The Tempest

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Whom does Iris summon to join the masque?

Farmers and nymphs

What does Propsero say he will do with his staff and books once his plan is finished?

Free all the spirits throw his magical book in the water and know that he has his dukedom he couldn't possibly need anything else

What instructions does Prospero give Ariel?

Get the masque ready make sure you have enough "manpower" to carry out the plan

What do we learn of Ariel's history?

Prospero found Ariel and freed him from being trapped in a tree. Ariel had promised to serve Prospero and Prospero would give back his freedom after a period of time.

Describe how the play ends.

Prospero leaves it up to the audience whether or not the ship will take him back to Milan

What does he do for Prospero and Miranda?

he does small tasks

where were the men sailing from

sailing from carthage

What warning does Prospero give Ferdinand, and what is Ferdinand's response?

Prospero reminds Ferdinand of what a gift Miranda is to him Prospero warns that if Ferdinand breaks her virginity before they are to be married, the heavens would no longer bless their marriage

What does Prospero "reveal" to Alonso? How does he respond to what he sees?

Prospero reveals that Ferdinand is alive whereas Alonso thought he was dead. Alonso did not believe it Prospero pulls back a tapestry curtain of some sort and shows Ferdinand and Miranda playing chess

What does Prospero tell Alonso he has in common with him? In what way is it true?

Prospero says that he lost a daughter even though she is not dead, Prospero believes that he has lost Miranda to Ferdinand. Prospero wishes that Miranda and Ferdinand were married and moved to Milan

What happens when the men go to eat the meal presented to them?

Prospero sends a feast with tons of food and fantasy type animal creatures and then takes away the meal.

What does Prospero tell Gonzalo when the men arrive? The others?

Prospero tells Gonzalo that he is honorable Whereas he tells the others

What does Stephano think he has found when he first stumbles upon Trinculo and Caliban?

Stephano thinks he has found a two voiced, four legged monster when he comes across Trinculo and Caliban.

Who was Sycorax?

Sycorax was the person who imprisoned Ariel, she was the witch who had lived on the island previously, he didn't obey Sycorax and suffered the consequences. Ariel answered to Sycorax Sycorax is the mother of Caliban

How is Miranda characterized?

Sympathetic Miranda became curious about her father's life as he was the former King who was thrown out by Alonzo, now the King of Naples. Miranda is incredibly naive and innocent, she offers to get married to Ferdinand within knowing him for only a few minutes and saying how she has never seen any other man other than her father. She has lived most of her life in isolation

the ship?

the ship was saved

what happens to stephano, trinculo and caliban

they all get drunk

What do they each think?

they think each other are the most beautiful people they each have ever seen

How do Sebastian and Antonio react to seeing Caliban? What does Alosno say? Prospero?

they want to make money off of caliban

What does Antonio remind Sebastian? What do they decide?

Antonio reminds Sebastian that as soon as Gonzalo and Antonio fall asleep they should move forward with killing them and Antonio tells Sebastian not to backout They decide that they will kill them that night

What does Alonso say he'll do for Prospero?

Alonso says that he will give up his dukedom and take responsibility for his wrongs and he will spend much time trying to make it right. He will make sure Ferdinand and Miranda get married

How does Alonso react to what he's heard? Antonio and Sebastian?

Alsono feels terrible for what he has done Sebastian and Antonio feel zero verklempt for what they have done and want to continue with what they have previously had planned.

How do Antonio and Sebastian react to the magical creatures they see? What does Gonzalo say about the creatures?

Antonio and Sebastian are fascinated with the magical creatures they see. Gonzalo has somewhat of an " I told you so" moment when he explains that he had seen similar things when he was living in Naples and no one believed him

What happens after all the men except Sebastian and Antonio fall asleep?

Antonio and Sebastian were just about to kill Alonso and Gonzalo

Describe what happens when Ariel arrives. Ariel's appearance? The food? What does Ariel tell the men? What will happen to them? Why? How can they redeem themselves?

Ariel looks like an evil bird like creature known as a Harpy Ariel tells the men what terrible beings they have and to willinging kill someone is wrong Ariel tells the men they shouldn't live if they are so willing to kill others and he threatens to kill him Ariel also says that their swords are useless against his powers The men can redeem themselves only if they feel truly sorry for what they have done

What does Ariel plan to do with what he's heard?

Ariel plans to report back to Prospero and he eventually takes on the form of a harpy

How does Ariel "mess" with the men?

Ariel pretends to be talking as Trinculo, " Trinculo" disagrees with Stephano and Caliban and they begin to get angry with Trinculo even though Ariel is the one messing with them.

Who is Caliban?

Caliban is Sycorax's son Caliban is a slave to Prospero and he performs menial type tasks Known to be the ugly man Caliban is not liked by Prospero because he tried to rape Miranda

What is Caliban afraid of when the scene opens?

Caliban is afraid that Trinculo has been sent by Prospero to torture him.

Why does Prospero keep Caliban a prisoner?

Caliban is not liked by Prospero because he tried to rape Miranda, Prospero wants to punish him for his actions

What seems to be the purpose of the "masque" involving the Roman goddesses?

Celebration for the marriage of Ferdinand and Miranda "Masques" were used as a form of celebration in Shakespeare times

How is music important in this scene? Include Caliban's description.

During this scene Ariel plays music using his flute and drum. Trinculo and Stephano are confused about the noise ... where it is coming from and what its significance is Caliban is somewhat comforted by the music as it is almost familiar to him, he thinks about when he takes over the land that Prospero had stolen from him.

How does Gonzalo show himself to be an optimist? What other good news soon follows?

Gonzalo proves to be an optimist as he recounts the positive things that have occurred through all of their endeavours, even though in the span of the book the entire story is just about four hours long. Claribel gets married Prospero regains his dukedom

How does Gonzalo try to cheer up Alonso? How do Sebastian and Antonio act?

Gonzalo tries to cheer up king Alonzo, by saying that it is amazing that they all survived. He then says that the island is amazing, and that their clothes are even better and cleaner looking as when they first put them on Sebastion and Antonio were poking fun at Alonso saying how he didn't want kingship but he started by saying what he would do if he was in charge.

How does Caliban switch allegiances?

He switches allegiances because he has always been tortured by Prospero and Stefano has wine and Caliban wants to follow Stefano.

How does Prospero feel about them? What does he order Ariel to do concerning them?

He wants them to be sorry and then he would released them He orders Ariel to bring them to him

What do we learn about Prospero's story?

He was the former King of Milan and was thrown out by Alonzo who is now the the King of Naples, Prospero is now magician While he was in his reign he let many things fall to the wayside which led to his downfall Gonzalo helped Prospero and Miranda escape Milan. Gonzalo helped Prospero survive when they had to leave the kingdom.

What tasks did Ariel perform for Prospero?

Helped to create the storm and tear down the ship.

What do we learn about how Antonio feels about taking the dukedom of Milan from his brother?

If Ferdinand were to be dead then he would not be able to, as well as Claribel being too young, if Alonso was killed then Antonio would become King.

How have the men been spending their time?

In the beginning of the scene Gonzalo complains of how tired he is The men have been walking and Antonio and Sebastian are planning to kill Gonzalo and Alonso the next chance they get

What seems to have happened between the two of them by the end of the scene?

Miranda and Ferdinand declare their love for one another They agreed to get married to each other They also acknowledge that they are the only other people of the opposite gender that either of them has seen in their entire life.

What plan does Caliban suggest to Stephano? What's the key to its success? What will become of Miranda?

Prospero is asleep and Caliban explains that it is very important to go now otherwise Prospero would be awake. The key to the success of killing Prospero is that they take her books

How does Prospero treat Ferdinand? Why?

Prospero is treating Ferdinand like a slave in order to give him obstacles so he can better treasure his love for Miranda.

What does Prospero order Ariel to do?

Prospero orders Ariel to get his hat and sword from his room

What does Prospero say he wants for Ferdinand and Miranda? Will Alonso support this idea? How do you know?

Prospero wants Ferdinand and Miranda to get married Alonso did not believe that Ferdinand was alive Alonso wished that Ferdinand and MIranda were alive so they could get married.

Where are Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, and Gonzalo when the scene begins?

Prospero with Ariel's help has them trapped in some sort of trance

How do Propsero and Ariel chase Caliban, Triculo, and Staphano away?

She has them chased after by fire and puts them in trace which makes them feel crazy.

What task has Prospero given Ferdinand? Why is he happy to do it? What does Miranda offer? How does Miranda disobey Prospero?

Tells him to to go pick up logs He is happy to do it because he feels like it will get him closer to Miranda and to test Ferdinand's love for Miranda. Miranda disobeys Prospero because she snuck out of the house and tried to helps Ferdinand

What became of the people on the king's ship?

The passengers of the boat jumped off and the sailors were put to sleep and put in the harbor, none of the passengers were harmed.

Why does Prospero end the masque? What seems to be his philosophy of life, as he describes it in lines 165-180?

The philosophy of life is that life is more important than everyone makes it out to be. During this time the importance of life is not valued and is somewhat of an afterthought

What do we learn about the storm?

The storm did not kill anyone and no one was hurt Prospero caused the storm with his magic knowing that the King and Alonzo were on the ship he made sure that none of them got hurt but also had them all land on Prospero's island.

What condition are Stephano, Trinculo and Caliban at the scene's opening?

They are all extremely drunk The three men are also fighting over who gets the next sip of alcohol They begin planning to kill Prospero Caliban plans to take Prospero's books

How are Ceres and Juno appropriate goddesses to celebrate a marriage?

They are appropriate as they are the goddesses of marriage and fertility

What has become of Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo?

They arrive at a cesspool near Ariel and then they begin to plan their attack on Prospero.

What distracts Trinculo and Stephano? What does Caliban urge Stephano to do?

Trinculo and Stephano get distracted with the many clothes available to them and essentially play dress up.

How does Trinculo think he could make money with Caliban?

Trinuculo thinks he could take Caliban to England with him and make money on him by putting him into a circus like freakshow. Trinculo also says that Caliban is fish like.

How does Trinculo end up under Caliban's clothes?

a storm begins and trinculo seeks shelter under his cloak

How is Alonso saved? Include Ariel's role in this.

ariel saves them by waking them up and protected them from being killed

what happens when ferdinand and miranda see each other

love at first sight

what kind of kingdom does gonzalo describe

utopian ideal society

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