the respiratory system: chapter 22

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The ______ of the lung is the rounded superior peak of the lung.


nasal septum is made out of _____and _____

bone, hyaline cartilage

expulsion of abdominal contents

breath-holding assists in urination, defecation, and childbirth (valsalva maneuver)

order of flow of air through lungs

bronchi--> bronchioles--> alveoli

alar cartilage

cartilage forming the inferior aspect of the nose

Select two examples of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

chronic bronchitis, emphysema

Long term inhalation of cigarette smoke often leads to ________, a COPD that is characterized by a loss of alveolar surface area.


gas exchange

oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange between blood and air

The system that supplies the body with oxygen and expels carbon dioxide by the rhythmic intake and expulsion of air is the ______ system. Multiple choice question. lymphatic cardiovascular digestive respiratory



tiny thin walled air sacs that exchange gases with the blood stream

respiratory system functions (9)

-gas exchange -communication -olfaction -acid-base balance -blood pressure regulation -platelet production -blood and lymph flow -blood filtration -expulsion of abdominal contents


-ventilation of the lungs (breathing) -use of oxygen for cellular metabolism

functions of the nose

-warms, cleans and humidifies inhaled air -detects odor -amplifies voice -aids in gas exchange

A normal residual volume would be ______ mL of air.


About how much air is in the anatomic dead space?


How many lobes make up the left lung? Multiple choice question. 3 2 4 1


Hemoglobin is composed of how many subunits?


How many oxygen molecules are bound to a fully loaded hemoglobin molecule?


An average tidal volume is about ______ mL of air.


Which structures enter the lung at the hilum? Multiple select question. a. Lymphatic vessels b. Blood vessels c. Bronchioles d. Nerves

A, B, D

Which term refers to the portion of the lung ventilated by one tertiary bronchus? Multiple choice question. Alveolus Bronchopulmonary segment Lobe Pulmonary lobule

Bronchopulmonary segment

In a healthy individual, which of these volumes would have the greatest numerical value? Multiple choice question. Inspiratory reserve volume Expiratory reserve volume Tidal volume Residual volume

Inspiratory reserve volume

Squamous-cell carcinoma

Originates in the basal cells of the bronchial epithelium

incoming air stops in the ____


respiration system

an organ stem that takes in air and expels it from the body (supplying it with oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide)

Which term refers to the conducting zones of the respiratory system because they are incapable of gas exchange? Multiple choice question. Forced expiratory volume Physiological dead space Anatomical dead space Expiratory reserve volume

Anatomical dead space

Where is the trachea located? Multiple choice question. Superior to the larynx Anterior to the esophagus Lateral to the mediastinum Posterior to the esophagus

Anterior to the esophagus

Why does air flow into the lungs during inspiration? Multiple choice question. Atmospheric pressure is greater than intrapulmonary pressure, and air flows toward the lower pressure area. Resistance increases in the lungs during inspiration, and air always takes the pathway with the greatest resistance. Pressure is the same in the atmosphere and in the lungs. Intrapulmonary pressure is greater than atmosp

Atmospheric pressure is greater than intrapulmonary pressure, and air flows toward the lower pressure area.

According to this figure, most of the carbon dioxide you exhale comes from which of the following? Multiple choice question. a. CO2 released from carbaminohemoglobin in the erythrocytes b. CO2 released from carbamino compounds in the plasma c. CO2 carried in the plasma as dissolved gas d. Bicarbonate ions transported into the RBCs and used to generate free CO2.

Bicarbonate ions transported into the RBCs and used to generate free CO2.

Where are the respiratory control centers located? Multiple choice question. Brainstem Cerebrum Cerebellum Corpus callosum


Which term refers to the portion of the lung ventilated by one tertiary bronchus?

Bronchopulmonary segment

______ are a group of lung diseases (asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema) that result in long-term obstruction of airflow and substantially reduced pulmonary ventilation.


Which ring-shaped cartilage forms the inferior part of the voice box? Multiple choice question. Thyroid cartilage Arytenoid cartilages Corniculate cartilages Cricoid cartilage

Cricoid cartilage

Which muscle (or muscle group) is the prime mover of respiration, producing about two-thirds of pulmonary airflow? Multiple choice question. Intercostal muscles Erector spinae Diaphragm Scalene muscles


Which two muscles (or muscle groups) are primarily responsible for resting (non-forced) inspiration? Choose two answers from the list below. Multiple select question. Rectus abdominis Intercostals Pectoralis major and minor Diaphragm Sternocleidomastoid Scalenes

Diaphragm, Intercostals

Which type of hypoxia can be caused by decreased oxygen availability at high altitudes or by drowning?


As the thoracic cavity expands, the visceral pleura clings to the parietal pleura, and the surface of the lung is pulled outward. Why does this increase in lung volume cause inspiration? Multiple choice question. Intrapulmonary pressure is temporarily lower than intrapleural pressure. Intrapulmonary pressure is temporarily lower than atmospheric pressure. Intrapleural pressure is temporarily higher than atmospheric pressure.

Intrapulmonary pressure is temporarily lower than atmospheric pressure.

Which two factors contribute most to airflow resistance? Select two answers below. Multiple select question. Diameter of the bronchioles Intrapleural pressure Lung compliance Partial pressure of oxygen

Lung compliance Diameter of the bronchioles

Which locations contain the brainstem respiratory centers? Multiple select question. Corpora quadrigemina Fornix Medulla oblongata Pons

Medulla oblongata Pons

What is the respiratory membrane?

Membrane through which gases are exchanged in the alveolus

The Bohr effect occurs because CO2 lowers the pH of the blood, which (as this graph illustrates) facilitates the unloading of oxygen from hemoglobin. Given this, what is the physiological significance of the Bohr effect? Multiple choice question. a. Airflow and blood flow are matched to maximize the efficiency of gas exchange in the lungs. b. More oxygen is released to tissues that have higher metabolic rates. c. More oxygen is unloaded in the alveoli. d. Less oxygen dissolves in the blood at high altitude.

More oxygen is released to tissues that have higher metabolic rates.

hyaline cartilage

Most common type of cartilage; it is found on the ends of long bones, ribs, and nose

Which best defines alveolar gas exchange? Multiple choice question. Movement of air in and out of the lungs via inhalation and exhalation Exchange of fluid between capillary blood and the surrounding tissue Flow of air into the alveoli of the lungs Movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide across the respiratory membrane

Movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide across the respiratory membrane

Which term refers to the most superior portion of the pharynx, posterior to the nasal cavity, and extending to the soft palate? Multiple choice question. Epiglottis Laryngopharynx Nasopharynx Oropharynx



Nearer to the trunk of the body

What are the four predominant components of inspired air?

Nitrogen Water vapor Carbon dioxide Oxygen

Small-cell carcinoma

Originates in the main bronchi but invades the mediastinum and metastasizes quickly


Originates in the mucous glands of the lamina propria

What is the serous membrane that encloses each lung? Multiple choice question. Meninx Pericardium Peritoneum Pleura


Besides keeping food out of the airway, the larynx is also responsible for which of the following? Multiple choice question. Filtering the air Producing speech Detecting odors Absorbing oxygen

Producing speech

Which choice lists the respiratory structures in the order of airflow as air it enters the lung? Multiple choice question. a. Terminal bronchiole, tertiary bronchus, secondary bronchus, primary bronchus b. Primary bronchus, secondary bronchus, respiratory bronchiole, terminal bronchiole c. Secondary bronchus, tertiary bronchus, terminal bronchiole, respiratory bronchiole d. Respiratory bronchiole, primary bronchus, secondary bronchus, tertiary bronchus

Secondary bronchus, tertiary bronchus, terminal bronchiole, respiratory bronchiole

Which aspect of the lung is known as the apex? Multiple choice question. Superior Inferior Anterior Medial


What airway supplies air to a single bronchopulmonary segment of the lung?

Tertiary bronchus

Which best describes the expiratory reserve volume (ERV)? Multiple choice question. The amount of air that can be exhaled in a given time interval. The amount of air inhaled and exhaled during quiet breathing The amount of air that may be exhaled over the tidal volume The amount of air remaining in the lungs after a forced expiration.

The amount of air that may be exhaled over the tidal volume

Why do the lungs expand along with the thoracic cage during inspiration? Multiple choice question. The parietal pleura and visceral pleura are connected along their surfaces via tight junctions. Air entering the pleural cavity pushes against the visceral pleura. Muscles in the walls of the alveoli contract, pulling them open and sucking air into the lungs. The cohesion of water causes the visceral pleura to cling to the parietal pleura.

The cohesion of water causes the visceral pleura to cling to the parietal pleura.

Why do the lungs expand along with the thoracic cage during inspiration? Multiple choice question. The parietal pleura and visceral pleura are connected along their surfaces via tight junctions. Muscles in the walls of the alveoli contract, pulling them open and sucking air into the lungs. The cohesion of water causes the visceral pleura to cling to the parietal pleura. Air entering the pleural cavity pushes against the visceral pleura.

The cohesion of water causes the visceral pleura to cling to the parietal pleura.

Which best summarizes the Bohr effect? Multiple choice question. a. The rate of O2 unloading is increased in metabolically active tissues due to increased acidity. b. More O2 will dissolve in the blood at higher pressures. c. The rate of CO2 loading into the blood is increased in metabolically active tissues. d. Excessive inflation of the lungs will temporarily inhibit the I neurons and stop inspiration.

The rate of O2 unloading is increased in metabolically active tissues due to increased acidity.

Oxygen loading in the lungs decreases hemoglobin's affinity for H+. How does this promote alveolar gas exchange? Multiple choice question. a. The released H+ combines with HCO3- to form free CO2, which can diffuse out of the blood. b. The increased H+ concentration raises the pH of the blood, which promotes oxygen loading. c. The released protons are pumped out of the RBC in exchange for bicarbonate ions. d. H+ combines with carbonic anhydrase to form bicarbonate.

The released H+ combines with HCO3- to form free CO2, which can diffuse out of the blood.

Which cartilage forms the anterior wall of the larynx and is the largest of the laryngeal cartilages? Multiple choice question. Arytenoid cartilage Cricoid cartilage Corniculate cartilage Cuneiform cartilage Thyroid cartilage

Thyroid cartilage

What is the role of the nasal conchae? Multiple choice question. To restrict the flow of air through the nasal cavity To ensure that inspired air comes into contact with mucus To exchange gasses with the bloodstream To provide an open passage way for air within the nose

To ensure that inspired air comes into contact with mucus

Which structure conducts air from the larynx to the primary bronchi? Multiple choice question. Pharynx Epiglottis Bronchioles Trachea


Which structures do not function in the production of speech, but instead is primarily responsible for closing the larynx during swallowing? Multiple choice question. Vocal ligaments Vocal cords Vestibular folds Tracheal cartilages

Vestibular folds

The respiratory system does which of the following? Multiple select question. a.Supplies the body with oxygen b.Plays a role in regulating blood pressure c.Functions in vocalization and speech d. Influences calcium metabolism e. Assists in the removal of carbon dioxide

a, b, c, e

A blood pH of 7.1 would be called ______.


Which term refers to the exchange of gases across the respiratory membrane?


Gas exchange between the air and the blood occurs in ________


Most of the surface area for gas exchange within the respiratory system is found within the many ________of the lungs.


Where does systemic gas exchange occur?

at the capillary networks of the tissues


away from the midline

Identify the components of a respiratory membrane. Multiple select question. a. Two separate basement membranes b. Endothelial cell of capillary c. Type II (great) alveolar cell d. Type I (squamous) alveolar cell e. One shared basement membrane

b, d, e

Which structures are responsible for generating sounds within the larynx? Choose two of the options below. Multiple select question. a. Vestibular ligaments b. Vocal folds c. Vocal cords d. Vestibular folds


The ______ of the lung is the broad concave surface of the lung that rests on the diaphragm.


blood and lymph flow

breathing creates pressure gradients between thorax and abdomen that promote flow of lymph and blood

Airway resistance in the lungs is usually controlled by changing the diameter of which of the following?


Which letter indicates the cardiac notch in this picture? Multiple choice question. B A C D


The central ______ in the brainstem are neurons that sense changes in the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid. Multiple choice question. photoreceptors baroreceptors osmoreceptors chemoreceptors


COPDs are almost always caused by ______. Multiple choice question. baby powder cigarette smoke air pollution asbestos

cigarette smoke

Irritants in the lower respiratory system may stimulate which of the following? Multiple choice question. Coughing Yawning Gagging Laughing Hiccuping


The ring of hyaline cartilage located inferior to the thyroid cartilage is called the ____________cartilage.


in the lungs, air flows in a __________

dead end pathway

Which is a degenerative lung disease characterized by a breakdown of alveoli and diminishing surface area available for gas exchange?


Which term refers to relaxed, quiet breathing?



excessive acidity of body fluids (pH below 7.35)

Movement of air out of the lungs is called ______. Multiple choice question. reflexive coughing apnea inspiration expiration


True or false: The residual volume may be exhaled with a forceful expiration.



farther from the origin of a body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk

septal cartilage

flat cartilage structure that forms the anterior portion of the nasal septum

The concave surface of the lungs where blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves and the primary bronchi enter and leave contains a slit. This slit is called the ______. Multiple choice question. apex hilum root base


The concave surface of the lungs where blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves and the primary bronchi enter and leave contains a slit. This slit is called the ______. Multiple choice question. apex base root hilum


the facial part of the nose is shaped by ___________

hyaline cartilage

The nasal septum is composed of which of the following types of tissue? Multiple select question. Hyaline cartilage Bone Elastic cartilage Dense connective tissue Fibrocartilage

hyaline cartilage, bone

Which term refers to a deficiency of oxygen in a tissue?


During the respiratory cycle, the intake of air is called ______. Multiple choice question. inspiration expiration


The ______ reserve volume represents the maximum amount of air that may be inhaled after the tidal volume. Multiple choice question. expiratory inspiratory


The ______ is the main structure located between the laryngopharynx and the trachea. Multiple choice question. larynx pharynx vestibule choanae


lower respiratory tract

larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs

Which term refers to the portion of the lung ventilated by one secondary bronchus? Multiple choice question. Bronchopulmonary segment Pulmonary lobule Alveolus Lobe


blood pressure regulation

lungs carry out a step in synthesizing angiotensin II

blood filtration

lungs filter small clots

The cardiac notch is the indentation located on the ______ surface of the left lung that accommodates the heart. Multiple choice question. lateral medial posterior


Name the lobes of the human right lung. Multiple select question. Inferior Superior Lateral Middle Horizontal

middle, inferior, superior

platelet production

more than half of one's blood platelets are made by megakaryocytes in the lungs

the nasal cavity is divided into right and left halves called ______

nasal fossae

The auditory tubes open in the ______. Multiple choice question. nasopharynx oropharynx laryngopharynx


Which gas has the greatest partial pressure in inspired air?


conducting zone

nose to terminal bronchioles

upper respiratory zone

nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx

organs of the respiratory system

nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs

the nose extends from the _________ to the ______

nostrils (nares) posterior nasal apertures (choanae)

Which two terms describe the anterior openings of the nasal cavity? Select two answers from the list below. Multiple select question. Nares Choanae Nostrils Vestibule

nostrils, nares

How many primary bronchi serve the right lung?


Central chemoreceptors in the brain stem that are involved in respiratory control respond most directly to changes in which of the following? Multiple choice question. Oxygen levels pH Carbon dioxide levels Smoke and dust in the air


nasal septum

partition separating the right and left nasal cavities

Angiostensin II

regulates blood pressure

Which term refers to the volume of air remaining in lungs after maximum exhalation?

residual volume

Aspirated objects that enter the trachea are more likely to lodge in which primary bronchus? Multiple choice question. Right Left


The ________lung has three lobes and two fissures.



sense of smell

The pleurae are which type of membrane?


respiratory zone

site of gas exchange


speech and other vocalization (laughing, crying)

Which is the most common form of lung cancer?

squamous cell carcinoma

Name the lobes of the human left lung.

superior and inferior

The names of the secondary bronchi of the right lung are ______. Multiple choice question. superior, middle, and inferior anterior, posterior, and medial superior, anterior, and mediastinal left, right, and medial

superior, middle, and inferior

Which term refers to the exchange of gases (O2 and CO2) that occurs in the capillary networks between the blood and the body's cells?


acid-base balance

the equilibrium in the body between acid and base concentrations

ala nasi

the flare or wing of the nose lateral to the nostril

nasal cavity

the internal chamber of the nose

The laryngeal prominence (also called the "Adam's apple") is an anterior peak on the ____________cartilage, the largest of the laryngeal cartilages.


The laryngeal prominence (also called the "Adam's apple") is an anterior peak on the_____________ cartilage, the largest of the laryngeal cartilages.


_______volume is the volume of air inhaled or exhaled during a respiratory cycle.



toward the midline

True or false: When the diaphragm contracts and lung volume increases, intrapulmonary pressure drops. True false question. True False


Nasal conchae are also called ______. Multiple choice question. meatuses turbinates vibrissae choanae


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