Texas Gov: Chap 6-11 quizlet and quiz

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How can the plural executive limit the governo's power?

(WRONG) Each member of the plural executive is able to veto bills, thereby diminishing the governor's power

"Dark money," or political money where the donors of the money do not have to be disclosed, originated in which U.S. Supreme Court case?

Citizens United v. Federal ELection Commission

Which of the following are the most common ways lobbyists influence members of the Texas legislature?

entertainment gifts campaign contributions information on pending bills

The Welfare Spending Limit in the state constitution applies to which of the following?

needy dependent children

What is the term used to describe former legislators who become lobbyists?

revolving door NOTES: The revolving door is the practice of former legislators becoming lobbyists and using their inside knowledge of the legislature to benefit their clients. It is a somewhat pejorative term, as some criticize the practice as being underhanded and unfair.

Former Texas Commissioner of Agriculture Todd Staples left his position to run for lieutenant governor in 2014 but, after losing in the primary, was hired by the Texas Oil and Gas Association to act as the organization's president. This is an example of what term?

revolving door NOTES: nterest groups will often hire former high-ranking officials as advocates or lobbyists in order to leverage their knowledge and relationships to achieve their policy priorities. The revolving door is a powerful tool for interest groups because former officials can use their institutional knowledge and relationships in advancing the goals of the interest group.

Which of these rights from the First Amendment most guarantees the right of individuals to become a part of interest groups?

right of the people to peaceably assemble

Which member if the plural executive is appointed by the governor rather than elected by the people?

secretary of state

(Q020) According to the Texas Constitution, what actions must be taken if the state's economy shows a decline?

spending for programs must be reduced.

01) A balanced budget is required for the state of Texas by

the Texas Constitution

(Q005) In a progressive tax system,

the wealthy pay a larger portion of their income in taxes

committee chairs will pigeonhole a bill by nevere putting it on the commitee agenda to be considered


The governors can serve a(n) - number of - year terms

unlimited, four

In terms of spending on programs and services PER CAPITA, Texas spends __________ compared to other states.

very little

Members of the plural executive are accountable to the


The Sunset Advisory Commission (SAC) evaluates

whether state agencies continue to meet the needs of the state in an effective manner

HIstorically in Texas, the governor is considered to be -, while the lieutenant governor is considered to be -.

(WRONG)strong; weak

A group is formed to address environmental concerns in Texas, and it competes among other groups to influence policy. This reflects the democratic idea of a(n) a. majoritarian society. b. environmental movement. c. pluralistic society. d. reformist movement.

(b is wrong)

Interest groups use - to combine contributions from many donors into one large contribution in order to - the group's impact on the candidate

- bundling - increase NOTES: Bundling campaign contributions increases the group's impact on the candidate.

The state treasury consists of how many separate funds?


Watch the animation on lobbying in Texas, and then determine which of the following statements are accurate.

Because of Texas's large population, a relatively large number of lobbyists seek to influence state government.

Which of the following are arguments former legislators make to defend taking lobbying jobs after leaving office?

They are in the best position to educate legislators. They possess unique knowledge. They have a right to make a living.

Grand juries

b- decide whether a trial of an accused is warranted.

Dark money a. can be spent only on television advertisements during prime time. b. refers to contributions given by interest groups earmarked for specific tasks, such as lawn signs or billboards. c. refers to the limits on how much any individual can give to a candidate or political party. d. is a form of political money whereby donors can remain anonymous.


The lieutenant governors's real source of power comes from his or her role in the - process.


A(n) - is a private group that raises and distributes funds for use in a candidate's election campaigns.

political action committee

Trial lawyers are which type of interest group? a. single issue b. professional c. consumer d. public employee

(d is wrong) maybe B

(Q009) The __________ is the SECOND-largest educational endowment in the United States.

Permanent School Fund

The major trial courts in Texas are the

c- district courts

Which of the following is the main goal of a lobbyist?

influencing governmental decision on behalf of an interest group NOTES: Using a variety of tactics, the lobbyist's job is to represent the views of an interest group and convince those in government to advance those views.

Which of the following terms refers to a regulatory agency that seems to serve, rather than oversee, the interests it monitors?

interest group capture NOTES: Many critics claim the relationship between the Texas Railroad Commission and the interest groups it is supposed to monitor is an example of interest-group capture.

Which of the following are examples of incentives that interest groups use to overcome free rider problems?

invitations to special conferences listing an individual's name as a sponsor of an organization an organizational magazine or newsletter discounts on insurance and travel

(Q011) The revenue generated by the sales tax

is larger than the revenue generated by any other tax

The ability of the governor to use message power, veto bills, and call special sessions of the legislature area all part of his or her - powers.


If the governor of Texas is impeached, who then becomes governor?

lieutenant governor

Texas is considered a __________ state

low service, low tax

Effective interest groups tend to have which of the following resources available to them?

members money credibility NOTES: Groups may be able to leverage some media attention for certain issues, but it is not a widely available resource for groups. For some kinds of issues, the less media attention it receives the more effective an interest group might be. Interest groups make use of a wide variety of resources to advance their views.

Campaign contributions from interest groups are a. rarely needed by candidates and elected officials. b. used only for purposes of campaign efforts. c. used for expenses associated with holding office. d. not monitored, and no reporting is needed.

(b is wrong)

Which of the following is an example of a selective benefit provided by an interest group? a. inviting donors to special conferences b. bundling donations by multiple individuals to secure more influence with a candidate for public office c. offering donors and supporters a free T-shirt d. listing a donor's name as a sponsor of an organization

(b is wrong) maybe A

What happens when an interest group "captures" a government agency? a. The agency primarily serves the objectives of the interest group. b. The interest group takes over the formal governing roles that were previously performed by the agency. c. The same people serve on the staff of the government agency and work for the interest group at the same time. d. The interest group provides supplementary funding when there is a shortfall in the state budget.

(c is wrong) maybe a

The - is responsible for regulating the oil and gas industry in Texas. Critics have accused it of being -. Recent efforts at reforming it have been -.

- Texas Railroad Commission - captured by interest groups - unsuccessful

Which of the following statements can be supported by the information provided in the table below?: Outside Campaign Expenditures in Presidential Elections chart

- The Supreme Court decision in Citizens United vs. FEC led to a dramatic increase in campaign spending by outside groups in presidential elections. - Citizens United vs. FEC led to the creation of large and well-funded super PACs. - Republican candidates for president have been the most likely to benefit from the impacts of the decision in Citizens United vs. FEC. (Prior to the Citizens United ruling, Democrats had an advantage in support from outside groups, but the advantage shifted to Republicans after the decision.) (The Citizens United vs. FEC decision dramatically changed the landscape of outside spending in presidential elections by allowing for a flood of money from outside groups and corporations seeking to influence the outcomes of elections.)

Because Texas generally has low rates of -, individual effects on the Texas political process are likely to be -.

- civic ebgagement - low

According to the terms of a 1993 -the governorpublic educationconstitutional amendmentvotersblue ribbon panelfree health care, in order for Texas to pass a state income tax, -the governorpublic educationconstitutional amendmentvotersblue ribbon panelfree health care would need to give final approval for its introduction, and all funds from it could only support -the governorpublic educationconstitutional amendmentvotersblue ribbon panelfree health care.

- constitutional amendment - voters -public education

Which of the following are reasons why interest groups form political action committees (PACs)?

-Substantial contributions from PACs mean greater attention from candidates. -PACs can serve as an intermediary between parties. -PACs can send a message to a candidate NOTES: Some PAC members may not want their support for a candidate known to the public; one criticism of some PACs is that they can obscure donors from the public eye. PACs raise and distribute funds for use in election campaigns.

Which of the following are strategies that interest groups use to promote their concerns?

-lobbying -electioneering campaigns and get-out-the vote efforts -litigation NOTES: Interest groups utilize litigation to temporarily stop or challenge existing policies in court. The strategies interest groups use to advance their goals are often a reflection of the resources they have at their disposal.

Match each of the following examples of interest groups to the general type of interest group that best describes it.

-professional group: Texas Medical Association - public interest group:: Sierra Club - civil rights group: League of United Latin American Citizens - public-employee interest group: Association of Texas Professional Educators

(Q002) According to the Texas Constitution (Article 3, Section 49j), state debt cannot be greater than what percentage of state revenue?

5 percent

The Texas Constitution mandates that money spent on debt service cannot exceed more than what percentage of state revenue?

5 percent

The following table outlines a summary of the All Funds state budget and how it is allocated to different purposes. Looking closely at the data, which of the following statements are correct for the 2016-17 state budget?

A significant portion of the state budget is dedicated to health and human services and education. In terms of actual dollars spent, allocation for education saw the biggest increase, and business and economic development received the second highest increase.

Analyze the figure below, and then determine which of the following statements are correct. ( Contributions to Incumbents and Challangers for the Texas Legislature 2018)

Approximately 80 percent of all donations made in races for the state legislature is given to incumbents. The overall amount raised by Texas House incumbents is more money than both incumbents and challengers in the Senate races. NOTES: In both the Senate and House races, challengers received the least amount of money. Incumbents tend to win elections to an overwhelming degree, and interest groups tend to back them because of this, compounding the incumbency advantage.

Which of the following descriptions of interest groups are accurate?

Business interests often have more influence than other interests. Groups that represent a narrow set of interests are often more successful than those that represent broad interests. Groups provide valuable research and education to policymakers and the public on specific issues.

Which of the following are changes in campaign financing allowed by the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision?

Certain types of interest groups can avoid having to disclose their political contributors. Interest groups can spend unlimited funds on behalf of candidates so long as the efforts are not coordinated with a campaign.

What is the significance of financial investment of groups like EMILY's List for candidates seeking office?

Early financial investments by donors give candidates the ability to build the necessary organization and momentum needed to win NOTES: Candidates that show they can raise money early in the campaign are more likely to attract future donors and scare off other opposition as well as build the necessary infrastructure for a successful campaign.

Because Texas spends a large amount of money on jointly funded state-federal programs, it receives high levels of federal matching funds.


The rights to associate with others and to petition government are not guaranteed by either the U.S. or Texas Constitution.

False NOTES: Both the right to associate with others and the right to petition government are enshrined by the U.S. and Texas constitutions.

Texas is near the top of the nation in measures of social connectedness that lead to civic engagement.

False: "Texas near the bottom of social contentedness that lead to civic engagement."

Watch the animation on campaign spending by employees of different industries, and then determine which of the following statements are accurate.

Groups representing finance, insurance, and real estate were the largest contributors in 2016 Most campaign donations go to Republicans in the Texas legislature.

Which Founder and author of the Federalist Papers is best known for arguing that "factions" would play an important and useful role in American politics?

James Madison

Analyze the infographic below, and then determine which of the following statements about contributions to the Texas legislature in 2016 are correct. (which Interest Groups Contribute the Most)

Lawyers and lobbyists give about equally to Democrats and Republicans. Finance, insurance, and real estate interest groups contributed more money than any other interest groups. Labor contributed more money to Democrats than to Republicans.

Study the information in the table, and then determine which statements can be supported by the information. (Measures of Texas Civic Health char)t

Of all civic engagement activities, Texans engage in political ones the least. Low levels of involvement and volunteer activities correlate with low voter turnout. Texans express less trust and engagement in their society and social structures than most Americans.

A particular university in Texas is seeking to get National Research University Fund money from the state of Texas in order to further its efforts to become a competitive research institution. Not only must it meet several rigorous criteria laid out by the state legislature, but it must also be recognized as an emerging research university by which state institution?

Texas higher Education Coordinating Board

For what offence may the governor of Texas be impeached?

The Texas Constitution does not specify grounds for removal

What argument was made by James Madison in Federalist 10 to support the idea that factions in a pluralistic society lead to better government?

The large number of varied interests would lead to competition and balance that would protect against individuals from any one group becoming dominant.

Analyze the infographic below, and then determine which of the following statements are accurate. (Number of Lobbyists in Selected States graph)

The northeastern region of the U.S. has more lobbyists per capita than Texas. Texas has fewer registered lobbyists per capita than just about any other state. NOTES: California and Texas have the same number of lobbyists per capita; both have 9 lobbyists per 100,000 people. The number of lobbyists active at the state level is about the same as the number of lobbyists to the federal government in Washington, D.C.

What characteristics make former legislators effective lobbyists?

They are often close to or friendly with other lawmakers. They have intimate knowledge of the government process. NOTES: (The fact that many former legislators draw significant salaries is a reflection of their effectiveness as lobbyists and not an indicator that they will be effective. Though relatively few former legislators are registered lobbyists, those that do become lobbyists are among the most influential and highly paid. The path from legislator to lobbyist, the so-called "revolving door," is contentious)

In what ways are interest groups more effective than private citizens in influencing policy makers? a. Interest groups can provide their knowledge and expertise on issues to policy makers. b. There are significant restrictions on the ability of private citizens to lobby their representatives. c. Interest groups are usually regarded very favorably by the general public. d. Interest groups represent a diversity of perspectives on key issues.


What is one way to view the budget proposed by the Legislative Budget Board?

a list of priorities of the legislative leaders

Which of the following sets of campaign contribution limits for judicial candidates in Texas?

a- Judicial Campaign Fairness Act

Civil defense lawyers often align themselves with

a- business and professional groups

All lawyers who regularly practice in Texas

a- mist be members of the State Bar of Texas

Philosophically, in the past few years, Texas courts became

a- more pro- defendant in civil cases.

The legislative budget is prepared and submitted by

a- the legislative Budget Board

The governor's line-item veto power allows him or her to

a- veto specific lines (or items) from appropriation bills

(Q008) The Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF), commonly known as the Rainy Day Fund, was established to

allow the state to access additional funds during times of financial distress in the state, with the approval of three-fifths of the members of both the house and senate.

interest group

an elite, wealthy, powerful, pro-business interest group

How important is it for lobbyists to provide information to lawmakers? a. not that important, as members of the legislature learn most everything they need from their staff b. very important, as lobbyists have expertise on issues to offer members of the legislature c. not important at all, as lobbyists have no useful information to offer policy makers d. somewhat important, as lobbyists supplement the work of the state bureaucracy


What is the "free rider problem"? a. People are more likely to attend events if there is free transportation. b. Individuals have an incentive not to take direct action if they can benefit without making any direct contribution. c. People are more likely to join interest groups if their participation remains anonymous. d. People are more likely to join interest groups if they are given a tangible benefit such as a free T-shirt or hat.


When PACs engage in issue advocacy, they a. partner with a candidate's campaign team to design a strategy to raise awareness of a particular issue. b. spend money, such as funds for television advertisements, on a campaign issue but do not coordinate these activities with the candidate. c. spend money, such as funds for television advertisements, on a campaign issue in a collaborative manner with the candidate. d. partner with several candidates to ensure that a particular issue is not raised during a campaign.


Which of the following statements about lobbyists in Texas is most accurate? a. Few lobbyists participate in state politics. b. Lobbyists may engage with legislators but are required to register with the state. c. Lobbyists may not engage with legislators. d. Lobbyists are often seen as inconsequential in policy making.


Why would a PAC donate money to both candidates running for the same office? a. Campaign donations do not have to be disclosed if they are given to all candidates running for a particular office. b. The PAC wants to make sure that it has a positive relationship with whomever wins the election. c. Texas campaign finance regulations require such donations. d. Federal election law prohibits PACs from supporting any particular candida


On conviction, the criminal's punishment is determined

b- in a separate hearing by the jury or judge that determined the persons's guilt.

Q017) The Texas Constitution requires the state to maintain a

balanced budget

According to the Texas Constitution, in order to serve as governor, an individual must

be at least 30 years old

The responsibility for preparing an initial draft of the budget belongs to

both the governor and the legislature; Texas has a "dual- budget" system

Groups that represent which of the following interests tend to dominate the Texas government?

business NOTES: Business-oriented interest groups dominate the Texas legislature.

Individuals who are employed by interest groups to try to influence government policies are called a. the 8F Crowd. b. grassrootsers. c. lobbyists. d. the Grange.


Interest groups form to a. win elected office. b. overthrow the government. c. influence government to adopt policies favored by the group's membership. d. conform to the Lobbying Reform Act of 2003, which requires all lobbies to be organized and registered interest groups.


Lobbying by a former governor, former lieutenant governor, former legislator, or former aides to these officials is a. permitted only after the individual has not held elected office for a period of two years. b. technically permitted but rarely done in practice. c. not subject to any legal restrictions. d. strictly regulated by state and federal law.


Public interest groups a. are concerned about issues affecting primarily the lives of African Americans and Latinos. b. represent the interests of specific professions in the state, such as accountants, chiropractors, and dentists. c. promote consumer, environmental, and general public issues. d. focus on a single issue, such as abortion or the environment.


The highest criminal court in the state of Texas is the

c- Texas Court of Criminal Appeals

The state Commission on the Judicial Conduct

c- investigates complaints of ethical violations by judges

Which of the following positions in the judiciary are filled primarily by non-lawyers?

c- justices of the peace

What are ways that political action committees (PACs) can engage in the electoral process?

campaign contributions issue advocacy get-out-the-vote efforts

The state attorney general is primarily concerned with

civil cases

Interest groups tend to give the majority of their money to a. neither candidate; they give to the challenger and incumbent equally. b. the candidate who is higher in the polls when the donation is made. c. neither candidate, since it is illegal for interest groups to give directly to the candidates. d. the incumbent candidate


The "revolving door" is used to describe which of the following? a. candidates' frequent cycle of winning an election and being voted out again in the next election b. key legislators' dictation of which interest groups are legal c. ordinary citizens' lack of interest in the business of government d. interest groups' practice of hiring former legislators and government officials as lobbyists


Which of the following features are most important to an interest group that seeks to be influential and effective? a. bipartisan support and moderate leanings b. celebrity members and endorsements c. central location and access to the capital d. large membership and ample funding


Which type of interest groups often use litigation to represent the interests of their members? a. professional interest groups b. corporate interest groups c. single-issue interest groups d. civil rights interest groups


In Texas, which event marked the rise of the Republican Party and partisan judicial elections?

d- the election of Bill Clements as governor of Texas

If an economic crisis were to occur that caused a significant decline in the projected tax revenue for the biennium, the state legislature would likely deal with the shortfall by taking which steps?

delay payments significant cuts in spending use the Rainy Day Fund

Which of the following would be considered an interest group?

doctors who join together to lobby for more funding for hospitals citizens from across Texas who join an organization that advocates standardized testing reforms in schools. members of a community who join together to advocate for improvements in their neighborhood NOT: politicians who believe in tax reform and pass laws to lower taxes

Texas's movement from being a Democratic to a Republican state led to

e- all of the above - defeats of large numbers of incumbent judges. - party switching by incumbent judges. - large campaign contributions to judges. - election of more Republican judges.

How likely in Texas to change its method of selecting judicial candidates?

e- unlikely

Which of the following groups has the largest number of judges?

e- women

Which of the following is the primary goal of an interest group?

effectively influence government polocymakers

Select which individuals below may become lobbyists for interest groups through the "revolving door" without restrictions.

former legislators former senior legislative staffers former executive branch officials

An organization representing more than one hundred thousand educators in the state of Texas employs five full time lobbyists. These lobbyists work through the legislative session to get an increase in pay for their members, but the pay increase their members win also benefits the more than one million educators in Texas. The increase in pay that the educators receive as a result of the organization's work is an example of which of the following?

free ride problem

When someone receives the benefits of collective action without contributing, it is known as which of the following?

free rider problem NOTES: The free rider problem is the incentive of individuals not to participate in collective action if they receive the benefits nevertheless. Interest groups work hard to overcome free rider problems.

Although judges are elected in Texas, the - can appoint a state judge in the event of a vacancy


(Q016) Which two program areas require the most funding in the state of Texas?

health and human services and education

What is the usefulness of "late-train" contributions?

help retire campaign debt of winning candidates contributions to the winning candidates to try to build a relationship after the election NOTES: So-called "late train" contributions are made to many different officials and candidates, not just to those for the railroad commissioner's office.

the legislative powers of the governor

include the ability to veto bills and call special sessions of the legislature

The governors power of appoiment is the most significant of the executive powers because it allows governors to appoint

individuals to numerous agencies, commissions, and boards in Texas.

(Q003) In Texas, needy or dependent children receive __________ of the state budget

no more than 1 percent

If the governor appointed a loyal supporter to serve on the Sunset Advisory Commission would be considered an act of


The Texas Association of Business is an example of a(n) - because it acts as an umbrella organization that coordinates many of the activities of its various business members in specific areas.

peak association NOTES: A group such as the United Federation of Teachers, which helps organize local and state-level teachers' unions and organizations, is an example of a peak association.

An individual can have the greatest influence on public policy when they have what trait(s)?

persistence and well reasoned argument

Taxes assessed on which single industry form a significant source of income for the state and add an element of unpredictability?


What is the primary goal of interest groups when they interact with policymakers?

policies that are beneficial for their groups

Gubernatorial elections are held in off-years (election years in which we do not select a president) because sate leaders want to

preventton ofthe presidential vote in texas from influencing the electi

Suppose an economist argues that it would be fairer if everyone in society had to pay the same portion of their income in taxes rather than pay taxes at different rates based on income levels. The idea about paying a flat amount in taxes on income is an example of which kind of tax?


(Q014) Next to taxes, the SECOND-largest source of revenue for Texas is


Q006) Texans are unlikely to vote for an income tax in the foreseeable future because

voters and businesses alike are attracted to a state with no income tax

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