ULL nursing 104 Exam 2

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criminal law and civil law

2 major categories of law for conduct that is considered unacceptable

negligence and malpractice

2 most common unintentional torts are

1. monitoring for early recongniton of adverse events,complications and errors 2. initiating deployment of appropriate care providers for timely intervention and response and rescue of patients in these situations

2 significant nursing functions that most closely affect patient safety,quality of care,and resulting outcomes are as follows:

clinical decision support and computerized provider order entry

2 specific funcionalities recomended by the IOM to improve the quality and safety of health care

unintentional and intentional tort

2 types of torts

most ethical of all professions

2011 gallup poll on professional honesty and ethics reported that the public ranks nursing as the

cooperation competition

All One Team all team members must rely more on____and less on_______

1.improve the quality,safety,and effiecny and reduce health disparaties 2. engage patients and their families in their health care 3.improve care coordination 4.improve population and public health 5.ensure adequate privacy and security protections for personal health information

The first stage of meaningful use forms the foundation for electronic data capture and information sharing and includes 5 priorities that are:

primary source

The system is able to integrate information from multiple sectors and provide decision support;thus the EHR serves as the______________ source of information for patient care and quality improvements in the health care system

common ground

_______________ must be established between the nurse and the patient andfamily,between fellow nurses,between the nurse and other health care providers and between the nurse and other members of society

technology advancements

_______________- have influenced all sectors of civilization across the globe including health care,even in developing countries that have limited access to healthcare


a civil wrong or injury committed by one person against another person or property

complex system

a fully functional EHR is a _________ system

postconventional level

a morally mature individual one of the few to reach moral completeness is an autonomous thinker who strives for a moral code beyond issues of authority and reverence actions are based on principles of justice and respect for the dignity of all human kind and not just on principles of responsibility,duty or self edification

The joint comission

a national agency that conducts surveys of inpatient and ambulatory facilities and certifies their compliance with established quality standards

quality and safety education for nurses QSEN

a national program with the goal of preparing future nurses with the knowledge.skills,and attitudes necessary to continually improve the quality and safety of the healthcare systems

institue for same medication practices

a nonprofit organization that is well known as an education resource for the prevention of medication errors

DNR orders

a nurse has an absolute duty to respect the patients wishes in the case of____________

monetary fines,suspension or revocation of thier liscense and even improsonment in some cases

a nurse who violates the law is subject to penalties like?

defamation of character

a patient has a right to be free from attacks on their reputation

control chart

a slightly more sophisticated tool in helping distinguish between common and special casue variation basically a run chart with statistical control limits added

ethical theory

a system of principles by which a perosn cna determine what should and should not be done

nursing ethics

a system of principles concerning the actions of the nurse in his or her relationship with patients,patients family members,other healthcare providers,policy makers and society as a whole

electronic health records

a system that captures,processes ,communicates,secrues and presents data about the patient.

social justice

acting in accordance with fair treatment regardless of economic status,race,ethnicity,age,citzenship,disability,or sexual oreintation


advancements in the wide spread use of HIT first occured in ________ countries

comply with licensing laws

all facilities providing healthcare services must?

analyzing and clearly understanding the process selecting key aspects of the process to imporve establishing trial targets to guide improvement measures collecting and plotting data interpreting results implementing improvment actions and evaluating effectiveness

all improvement models generally have the following in common:

common law

also known as decisional or judge made law created through cases heard and decided in federal and state appellate courts

definition of the term RN description of professional nursing functions standards of competent practice behaviors the represent misconduct or prohibited practices grounds for disciplinary actions fines and penalties the liscening board may levy when an NPA is violated

although NPAs vary from state to state they usually contain the following imformation?


an action an attitude wherein the provider tries to act on behalf of the patient and believes that his or her actions are justified because of a commitment to act in the best interest of the patient

sound mind

an adult of________ has the right to refuse any treatment that has previously been agreed too


an approach that is rooted in the assumption that humans are rational and act out of principles that are consitent and objective and compel them to do what is right


an ethical duty to tell the truth


an ethical principle stating that one should do good and prevent or avoid doing harm


an ethical principle stating the duty not to inflict harm


an ethical theory stating that moral rule is binding


an ethical theory stating that the best decision is one that brings about the greatest good for the most people

breach in duty is malpractice

an expert witness is required to establish whether the person breached the expected standard of care, in this case the breach in duty would be considered?


an injury to ones reputation casued by the spoken word

unintentional tort

and unintended wrong against another person

the possible benfits

at times the risk for harm must be weighed against the?

often named in the lawsuit

because the student nurse is not yet a licensed professional the faculty member or licensed nurse who is supervising the student is often?


being legally responsible for harm caused to another person or property through ones actions


being responsible for ones actions

reduction in variation of the care provided facilitation and achievement of expected clinical outcomes reduction in care delays and ultimately lengths of stay in the inpatient setting improvements in cost effectiveness of the care delivered while maintaining or increasing patient and family satisfaction

benefits of using clinical pathways are? (4)

April 2005

by ___________- healthcare institutions had to comply with federal HIPPA regulations


by looking for documentation and refrencing comparing information on on website with other sources

link searching

can be helpful once you find a relevant website

cause and effect diagrams

can help determine the potential sources of the problem are list of potential causes arranged by categories to show their potential effect on a problem sometimes is reffered to a fish bone diagram


careful nursing documentation is essential when restraints are______

criminal negligence

case in which the negligence acts constitute a crime


casuing the person to fear that they will be touched without consent

restraints improperly

charges of assaults,battery and false imprisonment may be leveled against nurses who?

identify the goals of quality improvement

clinical indicators help to?


clinical protocols or algorithms are different from clinical pathways because they represent more of a decision that a _________ might take during a particular episode or need

demands of benficence and those acts and decisions within the healthcare delivery system that might pose threats

common bioethical conflicts results from an imbalance between the?

clinical rules,literature for patient education,evidence based practice guidelines and payer rules to regulate reimbursment

components of an EHR include what?

patient support

computer based patient education and home monitoring where applicable

order entry and order management

computerized provider order entry


concern for the healthcare of others

loss of job discinplinary action by the state licsesing board nurses license can be suspended or revoked out of pocket fines if their is evidence of violation of NPA attorney fees

consequences that a nurse faces when criminal charges are filled?


conservative estimates published by the IOM in 2000 suggested that as many as _______ patients die per year as the negligence and malpractice of healthcare providers

clinical decision support

contributes to safety and quality by providing automatic reminders about preventive practices such as immunization,interactions,and elctronic resources for data interpretation and clinical decision

overuse of expensive invasive technology underuse of inxpensive care services error prone implementation of care that could harm patients and waste money

contributing factors cited in the IOM report building a safer health system included the following:

fines or improsonment

crimes are punishable by______ or _______

detail or summary

data can be presented in_________ or ________________- form

clinical pathway or critical pathway

defines the optimal sequencing and timing of interventions by physicans,nurses and other interprofessional team members when providing care fora patient with a particular diagnosis or procedure

conforms to an overriding moral duty violates that moral duty

deontological theory claims that a decision is right only if it____________________ and wrong only if it______________________


described in terms of should and may and address beliefs about appropriate behaviors within a societal context

medical or physician directive

document that list the desire of a patient in a particular scenario such as wanting to be resuscitated or not

NPA and the licensing boards administratives rules and regulations

each nurse should own a current copy of the?

review case law

efforts should be made by professional nurses to _____- as it is published and discussed in nursing journals

electronic communication and connectivity

electronic communication between health care team members and other care partners

results management

electronic reports of labatory results

the nurse owed the patient a special duty of care based on the establishment of nurse patient relationship the nurse has breached their duty to the patient actual harm or damage is suffered by the patient there is proximate cause or a casual connection between the breach in the standard of care by the nurse and the patients injury

elements essential to prove negligence or malpractice


enforce a minimal level of conduct by imposing penalties for violations of acceptable behavior

decision support

enhance clinical preformance by providing reminders about prevenitive practices

work enviorment

equally criticlal in its effect on patient safety is the _________ ____________ that supports the interdependence and effective communication among nurses and other healthcare professionals

system approach

examines the environment for conditions that may have contributed to the error and designs preventive actions

wrong site surgery mismatched blood tranfusions

examples of never events

automated blood pressure monitors glucose testing meters peak flow meters pulse oximeters weight scales 2 way digital transport systems

examples of telehealth devices that are being used today:

adopting EHRs

expensive start up cost prevent providers and organizations from doing what?>

simple negligence

expert testimony is not needed for cases of?


failure of a professional to meet the standard of conduct misconduct is unintentional


failure to act in a reasonable and prudent manner

drug trafficking fraud in billing of services for medicare patients theft rape murder

felony acts may be comitted against the federal government and generally involve:

nursing code of ethics

first introduced in the 19 century and has evolved through the years as the profession itself has evolved and as changes in society and health have come about

identify the ethical issues and problems and to understand the issue fully before moving foward in the assesment procedure

first step of assesment

reliablity,confidentiality,privacy,and security of information

for ehr systems to have the greatest impact on cost and quality they must also be interoperable with the ability to exchange information across systems and settings in a standardized manner that protects the____.__________,__________,and _____________ of the information

justify the selection

fourth step of assesment

team work and collaboration

function effectively within nursing and inter-professional teams,fostering open communication,mutual respect and shared decision making to achieve quality patient care

patient centered care team work and collaboration evidence based practice quality improvement safety informatics

health care system to improve quality focuses on 6 core competencies,what are they?

honest and repsectful manner

healthcare consumers today expect accurate and precise imformation that is revealed in an _____ and _____ manner

pareto charts

helps select key aspects on which to focus on in the process is a type of bar graph with the height of bars reflecting the frequency with which events occur or the effects the event has on a process problem


ideas of life,customs and ways of behaving that society regards as desirable

notify the primary provider

if a patient under the nurses care refuses the treatment the nurse has the duty to

secure moral thought

if the need for basic trust is met in infancy,children can begin to develop the foundation for?

aggravate the current condition and complicate future care result in permanent physical or mental impairment or disability result in complications leading to death in the case of a competent elder prompt notification of the immediate family would be a reasonable and prudent action

if the primary provider has not arrived before the patient leaves the nurses notes should reflect the specific advice given the patient, which should include the fact that leaving the facility could :

unanticipated outcomes to patients

in 2001 TJC established a new patient safety care standard requiring that institutions have a process in place to disclose?

does not

in cases of intentional torts the plantiff______ have to prove that the nurse breached a special duty or was negligent

conduct is deemed so reckless

in most states a nurse can be prosecuted when the _______________________- that the action results in serious harm or death to the patient

only following the providers orders

in no case may a nurse provide the defense of?

safety and quality

in the QSEN project ________and _______- were defined as seperate competencies to emphasize patient safety as the new standard of care.

nature of the therapy or procedure expected benefits and outcomes of the therapy or procedure potential risks of the therapy or procedure alternative therapies to the intended procedure and their risk and benefits risk of not having the procedure

in the case of routine as well as speciallized care the primary provider must disclose the following:

inconvient distressing harmful

in the past truth telling was sometimes viewed as _____.________,or even_______ to patients and families this was held for many years

no case notify the provider

in___________ should the nurse proceed with initiating any part of the therapy that he or she is responsible for implementing if they have reason to believe the patient hasnt been given informed consent they should?

safety issues

inconsistent skills in commmunicating with various members of the health care team can contribute to___ _____.

criminal acts

increasing number of nurses are being charged with

clinical actions or outcomes of clinical care

indicators focus on__________ they should not focus on procedures that support clinical care

advance directive

individuals desires regarding end of life care these wishes are generally made through a living will


infants have___ concept of right and wrong

health imformation and data

information to make sound clinical decisions such as past medical histroy,lab test,allergies,current medications and consent forms

american with disabilities act

intent of this law is to end discrimination against qualified persons with disabilities by removing barriers that prevent them from enjoying the same opportunities available to persons without disabilities


interdisciplinary field within the health care organization that has developed only in the past 4 decades nursing ethics is a part of this has developed with the age of modern medicine specifically with the development of homo-dialysis and organ transplantation

evidence based practice

intergrate best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal health care

information communication

interoperablity of systems and linkages for exchange of data across disparate systems

intentional torts

involes the direct violation of a persons legal rights


is applicable to people coming to nonED settings such as urgent care clinics


is to promote goodness,kindness and charity

ask the patients premission

it is essential that the nurse ask______ to proceed before initiationg any procedure particulary those of an invasive nature

uphold the highest standards of practice and care assume full personal and professional resposibility for every action commit to mantaining quality in the skill and knowledge base of the profession

it is the nurses ethical obligation to do what things>

standard of care

knowledge and skill that an ordinary,reasonably prudent person would possess and exercise in the same of similar circumstances

health insurance portability and accountability act(HIPPA)

law is to ensure confidentiality of the paitents health information sets guidlines for maintaining the privacy of healthcare data

common law

law that is created through the decision of judges as opposed to laws enacted by legislative bodies

damages awarded in malpractice case

laws have been enacted that sheild individual health care workers employed in federal or state facilities from personal responsibility for?

good samaritan imunity

laws may limit a nurses liability ir shield the nurse from a malpractice claim id the nurse renders assistance in an emergency that occurs outside of the employment setting


laws that are written by legislative bodies such as Congress or state legislatures are enacted as____________.

living will

legal document a competent adult makes known of there wishes regarding care that will be provided in the final stages of a terminal illness

durable power of attorney

legal document that authorizes the patient to name the person who will make the day to day and final end of life decisions once he or she is decisionally incompetent

fines and punitive damages jail time

legal remdies for intentional torts include____ and _____ although some rise to the level of a criminal act and may result in_________

fines improsonment some states execution

legal remedies for crimes include:

advanced search

limit your searching to educational where you are more likely to find info related to research and evidence based practice ex google scholar


major offenses

child abuse prevention and treatment act

mandates all states to meet specific uniform guidelines to qualify for federal funding of child abuse programs requires reporting of specific health problems and the suspected or confirmed abuse of infants or children

AMA form

many agencies request that a pateint sign a __________ when they intend to leave in contradiction to the plan of care and despite the absence of a discharge order

run charts

measuring data over time to evaluate patterns in process variation also known as time plots are graphs of data points as they occur over time

reporting and population health management

meet public and private sector reporting requirments at the federal,state and local levels,address internal quality improvement incenitives

strenous and often costly

meeting the guidelines for meaningful use of EHRs is __________- and often _________ for community based ambulatory services and small inpatient centers

brute force

method of searching where you type in what you think might logically be a web address and see what happens


minimizes risk of harm to patients and providers through system effectiveness and individual preformance


minor offenses

illegal practice of medicine failing to report child or elder abuse falsification of patients medical records assault and battery and physical abuse of patients

misdemeanors that nurses are commonly charged with

moral and ethical requirment

most contemporary professionals believe that telling the truth in personal communication is a ____ and ________ requirment

kohlberg theory

most widely accepted theory on moral development

information presentation

must be mangaed to ensure that authorized caregivers and others with legitimate uses have the information they need in their preferred presentation form


not all people develop beyond the ___________ level

educate the public about the use of advance directives

nurses and other healthcare educators have an ethical obligation to ?

cultural change

nurses are in the perfect position to lead this _____ ______

shape, the design, purchase and implementation of technology

nurses can and should play crucial roles in organizations to help _________,__________,and_______________ of technology to match clinical needs throughout the organization

assault battery and false improsonment

nurses have also been charged with a variety of offenses when unlawfully detaining patients including:

no other strategies are effective in protecting the patient

nurses may lawfully apply restraints in an emergency when in there independent judgement________-

reasoned thought process and sound judgement

nurses promises require a commitment to develop a _____ _____ _____ and________ ______________ in all situations that take place within this important relationship

patient has given permission

nurses should also document that___________ for the treatment or procedure


nursing care in life threatening emergencys ___ breach the standard of care required under ordinary circumstances

invasion of privacy

occurs when a persons private affairs is made public without consent


offense against society,defined through written criminal statues or codes

implenmetation cost

one of the major barriers to EHR is what>

Utter v. united hospital inc 1977

one of the most important cases to establish the expected conduct of nurses was ____________ it affirmed that nurses were required to exercise independent judgments to prevent harm when caring for patients.

nurse practice act protect the public and make the individual nurse accountable for their actions

one of the most important state laws governing nurse practice is the? what is the aim of regulating practice in this manner?

converting paper documents to electronic and establishing the network infastructure to support EHRs

other cost related barriers include complex implementation processes such as?

standaardized processes

otherwise reffered to as best known methods or best known practices

participate in their own healthcare decisions accept or refuse medical treatment make advance health care directives

paitent rights under the paitient self determination act include:

a patients right to self determination

paternalism interferes with a patients right to?

issuing a formal reprimand establishing a period of probation levying fines limiting,suspending or revoking a nurses license

penalties that licensing boards may impose for violations of an NPA include the following:

conventional level

people begin to internalize their view of themselves in response to something more meaningful and interpersonal desire to be viewed as good or bad wanting to please and help others and show respect for authority


personal freedom and the right to make choices

informed consent

physician or advanced practice nurse has the duty to disclose information so that the patient can make intelligent decisions. madated by federal statue amd state law and is grounded by common law

relies on memory continous use of resources as their needed

point of care technology is an essential component of nursing practice as it moves from practice that relies on__________to one that emphasizes___________________-

consistent position on specific or related issues

principles can permit people to take a ? these principles are sufficently comprehensive to provide an analytic framework by which moral problems can be evaluated

Computerized provider order entry

process by which the physician or another health care provider directly enters orders for client care

root cause analysis

process for identifying the basic or casual factors that underlie variation in performance including the occurence or possible occurence od a sentinel event focuses primarily on systems and processes not individuals

unstable unpredictable not in statistical control

processes that demonstrate both common cause variation and special cause variation are______.___________,and ________________

stable predictable and statistically in control

processes the demonstrates common cause variations are__________,__________________,and_____________________

risk manager

professional who tracks accidents and injuries that occur in the facility may assist nurse managers in the development id effective policies and procedures to improve practice is knowledgeable about federal and state administrative rules and regulations affecting healthcare systems,licensing laws and healthcare case law

national database of nursing quality indicators//\\\\\ 1. provide comparative data to healthcare organizations to support quality improvement activites 2. to develop national data to better understand the link between nurse staffing and patient outcomes

program collects designated indicators that strongly affect pateint clinical outcomes for 2 major purposes which are?


provide better protection of confidential health information that paper based systems because such systems incorporate controls

imformation processing

provide for effective retrevial and processing of fata into useful information

common law and case law

provides courts with guidelines for deciding future cases

codes of ethics

provides implicit standards and values for the professions

should not

quality improvement _______ __________- be considered a separate function within the role of care provider but rather an ongoing part pf the professional role for all health care professionals

patient centered care

recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patients values,references and needs

sentenial event standard

requires an organizations to carry out designated steps to fully understand the factors and systems associated with adverse patient events,given that certain defining characteristics have been confirmed

human dignity

respect for inherent worth and uniquness of individuals and populations


restraint of any kind is a form of?


review the website for evidence that the information it contains is current look for dates compare last update of website with current literature


reviewing the authors credidentials


right to self determination


rules imposed by some source of authority moral decisions made in response to threat or punishment

administrative processes

scheduling systems,billing and claims management,insurance eligibilityand inventory management

understanding of good and bad

school age children will begin to make choices about how they act based on a _______________

literature resources

scientific and research information usually require _____________ resources that can be found in schollary data bases such as MEDLINE or the cummulative index to nursing and allied health literature(CINAHL)

identify and analyze available alternatives for action

second step of assesment

contiunity of care reduce cost

shared records promote___________--- across systems and potentially ________ _________ by eliminating duplicate diagnostic testing and services

individual blame approach system approach

shifting from an ____________ approach to a _________ approach allows the integration of all the competencies that include the patient and family as partners in creating a safer system

bioethical dilema

situations that pose a choice between perplexing alternatives in the delivery of healthcare because of the lack of a clear sense of right and wrong

safe timely effectivee efficent equitable patient centered

six guiding aims sometimes called STEEEP

minimal standard of the maintence of the physical plant basic operational aspects of major departments essentatial aspects of patients rights and the informed consent process

specific language usually is contained within health faciality licensing statutes regarding the following issues:

contionous quality improvement

stage 2 of meaningful use focuses on___________ and became effective in 2014

licensing boards

state legislatures have given___________ the authority to hear and decide administrative cases against nurses when there is an alleged violation of an NPA or the nursing boards rules and regualtions


strive to make sences of the contradictions and learn to develop their own set of morals and values as autonomous people begin to make choices based on an internalized set of principles that provide them with the resources they need to evaluate situations in which they find themselves


tables,graphs,narrative,and other forms of information presentation must be ______________

nursing education standards and the license examination

the 6 competencies were incorporated into?

malpractice claim

the AMA form may provide the facility with a reasonable defense against a __________- if the patients condition worsens or an injury is sustained and a malpractice claim is filed

health information and data capture results management order entry and order management decision support electronic communication and connectivity patient support administrative processes reporting and population health management

the IOM recommends that EHR system offers the following 8 functionalities:

medication safety self assestments

the ISMP has also developed___________,to allow nurses and other health care professionals to access the medication safety practices in their work setting.


the ___________- established th national data base of nursing quality indicators

home care

the ____________ _________ arena is seeing significant changes as a result of telehealth


the ability to share and transfer patient data seamlessly from one provider to the next

existing moral values and their revelance to society

the adolescence questions?


the analysis of a work process indespensiable tools in mapping out what actually occurs during the process versus what is intended

clinical indicators

the basic foundation of the monitoring and evaluation process required by QM principles is in the use of ____________

risk and benefit

the benefience-nonmaleficence principle is largely a balance of?

nursing case law

the body of written opinions about nurses is known as

truthful communication protect

the challenge today is to mesh the need for _____________ with the need to _______________

data capture

the collection and entry of data into the EHR

punitive damages

the court may award special damages meant to punish the nurse for the outrageous conduct each state has established standards to determine when these may be awarded

values and value based behavior

the development of ________________- and ______________- is essential for professional nursing

ethics acculturation

the didactic and experimental process of developing ethical reasoning abilities as a part of ongoing professional preparation

suspected or actual patient client injury,abuse or neglect

the federal government requires nurses and other healthcare providers to report specific types of_________

least restrictive restraint have been executed

the goal when a restraints are clinically indicated is to use the___________- and only when all other strategies to ensure patient safety have been __________


the importance of nursing case law in establishing the current standard of practice cannot be____________

patient self determination act

the law requires all federally funded hospitals to give patients written notice on admission to the health care facility of their decision making rights and making policies regarding advance health care directives in their state and in the institution to which they have been admitted also provides guidance to nurses who often are in the best position to discuss these issues with the paitient

claims of negligence or intentional wrongdoing

the medical directive if executed properly provides the physician with immunity from___________ or_______________ in the patients death

universal adoption

the movement toward meaningful use EHR along with financial incentives is designed to promote _______ _________- of EHRs in the united states

gross negligence

the negligence act of the nurse is so reckless and reflects such a conscious disregard for the patients welfare

notify the provider prevent the indiviual in leaving

the nurse has the duty to________- and appropriate nursing staff when a competent patient intends to leave against medical advice but may not in any way ____________________-

no authority

the nurse has______--- to detain the patient even if there is likely hood of harm or injury as a result of discontinuing therapy

failing to file a report the results in damages to a person

the nurse may be liable in a civil suit for?

allow certain disclosures of paitent data

the patient safety and quality improvement act was enacted to do what?


the physical location of data

1. substantial knowledge exists about how to achieve better performance than currently prevails 2. strong examples already exist of organizations that have applied that knowledge and broken through to substantial improvements 3. the stakes are high and relevant to the most crucial strategic needs of health care

the premise behind break through thinking and its resulting action is threefold:


the principle of respect for a person sometimes labeled as the primary moral principle

pediatric textboks

the process of learning from right and wrong is often described in?

help accredited organizations address specific areas pf concern in regards to patient safety

the purpose of TJCs national patient safety goals it to?


the quality of health care in the united states is_________

level of moral development of those professionals

the rightness and wrongness of the complex and confounding health care decisions that are being made today depends on the ____________________ entrusted with the tough decisions

ethical theory and ethical principles

the study of___________and___________________ can provide a basis for moving forward as a morally mature professional nurse


the unsettling IOM report to ERR is Human revelaed that up to __ of health care errors are related to poor working relationships and commmunication

federal and state statues accrediting bodies

the use of chemical and physical restraints is governed by____ and _____ and__________ such as TJC

share freely information and experiences with others allow an internet user to become and author of content

these Web 2.0 tools are designed to?


they become more aware of the contradictions they see in the value systems of adults

select one alternative

third step of assesment

medication errors reporting program Merp

through ___________ health care professionals across the nation voluntarily and confidentially report medication errors and hazardous conditions that could lead to errors

Robert wood johnson foundation

through support from the ____________________ the national quality and safety education for nurses project was created to develop and facilitate the execution of changes in nursing education to offer new oppurtunties for faculty development,and to learn from a 15-school pilot collaborative

interaction and meaningful communication

today however for trust to develop between providers and patients there must be truthful_____ and _______ communication

imitate behavior seen in others

toddlers will_________ even though they do not comprehend the meaning of the behavior.

civil law

tort law,deals with conduct considered unaceptable

statutory law and common law

two major sources of law are?

quick and dirty searching

type your search term into a search engine like google


unauthorized or the actual harmful or offensive touching of a person

false improsonment

unlawful restraint or detention of another person against their own will actual force is not necessary to support a charge of this

quality improvement

use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to contiually imrove the quality and safety of health care systems

biometric technologies

use human characteristics such as finger prints,retinas,irises,voices,and facial patterns to authenticate or grant access to data or information


use information and technology to communicate,manage knowledge,mitigate error and support decision making


use of telocommunications technology to acess, diagnose,and in some cases test persons who are at a distance from the health care provider

criminal penalties and civil monetary penalties

violation of HIPPA regulations may be subject to what?

criminal offense government authorites

violation of law is a ________ offense against the general public and is prosecuted by who?

quality scientific approach all one team

what are the 3 QM cornerstones?

freedom and informed consent

what concepts are grounded in the principle of autonomy?

intended to support individuals in expressing their prefrences about medical treatment and making decisions abour end of life care

what did the patient self determination act intend to do?

scope and limitations of professional nursing practice

what does the nursing practice act define?

concerns of the uses and releases of medical information particularly to private entities such as insurance companies.

what led to the passage of HIPPA?

res ipsa loquitur the thing speaks for itself

when the negligent act clearly lies within the range of a jurys common knowledge and experience the doctrine of ____- may be applied

emotional distress

when the nurses behavior is so outrageous that it leads to emotional shock of patients the court can compensate the patient for_________________-


whether the purpose of the website is clear or not information presented as factual or opinion primary or secondary in origin


whether the site is well designed and stable easy for users to maneuver content should be error free and readable


who do you have to collabarate with to formulate a DNR?


who should serve as the team leader in disclosure situations?

emergency medical treatment and active labor law

"antidumping law" prohibits the refusal of care for indigent and uninsured paitents seeking medical assistance in an ED also prohibits the transfer of unstable patients including women in labor from one facility to another

consequneces rewards punishment

By the time children reach school age rhey have learned that behavior has____ and that good behavior is associated with___ and bad behavior is associated with______

eliminating lost orders and illegiable handwritting

CPOE contributes to safety and quality of health care by?

improved communication more readily acessible knowledge requirment for key pieces of information assistance with calculations checks preformed in real time assistance with medication monitoring decision support rapid resource to and tracking of adverse events

CPOE functions also contribute to medical error and prevention through the following:

privacy and security of patient data

HIPPA regulations focus on____________________________,including standard formats for transmitting electronic patient information

greatest barrier

Interoperability is quite possibly one of the _______ ___________ to the sucessful implementation pg a universal system of EHRs in the united states

implement decision support goals,measure quality indicators and outcomes

Stage 3 of meaningful use focuses on______________- became effective in 2015

federal statute

The EMTALA is an example of a ?

privacy officer policies and procedures

The HIPPA requires that all organizations and facilities that gather or collect personal health information are required to name an individual as _________ and develop __________ and __________ to ensure the privacy and security of PHI

financial incentives

The american recovery and reinvestment act directed the meaningful use of EHR systems for hospital and physician practice settings and provided for _________ ______________ from the CMS to providers who adopt and use EHRs that meet the meaningful use standards

effective and efficent

_______-and _______ internet searching is a must in todays information overloaded society


________ became the first state to enact a law that mandates the establishment of minimum nurse paitent ratios in acute care facilities no other state has followed

the united states

_________ is considered to have the worlds most technologically advanced health care system delivered by a dedicated and highly skilled workforce it is also the most expensive system in the world

Real time

__________ ___________- data capture is particularly important in the management of numerous chronic diseases

clinical indicators

__________ are aspects of clinical care that can be measured to show the degree to which care is or is not carried out as it should be


__________ are not meant to define quality but rather to point the way to assestment of areas in which quality issues may be present

topdown flow chart

__________ simply lists the main steps and substeps of a process in linear function


___________ is administered by the centers for medicare and medicaid services and has the authority to establish new rules and regulations to enhance patient safety and quality and reduce the cost of care.

federal false claims act

___________ makes it an offense to submit a false claim to the government for payment of health care services

web 2.0

___________ tools such as social media,collaboration sites,interactive websites and internet bulletin boards or blogs encourage individuals to be more involved and knowledgeable about there own health


___________ were some of the first health related organizations to seriously explore the potential value in adopting a total quality mindset in the 1980s

market competition

____________ competition has been identified as one barrier to universal adoption and interoperable EHRs in the united states

federal laws

____________ has a major effect on nursing practice and mandating a minimal standard of care in all health care settings that receive federal funds


____________ is a paramount for healthcare data`

meaningful use

_____________ refers to a complex set of capabilities and standards to be met by EHR use in a series of 3 stages over several years/

patient care

______________ is dependent on effective inter-professional communication to support the coordination of activities that promote efficiency and safety

Ensembles d'études connexes

America, a narrative history,ch. 30

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