the crucible: act 1

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Who does Tituba point to as being a witch? Why does Ann Putnam agree with Tituba?

Tituba points to Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne, and Ann Putnam agreed with Tituba. Anne Putnam says "I knew it, those girls were midwives to me" and she believed that is the reason she lost so many babies. These two girls were outcasts and they were beggars, so they were already alienated by society.

What is Abigail's attitude toward Elizabeth Proctor?

Abigail hates Elizabeth Proctor because she is spreading rumors about her, and she says that she is cold and a terrible person. He also hates Elizabeth because she is the barrier between her and John Proctor who she is very much in love with.

Why does Abigail say she was dismissed from the Proctors? What does Parris indicate might be the reason, based on rumors he has heard?

Abigail says that she was dismissed from the Proctor family because she refused to be a slave to them. Parris indicates that the true reason is because she had an affair with John Proctor based on the rumors that he has heard.

What conclusion does Goody (Ann) Putnam reach about what is afflicting both Ruth and Betty?

Ann Putnam concludes that the devil is afflicting Ruth and Betty. They think this because both Ruth and Betty have no physical symptoms of anything being wrong with them. Both the girls were also seen dancing in the woods suspiciously in the middle of the night, which started the whole ordeal.

What does Betty reveal about what happened in the woods?

Betty reveals that Abigail drank blood and wished death upon John Proctor's wife, contrary to Abigail Williams saying that they "just danced".

As the "witch hunting crew" heads to the Putnams', what does Giles Corey ask/tell about his wife?

Giles Corey asks if the devil could have possessed his wife, he could not recite his prayers when she was nearby, which is a sign that she could be possessed. As soon as she leaves, he is able to pray again.

Describe the opening scene of the film when the viewer meets the girls. What are the girls asking for? Who sees the girls in the woods?

In the opening scene, the girls carefully and quietly sneak out of their houses in the middle of the night, and they meet together in the woods by a fire. They each are asking for boys in town to fall in love with them, and they are following Tituba's leadership. Someone kills a chicken and smears the chicken's blood on their face. Some of the girls are stripping naked and dancing around crazily. Reverend Parris sees the girls in the woods, and they suddenly scatter, screaming all the while.

What happened in the past between John Proctor and Abigail? How do each of them feel about it now?

John Proctor had an affair with Abigail Williams, and so Elizabeth Proctor kicked her out of their house, and she is no longer their servant. Abigail Proctor is still in love with John Proctor, whereas John Proctor has moved on and says that they can't be together anymore.

Why has Parris invited Reverend John Hale to Salem?

Parris invited John Hale to Salem because he is an expert in the area of witchcraft and demonic activities. Reverend Parris believes that John Hale can determine what is wrong with Abigail and Betty, and whether or not they are actually possessed by the devil. Parris is desperate to save his reputation and is willing to do anything at this point.

What does Parris question his niece, Abigail, about? What is his main concern?

Parris questions his niece, Abigail about what she was doing with the other girls in the woods. He asks them if they were attracting spirits, and she denies it. The conversation is cold, and Parris tells Abigail that he saw some of the girls dancing naked, and she denies it altogether. Parris slaps Abigail across the face, and exclaims that she is lying. Parris is mainly concerned with his reputation and his family's reputation, having just moved to town and already being generally unliked, he does not want to be isolated from society because his niece is a suspected witch.

Based on what Hale says, what is Rebecca Nurse's reputation?

Rebecca Nurse has a reputation for doing good deeds and being a kind spirit. Rebecca Nurse is well known to be a very religious and a very good woman.

Does Rebecca Nurse think that Reverend Hale should come to Salem? What is her concern? How does Ann Putnam react to Rebecca?

Rebecca Nurse thinks that Reverend Hale should not come to Salem, and that they should speak to God instead for help. Ann Putnam disagrees, and she says that Rebecca Nurse doesn't understand because she never lost a child, while Ann Putnam buried all but one.

Why has Reverend Parris sent for a doctor?

Reverend Parris sent for a doctor because his daughter could not wake up. She seemed to have nothing physically wrong with her, so he assumes it has to be the devil. Because of the strict, religious, Puritan society they live in, this sets the townspeople into a state of panic.

Who is the first girl to accuse Tituba? What "proof" is provided?

The first girl to accuse Tituba is Abigail Williams, no concrete proof is necessarily provided, except for Abigail's stories. Tituba is an outcast from society, so she is an easy and believable target.

How did the girls save themselves before Reverend Hale?

The girls saved themselves before Reverend Hale by naming other people who they saw with the devil, naming new people, and the two girls who were already accused.

As the girls gather around Betty at the Parris household...What is the "story" that they will have about the previous night in the woods? What threat does Abigail make? What happened to her parents?

The story that they will have is that they just danced, and that is all. Abigail slaps Betty and threatens she will stab Betty if they don't go along with the story. Abigail's parents were murdered, and she references that when she is threatening the girls.

Why might the play/movie be called The Crucible? Consider the definitions on the board.

The word "crucible" is defined as a severe test or trial, which is the literal embodiment of what happens in the play. The play is about the Salem Witch Trials, which is a literal trial and a test of the Puritan people.

When Reverend Hale arrives, he indicates that his heavy books are "weighted with authority." Any ideas as to what these books might be? Then, as Proctor and Hale walk into the meeting house, listen to the argument in the background. Who is unhappy? What is this person unhappy about?

These books might be about witchcraft and religion, he probably uses them to determine whether the people he sees are possessed by the devil. Reverend Parris is arguing with Thomas Putnam about land and money, Parris is unhappy about how much money he is making and how he is not being treated with the respect that he wants.

Why did Tituba finally confess that she compacted with the devil?

Tituba finally confessed that she compacted with the devil when she was getting beaten and they were setting up the ropes to hang her. She wanted to spare her life and stop the pain of being whipped and screamed at.

Describe the first exchange between John and Elizabeth Proctor. What is their tone like toward each other?

John and Elizabeth Proctor were very cold and serious in conversation with each other. They did not appear to love each other or even be fond of one another. They seemed to be strictly worried about responsibilities and business, mainly John Proctor telling Elizabeth what to do.

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