The 7 Pillars of Servant Leadership

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What are the 3 core competencies of Pillar 7

Accepts & Delegates Responsibility, Shares Power & Control, Creates a Culture of Accountability

ABCs of Communication

Act Interested, Be Encouraging, Clarify

Robert Greenleaf suggests that all people who have moral authority will show a common thread in their demeanor. What is it?


What are the 3 core competencies of Pillar 6?

Comfortable with complexity, Demonstrates adaptability, Considerers the greater good

What is the name of Pillar 4?

Compassionate Collaborator

What are the 3 core competencies of Pillar 3?

Demonstrates Empathy, Invites Feedback, Communicates Persuasively

What are the 3 core competencies of Pillar 2

Displays a Servant's Heart, Is Mentor-Minded, Shows Care and Concern

In business (for profit and non-profit) an increasingly valued and talked about skill set is a person's EQ. EQ stands for:

Emotional Intelligence

Systems Thinking Pyramid

Events Strategies Culture Beliefs

What are the 3 core competencies of Pillar 4

Expresses Appreciation, Builds Teams and Communicates, Negotiates Conflict

Empathetic listening involves your:

Eyes, Ears, Body, and Attention

According to Barry, forming work teams of people who look, think, and act like you allows your team to get the best results.


According to Thomas Lickona, character cannot be taught.


Creativity is an individual quality. It is best leveraged in solitude allowing the leader to bring their final decision to the larger group for implementation.


What is the name of Pillar 5?


According to the book, foresight's partners are in the "Head, __________________ , and Gut"


What leadership characteristic is most admired according to a study done by Kouzes and Posner?


A vision should answer which of the following questions?

How will we serve them?

Robert Half International conducted a survey which indicated that the primary reason employees leave their jobs is:

Limited Praise and Recognition

The best kept secret of successful leaders is


What are the 3 core competencies of Pillar 1?

Maintains Integrity, Demonstrates Humility, Serves a Higher Purpose

What is the name of Pillar 7?

Moral Authority

A systems thinking Servant-Leader leads change in three dimensions. What are they?

Organizational, Relational, and Individual

What is the name of Pillar 1?

Person of Character

Name one of the three companies/organizations Barry Baker has worked for

Procter & Gamble, Crusade/Athletes in Action, or City Gospel Mission

What is the name of Pillar 2

Puts People First


R emain Calm, U nto Others, L isten to Understand, E xpect Success, S eek Outside Support

Systems thinking is more about understanding:


What is the name of Pillar 3?

Skilled Communicator

4 steps to creative problem solving

State the problem, Suggest possible solutions, Evaluate and choose possible solutions, Test the creative solution

What is the name of Pillar 6?

Systems Thinker


T ogether, E veryone, A chieves, M ore

A Team Charter documents:

The way your team will interact and hold each other accountable

According to the text adaptability is a natural process, in harmony with nature's forces.


According to the text, foresight is the ability to have a sense for the unknowable and be able to foresee the unforeseeable.


An act of altruism, affects the same parts of the brain stimulated by sex, drugs, and money.


Cultures of accountability are created and sustained through moral principles, stories, congruent policies, ongoing learning, and celebrations.


Social neuroscience suggests that human beings are naturally capable of expressing empathy.


The refusal to admit to disagreements can be just as destructive as aggressive confrontation


Name 3 of the 9 elements included in a collaborative culture

Trust and respect everyday situations, eqalitarian attitudes among members at all ranks, power based on expertise and accountability.

What are the 3 core competencies of Pillar 5?

Visionary, Displays Creativity, Takes Courageous Decisive Action

System thinkers like most problem solvers zoom in to analyze a problem but what makes systems thinkers different is they also _________________ _____ .

Zoom out

Followers will grant leaders moral authority when they see they leader consistently do what?

acts as a person of character with humility, integrity, and base of spirituality Puts people first through acts of care and concern, mentoring and serving.

Virtually all descriptions of leadership share the view that it involves the process of:


Seek first to understand before you seek to be:


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