The New Deal

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Public Works Administration (PWA)

Created jobs on government projects.

Civil Works Administration (CWA)

Provided work in federal jobs.

Brain Trust

The group of advisers whome Roosevelt assembled to help him devise his New Deal policies.

1)Separations of Powers 2) Nationalization

1) Critics belived that Roosevelt's "court-packing" bill violated the notion of ___________ ____ ____________. 2) New Deal critic Charles Coughlin favored a guaranteed income and the ______________ of banks.

Tennessee Valle Authority (TVA)

A federal cororation established in 1933 to construct dams and power palnts in the Tennessee Valley region to generate electricity as well as to prevent floods.

Deficit Spending

A government's spending of more money than it receives in revenue.


A government-supported level for the prices of agricultural products, intended to keep farmers' incomes steady.

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)

A lavor organization composed of Industrial unions founded in 1938, it merged with the AFL in 1955.

Wagner Act

A law - also known as the National Labor Relations Act - enacted in 1935 to protect workers' rights after the Supreme Court declared the National Industrial Recovery Act unconstitutional.

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

A law enacted in 1933 that to raise crop prices by paying farmers to leave a certain amount of their land unplanted, thus, lowering production.

National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)

A law enacted in 1933 to establish codes of fair practice for industries and to promote industrial growth.

Inidan Reorganization Act of 1934

A law enacted in 1934 that moved away form assimilation and toward Native American autonomy. It also helped to restore some reservation lands to tribal ownership. The act madated changes in economic, cultural, and political areas.

Social Secuirty Act

A law enacted in 1935 to provide aid to retirees, the unemployed, people with disabilities, and families with dependent children.

Federal Securities Act

A law. enacted in 1933, that required corporations to provide complete, accurate information on all stock offerings.

Social Security

After reaching retirement age, most Americans today receive ______ ________ payments.

Frances Perkins

America's first female cabiner memeber. She was the secretary of labor. She played a major role in creating the Social Security System and supervised labor legislation.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

An agency created in 1933 to insure individual's bank accounts, protecting people against losses due to bank failures.

Nation Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

An agency created in 1935 to prevent unfair labor practices and to mediate disputes between workers and management.

National Youth Administration (NYA)

An agency that provided young Americans with aid and employment during the Great Depression.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

An agency, created in 1934, that monitors the stock market and enforces laws regulating the sale of stocks and bonds.

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

An agency, establish as part of the Second New Deal, that provided the unemployed with jobs in construction, garment making, teaching, the arts, and other fields.

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

An agency, established as part of the New Deal, that pur young unemployed men to work building roads, developing parks, planting trees, and helping in erosion-control and flood control projects.

New Deal Coalition

An alliance of diverse groups- including Southern whites, African Americans, and unionized workers- who supported the policies of the Democratic Party in the 1930s and 1940s.

John Collier

Appointed by the president as the comissioner of Indian affairs. Helped created the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934.

Emergency Banking Relief Act (EBRA)

Banks were insepcted by Treasury Department and those stable could reopen.

10 million

Between 1933 and 1941 union membership in the U.S. grew from less than 3 million to about ______ _____.

Banking Act of 1935

Created seven-member board to regulate the nation's money suplly and the interst rates on loans.

Fair Labor Standards Act

Established a minimum hourly wage and a maximum number of hours in the workweek for the entire country. Set rules for the employment of workers under 16 and banned hazardous factory work for those under 18.

Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)

Helped states to provide aid for the unemployed.

Mary McLeod Bethune

Hired by the president to head the Division of Negro Affairs of the National Youth Administration. Helped organize a "Black Cabinet" of influential Afrivan Americans to advise the Roosevelt administration on racial issues.

Federal Housing Administration (FHA)

Insured loans for building and repairing homes.

Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)

Loaned money at low interest to homeowners who coul not meet mortgage payments.

Sit - Down Strike

One of the main bargaining tactics of the labor movement in the 1930's was the _______ ___________.

A. Phillip Randolph

Organized the country's first all-black trade union.

New Deal

President Franklin Roosevelt's program to alleviate the problems of the Great Depression, focusing on relief for the needy, economic recovery, and financial reform.

Eleanor Roosevelt

President's wife; social reformer who combined her deep humanitarian impulses with great political skills; traveled the country observing social conditions and reminding the president about the suffering of the nation's people.

Rurual Electrification Administration (REA)

Provided affordabe electricity for isolated rural areas.

United States housing Authoirty (USHA)

Provided fereal loans for low-cost public housing.

21st Amendment

Repealed Prohibition in 1933.

Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDC)

Required manufacturers to list ingredients in foods, drugs, and cosmetic products.

Southern Democrats

Roosevelt did not do more to promote civil rights out of fear of upsetting _________ _____________.

Huey Long

Senator of Louisiana who was an early supporter of the New Deal and thhen turned against Roosevet. He proposed a nationwide social program called Share - Our - Wealth.

Fireside Chats

Series of radio conversations by Roosevelt to try and allay the country's fears about the Depression.

Glass - Steagall Act

The 1933 law that established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to protect individuals' bank accounts.

Relief, Recovery, and Reform

The 3 r's of the New Deal.

Glass - Steagall Act

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was created by the _______ _______ ______.

Steel Industry

The Memorial Day Massacre involved violent clashes between police and workers in the______ _______.

Stock Market

The Security and Exchange Commission today continues to regulate the __________ __________.

Hundred Days

The period of instense economic acitivity in which Congress passed numerous New Deal measures.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)

Two-term governor of New York and a distant cousin of former president Theodore Roosevelt; New Deal

Federal Securities Act

What really ended the Great Depression was the increased spending and work opportunities brought on by _______ __________ ________.

The election marked the first time that most African Americans had voted Democratic and the first time that labor unions gave united support to a presidential candidate.

What was significant about the presidential election of 1936?


With so much government spending, the New Deal helped to increase the federal ________.

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