন, উগ্রান্ধ, উন্মত্ত *Root* *Synonyms* *Mnemonic* sounds like 'fanatic' which means someone with excessive excitement or devotion to something (belief/cause) so frenetic means excessive excitement like a mad man.


*Example*: *Meaning*: accessory, subordinate; helping *বাংলা অর্থ*: আনুষঙ্গিক *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* ancillary=সহায়ক, সাহায্যকারী VS conciliatory=বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ VS Reconcile: পুনর্মিলিত করা, পুনরায় মিলনসাধন করা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: একসঙ্গে ঘটা , একজায়গায় মিলিত হওয়া , সমাপতিত হওয়া *Root*: CUR/COUR (running, a course) and con means with *Synonyms*: Assent(সম্মতি, সায়, ঐকমত্য) also means agree or give in, Concur(একসঙ্গে ঘটা , একজায়গায় মিলিত হওয়া , সমাপতিত হওয়া) accede(Agree, give consent; assume power (usually as "accede to")সম্মতি, সায়, ঐকমত্য) concurrent(সমবর্তী, একই সঙ্গে সংঘটিত, সহঘটিত),Approve, agree *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রতিনিয়ত *Root*: *Synonyms*: encounteredসম্মুখীন; widespread ব্যাপক *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: হৈচৈ, ট্যাণ্ডাই ম্যাণ্ডাই, হৈচৈপূর্ণ ঝগড়া, উচ্চ কলহ, হট্টগোল *Root*: *Synonyms*: din, outcry *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রফুল্ল , উদাসীন *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিচ্ছিন্ন, বিচু্যত, আলাদা, উদাসীন, ছিন্ন, অনন্বিত *Root*: *Synonyms*: Impartial, disinterested; unconcerned, distant, aloof *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: মনের বা মেজাজের সমতা অথবা ধীরতা *Root*: equal+animity (mind) soul . *Synonyms*: Composure, evenness of mind; mental or emotional stability, esp. under stress *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Mistaken, in error; improper, morally incorrect *বাংলা অর্থ*: ভ্রমাত্মক , ভ্রমপূর্ণ , ভ্রান্ত *Root*: err means mistake *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: A system of principles laid down by an authority; established belief *বাংলা অর্থ*: মতবাদ, ধর্মমত, মত *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Rub or sprinkle oil on; make sacred, such as by a ceremony that includes applying oil to someone *বাংলা অর্থ*: তৈল লেপন করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: to disclose something secret *বাংলা অর্থ*: ফাঁস করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* Divulge:ফাঁস করা vs diluvial= of or relating to food vs antediluvian=সেকেলে, অতি প্রাচীণ *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: 1. Afraid to see the aftermath of the car crash, I averted my eyes as we drove by. 2. The struggling videogame company put all of its finances into one final, desperate project to avert bankruptcy. *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রতিহত করা, ব্যাহত করা, নিবারণ করা, বাধা দেত্তয়া, ব্যর্থ করা, প্রতিষেধ করা *Root*: vert means turn away *Synonyms*: avoid , debar , deflect , fend off , forefend , forfend , head off , obviate , stave off , ward off *Abstruse:* Advertently(সাবধানী,সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ,) vs Avert=প্রতিহত করা, নিবারণ করা VS Aver=জোর দিয়ে বলা VS asseverate=প্রতিজ্ঞাপূর্বক বলা, শপথপূর্বক ঘোষণা করা VS Assert=দাবি করা *Mnemonic*: sounds like DIVERT.


*Example*: *Meaning*: Absence of governing body; state of disorder - chaos *বাংলা অর্থ*: নৈরাজ্য *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Against what one would intuitively expect *বাংলা অর্থ*: অজানা, অজ্ঞাত, অপরিচিত *Root*: counter ( against) + intuitive( স্বজ্ঞাত) intuit: যুক্তি তর্কের সহায্য নিয়ে প্রত্যক্ষ অনুভবের মাধ্যমে জানা *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: An exit or the action of exiting *বাংলা অর্থ*: বহির্গমন , নিষ্ক্রমন *Root*: gress means step/go *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: Opposite word: Ingress


*Example*: *Meaning*: Any object made by humans, especially those from an earlier time, such as those excavated by archaeologists *বাংলা অর্থ*: হস্তনির্মিত বস্তু (N) *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Arranged in or relating to time order *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Authorized, recognized; pertaining to the canon, or body of accepted rules, standards or artistic works , following or in agreement with accepted, traditional standards *বাংলা অর্থ*: ধর্মসম্মত *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Call together, as to a meeting *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Cause to become unfriendly, hostile, or distant *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: it comes from alien


*Example*: *Meaning*: Cause to curve; turn aside, esp. from a straight course; avoid *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিপথগামী হওয়া *Root*: flect means bend *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: agreement on a secret plot *বাংলা অর্থ*: সাজশ, গোপন চুক্তি *Root*: *Synonyms*: connivance *Mnemonic*: Many have argued that Lee Harvey Oswald, JFK's assassin, was in collusion with other criminals; others maintain that Oswald was a lone gunman.


*Example*: *Meaning*: Cautious, prudent; careful to consider the circumstances and consequences *বাংলা অর্থ*: সতর্ক , সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন *Root*: circumspect =circum(around ) + suspect ( সন্দেহভাজন, সন্দেহজনক ) so সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন *Synonyms*: sapient(বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ) , savant (মহাপণ্ডিত ব্যক্তি), Prudent(বিচক্ষণ, দূরদর্শী), Circumspect (সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন), sage(ঋষি, মহাজ্ঞানী ব্যক্তি), Perspicacious (বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ স্বচ্ছদৃষ্টিসম্পন্নতা, তীক্ষ্নদৃষ্টি acutely insightful and wise ) , pundit, Politic (বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ), Judicious (সুবিজ্ঞ, সুবিচারপূর্ণ, বিচক্ষণ, জ্ঞানী ), Discreet (সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ, সুবিবেচনাপূর্ণ বিবেচক,), Provident(মিতব্যয়ী, বিচক্ষণ) Meticulous(অতিসতর্ক), Advertently(সাবধানী), scrupulous(বিবেকী, খুঁতখুঁতে, সতর্ক), Vigilant(সজাগ, অতন্দ্র, জাগ্রদবস্থ, সতর্ক), wary, Chary, Circumspect(সতর্ক , সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন), Discreet (সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ, সুবিবেচনাপূর্ণ বিবেচক,), *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Cheat or defraud *বাংলা অর্থ*: ফাঁকি দিয়ে কেটে পড়া *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Chest for storing valuables; financial resources, a treasury *বাংলা অর্থ*: ধনরত্ন রাখিবার পেটিকা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Climb awkwardly or with difficulty, scramble *বাংলা অর্থ*: কষ্টসহকারে আরোহণ *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Conspire; cooperate for illegal or fraudulent purposes *বাংলা অর্থ*: আঁতাত *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Contrasting item, opposite; a complement; the use of contrast or interplay in a work of art *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিশেষ নিয়ম অনুসারে এক সুরের সঙ্গে অন্য সুরের সংযোজন *Root*: counter + point *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Cunning, skillful in deception or underhanded schemes *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Damaging remarks, defamation, slander *বাংলা অর্থ*: কলঙ্ক *Root*: Asper means scratch or harsh *Synonyms*: asperse , calumniate , defame , denigrate , slander ,Defame(নিন্দা করা, মানহানি করা, কুত্সা করা) (attack the reputation of), Belittle (put down,) disparage(অবজ্ঞা করা সম্মানহানি করা, তাচ্ছিল্য করে কথা বলা), abase,Make dirty, defile,to soil, stain; taint Denigrate (belittle, attack the reputation of) Besmirch(কলঙ্কিত করা, মলিন করা, বিবর্ণ করা, নোংরা করা ) Sully(নোংরা করা, নোংরা হত্তয়া) Tarnish(কলঙ্কিত করা, মরিচা ধরা, ম্লান করা মলিন করা, অনুজ্জ্বল করা, নিষ্প্রভ হওয়া) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Defeating the purpose; preventing the intended goal *বাংলা অর্থ*: having the opposite of the desired effect. *Root*: counter + productive *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Disease that kills plants rapidly, or any cause of decay or destruction (noun); ruin or cause to wither (verb) *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Disgustingly or distastefully sweet *বাংলা অর্থ*: cloy: রূচি ক্লান্ত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Distant physically or emotionally; reserved; indifferent *বাংলা অর্থ*: দূরে তফাতে , দূর , উদাসীন , নির্লিপ্ত *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Doubtful, questionable, suspect *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Failure to act, neglect (noun); fail to fulfill an obligation, especially a financial one (verb) *বাংলা অর্থ*: অক্ষমতা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Fake, fraudulent *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Find out with certainty *বাংলা অর্থ*: নিশ্চিত করে জানা , নিশ্চিত হওয়া *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: For example, such as *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Free from germs *বাংলা অর্থ*: রোগ-জীবাণুমুক্ত , নির্বীজ *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Funny in an odd way মজাদার *বাংলা অর্থ*: মজাদার *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: droll like troll


*Example*: *Meaning*: aimless; haphazard; digressing at random - Lacking consistency or order, disconnected, sporadic; going off topic *বাংলা অর্থ*: নিয়মশৃঙ্খলাহীন, অসংলগ্ন , এলোমেলো *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Go off-topic when speaking or writing digression: Wandering away from the subject *বাংলা অর্থ*: মূল গতিপথ থেকে সরে যাওয়া , মূল বিষয় ছেড়ে বলা বা লেখা *Root*: digress:-"away + go"=deviate from a subject. মূল গতিপথ থেকে সরে যাওয়া , মূল বিষয় ছেড়ে বলা বা লেখা *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Government characterized by many bureaus and petty administrators or by excessive, seemingly meaningless requirements *বাংলা অর্থ*: আমলাতন্ত্র *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Gradual increase; an added part or addition *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: accretion ~ add + creation , this addition to creation leads to growth Accretion sounds like Errection


*Example*: *Meaning*: Group of birds or other animals that stay close together; any large group *বাংলা অর্থ*: দল *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Having good judgment or insight; able to distinguish mentally *বাংলা অর্থ*: সূক্ষ্ম, প্রভেদ বুঝতে পারা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Highly appropriate, suitable, or relevant *বাংলা অর্থ*: যথোপযুক্ত *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: Apposite is the oposite of opposite


*Example*: *Meaning*: Howling in a deep way, like a dog or wolf, (of a dog, especially a large one) bark or howl loudly. the dogs bayed *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: howl, bark, yelp, yap, cry, bellow, roar *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: In an opposite way; on the other hand *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: vers means turn *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: In harmony; in sympathetic relationship *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Inform, give notice to *বাংলা অর্থ*: অবহিত করা, গোচরে আনা , জ্ঞাপন করা , অবহিত করা , জানানো *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*


*Example*: *Meaning*: Lessen, make easier to endure ((সহ্য করা, টেকা, বহা, দৃঢ়ভাবে সহ্য করা, সহনশীল হত্তয়া, সহিয়া থাকা) *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: Relieve -উপশম করা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Loud, confused noise, esp. for a long period of time *বাংলা অর্থ*: হট্টগোল *Root*: Fracas, outcry *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Make final or settle conclusively; to fasten or hold together *বাংলা অর্থ*: একেবারে মিটিয়ে ফেলা , দুই প্রতিযোগীর অতিরিক্ত কাছাকাছি চলে আসা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* Cliche=গতানুগতিক, বস্তাপচা VS Clique= ক্ষুদ্র দল vs Clinch: একেবারে মিটিয়ে ফেলা , দুই প্রতিযোগীর অতিরিক্ত কাছাকাছি চলে আসা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Make hostile or unfriendly *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রতিকূলতা করা, কোন পদার্থের ক্রিয়া বন্ধ করা, বিরোধিতা করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Make impure by adding inferior or tainted substance *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিশুদ্ধতা নষ্ট করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Make shiny by rubbing; polish *বাংলা অর্থ*: পালিশ করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* burnish:চাকচিক্য vs banish:নির্বাসিত করা vs vanish:বিলুপ্ত করা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Make void or null, cancel, abolish (usually of laws or other established rules) *বাংলা অর্থ*: নাকচ বা নিশ্চিহ্ন করা , রদ বা রহিত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Mapmaking *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Opposing, harmful *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: vers means turn *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Past, former (adj); that which is in the past (usually plural noun) *বাংলা অর্থ*: অতীত, অতিক্রান্ত *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: by+gone


*Example*: *Meaning*: Personal inclination or tendency *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রবণতা বাঁকান, ইচ্ছুক, প্রণত, নত *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Pioneer of a reform movement (originally, an early follower of Jesus) *বাংলা অর্থ*: বাণীপ্রচারক , বার্তাবহ , ঈশ্বরের বাণী প্রচারের জন্য যিশুখ্রিস্ট কর্তৃক নির্বাচিত বারোজন শিষ্যের যে-কোনো একজন , *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Place in context, such as by giving the background or circumstances *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Puzzle, mystery, riddle; mysterious or contradictory person *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: Conundrum(ধাঁধা, জট), Confound(বিহ্বল করা , বিভ্রান্ত করা), nonplussed(কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়), Enigma(ধাঁধা, জট), Flummox(বিভ্রান্ত করা, বিহ্বল করা, হতবুদ্ধি করা), Obfuscate(হতবুদ্ধি করা, বিভ্রান্ত করা), puzzle, riddle *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Raise, lift up; lift the spirits of; move up to a higher rank or status or raise up to a higher spiritual or intellectual plane *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Rumor, a false or baseless story *বাংলা অর্থ*: মিথ্যা গুজব *Root*: *Synonyms*: Rumor, a false or baseless story *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Shake, wave, or flourish, as a weapon *বাংলা অর্থ*: অসি ইঃ সঞ্চালন করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: brandish = brand(brandy)...so once v drink brandy v vill start waving foolishly...


*Example*: *Meaning*: Slightly acid or sour; sharp or caustic *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: aci means sour *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Something that ruins or spoils *বাংলা অর্থ*: ধ্বংসের কারণ , সর্বনাশ , দুঃখদুর্দশা , অভিশাপ *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: Modern technology is BOON OR BANE. Boon is useful and BANE is Something causing misery or death


*Example*: *Meaning*: Speak in an impassioned, pompous, or oratorical manner; give a formal speech *বাংলা অর্থ*: আবেগের সঙ্গে বক্তৃতা করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Speech of praise or written work of praise, esp. a speech given at a funeral *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রশংসাত্মক লেখা *Root*: eu means well, good, beautiful *Synonyms*: Plaudit(তালি শুনতে), laud(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), extol(উচ্চপ্রশংসা করা, encomium(স্তুতিবাদ), estimable(শ্রদ্ধেয়), Accolade(প্রশংসা), Eulogy(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), Panegyric(প্রশংসামূলক), Paean(বিজয়গাথা), acclamation(প্রশংসা), hail , Commendable(প্রশংসনীয় ), applaudable , laudable , praiseworthy, exalt (মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা),glorify, Sublime(মহিমান্বিত), exalt(মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা) , Seraphic(স্বর্গীয়) *Mnemonic*: Read it You+Logy (বিদ্যা). If there could be a Logy only for you then it must be about your praise.


*Example*: *Meaning*: Squeeze, compress; restrict the freedom of *বাংলা অর্থ*: সংকুচিত করা , সীমিত করা , চেপে ধরা , সঞ্চাপিত করা *Root*: strict means tight *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Stick (to), such as with glue, or to a plan or belief *বাংলা অর্থ*: লেগে থাকা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Swell or puff out; increase rapidly *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: Distend(ফাঁপা, ফোলান, ফোলা স্ফীত হওয়া বা করা), Balloon (বেলুন, আকাশযান, ব্যোমযান)(swell or puff,out) Turgid (স্ফীত, রসস্ফীত স্ফীট, বর্ধিত, শব্দাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ)or Tumid (স্ফীত, বর্ধিত, গালভরা শব্দাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ) (swollen, inflated; or, metaphorically "inflated," such as in overblown, pompous speech) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Things that are opposing; either of two opposite things *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: Vandalize *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিকৃত করা , মর্যাদাহানি করা , মুছে ফেলা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: "DE-FACE".. deforming the face


*Example*: *Meaning*: Venerable, majestic; inspiring admiration *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: venerate(শ্রদ্ধা করা), kudos(খ্যাতি,শ্রদ্ধা), reverent(সশ্রদ্ধ), august(মহিমান্বিত), deference(সশ্রদ্ধ বাধ্যতা), Deferential:শ্রদ্ধাবনত, Homage(আনুগত্য-স্বীকার,সম্মান), Prostrate(মাথা নিচু করে কাউকে শ্রদ্ধা বা পুজার জন্য শুয়ে পরা) respect, honor, *Abstruse:* August=শ্রদ্ধেয় VS Augury= পূর্বলক্ষণ, পূর্বাভাস VS Aghast= বিষ্ময়ে হতবুদ্ধি, ভীত, আতংকিত *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: a generally agreed-upon practice or attitude *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: a medieval science aimed at the transmutation of metals, esp. base metals into gold *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: a procession *বাংলা অর্থ*: অশ্বারোহীদের শোভাযাত্রা *Root*: caval অশ্ব *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* Cavalier= রুক্ষ, শিষ্টাচারবর্জিত VS Cavalcade: অশ্বারোহীদের শোভাযাত্রা, a procession VS Caviller=দোষধারী, someone who raises annoying petty objections *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: an established set of principles or code of laws, often religious in nature *বাংলা অর্থ*: ধর্মশাস্ত্র, অনুশাসন, নৈতিক আদর্শ, ধর্মানুশাসন, ব্যবহারিক আদর্শ, ধর্মপুস্তকসমূহ, গির্জার নিয়মকনুন, সূত্র *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: approach; tend to meet; come together *বাংলা অর্থ*: একই বিন্দুতে মিলিত হত্তয়া *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: attributing human qualities to non humans; having human qualities- *বাংলা অর্থ*: নরত্বারোপমূলক *Root*: anthro means man and morph means convert *Synonyms*: humanlike *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: authoritative statement; popular saying Formal or authoritative pronouncement; saying or proverb *বাংলা অর্থ*: আদেশাবলী , নীতিবাক্য , প্রবচন *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: belonging to a particular area, inherent *বাংলা অর্থ*: স্থানীয় , আঞ্চলিক *Root*: en+ demic-"in + people"= native to a population. root dem means people *Synonyms*: Native, local; natural, specific to, or confined to a particular place, autochthonal (chthonal means earth relating to or inhabiting the underworld ) . , autochthonic , autochthonous , indigenous *Mnemonic*: simple think of epidemic as an epidemic desease that spreads a vast area and endemic disease as a disease that spreads only a confined area


*Example*: *Meaning*: blessing *বাংলা অর্থ*: আশীর্বাদ *Root*: ben means good *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: Benson is আশীর্বাদ


*Example*: *Meaning*: boredom, lack of interest and energy *বাংলা অর্থ*: অবসাদ, মানসিক ক্লান্তি, ক্লানি্ত *Root*: *Synonyms*: morose(বিষণ্ণ, বিশুষ্ক, কঠিন গোমড়া মুখ, রুক্ষ), lugubrious(নিরানন্দ), ennui(মানসিক ক্লান্তি), saturnine(বিষণ্ণ মেজাজসম্পন্ন), damp(স্যাঁতসেঁতে, কুয়াশাচ্ছন্ন, ভিজা) Sullen(গোমড়া-মুখো) Bleak(নিরানন্দ) Stark(সম্পূর্ণ, পুরোদস্তুর, সাধারণ এবং অপ্রয়োজনীয় সাজসজ্জা ছাড়া) Glower(কটমট করে , ভীতিজনকভাবে তাকানো, একদৃষ্টিতে তাকান, ক্রুদ্ধভাবে তাকান) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: brief, comprehensive summary - সংক্ষিপ্তসার Concise but complete summary; a list or collection *বাংলা অর্থ*: সারমর্ম , সংক্ষিপ্তসার , সারসংক্ষেপ *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: brilliantly shining Mnemonic: *বাংলা অর্থ*: দীপ্তিশীল, দিদীপ্যমান, অত্যুজ্বল *Root*: fulg means shine . burn *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: break it up as ef+full+gent and relate gent to gentle man so a full gentleman is brilliant person


*Example*: *Meaning*: burning; sarcastically biting *বাংলা অর্থ*: দগ্ধকারক পদার্থ *Root*: caust means burn / heat *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: caustic soda is very common and its "harmful" for health such as Burns


*Example*: *Meaning*: correct a false impression; undeceive,to persuade somebody that his/her belief is not valid *বাংলা অর্থ*: ভুল ধারণা বা মোহ থেকে মুক্ত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: When someone disabuses you of a belief, they both "dis" and "abuse" your false ideas


*Example*: *Meaning*: deception by knowingly false arguments or subterfuge *বাংলা অর্থ*: ছলচাতুরি *Root*: *Synonyms*: trickery; deception *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: disastrous, catastrophic *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিপজ্জনক *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: divide into two parts- *বাংলা অর্থ*: দ্বিখণ্ডিত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: downward slope *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: drunkenly festive-মাতাল , লম্পট *বাংলা অর্থ*: লম্পট, অসচ্চরিত্র, ভ্রষ্টচারী, মদ্যপান-সংক্রান্ত, মাতলামি-সংক্রান্ত *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: easily persuaded ,agreeable; responsive to suggestion *বাংলা অর্থ*: নমনীয়, প্রবণ, নম্র, সহজে অভিভূত, বাধ্য *Root*: *Synonyms*: conformable , tractable *Abstruse:* Amenable: নমনীয়, প্রবণ, নম্র vs amenity=বিনয়, শিষ্ঠতা VS amnesty=সমস্ত অপরাধীকে ক্ষমা, আন্তর্জাতিক ক্ষমা, ব্যাপক ক্ষমা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: fake behavior (such as in speech or dress) adopted to give a certain impression *বাংলা অর্থ*: ভান, ঢঙ্, ঠাটঠমক *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: 'affection' is natural and true, but 'affectation' is artificial and pretentious


*Example*: *Meaning*: family name; any name, especially a nickname *বাংলা অর্থ*: উপাধি *Root*: cong means know *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: feeling guilty or having misgivings *বাংলা অর্থ*: অনুতপ্ত (Adj.) *Root*: *Synonyms*: contrite(অনুতপ্ত), remorseful(অনুতপ্ত), regret repentant(অনুতপ্ত), penitent(অনুতপ্ত), compunction(অনুশোচনা) Compunctious Contrition(অনুতপ্ত), Rue(অনুতাপ করা ) repent(অনুশোচনা করা) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: flood *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: Inundate, spate *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: formally reject or give up (as a belief) , to reject, abandon formally *বাংলা অর্থ*: শপথপূর্বক পরিত্যাগ করা *Root*: jur means swear *Synonyms*: forswear , recant , resile , retract,renounce; repudiate, recant, or shun *Abstruse:* objurgate: অপমান করা, গাল দেয়া VS Abjure= শপথপূর্বক পরিত্যাগ করা *Mnemonic*: Abjure think it like injure. so once you are injured you will give up. so abjure means give up.


*Example*: *Meaning*: good-natured geniality; atmosphere of good cheer *বাংলা অর্থ*: অমায়িকতা *Root*: bon means good homie means a member of one's peer group or gang *Synonyms*: Friendliness, open and simple good heartedness *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: group of witches, a group or gathering of witches who meet regularly. *বাংলা অর্থ*: সভা, একটি গোষ্ঠী বা ডাইনিদের সমাবেশ যা নিয়মিতভাবে পূরণ হয় *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* Coven=সমাবেশ, সভা, একটি গোষ্ঠী বা ডাইনিদের সমাবেশ যা নিয়মিতভাবে পূরণ হয় VS Raven=দাঁড়কাক, রাক্ষসের মত খাওয়া VS Craven=নীচ, কাপুরুষ *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: harsh or severe , bitter,harsh in tone *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: acerb , acid , acrid , bitter , blistering , caustic , sulfurous , sulphurous , virulent , vitriolic *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: harsh, jarring, discordant sound; dissonance *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: phon means sound *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: huge creature *বাংলা অর্থ*: জলহস্তী *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:

*Enhance* ( 550th )

*Example*: *Meaning*: increase; improve *বাংলা অর্থ*: উন্নত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: itinerant; walking around *বাংলা অর্থ*: ভ্রমণসংক্রান্ত *Root*: Ambul root means walk so Ambulatory ভ্রমণসংক্রান্ত *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: kindly; doing good *বাংলা অর্থ*: হিতসাধন (N), মঙ্গলসাধন (N), বদান্যতা (N), দান (N), পরোপকার (N), দয়া (N), দানশীলতা (N) *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: marked by active interest and enthusiasm *বাংলা অর্থ*: ক্ষুধিত, লিপ্সু, লোভী *Root*: *Synonyms*: zealous, Enthusiastic, dedicated, passionate; excessively desirous *Mnemonic*: a person is always eager to be in avid(a video) drAVID (Rahul dravid) is greedy for runs


*Example*: *Meaning*: mild expression in place of an unpleasant one *বাংলা অর্থ*: শ্রুতিকটু পদের পরিবর্তে কোমলতর পদের প্রয়োগ *Root*: eu means well, good, beautiful *Synonyms*: nihilism (the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless), euphemism (শ্রুতিকটু পদের পরিবর্তে কোমলতর পদের প্রয়োগ), Malapropism (শব্দের অপপ্রয়োগ), jingoism (উগ্র দেশপ্রেম), anachronism (একযুগের বস্তু, ব্যক্তি, ঘটনা ইত্যাদিকে ভুল করে অন্য যুগের সঙ্গে জড়িয়ে ফেলা, neologism (নতুন নতুন শবদের নির্মাণ ও প্রয়োগ), Solecism (a grammatical mistake in speech or writing), Solipsism ( আত্নজ্ঞানবাদ), Sophism (আপাত-সঠিক কিন্তু আসলে ভুল, প্রতারণ, প্রবচনা, কুতর্ক), Sophist (কুতার্কিক) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: obesity, fatness, bulkiness *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: corpulent: (corp + opulent )excessively fat *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood., prehistoric, ancient beyond measure; coming before the biblical flood *বাংলা অর্থ*: সেকেলে , মহাপ্রলয়ের পূর্ববর্তী *Root*: ante means before *Synonyms*: antediluvian , archaic, Antiquated(মান্ধাতার আমলের) *Abstruse:* Divulge:ফাঁস করা vs diluvial= of or relating to food vs antediluvian=সেকেলে, অতি প্রাচীণ *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: of the same origin; related by blood *বাংলা অর্থ*: সপিণ্ড, সগোত্র *Root*: sangui means blood *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: outpouring of gases or vapors *বাংলা অর্থ*: পচা জিনিস হইতে উদগত বিশ্রী বাষ্প *Root*: effluvium-"out + flow"= by-product, (bad) exhalation. *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: person with refined taste in food and wine *বাংলা অর্থ*: পান-ভোজনবিলাসী *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: EPIC-CURRY...one who can write an EPIC on CURRY has to be a CONNOISSEUR OF FOOD..


*Example*: *Meaning*: poem or song expressing lamentation, a mournful poem, esp. one lamenting the dead *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিষাদসঙ্গীত *Root*: *Synonyms*: lachrymose(ক্রন্দনশীল), dirge(গীত), Dolor(sadness), Doleful(বেদনাপূর্ণ, করুণ, শোকপূর্ণ), weep (ক্রঁদন, কান্নাকাটি, ক্রঁদ), wail(বিলাপ করা, দুঃখপ্রকাশ করা, উচ্চ কণ্ঠে ক্রন্দন), grieve(শোক করা) , Lament(কান্নাকাটি, ক্রঁদ), Bemoan(বিলাপ করা), Elegy(শোকসঙ্গীত, অন্ত্যোষ্টিকালীন গান), Threnody(শোকগাথা) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: pompous; using inflated language *বাংলা অর্থ*: শব্দাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: provide written evidence *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রমাণপত্র *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: relating to a flood, of or relating to a flood or floods, especially the biblical Flood. *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* divulge:ফাঁস করা vs diluvial= of or relating to food vs antediluvian=সেকেলে, অতি প্রাচীণ *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: relating to trees; living in trees *বাংলা অর্থ*: বৃক্ষশোভিত *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* herbivorous=তৃণভোজী VS herbicides:উদ্ভিদনাশক VS harbinger=অগ্রদূত vs arboreal=বৃক্ষময়, বৃক্ষ সংক্রান্ত *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: representative of an entire group; summary *বাংলা অর্থ*: সংক্ষিপ্তসার *Root*: tome means cutting so cut the outer extra side means epitome *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: roomy, spacious *বাংলা অর্থ*: উপযোগী, সুপ্রশস্ত , সুপরিসর , উপযোগী , সুবিধাজনক *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: similar in tastes and habits *বাংলা অর্থ*: সমপ্রকৃতিবিশিষ্ট , সমমনস্ক , সমরুচিসম্পন্ন , অমায়িক , উপযোগী , অনুকূল *Root*: con means same and gen means genre *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* Cozen=প্রতারণা করা VS Cogent=প্রবল, অনিবার্য, অকাট্য VS Congenial: সমপ্রকৃতিবিশিষ্ট , সমমনস্ক *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: skillful, accomplished, highly competent- *বাংলা অর্থ*: দক্ষ *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: Android দক্ষ, skillful


*Example*: *Meaning*: small group of persons with a similar purpose *বাংলা অর্থ*: গোষ্ঠী *Root*: *Synonyms*: Close or exclusive group, clique *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: soothing, esp. to the skin; making less harsh *বাংলা অর্থ*: কোমল করে এমন *Root*: moll means soft *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* emollient=উপশমকারী, মলম VS emolument=লাভ, বেতন, সুবিধা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: split; branching into two parts (especially contradictory ones), Division into two parts or into two contradictory groups *বাংলা অর্থ*: দ্বিবিভাজন, বৈপরীত্য *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: suffering from indigestion; gloomy and irritable *বাংলা অর্থ*: বদহজম *Root*: peptic related to digest *Synonyms*: Grumpy, pessimistic, irritable; suffering from dyspepsia (indigestion) বদহজম *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: tank for rainwater- *বাংলা অর্থ*: জলাধার *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: to agree or comply in silence *বাংলা অর্থ*: নীরবে মানিয়া লত্তয়া, সম্মত হত্তয়া, অনুবর্তী হত্তয়া, মৌনসন্মতি দেত্তয়া *Root*: quiesc quiet, rest শান্ত *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: Ac= ek Quiet= shanto, aksathe shanto hoi


*Example*: *Meaning*: to flatter, coax, persuade *বাংলা অর্থ*: মিষ্ট কথায় প্রতারণা করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: entice(প্রলুব্ধ করা), allure(প্রলুব্ধ করা), Inveigle(লোভ দেখানো, প্রলোভিত করা), Coax and cajole are gentler versions—trying to get someone to do something through persuasion or flattery. *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: to increase in intensity, power, or prestige Make greater; exaggerate *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:grand- this resembles to somthing huge,great,wealthy. a+grand+ize


*Example*: *Meaning*: to mold in a shape with parallel grooves and ridges *বাংলা অর্থ*: ভাঁজ করা , তরঙ্গায়িত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: to show clearly, display, signify *বাংলা অর্থ*: সন্দেহাতীতভাবে প্রমাণ করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: to state as a fact; to confirm or support Declare or affirm with confidence *বাংলা অর্থ*: সত্য বলিয়া প্রতিপাদন করা *Root*: ver means true *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* Avert=প্রতিহত করা, নিবারণ করা VS Aver=জোর দিয়ে বলা VS asseverate=প্রতিজ্ঞাপূর্বক বলা, শপথপূর্বক ঘোষণা করা VS Assert=দাবি করা *Mnemonic*: A VERy confident statement! A(affirmative) version


*Example*: *Meaning*: to strike and rebound *বাংলা অর্থ*: এর সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপ; ক্যারম খেলা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* Carom=ক্যারামবোর্ড খেলা VS Quorum= the minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: vary; go in different directions from the same point *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিকীর্ণ হত্তয়া *Root*: *Synonyms*: Differ, deviate; branch off or turn aside, as from a path *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: very passionate, devoted, or enthusiastic *বাংলা অর্থ*: জ্বলন্ত, আকুল, প্রদীপ্ত, অত্যুত্সাহী, তীব্র, অতিশয আকুল় *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: warlike; inclined to quarrel *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: belli means war *Synonyms*: battleful , combative *Mnemonic*: Known for their bellicose ways, the Spartans were once the most feared people from Peloponnesus to Persia.


*Example*: *Meaning*: well-spoken; expressive; articulate Marked by forceful, fluid, apt speech; expressive, emotionally moving *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: Loquacious(বহুভাষী, বাক্পটু), Garrulous(বাচাল, অতিভাষী, গপ্প, আড্ডাবাজ) , Volubility(শব্দব্যবহার), glib(সাবলীল, শতমুখ, মসৃণ, পিচ্ছিল), Articulate( Using language in a clear, fluent way), Eloquent (speaking in a fluent, powerful, appropriate way) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: *Meaning*: wordy, rambling, spread out (like a gas) *বাংলা অর্থ*: সকল দিকে ছড়িয়ে দেওয়া বা ছড়িয়ে পড়া , বিক্ষিপ্ত হওয়া বা করা , ধীরে ধীরে মিশ্রণ ঘটানো বা মিশ্রিত হওয়া , ব্যাপ্ত , *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: diffusion of air means scattering of air in a place.. a bomb is defused not diffused...


*Example*: *Meaning*: yielding; conforming to requirements *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিনয়ী *Root*: *Synonyms*: Obeying, submissive; following the requirements *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 2. Her stress over spending so much money on a house abated when the real estate broker told her about the property's 15 year tax abatement. *Meaning*: Subside or moderate,, to lessen in intensity or degree , Reduce, diminish *বাংলা অর্থ*: হ্রাস পাত্তয়া *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: "Go out with you?" she replied. "I abhor you! I would rather stab myself with a rusty bread knife than be your girlfriend!" *Meaning*: hate *বাংলা অর্থ*: ঘৃণাসহকারে পরিহার করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Detest, regard with disgust *Mnemonic*: abhorrent= ab ( away from )+ in horror.


*Example*: "While I was performing ablutions in the bathing area, they pounced on me," he says. *Meaning*: act of cleansing *বাংলা অর্থ*: স্নান বা হাত-পা ধোওয়া *Root*: ablu means wash *Synonyms*: *Abstruse*: Ablation: (অপসারণ)(removal of growths, etc., by surgery or other mechanical means) vs Ablution: স্নান বা হাত-পা ধোওয়া *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. "Three Cups of Tea" tells the story of western man who hopes to ameliorate poverty and the lack of education in Afghanistan. *Meaning*: Improve; make better or more bearable, to make better or more tolerable *বাংলা অর্থ*: উন্নত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: amend , better , improve , meliorate *Mnemonic*: In movie Amelie, Amelie tries to improve other's life.


*Example*: 1. "You will obey the rules of decorum for this courtroom or spend the night in a jail cell," said the judge to the prosecutor. *Meaning*: propriety; orderliness and good taste in manners - polite or appropriate conduct or behavior *বাংলা অর্থ*: শোভনতা *Root*: deco means good and proper *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. "this antiquated central heating system" 2. Aunt Betty had antiquated notions about marriage, believing that a man should court a woman for at least a year before receiving a kiss. *Meaning*: old-fashioned; belonging to an earlier period in time *বাংলা অর্থ*: মান্ধাতার আমলের *Root*: Latin antiquate means make old ( ant root form ante ) *Synonyms*: antediluvian , archaic, Antiquated(মান্ধাতার আমলের) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. : The psychologist's book "Dealing With Your Contumacious Teenager" would have sold many more copies to parents of rude and rebellious youth if only people knew what "contumacious" meant. *Meaning*: rebellious *বাংলা অর্থ*: একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার , বেয়াদব , জেদী , বৈধ আদেশ অমান্যকারী *Root*: *Synonyms*: Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) *Abstruse:* Contumacious:একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার VS Contentious:বিতর্কমূলক, কুঁদুলে, কলহপ্রিয় VS Contemptuous:ঘৃণাপূর্ণ VS Contingent=সম্ভাব্য, শর্তাধীন, নির্ভরশীল VS Continent= মহাদেশ, সংযমী, আত্নসংযমী *Mnemonic*: (In Hindi language) Break the word as CON - TU - MA - CI- OUS n tat can be read as Kaun Tu Ma Ki one who says this is disobedient

*Condone* [ cuhn-DOHN ]

*Example*: 1. : While underage drinking is illegal, at many universities, it is tacitly condoned by administrations that neglect to enforce anti-drinking policies. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: ক্ষমা করা ,উপেক্ষা করা, ক্ষমার, উপেক্ষার যোগ্য করে তোলা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Brook (suffer or tolerate), Countenance (as a noun: face or facial expression; as a verb: approve or tolerate) Overlook, tolerate, regard as harmless *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. A Ph.D. confers upon a person the right to be addressed as "Doctor" as well as eligibility to pursue tenure-track professorship. 2.Excuse me for a moment to make a call—I can't buy this car until I confer with my spouse. *Meaning*: Consult, compare views; bestow or give *বাংলা অর্থ*: অর্পণ করা , প্রদান করা , পরামর্শ করা , আলোচনা করা *Root*: It comes from conference *Synonyms*: Consult, compare views; bestow or give *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. A cerebral analysis of most pop music finds it to be simple and childish, but that ignores the point--the music's effect on the listener. *Meaning*: involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct *বাংলা অর্থ*: মস্তিষ্ক-সংক্রান্ত *Root*: *Synonyms*: intellectual *Abstruse:* Clergy=খ্রিষ্টীয় চার্চের যাজক VS Celerity=বেগ, দ্রুততা vs Cerebral: মস্তিষ্ক-সংক্রান্ত *Mnemonic*:

*Connoisseur* [cah-nuh-SOOR]

*Example*: 1. A chocolate connoisseur, Mom eschews grocery store brands and will only eat 80% -cocoaor-higher artisanal chocolate that is less than a week old. *Meaning*: Expert, especially in the fine arts; person of educated, refined tastes *বাংলা অর্থ*: রসপণ্ডিত, শিল্পকলা প্রভৃতির সমঝদার *Root*: Connoisseur comes, through French, from the Latin "cognoscere," meaning "to know," which also gives us cognition *Synonyms*: Epicure (person with discriminating tastes, esp. regarding food and wine) পান-ভোজনবিলাসী *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. A cogent argument will change the minds of even the most skeptical audience. *Meaning*: clear and persuasive *বাংলা অর্থ*: অকাট্য *Root*: *Synonyms*: telling , weighty *Abstruse:* Cozen=প্রতারণা করা VS Cogent=প্রবল, অনিবার্য, অকাট্য VS Congenial: সমপ্রকৃতিবিশিষ্ট , সমমনস্ক *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. A corollary of Hurricane Sandy, which ravaged the east coast of the U.S., is a push to build higher sea walls to protect against future hurricanes. *Meaning*: a practical consequence that follows naturally *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. A good teacher will never belittle his students, but will instead empower them. *Meaning*: lessen the importance, dignity, or reputation of *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: diminish,Defame(নিন্দা করা, মানহানি করা, কুত্সা করা) (attack the reputation of), Belittle (put down,) disparage(অবজ্ঞা করা সম্মানহানি করা, তাচ্ছিল্য করে কথা বলা), abase,Make dirty, defile,to soil, stain; taint Denigrate (belittle, attack the reputation of) Besmirch(কলঙ্কিত করা, মলিন করা, বিবর্ণ করা, নোংরা করা ) Sully(নোংরা করা, নোংরা হত্তয়া) Tarnish(কলঙ্কিত করা, মরিচা ধরা, ম্লান করা মলিন করা, অনুজ্জ্বল করা, নিষ্প্রভ হওয়া) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. A leader who lies and gains power by arousing the passions and especially prejudices of the people *Meaning*: leader or rabble-rouser who usually uses appeals to emotion or prejudice *বাংলা অর্থ*: জননেতা *Root*: Dem(people) + agogue (leader) *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. A life of espionage is one of duplicity: an agent must pretend to be a totally different person than who she or he actually is. *Meaning*: Deceit, double-dealing, acting in two different ways for the purpose of deception *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রতারণা *Root*: *Synonyms*: fraudulence, sneaky , devious , fallacious(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ) Hoodwink (প্রতারণা) ছলনাপূর্ণ, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ Circumvent(ফাঁদে ফেলা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, প্রতারণা করা), Duplicity(প্রতারণা), Finagle( প্রতারণা করা) , Elusive(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ), traitor (বিশ্বাসঘাতক ), insidious (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ), Perfidious(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), treacherous(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), Fleece( ধোঁকা দিয়ে লুঠে নেওয়া), deceive (ছলা, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. A novelist and erstwhile insurance salesman, he told us his story of the long road to literary success, before he was able to quit his day job. *Meaning*: Former, previous (adj); in the past, formerly (adv) *বাংলা অর্থ*: পূর্বকালীন *Root*: *Synonyms*: Bygone (past, former), Quondam (former, sometime) *Mnemonic*: Erstwhile is related to the Old English ere, which means "before."


*Example*: 1. A railroad car has a buffer (similar to a bumper on a car) to absorb shock in case of contact with other cars *Meaning*: Something that shields, protects, absorbs shock, or cushions *বাংলা অর্থ*: অপদার্থ লোক *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. A robber absconds with stolen goods. 2.People who eat in a restaurant and run out without paying—or criminals who jump bail—could also be said to be absconding. *Meaning*: Depart secretly and hide *বাংলা অর্থ*: আত্মগোপন করে থাকা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Decamp (to depart from camp, or to abscond) *Mnemonic*: Abscond - ab + scond. 'Absent in a second'. When you will absent in a second? =when u STEAL OFF & HIDE, or when u DEPART secretly.


*Example*: 1. Although it might not be her best work, Hunter's new novel has received generally approbatory reviews *Meaning*: expressing praise or approval, affirmative , approbative , approving , plausive *বাংলা অর্থ*: অনুমোদন *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* approbation=অনুমোদন VS reprobation=তিরস্কার VS opprobrium=নিন্দা,অপমান *Mnemonic*: Approval - ## Ap+PROBATION: You get CONFIRMATION/APPROVAL in your job after your Probation period


*Example*: 1. A small contingent of those loyal to the king have gathered around the castle to defend it. 2. Whether the former world champions can win again this year is contingent upon none of its star players getting injured. *Meaning*: possible but not certain to occur *বাংলা অর্থ*: সাপেক্ষ, সম্ভাব্য *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* Contingent=সম্ভাব্য, শর্তাধীন, নির্ভরশীল VS Continent= মহাদেশ, সংযমী, আত্নসংযমী VS Contumacious:একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার VS Contentious:বিতর্কমূলক, কুঁদুলে, কলহপ্রিয় VS Contemptuous:ঘৃণাপূর্ণ *Mnemonic*: possible but not certain to occur


*Example*: 1. A true aesthete, Marty would spend hours at the Guggenheim Museum, staring at the same Picasso. *Meaning*: one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature, dealing with, appreciative of, or responsive to *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: esthete *Abstruse:* Ascetic=তপস্বী, সাধু VS Aesthetic=সৌন্দর্যবোধ সংক্রান্ত, শিল্পরুচিসম্মত Aesthete noun *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. A very light jacket will be adequate for Los Angeles's warm winter. *Meaning*: good enough for what you need *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: decent , enough *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. A well-written, cohesive essay will keep on topic at all times, never losing sight of the main argument. *Meaning*: well integrated, forming a united whole *বাংলা অর্থ*: সংযোজক, সংযোগশীল *Root*: hes means stick *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. After 64 years of marriage, William was bereft after the death of his wife. 2. *Meaning*: unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love lovelorn , unbeloved *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রি়জন-নিয়োগবিধুর *Root*: *Synonyms*: bereaved , grief-stricken , grieving , mourning , sorrowing *Mnemonic*: bereft = beer + left and therefore DEPRIVED of beer be+reft--reft sounds like left, imagine a man who is left alone after his girlfriend left him or deprived of someone lovable.


*Example*: 1. After Sharon brought the car home an hour after her curfew, she equivocated when her parents pointedly asked her where she had been. *Meaning*: lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth, to speak vaguely, usually with the intention to mislead or deceive *বাংলা অর্থ*: সত্য গোপন করা, দ্ব্যর্থবাক্য ব্যবহার করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: beat around the bush , quibble(টাল, বাক্চাতুরী, শ্লেষ আসল কথাটি এড়াবার জন্য কথার মারপ্যাঁচ). equivocate(বাক্চাতুরী করা), circumlocution(বাগাড়ম্বর), periphrastic(পরোক্ষ উক্তিমূলক ), waffle(বকবকনি, বকবক করা) Prevaricate(কৌশল সত্যকে এড়াইয়া যাওয়া) *Mnemonic*: Attitude like Advocates. They try to hide the truth or mislead the case.

*Censure* ( 250th )

*Example*: 1. After being caught in bed with a mistress, the mayor was quickly censured by the city council. *Meaning*: Strong disapproval or official reprimand (noun); to issue such disapproval or reprimand (verb), to express strong disapproval *বাংলা অর্থ*: ভর্ত্সনা, তিরস্কার, নিন্দা, পরবাদ, উপালম্ভ, জুগুপ্সা *Root*: *Synonyms*: animadversion (তিরস্কার করা anim+advert ) *Abstruse:* Censor=পরীক্ষক, সমালোচক VS Censure= নিন্দা, তিরষ্কার *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. After desecrating the pharaoh's tomb, the archaeologist soon fell victim to a horrible illness *Meaning*: to willfully violate or destroy a sacred place *বাংলা অর্থ*: অপবিত্র করা *Root*: secr means পবিত্র (Adj.), পুণ্য (Adj.), শুদ্ধ *Synonyms*: outrage , profane , violate *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. After fifty days floating on a raft at sea, he was quite emaciated—his family was elated that he was alive, but shocked to see a formerly 165-pound man looking skeletal at just 125 pounds. *Meaning*: Make abnormally thin, *বাংলা অর্থ*: অতি কৃশ করা বা হওয়া , রোগা হওয়া বা করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: emaciate starts with "hEy MA", thats when u cry when u go hungry..


*Example*: 1. After finding an anomaly in the data, she knew that she would have to conduct her experiment again. *Meaning*: abnormal; irregular, deviation from the normal order, form, or rule; abnormality *বাংলা অর্থ*: ব্যতিক্রমী, নিয়মবহির্ভূত *Root*: *Synonyms*: Aberration (departing from normal; mental irregularity or deviation in morality)(নীতিভ্রংশ), Outlier (a person on the fringe; a data point that lies outside the main pattern of data),Anomalous(ব্যতিক্রমী,নিয়মবহির্ভূত) *Mnemonic*: anomalous ~ a (not) + nomal (normal); someone who is not normal and hence abnormal or deviating from general.


*Example*: 1. After messing up at work, the man faced a thorough abasement from his boss; 2. when he realized he had forgotten his own wedding anniversary, he further abased himself in front of his wife *Meaning*: Degrade or humble; to lower in rank, status, or esteem *বাংলা অর্থ*: হীন করা , হেয় করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Defame(নিন্দা করা, মানহানি করা, কুত্সা করা) (attack the reputation of), Belittle (put down,) disparage(অবজ্ঞা করা সম্মানহানি করা, তাচ্ছিল্য করে কথা বলা), abase,Make dirty, defile,to soil, stain; taint Denigrate (belittle, attack the reputation of) Besmirch(কলঙ্কিত করা, মলিন করা, বিবর্ণ করা, নোংরা করা ) Sully(নোংরা করা, নোংরা হত্তয়া) Tarnish(কলঙ্কিত করা, মরিচা ধরা, ম্লান করা মলিন করা, অনুজ্জ্বল করা, নিষ্প্রভ হওয়া) *Mnemonic*:


*Examples:* *Meaning:* Eliminate from consideration; reject *বাংলা অর্থ:* বরখাস্ত করা *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics:*


*Example*: 1. After moving to a more liberal part of the country, the couple was pleased to have neighbors who shared their views of egalitarian marriage—for instance, men and women could be found in equal proportions downshifting to part-time work to make time for childcare. *Meaning*: Related to belief in the equality of all people, esp. in political, economic, or social spheres *বাংলা অর্থ*: সমান (Adj.), সমানাধিকারী (Adj.), সমমাত্রিক (Adj.) *Root*: Egalitarian, of course, contains a root for "equal," but comes into English through French, which explains the spelling (égal is French for "equal"). *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: for EAGLES, it does not matter which person's meat is that, ultimately they have to fill their stomach being scavengers. EAGLES are EGALitarians.


*Example*: 1. After serving thirty years, in which he selflessly served the community, Judge Harper was one of the more estimable people in town. *Meaning*: Worthy of esteem, admirable; able to be estimated,deserving of esteem and respect *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: good , honorable , respectable Plaudit(তালি শুনতে), laud(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), extol(উচ্চপ্রশংসা করা, encomium(স্তুতিবাদ), estimable(শ্রদ্ধেয়), Accolade(প্রশংসা), Eulogy(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), Panegyric(প্রশংসামূলক), Paean(বিজয়গাথা), acclamation(প্রশংসা), hail , Commendable(প্রশংসনীয় ), applaudable , laudable , praiseworthy, exalt (মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা),glorify, Sublime(মহিমান্বিত), exalt(মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা) , Seraphic(স্বর্গীয়) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. After the boulder rolled a couple of feet, pinning my friend's arm, he experienced excruciating pain. *Meaning*: extremely painful *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: agonising , agonizing , harrowing , torturesome , torturing , torturous *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. After the sales result, the manager was in an effervescent mood, letting several employees leave work early that day. *Meaning*: marked by high spirits or excitement *বাংলা অর্থ*: বুদ্বুদপূর্ণ *Root*: *Synonyms*: bubbling , frothy , scintillating , sparkly *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. After the water polo team won their sixth championship, they became complacent and didn't even make it to the playoffs the next year. *Meaning*: Self-satisfied, smug; overly content (and therefore lazy, neglectful, or some other bad quality) *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রসন্ন , অনুকূল, উপকারী, সহায়ক, প্রসন্ন, সুবিধাপূর্ণ, শুভ *Root*: *Synonyms*: self-complacent , self-satisfied *Abstruse:* complacent=আত্নসন্তুষ্ট VS Complaisant=অন্যকে খুশি করতে আগ্রহী, সুশীল, বিনয়ী *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. After three straight shows, the lead actress gave an anemic performance the fourth night, barely speaking loudly enough for those in the back rows to hear. *Meaning*: lacking energy and vigor *বাংলা অর্থ*: রক্তহীন, নীরক্ত, রক্তাল্পতাগ্রস্ত, রক্তাল্প, ফেঁকাসে *Root*: *Synonyms*: anaemic *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. After watching his superior take rations from the soliders, he quickly became disaffected and rebelled (বিদ্রোহ). *Meaning*: discontented as toward authority *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিরক্ত, আনুগত্যহীন *Root*: *Synonyms*: ill-affected , malcontent , rebellious *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Albert Schweitzer spent most of his life doing missionary work as a doctor in Africa, seeking no reward, apparently motivated only by altruism. *Meaning*: the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others *বাংলা অর্থ*: পরার্থপরতা *Root*: *Synonyms*: selflessness *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Alexandria, Egypt is an eponym because it is named after Alexander the Great. *Meaning*: a person after whom a discovery, invention, place, etc., is named or thought to be named. *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: nym means name *Synonyms*: Homonym(একই ধ্বনিবিশিষ্ট কিন্তু ভিন্নার্থক শব্দ ), Homophone(একই ধ্বনি অথবা উচ্চারণবিশিষ্ট কিন্তু ভিন্নার্থক ও ভিন্নবানানবিশিষ্ট শব্দ), Eponym (A person after whom a discovery, invention place etc., is named or thought to be named) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Allen was often punished in school for blatantly disrespecting teachers. *Meaning*: without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious *বাংলা অর্থ*: স্থূল, ভয়ানক, ভয়ঙ্কর, ইতর, অমার্জিত, বিশ্রী *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* Blare= উচ্চ চিৎকার, VS Blatant=ভয়ংকর VS Blast= বিষ্ফোরণ VS Blase=Bored *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Although Darwin's evolution and Mendel's genetics were developed in isolation from one another, they dovetail very well. *Meaning*: fit together tightly, as if by means of a interlocking joint, Join or fit together *বাংলা অর্থ*: নিখুঁতভাবে মিলে যাওয়া *Root*: *Synonyms*: dovetail joint *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Although I was unhappy that the relationship ended, I appreciated her candidness about why she was ready to move on from the relationship. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: স্পষ্টবক্তা, অকপট, ঋজু, অমায়িক, সত্, উলঙ্গ *Root*: *Synonyms*: blunt , forthright , frank , free-spoken , outspoken , plainspoken , point-blank , straight-from-the-shoulder, candor , candour , directness , forthrightness , frankness *Mnemonic*: a straightforward and honest look at something


*Examples:* *Meaning:* Opposite of resonance *বাংলা অর্থ:* অনৈক্য *Root:* *Synonym:* discord; opposite of harmony - Harsh, inharmonious sound; cacophony; disagreement *Mnemonics:*


*Example*: 1. Always on the forefront of fashion, Vanessa looked contemptuously at anyone wearing dated clothing *Meaning*: scornful, looking down at others with a sneering attitude *বাংলা অর্থ*: ঘৃণাপূর্ণ *Root*: *Synonyms*: sardonic (তিক্ত, ঘৃণাপূর্ণ, ব্যঙ্গপূর্ণ, অবজ্ঞা-মিশ্রিত ব্যঙ্গপূর্ণ), disdainful , insulting , scornful, *Abstruse:* Contumacious:একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার VS Contentious:বিতর্কমূলক, কুঁদুলে, কলহপ্রিয় VS Contemptuous:ঘৃণাপূর্ণ VS Contingent=সম্ভাব্য, শর্তাধীন, নির্ভরশীল VS Continent= মহাদেশ, সংযমী, আত্নসংযমী *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Amazingly undaunted after his accident, Devon vowed to complete a marathon in his wheelchair. Not even a dented rim on mile 19 could daunt him—he dauntlessly completed the race anyway *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: ভয় দেখানো *Root*: Daunt shares a root with domesticate, "to tame." *Synonyms*: Intimidate ;frighten - Discourage, dishearten, lessen the courage of,Cow (intimidate, destroy the courage of) *Abstruse:* daunt:ভয় দেখানো vs vaunt: বড়াই, জাঁক, দম্ভ, দর্প = flaunt জাঁকালভাবে প্রদর্শন করা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. American basketball players are always conspicuous when they go abroad-not only are they American, but some are over seven feet tall. 2. A tower conspicuous at a great distance. *Meaning*: without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious *বাংলা অর্থ*: সুস্পষ্ট, প্রসিদ্ধ, বিশিষ্ট *Root*: *Synonyms*: blatant , blazing, Ostensible *Mnemonic*: Con(can)+ s(see) + the + peculiar --> can see the nice peculiar of the situation. So conspicuous means which can be easily seen.


*Example*: 1. Americans often confound sweet potatoes with yams, and refer to both vegetables by the same name. 2. Though Harry loved numbers, he found calculus confounding. *Meaning*: mistake one thing for another *বাংলা অর্থ*: হতবুদ্ধি করা , বিহ্বল করা , বিভ্রান্ত করা , বানচাল করা , বিশৃঙ্খলা ঘটানো *Root*: *Synonyms*: Conundrum(ধাঁধা, জট), Confound(বিহ্বল করা , বিভ্রান্ত করা), nonplussed(কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়), Enigma(ধাঁধা, জট), Flummox(বিভ্রান্ত করা, বিহ্বল করা, হতবুদ্ধি করা), Obfuscate(হতবুদ্ধি করা, বিভ্রান্ত করা), puzzle, riddle *Mnemonic*: CONfusion FOUND == CONFOUND


*Example*: 1. Amy's name was very apt: she was so amiable that she was twice voted class president. *Meaning*: friendly , amicable *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: am means love *Synonyms*: affable , cordial , genial *Mnemonic*:

*Apostate* ( 100th )

*Example*: 1. An apostate of the Republican Party, Sheldon has yet to become affiliated with any party and dubs himself an independent. *Meaning*: Person who deserts a party, cause, religion, etc. not faithful to religion or party or cause.. Mnemonic: apostate can be thought of as 'opposite state'.. That is changing to the opposite state, and not loyal to his current state.. *বাংলা অর্থ*: ধর্মত্যাগী *Root*: *Synonyms*: deserter , ratter , recreant , renegade , turncoat *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. An arrant fool, Lawrence surprised nobody when he lost all his money in a pyramid scheme that was every bit as transparent as it was corrupt. *Meaning*: complete and wholly (usually modifying a noun with negative connotation) *বাংলা অর্থ*: সম্পূর্ণ, পুরাদস্তুর, ডাহা, আকাট, পেজোমিতে পূর্ণ *Root*: *Synonyms*: complete , consummate , double-dyed , everlasting , gross , perfect , pure , sodding , staring , stark , thoroughgoing , unadulterated , utter *Abstruse:* errant=ভ্রমণ রত, অসভ্য VS Erratic=অনিশ্চিত VS arrant=সম্পূর্ণ *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. An easy way to discomfit another person is to use the age-old, childish trick of ignoring them. *Meaning*: to cause perplexity and embarrassment discomfiting: *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিপর্যস্ত করা , অপ্রস্তুত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Disconcerting, confusing, frustrating *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. An egotist, Natasha had few friends because of her inability to talk about anything except her dream of becoming the next American Idol. *Meaning*: a conceited and self-centered person *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: egoist , swellhead *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Animals on Madagascar differentiated from other similar animal species due to many years of isolation on the island. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: specialise , specialize , speciate *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Arriving at the small town, the outlaw arrogated the privileges of a lord, asking the frightened citizens to provide food, drink, and entertainment. *Meaning*: seize and control without authority, Claim or take presumptuously or without the right to do so , (without the right.) *বাংলা অর্থ*: ঔদ্ধত্য প্রকাশ করা (V), অন্যায়পূর্বক দাবি করা (V), অন্যায্যভাবে আরোপ করা (V) *Root*: rog means ask , "toward + ask"= claim or take *Synonyms*: assume , seize , take over , usurp *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. As a child, I exasperated my mother with strings of never-ending questions. *Meaning*: to irritate intensely *বাংলা অর্থ*: ক্রদ্ধ করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: aggravate , exacerbate , exacerbate , worsen, incense , infuriate *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. As a college student, Charlie espoused Marxism, growing his beard out and railing against the evils of the free-market. *Meaning*: to adopt or support an idea or cause *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিবাহ দেত্তয়া, বিবাহ করা, বাগ্দান করা, পক্ষাবলম্বন করা, সমর্থন করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: adopt , embrace , sweep up *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. As a young girl she was diffident and reserved, but now as an adult, she is confident and assertive. *Meaning*: showing modest reserve; lacking self-confidence *বাংলা অর্থ*: অবিশ্বাসী, সংশয়ী, আত্মবিশ্বাসহীন, অপ্রত্যয়ী, কুণ্ঠ *Root*: fid means trust "not + faith"= hesitant, lacking in self-confidence. *Synonyms*: shy , timid , unsure *Abstruse:* Diffidence:অবিশ্বাসী, সংশয়ী, আত্মবিশ্বাসহীন, vs Difference:পার্থক্য, ভিন্নতা, প্রভেদ vs Indifference: অযত্ন, উদাসীনতা VS Deference=মানিয়া লওয়া, বশ্যতাস্বীকার, respect vs Deferential:শ্রদ্ধাবনত , with respect *Mnemonic*: it is like opposite of confidence means you are shy not confident


*Example*: 1. As difficult as it is to imagine, the apotheosis of Mark Zuckerberg's career, many believe, is yet to come. *Meaning*: deification; glorified ideal *বাংলা অর্থ*: মহিমান্বয়ন *Root*: theo means god *Synonyms*: ideal , nonesuch , nonpareil , nonsuch , paragon , saint,deification , exaltation *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. As the sun rose we descried the enemy lying a mile from us. *Meaning*: to discover or reveal *বাংলা অর্থ*: উপলব্ধি করা, ঠাহর করা, নির্ধারিত করা, দেখিতে পাত্তয়া, ঠিক করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Discern (perceive or recognize; tell two or more things apart), ascertain ( find out certainly ), Descry (discover, see by looking carefully), *Abstruse:* Decry=নিন্দা করা VS Descry=discover ঠাহর করা, দেখিতে পাওয়া *Mnemonic*: If 10(DES) people will CRY every body will notice them!!


*Example*: 1. As we discussed the painting, I noticed the artist's wife bristling at our criticisms, ready to defend her husband's work. *Meaning*: react in an offended or angry manner *বাংলা অর্থ*: ক্রোধ প্রকাশ করা, অন্তরায়-কণ্টক্তি হত্তয়া, অন্তরায়-কণ্টক্তি থাকা *Root*: *Synonyms*: abound , burst *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Assad and the Russians have long asserted that his government was the leading bulwark against terrorism in Syria. *Meaning*: defense wall; anything serving as defense- *বাংলা অর্থ*: আত্মরক্ষার উপায় *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:

*Demean* ( 400th )

*Example*: 1. At first the soccer players bantered back and forth, but as soon as one of the players became demeaning, calling the other's mother a water buffalo, the ref whipped out a red card. *Meaning*: to insult; to cause someone to lose dignity or respect *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: degrade , disgrace , put down , take down *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. At the church of Notre Dame in France, the new High Altar was consecrated in 1182. *Meaning*: to make holy or set apart for a high purpose *বাংলা অর্থ*: পবিত্র জ্ঞানে স্বতন্ত্রভাবে রাখা , কোনো বিশেষ উদ্দেশ্যে নিবেদন , দেবসেবায় নিবেদন করা , পবিত্র করা *Root*: secr means পবিত্র *Synonyms*: bless , hallow , sanctify (পবিত্র করা, শুদ্ধ করা, পাপমুক্ত করা, শোধন করা, শোধিত করা ) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. At the denouement of the movie, all questions were answered, and the true identity of the robber was revealed. *Meaning*: the final resolution of the many strands of a literary or dramatic work; the outcome of a complex sequence of events *বাংলা অর্থ*: অন্তীম দৃশ্য *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse*: Denounce=নিন্দা করা, তিরষ্কার করা VS Denouement=ফাইনাল স্টেপ VS Renounce=অস্বীকার করা, ত্যাগ করা *Mnemonic*: de + NOUncEMENT(ANNOUNCEMENT)..SO you are making an annoucement of your company's FINAL OUTCOME report.DEAL + ANOUNCEMENT


*Example*: 1. At the prep school, the young man happily settled into an ethos of hard work and rigorous athletic competition *Meaning*: The character, personality, or moral values specific to a person, group, time period, etc. *বাংলা অর্থ*: জাতি প্রভৃতির আত্মিক বৈশিষ্ট্য , তত্ত্ব *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Badgered by his parents to find a job, the 30-year-old loafer instead joined a gang of itinerant musicians. *Meaning*: to pester *বাংলা অর্থ*: জালাতন করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: beleaguer , bug , pester , tease *Mnemonic*: BAD GIRL.....bad girls always annoy people


*Example*: 1. Because she dances with an ethereal style, ballet critics have called her Madame Butterfly. *Meaning*: characterized by lightness and insubstantiality *বাংলা অর্থ*: গগনচারী, অতি সূক্ষ্ম, আকাশস্থ, আকাশজাত, স্বর্গীয়, বায়বীয় *Root*: *Synonyms*: aerial , aeriform , aery , airy *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Beethoven's musical genius culminated in the 9th Symphony, which many consider his greatest work. *Meaning*: reach the highest or most decisive point *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: climax *Abstruse:* Fulminate=সশব্দে ফাটান, নির্ঘোষ তোলা, উচ্চনাদ তোলা, বিস্ফোরিত হত্তয়া VS Culminate=সর্বোচ্চ সীমা পৌঁছান *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Before the Internet, the library was typically were you would find erudite readers. *Meaning*: Scholarly, knowledgeable; possessing deep, often systematic, knowledge *বাংলা অর্থ*: জ্ঞানী *Root*: rud means red *Synonyms*: learned *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Gary one day had an epiphany that he was a people person; he prompty quit his factory job and began working as a salesman. *Meaning*: a sudden revelation উদ্ঘাটন or moment of insight *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Before the concert began, security personel admonished the crowd not to come up on stage during the performance. 2. At the assembly, the high school vice-principal gave the students an admonitory speech, warning them of the many risks and dangers of prom night. *Meaning*: to warn strongly, even to the point of reprimanding *বাংলা অর্থ*: সাবধান করে দেওয়া *Root*: mon means warn *Synonyms*: Mildly scold; caution, advise, or remind to do something, warn; reprove,caution , monish *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Before the spring break revelers could consider doffing their clothes, they saw the sign: "No skinny dipping." 2. In my grandfather's day, it was considered polite to doff your hat when a lady entered the room; to us today, lifting your hat a few inches off your head and then putting it right back seems to some like a silly way to show respect. *Meaning*: Take off (such as clothes), put aside; remove one's hat as a gesture *বাংলা অর্থ*: টুপি, কোট ইঃ খোলা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Both in the vastness and the richness of the visible universe the invisible God is adumbrated. *Meaning*: to sketch, outline in a shadowy way *বাংলা অর্থ*: পূর্বাভাস দেওয়া *Root*: root umbr means shadow *Synonyms*: opaque(অস্বচ্ছ), adumbrate(অস্পষ্ট আভাস দেত্তয়া), obscure(অস্পষ্ট), nebulous(আবছা), obfuscate(বিভ্রান্ত করা) Ambiguous(অস্পষ্ট) Equivocal, mist(কুয়াশা) , fog *Mnemonic*: A dumb brat can't give the details - just a sketchy outline.


*Example*: 1. Bukowski was known for being a boorish drunk and alienating close friends and family. *Meaning*: ill-mannered and coarse or contemptible in behavior or appearance, Rude, ill-mannered, or insensitive person; a peasant or country bumpkin *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: boor: rude; insensitive - অভদ্র *Synonyms*: loutish , neandertal , neanderthal , oafish , swinish *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. By assuming that Charlie was headed to college - which he was not - Maggie begged the question when she asked him to which school he was headed in the Fall. *Meaning*: to evade or dodge (a question) *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. By the time the colonel countermanded his soldiers not to land in enemy territory, a few helicopters had already touched down amid heavy gunfire. *Meaning*: withdraw, countermandverb: a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command *বাংলা অর্থ*: পূর্বাদেশ প্রত্যাহার *Root*: counter + command so against previous command *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. By the time we reach 60-years old, most of our habits are so entrenched that it is difficult for us to change. *Meaning*: fixed firmly or securely *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রোথিত *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Can you blame him for his ebullient mood? He just graduated from medical school. *Meaning*: Showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm *বাংলা অর্থ*: উচ্ছ্বাসিত *Root*: *Synonyms*: exuberant , high-spirited, ebullience: the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts and feelings *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Charles rude remark toward Sarah yesterday was due to his illness, not due to any real enmity toward Sarah. *Meaning*: a state of deep-seated ill-will *বাংলা অর্থ*: শত্রুতা, ঘৃণা, বিরাগ, বিরূদ্ধতা, বিরোধিতা, বিরোধ *Root*: *Synonyms*: antagonism , hostility, *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. China's economy has been buttressed by a global demand for the electronic parts the country manufactures. *Meaning*: make stronger or defensible v. support; prop up *বাংলা অর্থ*: পৃষ্ঠরক্ষা করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. China's housing market is burgeoning, but some predict that the growth is merely a bubble and will burst much like the U.S. real estate bubble of 2008. *Meaning*: Grow forth; send out buds *বাংলা অর্থ*: বাড়িয়া উঠিতে আরম্ভ করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: tyro(শিক্ষানবিস), inchoate(অপরিণত), incipient(জায়মান), germinate(অঙ্কুরিত করা), burgeon(কুঁড়ি, মুকুল, কলি), nascent(জায়মান, বর্ধনশীল), rudimentary(প্রাথমিক) novice(শিক্ষানবিস) neophyte(নবদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি) Fledgling(অনভিজ্ঞ লোক) embryonic(rudimentary) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Chopin's ballades are filled with sharp changes in moods--a dolorous melody can give way to a lighthearted tempo. *Meaning*: sadness *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: dol means sorrow , pain *Synonyms*: lachrymose(ক্রন্দনশীল), dirge(গীত), Dolor(sadness), Doleful(বেদনাপূর্ণ, করুণ, শোকপূর্ণ), weep (ক্রঁদন, কান্নাকাটি, ক্রঁদ), wail(বিলাপ করা, দুঃখপ্রকাশ করা, উচ্চ কণ্ঠে ক্রন্দন), grieve(শোক করা) , Lament(কান্নাকাটি, ক্রঁদ), Bemoan(বিলাপ করা), Elegy(শোকসঙ্গীত, অন্ত্যোষ্টিকালীন গান), Threnody(শোকগাথা) *Mnemonic*: dolorous: adjective: showing sorrow


*Example*: 1. Coming from, based on, or able to be verified by experience or experimentation; not purely based on theory *Meaning*: based on observation or experiment *বাংলা অর্থ*: অভিজ্ঞতাজনিত *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* empirical= practical VS imperial=সাম্রাজ্য-সংক্রান্ত vs imperious:জাঁদরেল,দাম্ভিক , vs impertinent:অপ্রাসঙ্গিক vs Imperil: বিপদ্গ্রস্ত করা ( peril means danger) vs Impermeable:অপ্রবেশ্য vs Impervious: অভেদ্য অপ্রবেশ্য vs Imperturbable: স্থির, শান্ত ( perturb means disturb/not quiet ) *Mnemonic*:


*Examples:* *Meaning:* another substance *বাংলা অর্থ:* *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics:*


*Example*: 1. Computers have helped solve some of the mathematical conundrums which have puzzled man for many centuries. *Meaning*: riddle; difficult problem *বাংলা অর্থ*: ধাঁধা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Conundrum(ধাঁধা, জট), Confound(বিহ্বল করা , বিভ্রান্ত করা), nonplussed(কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়), Enigma(ধাঁধা, জট), Flummox(বিভ্রান্ত করা, বিহ্বল করা, হতবুদ্ধি করা), Obfuscate(হতবুদ্ধি করা, বিভ্রান্ত করা), puzzle, riddle *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Concomitant with his desire for nature was a desire for the culture and energy of a big city. *Meaning*: describing an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another *বাংলা অর্থ*: সহগামী, সংযুক্ত *Root*: *Synonyms*: accompaniment , attendant , co-occurrence *Mnemonic*:

*Discredit* (450th )

*Example*: 1. Congresswoman Huffman's opponent tried to use her friendship with a certain radical extremist to discredit her, even though the Congresswoman hadn't seen this so-called "extremist" since sixth grade summer camp *Meaning*: Injure the reputation of, destroy credibility of or confidence in *বাংলা অর্থ*: অখ্যাতি *Root*: *Synonyms*: Slander, Traduce, and Defame all mean "to speak maliciously and falsely of." *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Count Rumford denigrated the new theory of heat, demonstrating that it was wholly inadequate to explain the observations. *Meaning*: to slur or blacken someone's reputation *বাংলা অর্থ*: কলঙ্কিত করা, কালিমালিপ্ত করা , হেয় করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Defame(নিন্দা করা, মানহানি করা, কুত্সা করা) (attack the reputation of), Belittle (put down,) disparage(অবজ্ঞা করা সম্মানহানি করা, তাচ্ছিল্য করে কথা বলা), abase,Make dirty, defile,to soil, stain; taint Denigrate (belittle, attack the reputation of) Besmirch(কলঙ্কিত করা, মলিন করা, বিবর্ণ করা, নোংরা করা ) Sully(নোংরা করা, নোংরা হত্তয়া) Tarnish(কলঙ্কিত করা, মরিচা ধরা, ম্লান করা মলিন করা, অনুজ্জ্বল করা, নিষ্প্রভ হওয়া) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Despite a low GPA, he contrived to get into college, going so far as to write his own glowing letters of recommendation. *Meaning*: to pull off a plan or scheme, usually through skill or trickery *বাংলা অর্থ*: কার্যসাধন করা, মতলব আঁটা *Root*: *Synonyms*: devise , excogitate , forge , formulate , invent *Abstruse:* contrite: অনুতপ্ত Contrition,to be remorseful, vs contrive: কার্যসাধন করা, মতলব আঁটা vs morose(বিষণ্ণ, বিশুষ্ক, কঠিন গোমড়া মুখ, রুক্ষ), *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Despite all their talented players, the team was filled with discord--some players refused to talk to others--and lost most of their games. *Meaning*: lack of agreement or harmony *বাংলা অর্থ*: মিলহীন *Root*: dis+cord(heart/agreement ) *Synonyms*: strife *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Despite the president's seemingly artless speeches, he was a skilled and ruthless negotiator. 2. Despite the president's seemingly artless speeches, he was a skilled and ruthless negotiator. *Meaning*: without cunning or deceit Without guile; open and honest *বাংলা অর্থ*: কৌশলহীন *Root*: *Synonyms*: uncultivated , uncultured, ingenuousness , innocence , naturalness *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Do not be cowed by a 3,000-word vocabulary list: turn that list into a deck of flashcards! *Meaning*: make (someone) feel intimidated (ভয় দেখান ) or apprehensive(ভয় বোধ করা). Synonyms : overawe *বাংলা অর্থ*: ভয় দেখান বা ভয় বোধ করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Daunt *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Dogmatic people will never change their minds, even in the face of evidence. *Meaning*: established belief, A system of principles laid down by an authority; *বাংলা অর্থ*: উদ্ধত ,মতবাদ, ধর্মমত, মত , প্রশ্নাতীত মতবাদ রূপে উপস্থাপিত , যুক্তিপ্রমাণ ব্যতিরেকে উপস্থাপিত , *Root*: Dogma মতবাদ *Synonyms*: Doctrinaire (person who applies doctrine in an impractical or close-minded way) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Dressed in 15th century clothing each day, Edward was a walking anachronism. *Meaning*: something that is inappropriate for the given time period (usually something old). *বাংলা অর্থ*: একযুগের বস্তু, ব্যক্তি, ঘটনা ইত্যাদিকে ভুল করে অন্য যুগের সংগে জড়িয়ে ফেলা *Root*: *Synonyms*: misdating , mistiming nihilism (the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless), euphemism (শ্রুতিকটু পদের পরিবর্তে কোমলতর পদের প্রয়োগ), Malapropism (শব্দের অপপ্রয়োগ), jingoism (উগ্র দেশপ্রেম), anachronism (একযুগের বস্তু, ব্যক্তি, ঘটনা ইত্যাদিকে ভুল করে অন্য যুগের সঙ্গে জড়িয়ে ফেলা, neologism (নতুন নতুন শবদের নির্মাণ ও প্রয়োগ), Solecism (a grammatical mistake in speech or writing), Solipsism ( আত্নজ্ঞানবাদ), Sophism (আপাত-সঠিক কিন্তু আসলে ভুল, প্রতারণ, প্রবচনা, কুতর্ক), Sophist (কুতার্কিক) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Drill sergeants are known to castigate new recruits so mercilessly that the latter often break down during their first week in training. *Meaning*: to reprimand harshly *বাংলা অর্থ*: তর্জন, উপালম্ভ, ঠুকা, লাঁছনা, ফইজত, কঠোর তিরস্কার *Root*: *Synonyms*: chasten , chastise , correct , objurgate punishment; severe criticism - কঠোর ভর্ত্সনা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. During the interrogation, the suspect was browbeaten into signing a false confession. *Meaning*: be bossy towards; discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner *বাংলা অর্থ*: শাসান, চোখ রাঙ্গাইয়া বাগে আনা, চোখ রাঙ্গান *Root*: *Synonyms*: ballyrag , boss around , bully , bullyrag , hector , push around , strong-arm *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Dwelling or fortress built on a high place; the nest of a bird of prey, such as an eagle or hawk, built on a mountain or cliff *Meaning*: nook or nest built high in the air *বাংলা অর্থ*: অত্যুচ্চ স্থানে নির্মিত শিকারি পাখির বাসা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Empiricism does not always lead to knowledge; an experience or experiment may raise more questions than it answers. *Meaning*: any method that derives knowledge from experience, used in experimental science as a way to gain insight and knowledge *বাংলা অর্থ*: অভিজ্ঞতাজনিত *Root*: *Synonyms*: empiricist philosophy , sensationalism *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Entrusted with the prototype to his company's latest smartphone, Larry, during a late night karaoke bout, let the prototype slip into the hands of a rival company - the next day Larry was excoriated, and then fired. *Meaning*: to criticize very harshly *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: condemn , decry , objurgate , reprobate *Abstruse:* Exorcise: ভূতপ্রেত ঝাড়ান, ভূত ঝাড়া, যাদু করা vs Excoriate: to criticize very harshly *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Even a basic understanding of physics can elude most high schools students. *Meaning*: escape understanding *বাংলা অর্থ*: কৌশল এড়ান , ব্যর্থ করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: bilk , evade *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Even if the text is not visible, the red octagon denotes "stop" to all motorists in America. *Meaning*: Be a name or symbol for *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: refer *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Even though her father did not approve, Juliet became besotted with the young Romeo. 2. Never before have I seen my mom so besotted, and honestly, I hope it's the last time she drinks so much. *Meaning*: strongly affectionate towards , very drunk *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রমত্ত, বুঁদ , নেশায় বা প্রেমে বা গর্বে বুঁদ *Root*: *Synonyms*: blind drunk , blotto , cockeyed , crocked , fuddled , loaded , pie-eyed , pissed , pixilated , plastered , slopped , sloshed , smashed , soaked , soused , sozzled , squiffy , stiff , tight , wet *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Eventually, all parents must cede control of their growing childrens' educations and allow their offspring some autonomy *Meaning*: relinquish possession or control ove *বাংলা অর্থ*: সমর্পণ করা, পরিত্যাগ করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: deliver , give up , surrenderr *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Far from being a period of utter benightedness, The Medieval Ages produced some great works of theological speculation. 2. a storm developed and we were forced to wait benighted near the summit *Meaning*: fallen into a state of ignorance, overtaken by darkness. *বাংলা অর্থ*: রাত্রিগ্রস্ত , অজ্ঞানতিমিরে আচ্ছন্ন *Root*: *Synonyms*: nighted,dark *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Few appreciate the colossal scale of the sun: if hollow, it could contain a million Earths. *Meaning*: so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রকাণ্ড, বিশাল, বৃহত্কায় *Root*: *Synonyms*: prodigious , stupendous *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Few can listen to the elegiac opening bars of the Moonlight sonata without feeling the urge to cry. *Meaning*: expressing sorrow *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Few novelists over 80 are able to produce anything more than desiccated works-boring shadows of former books. *Meaning*: dry up, uninteresting, lacking vitality *বাংলা অর্থ*: শুষ্ক করা, শুষ্ক হত্তয়া, শুকান *Root*: *Synonyms*: arid , desiccate *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Final part of a musical composition; an ending, esp. one that sums up what has come before *Meaning*: Concluding section of a musical or literary composition; summarizes or concludes *বাংলা অর্থ*: শেষভাগের বর্ণনা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. For all his surface affability, Marco was remarkably glum when he wasn't around other people. *Meaning*: Warm and friendly, pleasant, approachable *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: amiable , cordial , genial *Abstruse:* Affable=ভদ্র, VS effable=able to be described in words vs Ineffable:অবর্ণনীয়, অনির্বচনীয়, অপ্রকাশ্য, অনুচ্চার্য VS efface=মুছিয়া ফেলা *Mnemonic*:

*Dilettante* [ DILL-uh-tahnt ]

*Example*: 1. Fred has no formal medical training; while he likes to claim authority on medical issues, he is little more than a dilettante *Meaning*: one with an amateurish or superficial interest in the arts or a branch of knowledge *বাংলা অর্থ*: সমঝদার , পল্লবগ্রাহী ব্যক্তি *Root*: *Synonyms* dabbler , sciolist,dilettanteish , dilettantish , sciolistic *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Galileo spent his last years under house arrest for debunking the widely held idea that the Sun revolved around the Earth. 2.The show MythBusters debunks pseudoscientific claims. *Meaning*: expose as false ideas and claims, especially while ridiculing *বাংলা অর্থ*: কোনো ব্যক্তি, আদর্শ ইত্যাদির সম্বন্ধে ভ্রান্ত ধারণার অপসারণ করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Expose, ridicule, or disprove false or exaggerated claims *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Getting a driver's license is not simply a matter of taking a test; the regulations and procedures are so byzantine that many have found themselves at the mercy of the Department of Motor Vehicles. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: কনস্ট্যাণ্টিনোপলের *Root*: *Synonyms*: convoluted , involved , knotty , tangled , tortuous *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Given the last decade of research into the brain—as well as our own experience trying to function while deprived of sleep or food—we must take as axiomatic that the brain is influenced by the body. *Meaning*: Self-evident truth requiring no proof; universally or generally accepted principle *বাংলা অর্থ*: স্বয়ংপ্রমাণিত সত্য, স্বত:সিদ্ধ সত্য, স্বত:প্রমাণতা *Root*: axiomatic: taken as a given; possessing self-evident truth *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: Ax +i+om - when the axe is on me I will tell the truth. This is surely evident. Axiom is a rule or principle that most people believe to be true( /universally recognized)... See "om" in Axiom which is universally believed


*Example*: 1. Harold enticed his wife, Maude, to go on a vacation to Hawaii, with promises of luaus on the beach and all-you-can-eat seafood buffets. *Meaning*: get someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রলোভিত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: entice(প্রলুব্ধ করা), allure(প্রলুব্ধ করা), Inveigle(লোভ দেখানো, প্রলোভিত করা), Coax and cajole are gentler versions—trying to get someone to do something through persuasion or flattery. *Abstruse:* antic=কিম্ভুতকিমাকার VS entice =প্রলুব্ধ করা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Harry was so unknowledgable that he was unaware the Egyptian pharaohs antedated the American Revolution. *Meaning*: Be older than, precede in time; assign to an earlier date *বাংলা অর্থ*: আরো আগে ঘটা , প্রকৃত তারিখের পূর্ববর্তী কোনো তারিখ *Root*: ante means before *Synonyms*: antecede , forego , forgo , precede , predate, foredate *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Having received three speeding tickets in the last two months, Jack was chary of driving at all above the speed limit, even on a straight stretch of highway that looked empty for miles ahead. *Meaning*: cautious, suspiciously reluctant to do something, wary; cautious; sparing *বাংলা অর্থ*: সতর্ক, সাবধান *Root*: *Synonyms*: cagey , cagy *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. He ascribed his good grades to diligent studying. 2. Michael was a diligent gardener, never leaving a leaf on the ground and regularly watering each plant. *Meaning*: characterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks *বাংলা অর্থ*: পরিশ্রমী, ক্রিয়াশীল, অধ্যবসায়, নিরলস, সযত্ন, অনলস *Root*: *Synonyms*: industrious *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. He erred in thinking that "indigent" and "indignant" were synonyms. *Meaning*: to make an error *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: mistake , slip *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. He placed no credence in psychics, claiming that they offered no special powers beyond the ability to make people part with their money. *Meaning*: belief in something *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিশ্বাসপ্রবণতা , সহজে বিশ্বাস করার ঝোঁক *Root*: cred means belief *Synonyms*: Gullible; prone to believing or trusting too easily or without enough evidence *Abstruse:* Crescendo=সুরে তীব্রতার ক্রমবৃদ্ধি VS Credence=প্রত্যয়, বিশ্বাস *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. He prefers to be called a diminutive of his name: "Bill" instead of "John William." 2. When he put on his father's suit and shoes, his appearance was that of a diminutive youth. *Meaning*: to indicate smallness *বাংলা অর্থ*: সঙ্কুচিত, হ্রাসপ্রাপ্ত আকারযুক্ত, অতি ক্ষুদ্র্র্র্র *Root*: *Synonyms*: bantam , flyspeck , lilliputian , midget , petite , tiny *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. He would have punished his son more severely for breaking his car's windshield in a "rock throwing contest," but the boy seemed truly contrite. *Meaning*: to be remorseful *বাংলা অর্থ*: অনুতপ্ত *Root*: Interestingly, contrite comes from a Latin root meaning "to grind." Perhaps hating to admit we're wrong is truly universal. *Synonyms*: contrite(অনুতপ্ত), remorseful(অনুতপ্ত), regret repentant(অনুতপ্ত), penitent(অনুতপ্ত), compunction(অনুশোচনা) Compunctious Contrition(অনুতপ্ত), Rue(অনুতাপ করা ) repent(অনুশোচনা করা) *Abstruse:* contrite: অনুতপ্ত Contrition,to be remorseful, vs contrive: কার্যসাধন করা, মতলব আঁটা vs morose(বিষণ্ণ, বিশুষ্ক, কঠিন গোমড়া মুখ, রুক্ষ), *Mnemonic*


*Example*: 1. Her claim that frog populations were falling precipitously in Central America was corroborated by locals, who reported that many species of frogs had seemingly vanished overnight. *Meaning*: to confirm or lend support to (usually an idea or claim) *বাংলা অর্থ*: অনুমোদন করা , সমর্থন করা , সুনিশ্চিত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: affirm , confirm , substantiate , sustain,bear out , support , underpin *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Her fear that the new college would be filled with unknown faces was assuaged when she recognized her childhood friend standing in lin *Meaning*: ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger) , *বাংলা অর্থ*: উপশম করা *Root*: sua means smooth *Synonyms*: Make milder, relieve; soothe, pacify, or calm to ease or lessen; to appease or pacify *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Her headache was compounded by the construction crew outside, which had six jackhammers going at the same time. *Meaning*: make more intense, stronger, or more marked *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: deepen , heighten , intensify *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Her sleeplessness exacerbated her cold--when she woke up the next day, her sinuses were completely blocked. *Meaning*: worsen; embitter - to increase bitterness or violence *বাংলা অর্থ*: অধিকতর খারাপ *Root*: Ex(out)+ acer (bitterness root )+ bate *Synonyms*: aggravate , exasperate , worsen *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Here's the basic math: if you build a pipeline in 2016, the investment will be amortized for 40 years or more. *Meaning*: to diminish by installment payments *বাংলা অর্থ*: নি:শেষ করিয়া ফেলা *Root*: mor means death *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. His deep emotional involvement with these ideas is, in fact, antithetical to the disattachment Buddhism preaches. *Meaning*: sharply contrasted in character or purpose *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিরূদ্ধ, বিরোধাভাসমূলক *Root*: Root anti means বিরূদ্ধ *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. His mother tried to deter him from joining the army, but he was too intoxicated with the idea of war to listen. 2. The government's primary job should involve deterring paths to war, not finding ways to start them. *Meaning*: try to prevent; show opposition to, turn away from by persuasion *বাংলা অর্থ*: নিরস্ত করা, বাধা দেওয়া *Root*: Deter বাধা দেওয়া *Synonyms*: dissuade(বুঝিয়ে নিরস্ত করা, কাউকে ফিরিয়ে আনার চেষ্টা করা), discourage, Balk (an impediment; refuse to proceed or to do something) *Mnemonic*:

*Conciliatory* ( 300th )

*Example*: 1. His opponents believed his gesture to be conciliatory, yet as soon as they put down their weapons, he unsheathed a hidden sword. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ , মৈত্রীসূচক , মিলনসাধক *Root*: conciliate: con + ciliate ( cell, or surface ) সন্তুষ্ট করা, শান্ত করা ,to placate, win over verb: to make peace with *Synonyms*: appease , assuage , gentle , gruntle , lenify , mollify , pacify , placate *Abstruse:* ancillary=সহায়ক, সাহায্যকারী VS conciliatory=বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ VS Reconcile: পুনর্মিলিত করা, পুনরায় মিলনসাধন করা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. His responses were clearly evasive; he obviously did not want to take on any responsibility or any new work. 2.Every time I call the bank, I receive the same evasive answers about our mortgage and never get a clear response. *Meaning*: avoiding or escaping from difficulty or danger or commitment *বাংলা অর্থ*: অসরল, চতুর, ছলনাময়, পরিহারক, ছেঁদো *Root*: *Synonyms*: deliberately vague or ambiguous *Abstruse:* elusive=অধরা, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ VS Evasive= চতুর, ছলনাময় *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. His study plan for the GRE was at best amorphous; he would do questions from random pages in any one of seven test prep books. *Meaning*: shapeless *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: formless , shapeless , unstructured *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Hoping to sound intelligent, Mary spoke in archaic English that was right out of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice--needless to say, she didn't have many friends. *Meaning*: so old as to appear to belong to a different period, Characteristic of an earlier period, ancient, primitive outdated; associated with an earlier, perhaps more primitive, time *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: antediluvian , archaic, Antiquated(মান্ধাতার আমলের) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Hundreds of years ago, Galileo was anathema to the church; today the church is anathema to some on the left side of the political spectrum. *Meaning*: a detested person; the source of somebody's hate *বাংলা অর্থ*: অভিশাপ, অভিসম্পাত, অভিশপ্ত বস্তু, দৈব অভিশাপ *Root*: nat means birth *Synonyms*: bete noire *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. I am elated that you flew my twin brother in from Australia to surprise me at my birthday party *Meaning*: Very happy, in high spirits *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: Ebullient (very enthusiastic, lively, excited), Blithe (joyous, merry; excessively carefree), Exultant (joyful, celebratory) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. I am surprised by the dearth of fast food chains; this is America and I assumed they were on every street. *Meaning*: smallness of quantity or number; scarcity; a lack *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: exiguity ( স্বল্পতা,দীনতা), dearth(অভাব, দুর্ভিক্ষ) , scarcity, scant(অপ্রচুর, অত্যল্প , নিতান্ত অপ্রতুল), paucity(অভাব), Modicum(সামান্য পরিমাণ, অল্প পরিমাণ, যত্কিঁচিৎ), Scintilla(স্ফুলিঙ্গ,a tiny trace) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. I asked Maria on a date and she refused without a moment's thought; I was crestfallen. *Meaning*: brought low in spirit *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিষণ্ণ, ভগ্নোত্সাহ *Root*: *Synonyms*: chapfallen , chopfallen , deflated *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. I enjoy films in which a doughty group comes together to battle a force of evil. *Meaning*: brave; bold *বাংলা অর্থ*: দুর্দম, বলবান, সক্ষম, সাহসী, শৌর্যশালী *Root*: *Synonyms*: brave; bold; courageous *Mnemonic*: Naughty are doughty :D that means brave


*Example*: 1. I hate this health food restaurant! I do not want to eat some ersatz meatballs made of textured vegetable protein! *Meaning*: Artificial, synthetic; being an inferior substitute *বাংলা অর্থ*: বদলি প্রতিস্থাপিত বস্তু *Root*: *Synonyms*: substitute *Mnemonic*: sat is an inferior substitute for gre for ER engineer ppl


*Examples:* *Meaning:* the female branch of a family, Female, esp. relating to the maternal side of the family; women or women's work; a staff that holds wool or flax for spinning *বাংলা অর্থ:* *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics:* sister/female of stafff is distaff


*Example*: 1. I recently read an article in the Times about whether good literature is edifying or not; specifically, does reading more make a person more moral. *Meaning*: to instruct morally and spiritually, enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellectual or moral improvement *বাংলা অর্থ*: শিক্ষাপ্রদ, উপদেশমূলক *Root*: *Synonyms*: enlightening, edify নৈতিক করা, নির্মাণ করা, আধ্যাত্মিক করা, মানসিক উন্নতিসাধন করা, প্রাসাদ-তোরণাদি সাজান *Mnemonic*: Edison invented the light bulb which gives light.so edifying is something which "enlightens"


*Example*: 1. I remember my grandfather's face was wrinkled, benign, and calm. 2. The tumor located in your ear lobe seems to be benign and should not cause you any trouble. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: সদাশয়, কৃপালু, ফলপ্রদ, কৃপাময়, সদয়, ক্ষমাকর *Root*: *Synonyms*: Harmless; favorable; kindly, gentle, or beneficial; not cancerous *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. I tried eradicating the mosquitos in my apartment with a rolled up newspaper, but there were too many of them. *Meaning*: to completely destroy *বাংলা অর্থ*: সমূলে উত্পাটন করা, নষ্ট করা, ধ্বংস করা, উন্মুলিত করা, উত্ক্ষাত করা, উত্পাটন করা *Root*: redic means root *Synonyms*: exterminate , extirpate , root out , uproot, annihilate , carry off , decimate , eliminate , extinguish , wipe out *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. I was surprised by her derisive tone; usually, she is sweet, soft spoken, and congenial. *Meaning*: abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule *বাংলা অর্থ*: উপহাস্য, উপহাসক *Root*: *Synonyms*: gibelike , jeering , mocking , taunting *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. I'd stay out of the living room for awhile—Grandpa's on another one of his diatribes about how it's un-American to call a large coffee a "venti." You can hear him ranting from here! *Meaning*: a strong verbal attack against a person or institution, bitter scolding; invective - Bitter, abusive attack or criticism; rant *বাংলা অর্থ*: তীব্র সমালোচনা *Root*: *Synonyms*: screed, diatribe, harangue ( দীর্ঘ বক্তৃতা related ) Diatribe, Tirade, Harangue, and Fulmination are all words for bitter, angry speeches or attacks. *Mnemonic*: diatribe = di-tribe = two tribes fighting...criticize


*Example*: 1. I'm not sure I'm cut out to analyze poetry; I find it hard to dig beyond the most accessible echelon of meaning. *Meaning*: A level, rank or grade; the people at that level *বাংলা অর্থ*: পর্যায়, স্তর *Root*: *Synonyms*: hierarchy, Stratum (a layer, esp. one of a number of parallel layers, such as in sedimentary rock or the Earth's atmosphere; plural is strata, as in "Of all the strata of society, the middle class is the stratum hit hardest by the recession." *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. I've been poring over these quarterly reports all day, trying to divine whether I should buy or sell this stock *Meaning*: Discover through divination or supernatural means; perceive by insight *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. If you ever have the chance to meet the president, stand up straight and be deferential. *Meaning*: showing respect *বাংলা অর্থ*: শ্রদ্ধাবনত *Root*: deferen means respect *Synonyms*: deferent , regardful venerate(শ্রদ্ধা করা), kudos(খ্যাতি,শ্রদ্ধা), reverent(সশ্রদ্ধ), august(মহিমান্বিত), deference(সশ্রদ্ধ বাধ্যতা), Deferential:শ্রদ্ধাবনত, Homage(আনুগত্য-স্বীকার,সম্মান), Prostrate(মাথা নিচু করে কাউকে শ্রদ্ধা বা পুজার জন্য শুয়ে পরা) respect, honor, *Abstruse:* Diffidence:অবিশ্বাসী, সংশয়ী, আত্মবিশ্বাসহীন, vs Difference:পার্থক্য, ভিন্নতা, প্রভেদ vs Indifference: অযত্ন, উদাসীনতা VS Deference=মানিয়া লওয়া, বশ্যতাস্বীকার, respect vs Deferential:শ্রদ্ধাবনত , with respect *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. In Batman v Superman, meanwhile, the two heroes are both hamstrung( বধ) by cynicism. *Meaning*: an attitude or quality of belief that all people are motivated by selfishness *বাংলা অর্থ*: সবকিছুতেই দোষ দেখার মনোভাব *Root*: root cyn means dog *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. In gambling, the addict is easily blinkered by past successes and/or past failures, forgetting that the outcome of any one game is independent of the games that preceded it. *Meaning*: to have a limited outlook or understanding *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: blinker: ঢাকনা lid, cover, coverage, veil, , lee *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. In her recent book, the author conflates several genres--the detective story, the teen thriller, and the vampire romance--to create a memorable read. *Meaning*: mix together different elements or concepts *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: blend , coalesce , combine , commingle , flux , fuse , immix , meld , merge , mix *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. In hiking Mt. Everest, sherpas are appurtenant, helping climbers both carry gear and navigate treacherous paths. *Meaning*: supply added support *বাংলা অর্থ*: আনুষঙ্গিক, অন্তর্ভুক্ত *Root*: *Synonyms*: accessory , adjunct , adjuvant , ancillary , auxiliary *Mnemonic*: Appurtnant were added in new Appartment


*Example*: 1. James Bond is known for his good looks, high tech gadgets, and debonair manner. *Meaning*: having a sophisticated charm *বাংলা অর্থ*: সুদর্শন , প্রফুল্লিত , ভদ্রতা *Root*: *Synonyms*: debonaire , debonnaire , suave *Mnemonic*: the(de)+boy(bo)+ nair that means "the boy on air" as he is handsome and charming beautiful.


*Example*: 1. In many cultures, young people are expected to show deference to older people at all times. 2. I'm not an expert in databases—I'll defer to our programmers on that decision. *Meaning*: Courteous regard for another's wishes , Respectful submission; yielding to the authority or opinion of another, respect *বাংলা অর্থ*: মানিয়া লত্তয়া *Root*: deferen means respect *Synonyms*: venerate(শ্রদ্ধা করা), kudos(খ্যাতি,শ্রদ্ধা), reverent(সশ্রদ্ধ), august(মহিমান্বিত), deference(সশ্রদ্ধ বাধ্যতা), Deferential:শ্রদ্ধাবনত, Homage(আনুগত্য-স্বীকার,সম্মান), Prostrate(মাথা নিচু করে কাউকে শ্রদ্ধা বা পুজার জন্য শুয়ে পরা) respect, honor, *Abstruse:* Diffidence:অবিশ্বাসী, সংশয়ী, আত্মবিশ্বাসহীন, vs Difference:পার্থক্য, ভিন্নতা, প্রভেদ vs Indifference: অযত্ন, উদাসীনতা VS Deference=মানিয়া লওয়া, বশ্যতাস্বীকার, respect vs Deferential:শ্রদ্ধাবনত , with respect *Mnemonic*: if there is no DIFFERENCE between you and him, then you will respect his wishes. sounds like REVERENCE (নিষ্ঠা, সম্মান, শ্রদ্ধা, পূজা, শ্রদ্ধা-নিবেদন) REVERANCE=DEFERENCE


*Example*: 1. In many ways, the Internet's transformative effect on society has been analogous to that of the printing press. *Meaning*: similar in some respects but otherwise different *বাংলা অর্থ*: তুলনীয় , সদৃশ , অনুরূপ *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: adjective:


*Example*: 1. In midsummer, there are copious popiscle stands at the beach; in the winter, there are none. *Meaning*: in abundant supply *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: ample , plenteous , plentiful , rich, voluminous, bountiful *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. In order for Sean to attend the prestigious college, his generous uncle helped defray the excessive tuition with a monthly donation. *Meaning*: to help pay the cost of, either in part of full *বাংলা অর্থ*: খরচ বহন করা, অর্পণ করা, চলা, খরচ চালান *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. In order to deal with the arduous cross-country journey, truck drivers often survive on a string of caffeinated drinks, staying awake for up to 30 hours at a time. *Meaning*: demanding considerable mental effort and skill; testing powers of endurance *বাংলা অর্থ*: শ্রমসাধ্য *Root*: *Synonyms*: Very difficult, strenuous; severe, hard to endure, straining , strenuous *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. In the final moments of the trial, during his closing speech, Phillips was nearly begging the judge for clemency. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: সহানুভূতি, ক্ষমাশীলতা, ক্ষান্তি, অনুকংপা, কোমলতা, কোমলত্ব *Root*: *Synonyms*: mercifulness , mercy *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. In the weekly paper, the editor assailed the governor for wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars in public projects that quickly failed. *Meaning*: attack in speech or writing *বাংলা অর্থ*: তীব্র আক্রমণ করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: assault , attack , lash out , round , snipe *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Instead of sharing his umbrella, the cheeky stranger offered Martha the following bromide: "Looks like it's raining." *Meaning*: a trite or obvious remark *বাংলা অর্থ*: রাসায়নিক পদার্থবিশেষ, নীরস মন্তব্য, মামুলি মন্তব্য, বিরক্তিকর ব্যক্তি, ক্লালোকচিত্র ব্যক্তি *Root*: *Synonyms*: banal(গতানুগতিক, তুচ্ছ, বস্তাপচা), trite(মামুলি, গতানুগতিক), hackneyed(বস্তাপচা, গতানুগতিক), cliched, platitude(মামুলি মন্তব্য), vapid(স্বাদহীন), bromide(নীরস মন্তব্য) commonplace(সাধারণ, প্রচলিত, মামুলি) inanity(অসারতা) Humdrum(একঘেয়ে , গতানুগতিক) monotonous: একঘেয়ে Prosaic: গতানুগতিক, গদ্যময়, বেরসিক *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Instead of solving the math problem in three simple steps, Kumar used a convoluted solution requiring fifteen steps. *Meaning*: highly complex or intricate *বাংলা অর্থ*: কুণ্ডলিত *Root*: *Synonyms*: byzantine , involved , knotty , tangled , tortuous *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. It came as no surprise to pundits that the President's attempt at re-election floundered; even during his term, support for his policies was erratic, with an approval rating jumping anywhere from 30 to 60 percent. *Meaning*: unpredictable; strange and unconventional *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: fickle , mercurial , quicksilver, Inconsistent, wandering, having no fixed course *Abstruse:* errant=ভ্রমণ রত, অসভ্য VS Erratic=অনিশ্চিত VS arrant=সম্পূর্ণ *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. It was supposed to be a wedding march, but when the organist started playing, the reluctant bride thought the song sounded more like a dirge for her former, carefree life. *Meaning*: A funeral or mourning song or poem *বাংলা অর্থ*: অন্ত্যোষ্টিগাথা *Root*: *Synonyms*: lachrymose(ক্রন্দনশীল), dirge(গীত), Dolor(sadness), Doleful(বেদনাপূর্ণ, করুণ, শোকপূর্ণ), weep (ক্রঁদন, কান্নাকাটি, ক্রঁদ), wail(বিলাপ করা, দুঃখপ্রকাশ করা, উচ্চ কণ্ঠে ক্রন্দন), grieve(শোক করা) , Lament(কান্নাকাটি, ক্রঁদ), Bemoan(বিলাপ করা), Elegy(শোকসঙ্গীত, অন্ত্যোষ্টিকালীন গান), Threnody(শোকগাথা) *Mnemonic*: DIRGE sounds like DARD(pain)..song filled with DARD

*Indeterminate*(adj) [in-di-tur-muh-nit]

*Examples:* a zillion is a large indeterminate number * Meaning:* uncertain; not clearly fixed; indefinite *বাংলা অর্থ:* অনির্দিষ্ট *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics*


*Example*: 1. Jean Valjean, is at first destitute, but through the grace of a priest, he makes something of his life. 2. Now that the mine is closed, the town is destitute of any economic activity. *Meaning*: poor enough to need help from others *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: impoverished , indigent , necessitous , needy , poverty-stricken, barren , devoid , free , innocent *Abstruse:* Destitute=নিঃসঙ্গ VS Desuetude=অপ্রচলিত অবস্থা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Jesse had mockingly pointed out all of Nancy's faults in front of their friends, publicly degrading the poor girl. *Meaning*: reduce in worth or character, usually verbally *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: grade means step / go *Synonyms*: demean , disgrace , put down , take down *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. John preferred to avoid equatorial countries; the intense sun would always leave him enervated after he'd spent the day sightseeing. *Meaning*: to sap energy from *বাংলা অর্থ*: শক্তিহীন করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: faze , unnerve , unsettle *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Jonah's friends said that Jonah's taste in music was eclectic; Jonah was quick to point out that not only was his taste eclectic but it was also catholic: he enjoyed music from countries as far-flung as Mali and Mongolia. *Meaning*: of broad scope; universal *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: Universal, broad-minded *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Journalists favor an economical style of writing, in which no unnecessary words are used and every sentence is as short as possible. *Meaning*: avoiding waste, efficient *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: frugal , scotch , sparing , stinting *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Just after all the encomium at his retirement party, he received a gold watch. *Meaning*: Warm, glowing praise, esp. a formal expression of praise *বাংলা অর্থ*: অতি উচ্চ প্রশংসা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Plaudit(তালি শুনতে), laud(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), extol(উচ্চপ্রশংসা করা, encomium(স্তুতিবাদ), estimable(শ্রদ্ধেয়), Accolade(প্রশংসা), Eulogy(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), Panegyric(প্রশংসামূলক), Paean(বিজয়গাথা), acclamation(প্রশংসা), hail , Commendable(প্রশংসনীয় ), applaudable , laudable , praiseworthy, exalt (মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা),glorify, Sublime(মহিমান্বিত), exalt(মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা) , Seraphic(স্বর্গীয়) *Mnemonic*: NCOME - People of high INCOME are formally praised for their large donations.


*Example*: 1. Just smiling-even if you are depressed--can elicit feelings of pleasure and happiness. *Meaning*: draw out by discussion - বাহির করা *বাংলা অর্থ*: টানিয়া বাহির করা , প্রকাশ করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: arouse , enkindle , evoke , fire , kindle , provoke , raise *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Keen, quick, accurate insight or judgment quick, keen, or accurate knowledge or insight *Meaning*: sharpness of intellect *বাংলা অর্থ*: (সূক্ষ্মদৃষ্টি , অন্তর্দৃষ্টি , সূক্ষ্মদর্শিতা ) *Root*: Ac ( Sharp) + Umen ( চালাক in bulgerian word ) *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Lawyers use dilatory tactics so that it takes years before the case is actually decided. *Meaning*: wasting time,Slow, late; procrastinating or stalling for time *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: laggard , pokey , poky *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Many believe that a world free of war is a chimera—a dream that ignores humanity's violent tendencies. *Meaning*: something desired or wished for but is only an illusion and impossible to achieve *বাংলা অর্থ*: মিথ্যা কল্পনা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Many bosses complain about young people's sense of entitlement—raised on a steady diet of praise from parents and teachers, these young people are shocked to be expected to "pay their dues" at a new job *Meaning*: the fact of having a right to something., Having the right to certain privileges; believing, sometimes without cause, that one deserves or has a right to certain privileges *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Many first time skydivers say that describing the act of falling from the sky is elusive. *Meaning*: difficult to capture or difficult to remember *বাংলা অর্থ*: পলাইতে পারে এমন *Root*: *Synonyms*: sneaky , devious , fallacious(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ) Hoodwink (প্রতারণা) ছলনাপূর্ণ, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ Circumvent(ফাঁদে ফেলা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, প্রতারণা করা), Duplicity(প্রতারণা), Finagle( প্রতারণা করা) , Elusive(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ), traitor (বিশ্বাসঘাতক ), insidious (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ), Perfidious(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), treacherous(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), Fleece( ধোঁকা দিয়ে লুঠে নেওয়া), deceive (ছলা, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা) *Abstruse:* elusive=অধরা, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ VS Evasive= চতুর, ছলনাময় *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Many know that smoking is detrimental to your health, but processed sugar in large quantities is equally bad. *Meaning*: (sometimes followed by "to") causing harm or injury *বাংলা অর্থ*: ক্ষতিকারক *Root*: *Synonyms*: damaging , prejudicial , prejudicious, deleterious, injurious, nocuous, noxious *Mnemonic*: Detrimental ক্ষতিকারক like metrimental


*Example*: 1. Many words in the English language are derived from Latin, including the word "derive." 2. From the multiple set of footprints in the living room, the investigator derived an important clue: Sheila was not alone in the room at the time of the murder. *Meaning*: come from; be connected by a relationship of blood, for example *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: come , descend, deduce , deduct , infer *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Map collecting is an esoteric hobby to most, but to geography geeks it is a highly enjoyable pastime. *Meaning*: hard to understand; known only to the chosen few *বাংলা অর্থ*: রহস্যমূলক *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: Read Historic. History is really hard to understand and remind cleanly.


*Example*: 1. Marco's chivalrous ways, like opening doors and pulling out chairs, was much appreciated by his date. *Meaning*: being attentive to women like an ideal knight *বাংলা অর্থ*: সাহসী, রমণীরঁজক, যুদ্ধপ্রি় *Root*: *Synonyms*: gallant , knightly *Abstruse:* Chauvinist=উৎকট স্বদেশভক্ত VS Chivalry=শৌর্য্য, সৌজন্য VS Chivalrous:being attentive to women like an ideal knightসাহসী, রমণীরঁজক *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Maria had an antipathy for tour groups, often bolting to the other side of the museum as soon as she saw a chaperone leading a group of wide-eyed tourists. *Meaning*: an intense feeling of dislike or aversion *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিদ্বেষ *Root*: *Synonyms*: aversion , distaste *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Martin Luther King Jr. championed civil rights fiercely throughout his short life. *Meaning*: to fight for a cause *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: defend *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. McCartney would write relatively straightforward lyrics, and Lennon would embellish them with puns and poetic images. *Meaning*: Decorate, add ornamentation; enhance (a story) with fictional or fanciful details, make (something) more attractive by the addition of decorative details or features. *বাংলা অর্থ*: সুশোভিত করা adorn; ornament; enhance, as a story - অলঙ্কৃত করা===em(BELL)ish *Root*: root bel means beautiful *Synonyms*: adorn , beautify , decorate , grace , ornament , fancify , prettify *Mnemonic*:

*Boon* ( 200th )

*Example*: 1. Modern technology has been a boon to the travel industry. adjective: 2. He was a boon companion to many, and will be sadly missed. *Meaning*: a desirable state *বাংলা অর্থ*: বর, আশীর্বাদ, প্রার্থনা, অনুগ্রহ, অনুরোধ *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Most college fraternities are known for arcane rituals that those hoping to the join the fraterntiy must learn. *Meaning*: requiring secret or mysterious knowledge *বাংলা অর্থ*: রহস্যময় *Root*: *Synonyms*: obscure, secret *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Most cultures consider gambling a cardinal sin and thus have outlawed its practice. *Meaning*: of primary importance; fundamental Chief, most important *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: central , fundamental , key , primal *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Most discrimination and hatred is based on a lack of empathetic awareness of people that have the same aspirations and fears. *Meaning*: showing understanding and ready comprehension of other peoples' states and emotions *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: empathic *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Movies often use storms or rain clouds as a baleful omen of evil events that will soon befall the main character. *Meaning*: threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিপর্যয়কর, অসঙ্গলপূর্ণ, আর্ত, ধ্বংসসাধক, অশুভ, অলক্ষুণে *Root*: *Synonyms*: Minatory(ভয়প্রদর্শক), Macabre(ভীতিপূর্ণ), trepid(সোপান), pusillanimous(দুর্বলচিত্ত), recreant(উত্সবকারীগণ), timorous(ভীরু), timid(ভীতু), tremulous(ভীরু), trepidation(কাঁপুনি), tremor(শিহরন), baleful(বিপর্যয়কর), forbidding, threatening, ominous(অশুভ), sinister(অশুভ), inauspicious((অশুভ), Gruesome(ভয়ঙ্কর), lurid (উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ, রোমাঁচকর, বিকট , উৎকট , ভীতিপ্রদ ), menacing(ভয়প্রদর্শনকারী), Craven(নীচ, কাপুরূষ কাপুরুষ, ভীরু) *Mnemonic*: when we pronounce this word this word sounds simillar to word painful........and anything painful is always a result of an evil act


*Example*: 1. Mozart was well-known for his eccentricities, often speaking words backward to confuse those around him. *Meaning*: Peculiar, odd, deviating from the norm esp. in a whimsical way, highly unconventional or unusual (usually describes a person) *বাংলা অর্থ*: অদ্ভুতস্বভাব, ছিটগ্রস্ত, অদ্ভুত, খামখেয়ালী, কেন্দ্রাপসারী, উত্কেন্দ্র *Root*: *Synonyms*: eccentric person , flake , geek , oddball *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Mr. Thompson was so talented at teaching math that even normally apathetic students took interest. *Meaning*: marked by a lack of interest *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: indifferent *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Much to the timid writer's chagrin, the audience chanted his name until he came back on the stage 2. She never cared what others said about her appearance but was chagrined by the smallest comment from her mother. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিরক্ত করা, বিরক্তি , হতাশা *Root*: *Synonyms*: humiliation , mortification, shame, embarrassment *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Rosa Park's refusal to give up her bus seat acted as a catalyst for the Civil Rights Movement, setting into motion historic changes for African-Americans. *Meaning*: Agent that increases the pace of a chemical action *বাংলা অর্থ*: অনুঘটক *Root*: *Synonyms*: accelerator *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Muzak, which is played in department stores, is intended to be an anodyne, but is often so cheesy and over-the-top that customers become irritated. 2. Wilbur enjoyed a spicy Mexican breakfast, but Jill preferred a far more anodyne meal in the mornings. *Meaning*: something that soothes or relieves pain *বাংলা অর্থ*: বেদনার উপশম ঘটায় এমন , বেদনানাশক , প্রাণশক্তিহীন *Root*: *Synonyms*: analgesic , pain pill , painkiller *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Nancy acted with aplomb during dangerous situations--she once calmly climbed up an oak tree to save a cat. *Meaning*: great coolness and composure under strain poise, confidence *বাংলা অর্থ*: আত্মবিশ্বাস *Root*: *Synonyms*: assuredness , cool , poise , sang-froid *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Nearly every month our capricious CEO had a new plan to turn the company around, and none of them worked because we never gave them the time they needed to succeed. *Meaning*: determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason unpredictable; fickle Acting on impulse, erratic *বাংলা অর্থ*: চঞ্চল , অনিয়মিত , অনির্ভরযোগ্য *Root*: *Synonyms*: impulsive , whimsical *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Never before have we seen a debate between two political candidates that was so derogative and filthy. *Meaning*: expressed as worthless or in negative terms *বাংলা অর্থ*: খর্বতাসাধক, হ্রাসকর, ক্ষতিকর, হানিকর, ক্ষতিকারক *Root*: *Synonyms*: derogatory , disparaging *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Neville Chamberlain, the British prime minister during WWII, tried to appease Hitler and in doing so sent a clear message: you can walk all over us. *Meaning*: pacify or soothe; relieve *বাংলা অর্থ*: শান্ত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: assuage , conciliate , gentle , gruntle , lenify , mollify , pacify , placate *Mnemonic*: appease...app(appeal)+pease(peace) appeal for peace


*Example*: 1. New curfew laws have bridled people's tendency to go out at night. 2. The hostess bridled at the tactless dinner guests who insisted on eating before everybody had gotten their food. *Meaning*: the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess *বাংলা অর্থ*: লাগাম, রশ্মি, অশ্বরশ্মি, খলিন, বাগ, নিয়ন্ত্রণ *Root*: brid root means short small *Synonyms*: check , curb *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Nietzsche was known for using aphorisms, sometimes encapsulating a complex philosophical thought in a mere sentence. *Meaning*: a short instructive saying about a general truth *বাংলা অর্থ*: সংক্ষিপ্ত ব্যাখ্যা *Root*: aphor means সংক্ষিপ্ত *Synonyms*: apophthegm , apothegm *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. No event is more doleful than the passing of my mother; she was a shining star in my life, and it brings me great sadness to think that she is now gone. *Meaning*: filled with or evoking sadness *বাংলা অর্থ*: বেদনাপূর্ণ, করুণ, শোকপূর্ণ *Root*: dol means sorrow , pain *Synonyms*: lachrymose(ক্রন্দনশীল), dirge(গীত), Dolor(sadness), Doleful(বেদনাপূর্ণ, করুণ, শোকপূর্ণ), weep (ক্রঁদন, কান্নাকাটি, ক্রঁদ), wail(বিলাপ করা, দুঃখপ্রকাশ করা, উচ্চ কণ্ঠে ক্রন্দন), grieve(শোক করা) , Lament(কান্নাকাটি, ক্রঁদ), Bemoan(বিলাপ করা), Elegy(শোকসঙ্গীত, অন্ত্যোষ্টিকালীন গান), Threnody(শোকগাথা) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Not one for social pleasantries, the Chief of Staff would brusquely ask his subordinates anything he wanted, even coffee. *Meaning*: in a blunt, direct manner *বাংলা অর্থ*: রূঢ়ভাবে *Root*: *Synonyms*: bluffly , bluntly , flat out , roundly *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Nothing Joel said could mitigate the enormity of forgetting his mother-in-law's birthday. 2. The enormity of Pol Pot's regime is hard to capture in words--within months hundreds of thousands of Cambodians lost their lives. *Meaning*: extreme evil; *বাংলা অর্থ*: অন্যায়, অবিচার, বিরাটত্ব, মস্ত অপরাধ, নিদারূণ দুষ্কার্য *Root*: *Synonyms*: outrageousness *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Often we imagine all monks to wear the beatific smile of the Buddha, but, like any of us, a monk can have a bad day and not look very happy. *Meaning*: blissfully happy saintly, angelic *বাংলা অর্থ*: আনন্দময় *Root*: *Synonyms*: angelic , angelical , sainted , saintlike , saintly *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. On her first day at the job, Annie was complaisant, fulfilling every request of her new employee and anticipating future requests. *Meaning*: showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others, trying to please; overly polite; obliging *বাংলা অর্থ*: অন্যকে খুশি করতে আগ্রহী,সুশীল, বিনয়ী *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* complacent=আত্নসন্তুষ্ট VS Complaisant=অন্যকে খুশি করতে আগ্রহী,সুশীল, বিনয়ী *Mnemonic*:

*Dupe* ( 500th )

*Example*: 1. Once again a get-rich-fast Internet scheme had duped Harold into submitting a $5,000 check to a sham operation. 2. The charlatan mistook the crowd for a bunch of dupes, but the crowd was quickly on to him and decried his bald-faced attempt to bilk them. *Meaning*: Person who is easily fooled or used (noun); to fool or exploit (verb) প্রতারণা করা , প্রতারিত ব্যক্তি *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রতারিত ব্যক্তি *Root*: *Synonyms*: befool , cod , fool , gull , put on , put one across , put one over , slang , take in *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. One by one, the presidential candidates dropped out of the race, their respective checkered pasts - from embezzlement to infidelity sabotaging their campaigns. *Meaning*: one that is marked by disreputable happenings *বাংলা অর্থ*: ছককাটা, চৌখুপী, সুখদু:খময় *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. One of the arbitrary decrees in place during the emperor's rule is that all citizens pay him weekly homage at his palace. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিবাদ মেটাবার অধিকারসম্পন্ন ব্যক্তি , মধ্যস্থ , মীমাংসাকারী , নিষ্পত্তিকারী , বিচারক , সালিশ *Root*: *Synonyms*: Arbitar : Judge, umpire, person empowered to decide matters at hand *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. One way of circumventing the GRE is to apply to a grad school that does not require GRE scores. *Meaning*: cleverly find a way out of one's duties or obligations *বাংলা অর্থ*: ফাঁদে ফেলা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, প্রতারণা করা, অবরোধ করা, বোকা বানান *Root*: circum ( around ) + vent ( vent উচ্চারণ, অভিব্যক্তি, প্রকাশ, রন্ধ্র, ফাঁক, ফাটল ) *Synonyms*: sneaky , devious , fallacious(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ) Hoodwink (প্রতারণা) ছলনাপূর্ণ, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ Circumvent(ফাঁদে ফেলা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, প্রতারণা করা), Duplicity(প্রতারণা), Finagle( প্রতারণা করা) , Elusive(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ), traitor (বিশ্বাসঘাতক ), insidious (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ), Perfidious(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), treacherous(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), Fleece( ধোঁকা দিয়ে লুঠে নেওয়া), deceive (ছলা, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Only after fifteen minutes of brainstorming did Samantha's ideas for the essay crystallize. *Meaning*: cause to take on a definite and clear shape *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: crystalise , crystalize , crystallise *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Only ten years ago, being an avid reader and a traveler meant carrying a cumbersome backpack stuffed with books--these days we need only an e-reader. *Meaning*: difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: cumbrous *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Our neighbor is so scurvy ( mean ) that he deliberately broke my little brother's bicycle because, as he said, "You kids are too loud!" *Meaning*: think about carefully; weigh the pros and cons of an issue *বাংলা অর্থ*: সুচিন্তিতভাবা, চিন্তান্বিত হত্তয়া, অনুধ্যান করা স্বেচ্ছাপ্রণোদিত, পরামর্শ নেওয়া *Root*: liber (free), liberate means without thinking , independent. *Synonyms*: consider , debate , moot , turn over *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Over time, the various tribes coalesced into a single common culture with one universal language. *Meaning*: to grow together; cause to unite as one, Come together, unite; fuse together *বাংলা অর্থ*: কসঙ্গে বেড়ে ওঠা *Root*: *Synonyms*: blend , combine , commingle , conflate , flux , fuse , immix , meld , merge , mix *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Paul, losing 19-0 in a ping-pong match against his nimble friend, basically capitulated when he played the last two points with his eyes closed. *Meaning*: to surrender (usually under agreed conditions) *বাংলা অর্থ*: আত্মসমর্পণ করা, সর্তাধীনে আত্মসমর্পণ করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Percy dismissed the issue with a cavalier wave of his hand. *Meaning*: given to haughty disregard of others *বাংলা অর্থ*: শিষ্টাচারবর্জিত, রূক্ষ *Root*: caval অশ্ব *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* Cavalier= রুক্ষ, শিষ্টাচারবর্জিত VS Cavalcade: অশ্বারোহীদের শোভাযাত্রা, a procession VS Caviller=দোষধারী, someone who raises annoying petty objections *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Person who applies doctrine (তত্ত্ব) in an impractical or rigid and close-minded way (noun); merely theoretical, impractical, or fanatical about other people accepting one's ideas (adj) *Meaning*: rigidly devoted to theories *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: doctrine (তত্ত্ব) *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Picasso is generally considered the most artful member of the Cubist movement. 2.Bernie Madoff's artful Ponzi scheme stole billions of dollars from investors and is considered the largest financial fraud in U.S. history. *Meaning*: clever in a cunning way, exhibiting artistic skill *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Political broadsides are usually strongest in the weeks leading up to a national election. *Meaning*: a strong verbal attack *বাংলা অর্থ*: রণপোতের একপার্শ্বস্থিত সমুদয় কামান *Root*: *Synonyms*: bill , broadsheet , circular , flier , flyer , handbill , throwaway *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Politicians are the masters of eschewing morals; academics are the masters of eschewing clarity. *Meaning*: to abstain from, avoid *বাংলা অর্থ*: পরিহার করা, এড়াইয়া চলা, বিরত থাকা, বর্জন করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Abjure (give up, renounce; repudiate, recant, or shun, especially formally or under oath), Forswear (reject or renounce under oath; swear falsely in court) , Shun, avoid, abstain from *Mnemonic*: es+CHEW... CHEWING a CHEWINGGUM IS A BAD HABIT while working in an office, so you must avoid this habit.


*Example*: 1. Rex was bilious all morning, and his face would only take on a look of contentedness when he'd had his morning cup of coffee. *Meaning*: easily irritated, relating to bile- *বাংলা অর্থ*: খিট্খিটে মেজাজবিশিষ্ট *Root*: *Synonyms*: irritable; always angry, atrabilious , dyspeptic , liverish *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Sally's parties are decorous affairs, and instead of the usual beer and music, there is tea and intellectual conversation. *Meaning*: characterized by good taste in manners and conduct *বাংলা অর্থ*: সুন্দর, উপযুক্ত, শোভন *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: adjective: Behaving with propriety and good taste; polite


*Example*: 1. Sam was ambivalent about studying for the exam because doing so ate up a lot of his time, yet he was able to improve his analytical skills. Uncertain; unable to decide, or wanting to do two contradictory things at once *Meaning*: the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes *বাংলা অর্থ*: একই ব্যক্তির যুগপৎ বিদ্যমানতা *Root*: root ambi means Not clear ,Both, On Both Sides, Around *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Shakespeare is an eminent author in the English language, but I find his writing uninteresting and melodramatic. *Meaning*: standing above others in quality or position, Prominent, distinguished, of high rank *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিশিষ্ট, বিখ্যাত, মহান, উচ্চপদস্থ, সম্ভ্রান্ত, উচ্চ *Root*: *Synonyms*: lofty , soaring , towering *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Shaw's lawyer Stanley L. Friedman said the financial transactions were open and aboveboard. *Meaning*: legitimate, honest, and open. *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: straightforward *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. She consolidated her student loans so she would only have to make one payment per month. 2. As group leader, Muriel will consolidate all of our research into a single report. *Meaning*: Unite, combine, solidify, make coherent *বাংলা অর্থ*: একত্র করা, দৃঢ় হত্তয়া, কঠিন করা,দৃঢ় করা, সংকুচিত করা, *Root*: con means together + solidate *Synonyms*: Agglomerate (collect into a mass), Aggregate (gather together), Commix (mix together), Conglomerate (anything made up of different kinds of materials; blended; to bring together) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. She is completely enamored with Justin Bieber, and goes to all his concerts on the East coast. *Meaning*: attraction or feeling of love *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: becharm , beguile , bewitch , captivate , capture , catch , charm , enamour , enchant , entrance , fascinate , trance *Abstruse:* enormous=প্রচুর VS Enamor=মুগ্ধ করা, আকর্ষণ করা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. She was not so base as to begrudge the beggar the unwanted crumbs from her dinner plate. *Meaning*: the lowest, class were without any moral principles *বাংলা অর্থ*: ভিত্তি, ভিত, তল, ভূমি, নিম্নদেশ, ক্ষারক *Root*: *Synonyms*: foot , foundation , fundamental , groundwork , substructure , under structure *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. She was so enthralled by the movie that she never heard people screaming, "Fire! Fire!" in the neighboring theater. *Meaning*: hold spellbound *বাংলা অর্থ*: দাসত্বে আবদ্ধ করা, দাসত্বাধীন করা, মুগ্ধ করা, আকর্ষণ করা, সঙ্গে নিয়ে যাত্তয়া, যাদু করা *Root*: to thrill *Synonyms*: delight , enchant , enrapture , enthral , ravish , transport *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. She's so articulate that I'm sure she'll make a good lawyer. 2. The group voted on who would be the best spokesperson, able to articulate their needs to the panel *Meaning*: Using language in a clear, fluent way (adj); speak distinctly or give clarity to an idea (verb) *বাংলা অর্থ*: গ্রন্থিবদ্ধ, স্পষ্ট, সন্ধিযুক্ত, গ্রন্থিল *Root*: *Synonyms*: Loquacious(বহুভাষী, বাক্পটু), Garrulous(বাচাল, অতিভাষী, গপ্প, আড্ডাবাজ) , Volubility(শব্দব্যবহার), glib(সাবলীল, শতমুখ, মসৃণ, পিচ্ছিল), Articulate( Using language in a clear, fluent way), Eloquent (speaking in a fluent, powerful, appropriate way) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Shilpa was so cynical that even when her friends threw her a surprise party, she figured that they only did it so they wouldn't feel so guilty about all the mean things they must be saying behind her back. *Meaning*: Thinking the worst of others' motivations; bitterly pessimistic *বাংলা অর্থ*: মানববিদ্বেষী , নাক-সিটকানো *Root*: root cyn means dog *Synonyms*: Misanthrope (hater of humankind) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Since John had left his banana peel at the top of the stairwell, he accepted culpability for Martha's broken leg. *Meaning*: deserving blame *বাংলা অর্থ*: নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক *Root*: "culp" (as in culprit and culpable) means blame ,fault *Synonyms*: Carp(দোষারোপ করা), impeach(নিন্দা করা, সন্দেহ করা, অভিযুক্ত করা), indict(অভিযুক্ত করা), Vilify(নিন্দা করা), Inculpate(অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ দেওয়া ), Culpable(নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক), inculpate(দোষারোপ করা ), Exculpate(দোষক্ষালন করা) *Abstruse:* inculpate=দোষারোপ করা VS Exculpate=দোষক্ষালন করা vs Culpable(নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Since Maggie's cough syrup, which had expired five years back, was no longer efficacious, she coughed through the night. *Meaning*: power to produce desired effect, The quality of being able to produce the intended effect *বাংলা অর্থ*: নিশ্চিত ফলদানের ক্ষমতা, ফলপ্রসূতা *Root*: *Synonyms*: effective , effectual Efficacious adjective: producing the intended result *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Since Sarah did not want her husband to guess the Christmas present she had bought him, she only answered cryptically when he would ask her questions about it. *Meaning*: mysterious or vague, usually intentionally *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: cabalistic , cryptical , kabbalistic , qabalistic , sibylline *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Since Uncle Mike was the family curmudgeon, each Thanksgiving he was plied with copious amounts of wine, in the hope that he would become less grouchy. *Meaning*: Bad-tempered, difficult person; grouch, cranky person *বাংলা অর্থ*: খিটখিটে লোক , বদমেজাজি লোক , কিপটে লোক; *Root*: *Synonyms*: Crotchety (grouchy, picky, given to odd notions), Cantankerous (disagreeable, contentious), Crank (an unbalanced person who is fanatical about a private, generally petty cause) *Mnemonic*: Cur-mud-geon Car mud main gone... to driver went bad tempered... i.e. curmudgeon..


*Example*: 1. Since old grandpa Harry became very contentious during the summer when only reruns were on T.V., the grandkids learned to hide from him at every opportunity. *Meaning*: likely to argue quarrelsome *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিতর্কমূলক, কুঁদুলে, কলহপ্রিয় Contention claim; thesis - যুক্তি *Root*: *Synonyms*: Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) *Abstruse:* Contumacious:একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার VS Contentious:বিতর্কমূলক, কুঁদুলে, কলহপ্রিয় VS Contemptuous:ঘৃণাপূর্ণ VS Contingent=সম্ভাব্য, শর্তাধীন, নির্ভরশীল VS Continent= মহাদেশ, সংযমী, আত্নসংযমী *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Since the senior manager had to go on many international business trips, she was forced to delegate many of her responsibilities to two lower-level managers. *Meaning*: give an assignment to (a person) *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: assign , depute , designate *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Sitting all alone in his room, Harvey begrudged the happiness of the other children playing outside his window. verb: 2. We never begrudge money spent on ourselves. *Meaning*: to envy someone for possessing or enjoying something,to give reluctantly *বাংলা অর্থ*: রূষ্ট হত্তয়া, বিক্ষুব্ধ হত্তয়া, নারাজ হত্তয়া, বিদ্বিষ্ট হত্তয়া *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: begrudge can be broken into beg + rude... so some one who behave rudely with beggars ... the beggar 'wish ill ' for that person


*Example*: 1. Some actors take challenging roles in which they have to lose so much weight that they appear cadaverous. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: মড়ামুখো; শবসদৃশ; বিবর্ণ; নীরক্ত; মড়োর মতো পাণ্ডু *Root*: *Synonyms*: bony ,haggard , pinched , skeletal , wasted, emaciated; gaunt *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Some believe people that amassing as much wealth as possible is the meaning to life - yet they often realize that cupidity brings anything but happiness. *Meaning*: greed for money Greed, great or excessive desire *বাংলা অর্থ*: লোভ, ধনলোভ *Root*: Covetous, avaricious(অর্থলোভী, লোভী), rapacious(অর্থলোভী , অর্থপিপাসু), Cupidity(লোভ, ধনলোভ), Voracious(অতিশয় লোভী, অতিভোজী), Ravenous(লোলুপ, গোগ্রাসে গেলে এমন) *Synonyms*: Avarice (insatiable greed), Covetousness (greed), Rapacity or Rapaciousness (greedy or grasping; living on prey) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Some famous writers'skills have lain dormant until quite late in life; Laura Ingalls Wilder didn't publish Little House on the Prairie until she was 65. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: সুপ্ত , অপ্রকট *Root*: *Synonyms*: Abeyance (temporary suspension, inactivity), Hiatus (break or gap in an activity), Deferment or Deferral (postponement) latent *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Sometimes I can't stand Nathan because he tries to impress everyone by being aphoristic, but he just states the obvious. *Meaning*: something that is concise and instructive of a general truth or principle *বাংলা অর্থ*: সংক্ষিপ্ত ও অর্থবহ *Root*: aphor means সংক্ষিপ্ত *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Stranded in a cabin over the winter, Terry was able to eke out an existence on canned food. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: অধিকন্ত করা , সংযোজিত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Strictly limit a role, range of activity, or area; in math, to be constructed around so as to touch as many points as possible 2. Their tour of South America was circumscribed so that they saw only popular destinations and avoided the dangerous parts of cities. *Meaning*: restrict or confine *বাংলা অর্থ*: চারিদিকে রেখা টানা, বেষ্টন করা, সীমাবদ্ধ করা, সংযত করা *Root*: circum ( around ) + scribe ( write) *Synonyms*: confine , limit *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Studying in a quiet room is conducive to learning; studying in a noisy environment makes learning more difficult. *Meaning*: making a situation or outcome more likely to happen *বাংলা অর্থ*: সহায়ক, অনুগ্রাহক, অনুগ্রাহী *Root*: duc means lead *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Teachers often have trouble being evenhanded to all of their varied students. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: without partiality *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Test day can be one of pure apprehension, as many students worry about their test scores. *Meaning*: fearful expectation *বাংলা অর্থ*: সন্দেহ, আশঙ্কা, ভয়, ডর *Root*: *Synonyms*: apprehensiveness , dread,misgiving *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was deleterious to the fishing industry in the southern states. *Meaning*: harmful to living things *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: hurtful , injurious *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The Board of Directors is hoping to launch a new product soon, but planning for the Z7 is in an embryonic stages. *Meaning*: in an early stage of development *বাংলা অর্থ*: আদিম *Root*: *Synonyms*: tyro(শিক্ষানবিস), inchoate(অপরিণত), incipient(জায়মান), germinate(অঙ্কুরিত করা), burgeon(কুঁড়ি, মুকুল, কলি), nascent(জায়মান, বর্ধনশীল), rudimentary(প্রাথমিক) novice(শিক্ষানবিস) neophyte(নবদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি) Fledgling(অনভিজ্ঞ লোক) embryonic(rudimentary) *Abstruse:* embargo=নিষেধাজ্ঞা VS embryonic=আদিম, প্রাথমিক, ভ্রুণ সংক্রান্ত, বিকশিত হয় নাই এমন *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The Emperor Claudius was regarded as a fair-minded leader; his successor, Nero, was an absolute despot.. *Meaning*: a cruel and oppressive dictator *বাংলা অর্থ*: স্বৈরাচারী *Root*: *Synonyms*: autocrat , tyrant, potentate *Mnemonic*: Cruel dictators kill thousands of people on de (the) spot (despot) de + sportive..a person who is not sportive is authoritative


*Example*: 1. The International Food Expo was a cornucopia of culinary delights: gourmet foods from every continent were under one roof. *Meaning*: an abundant supply of something good *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: profuseness , profusion , richness *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The Ivy League is considered the apex of the secondary education system. *Meaning*: the highest point *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: acme , peak , vertex *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The acrimonious dispute between the president and vice-president sent a clear signal to voters: the health of the current administration was imperiled. *Meaning*: sharpness of words, behavior, or feelings ( mony is used for forming nouns often denoting an action, state, or quality like ceremony ) *বাংলা অর্থ*: মেজাজ আচরণ ভাষা প্রভৃতির রুক্ষতা *Root*: mon means warn *Synonyms*: acerbity , bitterness , jaundice , tartness , thorniness *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The apogee of the Viennese style of music, Mozart's music continues to mesmerize audiences well into the 21st century. *Meaning*: the highest point *বাংলা অর্থ*: চন্ত্র বা কোনো গ্রহ বা কৃত্রিম উপগ্রহের কক্ষপথের যে বিন্দুটি পৃথিবী থেকে সবচেয়ে দূরে *Root*: *Synonyms*: culmination *Abstruse:* apogee=দূরতম বিন্দু VS Perigee=নিকটতম বিন্দু *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The artist operated according to a peculiar aesthetic, not considering any photograph to be worth publishing unless it contained a marine mammal. 2. The director, not known for his aesthetic sensibilities, decided not to use costumes at all, and put on the play in everyday clothing. *Meaning*: artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful, Concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste, pertaining to the science of what is beautiful (adj); a sense of beauty and taste of a particular time and place (noun) *বাংলা অর্থ*: শিল্পরুচিসম্মত *Root*: *Synonyms*: aesthetical , esthetic , esthetical *Abstruse:* Ascetic=তপস্বী, সাধু VS Aesthetic=সৌন্দর্যবোধ সংক্রান্ত, শিল্পরুচিসম্মত esthetic, Aesthete noun *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The ascendancy of the Carlsbad water polo team is clear—they have a decade of championships behind them. *Meaning*: the state that exists when one person or group has power over another. *বাংলা অর্থ*: কর্তৃত্ব, প্রভাব, উদয় *Root*: *Synonyms*: ascendance , ascendence , ascendency , control , dominance. *Mnemonic*: Appurtnant were added in new Appartment


*Example*: 1. The author's inability to take a side on the issue was construed by both his opponents and supporters as a sign of weakness. *Meaning*: Interpret or translate *বাংলা অর্থ*: ভাষান্তরিত করা, ব্যাখ্যা করা, সিদ্ধান্ত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The band's music was an amalgam of hip-hop, flamenco and jazz, blending the three styles with surprising results. *Meaning*: a mixture of multiple things *বাংলা অর্থ*: একত্র করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: combine; unite in one body - Blend, merge, or unite to combine several elements into a whole *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The baroness was arch, making playful asides to the townspeople; yet because they couldn't pick up on her dry humor, they thought her supercilious. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: খিলান, ধনু, তোরণ, গোলাকার জোয়াল *Root*: *Synonyms*: condescending , patronising , patronizing *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The boat was amply supplied for its year at sea - no man would go hungry or thirst. *Meaning*: more than is adequate *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: fully *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The case for the suspect's innocence was bolstered considerably by the fact that neither fingerprints nor DNA were found at the scene. *Meaning*: support and strengthen *বাংলা অর্থ*: ঠেস দেত্তয়ান *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The censor insisted that every reference to drugs should be removed from the manuscript. *Meaning*: to examine and remove objectionable material *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: ban *Abstruse:* Censor=পরীক্ষক, সমালোচক VS Censure= নিন্দা, তিরষ্কার *Mnemonic*:

*Affluent* ( 50th )

*Example*: 1. The center of the city had sadly become a pit of penury, while, only five miles away, multi-million dollar homes spoke of affluence. *Meaning*: wealthy *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The church board voted on whether to hold an abstinence rally to encourage young people not to become sexually active; 2. While most members voted in favor, one voted against and two abstained, with one abstainer commenting that, as far as she knew, the church's teens were pretty abstemious already. *Meaning*: consuming moderately- Sparing in eating and drinking; temperate - স্বল্পাহারী *বাংলা অর্থ*: সংযমী *Root*: *Synonyms*: Temperance (moderation, holding back), Teetotaler (a person who abstains from alcohol), Forbear (hold back or abstain from) *Mnemonic*: abs (abs) + stemious (stamina): To build stamina or six pack abs, you have to eat and drink carefully.


*Example*: 1. The city center was aflutter with arrivistes who each tried to outdo one another with their ostentatious sports cars and chic evening dress. *Meaning*: a person who has recently reached a position of power; a social climber *বাংলা অর্থ*: ভুঁইফোঁড় *Root*: *Synonyms*: nouveau-riche , parvenu , upstart *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The coach told his team, "Move towards that side of the field"; because he did not point, his directions were ambiguous, and the team had no idea to which side he was referring. *Meaning*: Not clear, hard to understand, open to having several meanings or interpretations, open to more than one interpretation *বাংলা অর্থ*: অস্পষ্ট *Root*: Ambi root means Not clear ,Both, On Both Sides, Around *Synonyms*: opaque(অস্বচ্ছ), adumbrate(অস্পষ্ট আভাস দেত্তয়া), obscure(অস্পষ্ট), nebulous(আবছা), obfuscate(বিভ্রান্ত করা) Ambiguous(অস্পষ্ট) Equivocal, mist(কুয়াশা) , fog *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The coach was dictatorial in his approach: no players could ever argue or question his approach. *Meaning*: expecting unquestioning obedience; characteristic of an absolute ruler *বাংলা অর্থ*: একনায়ক, শাসক, রাজা, উত্পীড়ক, সার্বভৌম শাসক *Root*: dictator: dict root means say / speak *Synonyms*: authoritarian , overbearing,authoritarian , autocratic , despotic , tyrannic , tyrannical *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The company was full of managers known for devolving tasks to lower management, but never doing much work themselves. 2. The dialogue between the two academics devolved into a downright bitter argument. *Meaning*: grow worse (usually "devolve into") *বাংলা অর্থ*: নিচে গড়াইযা দেত্তয়া, নিচে গড়াইযা পড়া *Root*: Volve (Turn) *Synonyms*: degenerate , deteriorate , drop *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The conspirators, willing to dispatch anyone who stood in their way, hatched a diabolical plan to take over the city. *Meaning*: to be extremely wicked like the devil *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: demonic , diabolic , fiendish , hellish , infernal , satanic , unholy,devilish , diabolic , mephistophelean , mephistophelian *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The constituents of the metal alloy are nickel, copper, and tin. 2. The mayor's constituents are no longer happy with her performance and plan to vote for another candidate in the upcoming election *Meaning*: an abstract part of something, a citizen who is represented in a government by officials for whom he or she votes *বাংলা অর্থ*: উপাদান, নির্বাচন-কর্তা *Root*: *Synonyms*: component , element , factor , ingredient *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The convicted felon's life sentence was commensurate to the heinousness of his crime. *Meaning*: to be in proportion or corresponding in degree or amount *বাংলা অর্থ*: সামানুপাতিক *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The cosseted toddler was lovingly wrapped up in his snow gear, so much so that he could barely even move his arms enough to make his first snowball. *Meaning*: to pamper, treat with great care *বাংলা অর্থ*: অতিরিক্ত প্রশ্রয় দেওয়া *Root*: cosset actually comes from a word meaning "to kiss." *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The costume encumbered all my movements and caused me to sweat profusely. *Meaning*: hold back *বাংলা অর্থ*: গতি ব্যাহত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: constrain , cumber , restrain *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The decimation after atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is incomprehensible. *Meaning*: destroying or killing a large part of the population *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The defamatory gossip spreading about the actor made the public less willing to see the actor's new movie *Meaning*: harmful toward another's reputation *বাংলা অর্থ*: মানহানিকর (adj.) *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The desideratum of the environmental group is that motorists should rely on carpooling. *Meaning*: something desired as a necessity *বাংলা অর্থ*: অভীষ্ট, যে জিনিসের অভাব অনুভূত হয় *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The dictator was disturbed to look out the palace window and see himself being burned in effigy. "That paper mache dummy doesn't even look like me!" he said *Meaning*: Representation or image of a person, esp. a crude facsimile used to mock a hated person *বাংলা অর্থ*: কুশ পুত্তলিকা, প্রতিমুর্তি , প্রতিকৃতি *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The dictator's abuse of human rights was so egregious that many world leaders demanded that he be tried in an international court for genocide. *Meaning*: Extraordinarily or conspicuously bad; glaring, conspicuously bad, *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিশিষ্ট খারাপ *Root*: egregious-"outside + flock"= conspicuously bad, flagrant.মর্মান্তিক, গুরুতর, বিশিষ্ট, কুখ্যাত, বিখ্যাত, শোচনীয় *Synonyms*: crying , flagrant , glaring , gross , rank *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The doctor gave her eye drops to make her pupils dilate. 2.These dinners at Professor Hwang's house usually run rather late—after the meal, he'll typically dilate on his latest research for at least an hour. *Meaning*: to speak or write at length, elaborate upon , cause to expand; *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রসারিত , বিস্ফারিত *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: If you DIE LATE(die in a very old age) u expand(in weight sense or in age sense)


*Example*: 1. The entire audience erupted in shouts and curses, decrying the penalty card issued by the referee. *Meaning*: express strong disapproval of *বাংলা অর্থ*: হেয় প্রতিপন্ন করা , নিন্দা করা , অপবাদ দেওয়া , সরকারিভাবে অবমূল্যায়ন করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: condemn , excoriate , objurgate , reprobate *Abstruse:* Decry=নিন্দা করা VS Descry=discover ঠাহর করা, দেখিতে পাওয়া *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The equitable distribution of ice cream to a group of 5 year olds will ensure little to no fighting - at least until the ice cream is gone. *Meaning*: fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience (with+ science) *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিবেক, ন্যায়পরতা, নীতি, ধর্মবুদ্ধি, সাধুতা, চৈতন্য) *Root*: *Synonyms*: Fair, equal, just *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The euphoria of winning her first gold medal in the 100 meter dash overwhelmed Shelly-Ann Fraser and she wept tears of immense joy. *Meaning*: a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation *বাংলা অর্থ*: কুশল এবং আনন্দ-চঞ্চল অবস্থা *Root*: *Synonyms*: euphory *Abstruse:* euphoria=a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness VS euphonic=শ্রুতিমধুর *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The final crescendo is as magnificently taut (কষিয়া বান্ধা (Adj.), আঁটো ) and claustrophobic as anything the band have ever produced. *Meaning*: Steady increase in force, intensity, or the loudness of a musical passage; a climactic moment or peak *বাংলা অর্থ*: ক্রমশ উচ্চস্বরে গীত বা বাদিত সংগীতাংশ , ধাপে ধাপে চরম অবস্থার দিকে অগ্রগতি *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* Crescendo=সুরে তীব্রতার ক্রমবৃদ্ধি VS Credence=প্রত্যয়, বিশ্বাস *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The findings of the study were equivocal - the two researchers had different opinions on what the results signified. *Meaning*: confusing or ambiguous *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: quibble(টাল, বাক্চাতুরী, শ্লেষ আসল কথাটি এড়াবার জন্য কথার মারপ্যাঁচ). equivocate(বাক্চাতুরী করা), circumlocution(বাগাড়ম্বর), periphrastic(পরোক্ষ উক্তিমূলক ), waffle(বকবকনি, বকবক করা) Prevaricate(কৌশল সত্যকে এড়াইয়া যাওয়া) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The first three weeks at his new job, Mark worked with such alacrity that upper management knew it would be giving him a promotion. *Meaning*: an eager willingness to do something cheerful promptness; eagerness *বাংলা অর্থ*: স্ফূর্তি *Root*: *Synonyms*: briskness , smartness *Mnemonic*: alacrity sounds like AT+LAST+IN+CITY..a person who is first time in a big city is excited n eager to c da city...


*Example*: 1. The government agency enjoined the chemical company to clean up the hazardous dump it had created over the years. *Meaning*: give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority *বাংলা অর্থ*: আদেশ করা বা নির্দেশ দেওয়া *Root*: *Synonyms*: order , say , tell *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The government appropriated land that was occupied by squatters, sending them scurrying for another place to live. verb: to allocate *Meaning*: acquire; take possession of for one's own use *বাংলা অর্থ*: উপযুক্ত , উপযোগী , জুতসই , সুসংগত , মানানসই , লাগসই *Root*: *Synonyms*: allow , earmark , reserve , set aside,capture , conquer , seize *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The governor's animosity toward his rival was only inflamed when the latter spread false lies regarding the governor's first term. *Meaning*: intense hostility *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The head waiter was careful to tell the amateur diners that red wine was complementary with beef, each bringing out subtle taste notes in the other. *Meaning*: enhancing each other's qualities (for two things or more). Completing; fitting together well; filling mutual needs *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: complemental , completing *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The hotel is full to maximum capacity; there are no empty rooms. 2. Few birds have the capacity to recognize themselves when looking in a mirror; most act as though there is a second bird behind the glass. *Meaning*: the amount or volume something can hold ability (especially mental) *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The introduction of smallpox was a cataclysm for Native Americans, killing off more than half of their population. *Meaning*: an event resulting in great loss and misfortun *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্লাবন, বন্যা, আকস্মিক বিপর্য্যয়, সামাজিক বিপ্লব, রাজনৈতিক বিপ্লব *Root*: *Synonyms*: calamity , catastrophe , disaster , tragedy *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The lifespan of a mayfly is ephemeral, lasting from a few hours to a couple of days. *Meaning*: lasting a very short time *বাংলা অর্থ*: অল্পক্ষণস্থায়ী *Root*: *Synonyms*: fugacious , passing , short-lived , transient , transitory *Mnemonic*: sounds like e-funeral (অন্ত্যেষ্টিক্রিয়া). Electric funeral should be short.


*Example*: 1. The main house has been restored but the gazebo is still dilapidated and unusable. *Meaning*: in terrible condition *বাংলা অর্থ*: জীর্ণ, ধ্বংসপ্রাপ্ত, ক্ষয়প্রাপ্ত,ভাঙাচোরা *Root*: *Synonyms*: derelict , bedraggled , broken-down , ramshackle , tatterdemalion , tumble-down *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The manager was unnecessarily churlish to his subordinates, rarely deigning to say hello, but always quick with a sartorial jab if someone happened to be wearing anything even slightly mismatching. *Meaning*: rude, lacking manners or refinement *বাংলা অর্থ*: রূক্ষ *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The master of the house never deigned to answer questions from the servants. *Meaning*: do something that one considers to be below one's dignity *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রসন্ন হত্তয়া *Root*: dei means god *Synonyms*: condescend , descend *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The mayoral candidates both spent much of the campaign accusing each other of artifices designed to mislead the voting public. *Meaning*: cunning tricks used to deceive others *বাংলা অর্থ*: কারচুপি, চালাকি, দক্ষতা, চাতুরী, ধূর্ততা, নির্মাণকৌশল *Root*: *Synonyms*: ruse *Abstruse:* artisan= শিল্পী, VS artifice=কারচুপি, চাতুরি *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The most difficult part of the fast was banishing thoughts of food. *Meaning*: expel from a community, residence, or location; drive away *বাংলা অর্থ*: খেদান, নির্বাসিত করা, তাড়ান, তাড়িয়া দেত্তয়া, বিতাড়িত করা, বহিষ্কৃত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: ostracize/ostracise(নির্বাসিত করা, বহিষ্কৃত করা) , relegate(ন্যস্ত করা, নির্বাসিত করা, নিম্নপদে সরান), exile(নির্বাসন) , banish (নির্বাসিত করা) *Abstruse:* burnish:চাকচিক্য vs banish:নির্বাসিত করা vs vanish:বিলুপ্ত করা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The movie World War Z is a complete bastardization of the book with little more in common than zombies and a title. *Meaning*: an act that debases or corrupts *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The new Cessna airplanes will be the acme of comfort, offering reclining seats and ample legroom. *Meaning*: the highest point of achievement, highest point, summit *বাংলা অর্থ*: চূড়া *Root*: *Synonyms*: elevation , height , meridian , peak , pinnacle , summit , superlative , tiptop , top *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The noble families of England once owned vast expanses of beautiful, bucolic land. *Meaning*: relating to the pleasant aspects of the country , rustic and pastoral; characteristic of rural areas and their inhabitants *বাংলা অর্থ*: রাখালী, গ্রাম্য, গবাদি পশু-সংক্রান্ত, মেঠো *Root*: *Synonyms*: peasant , provincial *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The nun derided the students for trying to sneak insects and worms into the classroom. *Meaning*: treat or speak of with contempt (অবজ্ঞা) *বাংলা অর্থ*: উপহাস করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Derision, scorn; ridicule; contemptuous treatment *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The obscuring of one thing by another, such as the sun by the moon or a person by a more famous or talented person (noun); to obscure, darken, make less important (verb) *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: চন্দ্রসূর্যাদির গ্রহন *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The old couple looked askance on the teenagers seated next to them, whispering to each other, "They've got rings through their noses and purple hair!" *Meaning*: with a look of suspicion or disapproval *বাংলা অর্থ*: বক্রভাবে, তেরছা, তির্যগ্ভাবে *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: askance.. reminds u of the word GLANCE..so when u want to glance at someone , u look SIDEWAYS or give a INDIRECT LOOK


*Example*: 1. The poet constantly emended this poem; he seldom reprinted it without minor changes, usually for the better. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: উন্নতি সাধন করা , কুপথ ত্যাগ করা , শুধরে নেওয়া *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The practice of pursuing political or other goals through vigorous action, often including protests and demonstrations *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: সক্রিয়তা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Advocacy (pleading for, recommending), Champion (one who defends or supports, as a cause) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The prince's distasteful choice of words besmirched not only his own name, but the reputation of the entire royal family. *Meaning*: damage the good name and reputation of someone *বাংলা অর্থ*: কলঙ্কিত করা, মলিন করা, বিবর্ণ করা, নোংরা করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: asperse , calumniate , defame , denigrate , slander ,Defame(নিন্দা করা, মানহানি করা, কুত্সা করা) (attack the reputation of), Belittle (put down,) disparage(অবজ্ঞা করা সম্মানহানি করা, তাচ্ছিল্য করে কথা বলা), abase,Make dirty, defile,to soil, stain; taint Denigrate (belittle, attack the reputation of) Besmirch(কলঙ্কিত করা, মলিন করা, বিবর্ণ করা, নোংরা করা ) Sully(নোংরা করা, নোংরা হত্তয়া) Tarnish(কলঙ্কিত করা, মরিচা ধরা, ম্লান করা মলিন করা, অনুজ্জ্বল করা, নিষ্প্রভ হওয়া) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The professor used such banal expression that many students in the class either fell asleep from boredom or stayed awake to complete his sentences and humor friends. *Meaning*: repeated too often; over familiar through overuse *বাংলা অর্থ*: আকর্ষণহীন *Root*: *Synonyms*: banal(গতানুগতিক, তুচ্ছ, বস্তাপচা), trite(মামুলি, গতানুগতিক), hackneyed(বস্তাপচা, গতানুগতিক), cliched, platitude(মামুলি মন্তব্য), vapid(স্বাদহীন), bromide(নীরস মন্তব্য) commonplace(সাধারণ, প্রচলিত, মামুলি) inanity(অসারতা) Humdrum(একঘেয়ে , গতানুগতিক) monotonous: একঘেয়ে Prosaic: গতানুগতিক, গদ্যময়, বেরসিক *Mnemonic*: ban + al' --> 'ban all' those directors whose movies are 'banal' (the same old story lines are repeated ; (another meaning) dull and unoriginal(dubbed))


*Example*: 1. The profits at our firm bucked the general downturn that affected the real estate industry. *Meaning*: resist, go against *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The queen was so conniving that, with the help of the prince, she tried to overthrow the king. *Meaning*: taking part in immoral and unethical plots *বাংলা অর্থ*: দেখেও না দেখা or উপেক্ষা করা (connive ) *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:

*Eclectic* [ick-CLECK-tick]

*Example*: 1. The restaurant features an eclectic menu—if you don't like artisanal pasta or steak frites, try the chow mein! *Meaning*: selective; composed of elements drawn from disparate sources *বাংলা অর্থ*: সর্বদর্শন সংগ্রহকারী ব্যক্তি *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles were so severe that they engendered deep hatred and resentment in the German people. *Meaning*: Produce, give rise to, cause to exist; procreate *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রসব করা , জন্ম দেওয়া , উত্পাদন করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: beget , bring forth , father , generate , get , mother , sire *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The role of an executive coach is delimited by our code of conduct—we may not counsel people for psychological conditions, for instance. *Meaning*: Fix, mark, or define the boundaries of *বাংলা অর্থ*: সীমা করা, সীমানা নির্দেশ করা, সীমারেখা করা, নিয়ন্ত্রিত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: demarcate (mark the boundaries of, separate) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The security camera footage showing Mr. Murphy to have been in a casino the entire night turned out to be just the evidence needed to exculpate him of robbing a bank fifty miles away. *Meaning*: Clear from blame *বাংলা অর্থ*: দোষক্ষালন করা *Root*: culp means blame. "Ex" in this context means "out" and "culp" (as in culprit and culpable) means "blame." Exculpate has a very rare antonym, inculpate, meaning "charge with fault, incriminate." *Synonyms*: Vindicate, Exonerate *Abstruse:* inculpate=দোষারোপ করা VS Exculpate=দোষক্ষালন করা vs Culpable(নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক) *Mnemonic*: Ex-Cuprit. He who is no more culprit by clearing his blame.


*Example*: 1. The skateboarders acted with effrontery, skating through the church grounds and spray-painting signs warning trespassers. *Meaning*: extreme boldness; presumptuousness *বাংলা অর্থ*: ধৃষ্টতা (N), নির্লজ্জ সাহস (N), নির্লজ্জতা (N), বেহায়াপনা (N), প্রগল্ভতা (N), ঔদ্ধত্য (N), আস্পর্ধা (N) *Root*: *Synonyms*: assumption , presumption , presumptuousness *Mnemonic*: for every discussion he comes to the FRONT and argues...in a rude manner.


*Example*: 1. The smile on her face belies the pain she must feel after the death of her husband. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: মিথ্যা বর্ণনা প্রদান করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: to misrepresent; expose as false,contradict , negate *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The soldier trained to be part of covert operations, moving silently and remaining out of the enemy's sight. *Meaning*: Secret, veiled, undercover *বাংলা অর্থ*: গুপ্ত , গোপন , ছদ্ম , আত্মগোপনের জন্য ব্যবহৃত ঝোপঝাড় *Root*: vert means turn *Synonyms*: Furtive , Surreptitious, and Clandestine all mean secret, undercover. *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The students were willing to clean up the broken glass, but when the teacher asked them to mop the entire floor, they balked, citing reasons why they needed to leave. *Meaning*: refuse to comply *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রতিবন্ধকতা *Root*: *Synonyms*: to refuse, shirk; prevent *Mnemonic*: Like bulky that create obstacle


*Example*: 1. The summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro affords a panoramic view that encompasses both Tanzania and Kenya. *Meaning*: provide with an opportunity *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The survey enumerates the number of happy workers and the number of unhappy workers. 2. I sat and listened as she enumerated all of the things she did not like about the past three months. *Meaning*: Count or list; specify one-by-one *বাংলা অর্থ*: গণনা করা , পরপর উল্লেখ করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: count , number , numerate, itemise , itemize , recite *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The teacher looked down at the student and said, "It would behoove you to be in class on time and complete your homework, so that you don't repeat freshman English for a third straight year." *Meaning*: to be one's duty or obligation *বাংলা অর্থ*: শোভনীয় *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Wherever the bowl haircut teen-idol went, his legions of screaming fans ran through the streets amuck, hoping for a glance at his boyish face. *Meaning*: in a frenzied or uncontrolled state *বাংলা অর্থ*: ক্ষিপ্তবৎ, উন্মত্ততার সহিত *Root*: *Synonyms*: amok , murderously *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The teenagers exalted the rock star, covering their bedrooms with posters of him. *Meaning*: hold (someone or something) in very high regard; think or speak very highly of. *বাংলা অর্থ*: মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা *Root*: Ex+alt (high) == "out + high"= raised high. *Synonyms*: Plaudit(তালি শুনতে), laud(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), extol(উচ্চপ্রশংসা করা, encomium(স্তুতিবাদ), estimable(শ্রদ্ধেয়), Accolade(প্রশংসা), Eulogy(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), Panegyric(প্রশংসামূলক), Paean(বিজয়গাথা), acclamation(প্রশংসা), hail , Commendable(প্রশংসনীয় ), applaudable , laudable , praiseworthy, exalt (মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা),glorify, Sublime(মহিমান্বিত), exalt(মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা) , Seraphic(স্বর্গীয়) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The third-rate script so debased the film that not even the flawless acting could save it from being a flop. *Meaning*: Degrade; lower in quality, value, rank, etc.; lower in moral quality *বাংলা অর্থ*: অপকৃষ্ট করা, হীনমুল্য করা, হীনচরিত্র করা, খাদ মেশান *Root*: *Synonyms*: adulterate , dilute , load , stretch *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The top college football program recruits new talent assiduously, only choosing those who were the top in their county. *Meaning*: with care and persistence *বাংলা অর্থ*: অধ্যবসায়ী, পরিশ্রমী *Root*: *Synonyms*: Diligent - পরিশ্রমী diligent, persistent, hardworking-অধ্যবসায়ী *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The web is notorious for sandwiching apocryphal stories between actual news. *Meaning*: being of questionable authenticity *বাংলা অর্থ*: সন্দেহজনক *Root*: *Synonyms*: Of questionable authenticity; false *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The wedding reception was convivial; friends who hadn't seen each other for ages drank and ate together before heading to the dance floo *Meaning*: describing a lively atmosphere *বাংলা অর্থ*: আড্ডা, উল্লাস বা মদ্যপান পছন্দ এমন (ব্যক্তি) *Root*: viv means life *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The witness said he signed the contract under duress and argued that the court should cancel the agreement. *Meaning*: compulsory force or threat *বাংলা অর্থ*: কয়েদ, সংযমন, করেদ, কারারোধ *Root*: dure means hard *Synonyms*: coercion, compulsion, force, pressure, intimidation, constraint, threats, arm-twisting *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. The word "titanic" simply means large or majestic, but because of the word's association with the sunken ship, "titanic" has a negative connotation to many people *Meaning*: Suggest or imply in addition to the precise, literal meaning *বাংলা অর্থ*: অর্থপ্রকাশ করা, ভাবার্থ সূচিত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Evoke (call forth, esp. of feelings or imagination) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Their large "donations" to the local police department gave the drug cartel the brazen confidence to do their business out in the open *Meaning*: unrestrained by convention or propriety *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: audacious , bald-faced , barefaced , bodacious , brassy , brazen-faced , Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. There are few cities in the world as diverse and cosmopolitan as New York. *Meaning*: comprising many cultures; global in reach and outlook *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: ecumenical , general , oecumenical , universal , world-wide , worldwide *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. There is an appreciable difference between those who say they can get the job done and those who actually get the job done. *Meaning*: large enough to be noticed (usu. refers to an amount *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. These days we are never short of a D.C. politician embroiled in scandal—a welcome phenomenon for those who, having barely finished feasting on the sordid details of one imbroglio, can sink their teeth into a fresh one. *Meaning*: involved in argument or contention *বাংলা অর্থ*: জড়িয়ে *Root*: *Synonyms*: entangled *Mnemonic*: embroiled in the conflict


*Example*: 1. This is a way to gain adulation, but also to sow (বপন করা) enmity. *Meaning*: excessive praise; intense adoration *বাংলা অর্থ*: টাল, চাটুবাক্য, তোষামোদ, তোষণ, মনোরঁজন *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. You are conversant with a topic about which you know enough to have an intelligent conversation. *Meaning*: Knowledgeable about or experienced with *বাংলা অর্থ*: ভালোরকম পরিচিতি , অভিজ্ঞ , সু-অবহিত , ওয়াকিবহাল *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Thomas, on returning from Morocco, replaced his dirty gray carpet with an elaborate one he'd brought back with him. 2. Most high school physics teachers find themselves elaborating the same point over and over again, since many concepts confuse students. *Meaning*: explain in more detail *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: dilate , enlarge , expand , expatiate , exposit , expound , flesh out , lucubrate, luxuriant *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Those who show contrition during their prison terms--especially when under review by a parole board--often get shortened sentences. *Meaning*: the feeling of remorse or guilt that comes from doing something bad *বাংলা অর্থ*: অনুতপ্ত *Root*: comes from contrite-অনুতপ্ত *Synonyms*: contrite(অনুতপ্ত), remorseful(অনুতপ্ত), regret repentant(অনুতপ্ত), penitent(অনুতপ্ত), compunction(অনুশোচনা) Compunctious Contrition(অনুতপ্ত), Rue(অনুতাপ করা ) repent(অনুশোচনা করা) *Abstruse:* contrite: অনুতপ্ত Contrition,to be remorseful, vs contrive: কার্যসাধন করা, মতলব আঁটা vs morose(বিষণ্ণ, বিশুষ্ক, কঠিন গোমড়া মুখ, রুক্ষ), *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Though chastised for eating the snacks for the party, Lawrence shrugged off his mother's harsh words, and continued to plow through jars of cookies and boxes of donuts. *Meaning*: to reprimand harshly *বাংলা অর্থ*: তাড়ন করা, শাস্তি দেত্তয়া *Root*: *Synonyms*: castigate , chasten , correct , objurgate *Abstruse:* Chasten=সংশোধন করার উদ্দ্যেশ্যে শাস্তি দেয়া, VS Chastise= গুরুতর শাস্তি দেয়া VS Chaste=কুমারী, সতী *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Though his childhood piano teacher was so exacting, Max is thankful now, as a professional pianist. *Meaning*: Very severe in making demands; requiring precise attention *বাংলা অর্থ*: অসংগত দাবি করে এমন, বলপূর্বক আদায়কারী *Root*: *Synonyms*: exigent,stern , strict *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Though the man could have at least alerted the police, he crouched cravenly in the corner as the old woman was mugged. *Meaning*: pathetically cowardly Cowardly - Very cowardly, lacking courage *বাংলা অর্থ*: কাপুরূষ *Root*: *Synonyms*: Minatory(ভয়প্রদর্শক), Macabre(ভীতিপূর্ণ), trepid(সোপান), pusillanimous(দুর্বলচিত্ত), recreant(উত্সবকারীগণ), timorous(ভীরু), timid(ভীতু), tremulous(ভীরু), trepidation(কাঁপুনি), tremor(শিহরন), baleful(বিপর্যয়কর), forbidding, threatening, ominous(অশুভ), sinister(অশুভ), inauspicious((অশুভ), Gruesome(ভয়ঙ্কর), lurid (উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ, রোমাঁচকর, বিকট , উৎকট , ভীতিপ্রদ ), menacing(ভয়প্রদর্শনকারী), Craven(নীচ, কাপুরূষ কাপুরুষ, ভীরু) *Abstruse:* Coven=সমাবেশ, সভা, একটি গোষ্ঠী বা ডাইনিদের সমাবেশ যা নিয়মিতভাবে পূরণ হয় VS Raven=দাঁড়কাক, রাক্ষসের মত খাওয়া VS Craven=নীচ, কাপুরুষ *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Throughout his life, he was dogged by insecurities that inhibited personal growth. *Meaning*: to pursue relentlessly; to hound *বাংলা অর্থ*: জিদি *Root*: *Synonyms*: chase , chase after , give chase , go after , tag , tail , track , trail *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. To really become fluent in a new language, emulate the speech patterns and intonation of people who speak the language. *Meaning*: Copy in an attempt to equal or be better than, strive to equal or match, especially by imitating; compete with successfully *বাংলা অর্থ*: সমকক্ষ হইতে চেষ্টা করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: imitate; rival *Abstruse:* immolate-উৎসর্গ করা, বলি দেওয়া, দান করা VS emulate=অনুকরণ করা, প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতা করা VS amulet=মাদুলি, তাবিজ, রক্ষাকবচ *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. To receive an R rating, the entire movie was bowdlerized because it contained so much violence and grotesque subject matter. *Meaning*: edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate *বাংলা অর্থ*: কোনো বইয়ের অশ্লীল অংশ বাদ দেওয়া *Root*: *Synonyms*: bowdlerise , castrate , expurgate , shorten *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Illyich is a didactic novel, instructing the reader on how to live a good life. *Meaning*: excessively instructive *বাংলা অর্থ*: শিক্ষামূলক , উপদেশাত্মক *Root*: *Synonyms*: didactical *Abstruse:* didactic= শিক্ষামূলক, জ্ঞানগর্ভ VS dither=ইতস্তত করা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Tom said that he was arguing the matter purely for philosophical reasons, but his belligerent tone indicated an underlying anger about the issue. *Meaning*: characteristic of one eager to fight, *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: belli means war and gerent means man / manager/ ruler *Synonyms*: Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) *Mnemonic*: hostile


*Example*: 1. Tyler was the consummate musician: he was able to play the guitar, harmonica, and the drum at the same time. 2. The restoration of the ancient church was only consummated after a twenty years of labor. *Meaning*: highest point of perfection, having or revealing supreme mastery or skill,to make perfect and complete in every respect *বাংলা অর্থ*: সুসম্পূর্ণ , নিখুঁত , সর্বাঙ্গসুন্দর , অনিন্দ্য , অনবদ্য *Root*: *Synonyms*: masterful , masterly , virtuoso *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Unlike his peers, who spent their hours studying in the library, Matthew preferred errant walks through the university campus. *Meaning*: to be wandering; not sticking to a circumscribed path *বাংলা অর্থ*: ভ্রমণরত, অসভ্য, উন্মার্গগামী, ভ্রমণশীল *Root*: *Synonyms*: Aberrant *Abstruse:* errant=ভ্রমণ রত, অসভ্য VS erratic=অনিশ্চিত VS arrant=সম্পূর্ণ *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Unremitting overcast skies tend to lead people to create bleak literature and lugubrious music - compare England's band Radiohead to any band from Southern California. *Meaning*: having a depressing or gloomy outlook *বাংলা অর্থ*: নিরানন্দ *Root*: *Synonyms*: morose(বিষণ্ণ, বিশুষ্ক, কঠিন গোমড়া মুখ, রুক্ষ), lugubrious(নিরানন্দ), ennui(মানসিক ক্লান্তি), saturnine(বিষণ্ণ মেজাজসম্পন্ন), damp(স্যাঁতসেঁতে, কুয়াশাচ্ছন্ন, ভিজা) Sullen(গোমড়া-মুখো) Bleak(নিরানন্দ) Stark(সম্পূর্ণ, পুরোদস্তুর, সাধারণ এবং অপ্রয়োজনীয় সাজসজ্জা ছাড়া) Glower(কটমট করে , ভীতিজনকভাবে তাকানো, একদৃষ্টিতে তাকান, ক্রুদ্ধভাবে তাকান), bare , barren , desolate , stark *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. VR programs are used for analgesia and for range of motion exercises in the clinic and at home. *Meaning*: pain killer , Pain relief; inability to feel pain , anodyne *বাংলা অর্থ*: বেদনাবোধশূন্য অবস্থা , বেদনার উপশম *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: anal (annul ) gas that means gas বেদনার উপশম


*Example*: 1. Wallace disliked the cold, so he demurred when his friends suggested they going skiing in the Alps. 2.The portrait of her in a simple white blouse was sweet and demure. *Meaning*: Show reluctance or object, especially for moral reasons demure: adjective: to be modest and shy *বাংলা অর্থ*: দ্বিধা করা , সংকোচ *Root*: *Synonyms*: balk (কড়িকাঠ, বাধা, প্রতিবন্ধকতা, বাধাবিঘ্ন, দেরী, বিলম্ব) ,coy , overmodest *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. We aim to respond to customers' questions with celerity and accuracy, with no longer than a 24 hour wait time. *Meaning*: speed, rapidity *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: quickness , rapidity , rapidness , speediness *Abstruse:* Clergy=খ্রিষ্টীয় চার্চের যাজক VS Celerity=বেগ, দ্রুততা vs Cerebral: মস্তিষ্ক-সংক্রান্ত *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. We don't have many resources, so we'll have to work with some very tight constraints. *Meaning*: something that limits or restricts *বাংলা অর্থ*: বাধ্যতা, অবরোধ,বিব্রতভাব *Root*: *Synonyms*: restraint *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. We enjoyed our vacation despite the rain. *Meaning*: even with (when an event is surprising because of some difficulty) *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. What seemed like incessant nagging and carping about my behavior from my mother turned out to be wise and useful advice that has served me well. *Meaning*: persistently petty and unjustified criticism *বাংলা অর্থ*: অভিযোগের সুরে কথা বলা, ছিদ্রান্বেষী, ক্রুরহৃদয়, দোষগ্রাহী *Root*: carp means দোষারোপ করা, blame *Synonyms*: Carp(দোষারোপ করা), impeach(নিন্দা করা, সন্দেহ করা, অভিযুক্ত করা), indict(অভিযুক্ত করা), Vilify(নিন্দা করা), Inculpate(অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ দেওয়া ), Culpable(নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক), inculpate(দোষারোপ করা ), Exculpate(দোষক্ষালন করা) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. When Doc and Grumpy disagreed over whose turn it was to stay late at the mine, they chose Snow White as an arbiter. *Meaning*: someone selected to judge and settle a dispute. Judge, umpire, person empowered to decide matters at hand *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিচারক, সালিস, সর্বশক্তিমান ব্যক্তি, কারণিক *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. When Sally told James that she wanted to break up with him, she expected he would react demonstratively, but he quietly nodded his head and left without saying a word. *Meaning*: given to or marked by the open expression of emotion *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:

*Coagulate* [ coh-AGG-yoo-layt ]

*Example*: 1. When making jam, use pectin to get the fruit to coagulate. *Meaning*: Cause a liquid to become solid or semisolid জমাট বাঁধা , তঞ্চন ঘটা বা ঘটানো *বাংলা অর্থ*: ঘনীভূত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: thicken; congeal; clot *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. When she found out that the most profitable stock in her portfolio was that of a company that tested products on animals, she immediately divested by telling her broker to sell the stock. 2. Once his deception was exposed, he was divested of his position on the Board. *Meaning*: Deprive or strip of a rank, title, etc., or of clothing or gear; to sell off holdings (opposite of invest) *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিবস্ত্র করা , অধিকারচ্যুত করা , রেহাই পাওয়া *Root*: *Synonyms*: strip; deprive - পরিত্যাগ করা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. While a brilliant lecturer, Mr. Dawson came across as choleric and unapproachable - very rarely did students come to his office hours. *Meaning*: easily angered, short-tempered, prone to outbursts of temper; easily angered *বাংলা অর্থ*: রাগান্বিত *Root*: *Synonyms*: Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) *Mnemonic*: cholera is a disease . When you are sick you get irritated and bad-tempered, you are choleric. So choleric

*Diurnal* [die-ER-null]

*Example*: 1. While many Americans rarely have a sit-down family meal, in many other cultures, dining as a family is a diurnal affair. 2. Wall Street is a diurnal neighborhood—hectic in the day, but quiet once people pile on the rush hour trains to go home. *Meaning*: daily, Occurring every day; happening in the daytime (rather than at night) *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: u have to visit the urinal everyday!!


*Example*: 1. While she was at the chalkboard, the teacher did not brook any form of talking--even a tiny peep resulted in afternoon detention. *Meaning*: Suffer or tolerate, put up with something or somebody unpleasant *বাংলা অর্থ*: সহ্য করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: abide , bear , digest , endure , put up , stand , stick out , stomach , suffer , support , tolerate *Mnemonic*: relate this to BROOK BOND tea....jst drink the tea and then u can tolerate any tension. :-) verb


*Example*: 1. While the CFO carefully explained all the reasons for the cuts in benefits, after the meeting employees bemoaned the cuts as further evidence that management was against them. *Meaning*: express discontent or a strong regret *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: lachrymose(ক্রন্দনশীল), dirge(গীত), Dolor(sadness), Doleful(বেদনাপূর্ণ, করুণ, শোকপূর্ণ), weep (ক্রঁদন, কান্নাকাটি, ক্রঁদ), wail(বিলাপ করা, দুঃখপ্রকাশ করা, উচ্চ কণ্ঠে ক্রন্দন), grieve(শোক করা) , Lament(কান্নাকাটি, ক্রঁদ), Bemoan(বিলাপ করা), Elegy(শোকসঙ্গীত, অন্ত্যোষ্টিকালীন গান), Threnody(শোকগাথা) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. While the grand jury cleared the senator of all criminal charges, in the public mind he was still complicit in the corruption. *Meaning*: involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing. *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. While the senator privately approved of gay marriage, he was unwilling to advocate for the cause in a public venue. 2. Martin Luther King Jr. was a tireless advocate for the rights of African-Americans in the United States. *Meaning*: Speak or argue in favor of (verb); a person who pleads for a cause or on behalf of another person (noun)speak, plead, or argue in favor of *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: preach, advocator , exponent , proponent *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Widespread apathy among voters led to a very small turnout on election day. *Meaning*: Not caring; absence of feeling; lack of interest or concern *বাংলা অর্থ*: অনাগ্রহ *Root*: *Synonyms*: indifference , numbness , spiritlessness *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Winston Churchill is famous for many apothegms, but this might be his most famous: "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." *Meaning*: a short, instructive saying, a concise saying or maxim; an aphorism. *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: aphorism , apophthegm *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. With the gold medal at stake, the gymnast awaited his turn, his quivering lip betraying his intense emotions. *Meaning*: to reveal or make known something, usually unintentionally *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: bewray *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. With the presidential primaries well under way, the air is thick with calumny, and the mud already waist-high. *Meaning*: making of a false statement meant to injure a person's reputation *বাংলা অর্থ*: মিথ্যা অপবাদ , কলঙ্ক , বদনাম *Root*: *Synonyms*: calumniation , defamation , hatchet job , obloquy (ob+loquy ভর্ত্সনা ) , aspersion , slander , denigration , traducement asperse , calumniate , defame , denigrate , slander ,Defame(নিন্দা করা, মানহানি করা, কুত্সা করা) (attack the reputation of), Belittle (put down,) disparage(অবজ্ঞা করা সম্মানহানি করা, তাচ্ছিল্য করে কথা বলা), abase,Make dirty, defile,to soil, stain; taint Denigrate (belittle, attack the reputation of) Besmirch(কলঙ্কিত করা, মলিন করা, বিবর্ণ করা, নোংরা করা ) Sully(নোংরা করা, নোংরা হত্তয়া) Tarnish(কলঙ্কিত করা, মরিচা ধরা, ম্লান করা মলিন করা, অনুজ্জ্বল করা, নিষ্প্রভ হওয়া) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Within a week of starting, the bumbling new waiter was unceremoniously fired. *Meaning*: lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands *বাংলা অর্থ*: আনাড়ি, কদাকার, কদর্য *Root*: *Synonyms*: bungling , butterfingered , ham-fisted , ham-handed , handless , heavy-handed , left-handed *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. You can take the black belt exam when I deem you ready, and not a moment before," said the karate instructor. *Meaning*: Judge; consider *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিচার করা, মনে করা, বিবেচনা করা, গণ্য করা, *Root*: Deem, which shares an Old English root with doom, originally meant "to pronounce judgment"—in the 17 th century, some judges were called "deemsters." *Synonyms*: Assay (examine, analyze, judge) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. You know that vinegar-like liquid teens put on their faces in order to tighten their pores and dry up their pimples? That's astringent. An astringent personality, on the other hand, is perceived as bitter and perhaps even a bit toxic. *Meaning*: having a tightening effect on living tissue; harsh; severe *বাংলা অর্থ*: ধারক *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Abstruse:* intransigence= একগুয়েমি VS Transgression=পাপ, সীমা লঙ্ঘন vs astringent=ধারক,harsh; severe *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. You may call him a "motivational speaker," but I call him a charlatan--he doesn't have any idea what he's really talking about. *Meaning*: one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes *বাংলা অর্থ*: হাতুড়ে ডাক্তার, বাগাড়ম্বরকারী, অচিকিত্সক, মূর্খ বৈদ্য, ভণ্ড, নাড়িটেপা ডাক্তার *Root*: *Synonyms*: quack, fake--হাতুড়ে ডাক্তার, mountebank *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. Youtube is great place to learn just about anything-an expert elucidates finer points so that even a complete novice can learn. *Meaning*: make clearer and easier to understand *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: Limpid(নির্মল), Lucid(স্বচ্ছ), pellucid(নির্মল), patent(পেটেন্ট, স্পষ্ট (স্পষ্ট)), perspicuous(সুস্পষ্ট), Elucidate( make clear ) clear , clear up , crystalise , crystalize , crystallise , crystallize , enlighten , illuminate , shed light on , sort out , straighten out *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. ome argue that the death penalty is a deterrent to crime—that is, the point is not just to punish the guilty, but to frighten other prospective criminals. *Meaning*: Something that discourages; hindrance , Something that restrains or discourages *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রতিবন্ধক *Root*: Deter বাধা দেওয়া *Synonyms*: leash ( শিকল ), forestall(প্রতিরোধ) , Impede(ব্যাহত করা), Deterrent(প্রতিবন্ধক), Trammel(প্রতিবন্ধক, মাছ ধরা জাল ,শিকল), Occlude(বন্ধ করিয়া দেত্তয়া, to obstruct or block), Preempt(to prevent something from happening by taking action first), balk *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1. she tried to console him but he pushed her gently away *Meaning*: Lessen the suffering or grief of (verb); a control panel, or small table or cabinet (noun) *বাংলা অর্থ*: সান্ত্বনা দেত্তয়া *Root*: *Synonyms*: Succor (comfort, provide relief) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1."an abridged text of his speech" *Meaning*: shorten (a book, film, speech, etc.) without losing the sense. Reduce or lessen; shorten by omitting parts throughout while retaining the main idea *বাংলা অর্থ*: সংক্ষেপ করা *Root*: it comes from word abbreviate and root brid means small *Synonyms*: Truncate *Mnemonic*: When you abridge a book, you cut out sections from all over (hopefully without being too obvious) —that is, you create a bridge from the last part you kept in to the next part you kept in, so people don't notice the missing bits. An abridged book still tells the whole story; a truncated book is missing the ending


*Example*: 1.After a brief summary of proper swimming technique, the coach delineated the specifics of each stroke, spending 30 minutes alone on the backstroke. *Meaning*: describe in detail, Mark the outline of; sketch; *বাংলা অর্থ*: অঙ্কিত করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: portray; depict; sketch *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1.After discovering a priceless artifact in her backyard, Jane was besieged by phone calls, emails, and reporters all trying to buy, hold or see the rare piece of history. *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: সশস্ত্র সৈন্যবাহিনী দ্বারা অবরোধ করা , চারদিক থেকে ছেঁকে ধরা , ঝামেলায় ফেলা *Root*: *Synonyms*: beleaguer , circumvent , hem in , surround, Attack, overwhelm, crowd in on or surround *Mnemonic*: divide it like-->be+siege(seize)-- BD army has seized the line of control, and now the whole area is surrounded by armed forces.


*Example*: 1.As part of the agreement between the labor union and the company, the workers abrogated their right to strike for four years in exchange for better health insurance. *Meaning*: to abolish or invalidate by authority *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিলোপ করা , রদ করা , খারিজ করা, বাতিল করা *Root*: abrogate-"away + ask"= abolish, nullify (a low or rule.) *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1.As the professor walked abreast down the street with her mentor, she was amazed that the old man, long since retired, still kept abreast of all the latest developments in neurobiology. *Meaning*: Side-by-side, Conversant with.. The more common "abreast of" means keeping up with, staying aware of, or remaining equal in progress with. *বাংলা অর্থ*: পাশাপাশি এবং একই দিকে মুখ করে *Root*: *Synonyms*: Conversant (পরিচিত, জ্ঞাত, জ্ঞাতা)with (familiar by use or study), well versed in (experienced, skilled) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1.Barnyard animals are considerably more docile than the wild animals. *Meaning*: easily handled or managed; willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: gentle *Mnemonic*:


*Example:* 1. Many college superstar athletes are hailed as the next big thing, but then flop at the professional level. *Meaning:* Verb: enthusiastically acclaim or celebrate something *বাংলা অর্থ:* *Root:* *Synonyms:* herald *Mnemonic:*


*Example*: 1.Civil rights icon Rosa Parks will forever be remembered for adamantly refusing to give up her seat on a public bus--even after the bus driver insisted, she remained rooted in place. *Meaning*: Uncomprising , refusing to change one's mind *বাংলা অর্থ*: একরোখা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), *Mnemonic*: A+DAM+ant...A DAM IS GENERALLY INFLEXIBLE AND HARD so vehicles can pass through it.


*Example*: 1.Coach Ramsey took his newest player off the field after watching a few painful minutes of her abysmal performance. *Meaning*: extremely bad, very bad *বাংলা অর্থ*: অতল *Root*: Abyss A deep and vast space or cavity; anything profound or infinite অতলস্পর্শী গহ্বর *Synonyms*: abyssal , unfathomable *Mnemonic*: Abe samal দে very bad.


*Example*: 1.Considered a health nut, Jessica abstained from anything containing sugar-even chocolate. *Meaning*: choose not to consume or take part in (particularly something enjoyable), Hold back, refrain (especially from something bad or unhealthy); decline to vote *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: desist , refrain *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1.Could the inside of this mascot costume be any more abrasive? It's rubbing my skin raw! 2.I have some seriously abrasive remarks for whoever designed this thing. *Meaning*: Rough, suitable for grinding or polishing (such as sandpaper); causing irritation or annoyance *বাংলা অর্থ*: ঘষিয়া তুলিয়া ফেলিতে সক্ষম *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: abrasive..it sounds like aggressive,which means harsh/ rough behavior.


*Example*: 1.Her countenance said it all—the look on her face was pure terror. 2. I saw you cheating off my paper, and I can't countenance cheating—either you turn yourself in or I'll report you. *Meaning*: Facial expression or face (noun); approve or tolerate (verb) *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রসন্ন/ অপ্রসন্ন মুখভাব; (আনুষ্ঠা) সমর্থন *Root*: *Synonyms*: Brook (suffer or tolerate), Condone (overlook or tacitly approve) *Mnemonic*: Countenance shares a root with continence, meaning "self control." The use of countenance to mean "approve or tolerate" makes sense when you think about a similar expression: "I cannot look you in the face after what you did." (We would usually say "I cannot face you" when the speaker is the guilty party).


*Example*: 1.Historically, ascetics like Ghandi are often considered wise men partially because of their restraint. 2. His ascetic life is the main reason he inspired so many followers, especially since he gave up wealth and power to live in poverty. *Meaning*: Practicing self-denial; austere, abstinent or austere in lifestyle (adj); a person who leads an austere and simple life without material pleasures, esp. someone who does this for religious reasons *বাংলা অর্থ*: কঠোর তপস্বী *Root*: *Synonyms*: ascetical , austere , spartan *Abstruse:* Ascetic=তপস্বী, সাধু VS Aesthetic=সৌন্দর্যবোধ সংক্রান্ত, শিল্পরুচিসম্মত, esthetic *Mnemonic*: Aastic(Opposite of Nastic) Is ascetic Ascetic = Someone who lives ascetic life.


*Example*: 1.If you accede, it means you agree with someone or give in to his or her wish. The word is often used in a political context — the Queen acceded to the Prince's demands for more territory, a larger army, and funnier jesters. 2.The singer unhappily accedes, although Lester ends up doing the dirty work. *Meaning*: Agree, give consent; assume power (usually as "accede to") *বাংলা অর্থ*: (সমর্পণ করা, হার মানা, প্রদান করা, দিতে স্বীকার করা, মানিয়া লত্তয়া, বাহির করা) *Root*: ced go or yield *Synonyms*: Assent(সম্মতি, সায়, ঐকমত্য) also means agree or give in, Concur(একসঙ্গে ঘটা , একজায়গায় মিলিত হওয়া , সমাপতিত হওয়া) accede(Agree, give consent; assume power (usually as "accede to")সম্মতি, সায়, ঐকমত্য) concurrent(সমবর্তী, একই সঙ্গে সংঘটিত, সহঘটিত),Approve, agree *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1.In the summer months, conflagrations are not uncommon in the southwest, do to the heat and lack of rain. *Meaning*: big, destructive fire, a very intense and uncontrolled fire *বাংলা অর্থ*: ব্যাপক ও বিধ্বংসী অগ্নিকাণ্ড *Root*: flagr means shine, burn *Synonyms*: inferno, infernal=নারকীয় ( infern /inferno means fire. destructive ) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1.It abuts the Olkaria geothermal power plants, from which plumes of steam pour into the sky *Meaning*: to touch, to be in contact with *বাংলা অর্থ*: সমসীমাযুক্ত হত্তয়া, সীমানার সঙ্গে সংলগ্ন বা লাগোয়া হওয়া *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1.Jean Paul-Sartre was not a fan of accolades, and as such, he refused to accept the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1964. *Meaning*: an expression of praise, an award or praise granted as a special honor *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রশংসা, তারিফ, স্তুতি *Root*: *Synonyms*: award , honor , laurels *Mnemonic*:


*Examples:* * Meaning:* *বাংলা অর্থ:* অশান্তিকর (Adj.), উদ্বেজক (Adj.) *Root:* quiet means শান্ত *Synonym:* Disturbing, causing anxiety *Mnemonics*


*Example*: 1.Making a momentous life decision with great uncertainty, like enrolling in clown college, might feel like jumping into the abyss. *Meaning*: a deep void or chasm — either literal or figurative. *বাংলা অর্থ*: রসাতল, নরক *Root*: *Synonyms*: Chasm(ফাটল, গহ্বর, শূন্য গভীর খাদ, অনেক তফাৎ), Crevasse(হিমবাহের বরফে গভীর ফাটল, হিমদরী, নদীর বাঁধে ভাঙন), Fissure(ফাটল), Gorge (ঘাট)are all words for deep openings in the earth, and can be used metaphorically(রূপক অর্থে) (a fissure in a personal relationship, the chasm between cultures, etc.). *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1.Only students have access to the university library. 2.There is a large amount of oil under the ice, but we have not be able to access it. *Meaning*: the ability to go into (when somebody or something must allow you to enter) ,to go into something when allowed to enter *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: accession , admission , admittance , entree *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1.Only those with the most refined palates were able to adjudicate during the barbeque competition. *Meaning*: to serve as a judge in a competition; to arrive at a judgment or conclusion *বাংলা অর্থ*: আইন মোতাবেক মীমাংসা করা *Root*: jud means judge *Synonyms*: decide , resolve , settle,judge , try *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1.Physics textbooks can seem so abstruse to the uninitiated that readers feel as though they are looking at hieroglyphics. *Meaning*: difficult to comprehend,difficult to understand; incomprehensible *বাংলা অর্থ*: দুর্বোধ্য,.আধিবিদ্যক (Adj.), অধিবিদ্যক (Adj.), অধ্যাত্মিক (Adj.), অধিবিদ্যামূলক (Adj.), অধ্যাত্ম *Root*: away + push"= hard to comprehend *Synonyms*: deep , recondite *Abstruse:* obtrusive= জেদী, নাছোড়বান্দা VS Abstruse= দূর্বোধ্য *Mnemonic*: abstruse rhyme with CONFUSE,there is confusion when things are not clear.


*Example*: 1.The abscission of leaves from the trees is normal in fall. 2 An inflamed appendix calls for an immediate surgical abscission *Meaning*: Cutting off; sudden termination; the separation of leaves, petals, or other parts from a plant or animal *বাংলা অর্থ*: কর্তন, কর্তিতাবস্থা *Root*: "Ab" means "away." The "scissio" root in abscission means "cut" and is the same as in scissors, excise (cut out or censor), and incision (cut into). *Synonyms*: Ablation (অপসারণ)(removal of growths, etc., by surgery or other mechanical means) *Mnemonic*: It had the word sciss(scissors) in it.Scissors are used for Cutting,seperating..

*Coterminous* ( 350th )

*Example*: 1.The border of the state is coterminous with geographic limits on travel; the east and north are surrounded by a nearly uncrossable river and the south by a desert. *Meaning*: being of equal extent or scope or duration *বাংলা অর্থ*: একই সীমানাবিশিষ্ট *Root*: co + terminous *Synonyms*: coextensive , conterminous *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1.The storm flashed into existence above us and lasted only a short time - an evanescent turbulence of wind and cloud. *Meaning*: tending to disappear like vapor; vanishing adjective: tending to vanish like vapor *বাংলা অর্থ*: বিলীয়মান, চপল, অস্থির, অধরা, পলায়নপর, *Root*: *Synonyms*: Ephemeral and Fugacious are synonyms. Transient can mean "lasting only a short time, temporary" or "staying only a short time," or can be a noun referring to homeless people, temporary workers, or others who move often *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: 1.The teacher was derelict in her duties because she hadn't graded a single student paper in three weeks. 2.At one time the waterfront factories were busy and productive, but now they stand derelict and will be torn down. *Meaning*: (of a person) not doing one's duties *বাংলা অর্থ*: পরিত্যক্ত , দায়িত্বজ্ঞানহীন *Root*: *Synonyms*: Dilapidated, delinquent , neglectful , remiss, (of a building) abandoned *Mnemonic*: derelict tank = অনাবাদি পুকুর


*Example*: A shot saved by Ali Al-Habsi followed and this proved an augury of what was about to occur. *Meaning*: Telling the future, such as through supernatural means *বাংলা অর্থ*: ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করা , ভবিষ্যত পরিণাম বলে দেওয়া , আভাসিত করা , গুণে বলা , পূর্বাভাস দেওয়া *Root*: aug means আগ or আগে *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: Augury.... Augur..... Sounds like Eager. We are always eager to know whats written in our future... so...


*Example*: Aberrations in climate have become the norm: rarely a week goes by without some meteorological phenomenon making headlines. Losing rather than gaining weight over the holidays is certainly an aberration *Meaning*: a deviation from what is normal or expected *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Root*: *Synonyms*: deviant , deviate, Aberration (departing from normal; mental irregularity or deviation in morality)(নীতিভ্রংশ), Outlier (a person on the fringe; a data point that lies outside the main pattern of data),Anomalous(ব্যতিক্রমী,নিয়মবহির্ভূত) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: Because the movies were utterly derivative of other popular movies, they did well at the box office. *Meaning*: unoriginal; obtained from another source - Derived from something else; not original *বাংলা অর্থ*: অমৌলিক *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: Both Los Angeles and New York are known for callow out-of-towners hoping to make it big. *Meaning*: young and inexperienced *বাংলা অর্থ*: অনভিজ্ঞ, অজাতশ্মশ্রু, পক্ষহীন, অজাতপক্ষ, অপরিপক *Root*: *Synonyms*: fledgling , unfledged *Mnemonic*:


*Examples:* * Meaning:* A person's general or natural mood; tendency *বাংলা অর্থ:* বিন্যাস , সন্নিবেশ , স্বাভাবিক প্রবণতা , কর্তৃত্বাধীনতা , বিধান *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics:*


*Example*: Despite an auspicious beginning, Mike's road trip became a series of mishaps, and he was soon stranded and penniless, leaning against his wrecked automobile. *Meaning*: favorable, the opposite of sinister *বাংলা অর্থ*: সুপ্রসন্ন, অনুকূল, মঙ্গলজনক, মঙ্গলকর, শিব, শুভলক্ষণযুক্ত *Root*: *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: a+uspiciousâ€"sounds like “a suspicious†any thing suspicious is not favorable, so a(not ) suspicious means favorable .


*Example*: Her animosity towards Bob attenuated over the years, and she even went so far as to invite him to her party. *Meaning*: to weaken (in terms of intensity); to taper off/become thinner. *বাংলা অর্থ*: কৃশ করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: rarefy *Mnemonic*: ATTENtion when you ATE will make you thin/slim


*Example*: Her dress was becoming and made her look even more beautiful. *Meaning*: appropriate, and matches nicely *বাংলা অর্থ*: মানানসই, সুন্দর, উচিত *Root*: *Synonyms*: comely , comme il faut , decent , decorous , seemly *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: History ascribes The Odyssey and The Iliad to Homer, but scholars now debate whether he was a historical figure or a fictitious name. *Meaning*: Assign or credit to a certain cause or source, attribute or credit to *বাংলা অর্থ*: আরোপ করা, দোষী করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: assign , attribute , impute *Abstruse:* ascribe=অভিযুক্ত করা, আরোপ করা, দোষী করা vs describe:বর্ণনা করা VS Proscribe=নিষিদ্ধ করা vs subscribe: স্বাক্ষর করা, চাঁদা দেত্তয়া, সম্মতিদান করা, সম্মত হত্তয়া *Mnemonic*: scribe means write.


*Example*: I concede you win *Meaning*: Give in, admit, yield; acknowledge reluctantly; grant or give up (such as giving up land after losing a war) *বাংলা অর্থ*: মেনে নেওয়া , স্বীকার করা , মঞ্জুর করা , খেলা বা প্রতিযোগিতায় হার মেনে নেওয়া *Root*: cede means yeild (go or yield (সমর্পণ করা, হার মানা, প্রদান করা, দিতে স্বীকার করা, মানিয়া লত্তয়া, বাহির করা) ) *Synonyms*: cede , grant , yield *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: Ideally, the restaurant's augmented menu will expand its clientele and increase its profits. *Meaning*: enlarge or increase; improve Make larger *বাংলা অর্থ*: বর্ধিত করা বা হওয়া *Root*: aug means আগ or আগে *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: King Edward VIII of England famously abdicated the throne in order to marry an American divorcée. Parents can be charged with neglect for abdicating their responsibilities towards their children. *Meaning*: to give up a position, right, or power,Formally give up the throne (or some other power or responsibility) *বাংলা অর্থ*: সিংহাসন ত্যাগ *Root*: Abdicate comes from the root "ab" (away) and "dic/dict" (proclaim), the latter of which also appears in dictator, dictionary, dictate, dictum, and indict. *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: Many of the factory workers are worried about being replaced by machines and computers that will work completely autonomously. *Meaning*: self-governing; independent *বাংলা অর্থ*: স্বশাসিত *Root*: auto means self *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: Much of the modern art movement was an atavism to a style of art found only in small villages through Africa and South America. *Meaning*: Atavism is a return to a previous way of doing, saying, or seeing things. It can be casual, like wearing retro clothing and listening to vinyl records, or committed, like living in a straw hut without electricity. a reappearance of an earlier characteristic; throwback *বাংলা অর্থ*: পূর্বগানুকৃতি, অধিসঁচার *Root*: It makes sense that atavism comes from a Latin word meaning "forefather," since it refers to a way of doing things like our ancestors did them *Synonyms*: reversion , throwback *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: My favorite epigram from Mark Twain is "A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn no other way." *Meaning*: a witty saying short witty poem expressing a single thought or observation *বাংলা অর্থ*: সরস বুদ্ধিদীপ্ত ক্ষুদ্র কবিতা *Root*: gram means writing , draw *Synonyms*: Jibe(বিদ্রূপ), Gibe(উপহাস), Snide(কটাক্ষপূর্ণ, মেকি, জাল, বিদ্রুপপূর্ণ), Quip(ঠাট্টা, বাক্ছল, পরিহাস, তামাশা, সরস জবাব, বিদ্রূপ), Epigram(সরস বুদ্ধিদীপ্ত ক্ষুদ্র কবিতা), taunt(বিদ্রূপ), mock *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: Noisy uproar or protest, as from a crowd; a loud, continuous noise *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: দাবি , বিক্ষোভ , কলরব , তুমুল কোলাহল *Root*: clam means to cry out *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: Self-abnegation is giving up oneself, usually for some higher cause. *Meaning*: to deny, renounce *বাংলা অর্থ*: পরিত্যাগ করা *Root*: ab-negate *Synonyms*: *Mnemonic*: ab-negate you are negating ab from your life.its indeed a sacrifice.


*Example*: She surprised her colleagues by having the audacity to publically criticize the findings of an distinguished scientist. *Meaning*: daring; bold, aggressive boldness in social situations *বাংলা অর্থ*: দুঃসাহসী *Root*: Audax / Audac means bold *Synonyms*: Intrepid (নিরাতঙ্ক), Plucky(সাহসী), Audacious(দুঃসাহসী), *Mnemonic*: audacious..auda(AUDIBLE)....IF YOU WANT to be audible to millions of people you have to be very daring and bold ,to go to the stage and deliver your message.


*Examples:* * Meaning:* Scatter, spread widely, cause to vanish *বাংলা অর্থ:* *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics:*


*Example*: The baseball player's contract negotiations are in abeyance while doctors try to determine whether his injuries will heal in time for the season. Only the actual construction of a uranium separation plant was be held in abeyance without a further order from the White House. *Meaning*: Temporary suspension, inactivity *বাংলা অর্থ*: সাময়িক অক্রিয়তা, স্থগিতাবস্থা *Root*: *Synonyms*: Hiatus(বিচ্ছেদ, ফাঁক) (break or gap in an activity), Dormant(সুপ্ত, অন্তর্নিহিত, রহিত) (inactive, resting), Deferment or Deferral (postponement) *Mnemonic*: Suspended action - ; ##mnemonic: remember "abey" in hindi... abey mat karo... do it later! Abey thaam (সাময়িক অক্রিয়তা)


*Example*: The clown's antic act was too extreme for the youngest children, who left the room in tears. *Meaning*: ludicrously odd *বাংলা অর্থ*: অদ্ভুতদর্শন, কিন্ভুতকিমাকার *Root*: *Synonyms*: fantastic , fantastical , grotesque *Abstruse:* antic=কিম্ভুতকিমাকার VS entice =প্রলুব্ধ করা *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: The editor was known for his asperity, often sending severe letters of rejection to amateur writers. *Meaning*: sharpness, harshness of manner *বাংলা অর্থ*: দারূণ শৈত্য (N), বন্ধুরতা (N), ক�� োরতা (N), রূক্ষতা (N), কাটব্য (N), কার্কশ্য *Root*: Asper means scratch or harsh *Synonyms*: Rigor, severity; harshness or sharpness of tone; roughness of surface *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: The efforts of the firefighters running into the burning building were commendable. *Meaning*: worthy of high praise *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রশংসনীয় *Root*: *Synonyms*: Plaudit(তালি শুনতে), laud(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), extol(উচ্চপ্রশংসা করা, encomium(স্তুতিবাদ), estimable(শ্রদ্ধেয়), Accolade(প্রশংসা), Eulogy(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), Panegyric(প্রশংসামূলক), Paean(বিজয়গাথা), acclamation(প্রশংসা), hail , Commendable(প্রশংসনীয় ), applaudable , laudable , praiseworthy, exalt (মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা),glorify, Sublime(মহিমান্বিত), exalt(মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা) , Seraphic(স্বর্গীয়) *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: The last true autocratic country is certainly North Korea; nowhere does a leader exercise the absolute control over all aspects of a people the way that Kim Jong-un does. *Meaning*: characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty *বাংলা অর্থ*: স্বৈরাচারী, কর্তৃত্বপূর্ণ, স্বেচ্ছাচারী, প্রভুত্বব্যঞ্জক, স্বৈর, কর্তৃত্বপ্রিয় *Root*: auto(means self)+cratic(cracy)......means goverment...............goverment by self ,goverment by one person *Synonyms*: authoritarian , despotic , dictatorial , tyrannic , tyrannical *Mnemonic*: Demo + cratic (relating to a particular kind of government or rule) So Autocratic স্বৈরাচারী


*Example*: The principal of my elementary school was a cold, austere woman; I could never understand why she chose to work with children. His lifestyle of revelry and luxurious excess could hardly be called austere. *Meaning*: practicing self-denial *বাংলা অর্থ*: কঠোরভাবাপন্ন *Root*: *Synonyms*: ascetic , ascetical , spartan *Mnemonic*:

*Avaricious* ( 150th )

*Example*: The rich man's avarice was annoying to everyone who wanted to lay hands on some of his money. *Meaning*: greed; excessive love of riches *বাংলা অর্থ*: লালস, ধনলোভী, অর্থলোভী, লোভী *Root*: avarus means greed. *Synonyms*: Covetous, avaricious(অর্থলোভী, লোভী), rapacious(অর্থলোভী , অর্থপিপাসু), Cupidity(লোভ, ধনলোভ), Voracious(অতিশয় লোভী, অতিভোজী), Ravenous(লোলুপ, গোগ্রাসে গেলে এমন) *Mnemonic*: To be avaricious is to love wealth above all else and not to share it with other people. avarice : noun: greed (one of the seven deadly sins )

*Execrate* ( 600th )

*Example*: Though the new sitcom did decently in the ratings, Nelson railed against the show, saying that it was nothing more than an execrable pastiche of tired cliche's and canned laughter. *Meaning*: to curse and hiss at *বাংলা অর্থ*: অভিশাপ দেওয়া , ঘৃণা করা *Root*: *Synonyms*: accurse , anathematise , anathematize , anathemise , anathemize , comminate *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: Vegetarians argue that man is chauvinistic in his belief that animals do not consciously feel the pain we humans do. *Meaning*: fanatical patriotism; belief that one's group/cause is superior to all other groups/causes *বাংলা অর্থ*: উগ্র জাতীয়তাবাদ *Root*: *Synonyms*: jingoism , superpatriotism , ultranationalism *Abstruse:* Chauvinist=উৎকট স্বদেশভক্ত VS Chivalry=শৌর্য্য, সৌজন্য VS Chivalrous:being attentive to women like an ideal knightসাহসী, রমণীরঁজক *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: Walking past the bar, I could hear happy, chortling people and the blast of horns from a jazz band. *Meaning*: to chuckle, laugh merrily *বাংলা অর্থ*: খলখল শব্দ *Root*: *Synonyms*: chuckle , laugh softly *Mnemonic*:


*Example*: When the financial director started screaming and throwing food at his co-workers, the police had to come in to deal with his aberrant behavior. The teen's aberrant behavior made his family suspect that he was using drugs. *Meaning*: Abnormal or deviant *বাংলা অর্থ*: নীতিভ্রষ্ট *Root*: The prefix "ab" means "away"—in this case, away from what's normal. *Synonyms*: deviant , deviate, Aberration (departing from normal; mental irregularity or deviation in morality)(নীতিভ্রংশ), Outlier (a person on the fringe; a data point that lies outside the main pattern of data),Anomalous(ব্যতিক্রমী,নিয়মবহির্ভূত) *Mnemonic*:


*Examples:* *Meaning:* to move or act confusedly or without clear purpose *বাংলা অর্থ:* শিহরিত হওয়া , ইতস্তত করা , উত্তেজিত হওয়া , শিহরণ , অনিশ্চিত অবস্থা. *Root:* either *Synonym:* *Abstruse:* didactic= শিক্ষামূলক, জ্ঞানগর্ভ VS dither=ইতস্তত করা *Mnemonics* either this or that (to be undecisive)

*Indecorous*(adj) [in-dek-er-uh s]

*Examples:* Eating with elbows on the table is considered indecorous in refined circles. * Meaning:* behaving badly or rudely, not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society *বাংলা অর্থ:* রূচিবিরূদ্ধ, অভদ্র, অনুচিত, অশোভন, কৌশলশূন্য, কৌশলহীন *Root:* *Synonym:* indecent , unbecoming , uncomely , unseemly , untoward *Mnemonics* when a person has not (in) 'decor'ated their house during our visit can be said impolite or indecent

*Inconsequential*(adj) [in-kon-si-kwen-shuh]

*Examples:* * Meaning:* Most of what she said was pretty inconsequential. insignificant; unimportant *বাংলা অর্থ:* তুচ্ছ, মামুলি, নগণ্য, গতানুগতিক, *Root:* *Synonym:* insignificant, unimportant, of little/no consequence, neither here nor there, humdrum *Mnemonics* 1. consequence means result- we are never worried about the result of inconsequential or worthless things. 2. Not essential

*Immure*(v) [ih-myoo r]

*Examples:* * Meaning:* to keep someone or something within certain limits and prevent them or it from developing freely, to enclose, usually in walls *বাংলা অর্থ:* জেলে দেত্তয়া, জেলে পাঠান, কারারূদ্ধ করা, কয়েদ করা, প্রাচীরবেষ্টিত করা, নিজেকে অবরুদ্ধ করা *Root:* You may recognize the -mur- in immure as the root for "wall," as in mural, which is a painting on a wall, or intramural, literally "inside the walls," as, for instance, the walls of a school — intramural sports are played among teams from the same school. You don't need a jail to immure someone. Rapunzel was immured in her tower. At the end of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, the lovers are immured in the tomb *Synonym:* gaol , imprison , incarcerate , jail , jug , lag , put away , put behind bars , remand *Mnemonics* sounds like I M YOURS....please enclose me within the walls of your heart

*Incessant*(adj) [in-ses-uh nt]

*Examples:* * Meaning:* uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing *বাংলা অর্থ:* নিরবচ্ছিন্ন, একটানা, অবিশ্রান্ত, অবিরাম, ক্রমাগত, অবিরল *Root:* *Synonym:* ceaseless , constant , never-ending , perpetual , unceasing , unremitting *Mnemonics*


*Examples:* 1, The U.S. Constitution disenfranchised women until 1920 when they were given the right to vote. *Meaning:* deprive of voting rights *বাংলা অর্থ:* *Root:* *Synonym:* disfranchise *Mnemonics*

*Discretion* [dih-skresh-uh n]

*Examples:* 1. "Can you trust him with this?" "Yes, he's the soul of discretion (= he will not tell other people). 2. she knew she could rely on his discretion 3. I leave the decision to your discretion (= for you to decide) * Meaning:* noun: 1. the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information. 2. the right or ability to decide something:, ability to make responsible decisions *বাংলা অর্থ:* ১। বিচক্ষণতা ২। সুবিবেচনা , ইচ্ছাধীনতা *Root:* *Synonym:* carefulness, caution, wariness, chariness, guardedness, tact choice, option, preference, disposition, volition, pleasure, liking, wish, will, *Abstruse:* Discrete=পৃথক VS Discreet= careful বিচক্ষণ VS Discretion=বিচক্ষণতা vs Discrepancy: অনৈক্য, অমিল, মতভেদ, ভেদ, বৈসাদৃশ্য, গরমিল, *Mnemonics* 2. discrete... means separate..that is we are separate & are not dependent on any one, hence we have the FREEDOM OF ACTION OR JUDGEMENT...


*Examples:* 1. "There's been no dissent, no mobbing of the referee. It's been a wonderful sight to see." * Meaning:* Disagree or take an opposing view, esp. in relation to a formal body such as a government, political party, or church; such a view *বাংলা অর্থ:* ভিন্নমত পোষণ করা , বিরোধিতা *Root:* consent: রাজি হওয়া , একমত হওয়া , ইচ্ছা প্রকাশ করা , সম্মতি , অনুমতি , সায় *Synonym:* Gainsay (deny, refute, oppose), Sedition (incitement of dissent against a government; promoting rebellion by speech or writing) *Mnemonics*

*Disparate* [DISS-puh-rit or diss-PAIR-it]

*Examples:* 1. : He chose the college for two disparate reasons: the strength of the computer science program, and the excellence of the hip-hop dance squad. * Meaning:* Distinct, different, fundamentally distinct or dissimilar, two things are fundamentally different *বাংলা অর্থ:* অসদৃশ *Root:* *Synonym:* Divergent (different, deviating), Incommensurable (not comparable, totally disproportionate) *Abstruse:* Disparage: সম্মানহানি করা vs Disparate: অসদৃশ *Mnemonics*


*Examples:* 1. A good scientist should be dispassionate, focusing purely on what the evidence says, without personal attachment. * Meaning:* Unbiased, not having a selfish or personal motivation; calm, lacking emotion free of emotion *বাংলা অর্থ:* নিষ্কাম, নিরঙ্কুশ, উত্তেজনাহীন, মুক্ত, নিরাবেগ, শান্ত *Root:* pass means feel *Synonym:* cold-eyed *Mnemonics:*

*Ignominious*(adj) [ig nuh MIN ee us]

*Examples:* 1. Lola's plagiarizing(লেখাচুরি) of Nabokov's work was an ignominious act that got her suspended from school for two days. 2.Since the politician preached ethics and morality, his texting of revealing photographs was ignominious, bringing shame on both himself and his party. * Meaning:* Low in character or purpose; dishonorable *বাংলা অর্থ:* কলঙ্কজনক, অপমানজনক, লজ্জাজনক, মানহানিকর, অসম্মানজনক, সুনামহানিকর *Root:* *Synonym:* humiliating, undignified, embarrassing, mortifying, ignoble, inglorious, disgraceful *Mnemonics* IGNORANT+MINUS(negative personality)....imagine your teacher is saying that you are an ignorant and negative person...what will happen??...it will cause public disgrace and shame....

*Impervious*(adj) [im PUR vee us]

*Examples:* 1. A raincoat, if it is any good, is impervious to water. It is made of an impervious material. 2. I am not impervious to your insults; they cause me great pain. * Meaning:* not allowing anything to pass through; impenetrable *বাংলা অর্থ:* অভেদ্য *Root:* *Synonym:* impermeable, impenetrable, impregnable, waterproof, watertight, water-resistant *Abstruse:* empirical= practical VS imperial=সাম্রাজ্য-সংক্রান্ত vs imperious:জাঁদরেল,দাম্ভিক , vs impertinent:অপ্রাসঙ্গিক vs Imperil: বিপদ্গ্রস্ত করা ( peril means danger) vs Impermeable:অপ্রবেশ্য vs Impervious: অভেদ্য অপ্রবেশ্য vs Imperturbable: স্থির, শান্ত ( perturb means disturb/not quiet ) *Mnemonics* "i m pervez(pervez musharraf)"...no matter wat u say, i won't be affected!!


*Examples:* 1. After a week of inclement weather, we finally are able to go outside and enjoy the sun. 2. Marcus Aurelius, though a fair man, was inclement to Christians during his reign, persecuting them violently. * Meaning:* (of weather) unpleasant, stormy, used of persons or behavior; showing no mercy *বাংলা অর্থ:* প্রচণ্ড, উগ্র, ঝটিকাপূর্ণ, ঝড়ো, কঠোর *Root:* clem means cool / calm *Synonym:* cold, chilly, bleak, wintry, freezing, snowy, icy, wet, rainy, drizzly, damp, stormy *Mnemonics* bosses are always incleament when theres time of increament

*Importune*(v) [im-pawr-toon]

*Examples:* 1. As a tourist, you are importuned for money the moment you step outside your hotel. 2. He was arrested for importuning a young boy outside the station. * Meaning:* 1. to make repeated, forceful requests for something, usually in a way that is annoying or causing slight problems: 2. to ask for sex with someone in return for payment: *বাংলা অর্থ:* জেদী, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা *Root:* The original Latin term actually meant something closer to "to bother." Bear that in mind when you're deciding whether to use importune *Synonym:* harass, pester, press, *Mnemonics* Im (not) + portune (fortune). Someone who doesn't have fortune BEGS PERSISTANTLY.

*Haven*(noun/verb) [hey-vuh n]

*Examples:* 1. Cambodia, with its seemingly free press, is also a haven for foreign journalists. 2.And one has to fight against that and create some haven for optimism. * Meaning:* a harbor or port, any place of shelter and safety; refuge; asylum *বাংলা অর্থ:* আশ্রয়স্থল, পোতাশ্রয় *Root:* *Synonym:* sanctuary, shelter, citadel, harborage, dock

*Idiosyncrasy*(n) [id ee oh SINK ruh see]

*Examples:* 1. Eating green beans drenched in ketchup for breakfast was one of Jordana's idiosyncrasies 2.The doctor's interest was aroused by an idiosyncrasy in Bill's skull: There seemed to be a coin slot in the back of his head. * Meaning:* a strange or unusual habit, way of behaving, or feature that someone or something has: *বাংলা অর্থ:* কোনো লোকের অদ্ভত চিন্তা , নিজস্ব ধরন , বিশেষ স্বভাব , প্রকৃতি বিশিষ্টতা , প্রকাশভঙ্গির বৈশিষ্ট্য *Root:* *Synonym:* foible , mannerism *Mnemonics* 1. Idiot in sync with the crazy ppl are idiosyncratic.


*Examples:* 1. German farmers used spike-tooth harrows extensively to control weeds in small grains fields before the coming of herbicides * Meaning:* Farming tool that breaks up soil (noun); painfully disturb or distress (verb) *বাংলা অর্থ:* মই, জমিতে দিবার মই, হয়রান করা *Root:* *Synonym:*

*Implicit*(adj) [im-plis-it]

*Examples:* 1. Gerry's dis sat is fac tion with our work was implicit in his expres sion, al though he never criticized us directly. 2.All her life she had implicit faith in socialism * Meaning:* 1. indirectly ex pressed or implied, understood but not stated 2. complete and without any doubts: *বাংলা অর্থ:* অন্তর্নিহিত *Root:* *Synonym:* implied, absolute, inexplicit, unquestioning *Abstruse:* implicate=একত্র জড়ান, অর্থপ্রকাশ করা , কোন খারাপ কাজে সংশ্লিষ্ট করা VS implicit=অন্তর্নিহিত *Mnemonics* impli+cit--- tacit(CIT) means understand without being expressed so IMPLICIT means implied without directly expressed

*Hector*(v) [hek-ter]

*Examples:* 1. However, there is no point in hectoring others to adopt something that for a variety of reasons is unacceptable to them. 2. David Cameron has said it would be wrong for him to "hector" Chinese politicians and business leaders over human rights * Meaning:* to treat with insolence; bully; torment *বাংলা অর্থ:* নির্মমভাবে পীড়ন করা, তর্জন করা, তর্জন-গর্জন করিয়া শাসান *Root:* *Synonym:* torture, persecute; badger, harass,intimidate, browbeat

*Ignoble*(adj) [ig-noh-buh l]

*Examples:* 1. In the 1920s, the World Series was rigged--an ignoble act which baseball took decades to recover from. 2. ignoble feelings of intense jealousy * Meaning:* morally bad and making you feel ashamed, not honorable in character or purpose. *বাংলা অর্থ:* নীচ, হীন-জাত *Root:* *Synonym:* dishonorable, unworthy, base, shameful, contemptible, despicable, dastardly, vile, degenerate, shabby, sordid, mean, improper, unprincipled, discreditable, humble, low, lowly, common, plebeian *Mnemonics* igno(ignore)+ble(able)..so if something IS unworthy and not noble, ONE should be able to ignore them.

*Incense*(v) [in SENS]

*Examples:* 1. Jeremy was incensed when I told him that even though he was stupid and loathsome, he would always be my best friend. 2. an incense burner/stick * Meaning:* 1. to make very angry 2. a substance that is burnt to produce a sweet smell, especially as part of a religious ceremony: *বাংলা অর্থ:* ১। কাউকে রাগান্বিত করা। ২। ধূপ, ধূপধূনার গন্ধ, ধুনা *Root:* The Latin root of the word incense is incendere, meaning "to set on fire." *Synonym:* cense, exasperate, infuriate *Mnemonics* incense~>insensible... insensible people infuriate(incense) me


*Examples:* 1. To get close to the senator, the assassin dissembled his intentions, convincing many people that he was a reporter for a well-known newspaper. *Meaning:* isguise; pretend *বাংলা অর্থ:* ছদ্মবেশ ধারণ করা *Root:* *Synonym:* affect , feign , pretend , sham, Disingenuous (not genuine), Prevaricating (misleading or lying) *Mnemonics:*


*Examples:* 1. Many Roman emperors were known for their dissolution, indulging in unspeakable desires of the flesh. * Meaning:* disintegration; looseness in morals *বাংলা অর্থ:* শিথিলীকরণ *Root:* solut means loose *Synonym:* dissipation , licentiousness , looseness , profligacy *Abstruse:* Resolve= সমাধান VS Resolution=সমাধান, সংকল্পগ্রহণ, বিশ্লেষণ VS resolute:অটল vs Irresolute: অস্থিরসঙ্কল্প, তরলমতি, চঞ্চলমতি vs Dissolution=দ্রবীভবন, দ্রবন *Mnemonics:*


*Examples:* 1. Many adults think that they can lie to children, but kids are smart and know when people are disingenuous. *Meaning:* Lacking genuine candor; insincere - *বাংলা অর্থ:* কৃত্রিম *Root:* *Synonym:* artful *Abstruse:* ingenuous=অকপট, ছলাকলাহীন comes from genuine VS ingenious=প্রতিভাসম্পন্নcomes from genius VS Disingenuous:কৃত্রিম VS Ingenuity: অকপটতা, উদ্ভাবনী দক্ষতা *Mnemonics:*


*Examples:* 1. Many plants use attractive fruits to disseminate their seeds—animals eat the fruit and excrete the seeds, allowing new plants to grow *Meaning:* to scatter widely, to spread *বাংলা অর্থ:* ছড়িয়ে দেওয়া , বিকীর্ণ করা *Root:* sem means spread *Synonym:* Scatter, spread about, broadcast Synonyms : broadcast , circularise , circularize , circulate , diffuse , disperse , distribute , pass around , propagate , spread *Mnemonics:* DIStribute by a SEMINAr


*Examples:* 1. Many readers find it tough to read Moby Dick since the author is discursive, often cutting the action short to spend 20 pages on the history of a whale. * Meaning:* (of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point *বাংলা অর্থ:* অপ্রাসঙ্গিক, বুদ্ধিগত, তর্কদ্বারা লভ্য, এলোমেলো *Root:* *Synonym:* irrelevant, digressive , excursive , rambling *Mnemonics*

*Hoary*(adj) [hawr-ee]

*Examples:* 1. Most workout gurus are young, fit people, whereas most yoga gurus are hoary men with long white beards. 2. hoary myths. 3. Please don't tell that hoary joke at dinner again tonight. * Meaning:* grayish white, ancient or venerable, tedious from familiarity; stale(বাসী, মামুলি, কড়্কড়্ বাসি, নূতনত্বহীন, পানসে): *বাংলা অর্থ:* শুক্ল, ধূসরাভ, পলিত, প্রাচীন *Root:* *Synonym:* grayish-white, gray, white, snowy, silver, silvery, rusty, frosty *Mnemonics* since old, obviously old with white hair; white with age


*Examples:* 1. She finished her thesis with dispatch, amazing her advisors who couldn't believe she hadn't written 60 scholarly pages so quickly. 2. As soon as the angry peasants stormed the castle, they caught the king and swiftly dispatched him. * Meaning:* dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently, the property of being prompt and efficient *বাংলা অর্থ:* কোনো স্থানে বা উদ্দেশ্যে পা�� ানো , দ্রুত সম্পাদন করা , হত্যা করা , ক্ষিপ্রতা *Root:* *Synonym:* despatch , expedition , expeditiousness *Mnemonics:*

*Inchoate*(adj) [in-koh-it]

*Examples:* 1. She had a child's inchoate awareness of language. 2. an inchoate mass of ideas on the subject * Meaning:* only recently or partly formed, or not completely developed or clear, recently begun; rudimentary; elementary *বাংলা অর্থ:* সদ্য-আরদ্ধ , অনতিস্ফুত , অপরিণত , অসংহত , অনির্দিষ্টাকার *Root:* *Synonym:* tyro(শিক্ষানবিস), inchoate(অপরিণত), incipient(জায়মান), germinate(অঙ্কুরিত করা), burgeon(কুঁড়ি, মুকুল, কলি), nascent(জায়মান, বর্ধনশীল), rudimentary(প্রাথমিক) novice(শিক্ষানবিস) neophyte(নবদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি) Fledgling(অনভিজ্ঞ লোক) embryonic(rudimentary) *Mnemonics* choate seems like "chote"..for example "chote bachche" means not fully grown up or in the initial stage of life.

*Hauteur*(noun) [hoh-tur]

*Examples:* 1. The Archbishop looked at him with extreme hauteur 2. * Meaning:* pride; haughtiness,haughty manner or spirit; arrogance, Overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors *বাংলা অর্থ:* ঔদ্ধত্য, অহংকার *Root:* *Synonym:*

*Hegemony*(n) [hi-jem-uh-nee, hej-uh-moh-nee]

*Examples:* 1. The BRICS Bank looks, for all its founding rhetoric, like a platform for Chinese hegemony instead 2.The hegemony of a single member state is not incompatible with a genuine confederation * Meaning:* leadership or predominant influence exercised by one nation over others, as in a confederation. *বাংলা অর্থ:* কর্তৃত্ব, নেতৃত্ব *Root:* *Synonym:* authority, dominance, domination,leadership, lead, leading, command

*Imbroglio*(n) [im-brohl-yoh]

*Examples:* 1. The Soviet Union became anxious to withdraw its soldiers from the Afghan imbroglio. 2.The chef cook-off featured one gourmand (পেটুক, খাইয়ে, অতিভোজী, ভোজনবিলাসী) who had the unfortunate distinction of mixing the wrong broths, creating an imbroglio that diners would not soon forget. * Meaning:* an unwanted, difficult, and confusing situation, full of trouble and problems: *বাংলা অর্থ:* জট, জটিল অবস্থা, বিশৃঙ্খলা, ঝগড়া, ঝগড়াঝাঁটি, বিবাদ *Root:* *Synonym:* complicated situation, complication, problem, difficulty, predicament, trouble, confusion, quandary, entanglement, muddle, mess, quagmire, morass, sticky situation, bind, jam, pickle, fix, corner, hole, scrape *Mnemonics* 1.de broglie ... equation is very complicated to understand 2.IM+brog(=frog)+lio(=lion). Suppose in a play, you have to choose between characters of frog and lion, you will be in a complicated situation.


*Examples:* I first knew him as an impecunious student living in a tiny apartment * Meaning:* poor, having no money *বাংলা অর্থ:* গরিব, নির্ধন, দরিদ্র, অর্থসম্বলশূন্য, টাকাকড়ি নাই এমন, নি:স্ব *Root:* pecu roots money *Synonym:* hard up , in straitened circumstances , penniless , penurious , pinched *Mnemonics* IM(MEANS NOT)+PECUNE(MONEY)..SOMEONE WITHOUT MONEY..

*Incorrigible*(adj) [in KOR uh juh bul]

*Examples:* 1. The convict was an incorrigible criminal; as soon as he got out of prison, he said, he was going to rob another doughnut store. 2. Tom Sawyer seems like an incorrigible youth until Huck Finn enters the novel; even Sawyer can't match his fierce individual spirit. * Meaning:* incapable of being re formed *বাংলা অর্থ:* সংস্কারসাধনের অসাধ্য, সংশোধনের অসাধ্য, সংশোধনাতীত, অশোধনীয় *Root:* *Synonym:* inveterate, habitual, confirmed, hardened, dyed-in-the-wool, incurable, chronic *Mnemonics* IN(not)+corrected=which cant be corrected


*Examples:* 1. The emergency room doctor constantly saw people who came in with distended bellies, sure that they had appendicitis; usually, it was just gas. *Meaning:* expand; swell out *বাংলা অর্থ:* স্ফীত হওয়া বা করা *Root:* *Synonym:* Distend(ফাঁপা, ফোলান, ফোলা স্ফীত হওয়া বা করা), Balloon (বেলুন, আকাশযান, ব্যোমযান)(swell or puff,out) Turgid (স্ফীত, রসস্ফীত স্ফীট, বর্ধিত, শব্দাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ)or Tumid (স্ফীত, বর্ধিত, গালভরা শব্দাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ) (swollen, inflated; or, metaphorically "inflated," such as in overblown, pompous speech) *Mnemonics*

*Incumbent*(n/adj) [in-kuhm-buh nt]

*Examples:* 1. The incumbent president faces problems which began many years before he took 2. it is incumbent on all decent people to concentrate on destroying this eviloffice. * Meaning:* 1. the holder of an office or post.(n) 2. necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility (adj) *বাংলা অর্থ:* আরোপিত, অবশ্যপালনীয় *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics* INCUM + BENT = OFFICIALS are BENT on(determined) to bring an INCUM home, as it is NECESSARY to survive

*Hobble*(v) [hob-uh l]

*Examples:* 1. The last time I saw Rachel she was hobbling around with a stick 2. Bad weather has hobbled rescue efforts, making it difficult for crews to find bodies in the wreckage. * Meaning:* to walk in an awkward way, usually because the feet or legs are injured: *বাংলা অর্থ:* খোঁড়াইয়া খোঁড়াইয়া বা জবুথবুভাবে চলা, প্রতিবন্ধক *Root:* *Synonym:* fetter *Mnemonics*

*Imminent*(adj) [IM uh nunt]

*Examples:* 1. The pink glow in the east made it clear that sunrise was imminent 2. Patrice had a strange feeling that disaster was imminent, then the jumbo jet crashed into her garage * Meaning:* just about to happen *বাংলা অর্থ:* আসন্ন *Synonym:* close (at hand), near, (fast) approaching, coming, forthcoming *Mnemonics* imminent sounds similar to immediate. so imminent means about to occur immediately.

*Illicit*(adj) [i LIS it]

*Examples:* 1. The police interviewed hundreds of witnesses, trying to elicit(প্রকাশ করা) clues that might help them stop an illicit business. 2. Though Al Capone was engaged in many illicit activities, he was finally arrested for income tax evasion, a relatively minor offense. * Meaning:* illegal or disapproved of by society *বাংলা অর্থ:* অবৈধ, নিষিদ্ধ, বেআইনী, বিধিবিরুদ্ধ *Root:* *Synonym:* illegitimate , outlaw , outlawed , unlawful *Mnemonics*


*Examples:* 1. The recent graduates dissipated their earnings on trips to Las Vegas and cruises in Mexico. * Meaning:* to disperse or scatter *বাংলা অর্থ:* squander or spend money frivolously(বোকার মতো নয়ছয়) *Root:* *Synonym:* fool , fool away , fritter , fritter away , frivol away , shoot, break up , dispel , disperse , scatter,spread out *Mnemonics*

*Haughty*(adj) [haw-tee]

*Examples:* 1. The soccer forward felt pretty haughty when she scored the goal despite it being an accidental shot. * Meaning:* Having or showing too much pride in oneself and scorn(অবজ্ঞা) for others, disdainfully proud *বাংলা অর্থ:* উদ্ধত, গর্বিত, অহংকারী, ধৃষ্ট, অবিনয়ী, অবিনীত *Root:* aughty-haughtier-haughtiest *Synonym:* proud, arrogant, vain, conceited, snobbish, superior, self-important, pompous

*Implode*(v) [im-plohd]

*Examples:* 1. The vacuum inside the tube caused it to implode when the external air pressure was increased 2. Their economy is in danger of imploding. * Meaning:* 1. to fall towards the inside with force, collapse or cause to collapse violently inward. 2. to fail suddenly and completely and be unable to operate *বাংলা অর্থ:* কেন্দ্রীভূত করা *Root:* বোম ফুটলে সেটা Explode কারণ সেটা চারপাশে ছড়িয়ে পরে। আর কোন কিছু ভেংগে চুরে ভিতরে ঢুকে গেলে Implode. *Synonym:* burst inward *Mnemonics* 1. ex-'out'+plode-'burst'...so im-'in,inwards'+plode-'burst'... so implode means burst inwards 2. it sounds like a load.if it is (over)loaded it will collapse.

*Idolatry*(n) [ahy-dol-uh-tree]

*Examples:* 1. The youngster makes no attempt to conceal his idolatry of his team-mate. 2. Newton was revered to the point of idolatry * Meaning:* the religious worship of idols, excessive or blind adoration, reverence, devotion, etc *বাংলা অর্থ:* মূর্তিপূজা *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics*

*Hand-wringing* [hand-ring-ing]

*Examples:* 1. There's lots of hand-wringing among Walton employees these days. 2. The shortage has led to a lot of hand-wringing in health circles. * Meaning:* 1. expression of distress or anxiety, as in clasping and twisting the hands together 2. the excessive display of concern or distress *বাংলা অর্থ:* উদ্বিগ্নতা বা অস্থিরতা শারিরীকভাবে প্রকাশ করা যেমন হাত কচলানো অথবা দুই হাত চেপে ধরা।


*Examples:* 1. To begin the recipe, you'll need a whole chicken that has been disjointed. *Meaning:* Lacking coherence; separated at the joints *বাংলা অর্থ:* টুকরা টুকরা *Root:* *Synonym:* crumble *Mnemonics:* In math, disjointed means having no common elements, as in "The set of all odd numbers and the set of all even numbers are disjointed.

*Hyperbole*(n) [hye PUR buh lee]

*Examples:* 1. When Joe said, "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse," he was using hyperbole to convey the extent of his hunger. 2. The candidate was guilty of hy per bo le; all the facts in his speech were exaggerated * Meaning:* exaggeration used as a figure of speech; exaggeration *বাংলা অর্থ:* অতিশয়োক্তি, অতিরঁজন *Root:* *Synonym:* exaggeration; overstatement , , excess, overkill *Mnemonics* hyper(beyond the limit)+bole(means speak)..so someone who gives the statement beyond his limit..overstating basically.

*Immaterial* (adj)(800th ) [im-uh-teer-ee-uh l]

*Examples:* 1. Whether the book is well or badly written is immaterial (to me) - it has an important message. 2.The judge found the defendant's comments immaterial to the trial, and summarily dismissed him from the witness stand. * Meaning:* not important, or not relating to the subject you are thinking about *বাংলা অর্থ:* গুরুত্বহীন *Root:* *Synonym:* extraneous , impertinent , orthogonal, incorporeal *Mnemonic* im(means Not) + material - Not Having Material


*Examples:* 1. Your shoplifting arrest has disparaged this family. *Meaning:* Belittle, put down; bring shame upon, discredit *বাংলা অর্থ:* সম্মানহানি করা *Root:* The root "par" means "equal" and appears in peer and parity, meaning "equivalence or equality," as well as disparate, meaning "distinct, different." *Synonym:* Defame(নিন্দা করা, মানহানি করা, কুত্সা করা) (attack the reputation of), Belittle (put down,) disparage(অবজ্ঞা করা সম্মানহানি করা, তাচ্ছিল্য করে কথা বলা), abase,Make dirty, defile,to soil, stain; taint Denigrate (belittle, attack the reputation of) Besmirch(কলঙ্কিত করা, মলিন করা, বিবর্ণ করা, নোংরা করা ) Sully(নোংরা করা, নোংরা হত্তয়া) Tarnish(কলঙ্কিত করা, মরিচা ধরা, ম্লান করা মলিন করা, অনুজ্জ্বল করা, নিষ্প্রভ হওয়া) *Abstruse:* Disparage: সম্মানহানি করা vs Disparate: অসদৃশ *Mnemonics*

*Hedge*(n/v) [hej]

*Examples:* 1. a garden hedged with yews 2. experts usually hedge their predictions, just in case 3. the company hedged its investment position on the futures market * Meaning:* 1. a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, especially when forming a fence or boundary, any barrier or boundary 2. limit or qualify (something) by conditions or exceptions 3. protect oneself against loss on (a bet or investment) by making balancing or compensating transactions. *বাংলা অর্থ:* প্রতিবন্ধক, নিরাপত্তার ব্যবস্থা, রক্ষা করা *Root:* *Synonym:* surround, enclose, confine, restrict, limit, safeguard, protect, shield, guard.

*Imperious*(adj) [im-peer-ee-uh s]

*Examples:* 1. an imperious manner/voice 2. She sent them away with an imperious wave of the hand. * Meaning:* unpleasantly proud and expecting to be obeyed, having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy *বাংলা অর্থ:* জাঁদরেল , জবরদস্ত , মেজাজি , দাম্ভিক , অতিমাত্রায় কর্তৃত্বপরায়ণ *Root:* *Synonym:* disdainful , haughty , lordly , overbearing , prideful , sniffy , supercilious , swaggering *Abstruse:* empirical= practical VS imperial=সাম্রাজ্য-সংক্রান্ত vs imperious:জাঁদরেল,দাম্ভিক , vs impertinent:অপ্রাসঙ্গিক vs Imperil: বিপদ্গ্রস্ত করা ( peril means danger) vs Impermeable:অপ্রবেশ্য vs Impervious: অভেদ্য অপ্রবেশ্য vs Imperturbable: স্থির, শান্ত ( perturb means disturb/not quiet ) *Mnemonics* imperial(emperor) imperial army wil be alway have "ghamand" so they aare arrogant,overpower

*Implacable*(adj) [im-plak-uh-buh l]

*Examples:* 1. an implacable enemy 2. implacable hostility * Meaning:* unable to be placated(নির্দয়), used to describe (someone who has) strong opinions or feelings that are impossible to change: *বাংলা অর্থ:* নির্দয়,নির্মম,ক্ষমাহীন *Root:* plac means please *Synonym:* unappeasable, unforgiving, unsparing, inexorable, intransigent, inflexible *Mnemonics* 1. Sounds like IMPLEASABLE -- some one who cannot be pleased or appeased -- not pacifiable 2. IM(Not) + PLAC(Place) + ABLE = You will not a place in her heart

*ILk*(n) [ilk]

*Examples:* 1. he and all his ilk. 2. the veiled suggestions that reporters of his ilk seem to be so good at * Meaning:* a particular type, family, class, or kind, a type of people or things similar to those already referred to *বাংলা অর্থ:* একই ধরণের বা গোত্রের বা রকমের *Root:* *Synonym:* type, sort, class, category, group, set *Abstruse:* irk=ক্লান্ত করে তোলা, বিরক্তি উতপাদন করা VS ilk=মত,একই ধরণের বা গোত্রের বা রকমের VS inkling=আভাস, সামান্য ধারনা *Mnemonics* Ilk can be re arranged as 'lik'.. shortform of like..

*Hedonism*(n) [heed-n-iz-uh m]

*Examples:* 1. hedonism is often practiced by people who go to parties every weekend without fail. * Meaning:* the pursuit of pleasure; living and behaving in ways that mean you get as much pleasure out of life as possible, according to the belief that the most important thing in life is to enjoy yourself *বাংলা অর্থ:* আনন্দবাদ, ভোগসুখ বা আনন্দই শ্রেয়ঃ বিধান *Root:* *Synonym:* self-indulgence, pleasure-seeking, extravagance, luxury, high living *Mnemonic* hedonist: Person devoted to pleasure hey..don... is.. hedonist...don enjoys all the pleasures of life so he believes in pleasure as the aim of life

*Impugn*(v) [im PYOON]

*Examples:* 1.The critic impugned the originality of Jacob's novel, claiming that long stretches of it had been lifted from the work of someone else. 2.Though many initially tried to impugn Darwin's theory, in scientific circles today, the is idea taken as truth. * Meaning:* to attack, especially to attack the truth or integrity of some thing *বাংলা অর্থ:* যুক্তিবলে আক্রমণ করা (V), বাক্যবলে আক্রমণ করা (V), সত্যতা অস্বীকার করা (V), বিরোধিতা করা (V) *Root:* pugn is root word meaning fight...(for eg ..pugnacious means quarrelsome) so impugn means sense of contradicting in order to cause a dispute *Synonym:* call into question, challenge, question, dispute, query, take issue with *Mnemonics*

*Incisive*(adj) [in-sahy-siv]

*Examples:* 1. incisive questions/comments 2. she was an incisive critic 3. The lawyer had an incisive mind, able in a flash to dissect a hopelessly tangled issue and isolate the essential laws at play. * Meaning:* 1. expressing an idea or opinion in a clear and direct way that shows good understanding of what is important, (of a person or mental process) intelligently analytical and clear-thinking. 2. penetrating; cutting; biting; trenchant: *বাংলা অর্থ:* বুদ্ধিমান বিশ্লেষণাত্মক এবং পরিষ্কার চিন্তা, ছেদন, কর্তন, *Root:* root cis means cut. Incisive-"into + cut"= cutting to the heart of a matter, direct. *Synonym:* : penetrating, acute, sharp, sharp-witted, razor-sharp *Mnemonics* incisive can be correlated with our incisor teeth. which is very sharp both in human and animal, and they use it to cut food thus incisive= incisor= cutting

*Imbue*(v) [im-byoo]

*Examples:* 1. the entire performance was imbued with sparkle (ঝিকিমিকি) and elan(প্রাণবন্ততা) 2. Her poetry was imbued with a love of the outdoors. * Meaning:* to fill something or someone with a quality or feeling, to impregnate or inspire, as with feelings, opinions *বাংলা অর্থ:* অনুপ্রাণিত করা, আদ্র করা , রঞ্জিত করা , *Root:* *Synonym:* permeate, diffuse, hue, soak *Mnemonics* 1. very close to imbibe. imbibe means to drink. imbue means drink so thoroughly that you soak everything. 2. imbue i m b(l)ue (color of water)= so in cartoon when some 1 soaked you in water u become blue and u say I M Blue

*Incongruity* (850th)(n) [in-kuh n-groo-i-tee]

*Examples:* 1. the incongruity of his fleshy face and skinny body disturbed he 2. The vast economic inequality of modern society is incongruous with America's ideals. * Meaning:* the quality of disagreeing; being unsuitable and inappropriate, lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness *বাংলা অর্থ:* অনৈক্য, বৈষম্য, বিবাদ, অমিল, বিরোধ *Root:* *Synonym:* Incongruous: *Mnemonics* the quality of disagreeing; being unsuitable and inappropriate

*Impair*(v) [im-pair]

*Examples:* 1.A recurring knee injury may have impaired his chances of winning the tournament. 2.drug use that impairs job performance * Meaning:* to spoil something or make it weaker so that it is less effective *বাংলা অর্থ:* দুর্বল করা,ক্ষতিসাধন করা *Root:* *Synonym:* damage, harm, diminish, reduce, weaken, lessen *Mnemonics* Opposite of Repair.Repair is to mend, Impair is to Injure

*Idolatrous*(adj) [ahy-dol-uh-truh s]

*Examples:* 1.Authorities destroyed a number of statues that were deemed idolatrous. * Meaning:* relating to the religious practice of praying to a picture or object, given to intense or excessive devotion to something *বাংলা অর্থ:* প্রতিমাউপাসনাকর, পরম ভক্তিশীল, প্রতিমাপূজাসম্বন্ধীয়, পৌত্তলিক *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics* the practice of worshipping statues("idols") as gods!!!

*Imbibe*(v) [im-bahyb]

*Examples:* 1.Have you been imbibing again? 2. Plato imbibed Socrates' teachings to such an extent that he was able to write volumes of work that he directly attributed, sometimes word for word, to Socrates. * Meaning:* to drink, especially alcohol, to receive and accept information *বাংলা অর্থ:* হজম করা, পান করা, পান করিয়া লত্তয়া, আত্মভূত করা, শুষিয়া লত্তয়া, শোষণ করা *Root:* *Synonym:* absorb , draw , soak up , sop up , suck , suck up , take in , take up *Mnemonics* im+bibe...sounds like pipe...and u need a pipe to drink in sth

*Heretic*(n) [her-i-tik]

*Examples:* 1.I am English, born in Britain, but I am referred to as a heretic , unbeliever, infidel, etc., because I am a Pagan. 2.I felt like a heretic because I did not agree with the opinions of the rest of the people at the party. * Meaning:* anyone who does not conform to an established attitude, doctrine, or principle, a person who is guilty of heresy(বৈধর্ম্য, প্রচলিত মতের বিরূদ্ধ বিশ্বাস),violating accepted dogma or convention *বাংলা অর্থ:* প্রচলিত মতের বিরুদ্ধ লোক *Root:* heretical *Synonym:* apostate, freethinker, iconoclast, agnostic, atheist, nonbeliever, misbeliever , religious outcast *Mnemonics:* opposite of homotic is heretic. heretic is paradox homotic - orthodox here first o is similar.

*Immutable*(adj) (i MYOO tuh bul)

*Examples:* 1.Jerry's mother had only one immutable rule: no dancing on the dinner table. 2. The statue of the former principal looked down on the stu dents with an immutable scowl(চোখ রাঙ্গান) * Meaning:* unchangeable *বাংলা অর্থ:* অপরিবর্তনীয় *Root:* mut root change *Synonym:* :fixed, set, rigid, inflexible, permanent, established, carved in stone *Mnemonics* mutation implies changes in genes etc. Therefore, it is im(non) + mutable ie cannot change


*Examples:* 1.She hotly denied having taken the money 1.He ran down the street, hotly pursued by two police officers * Meaning:* in an angry or excited way,closely and with determination *বাংলা অর্থ:* রাগান্বিত বা উত্তেজিত *Root:* *Synonym:* vehemently, vigorously, strenuously, fiercely, passionately, heatedly, angrily, indignantly eagerly, enthusiastically, extremely, highly, hugely, heartily heatedly

*Hardy* [hahr-dee]

*Examples:* 1.Strawberries are hardy and easy to grow 2.The traditional cattle are hardy breeds which can cope with the tough upland climate * Meaning:* robust; capable of enduring difficult conditions. *বাংলা অর্থ:* কষ্টসহিষ্ণু, বলিষ্ঠ, ধৃষ্ট, দু:সাহসী *Root:* *Synonym:* robust, sturdy, brave

*Incentive*(n/adj) [in-sen-tiv]

*Examples:* 1.Tax incentives have been very effective in encouraging people to save and invest more of their income. 2.There is little incentive for people to leave their cars at home when public transport remains so expensive * Meaning:* something that encourages a person to do something *বাংলা অর্থ:* উত্সাহদায়ক, অনুপ্রাণনা *Root:* *Synonym:* inducement, motivation, motive, reason, stimulus, stimulant, spur, impetus *Mnemonics*

*Impasse*(n) [im-pas, im-pas]

*Examples:* 1.The dispute had reached an impasse, as neither side would compromise. 2.the current political impasse * Meaning:* a situation in which progress is impossible, especially because the people involved cannot agree *বাংলা অর্থ:* কানাগলি, অচল অবস্থা, অব্যাহতিহীন অবস্থা, বন্ধগলি, কাণাগলি, একমুখো রাস্তা *Root:* pas means suffer *Synonym:* deadlock, dead end, stalemate, standoff, standstill, halt, stoppage, stop *Mnemonics* 1. im-passe-->no passage 2. im(IMPOSSIBLE)+passe(PASS)....IMPOSSIBLE TO PASS through a canal, which has no way to escape.

*Inadvertent*(adj) [in-uh d-vur-tnt]

*Examples:* 1.an inadvertent insult. 2.All authors need to be wary of inadvertent copying of other people's ideas * Meaning:* not intentional: *বাংলা অর্থ:* অনিচ্ছাকৃত, অসাবধানী *Root:* *Synonym:* Meticulous(অতিসতর্ক), Advertently(সাবধানী)_, scrupulous(বিবেকী, খুঁতখুঁতে, সতর্ক), Vigilant(সজাগ, অতন্দ্র, জাগ্রদবস্থ, সতর্ক), wary, Chary, Circumspect(সতর্ক , সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন), Discreet (সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ, সুবিবেচনাপূর্ণ বিবেচক,), : unintentional, unintended, accidental, unpremeditated, unplanned, innocent *Abstruse:* Advertently(সাবধানী,সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ,) vs Avert=প্রতিহত করা, নিবারণ করা *Mnemonics* in + advertent ; it sounds like in(not ) advertent(advertisement) , as adds are intentionally displayed .

*Harry* [har-ee]

*Examples:* 1.harried reporters are frequently forced to invent what they cannot find out 2.The troops harried the countryside * Meaning:* to harass, annoy, or prove a nuisance to by or as if by repeated attacks; worry *বাংলা অর্থ:* নিপীড়ন করা, হয়রানি করা,বিধ্বস্ত করা *Root:* *Synonym:* harass, pestered, attack, ravage

*Impending*(adj) [im-pen-ding]

*Examples:* 1.impending disaster/doom 2.The player announced his impending retirement from international football. * Meaning:* used to refer to an event, usually something *unpleasant or unwanted*, that is going to happen soon, close in time; about to occur *বাংলা অর্থ:* আসন্ন, উপস্থিত, অভ্যগ্র, আগতপ্রায়, প্রত্যাসন্ন *Root:* *Synonym:* at hand , close at hand , imminent , impendent *Mnemonics* Impending: Im+Pending- nothing can be left pending when the deadline is near.

*Impute*(v) [im-pyoot]

*Examples:* 1.the crimes imputed to Richard 2. For purposes of the company's violations, the conduct of its officials and employees may be imputed to the firm. 3. The Treasury imputes a notional income(ধারণাগত আয়) from such interest-free loans of 8% a year. * Meaning:* 1. to say that someone is responsible for something that has happened, especially something bad, or that something is the cause of something else 2. to calculate something when you do not have exact information, by comparing it to something similar *বাংলা অর্থ:* দোষী করা , অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ চাপানো , আরোপ করা *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics* im(put)e... put the blame to somebody

*Husband*(v) [huhz-buh nd]

*Examples:* 1.।to husband one's resources. 2. the need to husband his remaining strength * Meaning:* use (resources) economically; conserve, to manage, especially with prudent economy *বাংলা অর্থ:* বুদ্ধি খাটিয়ে মিতব্যায়ীতার সাথে কোন কিছুর ব্যবস্থা করা *Root:* *Synonym:* conserve, economize, economise *Mnemonics*

*Imperil*(v) [im-per-uh l]

*Examples:* A police raid would imperil the lives of the hostages * Meaning:* to put at risk; endanger *বাংলা অর্থ:* বিপদ্গ্রস্ত করা *Root:* peril means danger *Synonym:* endanger, hazard, jeopardize *Abstruse:* empirical= practical VS imperial=সাম্রাজ্য-সংক্রান্ত vs imperious:জাঁদরেল,দাম্ভিক , vs impertinent:অপ্রাসঙ্গিক vs Imperil: বিপদ্গ্রস্ত করা ( peril means danger) vs Impermeable:অপ্রবেশ্য vs Impervious: অভেদ্য অপ্রবেশ্য vs Imperturbable: স্থির, শান্ত ( perturb means disturb/not quiet ) *Mnemonics* IM+PERIL=PERIL sounds like PERISH...I'm goin to perish soon...which means I'm put in danger...

*Histrionic*(adj) [his tree AHN ik]

*Examples:* Adele's histrionic request for a raise embarrassed everyone in the office. * Meaning:* overly dramatic, relating to actors or acting *বাংলা অর্থ:* নাটকীয়, চমকপ্রদ, নাটুকে, নাটকোচিত *Root:* *Synonym:* melodramatic, theatrical, dramatic, exaggerated, stagy, actorly, showy, affected, artificial, overacted, overdone, hammy, ham, campy *Mnemonics* histrionic-- sounds like history. We find that most of the plays performed on stage in the theatre are from history, hence the name histrionic, theatrical.

*Inequity*(n) [in-ek-wi-tee]

*Examples:* After decades of racial inequity, the "separate but equal" doctrine was successfully overturned * Meaning:* the fact that a situation is not fair, or something that is not fair in a situation: *বাংলা অর্থ:* অন্যায় *Root:* *Synonym:* unfairness, injustice, unjustness, discrimination, partisanship, partiality, favoritism, *Mnemonics* .


*Examples:* After the visiting team scored nine times, the home team's fans were disheartened, some leaving the game early. * Meaning:* made less hopeful or enthusiastic *বাংলা অর্থ:* *Root:* *Synonym:* demoralised , demoralized , discouraged *Mnemonics:*

*Indefatigable*(adj) [in-di-fat-i-guh-buh l]

*Examples:* Annie was an indefatigable campaigner for better community services. * Meaning:* always determined and energetic in trying to achieve something and never willing to admit defeat, Untiring, not able to become fatigued *বাংলা অর্থ:* অক্লান্ত , অদম্য , অধ্যবসায়ী , শ্রান্তিহীন , নাছোড় *Root:* *Synonym:* tireless, untiring, unflagging, unwearied, determined, tenacious, dogged, single-minded, *Mnemonics* in means not..and fatigue means tiredness.. so indefatigable wud be tireless..

*Impregnable*(adj) [im-preg-nuh-buh l]

*Examples:* As a child, Amy would build pillow castles and pretend they were impregnable fotresses. * Meaning:* mmune to attack; incapable of being tampered with *বাংলা অর্থ:* দুর্ভেদ্য, অগম্য, অজেয়, অহংকারী, অভেদ্য, দুর্গম *Root:* *Synonym:* invulnerable, impenetrable, unassailable, inviolable, secure *Mnemonics* im-'not'+pregnable sounds similar to pregnant.so if u are pregnant u cant withstand attacks and if u are IMPREGNABLE you are ABLE TO WITHSTAND ATTACK

*Ingenuous*(adj) [in JEN yoo us]

*Examples:* Ayoung child is ingenuous. He doesn't know much about the ways of the world, and certainly not enough to deceive anyone. * Meaning:* without deception; simple; artless; charmingly , honest, sincere, and trusting, sometimes in a way that seems silly naive *বাংলা অর্থ:* মনখোলা,সাদামাটা *Root:* *Synonym:* innocent *Abstruse:* ingenuous=অকপট, ছলাকলাহীন comes from genuine VS ingenious=প্রতিভাসম্পন্নcomes from genius VS Disingenuous:কৃত্রিম VS Ingenuity: অকপটতা, উদ্ভাবনী দক্ষতা *Mnemonics* Ingenious Vs ingenuous Genious =genius= intelligent,clever or skilled . Genuous=genuine= artless,innocent,cannot mask or hide

*Hubris*(n) [hyoo-bris]

*Examples:* Bill Clinton was criticized for his hubris, since he believed he could get away with anything once in the White House. * Meaning:* excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance. *বাংলা অর্থ:* ঔদ্ধত্য *Root:* *Synonym:* arrogance, conceit, haughtiness, hauteur, pride, self-importance, egotism, pomposity, superciliousness, superiority, big-headedness, cockiness *Mnemonics* 1. sounds like iblish(devil) who has excessive pride of its own

*Illusory*(adj) [ih-loo-suh-ree]

*Examples:* By humiliating others, a person gains an illusory sense of worth and importance. * Meaning:* causing illusion; deceptive; misleading *বাংলা অর্থ:* মায়াময়, অলীক, অস্তিত্বহীন, অসার, ছলনাময়, প্রপঁচময় *Root:* *Synonym:* delusory, delusive, illusionary, imagined, imaginary, fanciful, fancied, unreal, chimerical, sham, false, fallacious, fake, bogus, mistaken, erroneous, misguided, untrue, all in one's mind *Mnemonics*

*Impunity*(n) [im-pyoo-ni-tee]

*Examples:* Criminal gangs are terrorizing the city with apparent impunity. * Meaning:* *বাংলা অর্থ:* মুক্তি, অব্যাহতি *Root:* *Synonym:* exemption (from punishment), freedom from liability,

*Ingenuity*(n) [in-juh-noo-i-tee]

*Examples:* Drug smugglers constantly use their ingenuity to find new ways of getting drugs into a country. * Meaning:* someone's ability to think of clever new ways of doing something *বাংলা অর্থ:* অকপটতা, উদ্ভাবনী দক্ষতা *Root:* *Synonym:* inventiveness, creativity, imagination, innovation, enterprise, insight, perception, *Abstruse:* ingenuous=অকপট, ছলাকলাহীন comes from genuine VS ingenious=প্রতিভাসম্পন্নcomes from genius VS Disingenuous:কৃত্রিম VS Ingenuity: অকপটতা, উদ্ভাবনী দক্ষতা *Mnemonics* Ingenious Vs ingenuous Genious =genius= intelligent,clever or skilled . Genuous=genuine= artless,innocent,cannot mask or hide


*Examples:* Einstein was possibly the most illustrious scientist in recent history. * Meaning:* widely known and esteemed; having or conferring glory *বাংলা অর্থ:* প্রসিদ্ধ, মহান, সম্মানজনক, উজ্জ্বল, সুপ্রসিদ্ধ, অতি সুবিখ্যাত *Root:* *Synonym:* celebrated , famed , famous , far-famed , notable , noted , renowned *Mnemonics*

*Infallible*(adj) [in-fal-uh-buh l]

*Examples:* Even the experts are not infallible. * Meaning:* never wrong, failing, or making a mistake *বাংলা অর্থ:* অভ্রান্ত , চির-অভ্রান্ত , আপ্ত , নির্বিকল্প , সংশয়াতীত , অব্যর্থ *Root:* *Synonym:* unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, precise, accurate, *Mnemonics* 1. IN(not)+FALL...A person who doesn't fall is a person who doesn't make mistakes.... 2. Do not fall into errors

*Inimical*(adj) [ih-nim-i-kuh l ]

*Examples:* Excessive managerial control is inimical to creative expression * Meaning:* harmful or limiting: *বাংলা অর্থ:* ক্ষতিকর, শত্রুভাবাপন্ন *Root:* *Synonym:* harmful, injurious, detrimental, deleterious, prejudicial, damaging, hurtful, *Abstruse:* inimical=ক্ষতিকর, VS inimitable=অতুলনীয় *Mnemonics* inimi=enemy, and enemies cause damage. So inimical means something damaging. .

*Ineluctable*(adj) [in-i-luhk-tuh-buh l]

*Examples:* For those who smoke cigarettes for years, a major health crisis brought on by smoking is ineluctable. * Meaning:* impossible to avoid: *বাংলা অর্থ:* অপরিহার্য, এড়ান যায় না এমন, অনিবার্য *Root:* *Synonym:* inescapable , unavoidable *Mnemonics* 1. ineluctable -- in +luc(k)+table.. So, a person will be lucky or unlucky in his work on a particular day as per his luck-table, he can't escape from it, it's unavoidable. 2. Suppose a course is compulsory in a particular semester. So you are unable to 'elect' another course.

*Implicate*(v) [im-pli-keyt]

*Examples:* Have they any evidence to implicate him in the robbery? * Meaning:* o show that someone is involved in a crime or partly responsible for something bad that has happened: *বাংলা অর্থ:* কোন খারাপ কাজে সংশ্লিষ্ট করা, একত্র জড়ান, একত্র পাকান, বিজড়িত করা, সংশ্লেষ করা, অর্থপ্রকাশ করা *Root:* *Synonym:* incriminate, involve in, entail *Abstruse:* implicate=একত্র জড়ান, অর্থপ্রকাশ করা , কোন খারাপ কাজে সংশ্লিষ্ট করা VS implicit=অন্তর্নিহিত *Mnemonics* impli(implying)+cat(pussy cat).In indiam religion cat means something bad. so implicate is implying cat.so something involving bad.

*Hermetic*(adj) [hur-met-ik]

*Examples:* a hermetic seal that ensures perfect waterproofing * Meaning:* Completely sealed. *বাংলা অর্থ:* সম্পূর্ণভাবে রূদ্ধ, বাতাসও ঢুকিতে পারে না এমনভাবে রুদ্ধ *Root:* *Synonym:* airtight, tight, sealed, zip-locked, vacuum-packed, watertight, waterproof *Mnemonics*


*Examples:* Having grown up in a humdrum suburb, Jacob relished life in New York City after moving. * Meaning:* adjective: dull and lacking excitement *বাংলা অর্থ:* একঘেয়ে , গতানুগতিক *Root:* hum means earth *Synonym:* banal(গতানুগতিক, তুচ্ছ, বস্তাপচা), trite(মামুলি, গতানুগতিক), hackneyed(বস্তাপচা, গতানুগতিক), cliched, platitude(মামুলি মন্তব্য), vapid(স্বাদহীন), bromide(নীরস মন্তব্য) commonplace(সাধারণ, প্রচলিত, মামুলি) inanity(অসারতা) Humdrum(একঘেয়ে , গতানুগতিক) monotonous: একঘেয়ে Prosaic: গতানুগতিক, গদ্যময়, বেরসিক *Mnemonics:*

*Indolent*(adj) [IN duh lunt]

*Examples:* Having worked all his life, the CEO was constantly frustrated with his indolent son, who used his inherited wealth as an excuse to sunbathe and party. * Meaning:* showing no real interest or effort, habitually lazy, idle *বাংলা অর্থ:* অলস *Root:* *Synonym:* lazy, idle, slothful, loafing, do-nothing, sluggardly, Lethargic(অলস), Indolent(অলস), Torpid(হতবুদ্ধি, মন্থর, মন্দগতি) , phlegmatic(কুঁড়ে, মন্দ, মন্থর) , sluggish, idle *Abstruse* Insolent:উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর vs Indolent:অলস *Mnemonics*


*Examples:* He complained bitterly of their backwardness and illiberality. * Meaning:* Narrow-mindedness, bigotry; strictness or lack of generosity *বাংলা অর্থ:* ক্ষুদ্রতা *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics* liber means free


*Examples:* He must have had some inkling of what was happening. * Meaning:* a feeling that something is true or likely to happen, although you are not certain *বাংলা অর্থ:* আভাস, ফিস্ফিসানি, সামান্য জ্ঞান, সামান্য ধারণা *Root:* *Synonym:* dea, notion, sense, impression, conception, suggestion, indication, whisper, glimmer, (sneaking) suspicion, fancy, hunch, feeling, hint, clue, intimation, sign, the foggiest (idea), the faintest (idea) *Abstruse:* irk=ক্লান্ত করে তোলা, বিরক্তি উতপাদন করা VS ilk=মত,একই ধরণের বা গোত্রের বা রকমের VS inkling=আভাস, সামান্য ধারনা *Mnemonics* a wINK can give us a hint

*Inculpate*(v) [in-kuhl-peyt]

*Examples:* He was unwilling to tell what he had seen, lest it inculpate someone. * Meaning:* to charge with fault; blame; accuse. *বাংলা অর্থ:* অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ দেওয়া , দোষারোপ করা , অপরাধী করা , কোনো অপরাধে জড়ানো *Root:* opposite of exculpate *Synonym:* Carp(দোষারোপ করা), impeach(নিন্দা করা, সন্দেহ করা, অভিযুক্ত করা), indict(অভিযুক্ত করা), Vilify(নিন্দা করা), Inculpate(অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ দেওয়া ), Culpable(নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক),inculpate(দোষারোপ করা ), Exculpate(দোষক্ষালন করা) *Abstruse:* inculpate=দোষারোপ করা VS Exculpate=দোষক্ষালন করা vs Culpable(নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক) *Mnemonics* sounds like In+culprit....there is a culprit in him...you are accusing or blaming

*Inanity*(n) [ih-nan-i-tee]

*Examples:* He's always making inane remarks * Meaning:* extremely silly or with no real meaning or importance: *বাংলা অর্থ:* অসারতা, অর্থহীনতা *Root:* *Synonym:* mindlessness , pointlessness , senselessness , vacuity banal(গতানুগতিক, তুচ্ছ, বস্তাপচা), trite(মামুলি, গতানুগতিক), hackneyed(বস্তাপচা, গতানুগতিক), cliched, platitude(মামুলি মন্তব্য), vapid(স্বাদহীন), bromide(নীরস মন্তব্য) commonplace(সাধারণ, প্রচলিত, মামুলি) inanity(অসারতা) Humdrum(একঘেয়ে , গতানুগতিক) monotonous: একঘেয়ে Prosaic: গতানুগতিক, গদ্যময়, বেরসিক *Mnemonics*

*Ingratiate* [in-grey-shee-eyt]

*Examples:* He's always trying to ingratiate himself with his boss * Meaning:* to make someone like you by praising or trying to please them *বাংলা অর্থ:* নিজেকে কারো অনুগ্রহভাজন করা , তোষামোদ করে নিজেকে কারো নেকনজরে আনা *Root:* comes from grateful *Synonym:* Fawn (show affection or try to please in the manner of a dog; try to win favor through flattery and submissive behavior), Sycophant, Lackey, Toady, and Myrmidon are all words for a person who fawns. *Mnemonics* 1.IN+GRADUATE...In graduation state you get favor of people because you are educated and all and all that crap 2. ingratiate, take the word as intake of gratitude....so you do something to gain gratitude of others

*Incontrovertible*(adj) [in-kon-truh-vur-tuh-buh l]

*Examples:* Her logic is utterly incontrovertible. * Meaning:* not able to be denied or disputed. *বাংলা অর্থ:* অকাট্য, তর্কাতীত *Root:* controvert-"against + turn"= dispute in argument, engage in controversy. বিতর্ক করা , সত্যতা অস্বীকার করা , প্রশ্ন তোলা , বিরোধিতা করা *Synonym:* indisputable, incontestable, undeniable, irrefutable, unassailable, beyond dispute *Mnemonics*

*Imprudent*(adj) [im-prood-nt]

*Examples:* Hitler, like Napoleon, made the imprudent move of invading Russia in winter, suffering even more casualties than Napoleon had. * Meaning:* unwise, by failing to consider the likely results of your actions *বাংলা অর্থ:* হঠকারী, অবিজ্ঞ, অবিচক্ষণ, অবিমৃষ্য, অবোধ *Root:* prudent বিচক্ষণ, দূরদর্শী, সমীচীন, প্রাজ্ঞ, বিবেচক *Abstruse:* impudent=লজ্জাহীন, বেহায়া VS pudent: লজ্জাশীল vs imprudent= অবিচক্ষণ VS prudent=বিচক্ষণ vs Prurient: অস্থির কৌতূহলী , বিকৃত কামনা-পীড়িত *Synonym:* unwise, injudicious, incautious, indiscreet, misguided, ill-advised, ill-judged

*Impolitic*(adj) [im-pol-i-tik]

*Examples:* I thought it impolitic to ask any questions about her ex-husband * Meaning:* If words or actions are impolitic, they are unwise and likely to cause offence or problems, especially in social situations *বাংলা অর্থ:* অযৌক্তিক, অবিবেচনা-প্রসূত, অসংগত *Root:* *Synonym:* imprudent, unwise, injudicious, incautious, irresponsible, ill-judged, ill-advised, *Abstruse:* Polemic:বিতর্কমূলক vs Politic:বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ *Mnemonics*

*Ingrate*(n/adj) [in-greyt]

*Examples:* If you mean I am an ingrate, that is an unpleasant word, Aunt Mary * Meaning:* an ungrateful person. *বাংলা অর্থ:* অকৃতজ্ঞ *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics* ingrate: antonym of grateful

*Impudent*(adj) [im-pyuh-duh nt]

*Examples:* In an impudent move, the defendant spoke out of order to say terribly insulting things to the judge. * Meaning:* rude and not showing respect, especially towards someone who is older or in a more important position *বাংলা অর্থ:* লজ্জাহীন, বেহায়া, নির্লজ্জ, উদ্ধত, ধৃষ্ট, বেআদর *Root:* pudent means লজ্জাশীল *Synonym:* impertinent, insolent, cheeky, cocky, brazen, bold, audacious, presumptuous *Abstruse:* impudent=লজ্জাহীন, বেহায়া VS pudent: লজ্জাশীল vs imprudent= অবিচক্ষণ VS prudent=বিচক্ষণ vs Prurient: অস্থির কৌতূহলী , বিকৃত কামনা-পীড়িত *Mnemonics*

*Indigent*(adj) [IN di junt]

*Examples:* In the so-called Third World, many are indigent and only a privileged few have the resources to enjoy material luxuries. * Meaning:* a poor or needy person *বাংলা অর্থ:* অভাবী , গরিব , দরিদ্র , অকিঞ্চন *Root:* *Synonym:* destitute , impoverished , necessitous , needy , poverty-stricken *Abstruse:* indignant= ঘৃণামিশ্রিত ক্রোধযুক্ত VS indigent= অভাবী, অতি দরিদ্র *Mnemonics* Indian gents are very poor as compared to other countrymen.

*Inasmuch*(conj) [in as much]

*Examples:* Inasmuch as you are their commanding officer, you are responsible for the behaviour of these men. * Meaning:* used to introduce a phrase that explains why or how much something described in another part of the sentence is true, to the extent that; insofar as. *বাংলা অর্থ:* যেহেতু , যে কারণে *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics*

*Ingenious*(adj) [in-jeen-yuh s]

*Examples:* Johnny is so ingenious - he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials. * Meaning:* (of a person) very intelligent and skilful, or (of a thing) skilfully made or planned and involving new ideas and methods: *বাংলা অর্থ:* প্রতিভাশালী, প্রতিভাধর, প্রতিভাসম্পন্ন, উদ্ভাবক, উর্বরমস্তিষ্ক, উদ্ভাবনক্ষম *Root:* *Synonym:* creative, imaginative, original, innovative, pioneering, resourceful, enterprising, inspired, clever, intelligent, smart, brilliant, masterly, talented, gifted, skillful, astute, sharp-witted, quick-witted, shrewd, elaborate, sophisticated *Abstruse:* ingenuous=অকপট, ছলাকলাহীন comes from genuine VS ingenious=প্রতিভাসম্পন্নcomes from genius VS Disingenuous:কৃত্রিম VS Ingenuity: অকপটতা, উদ্ভাবনী দক্ষতা *Mnemonics*

*Hierarchy*(n) [HYE uh rahr kee]

*Examples:* Kendra was very low in the State Department hierarchy. In fact, her phone number wasn't even listed in the State Department directory. * Meaning:* a series of ordered groupings of people or things within a system *বাংলা অর্থ:* শ্রেণীবিভাগ *Root:* *Synonym:* order, ranking, chain of command *Mnemonics*

*Iconoclast*(n) [eye KAHN uh klast]

*Examples:* Lady Gaga, in challenging what it means to be clothed, is an iconoclast for wearing a "meat dress" to a prominent awards show. * Meaning:* somebody who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions, Attacking cherished traditions *বাংলা অর্থ:* সংস্কারের আক্রমণকারী *Root:* *Synonym:* critic, skeptic, heretic, unbeliever *Mnemonics* Icon (Idol) + Clash (বিরোধিতা). Destroy Idols.

*Indifference*(n) [in-dif-er-uh ns]

*Examples:* Many native speakers of a language show indifference to/towards grammatical points. * Meaning:* lack of interest in someone or something: *বাংলা অর্থ:* অযত্ন, উদাসীনতা *Root:* *Synonym:* apathy , numbness , spiritlessness, emotionlessness , impassiveness , impassivity , phlegm , stolidity , unemotionality *Abstruse:* Diffidence:অবিশ্বাসী, সংশয়ী, আত্মবিশ্বাসহীন, vs Difference:পার্থক্য, ভিন্নতা, প্রভেদ vs Indifference: অযত্ন, উদাসীনতা VS Deference=মানিয়া লওয়া, বশ্যতাস্বীকার, respect vs Deferential:শ্রদ্ধাবনত , with respect *Mnemonics*

*Improvident*(adj) [im-prov-i-duh nt]

*Examples:* Marty was improvident, never putting money aside for the future but spending it on decorating the interior of his home. * Meaning:* lacking prudent foresight; careless,not given careful consideration *বাংলা অর্থ:* অপরিণামদর্শী, অদূরদর্শী, অবিচক্ষণ, বেহিসাব *Root:* prov means test, provident means মিতব্যয়ী, বিচক্ষণ *Synonym:* ill-considered , ill-judged , shortsighted *Mnemonics* যার Provident fund নাই সে অদূরদর্শী


*Examples:* Mozart's music follows a clear pattern that, anyone could imitate, but his music gives an overall sense of effortlessness that is inimitable. * Meaning:* very unusual or of very high quality and therefore impossible to copy: *বাংলা অর্থ:* অননুকরণীয়, অতুলন, অতুল, অতুলনীয় *Root:* *Synonym:* incomparable, unparalleled, unrivaled, peerless, matchless, unequaled *Abstruse:* inimical=ক্ষতিকর, VS inimitable=অতুলনীয় *Mnemonics* he is the only matchless guy to invite his -enemy- to his -table- for dinner

*Inflammable*(adj) [in-flam-uh-buh l]

*Examples:* a highly inflammable liquid such as petrol * Meaning:* An inflammable substance or material burns very easily: *বাংলা অর্থ:* *Root:* *Synonym:* flammable, combustible, incendiary, ignitable, volatile, unstable *Mnemonics*

*Incarnate* [adjective in-kahr-nit, -neyt; verb in-kahr-neyt]

*Examples:* One survivor described his torturers as devils incarnate * Meaning:* in human form,embodied in flesh; given a bodily, especially a human, form *বাংলা অর্থ:* দেহধারী, দেহী, মূর্তি *Root:* carn means flesh *Synonym:* in human form, in the flesh, in physical form, in bodily form, made flesh, corporeal *Abstruse:* incarnate:দেহধারী, দেহী, মূর্তি vs incarnadine: রক্তিম, রক্তের ন্যায় লাল, রক্তবর্ণ actually dine denotes color *Mnemonics* Incarnate=In+Carna(l)te thus in carnal or in flesh as carnal=flesh.... so something in flesh or given bodily form, or personified

*Inculcate*(v) [in-kuhl-keyt]

*Examples:* Our coach has worked hard to inculcate a team spirit in/into the players * Meaning:* instill (an attitude, idea, or habit) by persistent instruction, to fix beliefs or ideas in someone's mind, especially by repeating them often: *বাংলা অর্থ:* বারবার বলে কোনো ধারণা , অভ্যাস ইঃ মনে ঢুকিয়ে দেওয়া , বদ্ধমূল করে দেওয়া , দৃঢ়ভাবে গেঁথে দেওয়া , সংস্কার জন্মিয়ে দেওয়া *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics* IN + CULCATE (calculate). IN school, teachers inculcate (teach) the students how to calculate.

*Industrious*(adj) [in-duhs-tree-uh s]

*Examples:* Pete was an industrious student, completing every assignment thoroughly and on time. * Meaning:* characterized by hard work and perseverance *বাংলা অর্থ:* পরিশ্রমী *Root:* *Synonym:* hardworking , tireless , untiring *Mnemonics*

*Hodgepodge*(n) [hoj-poj]

*Examples:* Rob's living room was a hodgepodge of modern furniture and antiques * Meaning:* a confusing mixture or jumble *বাংলা অর্থ:* খিচুড়ি, জগাখিচুড়ি *Root:* *Synonym:* jumble, patchwork

*Incarnadine*(adj) [in-kahr-nuh-dahyn]

*Examples:* Saburo stood up, adjusting his customary(প্রথাগত )incarnadine armor. * Meaning:* blood-red; crimson *বাংলা অর্থ:* রক্তিম, রক্তের ন্যায় লাল, রক্তবর্ণ *Root:* carna+dine:: flesh + color that is blood red *Synonym:* *Abstruse:* incarnate:দেহধারী, দেহী, মূর্তি vs incarnadine: রক্তিম, রক্তের ন্যায় লাল, রক্তবর্ণ actually dine denotes color *Mnemonics* I see the word cardinal inCARnADINe(L) which is red.

*Impetuous*(adj) [im PECH oo wus]

*Examples:* Samantha was so impetuous that she never took more than a few seconds to make up her mind. * Meaning:* likely to do something suddenly, without considering the results of your actions, acting or done quickly and without thought or care, relating to, or characterized by sudden or rash action, emotion, etc *বাংলা অর্থ:* দ্রুত এবং চিন্তা বা যত্ন ছাড়া সম্পন্ন *Root:* *Synonym:* impulsive, rash, hasty, overhasty, reckless, heedless, careless, foolhardy *Mnemonics* im(not)-pet-tuo(to)-us...a dog which is not our pet will be very VIOLENT and RASH. hut hat kamor diye dite pare


*Examples:* Since her father is a billionaire, she is given dispensation from many of the school's policies. * Meaning:* an exemption from a rule or obligation *বাংলা অর্থ:* বিতরণ , বিধির বিধান , বিশেষ কোনো যুগে প্রচলিত ধর্ম , ধর্মীয় আচার পালনের দায় থেকে অব্যাহতি *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics:* comes from dispensary where বিতরণ is done.

*Innocuous*(adj) [ih-nok-yoo-uh s]

*Examples:* Some mushrooms look innocuous but are in fact poisonous * Meaning:* completely harmless (= causing no harm) *বাংলা অর্থ:* ক্ষতি করে না এমন *Root:* noc means harm *Synonym:* harmless, safe, nontoxic, innocent, edible, eatable; inoffensive, unobjectionable, *Mnemonics* in(not)+nocuous(noxious)........ means not noxious......something which is not noxious is harmless...

*Hoodwink*(v) [hoo d-wingk]

*Examples:* Someone tried to hoodwink Marty with an email telling him that his uncle had just passed away, and to collect the inheritance he should send his credit card information * Meaning:* to deceive or trick someone,to cover or hide,to blindfold *বাংলা অর্থ:* প্রতারণা করা, ফাঁকি দেত্তয়া, চক্ষু বাঁধিয়া দেওয়া *Root:* *Synonym:* sneaky , devious , fallacious(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ) Hoodwink (প্রতারণা) ছলনাপূর্ণ, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ Circumvent(ফাঁদে ফেলা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, প্রতারণা করা), Duplicity(প্রতারণা), Finagle( প্রতারণা করা) , Elusive(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ), traitor (বিশ্বাসঘাতক ), insidious (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ), Perfidious(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), treacherous(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), Fleece( ধোঁকা দিয়ে লুঠে নেওয়া), deceive (ছলা, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা) *Mnemonics* you WINK under the HOOD of your jacket. To deceive what you are doing .

*Ingrained*(adj) [in-greynd,]

*Examples:* Such ingrained prejudices cannot be corrected easily * Meaning:* (of beliefs) so firmly held that they are not likely to change *বাংলা অর্থ:* বদ্ধমূল , মজ্জাগত , মর্মমূলস্থ , দৃঢ়মূল , দৃঢ়প্রোথিত , স্বভাবের গভীরে প্রোথিত *Root:* *Synonym:* entrenched, established, deep-rooted, deep-seated, fixed, firm, unshakable *Mnemonics* if we divide this into three parts...in+grain+ed....we see that middle part...grain....which is the seed of a food plant,,,and we know that food plant is always deeply rooted in the soil before it matures and devlop seeds.

*Incorporate*(v/n) [in-kawr-puh-reyt]

*Examples:* Suggestions from the survey have been incorporated into/in the final design. * Meaning:* to include something as part of something larger *বাংলা অর্থ:* কোন জিনিস কোন বড় বিষয়ে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা *Root:* *Synonym:* Combine, unite; form a legal corporation; embody, give physical form to *Mnemonics*

*Indignant*(adj) [in-dig-nuh nt]

*Examples:* Ted became indignant when the policewoman accused him of steal ing the nuclear weapon. * Meaning:* feeling anger over a perceived injustice, angry, especially as a result of some thing unjust or unworthy; insulted *বাংলা অর্থ:* ঘৃণামিশ্রিত ক্রোধযুক্ত *Root:* *Synonym:* aggrieved, resentful, affronted, disgruntled, displeased, cross, angry, mad, *Abstruse:* indignant= ঘৃণামিশ্রিত ক্রোধযুক্ত VS indigent= অভাবী, অতি দরিদ্র *Mnemonics* indignant = in + dig + n + ant; while you are busy IN DIGging earth- expecting treasure, you find an army of ANTs! you will treat them SCORNFULLY and with ANGER....

*Indict*(v) [in-dahyt

*Examples:* The bankrobber was indicted on several major charges, including possession of a firearm. * Meaning:* If a law court or a grand jury indicts someone, it accuses them officially of a crime: *বাংলা অর্থ:* অভিযুক্ত করা *Root:* *Synonym:* Carp(দোষারোপ করা), impeach(নিন্দা করা, সন্দেহ করা, অভিযুক্ত করা), indict(অভিযুক্ত করা), Vilify(নিন্দা করা), Inculpate(অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ দেওয়া ), Culpable(নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক), inculpate(দোষারোপ করা ), Exculpate(দোষক্ষালন করা) *Abstruse:* interdict=নিষিদ্ধ করা VS Indict=অভিযুক্ত করা *Mnemonics* 1. if you push your dick in a girl without her permission she will accuse you of rape 2. Rhymes with VERDICT

*Impeccable*(adj) [im PEK uh bul]

*Examples:* The children's behavior was impeccable; they didn't pour dye into the swimming pool. * Meaning:* flawless; entirely without sin *বাংলা অর্থ:* অনবদ্য, নিষ্পাপ, অপাপবিদ্ধ, নিরপরাধ, নিখুঁত, অনিন্দ্য *Root:* *Synonym:* flawless, faultless, unblemished, spotless, immaculate, pristine, stainless *Mnemonics* Picking on somebody means to finding faults. Hence Im Pickable means, no fault can be found

*Inexorable*(adj) [in EK sur uh bul]

*Examples:* The inexorable waves pounded the shore, as they have al ways pound ed it and as they always will pound it * Meaning:* continuing without any possibility of being stopped: *বাংলা অর্থ:* অনিবার্য, কঠোরহৃদয়, নির্দয় *Root:* *Synonym:* relentless, unstoppable, inescapable, inevitable, unavoidable, irrevocable *Mnemonics* exor is logic gate which changes. so in exorable is that cannot be changed or stopped

*Impartial*(adj) [im PAHR shul]

*Examples:* The judge was not impartial since he had been bribed by the witness's family. * Meaning:* Unbiased, fair, free from undue bias or preconceived opinions *বাংলা অর্থ:* নিরপেক্ষ, পক্ষপাতশূন্য, ন্যায়পর, ন্যায়সঙ্গত, ন্যায়পরায়ণ, ন্যায়নিষ্ঠ *Root:* *Synonym:* unbiased, unprejudiced, neutral, nonpartisan, nondiscriminatory, disintereste *Mnemonics* There are two PARTS. You don't favor either PART. You are imPARTIAL

*Homogeneous*(adj) [hoh muh JEE nee us]

*Examples:* The kindergarten class was extremely homogeneous: All the children had blond hair, blue eyes, red shoes, and the same last name. * Meaning:* of the same kind, uniform throughout *বাংলা অর্থ:* সজাতি, সমশ্রেণীভুক্ত, একরূপ, সমপ্রকৃতি, সমরুপ *Root:* *Synonym:* uniform, identical, unvaried, consistent, indistinguishable, homologous, homogenized, alike, similar, the same, much the same, all of a piece, *Mnemonics* homo means same

*Inordinate*(adj) [in OR duh nit]


*Imprecation*(n) [im-pri-key-shuh n]

*Examples:* The old woman walked along the street muttering imprecations. * Meaning:* Curse; prayer for harm to come to someone , an offensive word *বাংলা অর্থ:* অভিশাপ , শাপ , অমঙ্গল কামনা *Root:* *Synonym:* *Mnemonics* IMPRECATION=IM-PRAY-cation. The prefix IM- means opposite. The opposite of PRAY is CURSE (The latin root word "precari" means pray)

*Indigenous*(adj) [in-dij-uh-nuh s]

*Examples:* The plants and animals indigenous to Australia are notably different from those indigenous to the U.S * Meaning:* originating in a certain area *বাংলা অর্থ:* দেশীয়, দেশী, স্বদেশজাত *Root:* comes from indian>> indi *Synonym:* endemic *Mnemonics*


*Examples:* The potential juror knew the defendant, and therefore could not serve on the jury, which must consist only of disinterested members. * Meaning:* *বাংলা অর্থ:* কৌতূহলশূন্য *Root:* *Synonym:* unbiased; neutral *Mnemonics:*

*Hound*(v) [hound]

*Examples:* The reporters wouldn't stop hounding her. * Meaning:* to chase someone or to refuse to leave someone alone, especially because you want to get something from them *বাংলা অর্থ:* জ্বালাতন করা, পশ্চাদ্ধাবন করা *Root:* *Synonym:* pursue, chase, follow, shadow, be hot on someone's heels, hunt (down), stalk, track, trail, tail, dog, harass, hassle, persecute, harry, pester, bother, badger, torment, bedevil, bug, give someone a hard time, devil *Mnemonics*

*Heterogeneous*(adj) [het-er-uh-jee-nee-uh s, -jeen-yuh s]

*Examples:* a large and heterogeneous collection * Meaning:* different in kind; unlike; incongruous *বাংলা অর্থ:* নানাধর্মী *Root:* hetero means othe *Synonym:* diverse, varied, varying, variegated, miscellaneous, assorted, mixed, sundry *Mnemonics*

*Ineffable*(adj) [in EF uh bul]

*Examples:* The simple beauty of nature is often so ineffable that it brings tears to our eyes. * Meaning:* *বাংলা অর্থ:* অবর্ণনীয়, অনির্বচনীয়, অপ্রকাশ্য, অনুচ্চার্য *Root:* *Synonym:* unnameable , unspeakable , unutterable,indefinable , indescribable , unspeakable , untellable *Abstruse:* Affable=ভদ্র, VS effable=able to be described in words vs Ineffable:অবর্ণনীয়, অনির্বচনীয়, অপ্রকাশ্য, অনুচ্চার্য VS efface=মুছিয়া ফেলা *Mnemonics* in+ef+ fable. fable means story. story can be told. in-fable means something which can not be uttered such as the name of Lord Voldemort (from Harry Potter).

*Imponderable*(adj) [im-pon-der-uh-buh l]

*Examples:* There are too many imponderables to make an accurate forecast * Meaning:* something that cannot be guessed or calculated because it is completely unknown *বাংলা অর্থ:* অনির্ণেয়, অধরা *Root:* *Synonym:* *Abstruse:* ponderous=ভারী, শক্ত, মুশকিল VS Ponder=চিন্তা করা, ভাবিয়া দেখা, ওজন করা, বিবেচনা করা vs Imponderable:ভারহীন, অনির্ণেয়, অতিলঘু *Mnemonics*

*Ingress*(n) [in-gres]

*Examples:* There had been an ingress of water into the site. * Meaning:* the act of entering something: *বাংলা অর্থ:* প্রবেশ , প্রবেশাধিকার , প্রবেশের অধিকার , প্রবেশপথ *Root:* *Synonym:* entry, entrance, entryway, entrée, access, admittance, admission, way in, approach, passage immersion *Mnemonics* IN+DRESS....when you are in proper dress, you have got the right to enter i.e ingress....but if you are naked, no one will allow you to enter....

*Discrepancy* [dih-skrep-uh n-see]

*Examples:* There is some discrepancy between the two accounts * Meaning:* a difference between two things that should be the same: *বাংলা অর্থ:* অনৈক্য, অমিল, মতভেদ, ভেদ, বৈসাদৃশ্য, গরমিল, *Root:*: *Synonym:* difference, disparity, variance, variation, deviation, divergence, disagreement, *Abstruse:* Discrete=পৃথক VS Discreet= careful বিচক্ষণ VS Discretion=বিচক্ষণতা vs Discrepancy: অনৈক্য, অমিল, মতভেদ, ভেদ, বৈসাদৃশ্য, গরমিল, *Mnemonics*: break into dis+creep+fancy= this is creep and this is fancy what an inconsistency with this item .i.e fancy and creep are different

*Innuendo*(n) [in-yoo-en-doh]

*Examples:* There's always an element of sexual innuendo in our conversations. * Meaning:* (the making of) a remark or remarks that suggest something sexual or something unpleasant but do not refer to it directly *বাংলা অর্থ:* কটাক্ষ, শ্লেষ, বক্রভাষণ, বক্রোক্তি *Root:* *Synonym:* indirect and subtle criticism, insinuation *Abstruse:* innuendo=কটাক্ষ, বক্রভাষণ, বক্রোক্তি VS inundate=উপচাইয়া উঠা, Overwhelm, Overflow *Mnemonics*

*Idyllic* (adj) [eye DIL ik]

*Examples:* They built their house on an idyllic spot. There was a babbling brook in back and an unbroken view of wooded hills in front. * Meaning:* charming in a rustic way; naturally peaceful, (especially of a time or place) like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque. *বাংলা অর্থ:* সরল শান্ত মনোরম *Root:* *Synonym:* perfect, wonderful, blissful, halcyon, happy, ideal, idealized, heavenly, paradisal, utopian, Elysian, peaceful, picturesque, bucolic, unspoiled, picture-perfect, Arcadian *Mnemonics* 1. Sounds like being idle. when we are idle without work we are jolly 2. something that is ideal is excellent and delightful in all respects,.. like ideal place for research

*Iniquity*(n) [ih-nik-wi-tee]

*Examples:* They fought long and hard against the iniquities of apartheid (বর্ণবাদ) * Meaning:* a very wrong and unfair action or situation *বাংলা অর্থ:* পাপকার্য , অন্যায়, শায়তানি , চূড়ান্ত অবিচারপূর্ণ *Root:* *Synonym:* wickedness, sinfulness, immorality, impropriety, vice, evil, sin, villainy, criminality, *Abstruse:* Antiquity=অনাদিকাল VS Iniquity=অপরাধ, দুষ্কর্য, দুষ্কর্ম, দোষ *Mnemonics:* Iniquity sounds like inequality;lack of justice. hence iniquity is injustice

*Heyday*(n) [hey-dey]

*Examples:* Turco recalls the heyday of 60's Italian cinema, with images unashamedly evocative of * Meaning:* the most successful or popular period of someone or something, the stage or period of greatest vigor, strength, success, etc *বাংলা অর্থ:* তুঙ্গী অবস্থা *Root:* *Synonym:* prime, peak, height, pinnacle, summit, apex, acme, zenith, climax, high point, day, time, bloom, *Mnemonics* 1. hey!!!!+day...when you pass a time of great suceess in a day...you say...hey!!!!!! what a day it was..I will always rememeber it. 2. sounds like matthew HAYDEN. during his time australian cricket team passed their heyday

*Inherent*(adj) in HAIR unt

*Examples:* Wetness is an inherent quality of water. (You could also say that wetness is inherent in water.) * Meaning:* part of the essential nature of some thing; in trin sic *বাংলা অর্থ:* অন্তর্নিহিত,সহজাত *Root:* *Synonym:* intrinsic, innate, immanent, built-in, indwelling, inborn, ingrained, deep-rooted *Mnemonics*

*Harangue* [huh-rang]

*Examples:* When he finished his lengthy harangue , everyone left * Meaning:* A long passionate speech,a lengthy and aggressive speech. *বাংলা অর্থ:* বাগাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ,অলংকারপূর্ণ, বুলিসর্বস্ব, বাগাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ, আড়ম্বরপূর্ণ বক্তব্য *Root:* *Synonyms* screed, diatribe, harangue(দীর্ঘ বক্তৃতা related) Diatribe, Tirade, Harangue, and Fulmination are all words for bitter, angry speeches or attacks.grandiloquent,grandiose,mouthy speech

*Inarticulate*(adj) [in-ahr-tik-yuh-lit]

*Examples:* When it comes to expressing their emotions, some people are hopelessly inarticulate * Meaning:* unable to express feelings or ideas clearly, or expressed in a way that is difficult to understand: *বাংলা অর্থ:* অস্ফুট, অসংলগ্ন, অসম্বদ্ধ, অগ্রস্থিত, অস্পষ্টভাবে উচ্চারিত, আধো-আধোভাবে উচ্চারিত *Root:* *Synonym:* tongue-tied, lost for words, unable to express oneself *Mnemonics*

*Impertinent*(adj) [im-pur-tn-uh nt]

*Examples:* an impertinent question * Meaning:* rude and not showing respect, especially towards someone older or in a higher position than you *বাংলা অর্থ:* অপ্রাসঙ্গিক, ধৃষ্ট, বেহায়া, নির্লজ্জ, *Root:* pertinent means প্রাসঙ্গিক *Synonym:* rude, insolent, impolite, ill-mannered, bad-mannered, uncivil, discourteous *Abstruse:* empirical= practical VS imperial=সাম্রাজ্য-সংক্রান্ত vs imperious:জাঁদরেল,দাম্ভিক , vs impertinent:অপ্রাসঙ্গিক vs Imperil: বিপদ্গ্রস্ত করা ( peril means danger) vs Impermeable:অপ্রবেশ্য vs Impervious: অভেদ্য অপ্রবেশ্য vs Imperturbable: স্থির, শান্ত ( perturb means disturb/not quiet ) *Mnemonics* IMproPER tenant(tinent) are rude and insolent

*Imperturbable*(adj) [im-per-tur-buh-buh l]

*Examples:* an imperturbable tranquility * Meaning:* always staying calm and controlled, even in difficult situations that would cause other people to worry *বাংলা অর্থ:* স্থির, শান্ত *Root:* perturb means disturb/not quiet *Synonym:* self-possessed, composed, calm, cool, and collected, coolheaded, self-controlled *Abstruse:* empirical= practical VS imperial=সাম্রাজ্য-সংক্রান্ত vs imperious:জাঁদরেল,দাম্ভিক , vs impertinent:অপ্রাসঙ্গিক vs Imperil: বিপদ্গ্রস্ত করা ( peril means danger) vs Impermeable:অপ্রবেশ্য vs Impervious: অভেদ্য অপ্রবেশ্য vs Imperturbable: স্থির, শান্ত ( perturb means disturb/not quiet ) *Mnemonics* per+tur= j beshi tur tur kore na se shanto

*Impromptu*(adj) [im-promp-too]

*Examples:* an impromptu party/performance * Meaning:* without preparation; on the spur of the moment,done or said without earlier planning or preparation *বাংলা অর্থ:* উপস্থিতমত, বিনা প্রস্তুতিতে, পূর্বপ্রস্তুতি ব্যতীত *Root:* *Synonym:* Impromptu(উপস্থিতমত, বিনা প্রস্তুতিতে, পূর্বপ্রস্তুতি ব্যতীত), Improvise, Extemporaneous(তত্ক্ষণিক, পূর্বপ্রস্তুতিহীন, অচিন্তিতপূর্ব, আকস্মিক, ), unscripted *Mnemonics*

*Incendiary*(adj) [in-sen-dee-er-ee]

*Examples:* an incendiary bomb/device * Meaning:* designed to cause fires *বাংলা অর্থ:* উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ, আগ্নেয়, জ্বালাময়ী *Root:* *Synonym:* combustible, flammable, inflammable *Mnemonics* INSane person who sets his DIARY on fire.

*Inconstancy*(adj) [in-kon-stuh nt]

*Examples:* an inconstant lover * Meaning:* not constant; changeable; fickle; variable *বাংলা অর্থ:* অস্থির , চঞ্চল , চপলমতি , পরিবর্তনপ্রবণ , অনিত্য , অনিয়মিত *Root:* *Synonym:* Fickleness, unreliability; the state of changing without good reason *Mnemonics*

*Indubitable*(adj) [in-doo-bi-tuh-buh l]

*Examples:* an indubitable fact * Meaning:* unquestionable,that cannot be doubted: *বাংলা অর্থ:* সন্দেহাতীত , প্রশ্নাতীত , সংশয়াতীত , *Root:* *Synonym:* unquestionable, undoubtable, indisputable, unarguable, undebatable, incontestable *Mnemonics* in doubtable

*Hearken*(v) [hahr-kuh n]

*Examples:* he refused to hearken to Thomas's words of wisdom * Meaning:* to give heed or attention to what is said; listen *বাংলা অর্থ:* শুনা, কথা শুনা, শ্রবণ করা *Root:* *Synonym:* hark, harken


*Examples:* he whole plot of the film is ridiculously implausible * Meaning:* difficult to believe, or unlikely, not seeming reasonable or probable; failing to convince *বাংলা অর্থ:* অকল্পনীয়, অসম্ভব, অভাবনীয়, অসম্ভাব্য, অসঙ্গত, অবোধ্য *Root:* plausible বিশ্বাসযোগ্য *Synonym:* unlikely, improbable, questionable, doubtful, debatable, unrealistic, unconvincing, *Mnemonics* implausible rhymes with impossible....something that is impossible is unlikely

*Infelicitous*(adj) [in-fuh-lis-i-tuh s]

*Examples:* his illustration is singularly infelicitous * Meaning:* not suitable for the occasion *বাংলা অর্থ:* অনুপযুক্ত, অযথাযথ, অসঙ্গত, অযথা, বেমানান, অনুচিত *Root:* *Synonym:* unfortunate; inappropriate *Mnemonics*

*Impassive*(adj) [im-pas-iv]

*Examples:* impassive passersby ignore the performers * Meaning:* not feeling or showing emotion *বাংলা অর্থ:* অনুভূতিশূন্য *Root:* *Synonym:* pas means suffer : expressionless, unexpressive, inexpressive, inscrutable, unreadable, blank *Mnemonics* Impassive-> A person saying-"I m Passive(Not Active)", that means he has no feelings,emotions.

*Inert*(adj) [in-urt]

*Examples:* she lay inert in her bed * Meaning:* lacking the ability or strength to move. *বাংলা অর্থ:* নিষ্ক্রিয় *Root:* *Synonym:* inactive, passive *Mnemonics*

*Incipient*(adj) [in-sip-ee-uh nt]

*Examples:* signs of incipient public frustration * Meaning:* just beginning *বাংলা অর্থ:* প্রারম্ভিক *Root:* *Synonym:* tyro(শিক্ষানবিস), inchoate(অপরিণত), incipient(জায়মান), germinate(অঙ্কুরিত করা), burgeon(কুঁড়ি, মুকুল, কলি), nascent(জায়মান, বর্ধনশীল), rudimentary(প্রাথমিক) novice(শিক্ষানবিস) neophyte(নবদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি) Fledgling(অনভিজ্ঞ লোক) embryonic(rudimentary) *Abstruse:* Percipient=বিচক্ষণ, দূরদর্শী VS incipient=in an initial stage, প্রাথমিক পর্বের বা স্তরের VS Precipice= খাড়া ও উঁচু গিরিচূড়া *Mnemonics* inci(INITIAL)+pie(nt)(PAYment)...wen only d initial payment is given, ur house wil be partially constructed!

*Impede*(v) [im-peed]

*Examples:* the sap causes swelling that can impede breathing * Meaning:* hinder to hinder; to obstruct; to slow something down *বাংলা অর্থ:* ব্যাহত করা *Root:* *Synonym:* leash ( শিকল ), forestall(প্রতিরোধ) , Impede(ব্যাহত করা), Deterrent(প্রতিবন্ধক), Trammel(প্রতিবন্ধক, মাছ ধরা জাল ,শিকল), Occlude(বন্ধ করিয়া দেত্তয়া, to obstruct or block), Preempt(to prevent something from happening by taking action first), balk *Mnemonics* impede from impedance meaning resistance

*Homage*(n) [hom-ij]

*Examples:* they paid homage to the local boy who became president * Meaning:* আনুগত্য-স্বীকার Honor or respect demonstrated publicly *বাংলা অর্থ:* সম্মান *Root:* *Synonym:* venerate(শ্রদ্ধা করা), kudos(খ্যাতি,শ্রদ্ধা), reverent(সশ্রদ্ধ), august(মহিমান্বিত), deference(সশ্রদ্ধ বাধ্যতা), Deferential:শ্রদ্ধাবনত, Homage(আনুগত্য-স্বীকার,সম্মান), Prostrate(মাথা নিচু করে কাউকে শ্রদ্ধা বা পুজার জন্য শুয়ে পরা) respect, honor,

*Hew*(v) [hyoo or, often, yoo]

*Examples:* we have finished hauling and hewing timber * Meaning:* make or shape as with an axe, to strike forcibly with an ax, sword, or other cutting instrument; chop *বাংলা অর্থ:* কুপিয়ে কাটা, কুঠার দিয়ে আঘাত করে আকার দেওয়া *Root:* *Synonym:* chop, cut, hew out *Mnemonics* CHEW- when you chew, you try to chop the thing with your teeth.

*Haphazard*(adj) (hap-haz-erd)

*Examples:* 1. A most haphazard system of record keeping. 2. A haphazard plan of action 3. But my experience was - my interview process was kind of haphazard in a way. 4. the kitchen drawers contained a haphazard collection of silver souvenir spoons * Meaning:* 1. Marked by great carelessness 2. characterized by lack of order or planning, by irregularity, or by randomness; determined by or dependent on chance; aimless. 3. lacking any obvious principle of organization *বাংলা অর্থ:* দৈবক্রমে ঘটিত, আকস্মিক, এলোমেলো, অযত্ন,অজ্ঞাত অথবা অজানা *Root:* hap means by chance

*Hapless* (hap-lis)

*Examples:* 1. Kicking the ball into your own goal was a hapless mistake. 2. She refuses, saying she needs to stay with her rather hapless boyfriend. * Meaning:* (especially of a person) unfortunate, unlucky *বাংলা অর্থ:* অসুখী, মন্দ, অসুখকর, দুর্দশাগ্রস্ত, দুর্ভাগ্যদায়ক, দুর্ভাগ্য *Root:* hap means by chance *Synonyms* unfortunate, unlucky, luckless, out of luck, ill-starred, ill-fated, jinxed, cursed, doomed, unhappy, forlorn, wretched, miserable, woebegone, down on one's luck, star-crossed

*Discreet* [dih-skreet]

*Examples:*: 1. The family made discreet enquiries about his background. 2. To make discreet inquiries is to ask around without letting the whole world know you're doing it. * Meaning:*: adj: careful not to cause embarrassment or attract too much attention, especially by keeping something secret *বাংলা অর্থ:*: সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ, সুবিবেচনাপূর্ণ বিবেচক, সতর্কভাবে কিছু করা যাতে কোন লজ্জায় পরতে না হয় বা কারো মনোযোগ আকর্ষন না হয়, গোপনে করা *Root:*: *Synonym:*: sapient(বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ) , savant (মহাপণ্ডিত ব্যক্তি), Prudent(বিচক্ষণ, দূরদর্শী), Circumspect (সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন), sage(ঋষি, মহাজ্ঞানী ব্যক্তি), Perspicacious (বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ স্বচ্ছদৃষ্টিসম্পন্নতা, তীক্ষ্নদৃষ্টি acutely insightful and wise ) , pundit, Politic (বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ), Judicious (সুবিজ্ঞ, সুবিচারপূর্ণ, বিচক্ষণ, জ্ঞানী ), Discreet (সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ, সুবিবেচনাপূর্ণ বিবেচক,), Provident(মিতব্যয়ী, বিচক্ষণ) *Abstruse:* Discrete=পৃথক VS Discreet= careful বিচক্ষণ VS Discretion=বিচক্ষণতা vs Discrepancy: অনৈক্য, অমিল, মতভেদ, ভেদ, বৈসাদৃশ্য, গরমিল, *Mnemonics* diSECRET. "You must be discreet about our SECRET Don't confuse discrete with discreet, which means "secretive, undercover."

*Discrete* [dih-skreet]

*Examples:*: 1. These small companies now have their own discrete identity 2. What was once known as Czechoslovakia has since split into two discrete, independent nations. * Meaning:*: individually separate and distinct. *বাংলা অর্থ:*: বিচ্ছিন্ন, পৃথক, *Root:* *Synonym:* separate, distinct, individual, detached, unattached, disconnected, discontinuous, *Abstruse:* Discrete=পৃথক VS Discreet= careful বিচক্ষণ VS Discretion=বিচক্ষণতা vs Discrepancy: অনৈক্য, অমিল, মতভেদ, ভেদ, বৈসাদৃশ্য, গরমিল, *Mnemonics*

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