the lifestyle and culture of the plains indians

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what did buffaloes give them

Buffalo's gave them food clothing and weapons

where was where worm his tribe and and him send

he and his tribe listen to Florida and well kept captured captive until 1888.

how long did you stay there as a prisoner

he stayed there for two years

Who is Geronimo?

he was an Apache warrior whose birth name was Goyakla

who did the 300 people consider

it considered of two-thirds of them on elderly , woman and children

in what year did he surrendered and where is this

it is 1886 and it is in Arizona

in what year did sitting bull surrendered and where was he taken to

it is an 1881 and he was sent to standing Rock reservation in the Dakota territory.

between what year did the hostilities peak by

it is between 1869 and 1878

in what year did a clash occur between Native Americans and the settlers ?

it is in 1600

we in what year did Geronimo die and where was he?

it is in 1909 and he was a president of war at fort still in Oklahoma

what was the date when the US army slotted around 300 native Americans

it is on December 29th 1890

what is the most famous battle sitting bull for tin

it is the Battle of the Little bighorn in 1876

what did the bison provide them with?

it provided them with meat , hides and other materials used in daily life.

when was the treaty of Greenville signed

it was signed in 1795

what type of tribes were they ?

many of them were nomadic , living by hunting and the following were great herds of bison

what did men use to do ?

men used to hunt and fight

what were they promised?

promise $20000 in form of everyday goods

When was the American Revolution

the American revolution in 1775 to 1783.

how did horses come into north America ?

the horses were brought by the early spanish settlers

what are the name of tribes ?

the names are the apache , the comanche , the osage , the cheyenne , the sioux and the pawnee.

what are the tents called which they lived in ?

the tents are called teepees

what did the tribes hunt?

the tribes hunted for bison.

who fought these wars

the wars with farts by the Sioux , Cheyenne , Arapaho and crow tribes

in which year were they relocated and where were they?

the year is 1860 and they were relocated across the Mississippi River

about how many tribes inhabited the great plains of america ?

there were about 30 tribes

what did the Mexican soldiers do

they butchered Geronimo's wife , three children and mother in 1858

what did the tribes used to depend on

they used to depend on buffaloes

what animals did the settlers slaughter?

they used to slaughter Buffalo herds

what did people of other tribes take as a reward for defeating the other tribe ?

they would carry the skalp with its long hair and take the women and children as slaves

what did women use to do ?

women used to take care of children and grew the crops

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