Texas Government Chapter 9

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Which system is followed for hiring most government employees in Texas today?

merit system

plural executive

A political system whereby major executive officers are elected independent of the governor.

Public Utility Commission (PUC)

Agency that regulates utility companies; appointed.

9.4 Texas Boards and Commissions

Although most board and commission members are appointed by the governor, subject to senate approval, members of the Railroad Commission and the State Board of Education are elected by the voters. The Railroad Commission, despite its name, regulates oil and gas production. Many of the appointed boards, like the Texas Water Development Board, are administrative. Other boards set occupational licensing standards or perform regulatory functions, like the Public Utility Commission.

State Board of Education (SBE)

Elected board that oversees the Texas Education Agency.


Executive branch departments that carry out the law.

Saint Martha's Academy, an independent charter school in Texas, wants to apply for state funds. The school's application needs to be approved by the __________.

State Board of Education

Which of the following agencies is elected rather than appointed by the Texas governor?

State Board of Education

Texas Railroad Commission (TRC)

State commission that oversees oil and gas production; elected.

land commissioner

State official responsible for overseeing the leases and uses of state-owned land; elected.

Many state governments were structured after the U.S. government. How does the structure of the Texas executive branch differ from the executive branch in many other states?

Texas has a plural executive instead of a cabinet system.

Which of the following powers can be exercised by the Office of the Attorney General in Texas?

investigating unfair and anticompetitive practices of businesses within the state

Harold is a retired army officer who fought in the Vietnam War. For years, he has been living by himself in the heart of Austin. Now he wants to move to the suburbs and build a house. He approaches the Veterans Land Board to request a low-interest loan to buy the land on which to build. Which government official presides over this board?

land commissioner

Agencies under review __________.

must be reauthorized by the legislature, unless they are constitutionally mandated agencies

Diego is working in the office of a certain executive official in Texas. His job requires him to help maintain a master roll of all registered voters in the state. Diego's office falls under the supervision of the __________.

secretary of state

Trena works in the office of an important official. She spends her days filling out federal grant paperwork. For whom does Trena most likely work?

the comptroller


A form of government whereby the chief executive appoints other major executive department heads.


Chain of command.

The Sunset Advisory Commission is composed of __________.

12 members, all of whom are appointed

Sunset Advisory Commission

Appointed joint commission that reviews state agencies.

9.1 A Deliberate Division of Power

In Texas, the executive department is fragmented, fractured, and weakened. Due to influences from the state's past, including the Texas Grange and the state's traditionalistic political structure, the Texas constitution limits the power of the governor. It seeks to keep any one person from exercising too much power. Instead of a cabinet system of government, under which the chief executive would have the power to appoint most department heads, Texas has a plural executive. The lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, treasurer, land commissioner, and agriculture commissioner are all independently elected. As a result, these officers are not directly accountable to the governor.

How do the powers of the attorney general in Texas differ from those of the attorney generals in other states?

In most states, the attorney general can initiate criminal proceedings, while the attorney general in Texas has no such power.

In what way did the system of hiring state employees in the past differ from the present system of hiring state employees in Texas?

In the past, most government jobs went to workers within the winning political party.

Which of the following statements is true of the plural executive political system?

In this system, major executive department heads are elected independently.

Which of the following statements is true of the cabinet system?

In this system, the chief executive appoints other major executive department heads.

What is the primary responsibility of the Texas Railroad Commission today?

It oversees the state's oil and gas production.

Which of the following statements is true of the Sunset Advisory Commission?

It was created to help determine whether agencies have outlived their usefulness.

Astrid, a political analyst, is discussing Texas politics with her colleague, Jada. Astrid says that state agencies are accountable to the governor of Texas. Jada, however, argues that state agencies are much more accountable to the legislature than to the governor. Who is correct and why?

Jada is right because agencies depend on the legislature for appropriations and are subject to the sunset review process.

9.5 The Sunset Advisory Commission

The Sunset Advisory Commission gives Texas a structured way to determine whether state agencies have outlived their purpose. Members of the legislature and public review agencies on an ongoing basis and recommend their continuation or abolition. The commission recommendation follows an agency's self-evaluation and a series of public hearings. In addition to the question of agency survival, the commission also offers recommendations that allow surviving agencies to operate more efficiently.

Which of the following is true of the Texas Water Development Board?

The board is composed of six members who are appointed by the governor.

9.2 Elected and Appointed Officials

The lieutenant governor runs separately from the governor. Although formally a member of the executive branch, the office's powers are primarily legislative. The attorney general is the state's lawyer, representing Texas in civil matters and issuing opinion on the constitutionality and legality of state actions. The comptroller is the state's accountant. The office certifies projected revenues and determines whether the budget will balance. The land commissioner oversees sales and leases of state-owned land. The agriculture commissioner implements agriculture policy and promotes the state's farming and ranching industries.

Which of the following statements is true of the lieutenant governor of Texas?

The lieutenant governor serves in the governor's capacity when the governor is out of the state.

9.3 The Bureaucracy

The state bureaucracy performs most day-to-day functions of the state government. Some 219,000 workers are employed by the state. Texas employs fewer workers per capita than most large states. The bureaucracy allows for chain of command and merit hiring, where civil service workers are hired for their skills, not their political loyalties.


The state's chief accountant and financial officer.

secretary of state

The state's chief election officer; appointed by the governor.

attorney general

The state's lawyer; elected.

Why are executive agencies more accountable to the legislative branch than to the governor, despite being part of the executive branch themselves?

They depend on the legislative branch for funding.

How does the executive system established by the Texas constitution differ from that of the national government?

Unlike the national government, Texas has a plural executive.

In the state of Glindales, the governor has the power to appoint all the top executive department heads. She frequently consults them while making important decisions. However, most of the executive power is concentrated in her hands. What political system does the state of Glindales have?

a cabinet system

The __________ is the one statewide elected executive office that is not constitutionally mandated.

agriculture commissioner

While Jessica is filling her gas tank, she notices the name of a government official on a sticker that certifies that the gas pump works properly. What is this official's office?

commissioner of agriculture

Which of the following is the most accurate definition of "bureaucracy"?

executive branch departments that carry out the law

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