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Water retained as puddles

In hydrology, depression storage is: N96

Remain the same

In laboratory test of determining the maximum dry density of a soil, if the compaction pressure is increased, the maximum dry density will: M12

Bulk density

In soil properties, the ratio of the total mass to the total volume of solids is called: M01


In wastewater treatment, the process of removing fine residual suspended solids is known as: N01

Temperature inversion

This occurs whenever the normal decrease of atmospheric temperature or moisture or both with height changes anomalously over a relatively short vertical interval. N00

None of these

Which of the following does not affect the settlement of a footing: A. Location of GWT B. Depth of backfill C. Plasticity of the soil D. None of these N15

Practically impermeable

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a cohesionless soil. A. Easy to compact B. High shear strength C. Prone to settlement due to vibrating load D. Practically impermeable M18

Possess low shear strength

Which of the following is not a characteristic of cohesive soil? A. Possess low shear strength B. Practically permeable C. Plastic and compressible D. Decrease shear strength when distributed N16


Which of the following is not a soil component? A. Organic materials B. Minerals C. Gas D. None of these N15


Which of the following is the primary source of water supply? N99


Which of the following property of soil is necessary in the design of footing? N04

The effective pressure at the bottom of the layer will decrease

Which of the following statement is correct when the water table rises by 1 m? M14

The effective pressure at the bottom of the layer will decrease

Which of the following statements is correct when the water table rises to the ground surface? M12


Which of the following states the law of buoyancy? N15

arch dam

Which type of dam may potentially have the smallest cross section? M97


When water table rises, what is its effect on effective stress? M12

moisture-density test

A test in soil where the first mold is line with vaseline then a fully saturated soil is gradually poured into the mold. This soil test is known as: M99


Which component of rock or soil is independent of interparticle friction? N15

24 to 48

A cohesive soil deposit is considered soft if the unconfined compression strength in kPa is between: M22


A conduit, closed or open , designed to convey water from a source to a point, usually a reservoir, where the distribution system begins N98

Steady flow

A flow in which the velocity of the fluid at a particular fixed point does not change with time. N15

rating curve

A graph that plots the measured stream flow discharge versus water surface elevation N95

Hydraulic gradient

A line joining the points of highest elevation of water in a series of vertical open pipes rising from a pipeline in which water flows under pressure is referred to as N21

Hydraulic gradient

A line joining the points of highest elevation of water in a series of vertical pipes rising from a pipeline in which water flows under pressure is referred to as M16


A line on a weather map connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure is called: N99


A phenomenon in which the strength and stiffness of a soil is reduced by earthquake shaking or other rapid loading. N15

Effective stress

A pile of sand keeps from spreading out like a liquid because the weight of the sand keeps the grain stuck together in their current arrangement, mostly out of static friction. This weight and pressure is called. N15

Sieve analysis

A practice or procedure used to assess the particle size distribution (also called gradation) of a granular material. The size distribution is often of critical importance to the way the material performs in use. N15

Water hammer

A pressure surge or wave caused when a fluid in motion is forced to stop or change direction suddenly (momentum change) is referred to in hydraulics as M16


A pressure surge or wave caused when a fluid in motion is forced to stop or change direction suddenly (momentum change) is referred to in hydraulics as N21


A sewage pipe carries: N00

Sanitary Sewer

A sewer intended to carry only sanitary sewage. N98

Effluent stream

A stream channel with perennial flow: N96


A strong oxidizing agent. It improves the effectiveness of subsequent coagulation, apparently by polymerization of metastable organics; aids in removal of musty, earthy, fishy and muddy tastes and odors. It breaks down the unstable gas into two atoms of oxygen. M00


A unit for work in N-m is called: N96

shear stress and angular deformation rate

Absolute viscosity of a fluid varies with pressure and temperature and is defined as function of: N95


According to USCS, what do you call a soil grain with grain size greater than 4.75 mm but less than 75 mm? N15


Which of the following devices regulates the distribution of flow of water? M99

Half circle

Assuming the same cross-sectional area and slope, which of the following open channel shapes will give the highest discharge? N98

varies directly as the velocity

At or below critical velocity in small pipe or at a very low velocities, the loss of head due to friction: N95


Dry air consist of different gases. Which of the following component has the greatest quantity M99


If heat transfer Q is zero and the flow is frictionless it is called M97


If the ground water table in a soil formation rises as a resulting of flooding, the bearing capacity of the soil N21

viscous shear between particles of fluid

In a perfectly smooth pipe with laminar flow, the coefficient of pipe friction is due to: N97


In any stream flowing steadily without friction the total energy contains is the same at every point in its path of flow. The principle is attributed to: N16

Equipotential lines

In flow net construction of determining seepage flow, the paths of equal energy is called: M01

stagnatic pressure

It is the increased pressure developed on impact with the Pitot tube as a result of localized kinetic energy reduction to zero. M97

price current meter, weir formulas, open channel formulas

Name method(s) of measuring stream flow. N95

Position of groundwater table

One of the following foundation conditions does not affect the bearing capacity of the supporting soil N21

1 to 2

Section 302.2.2 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines provides that the slope of cut surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for intended use and shall be no steeper than _______. M22

Dry density

Soil mass consists of solid particles, water, and air. The combined volume of water and air is called voids and its ratio with the volume of solid particles is called void ratio. The ratio of the mass of solid to the total volume of soil is termed as: N01

Surface tension

The elastic elastic tendency of liquids which makes them acquire the least surface area possible. It is responsible, for example, when an object or insect such as mosquitoes that is denser than water is able to float or run along the water surface. M15


The fundamental reference dimensions are mass, length and time. The fundamental SI units for them are kilogram (kg), meter (m), and seconds (s), respectively. The unit of force derived from these units in Newton (N). Consequently, the unit pressure N/m^2 is called: N95

uniform velocity

The hydraulic and energy gradients for a straight pipe and uniform diameter are parallel with each other because of: N98


The pressure exerted onto a liquid is transmitted equally and undiminished to all portions of the liquid. The principle in fluid mechanics is known as: N16

Void ratio

The ratio between the volume of voids and the volume of the soil mass. M15

Degree of saturation

The ratio between the volume of water and the volume of voids: M15

Moisture Content

The ratio between the weight of water and the weight of solid particles. M15


The ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of soil. M17


The ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of the soil is called: M01

Degree of Saturation

The ratio of the volume of water to the volume of voids. M00

Degree of saturation

The ratio of the volume of water to the volume of voids. M17

absolute roughness of the interior surface and diameter

The relative roughness of a pipe is dependent on: N95

Reynolds Number

This is a measure of the relative importance of inertial forces to viscous forces. At sufficient high values, flow becomes turbulent. N95

Tainter gate

Type of gate used for large installations N96


Water flows over a spillway and into a horizontal canal. If the water undergoes a jump, what is the depth of flow after the jump? M00

ratio of inertia forces to surface tension

Weber number is a M97

Safe yield

What is the maximum quantity of water, which can be guaranteed during a critical dry period? M97

chemical oxygen demand

What is the measurement of the amount of oxygen required to stabilize the waste completely? N95

soil moisture

What is the term for capillary water in the smaller pore surface of the soil? N95


What method of wastewater treatment method involves removing settleable solids and thickening of sludge? N96

siphon spillway

What spillway of a dam is suited where space is limited? M97


What wastewater treatment that involves the removal of course and settleable solids by interception M97


When at any instant, the number of particles passing every section of the stream are always equal, the flow is said to be _______. N19


When the path lines of the individual particles of a flowing liquid are irregular curves and continually cross each other and form a complicated network, the flow is called: M16

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