The Jewish Settlements in the Land of Israel 1881-1948

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Neue Freie Presse,

"New Free Press", a free newspaper in France owned by Jews but anti-Zionists. Herzl worked for it as a journalist.


"O House of Jacob , come ye and let us go" it was committed to the resettling of Israel by Jews, during the first aliyah. It constituted the first modern resettlement effort of Palestine. First self-organized group of Jews who decide to communally move to Palestine in order to re-establish Jewish state. "Beit Ya'akov Lekhu Ve-nelkha " wave of pogroms in 1881-1884 and "May Laws" of 1882 introduced by Tsar that prompted mass emigration of Jews from Europe. The movement was founded in Kharkov, Russia in 1882, by Jewish students reacting to the pogroms taking place in Russia at the time. Their goal was to resettle the Land of Israel. The first 14 member of Bilu arrived in Palestine in July 1882. The initial 'Biluim' settled in Mikve Israel and Rishon L'Tzion as farm hands. Some members of Bilu learned a trade and settled in Jerusalem. In 1884, members of Bilu formed the settlement of Gedera.

Hussein bin Ali's five sons

* Ali, who briefly succeeded to the throne of Hejaz before its loss to the Saud family. * Abdullah, later became the king of Transjordan, and whose descendants rule the kingdom, that has been known ever since as the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. * Faisal, was briefly proclaimed King of Syria, and ended up becoming King of Iraq. * Prince Zeid, who moved to Jordan when his brother's grandson, King Faisal II of Iraq, was overthrown and murdered in a coup in 1958. * Hassan, died at a young age.

Four point policies of Passfield White Paper

1. legislate assembly representing the interests of Arabs 2. policies toward land - not enough land for arabs 3. policies toward immigration - restriction on Jewish immigration 4. development plans (rather a development plan with no plan)

religious zionism

A Zionist idea that believes in the return to the land of israel in order to fulfill the reigious commandments relating to israel through learning torah and rebuilding the land of israel. Clear boundary between Judaism and the outside world is Halachah (Jewish law). Secular jewish culture does not exist. Returning to Israel is for a religious refuge.

Sykes-Picot Agreement

A secret agreement between the british and the french. France gets Syria and Lebanon, and Britain gets Iraq, Palestine, and Transjordan.

Jewish Emancipation

Abolition of discriminatory laws applied especially to Jews, recognition of Jews as equal to other citizens, and formal granting of citizenship. Major goal of European Jews of the 19th century. Led to active participation of Jews in civil society. Turned to Jewish political movements as in Russia, or were allowed to emigrate to countries offering better opportunities.

Jewish and Christian Ethnics

An essay written by Ahad Ha'am, arguing that Jews had their own values, culture. Judaism is aiming at searching for absolute justice.

Ahad Ha'am/Asher Ginsberg

Biggest adversary of Herzl. A Hebrew essayist, and one of the foremost pre-state Zionist thinkers. He is known as the founder of Cultural Zionism. With his secular vision of a Jewish "spiritual center" in Palestine he confronted Theodor Herzl. Unlike Herzl, the founder of political Zionism, Ha'am strived for "a Jewish state and not merely a state of Jews," but also cultural autonomy of the Jews.

Hogarth Message

David George Hogarth addressed to Houssein that the Balfour Declaration did not clash with the former promise to the Arabs. Jan 4, 1918.

red note

During the first aliyah, the turkish goverment prohibited Jews to immigrate as groups. Thus, Jews had to leave their passports in order to exchange for visa. This is the name of that policy.


Fear of Jews.

Bassett Letter

Feb 8, 1918. British agent in Jaffa addressed to Hussein that the liberation of the Arab people encountered Turkish attempts to win over the Arabs.


Hebrew acronym for Lohamei Herut Yisrael (Warriors for the Freedom of Israel), a splinter group formed by members of Stern Gang after Avraham Stern's death in 1942. The group carried out the 1944 assassination of Britain's Minister of State for the Middle East, Lord Moyne, and the 1948 assassination of the United Nations representative in the Middle east, Count Folke Bernadotte.

Dreyfus Affair

Incident in France where a Jewish captain was tried for treason because they military was anti-Semitic, and it divided the country, inspired Herzl to found Zionism.

Chaim Weizmann

Invented TNT explosive, influenced issuance of the Balfour Declaration; President of World Zionist Organization; first Israeli President.


Israel's organization of trade unions. Established in December 1920 during the British Mandate for Palestine, it became one of the most powerful institutions of the State of Israel.


Israeli military defense force that was created after the 1920 Arab riots and the 1921 Jaffa riots. Main purpose was to protect Palestinian Jews from Arab gangs by guarding settlements and Kibbutzim.

Jewish Colonial Trust

It was founded in London as the Anglo Palestine Company on February 27, 1902 by members of the Zionist movement to promote the industry, construction, agriculture, and infrastructure of Palestine. Today it is Bank Leumi.


Jewish enlighteners, followers of the Haskalah

Theodor Herzl

Jewish founder of Zoionist Movement(1897) movement to rebuild homeland in Palestine; Austro-Hungarian journalist.


Jewish ultra-orthodox movements that reject all modernist forms of Judaism

The Jewish Question (to Jews themselves)

Jews in Europe should assimilate or not?

The Declaration to the Seven

June 16 1918.a document written by Sir Henry McMahon and released by the British Government in response to a memorandum issued anonymously by seven Syrian notables in Cairo who were members of the newly-formed Party of Syrian Unity, which had been established in the wake of the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and the publication by the Bolsheviks of the secret Sykes-Picot Agreement. The memorandum requested a "guarantee of the ultimate independence of Arabia". The Declaration stated the British policy was that the future government of the regions of the Ottoman Empire occupied by Allied forces in World War I should be based on the consent of the governed.

Abdullah I bin al-Hussein

King of Jordan. Second son of Sharif Husayn of Mecca.

Obstacles of the first aliyah

Malaria, climate, lack of agricultural knowledge, hostility of local people but no Palestine Nationalism yet, how religious they should be (problem of Old Yishuv)

British Mandate

Mandate from the League of Nations to govern Jerusalem from AD 1922-1948 after Jerusalem was taken control of by Britain in 1917

causes of fourth aliyah

Many of the new Jewish immigrants whom arrived during this period, came as a result of increasing Anti-Semitism throughout Europe. The restrictive immigration quotas and laws of the United States kept Jews out.

The relation between Marxism and Zionism?

Marxists oppose Zionism, cuz Zionists put national interests above class interests.

Churchill memorandum

No. 5 document of the Churchill White Paper in 1922, which addressed British attitude to Palestine as dual commitment to both Jews and Arabs.


Opponents of the Hasidim who placed emphasis on learning the tradition rather than emotion

Reverend William Henry Hechler

Restorationist, Anglican clergyman, eschatological writer, crusader against anti-Semitism, promoter of Zionism, pacifist, aide, counselor, friend and legitimizer of Theodor Herzl the founder of the modern Zionism.


Revisionist Zionist paramilitary group that opposed labor Zionism and broke from Hagana. Led by Menachem Begin from 1942 until its dissolution in 1948. political splinter group from Haganah who utilized terror tactics against the British and Arabs in order to attain Zionist goals from late 1930s until 1949. Were responsible for the assassination of key opponents (Boyle) of Zionism and were responsible for many terrorist attacks such as the David hotel. Worked primarily with LEHI when planning and executing attacks and occasionally corroborated with the less extreme Hagana.

First four Moshavot

Rishon LeZion, Rosh Pina, Zikhron Ya'aqov, Gedera

Rothchild's settlements

Rosh Pina, Zichron Ya'akov, Petakh Tikvah, Hadera.

Amir Faisal

Sharif Husayn of Mecca's eldest son. Played a leading role in dealing with French and English regarding Syrian independence.Important figure because he left a memory of Arab independence and the potential for Arab unity that resonated to the present day. He influenced the idea of Pan Arabism.

Balfour Declaration

Statement issued by Britain's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour in 1917 favoring the establishment of a Jewish national homeland in Palestine.

Causes of the third Aliyah

The Balfour Declaration of 1917; The social concussions in Europe;The revolution and Russian civil war led to a wave of pogroms. riots in divided countries like Poland.The economic crisis in Europe; The enactment of severe limitations on immigration to the United States.The relative success of the absorption of the second immigration wave.

Biltmore Conference/Biltmore program

The Biltmore Conference, also known by its resolution as the Biltmore Program, was a fundamental departure from traditional Zionist policy with its demand "that Palestine be established as a Jewish Commonwealth." The meeting was held in New York City at the prestigious Biltmore Hotel from May 6 to May 11, 1942 with 600 delegates and Zionist leaders from 18 countries attending.

First Zionist Congress

The First Zionist Congress (Hebrew: הקונגרס הציוני הראשון‎) is the name given to the congress held in Basel (Basle), Switzerland, from August 29 to August 31, 1897. It was the first congress of the Zionist Organization (ZO) (to become the World Zionist Organization (WZO) in 1960). It was called for and chaired by Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism. The major achievements of the Congress were its formulation of the Zionist platform, known as the Basle program, the foundation of the World Zionist Organization, and the adoption of Hatikvah as its anthem (already the anthem of Hovevei Zion and later to become the national anthem of the State of Israel).

Pale of Settlement

The area in the western part of the Russian Empire in which Russian Jews were allowed to live from 1835-1917.

The relationship of the members of the First Aliyah with the Old Yishuv?

The relationship of the members of the First Aliyah with the Old Yishuv was strained. The First Aliyah's settlement efforts were opposed not only by the Old Yishuv's traditionalists, but also by their own settlers. The First Aliyah's people, on their part, viewed the Old Yishuv as a foreign agency. There were additional disagreements about economic and ideological issues. Only a few groups from the Old Yishuv sought to take part in the First Aliyah's settlement effort, one such group being the Peace of Jerusalem (Shlom Yerushalayim).

Cultural Zionism

The strand of Hibbat Zion that wanted development cultural content based in Hebrew, creating a cultural renaissance and drawing Jews to Palestine for spiritual satisfaction- some were territorialists, believed in cultural autonomy of the Jews. Founder: Ahad Ha'am.

Political Zionism

The strand of Hibbat Zion that wanted to secure international recognition of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Jews had historical ties, felt a connection, and could prosper economically. Founder: Herzl.

Zionist vs. first aliyah?

Zionist organizations were not supporting the first aliyah due to the opinion of getting international recognition first.

The Peel Commission of 1936-1937

a British Royal Commission of Inquiry set out to propose changes to the British Mandate of Palestine following the outbreak of the 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine.

Shaw report

a British report of a Commission of Inquiry, chaired by Sir Walter Shaw, a distinguished jurist. The aim of the report was to look into the reasons for the violent rioting in Palestine in late August 1929. The conclusion was the Jewish immigration and land purchase. The report recommended to restrict both.

Abraham Stern

a Jewish urban revolutionary who founded and led the Zionist organization later known as Lehi (also called the "Stern Gang" by the British colonial authorities).

Mohammad Amin al-Husayni

a Palestinian Arab nationalist and Muslim leader in the British Mandate of Palestine. From 1921 to 1948, he was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.

Ze'ev Jabotinsky

a Revisionist Zionist leader, author, orator, soldier, and founder of the Jewish Self-Defense Organization in Odessa. He also helped form the Jewish Legion of the British army in World War I, and was a founder and early leader of the militant Zionist underground organization, Irgun.


a Revisionist Zionist youth movement founded in 1923 in Riga, Latvia, by Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Its members played important roles in the fight against the British during the Mandate, and in the creation of Israel.

A.D. Gordon

a Zionist that combined the idea of religious Zionism with Labor Zionism, who believed that humans are like trees. Jews left their homeland, Israel, thus they were uprooted. It hurt their growth. The ideological father of 2nd aliyah.

Der Judenstaat /"The Jewish State"

a book written by Theodor Herzl and published in 1896, "Proposal of a modern solution for the Jewish question",


a fruit used by Jews in Sukkot.

Jewish National Fund

a fund that was founded in 1901 to buy and develop land in Ottoman Palestine (later Israel) for Jewish settlement.

The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry

a joint British and American attempt in 1946 to agree upon a policy as regards the admission of Jews to Palestine. The Committee was tasked to consult representative Arabs and Jews on the problems of Palestine, and to make other recommendations 'as may be necessary' to the British and American governments. The Committee's recommendations addressed the matter of immigration and the future government of Palestine. Although one of many committees of inquiry which examined the situation in Palestine, the Anglo-American committee was the only one to also examine the conditions of Jews in Europe.

the British Mandate for Palestine

a legal commission for the administration of Palestine, the draft of which was formally confirmed by the Council of the League of Nations on 24 July 1922 and which came into effect on 26 September 1923.The document was based on the principles contained in Article 22 of the draft Covenant of the League of Nations and the San Remo Resolution of 25 April 1920 by the principal Allied and associated powers after the First World War.The mandate formalised British rule in the Southern part of Ottoman Syria from 1923-1948. With the League of Nations' consent on 16 September 1922, the UK divided the Mandate territory into two administrative areas, Palestine, under direct British rule, and autonomous Transjordan, under the rule of the Hashemite family from Hijaz Saudi Arabia, in accordance with the McMahon Pledge of 1915. Transjordan was exempt from the Mandate provisions concerning the Jewish National Home. The mandate was terminated on 1948 with the UN partition plan.

fifth aliyah

a mass immigration between the years 1933-1935 due to the racial persecution in Nazi Germany. The riots in the Mandate during 1936 had weakened the immigration wave but during the years 1938-1939 thousands of immigrants came, part of them illegally.

1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine/Great Arab revolt

a nationalist uprising by Arabs in Mandate Palestine against British colonial rule and mass Jewish immigration.

Shir Betar

a poem written by the Zionist leader Zeev Jabotinsky in Paris in 1932, as the anthem of the Zionist youth movement Betar.

MacDonald White Paper/1939 White Paper

a policy paper issued by the British government, decided a partition plan for an independent united Palestine, and formally limited Jewish immigration for next 5 years.

Hibbat Zion/Hovevei Zion

a pre-Zionist movement, beginning in the 1880s. Its first conference was organized by Pinsker. It advocated revival of Jewish life in the Land. Its adherents worked toward the physical development of the Land, and founded agricultural settlements in Palestine. By the time the First Zionist Congress met in 1897, they had already begun to transform the face of the Land. Herzl, though, saw the aim of the Zionist movement as a charter for a Jewish national entity in the Land of Israel rather than its development through piecemeal settlement.

1929 Palestine riots/Western Wall Uprising/ the Buraq Uprising

a series of demonstrations and riots in late August 1929 when a long-running dispute between Muslims and Jews over access to the Western Wall in Jerusalem escalated into violence. During the week of riots 116 Arabs and 133 Jews were killed and 232 Arabs and 198 Jews were injured and treated in hospital.


a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

Old New Land/Altneuland/Tel Aviv

a utopian novel published by Theodor Herzl, the founder of political Zionism, in 1902. Outlining Herzl's vision for a Jewish state in the Land of Israel.


an Arab dynasty whose original strength stemmed from the network of tribal alliances and blood loyalties in the Hejaz region of Arabia, along the Red Sea.

Ber Borochov

an advocator of labor Zionism who explained Zionism in Marxist term


an idea that invented the term "condition", a bit like the Marxist historical perspective 一 subjective conditions decide the outcome of an object. Palestine owns all the conditions to be a nation for Jews. Thus it is supposed to be the land for Jews. National conflict should be put above class conflict. Jews were neither bourgeois nor low-class. They were homeless people. Palestine is the only place they can go to.

Arab nationalism

belief that all Arabs should ban together and form one large Arab country. nasser (leader of egypt at the time) was major component and leader of this new arab country. power struggles soon began between countries.


booklet by Leo Pinsker, argued that the only way for Jews to escape the deeply-embedded anti-Semitism of European society was to form a secular Jewish state


came from פרוש parush, meaning "separated", that is, one who is separated for a life of purity.

Herbert Samuel

civilian high commissioner of Palestine in 1920. He was an ardent Jewish Zionist, and saw his task as facilitating the establishment of a Jewish national home. He wanted Palestine to be "as Jewish as England was English," meaning he didn't want the Arab Palestinians involved in any way.

Purposes of Britain in helping Jews with immigrating to Palestine

control the Suez canal, for its own interests; dragging US down to the WWI by pleasing the American Jewry; giving pity to the Jews.


crushing battalions, created by British to protect Israel fom Germany, later became a strike force of Haganah


distribution system in kollei network, which later criticized harshly by the secular jewish world.

Leo Pinsker

european zionist who believed that Jewish assimilation into Christian European nations was impossible

Hussein-McMahon Correspondence

exchange of letters (July 14, 1915 to January 30, 1916) during World War I, between the Sharif of Mecca, Hussein bin Ali, and Sir Henry McMahon, British High Commissioner in Egypt, concerning the future political status of the lands under the Ottoman Empire. The Arab side was already looking toward a large revolt (which did not eventuate) against the Ottoman Empire and the British encouraged the Arabs to revolt and thus hamper the Ottoman Empire, which had become a German ally in the War after November 1914.

Fourth aliyah

fourth wave of the Jewish immigration to Israel from Europe and Asia who came based on Zionist motives between the years 1924 and 1928, mainly from the countries of eastern Europe, half of the immigrants from Poland and the rest from USSR, Romania and Lithuania. In addition to that 12% of all immigrants were from Asia, mainly Yemen and Iraq.

Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook

he was the first Ashkenazi chief rabbi of the British Mandate for Palestine, the founder of the Religious Zionism.


institute for full-time, advanced study of the Talmud and rabbinic literature. Pays monthly to its student members.

The Passfield White Paper

issued by the colonel secretary Lord Passfield (Sidney Webb), was a formal statement of British policy in Palestine made in the aftermath of the 1929 riots. The Hope-Simpson Report had recommended that such a statement be made, in the hopes of clarifying unresolved questions concerning the British Mandate for Palestine and the Balfour Declaration. The paper was issued in October, 1930, and like the Hope-Simpson Report, was considered very favorable for the Arabs.

failures of the Second aliyah

lack of job resources;conflict between religious and secular, ideological conflict; lack of agricultural experience

Revisionist Zionism

nationalist faction within the Zionist movement. It is the founding ideology of the non-religious right in Israel, and was the chief ideological competitor to the dominant socialist Labor Zionism. It aimed at establishing the independent Jewish state, put "class interests under the national interests". It was primary represented by the Likud Party.

Second Zionist Congress

one annual of Zionist congress that gave female participants full voting rights in 1898.

labor zionism

political movement within the Zionist who believed that through Jewish labor and workers can a homeland of Israel be built. Jews working the land. Led by Gordon.

The Hope-Simpson Report

published in Oct 1930, upon the recommendation of the Shaw Commission, the British authorities conducted an investigation into the possibilities for future immigration to and settlement of Palestine. The investigation was headed by Sir John Hope-Simpson, who spent a relatively short amount of time in Palestine reviewing the situation. According to his report, Arab farmers were suffering from severe economic difficulties. Many were tenant farmers who owed large amounts of money and lacked the means to ensure successful agricultural endeavors. Others were simply unemployed. The report indicated that the Jewish policy of hiring only Jews was responsible for the deplorable conditions in which the Arabs found themselves. Due to these conditions, Hope-Simpson recommended the cessation of Jewish immigration. Only after new agricultural methods would be introduced in Palestine, would room be made for an additional number of immigrants.

old yishuv

refers to the Jewish community that lived in Eretz Yisrael from the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE to the First Aliyah in 1881, prior to the onset of Zionist immigration. it dwelled mainly in the Four Holy Cities: Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias and Hebron. Communities include Sephardim, Perushim, Hasidim.

People of the first aliyah

religious people, creating a land of Israel, a Jewish homeland. East European and Yemeni Jewry.


sect of Orthodox Jews who follow the Mosaic Law strictly

Moses Hess

secular Jewish philosopher and one of the founders of socialism. Early advocator of labor zionism

Anglo-French Declaration

signed between France and Great Britain on November 7, 1918 agreeing to implement a "complete and final liberation" of countries that had been part of the Ottoman Empire including the establishment of democratic governments in Syria and Mesopotamia. The agreement made it explicit that the form of the new governments was to be determined by local populations rather than imposed by the signatory powers. The agreement was meant to allay Arab suspicions of possible European colonialist or imperialist ambitions. In fact France and Great Britain kept control of both regions until after World War II.

Faisal-Weizmann Agreement

signed on January 3, 1919, by Emir Feisal (son of the King of Hejaz) and Chaim Weizmann (later President of the World Zionist Organization) as part of the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 settling disputes stemming from World War I. It was a short-lived agreement for Arab-Jewish cooperation on the development of a Jewish homeland in Palestine and an Arab nation in a large part of the Middle East.


sponsors of yeshivot and kolleim.


the Jewish Enlightenment, was a movement among European Jews in the late 18th century that advocated adopting enlightenment values, pressing for better integration into European society, and increasing education in secular studies, Hebrew language, and Jewish history.

second aliyah

the Zionist immigration to Palestine of the late Ottoman Turkish rule and British mandate eras, which generated by Russian progrom. Started in 1905 and continued till the first world war. The practical zionists believed that political efforts were not as useful as going to Palestine and trying to develop the country themselves. Most of them were socialists, single young men.


the economic and political theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that hold that human actions and institutions are economically determined and that class struggle is needed to create historical change and that capitalism will untimately be superseded

first aliyah

the first modern widespread wave of immigration to Palestine, mostly from Eastern Europe and from Yemen. The wave of immigration was generated by Russian persecution, rapid increase in population and economic problems in Eastern Europe.

Arthur Ruppin

the founder of Tel Aviv. Head of Zionist Congress' Palestine Office in Jaffa. the founder of sociology department of HebrewU.


the name of a prominent Palestinian family based in Jerusalem. Many of its members held senior positions in the governing of Jerusalem. Raghib al-Nashashibi was Mayor of Jerusalem (1920-1934).

third aliyah

the third wave of the Jewish immigration to Israel from Europe who came inspired by Zionist motives between the years 1919 and 1923, mainly from Eastern European countries - from those about 45% of the immigrants arrived from Russia, 31% from Poland, 5% from Romania and only three percent from Lithuania.

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