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The wartime experiences of American women included all of the following except

Momentarily gaining the right to vote in many northern states

What is a statement regarding the American Revolution and Native Americans is false?

Most Indian tribes ultimately chose to fight on the side of the British.

The first state constitutions after the Revolution began were replaced because

Their executive branches were weak and they had difficulty governing

First Continental Congress

convention of delegates from colonies that met in response to Intolerable Acts; rejected plan for union under GB, made statement of grievances, recommended military prep, stopped all trade w/ GB, & agreed on meeting again

The English colonization of North America

established trading centers in cities on the eastern seaboard

Plantation system

large-scale land ownership with many workers (mostly slaves); goal was to produce cash crops

(AP EXAM Q) The Jefferson Administration advocated which of the following changes as a means of restoring republican ideals?

reducing the scope of activities of the federal government

Fugitive Slave Act

law that made it a crime to help runaway slaves; allowed for the arrest of escaped slaves in areas where slavery was illegal and required their return to slaveholders; part of the Compromise of 1850

How did Maryland's early development differ from that of Virginia?

Attracted religious people (esp. Protestants & Catholics) instead of unwilling laborers & "adventurers"

Varieties of slavery

laws about slavery were not enforced; some slaves lived in harsh conditions but many also had a lot of (limited) freedoms

Confiscation Acts (1861, 1862)

laws passed by US government during the Civil War with the intention of freeing the slaves still held by the Confederate forces in the South

Foreigners were encouraged to assimilate into American culture by all of the following factors except

laws required churches to be independent of foreign influence

Aaron Burr

lost to Jefferson b/c of Hamilton in 1800 election; plotted the secession of NY but failed; later killed Hamilton

Under the Missouri Compromise, the entrance of Missouri as a state of the Union was paired with the admission of


Dred Scott v. Sanford

1857 Supreme Court case in which a slave, Dred Scott, tried to sue for his freedom on the grounds that his master moved him to a free territory; court ruled slaves are not citizens and therefore have no legal right to sue

The Enlightenment

18th century movement which stressed logic and reason

John Adams

2nd prez; avoided war during the XYZ Affair; assisted in drafting the Dec. of Independence; leader during Rev.


3. Nativist reaction to immigration resulted in (A) the formation of the Know- Nothing party (B) the splitting of the Democratic- Republican party (C) major changes in the immigration laws (D) increased immigration from southern Europe (E) greater sectional differences between North and South


3. Which of the following increased southern planters' reliance on slaves? (A) Missouri Compromise (B) invention of the steamboat (C) invention of the cotton gin (D) Lowell System (E) Louisiana Purchase


4. All of the following restricted the growth of labor unions before the Civil War EXCEPT (A) increased numbers of immigrant workers (B) economic depressions (C) opposition by factory employers (D) opposition by southern plantation owners (E) judicial decisions

4. The Civil War began when A) the North fired on Southerners surrounding Fort Pickens B) the South fired on Northern forces in Fort Sumter C) the North sent troops to invade Virginia D) the South cut off Northern supplies near Manassas E) the South sent troops to invade Maryland


40. The victorious Union commanders who led the final major campaigns of the war were A) Johnston and Lee B) McClellan and Hooker C) Beauregard and Jackson D) Sherman and Grant E) Grant and McClellan


44. The popularity of baseball received its greatest boost from A) wealthy American entrepreneurs B) the American Civil War C) the Mexican-American War D) the "industrial boom" of the 1870s E) American expansion in the West


8. Revisionist historians, such as James G. Randall, argued that the Civil War was caused by A) smuggling of slaves from the West Indies B) fundamental sectional differences C) inept political leadership D) the extreme brutality of slavery E) constitutional disputes


82. A key factor in Ulysses S. Grant's victory in the presidential election of 1868 was A) his experience as a party boss during the Civil War B) Grant's new popularity with white Southerners C) the huge black vote for Grant in the South D) the lack of bitterness expressed in the campaign E) Grant's long career of political experience


How did the Stuart Restoration affect those English colonies already established in America? How did it affect attitudes about founding more settlements?

Charles II rewarded courtiers with grants of land -> new motivation to settle and expand in new land


Imperial England and English soldiers developed a contemptuous attitude toward "natives" partly through their colonizing experiences in

By the end of the American Revolution, most Native American tribes had

Managed to escape to the safety of southeast Canada

The immigrants of the late 1800s who generally advanced most rapidly were

Germans and Jews

The new consumer market allowed buyers to

all the answers below

New department stores in the late nineteenth century

all the below

which of the following statements is most accurate regarding the existence of political parties in the united states?

although washington warned against the influence of political parties, he reluctantly accepted the endorsement of the federalists party

In the antebellum North, the abolitionist movement

attracted some support, but also frequent mob violence

Jay's Treaty (1795)

avoided war w/ GB; GB left US soil and pay for damages they inflicted on US vessels in exchange for US paying for some Rev War debts

The 1850 legislation that aimed at resolving all the sectional issues in one compromise package was introduced by a. John C. Calhoun b. Henry Clay c. Daniel Webster d. Abraham Lincoln e. Zachary Taylor

b. Henry Clay

The author of the Compromise Tariff that ended the Nullification Crisis was a. Andrew Jackson b. Henry Clay c. Martin Van Buren d. Daniel Webster e. John C. Calhoun

b. Henry Clay

Because of opposition to the War of 1812, a movement toward secession was made by a. Carolina Federalists b. western Republicans c. New England Federalists d. Chesapeake Republicans e. mid-Atlantic Republicans

c. New England Federalists

Robert Fulton

created the first steamboat ("Clermont")

During the first McKinley administration, the country experienced a. an exhaustion of dissent b. a decline in labor unrest c. a major increase in farm prices d. a significant expansion of business activity e. all of the answers above

e. all of the answers above

The heaviest fighting of the Mexican War occurred in a. New Mexico b. California c. northern Mexico d. Texas e. central Mexico

e. central Mexico

Middle Passage

journey across the Atlantic Ocean for African slaves; brutal and horrid; many people died

"Midnight Judges"

judges appointed by John Adams the night before he left office

The urban political machine had all of the following goals except

keeping the Irish Catholics from gaining control of city government

Samuel Adams

leader of the Sons of Liberty and proposed the committee of correspondence

Nat Turner

led slave rebellion in VA in 1831; killed 60 whites; over 100 slaves executed as result


man is the head; how colonial societies were arranged

"Young America" Movement

manifest destiny spirit of the Americans in the 1840's and 50's; thought about transmitting democratic spirit of the US to other countries by aiding revolutionaries, opening up new markets, and annexing foreign lands

Constitutional Convention

meeting of delegates in Philly in 1787 that created US Constitution

Ostend Manifesto

named for a secret meeting in Ostend, Belgium, it was a scheme for the US to purchase Cuba from Spain for $120 Million; fell through

Enforcement Acts of 1870/1871

prohibited the states from discriminating against voters on the basis of race and gave the federal government the power to supersede the state courts and prosecute violations of the law

Committees of Correspondence

system of communication between patriot leaders in the colonies

Stamp Act

taxed all printed documents (newspapers, licenses, stamps, deeds, etc.)

In the Battle of Bunker Hill...

the British suffered heavy casualties.

Following the War of 1812, westward expansion increased because

the Indian opposition to white settlement had considerably decreased

The Declaration of Independence was derived primarily from

Other colonial local "declaration of independence"

Continental Army

US army during Rev.; led by Wsahington; supplemented by local militias

Battle of Saratoga

US defeated Burgoyne and his troops; proved to France that they could win

Invasion of Canada

US wanted to gain Canada support; Arnold threatened Quebec, but was unable to gain Canada

obtain most of its capital from private investors, facilitate the collection of taxes, provide loans to private businesses, act as a storehouse for federal deposits. All correct

Under Alexander Hamilton's plan, a new national bank would

Andrew Jackson could be described as a a. frontier aristocrat b. southern plantation owner c. poor western farmer d. wealthy eastern merchant e. champion of the oppressed classes

a. frontier aristocrat

During the election of 1896, William McKinley represented all of the following sectors of the voting populace except a. small farmers b. gold advocates c. traditional conservatives d. big business e. Northerners

a. small farmers

Because of opposition to the War of 1812, a movement toward secession was made by

New England Federalists

In early 1778, France

agreed to give the Americans money and supplies but withheld its soldiers.

Paul Revere

alerted colonies that the British were coming on his midnight horseride

The War of 1812 led to a call for

all of the answers below

The temperance movement of the 1800s featured

all of the answers below

Mayflower Compact

first document to establish self-government in US; signed by 41 men on the Mayflower

National Road

first highway built w/ federal funds; Congress authorized in 1806

Financing the Revolution was difficult for the American side because...

hard currency was scarce.

Quasi-French War

undeclared war fought at sea; US v. France; ended when Napoleon came to power

During the late 1800s, immigrants to the United States tended to become

unskilled workers

John Dewey's educational theories emphasized that schools should

use a flexible, democratic approach that allows students to deal with the realities of society

The popular early American leisure activity of horse racing

was mostly reserved for fairly affluent gentlemen

The period 1817 to 1821 became known as the "era of good feelings" because there

was only one major political party

Captain John Smith

Organized Jamestown and imposed a harsh law "He who will not work shall not eat".

Virginia/ Jamestown

- 1607 - Captain John Smith - Initially wanted gold; later wanted trade and profit; long term was colonization - Religious tolerant - Headright system: land grant program designed to attract new settlers to the New world (indentured servants willingly) - House of Burgesses: the lower house of colonial Virginia legislator - William Berkeley (a governor of VA) - Bacon's Rebellion - starving time - tobacco - conflicts with the natives

75. The most positive accomplishment of Reconstruction in the South was A) improving public education B) eliminating corruption in state governments C) securing civil rights for blacks D) reducing the power of the Southern elite E) resolving racial prejudice in the South


Roger William

A dissenter who clashed with the Massachusetts Puritans over separation of church and state and was banished in 1636, after which he founded the colony of Rhode Island to the south


A form of business organization with one owner who takes all the risks and all the profits.


A native Indian of America, daughter of Chief Powahatan, who was one of the first to marry an Englishman, John Rolfe, and return to England with him; about 1595-1617; Pocahontas' brave actions in saving an Englishman paved the way for many positive English and Native relations.

Compared with the working conditions in the early 1800s, the condition of workers in 1840 had

A) become much worse

43. The range-cattle industry declined for all of the following reasons except A. decreasing demand for beef B. changes brought by farmers and railroads C. severe weather that killed thousands of cattle D. expansion by ranchers beyond the capacity of the grasslands E. deadly fever epidemics that killed cattle

A. decreasing demand for beef

What led to Virginia becoming a royal colony?

After the 1622 Indian uprising, the colony declared bankruptcy and so James I revoked the company's charter -> under the crown's control

When the Continental Congress proposed a 5 percent duty on imported goods, the states responded by

Agreeing to the proposal quickly, because they realized the government needed money quickly

was eventually passed by congress essentially as Hamilton had desired

Alexander Hamilton's funding plan

locate the nation's capital between Virginia and Maryland

Alexander Hamilton's plan for the federal government to assume state debts was passed by Congress after a deal was made to

14th Amendment

All persons born or naturalized in the US are citizens; no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges of citizens; o state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law

Early efforts at urban sewage disposal frequently

All the answers below

The rise of mass-consumption economy at the end of the 1800s led to

All the answers below

John Jacob Astor created a fortune in his ownership of the

American Fur Company

French and Indian War

American field of 7 Years' War; both GB and France wanted to expand while stopping the other from expanding


Americans who supported independence

An important outcome of the Battle of Saratoga was

An alliance between American and France

What were the major British Caribbean colonies and under what circumstances were they obtained?

Antigua, St. Kitts. Jamica, & Barbados the war between Spain and Netherlands -> increase in English colonization

What is false regarding Benedict Arnold?

Arnold previously foiled the advance of Barry St. Leger into the Mohawk Valley.

74. During Reconstruction, no Southern black was elected to A) the U.S. Senate B) the U.S. Congress C) a state governorship D) a state lieutenant governorship E) the U.S. House of Representatives


"Dime novels" included all of the following genres except

Classical Greek poetry

Organized football was first played by

College students

First Battle of Bull Run [First Manassas]

July 1861; first battle of CW; Confederates forced Union troops to retreat; showed the Union war was not going to be as quick as they thought

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787...

Created a single territory out of the lands north of Ohio, guaranteed freedom of religion throughout the affected areas, prohibited slavery within the affected areas, abandoned the system created in the 1784 Ordinance.

10. During the Civil War, the largest source of revenue for the U.S. government was A) confiscating rebel property B) printing paper money C) collecting taxes D) borrowing E) personal donations


In much of the North, anti slavery sentiment were by all of the following except

Encouragement and support from southern legislatures

twelve years

Federalists controlled the new government under the Constitution for its first

be largely agricultural and rural

In the 1790s, those who were labeled Republicans envisioned developing a nation that would

not mentioned

In the Constitution, political parties were

Shay's Rebellion strengthened the movement to

Produced a new national constitution

The most characteristic of American geographical forms in the westward settlement was the

Rectangular grid

Alexander Hamilton

The dominant figure of George Washington's administration was

the forced separation of the Indians into the separate territories of the "reservation system".

The early conflicts between English settlers and the Indians near Jamestown laid the basis for

The national government under the Articles of Confederation was particularly successful in

The resolution of western land issued in Northwest Territory

The state governments that were formed during the 1770s exhibited all of the following characteristics except

They adopted the principle of universals suffrage

The Carolinas exhibited all of the following characteristics except

They prohibited slavery

Election of 1836

Van Bueren (Democrat) easily wins against many Whig candidates

The first American born child of an English settler was

Virginia Dare

Shay's Rebellion

Which event more than nay other convinced George Washington that the Articles of Confederation needed to be revised?

Alexander Hamilton

Who among the following was one of the authors of The Federalist Papers

The first governor of Plymouth plantation was

William Bradford

During the Revolutionary War, all of the following men were important American military leaders except

William Howe

Boss Tweed

William Tweed, major democratic political machine in NYC in 1868, led illegal Tweed Reign (group of corrupt politicians defrauding the city)

Congregational church

a Protestant denomination holding that each individual congregation should be self-governing

The battle of Yorktown involved...

a combined French and American army and Navy.

The Spanish set up outposts from Florida to South Carolina in part because:

a. Spanish missionaries hoped to convert local Native Americans to Christianity. b. English colonists from Virginia were attacking Spanish settlements. c. they sought to prevent the escape of African slaves to English colonies located north and east of the Savannah River. d. the discovery of gold mines in central Florida meant that other powers were likely to encroach on Spanish territories. e. they needed to protect St. Augustine, which became capital of New Spain in 1542. answer-a

80. Ulysses S. Grant is considered to have been A) a good, but not quite great, president B) a failure as president C) a good president who had bad advisors D) an adequate, if unimaginative, president E) a president who diminished corruption in Washington


Most of the Louisiana Territory was a. east of New Orleans b. west of New Orleans c. north of St. Louis d. south of St. Louis e. east of the Mississippi River

b. west of New Orleans

19. In the North, the Civil War had the effect on women of A) reinforcing the traditional sex role B) creating support for female suffrage C) hastening the conversion of nursing into a female occupation D) opening the professions to large numbers of women in all fields E) creating an opportunity for women to serve in special units of the armed forces


The lesson from the novels of Horatio Alger is best summarized by the statement A)"Little women are little no longer." a. "The wealthy are trustees for their poorer brethren." b. "The public be damned." c. "Woman was created to be a man's companion." d. "Rags to riches."

d. "Rags to riches."

In 1856, the U.S. Representative Preston Brooks, infuriated by an insulting speech directed against his uncle, beat with his cane U.S. Senator a. Stephen A. Douglas b. Daniel Webster c. Henry Clay d. Charles Sumner e. Jefferson Davis

d. Charles Sumner

A significant aspect of James Buchanan's win over John C. Fremont in the election of 1856 was a. Buchanan's charismatic and energetic style b. the Republican party's failure to run a presidential campaign c. Millard Fillmore's strong third-party showing d. Fremont's inability to gain votes in the South e. the collapse of the Democratic party in the North

d. Fremont's inability to gain votes in the South

During the War of 1812, the United States suffered defeats at all of the following locations except a. Frenchtown b. Washington c. Fort Detroit d. River Thames e. Fort Dearborn

d. River Thames

Which of the following contained proposals for the constitutional amendments to admit new states and declare war only by a two-thirds vote of Congress and to restrict Congress's power to lay an embargo? a. the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions b. the Rush-Bagot Agreement c. the Connecticut Compromise d. The Hartford Convention e. the declaration of war in 1812

d. The Hartford Convention

18. During the Civil War, the Northern economy changed in that the A) service industries grew B) coal industry increased production C) railroad industry suffered much wartime destruction D) purchasing power of workers increased significantly E) banking system became less centralized


23. The Confederate war effort was A) highly centralized on a national basis B) somewhat centralized, but greatly hampered by state governments protecting their states' rights C) conducted almost entirely by the individual states D) run by a smoothly functioning combination of the national and state governments E) most popular in mountainous regions of the backcountry


The system of temporary servitude in the New World A. was appealing to North American property-holders m the mad-1600s B included a labor force that never volunteered to come to the colonies e. was not widely used in the British colonies . d led to a lack of social unrest in the Chesapeake region e did not compose a significant percentage of the colonial labor force

B included a labor force that never volunteered to come to the colonies

Characteristics of early colonial life in North America included A) less diversity of culture compared with Britain B) a native population that outnumbered Europeans C) a low percentage of African-Americans in the South D) a mild and easily manageable physical environment E) a dominant culture of French tasted and styles

B) a native population that outnumbered Europeans

14. Mining in the West was characterized by A) mining cooperatives inhabited by Chinese immigrants B) areas that rapidly declined after the deposits were mined C) men who developed an area after a great deal of preliminary planning D) prospectors who discovered deposits and then stayed until they were completely mined E) many working-class miners finding their fortunes

B) areas that rapidly declined after the deposits were mined

The rise of the factory began in the

B) textile industry in the Northeast

The element of the Constitution most representative of the antifederalist perspective is the A. three-fifths provision B. Bill of Rights C. doctrine of judicial review D. Thirteenth Amendment E. concept of strong centralization

B. Bill of Rights

Barbary Pirate Wars

Barbary states in North Africa demanded money in return for protection of American ships in Med.; symbolic war; navy built up; in the end paid ransom for prisoners

"Burr Conspiracy"

Burr's plan of secession for Louisiana and capture of Mexico from Spanish to create new nation; was found out and crushed

was ineffective

By the late 1780s, dissatisfaction with the Confederation Congress was due in part to the belief that the national government

Lord De La Warr

Arrived in Jamestown in 1610, he was a veteran of the vicious campaigns against the Irish and introduced "Irish Tactics" in a campaign against the Indians. His troops attacked Indian villages and torched cornfields.

avoided personal involvement with the deliberations of Congress

As president, George Washington

supported the creation of a national bank

As treasury secretary, Alexander Hamilton


At the Philadelphia convention, James Madison argued that the ultimate authority of the federal government came from the

was undergoing rapid economic and social transformations

At the time of the first colonization efforts, England

15. The Democratic platform of 1864 called for A) vigorous prosecution of the war B) a truce in the Civil War C) immediate emancipation of all slaves D) the sale by auction of captured rebel property E) an increase in defense spending


As leaders of a tax rebellion in the 1780s, Daniel Shays and his supports demanded...

a moratorium on debt collection.


a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons.

29. A fiery speech against the Stamp Act was given in the Virginia House of Burgesses by a. Thomas Jefferson b. George Washington c. Samuel Adams d. James Otis e. Patrick Henry

e. Patrick Henry

14. During the seven Years war the English secretary of state was a. James Wolfe b. William Byrd c. William of Orange d. Jeffery Amherst e. William Pitt

e. William Pitt

The symptoms of the depression of the 1890s included all of the following problems except a. high inflation b. bank failures c. credit contraction d. railroad bankruptcies e. depressed prices in agriculture

a. high inflation

The group in white Southern society that most objected to the institution of slavery was the a. hill people b. plain folk c. sand hillers d. yeoman farmers e. planter elite

a. hill people

Jackson's policy with respect to the Bank of the United States was grounded in a. his belief that the Bank harbored eastern privilege and limited opportunity b. his respect for Nicholas Biddle and the stability the Bank brought to the financial system c. his acknowledgement of the need for sound paper money in the American economy d. the access to funds it gave westerners for the purchase of western lands e. his support for centralized control of the American economy

a. his belief that the Bank harbored eastern privilege and limited opportunity

The first major labor union that organized on a national scale was a. the Knights of Labor b. the National Labor Union c. the American Federation of Labor d. the American Railway Union e. the Congress of Industrial Organizations

a. the Knights of Labor

What was the foundation for the prosperous Native American societies in Mexico, Peru, and the Mississippi River Valley?

a. Bison hunting b. Gold and silver mining c.Slave trade d. Maize, beans, squash answer-d

The American political system developed differently than the British political system because a. Britain did little to exert its authority before 1760 b. most colonial governors were native born Americans c. the colonies were authorized to govern themselves d. the provincial governors exercised great influence e. Americans were reluctant to create local assemblies

a. Britain did little to exert its authority before 1760

Boston Tea Party

event where colonists boarded GB tea boats and threw 342 chests of tea overboard into the Boston Harbor in retaliation for the Tea Act

James II became unpopular with his British subjects because he

exercised autocratic control over Parliament and the courts

The Mexican War

conflict between US and Mexico from 1846 to 1848 in the wake of annexation of Texas, which Mexico considered part of its territory despite the 1836 Texas Revolution; Mexico accepted the Rio Grande as border and loss of Texas

Under the Articles of Confederation, in 1777 there was a federal...

congress, judiciary, executive, and bureaucracy.

The author of "Common Sense"...

considered the English constitution to be the greatest problem facing the colonists.

During the American Revolution, Loyalist...

constituted perhaps as many as one-third of the white colonial population.

One effect of Shays's Rebellion was it...

contributed to the growing belief the national government needed reform.

Second Continental Congress

convention of delegates from colonies on May 10, 1775; looked for middle ground to war- neither complete independence nor complete GB rule

In colonial America, under English common law a married women...

could not own property.


country's wealth is measured by amount of gold owned; goal is to export more goods than import

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

created 1 single territory; defined process by which new states could be admitted into Union; said slavery was outlawed until terriroty became state and then citizens could decide

Freedmen's Bureau

created by Congress in 1865; intended to be like a welfare agency; provided food, clothing, medical care, and education to freedmen and white refugees

Samuel F. B. Morse

created telegraph and Morse code

Eli Whitney

created the cotton gin and helped spread slavery

14. The 1887 law that tried to force Indians to assimilate into white society by ending tribal ownership of land and distributing it to individual tribe members was the A. Indian Affairs Act B. Wounded Knee Act C. Homestead Act D. Ghost Dance Act E. Dawes Severalty Act

E. Dawes Severalty Act

Seven Years' War

French/Indians v. GB/colonies; America and Europe; 1754-63; GB won

Virtual representation

GB Parliament members already "represented" colonies; what US didn't want

George Grenville

GB Prime Minister 1763-5; Navigation, Sugar, and Quartering Acts were his ideas

"Era of Salutary Neglect"

GB avoided strict enforcement of laws in colonies during 17th & 18th centuries; colonies left to run on their own

"Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne

GB general who submitted plan for invading NY thru Canada bu was defeated ; surrendered at Saratoga

Lord Cornwallis

GB general who surrendered at Yorktown, ending Rev. War

General Thomas Gage

GB general; ordered troops to Concord; lost 3x as many men as colonies did during Lexington and Concord

General William Howe

GB general; some claimed he had sympathies for Patriots; made many blunders that allowed the US to win Rev.

British vs. American advantages

GB had greatest navy, equipped army, massive resources, and strong command center; US had home field advantage, deep commitment, assistance from other nations, early blunders by GB

William Pitt

GB leader 1757-8; diverted resources to GB army during 7 Years' War; helped win war

Sir Henry Clinton

GB military strategist who helped invade NYC and Savannah

Coercive [Intolerable] Act (1774)

GB response to Tea Party; closed Boston ports, reduced colonial government, and required even more quartering of troops, as well as extraterritoriality

War of 1812

GB v US; US was outraged at GB impressment of American sailors and aid to Indians attacking US; US won

Fort Necessity

GW built to protect against French; French troops took it over in 1754

The British military campaigns of 1776 saw...

General John Burgoyne suffer a major defeat at Saratoga.

What were the origins of the colony of Maryland?

George Calvert's dream = the colony, but died so his son Cecilius lived the dream

James Madison

In 1786, Alexander Hamilton found an important ally in his push for a stronger central government

The Revolutionary War affected religious and social groups in all of the following ways except

It improved the position of the Indians because most helped the American side

How was the "colonization of America as much a biological invasion as a cultural one"?

It included epidemics, plants, & animals as well as the November harvest (Thanksgiving)

The Battle of Bunker Hill was significant because

It showed he British that the American resistance was organized and determined, and more than a local conflict

religious dissenters and poor whites fleeing aristocratic Virginia

Most of the early white settlers in North Carolina were

During the early 1900s, the term "yellow journalism" referred to

a sensational, often lurid style of reporting

During the second phase (1776-1778) of the American Revolution, British military efforts were hampered by...

a series of tactical blunders and misfortunes.

During the late 1800s, the need for specialized skills and scientific knowledge was answered by all of the following educational developments except

a significant upsurge in schools for blacks

The Republican vision of America as proposed by Thomas Jefferson included the ideal of

a society of sturdy, independent farmers

According to the principles of mercantilism

a successful nation should export its own goods in exchange for gold and silver

How might an historian today interpret the following 1849 statement? "[N]either mule nor Negro can be made to do more than a certain amount of work; and that amount so small in comparison to the amount done by the white laborers at the North it is a universal observation at the South." a. White labor was vastly more productive than slave labor. b. Slaves were little better than animals in accomplishing the tasks at hand. c. The gang system was better than the task system to complete work. d. Deliberate resistance may have decreased slave productivity. e. Northern labor was among the most productive in the world at the time.

d. Deliberate resistance may have decreased slave productivity.

In 1846, the United States signed a treaty dividing the Oregon territory along the 49th parallel with a. Russia b. France c. Spain d. Great Britain e. Canada

d. Great Britain

The Lincoln-Douglas debates resulted in all of the following events except a. Douglas won reelection to the U.S. Senate b. Douglas argued that territorial legislatures could still exclude slavery by simply not passing laws to protect it c. Lincoln gained a national reputation as a Republican leader by performing well d. Lincoln maintained that the slaves must eventually be freed and awarded full legal equality e. Lincoln expressed free-labor sentiments about settlement in the West

d. Lincoln maintained that the slaves must eventually be freed and awarded full legal equality

Republican Party

Political party founded in northern states in 1854 by anti-slavery activists, modernizers and ex-Whigs; became opposition to dominant Democratic Party; first came to power in 1860 with the election of Abraham Lincoln

First Great Awakening

Protestantism revival in mid 18th century; reaction to logic of Enlightenment; potential for young people to break away from rigid religion

The Ordinances of 1784 and 1785 represented an attempt to...

Provide for the admission of new state into the union.

John Winthrop

Puritan leader who became the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony

How did the turbulent events in England generate interest in colonization among certain English puritans? What did these Puritans hope to accomplish?

Puritan merchants began organizing an enterprise and wanted to establish a profitable enterprise in North America

Rev. Cotton Mather

Puritan; discovered vaccine for smallpox

William Penn

Quaker who founded PA; saw colony as a safe-haven; treated Native Americans fairly

The American national government obtained many of the war supplies that it needed to fight the American Revolution by

Receiving foreign aid and loans from countries like France


Representative government was first introduced to America in the colony of

In the early 1790s, the efforts of Little Turtle represented an attempt by Indians to...

Resist white expansion by military force.

The 1777 victory that marked the major turning point of the Revolutionary War occurred at the Battle of


Three weeks after the American Revolution began in 1775, delegates from all colonies except Georgia met to discuss possible courses of action at the

Second continental congress

Why did British colonists in the Caribbean turn to African slaves as a source of labor? Explain.

Slaves = cheap, plenty, forced to work in harsh conditions rather than the English

What beliefs and practices characterized the Quakers, and how did their influence make Pennsylvania a unique colony?

Society of Friends = rejected concepts of predestination and original sin, all people had divinity in themselves -> salvation, sexual equality

Colonial economies

South had tobacco, rice, and indigo; North had ironworking, lumber, mining, fishing, and business

Between 1500 and 1550, exploration of the new world was dominated by the


Amistad Case (1839)

Spanish slave ship seized off the coast of Cuba by the enslaved Africans aboard; the ship was driven ashore in Long Island and the slaves were put on trial; JQA argued their case before the Supreme Court; they were released


Strict religion that believed in "inner light" and direct effect on our soul.

Roger B. Taney

Supreme Court Justice (1835); made final decision in Dred Scott Case

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Supreme Court ruled against the state, saying that Congress has the power to invoke the Necessary Clause when a decision requires powers not specifically given to them

Louisiana Purchase

TJ bought large Louisiana territory from Napoleon in 1803; granted exclusive commercial privileges to France

What was the violent event in 1847 New Mexico that led to the death of the new American governor and other American officials?

Taos Indian Rebellion n

In dealing with the huge numbers of immigrants, most cities solved their housing problems by moving the new arrivals into

Tenement slums

During the final phase of the American Revolution, General Cornwallis was surrounded and forced to surrender is entire force at

Yorktown, Virginia

Essex Junto

extreme Federalists in New England; feared more states in Union would weaken their power

The Mormons based their ideas for society on the importance of the


Articles of Confederation

first constitution; established weak central government; powers over states was very limited

Patrick Henry

leader during Rev. and famous orator; "Give me liberty or give me death!"; taxation w/ representation

Little Turtle

leader of Miami tribe during Battle of Fallen Timbers

In regards to the status of women, the effort of the American Revolution...

led some women to question their position in society.

Prior to the arrival of Columbus, the peoples of the present United States had

less elaborate political systems than the peoples in Central and South America had

Women's roles

life revolved around child bearing; also took care of domestic duties

Treaty of Paris of 1763

marked end of 7 Years' War; France lost Canada, India, some of the Carribean, and land east of Miss.; Spain gave FL to GB; France gave New Orleans to Spain

Jeffersonian democracy

marked end of Federalist control; mild agrarian economy replaced commercial aristocracy; democratic simplicity

Sand Creek Massacre (1864)

massacre of peaceful Cheyenne and Arapho Indians

Tenure of Office Act (1867)

measure passed by Congress in 1867; prohibited the president from dismissing any cabinet member or other federal office holder whose appointment had required the consent of the Senate unless the Senate agreed to the dismissal

Hartford Convention

meeting of New England Federalists in winter of 1814-15; death blow to Federalist party when none of their demands were met

The new system of mass consumption had the most dramatic impact on

middle class women

The colony of Georgia was founded as

military buffer against the Spanish

The beginning of the American Industrial Revolution during the early 1800s resulted from all of the following developments EXCEPT

monetary assistance from the federal government to new factories

Stephen A. Douglas

politician from Illinois that designed the Kansas-Nebraska Act; won the election for senator of Illinois after the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858

Ben Franklin

politician who aided in Rev. and wrote "Poor Richard's Almanac" as well as Albany Plan of Union

In the early 1900s, American artists began to

portray realistic scenes of ordinary life

George Whitefield

powerful preacher in 1st Great Awakening; powerful sermons urging people to call on God

Reserved powers

powers not specifically granted to federal government ot denied to the states (like schooling)

Delegated powers

powers to tax, regulate commerce, control currency, pass laws "necessary and proper"

Nicholas Biddle

prez of 2nd Bank of US; tried to save bank; died and left country w/ fragile and crumbling bank

Jefferson Davis

prez of the Southern Confederate States from 1860 to 1865 after their succession from the Union; struggled to form a solid government for the states to be governed by

Wade-Davis Bill (1864)

proposed by Radical Republicans and declared that the Reconstruction of the South was a legislative, not executive, matter; wanted majority of voters to swear allegiance, not just 10%; wanted Ironclad Oath

How did the political, economic, social, and religious institutions established in Carolina reflect the proprietors' motives for starting the colony?

proposed to sell/give land using "headrights" and collect annual payments (quitrents) for freedom of Christian worship -> failed

Tariff of Abomination

protected industry in the North by taxing imported goods; led to higher costs for raw materials and hurt the South;

Horace Mann was the chief leader in the movement for

public education

Townshend [Duties] Acts (1767)

put small tax on imports such as tea, glass, lead, and paper; colonists smuggled to get around it

John Brown

radical abolitionist from US who advocated and practiced armed insurrection as a mean to abolishing slavery for good; led the Pottawatomie Creek massacre in 1856

William Lloyd Garrison

radical abolitionist who favored immediate uncompensated emancipation of slaves; published a newspaper known as The Liberator; founded American Anti-Slavery Society

The beginnings of popular culture in the late 1800s gave rise to all of the following forms of entertainment except


Ten Percent Plan

reconstruction plan (1863) introduced by Lincoln; proposed that a state be readmitted to Union once 10 percent of its voters had pledged loyalty to US and promised to honor emancipation

Jefferson sought to make his victory in the election of 1800 a "revolution" by

reducing drastically the size and power of the national government

Interstate Commerce Act (1887)

regulated RR industry, required they be "reasonable and just"

Macon's Bill No. 2

reopened trade with everyone but gave prez power to stop trade with whoever whenever necessary

Declaratory Act (1766)

repealed Stamp Act but said colonists must obey all further Parliamentary laws and that Parliament could tax the colonies

Non-Intercourse Act

replaced embargo; forbade US trade only with GB and France

Stuart Restoration

restoration of the English monarchy under Charles II in 1660

Shortly after signing the Treaty of Paris of 1783, the British government...

restricted American access to British markets.

Black Codes

restrictive laws designed to limit the freedom of Balcks and ensure their availability as a cheap labor force after slavery was abolished;

Concurrent powers

rights that both federal and state governments have (taxing, courts, etc.)

By 1820, the United States had seen significant progress in transportation in the form of significantly improved

river steamboats

The leading Southern novelists of the 1830s and 1840s wrote

romantic eulogies of the plantation system

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1830)

ruled that Cherokee were not a foreign nation w/ the right to sue in federal court

Missouri Compromise (1820)

said states north of the 36'30" line could not have slaves while those south had the opportunity to decide

Peggy Eaton Affair

scandal among Cabinet wives during Jackson's term; they were mad that Eaton had married a Peggy after an affair with her; AJ sided with Eaton but he resigned

Frederick W. Taylor

scientific management, subdividing tasks, "Taylorism"

Henry Clay

senator from Kentucky; ran for prez 5 times and lost; responsible for Missouri Compromise; War Hawk and strong supporter of American System

Slidell Mission

sent to Mexico city before the war to compromise on the purchase of New Mexico, California, recognition of the Rio Grande as the border between Texas and the US; Slidell was rejected and not received

Lewis & Clark Expedition

sent to explore Louisiana territory in 1804; Sacajawea was their guide

Checks & balances

separate branches of government were allowed to "check" other branches if the need arose; no branch took all power

Roger Williams

separatist leader and founder of Rhode Island; religious freedom and separation of church and state

Salem Witch Trials

series of hearings and prosecutions in MA in 1690s; 20 people executed b/c of belief they were witches

"Personal liberty" laws

series of laws passed by several Northern states in response to the Fugitive Slave Act; designed to protect free blacks, freedmen, and fugitive slaves

Second Great Awakening

series of religious revivals starting in 1790s; theologians tried to combat the spread of religious rationalism; individuals must readmit God into their daily lives

Lincoln-Douglas debates

series of seven debates; argued the important issues of the day like popular sovereignty, the Lecompton Constitution and the Dred Scott decision; Douglas won, but Lincoln's position in these debates helped him beat Douglas in the 1860 presidential election

Alien and Sedition Acts

set up obstacles for foreigners to become citizens and allowed government to prosecute those engaged in treasonous acts against government; used to stifle Republican criticism

Jim Crow Laws

sets of laws that segregated the African Americans from whites; legitimacy was validated by Plessy v. Ferguson; examples include banning Blacks from voting and allowing violence against them

The Quakers rejected all of the following religious and philosophic concepts except

sexual equality

Seneca Falls Convention

site of the first women's rights convention organized by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1848

Three-fifths Compromise

slaves counted as ⅗ a free person b/c they did ⅗ the work compared to a free person

Slave resistance

small rebellions; refusing to work; sabotaging tools/crops; stealing; faking illness; mostly running away

The groups that migrated to the cities after the Civil War included large numbers of all of the following groups except

southern whites

The fear of foreign immigrants in the late 1800s led to all of the following developments except

the adoption of literacy tests to screen immigrants

All of the following are factors that contributed to the development of cities except

the attempt to build larger, more humane housing for the poor workers

Despite the problems of rapid urban growth, the city of the late 1800s continued to grow because

the cities were becoming the economic hub of the country

When Thomas Jefferson said in 1801, "We are all republicans - we are all federalists," he meant that

the principles of American government were above party politics

By 1500, the incentives for Europeans to engage in overseas exploration included all of the following except

the return of the bubonic plague

john marshalls decisions upheld the principle of

the supremacy of national laws over state laws

the 1783 treaty of paris addressed the native american living in the old northwest in which of the following ways

the treaty did nothing to protect indian lands or independence

The transcendentalists called for

the use of emotion and intuition to go beyond the confines of understanding

All of the following statements are true of the French colonists in North America except

their numbers grew rapidly because of their success in building industries

"Separate spheres" theory

theory that men worked outside of the home making money while women worked inside the home for the family

For most revolutionary American political thinkers, the concept of equality meant...

there should be equality of opportunity.

In the early 1600s, the common characteristics of the English colonies included all of the following except

they made efforts to blend English society with native societies

The Panic of 1819 was the result of a speculative boom in the economy that ran for a number of years before the panic. The causes of that speculation included all of the following except

tight credit from the Bank of the United States

"Turnpike Era"

time of development of national road system

Brook Farm

transcendentalist Utopian experiment, put into practice by George Ripley at a farm in West Roxbury

Henry David Thoreau

transcendentalist who was against government and supported slavery; started civil-disobediance movement when he woldn't pay a poll tax

Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)

treaty between US and Spain; Spain ceded FL to US; US gives up claims to TX

indians ceded much of ohio and acknowledged american political sovereignty in which of the following treaties

treaty of grenville

"Southern Belle"

upper class women who were focused on domestic duties; ran the household; main job was marrying and raising children; few public activities

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the only form of popular entertainment open to large numbers of blacks was


During the 1600s, the rapid growth of Virginia's population led to the

violation of Indian treaties and frequent border conflicts

54th Massachusetts Regiment

voluntary infantry regiment for the Union during the Civil War made entirely of Black soldiers; known for its valor during the Battle of Fort Wagner although they lost

John C. Calhoun

vp under Jackson; advocated nullification, free trade, states' rights, and limited government; supported the South

Most of the Americans who fought the passage of laws to restrict immigration did so because they

wanted a cheap and plentiful source of labor for American industry


wanted to purify the Church of England; fled to US for religious freedom; strict

Black Hawk War (1832)

war in Illinois between Sauk and Fox Indians against US; final battle in Old NW; Indians were driven out of Illinois and west of Miss.

Napoleonic Wars

wars between Europe and Napoleon's France; both GB and France tried to prevent US from remaining neutral; US stuck in the middle and attacked from both sides

As commander of the Continental Army, George Washington...

was admired, respected, and trusted by nearly all Patriots.


"Society of Friends"; denied need for mediator between God and man; came to US for religious freedom; believed in equality


10. In the first decades of the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution in the United States was supported by developments in all of the following areas EXCEPT (A) the factory system (B) transportation (C) corporations (D) mechanical inventions (E) crafts unions

Maryland Colony

-1632 -George Calvert and Lord Baltimore -Religious freedom for English Catholics -Catholic initially but Protestant was majority -Act concerning Religion: 1648; promoting religious tolerance.

New Jersey Colony

-1702 -Lord John Berkeley; Sir George Carteret -Land given to Carolina businessmen by Charles II -Religious freedom; tolerance -Biggest failure of all the colonies; only small farms with no major cities

Middle Colonies

-New York Colony -Delaware Colony -New Jersey Colony -Pennsylvania Colony

Southern Colonies

-Virginia/ Jamestown -Maryland Colony -North Carolina Colony -South Carolina Colony -Georgia Colony

Between 1800 and 1820, the American textile industry experienced

-it expanded tremendously both before and after the war -it saw the opening of the first American mill to combine spinning and weaving under one roof -it suffered from the British dumping underpriced goods on the American market -it experienced less foreign competition after the tariff of 1816 ans: ALL THE ABOVE

What conditions and circumstances characterized the first permanent English settlements?

1. business enterprises 2. few efforts to blend English society with natives 3. almost nothing went as planned


10. Which of the following is a CORRECT statement about the United States in 1850? (A) The vast majority of Native Americans lived west of the Mississippi River. (B) A majority of Americans lived in cities. (C) All free African Americans lived in the North. (D) Most industrial workers were protected by laws providing for an eight-hour day. (E) The Mississippi River defined the western frontier.

James K. Polk

12th prez; annexed TX and claimed all of OR; prez during Mexican War; sent troops to Rio Grande where Mexican troops were and claimed Mexico attacked first; controversial

Gadsden Purchase

1853 treaty in which the United States bought from Mexico parts of southern Arizona and New Mexico; Southerners wanted this land in order to build southern transcontinental railroad


2. During the 1840s, large numbers of Irish immigrated to the United States mainly because of (A) British persecutions in Ireland (B) U.S. policies offering free land (C) support from the Irish- American Aid Society (D) the development of textile mills in New England (E) famine resulting from the failure of the potato crop


2. The map shows the United States directly after the (A) Louisiana Purchase (B) War of 1812 (C) Rush-Bagot Treaty (D) Florida Purchase (E) Missouri Compromise

William Bradford

2nd gov of Plymouth; developed private ownership and helped colonists get out of debt; helped colony survive; pilgrim

Gen. William Henry Harrison

9th prez and first to die in office; military leader; named governor of Indiana territory in 1801

12. The victims of mob violence in the New York City draft riots of 1863 were mainly A) blacks B) Irish immigrants C) Confederate prisoners of war D) government officials enforcing the draft E) people with business ties to the South


14. In the presidential election of 1864, the Democrats nominated A) George B. McClellan B) Andrew Johnson C) Abraham Lincoln D) Thaddeus Stevens E) Clement L. Vallandigham


78. During Reconstruction, the per capita income for Southern blacks A) increased substantially B) increased moderately C) remained about the same D) decreased substantially E) decreased gradually


83. The Credit Mobilier scandal involved A) fraudulent construction contracts for the Union Pacific Railroad B) illegal tax stamps for whiskey distillers C) bribery by employees of the Indian Bureau to retain their jobs D) favorable interest rates for land speculators E) illegal sale of government bonds


87. The Alabama Claims were monetary claims by A) Americans against the British B) Americans against the French C) the federal government against the state of Alabama D) whites against blacks who expropriated their land E) blacks who demanded war reparations


The Battle of Breed's Hill resulted in

A heavy loss of life for the attacking British army

During the early 1780s, the authority of the national government was vested in

A legislative branch

A consequence for religion in America as a result of the Revolutionary War was

A new wave of evangelical Christianity swept through the states in the unsettled times of war and social upheaval

Before the arrival of the Europeans, the political system of southern and Western Africa was composed of

A number of small and medium sized regional kingdoms

As the Revolutionary War began, most Americans believed they were fighting for

A redress of grievances against the British Empire


A religious group who wanted to purify the Church of England. They came to America for religious freedom and settled Massachusetts Bay.

For the Iroquois Confederacy, the American Revolution led to

A weakening of the tribes, because the Confederacy split up, and the Americans attacked those who sided with the British

17. In Hispanic California and Texas, the coming of Anglo-Americans meant that A. all of the answers below B. many Hispanics became part of the impoverished working class C. some Hispanics found new opportunities for wealth and prestige D. Hispanic landowners usually lost their lands over the years E. the most powerful Hispanics experienced the destruction of their authority

A. all of the answers below

the judicial power for interpreting the constitutionality of state laws

According to the Judiciary Act of 1789, the Supreme Court was to be

In the second phase of the American Revolution, between early 1776 and early 1788, the fighting resulted in the British forces

Achieving several important victories but failing to crush the Americans because of mistakes and blunders

The survival of Jamestown was, in the end, largely the result of...

African slave trade

What sort of social order took root in the colony of Carolina? Why did it differ from that proposed under Carolina's Fundamental Constitution?

African slavery; it differed b/c John Locke envisioned an elaborate land distribution and social order, but it didn't turn out as planned

Queen Elizabeth I

After decades of religious turmoil, Protestantism finally gained permanent dominance in England after the succession to the throne of

Tories (Loyalists)

Americans who favored staying with GB

26. As the commander in chief of the Union army, President Lincoln was A) brilliant; the best military mind of his time B) highly competent but not infallible C) about equal to his confederate counterpart D) incompetent; a serious burden to the Union forces E) unable to take part in military decision making


29. Sea power played an especially important role in the Civil War in the form of the A) Confederate raids on Northern shipping B) Union blockade of the Confederate coast C) transportation of rebel troops and supplies on steamboats D) ironclad ships that appeared during the war E) Confederates' ability to control all Southern ports


37. The 1862 Union campaigns in Virginia A) led to major Union victories B) resulted in a frustrating and bloody stalemate C) were of little consequence since little fighting occurred D) were a major disaster for the Union E) displayed the military genius of George B. McClellan


38. The Battle of Antietam was A) the first Civil War battle B) the bloodiest single day's fighting of the war C) a victory for General Lee's Army of Northern Virginia D) a proof to President Lincoln of the inspired leadership of General George B. McClellan E) Robert E. Lee's greatest victory in the war


45. The ethno-cultural group of historians studying the Civil War was led by A) Charles Beard B) William Gienapp C) Alfred Russell Wallace D) Eric Foner E) Eugene Genovese


The start of the French Revolution caused the Republicans in the United States to A. turn against the French because they overthrew the monarchy and executed the king and queen B. applaud the revolution as being democratic and copy French fashions and forms of address C. join with the Federalists in opposition to France D. decide to withhold judgment until they saw what the final outcome of the Revolution would be E. urge an alliance and free-trade treaty with England

B. applaud the revolution as being democratic and copy French fashions and forms of address

The principal Americans who negotiated the peace of terms with the British were...

Ben Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay

Post-Revolution American trade commerce was strengthened by...

British abandonment of impressments

General Edward Braddock

British commander during French and Indian War; defeated by French and had to surrender Fort Necessity; died trying to take over Fort Duquesne

What took place during the first phase (1775-1776) of the Revolutionary War?

British troops evacuated Boston.

31. During the Civil War, Kansas and Missouri were A) away from the fighting, thus largely peaceful B) the scene of four major battles C) ravaged by guerrilla bands from both sides D) attacked by Indians allied with the Confederacy E) uninvolved in the political issues of the war


33. Technological advances in arms and artillery in the era of the Civil War resulted in A) fortifications and trenches no longer being used B) the Confederates having better weapons than the Union C) battles that featured almost inconceivable slaughter D) generals refusing to use fearsome new artillery guns E) innovative battle strategies that reduced the likelihood of death


34. The First Battle of Bull Run ended in A) the Union occupation of Richmond B) the Confederate capture of Washington, D.C. C) a stunning rout of the Union army D) the annihilation of the rebel forces E) a Confederate retreat into western Virginia


39. During 1863, the Union forces achieved decisive victories that effectively sealed the fate of the Confederacy in the battles of A) Bull Run and Shiloh B) Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville C) Vicksburg and Gettysburg D) Petersburg and Atlanta E) Chancellorsville and Petersburg


42. On April 9, 1865, Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Ulysses S. Grant at A) Washington, D.C. B) Richmond C) Appomattox Courthouse D) Durham, North Carolina E) Petersburg, Virginia


43. The inventor of modern baseball was A) Abner Doubleday B) Kenesaw Mountain Landes C) Alexander Cartwright D) John McGraw E) Henry Chadwick


46. Reconstruction of the South after the Civil War was viewed by the victorious Northerners as A) a means by which the industrial capacity of the South could be rebuilt B) the best means by which poor whites could be given positions of power in the South C) the only way the South could be prevented from restoring their pre-Civil War society D) a necessary evil, to be done away with as soon as possible E) a chance to reestablish the power of the planter aristocracy


51. Radical Republicans in Congress believed that reconstructing the South should include all of the following measures except A) the punishment of civil and military leaders of the Confederacy B) the disenfranchisement of large numbers of Southern whites C) the permanent occupation of the South by the Union Army D) the protection of the legal rights of blacks E) the confiscation of property from wealthy Southerners


57. Instead of using the term Reconstruction for his program for the South, Andrew Johnson called it A) realignment B) readmittance C) restoration D) redemption E) reclamation


One item that was not in evidence in most antebellum kitchens was

C) a refrigerator

In the 1820s, one major problem faced by the growing factory system was the

C) lack of a large labor supply

10. Settlers came to the West in pursuit of all of the following economic opportunities except A) pasture lands capable of supporting cattle and sheep B) large stands of timber C) readily available supplies of water D) large amounts of gold and silver E) the availability of cheap farmland

C) readily available supplies of water

The "Revolution of 1800" refers to A. the social upheaval that occurred when America became more democratic at the turn of the century B.the attempt by revolutionaries to overthrow the government after the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts C.the belief of Thomas Jefferson that the Republican victory signaled a fundamental change in American politics D. the control of the judiciary branch that Federalists seized after the election E. the violent resistance of western farmers to the excise tax on whiskey

C.the belief of Thomas Jefferson that the Republican victory signaled a fundamental change in American politics

During the 1780s, the economic problems of farmers led them to all of the following actions except

Calling on the national government to stop the states from taking their property

What were the causes and consequences of the Pequot War and King Philip's War?

Causes: settlement in Conn. Valley, Capt. John Mason killed many Pequots Consequences: economy & society weakened, Wampanoags pop. decimated & powerless, new competition from French & Dutch

What was a scene of a substantial British victory in the final phase of the American Revolution (1778-1781)?


J. P. Morgan

Chase bank, bought out Carnegie, reorganized railroads

General "Stonewall" Jackson

Confederate general who was known for his fearlessness and furious assaults; earned his nickname at the First Battle of Bull Run for standing courageously against Union fire

In 1817, when the federal government considered the bill to provide funding for internal improvements,

Congress passed the bill

Marbury v. Madison (1803)

Congress repealed the Judiciary Act and this was challenged by Supreme Court; declared unconstitutional; judicial review precedent established

Radical Republicans

Congressional group that wished to punish the South for its secession from the Union; pushed for measures that gave economic and political rights to newly freed blacks in South and made it difficult for former Confederate states to rejoin the Union.

13. President Lincoln responded to opposition to the war effort by A) ordering suspension of civil liberties in a few extreme cases B) upholding the Bill of Rights in all cases C) prohibiting election activities of the opposition party D) engaging in widespread suspension of civil liberties E) banning the Democratic party


41. The general who orchestrated the "March to the Sea" was A) Robert E. Lee B) Ulysses S. Grant C) Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson D) William T. Sherman E) Irvin McDowell


To win support for the federal assumption of state debts, Hamilton's supporters negotiated a bargain that A. excluded Virginia from the taxes needed to pay for assumption B. assessed each state's taxes in proportion to each state's debts C. made Massachusetts, with the largest state debt, pay more than the normal tax D. called for the construction of a new national capital on the banks of the Potomac River E. guaranteed the antifederalists key cabinet posts

D. called for the construction of a new national capital on the banks of the Potomac River

The Federalist party enjoyed widespread support in the A. all of the answers below B. rural areas of the South C. farming communities of the West D. commercial centers of the Northeast E. fur-trading region of the Mississippi Valley

D. commercial centers of the Northeast

44. During the late 1800s, the West was romanticized for all of the following reasons except A. many people considered it the last frontier B. its landscape was striking and grand C. painters created grandiose images of nature in the West D. cowboys had lives full of continual excitement E. some westerners lived close to nature and outside of traditional social constraints

D. cowboys had lives full of continual excitement

30. The most important factor in allowing farmers to settle the Great Plains was the A. easiness of farming on the plains B. decline of cattle ranching C. the abundance of fertile soil D. transcontinental railroad E. scarcity of Indian attacks

D. transcontinental railroad

How did the purposes for which Georgia was founded differ from those of previous colonies? How were they similar?

Differences: founders = unpaid trustees, driven by military and philanthropic motives, provide a refuge for impoverished Similarities: interest in economic success

Why did power in New York remain widely dispersed? Who shared the power?

Different religions; wealthy English landlords, Dutch patroons, fu traders, and James' (duke) political appointees

The major consequence of the American Revolution for the Iroquois Confederacy was

Division among the various tribes of the Confederacy as some abandoned its traditional policy of neutrality and supported the British against the Americans

Major hazards of the new cities of the late 1800s included all of the following problems except


1. The event that touched off the process of secession for the majority of southern states was A) John Brown's raid B) antiunion riots in Baltimore C) the bombardment of Fort Sumter D) "Bleeding Kansas" E) the election of Lincoln to the presidency


16. Charles Sumner, Benjamin Wade, and Thaddeus Stevens were A) Copperheads B) war Democrats C) Lincoln Republicans D) fire-eaters E) radical Republicans


24. During the Civil War, the economy of the South A) was stimulated greatly by wartime production B) experienced a net gain, as wartime growth was greater than destruction C) suffered a net loss, as destruction exceeded the substantial growth D) flourished as a result of trade with England E) was devastated by the widespread destruction


35. The first major Southern city captured by Union forces was A) Richmond B) Atlanta C) Lexington D) Charleston E) New Orleans


Alexander Hamilton believed in all of the following ideas except A. the country should be governed by an elite ruling class B. a large and permanent national debt is a good idea C. the federal government should assume state debts incurred during the war D. one bank should have a monopoly of the federal governments own banking business E.the national government should reward only those who had originally loaned it money during the Revolution

E.the national government should reward only those who had originally loaned it money during the Revolution

The economic effects of the Revolutionary War included

Encouraging American economic growth and diversification

For the English colonists in North America, the major problem with mercantile policy was that

England did not want or need all colonial goods

was saved from failure by John Smith's leadership and by John Rolfe's introduction of tobacco

England's first colony at Jamestown

dominance of the Atlantic Ocean and a vibrant sense of nationalism

England's victory over the Spanish Armada gave it

Virginia Company

English joint stock company; purpose was to establish colonies; Jamestown

William penn

Englishman and Quaker who founded the colony of Pennsylvania (1644-1718)


First state to ratify the constitution in 1787 was

The 1794 Battle of Fallen Timbers...

Forced the Miami Indians into negotiations with the United States.

Henry Ford

Ford Motor Co., sold model T at affordable price, assembly line

During the American Revolution, the United States received military and financial assistance from


The most prominent black abolitionist of the 1850s was

Frederick Douglas

Franco-American Alliance of 1778

French and US alliance formed after US won Battle of Saratoga

Pierre L 'Enfant

French architect who designed the capitol building

Marquis de Lafayette

French general who aided colonies during Rev.; trained army and provided funds, guns, and ships w/ French aid

For most African-Americans, the American Revolution

Had limited but profound significance

Report on Manufacturing

Hamilton's 1791 analysis that accurately foretold future of US industry and proposed tariffs/subsidies/taxes to promote it; raised whiskey tax

What is a statement regarding General Nathaniel Greene is false?

He led American forces to victory in the battle of Yorktown.

William Berkeley

He was a British colonial governor of Virginia from 1642-52. He showed that he had favorites in his second term which led to the Bacon's rebellion in 1676 ,which he ruthlessly suppressed. He had poor frontier defense.

John Rolfe

He was one of the English settlers at Jamestown (and he married Pocahontas). He discovered how to successfully grow tobacco in Virginia and cure it for export, which made Virginia an economically successful colony.

During 1777, British General Burgoyne attempted to implement a plan for dividing the colonies by capturing the

Hudson River Valley

What were the origins of the political turmoil Virginia during the 1620's?

Indians attack the colony

Treaty of Greenville (1795)

Indians ceded land to US; Indian territory acknowledged by US west of OH River

Trail of Tears

Indians forced to OK; thousands die in harsh conditions; all tribes removed by 1838

How were the Pequot War and King Philip's War crucially affected by earlier exchanges of technology between the English and the tribes?

Indians made use of the new weapon technology -> more casualties

Battle of New Orleans

Jackson defeated GB troops who attempted to take over New Orleans during War of 1812

Election of 1828

Jackson won; dirty campaign; Jackson won by appealing to the South

"Kitchen Cabinet"

Jackson's group of unofficial advisors that met to discuss current issues; used more than his official Cabinet

assumed that the many centers of power would check each other and prevent tyranny

James Madison's ideas regarding republican government

First permanent English settlement in the New World


"Peaceable Coercion"

Jefferson's strategy of using economic pressure to force France and GB to respect US's rights to trade as a neutral country

Judiciary Act (1801)

John Adams reduced size of the Supreme Court and added federal judges right before his term was over to keep Federalists in control

The sentiment expressed in this place from the Declaration of Independence, "[T]hat whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [securing life, liberty and property], it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it," best expresses the political philosophy of

John Locke

Bunker Hill

June 17, 1775; first major battle of Rev,; many GB troops killed but US forced to retreat

General Santa Anna

Mexican dictator who was defeated at the Battle of San Jacinto and gave TX to the US

uprooted sheep farmers from eastern and western England

Many of the early Puritan settlers of America were

In the 1780s, what statement about slavery in America is true?

Many southern states prohibited the importation if slaves from abroad.

The religious dissatisfactions that ultimately propelled English "Separatists" into the New World can be traced to the 1517 protests of the German priest

Martin Luther

new federal government

Nine of the first ten amendments to the Constitution placed limits on the

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe; showed northerners and the world the horrors of slavery while southerners attack it as an exaggeration; contributed to the start of the Civil War.

After the colony was established, what efforts did the Virginia Company make to attract settlers and make the colonists more happy and productive?

Offered additional stock to "planters" -> provided free passage for poor people who agree to serve company for 7 years

Church of England (Anglican)

Official church in Georgia, the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, and a part of New York that served as a prop to kingly authority in America

Virginia was founded mainly as an economic venture, while Maryland was intended partly to secure religious freedom for persecuted Roman Catholics

One important difference between the founding of the Virginia and Maryland colonies was that

Massachusetts Bay Colony

One of the first settlements in New England; established in 1630 and became a major Puritan colony. Became the state of Massachusetts, originally where Boston is located. It was a major trading center, and absorbed the Plymouth community

Congress had no authority to create a national bank

Opponents of Alexander Hamilton's proposed national bank argued that

Oregon Territory

Oregon, Washington, and portions of what became British Columbia & Canada; land claimed by both U.S. and Britain and held jointly under the Convention of 1818; later US took most of it

How did the colony of Connecticut originate? Rhode Island, what does the expansion ("exodus") reveal about the colony of Massachusetts Bay?

Originated from people wanting to leave Mass. Bay because of religious conformity which reveals that Mass. Bay is too allied to the Church of England

Whiskey Rebellion

PA farmers retaliation against Hamilton's tax on whiskey in 1794; Washington marched with troops to crush it; showed that under new Constitution things happened quickly

Stuart Restoration

Parliament invited Charles II to take the throne and restore a monarchy; James I challenged Parliament (mostly Puritan) and died. Son Charles I kicked out parliament to make absolute monarchy. Called them back when wanted to pass tax laws but antagonized Parliament. Started English Civil War between Cavaliers (King supporters) and Roundheads (parliament; mostly Puritan). Beheaded Charles I and had Puritan Cromwell lead. After death Charles I son, Charles II cape out of exile and claimed throne. Charles II resumes colonization in America and rewarded faithful courtiers with grants of land in New World. Issued charters for 4 additional colonies: Carolina, NY, NJ, PA.

After the battles at Lexington and Concord, the Continental Congress sent the Olive Branch Petition to the king to

Seek a reconcile with the Crown by stating colonial grievances

First Seminole War (1817-1818)

Seminoles were crossing Georgia border to raid towns and help slaves; Jackson seized all forts in east FL in retaliation

Treaty of Paris 1783

Sept 3; clear cut independence for US; GB officially gives us independence

What was the controversy surrounding Anne Hutchinson, and what does it reveal about Puritan religious and social beliefs?

She developed a large following of women and others because she resented the oppressiveness of colonial gov't. It revealed that Puritans will do whatever they can to keep their religion pure and without people of unorthodox nature.

saw themselves as defenders of the principles of the American revolution and feared that the new government would widely abuse its powers

The Antifederalists

The ethnic working class showed great enthusiasm in its celebration of

The Fourth of July

the interior Appalachian tribes who used their advantages of time, space, and numbers to create a "middle ground" of economic and cultural interaction.

The Indian peoples who most successfully adapted to the European incursion were

What nation opposed England during the American Revolution?

The Netherlands

expanded the taxation and regulatory powers of Congress

The New Jersey Plan

The Treaty of Paris at the end of the Revolution War contained provisions for

The United States western boundary to be the Mississippi River and British recognition of its independence

a two-tier national legislature

The Virginia Plan called for

political representation

The achievement of the Great Compromise of the Constitutional convention of 1787 was its resolution of the problem regarding

In the late 1800s, the available welfare services were generally provided to the urban poor by

The bosses of city machines

none of these answers are correct

The constitutional Convention of 1787 came close to

During the first few years, Jamestown suffered frim

The debilitating effect of malaria

belief that the power of the central government needed to be restrained

The emergence of an alternative political organization to the Federalists was prompted by

Virginia company

The first joint-stock company in the colonies; founded Jamestown; promised gold, conversion of Indian to Christianity, and passage to the Indies


The first permanent English settlement in North America, found in East Virginia

Alexander Hamilton

The first secretary of the treasury under the new government of 1789 was

The American War for Independence has been characterized in all of the folloeing ways except

The first technological war

absence of a specific listing of personal liberties

The greatest complaint by opponents of the propose Constitution of 1787 was the

prison reform and avoiding slavery

The high-minded philanthropists who founded the Georgia colony were especially interested in

The pamphlet "Common Sense" was instrumental in gaining support for

The idea of independence from Great Britain

small farmers

The most sustained opposition to Alexander Hamilton's economic program came from

When Europeans arrived in the America's, they brought with them all of the following things expect

The practice of human sacrifice for religious practices that the natives had not known before

When Europeans arrived in the America's, they brought with them all of the following things except

The practice of human sacrifice for religious practices will hat the natives had not known before

Explain the importance of tobacco in the development of the Virginia company.

The pressure that tobacco cultivation created led to territorial expansion.

the Civil war in England

The primary reason that no new colonies were founded between 1634 and 1670 was

Battle of Fallen Timbers

attack of Indians by US; Indians won; 1791; greatest Indian victory against US

During the Revolution, the Americans had all of the following advantages over the British except

Their troops were generally superior to the British regulars

served for life

Under the checks and balances system of the Constitution of 1787, federal judges

General William Tecumseh Sherman

Union general whose march to sea caused destruction in South; destroyed all supplies and resources; set out from Chattanooga TN and went across GA into SC and then into NC

What were the origins of the Dominion of New England, and what was the colonial reaction to it?

Wanted to increase authority. Appointed Sir Edmund Andros. His "crude and arbitrary tactics" -> being despised in Mass.

What did the Puritans believe to be their purpose in coming to America (their "mission"), and how did church and state cooperate to achieve this goal?

Wanted to maintain "holiness" so clergy and government worked together. Minister had great influence on church members = people who could vote or hold office. Required attendance to services.

In 1786, a treaty negotiated between the United States and Spain...

Was never ratified by Congress, thus weakening the nation's global prestige.

In discussing the American Revolution, the basic controversy amount historians involved the question:

Was the motivation for the Revolution primarily political ideology or essentially economic and social interests?

Battle of Yorktown

Washington and French forces trap GB; force them to surrender on Oct 19, 1781; US wins

Battle of Trenton

Washington crossed the Delaware R. Dec. 26, 1776 and took out the group of Hessians stationed in Trenton

Before the coming of Europeans, the peoples who lived in what is now the United States had not developed

a common language

The first enduring European settlement in New England was established by

a congregation of Puritan Separatists

The cryptic message "CROATOAN" is related to

a failed attempt to settle in Roanoke

Bacons rebellion began as

a fight between Indians and frontiersmen over western lands

Headright System

a grant of land to settlers in the colony by the Virginia Company and Plymouth Company and these were given to anyone would pay the costs of an indentured servant to come to the New World and land grants consisted of 50 acres.

What were the "other pilgrims" that came to the New World with the Europeans?

a host of other organisms, plants, and animals

9. During the 1700s, the most powerful group ofNative Americans in North America was the a iroquois b. Algonquin c. Creoles d. Hurons e Apaches

a iroquois

A big problem facing American medical care in the first half of the nineteenth century was

a lack of scientific method and experimentation

For dangerous tasks, many plantation owners used a. immigrant labor b. poor Southern whites c. older slaves d. troublemaking slaves e. Native Americans

a. immigrant labor

In the New World, the Columbian Exchange generally resulted in

a. the introduction of infectious diseases. b. the staggering loss of indigenous populations. the introduction of domesticated animals such as cattle and horses. c. the introduction of food crops such as wheat. d. all of these answer-d

The most likely reason for European success in conquering the American Indian population is

a. the prolonged isolation of the Americas from the rest of the world. b. the superiority of European civilizations. c. the warlike savagery of the Europeans. d. the passivity of Native Americans. e. the success of the priests in converting them to Christianity. answer-a

The Enlightenment encouraged people to seek guidance in their lives and to shape society by looking to a. themselves b. the Puritan Elect c. government leaders d. leading educators e. the clergy

a. themselves

One problem with early American industries was a. there was no commonly accepted currency b. the lack of an elaborate coastal trade. c. a tendency to enforce too many rules of trade d. a failure of small companies to compete e. England's lack of concern for making a profit

a. there was no commonly accepted currency

33. Prime Minister Charles Townshend established a board of customs commissioners in America that a. virtually ended smuggling in Boston b. won the support of American merchants outside of Boston c. continued loose enforcement of the Navigation Acts d. broke the colonists' boycott of English goods e. halted smuggling in all American seaports

a. virtually ended smuggling in Boston

The first center of the Spanish empire in America:

a. was a prosperous settlement that Columbus created. b. was the island of Hispaniola c. fell to Dutch raiders in 1506. d. resulted from Columbus's last voyage to the New World in 1502. e. was Cuba. answer=b

The colony of Virginia was the first English colony in North America to

all of the answers below (import Africans as laborers, use the headright system for distributing land, hold a meeting of an elected legislature, engage in major warfare with natives)

A distinctive women's community emerged in the United States because graduates of female colleges

all the answers below

During the late 1800s, the effort to educate or "civilize" the Indians failed because

all the answers below

The new industrial and consumer economy of the city produced a number of changes in the lives of women, such as

all the answers below

The Caribbean settlements were connected to the North American colonies

all the answers below (as an important part of the Atlantic trading world, as a source of sugar and rum, as a source of African slaves, as a model for future plantations in the South)

approval by congress and ratification of the bill of rights had which of the following outcomes

an easing of americans fears of an oppressive national government

The Liberator

anti-slavery newspaper by William Lloyd Garrison; drew attention to abolition, causing a war of words between supporters of slavery and those opposed

Social Darwinism

application of Darwin's theory of natural selection to society- specifically in economics and business; embraced by the nation's wealthy upper class in the late 19th century to justify their accumulation of wealth and power

Pequot War

armed conflict in 1634-1638 between an alliance of Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth colonies, with Native American allies (the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes), against the Pequot tribe.

Before the Civil War, the abolitionists used all of the following tactics except

asking Congress for laws outlawing slavery in the states

During the American Revolution, female "camp followers"...

assisted in the support of regular troops.

President Zachary Taylor favored the a. exclusion of slavery from all the lands acquired from Mexico b swift admission of new states from the Mexican Cession, with the issue of slavery decided by the local inhabitants c. gradual admission of new states from the Mexican Cession, after giving Southerners a chance to move into the area d. creation of only slave states in all the lands acquired from Mexico e. exclusion of Nebraska and Kansas from statehood

b swift admission of new states from the Mexican Cession, with the issue of slavery decided by the local inhabitants

Which of the following regions is correctly matched with the products that region was known to produce? a. New England - shipbuilding, commercial farming of grain, livestock b Carolinas - rice and indigo c. Middle colonies — timber, commercial farming of grain, commerce d Chesapeake-tobacco, shipbuilding e. Georgia—trade, shipbuilding, indigo

b Carolinas - rice and indigo

In spite of the differences among the colonies, all ofthese factors encouraged them to work together except a continuous line of settlements along the seacoast b the belief that they were all Americans rather than loyal British subjects c. the construction of roads and the development oftrade d. the creation of the colonial postal service e a belief that trade with England was beneficial

b the belief that they were all Americans rather than loyal British subjects

In the late 1600s, life expectancy was greater in the northern colonies than in the southern colonies for all of the following reasons except a. the northern colonies had a more balanced ratio of men to women b the northern colonies had fewer cities to breed epidemics c. the northern colonies had better water d. the northern colonies had a relatively cool climate e. the northern colonies had fewer life-threatening diseases

b the northern colonies had fewer cities to breed epidemics

In the early 1800s, most people thought that Indians were a. "noble savages" who possessed great virtues b. "savages" who could not be civilized c. "heathens" who wished to become Christians d. "primitives" who needed to be protected e. "innocents" who had no knowledge of evil

b. "savages" who could not be civilized

In the 1850s, the price of a prime field hand slave was about a. $100 b. $1,000 c. $5,000 d. $10,000 e. $100,000

b. $1,000

By 1900, the percent of women who were wage earners was a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40 e. 50

b. 20

The percentage of white Southerners who were members of slave-owning families was approximately a. 10 percent b. 25 percent c. 40 percent d. 55 percent e. 65 percent

b. 25 percent

Benedict Arnold

commander during invasion of Canada; later betrayed West Point but was found out and hanged

Olive Branch Petition

conciliatory appeal to King George III; was rejected

The most popular nonreligious literature in early America was a. newspapers . b. almanacs c. pamphlets d. weekly magazines e. anti-British handbills

b. almanacs

The invention of the cotton gin led to the a. decline of plantations in the West b. spread of cotton growing into the upland South c. decline of slavery in the South d. development of a textile industry in the South e. decline of cotton as an export

b. spread of cotton growing into the upland South

Enlightenment thought influenced the colonies by a. the development of the calculus is at Harvard College b. the colonial assemblies assuming the powers of Parliament within the colonies c. the rejection of using inoculation to prevent smallpox epidemics d.John Peter Zenger's trial narrowing the definition of liable in the colonies e. lessening tension between religious and secular interests

b. the colonial assemblies assuming the powers of Parliament within the colonies

During the 1600s and 1700s, the southern economy was characterized by all of the following conditions except: a. boom-and-bust economic cycles b. the development of a merchant class e. the dominance of cash crop agriculture d. expansion of planters' landholdings e. a reliance on tobacco in the Chesapeake region

b. the development of a merchant class

In the late 1800s, the most popular of the new spectator sports was


Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government had the power to...

borrow and issue money.

The Declaration of Independence...

borrowed heavily from previously published colonial documents.

The war effort by American colonists would be financed primarily by...

borrowing from abroad.


buffer between English and Spanish colonies; military style; haven for criminals and persecuted; James Oglethorpe founded

Albany Plan of Union

by Ben Franklin; would establish centralized government to oversee colonies; not a plan for independence

Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions

by Madison & TJ; called for nullification of Alien and Sedition Acts; said state legislatures could challenge laws; was not taken seriously

Virginia Plan

by Madison; 3 branches of government; 2 houses; based on population

Common Sense

by T Paine; turned attention to root of the problem- the unwritten, open to interpretation English Constitution; was simple common sense to break away from GB

New Jersey Plan

by William Paterson; 1 house; each state has equal representation

12. The leader of the American militia at Fort Necessity was a. Jeffrey Amherst b. Nathanial Greene c. William Pitt d. George Washington e. James Wolfe

d. George Washington

During his long political career, Aaron Burr did all of the following things except a. plotting to create an empire in the Southwest from Spanish territory, perhaps including U.S. lands b. serving as vice president of the United States c. winning the governorship of New York in 1804 d. challenging his rival Alexander Hamilton to a duel e. participating in a movement to persuade New England states to secede from the United States

c. winning the governorship of New York in 1804

The Virginia Statute of Religious Liberty of 1786...

called for a complete separation of church and state.

Tallmadge Amendment

called for no more slaves in Louisiana territory; no more slave states in the larger North; led to war

Ralph Waldo Emerson

came up w/ transcendentalism; helped further the movement

National Greenback Party

campaigned for expansion of the supply of paper money first issued by the federal government in 1862 to help pay for CW

Erie Canal

canal between Albany and Buffalo; completed in 1825; allowed western farmers to send surplus crops east to be sold and manufacturers to send goods west

John C. Frémont

captain/explorer who was in CA when the Mexican War broke out; helped to overthrow the Mexican rule in 1846 by collaborating with Americans who had tried to raise the banner of the California Bear Republic


cash crop of Virginia; allowed for English to receive a little profit

The cultural nationalism of American intellectuals of the 1800s generally

celebrated the uniqueness of the American democratic spirit

John Marshall

chief justice in 1800s; helped shape court and give it equal footing compared to other branches

George Washington

chief of Continental Army; 1st prez; loved by all; great leader but inexperienced


chief of Shawnees; tried to unite all tribes in Miss. Valley; attempted to halt white expansion

Sitting Bull

chief of Sioux tribe, helped defeat General Custer at Little Bighorn

The Articles of Confederation were adopted when states gave up their...

claims to western lands.

Sylvester Graham

clergyman whose advocacy of health regimen emphasizing temperance and vegetarianism found lasting expression in graham cracker

In 1784, Judith Sargent Murray published an essay that promoted the idea that a. Native Americans should be educated by the white culture b. higher education should become available to all, regardless of income c. women were less capable than men in terms of intellect but possessed superior intuition d. women should have the same opportunity for education as men e. common farmers were essential to the electoral process

d. women should have the same opportunity for education as men

Webster-Hayne Debate

debate where Hayne (from South) thought Constitution was just a treaty between sovereign states while Webster (from North) said US was one nation

Proclamation of 1763

declared colonists couldn't settle west of Appalachian Mts. after French and Indian War; angered colonists

During the American Revolution, the Iroquois Confederacy officially...

declared its neutrality.

Civil Rights Act of 1866

declared that everyone born in the Us is a citizen, regardless of race, color, or previous condition of slavery and has certain rights

Actual representation

delegates would be present in Parliament; what US wanted

The 1692 witchcraft crisis in Salem illustrates a. the pervasive presence of witches and Satan in colonial Massachusetts b. that religion played a small role in people's lives if they could believe in witchcraft c. that the Enlightenment and scientific revolution must have had little effect in New England d. demonstrable proof that witches existed e. the weak in society were open to persecution by the majority

e. the weak in society were open to persecution by the majority

Seaports became important centers in Colonial America for all of the following reasons except a. that markets cantered there for products coming from inland and going to international markets b. they were centers of culture drawing cosmopolitan influences from England and Europe c. wealth concentrated there because of commerce and trade d. institutions of learning tended to be established there e. they avoided all the problems of inland cities such as disease, crime, and poverty

e. they avoided all the problems of inland cities such as disease, crime, and poverty

The basic unit of social life in colonial New England was the a. church b. farm c. city d. plantation e. town

e. town

In the early 1800s, most of the United States land area was occupied by a. small cities b. urban centers c. towns and villages d. farms and plantations e. wilderness

e. wilderness

Separation of powers

each branch has separate powers that the others check; prevents one branch from becoming too powerful

Under the Articles of Confederation...

each state had one vote in Congress.

Election of 1860

election in which Abraham Lincoln was first elected President due to the schism of the Democrats; caused a chain reaction of southern states to secede from the Union since they were afraid of Lincoln's policies

Sugar Act (1764)

eliminated illegal sugar trade and set up courts to try smugglers

Lowell (Waltham) System

employed young women in factories to increase efficiency; after a couple of years they would take their wages and leave

The War Hawks demanded war with Britain because they wanted to do all of the following EXCEPT

encourage the growth of manufacturing in New England

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

ended Mexican War; Mexico gave up all claims to land from Texas to California for $15 million

Treaty of Ghent (1814)

ended War of 1812; territory captured returned to original owner; buffer zone w/ Indians established

In the late 1800s, most of the foreign immigrants to the cities

established close-knit ethnic communities

William and Orville Wright

flew first successful plane in NC

Concerning the population of the United States, the 1920 census revealed that

for the first time, the majority of Americans lived in urban areas

15th Amendment

forbade either the federal government or the states from denying citizens the right to vote on the basis of race, color, or "previous conditions of servitude"

President Jefferson's embargo was intended to

force Britain and France into leaving American ships alone

Currency Act (1764)

forced colonists to stop using paper money

Declaration of Independence

formal justification for independence w/ reasons; mostly written by T Jefferson; inspired by John Locke

During the 1780s, in every new state constitution....

governors were prevented from holding a seat in the legislature.

Elastic clause

granted Congress the power to pass all laws "necessary and proper" to help Union

At the start of the Revolution, American advanced over the British included a...

greater commitment to the war

American Colonization Society

group of abolitionists who wanted to transport freed blacks back to Africa (Liberia), a West-African settlement intended as a haven for emancipated slaves

Ku Klux Klan

group of mostly Southerners who were extremely racist against African Americans, and disliked all other cultures and races; terrorized and blackmailed

Oneida Community

group of socio-religious perfectionists who lived in NY and practiced polygamy, communal property and communal raising of children

In the 1780s, Massachusetts sought to revise the power of the governor by...

having him elected directly by the people.

Jefferson was conscience-stricken about the purchase of Louisiana from France because

he believed the purchase was unconstitutional

why was toussaint l'overture a significant figure in the 1790s

he bled black haitians in their fight to seize saint-domingue

why did thomas jefferson dispatch the lewis and clark expedition in 1804

he wanted a report on the physical features and the plant and animal life of the louisiana territory

Eugene V. Debs

helped organize American RR Union, encouraged RR workers to strike

First Bank of the US

helped stabilize financial markets; open to public; held nation's money; filled a void

Education (1700s)

highly valued; all towns required to have public school; "dame" schools for girls; ½ of all men could read by Revolution

American System

idea proposed by Clay to strengthen economy; 3 parts- high tariffs, national bank, and internal improvements


idea that the human mind is composed of thirty-seven distinct faculties, or "organs," each located in a different part of the brain

In the thinking of most American political leader, the success of their new republic government depended on...

independent landowners.

John Rolfe

introduced tobacco as a crop for export; married Pocohantas and brought peace between the Indians and Euopeans

When the charter of the Bank of the United States expired in 1811, state banks

issued bank notes that circulated as money

Between 1800 and 1820, the American textile industry experienced all of the following developments except

it produced no significant inventions or technological advances of its own

The theory of evolution developed in the late 1800s had all of the following results except

it was almost immediately accepted by educators, theologians, and scientists

Massachusetts Bay Colony exhibited all of the following characteristics except

it was granted less local autonomy than other colonial experiments

Slave Codes

kept slaves from running away or rebelling in the South; limited slave rights

King George III

king of GB during Rev.; exercised greater power in colonies than predecessors; angered colonists; was mad

Plessy v Ferguson (1896)

landmark 1896 US Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the "separate but equal" doctrine

Following the American Revolution, as the Republic took shape in the 1780s, greater social importance was attached to women in the role of...


During the 1780s, most state governments...

moved to limit popular power.

"Lost Cause"

name commonly given to an American literary and intellectual movement that sought to reconcile the traditional white society of the South to the defeat of the Confederate States of America in the CW


name for people who went to California during the gold rush; mostly men; abandoned farms, jobs, homes, and families to go to California


name given to paper money issued by the government during the Civil War; not redeemable for gold, but $300 million were issued anyway

Underground Railroad

network of abolitionists that secretly helped slaves escape to freedom by setting up hiding places and routes to the North

What caused the Carolina settlements along the Ashley and Cooper Rivers to develop differently from those in the Albemarle area?

never united other than name northern region: backwoods farmers only existing through subsistence agriculture, no A. slaves southern region: fertile lands + good harbor = prosperous economy, aristocratic society, close ties with Barbados = A. slaves

In 1776, Abigail Adams was an advocate for...

new protections against abusive and tyrannical men.

Election of 1824

none of the candidates got the majority votes; Congress then chose JQA who gives Clay, a previous candidate who then backed him, the Sec. of State position

The Monroe Doctrine contained all of the following policies except

noninterference by the United States in other countries of the Americas

Popular sovereignty

notion that the sovereign people of a given territory should decide whether to allow slavery

In the early 1800s, women were

often educated to be better wives and mothers

Harriet Tubman

one of the leaders of Underground RR; helped over 300 slaves to freedom; advocate for women's rights

which of the following phrases described the federal judiciary at the time thomas jefferson became president in 1801

packed with hostile federalists

Indentured servitude

passage paid for young people to come to US in return for 5-7 years work; gained freedom after

Tariff of 1832

passed in response to Tariff of 1828, but South was still unsatisfied b/c there were still high taxes


people born in US are superior to immigrants, wanted to stop immigration

"Era of Good Feeling"

period of rising nationalism; collapse of Federalist Party and First Party System; Monroe was prez; 1817-25

Edgar Allen Poe

poet and short story writer; known for tales of mystery and macabre


political party that didn't have a stand on slavery; wanted protective tariffs, national banking, and federal aid for internal improvements; was based on GB and Parliament


political party that strove to keep power out of the hands of immigrants and Catholics; said they "knew nothing"


political party that supported strong central gov; Hamilton was a prominent member

Populist [Peoples'] Party

political party which fought political unfairness for farmers

"Free Soil" movement

political party with the main purpose of stopping the expansion of slavery in western territories, arguing free men on free soil

Spoils system

political tactic of employing people who supported you regardless of qualification

Sam Houston

politician and military leader who fought to gain independence for Texas from Mexico and to make it a part of the United States; defeated Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto

William Jennings Bryan

politician dominant in Dem. Party in late 1800s, never elected prez, did not support Gold Standard, RR, or banks

Under the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783...

the United States gained formal British recognition of American Independence

John Wilkes Booth

stage actor who, as part of a conspiracy plot, assassinated Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. on April 14, 1865

John D. Rockefeller

standard oil, horizontal integration

Chief Osceola

started 2nd Seminole War in 1835; Seminole chief

12th Amendment

stated that if no presidential candidate got the majority of votes, the House of Reps would decide between the top three

Monroe Doctrine (1823)

statement saying that European nations should not interfere in the Americas at all and that the US was the dominant power in the Americas

the kentucky and virginia resolutions, which were set forth in 1798, supported which of the following positions

states' right to judge the legitamacy of national laws

Andrew Carnegie

steel tycoon, vertical and horizontal integration, owned everything

Brigham Young

successor to the Mormons after the death of Joseph Smith; was responsible its survival and establishment in Utah

As the fighting in the final phase of the American Revolution (1778-1781), carried into communities previously isolated from the war...

support for independence greatly increased.


supported Constitution; wanted strong large central government; Hamilton was leader

in which of the following actions did president james madison contradict the traditional philosophy of republicans

supporting the creation of the second back of the united states


system of agriculture where a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crop produced on land; after CW, it was a widespread response to the economic upheaval caused by the emancipation of slaves and disenfranchisement of poor whites

"Peculiar Institution"

term used by Southerners to describe slavery; meant distinct or special, not odd

"King Cotton"

term used to describe the economic dominance of cotton in Southern economics

The Industrial Revolution in England began in the

textile industry

The legal precedent for judicial review was established when

the Supreme Court declared the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional

The need for entertainment in the new cities resulted in

the creation of distinct "highbrow" and "lowbrow" cultures

The growing nationalism of the late 1810s and 1820s was reflected in all the following developments except

the crisis over the admission of Missouri

During the late 1800s, building in urban areas increased significantly for all of the following reasons except

the decreasing rate of taxes

The survival and expansion of Virginia were due, in part, to

the discovery that tobacco would grow well there

The Spanish conquest of the Aztecs was, in part, due to

the diseases the Spaniards had given the Indians

The first few British expeditions to North America resulted in

the failure to establish successful permanent settlements

House of burgesses

the first elected legislative assembly in the New World established in the Colony of Virginia in 1619, representative colony set up by England to make laws and levy taxes but England could veto its legistlative acts.

From 1800 to 1820, major changes in the United States transportation system included all the following EXCEPT

the growth of a large railroad network

Transportation problems in American cities near the turn of the nineteenth century included

the inability to construct paved roads to meet a growing population

During the early 1800s, the Republicans gained control of all aspects of the government except

the judicial branch

New merchandising techniques at the turn of the nineteenth century included

the making and marketing of ready-made clothes

During the late 1800s, the most significant effect of the change in incomes upon society was that

the middle class grew larger and more prosperous

Authors such as Stephen Crane and Theodore Dreiser revealed in their works

the mistreatment of the poor in the urban industrial society

As industrial society became increasingly dependent on specialized skills and scientific knowledge, changes in education included

the opening of more educational opportunities for women

President Jefferson initially tried to purchase the city of New Orleans because

the port of New Orleans had been closed to western farmers

As a result of the American Revolution, the Anglican Church in America was...


During the American Revolution, enslaved African Americans in the colonies...

were assisted by the British to escape as a way to disrupt the American was effort.

In 1775, as conflicts with England intensified, American colonist...

were deeply divided about what they were fighting for.

Most of the Louisiana Territory was

west of New Orleans

Bank war

when state banks were used to hold government funds in order to destroy the 2nd Bank of the US; AJ's idea

Massachusetts Bay Colony

where Puritans settled; Winthrop was first gov; established political freedom and representative government; charter colony

What factors made relations between Indians and colonists in New England such a disaster for Native Americans?

white demand for land -> change in agrarian economy -> wild animals disappearance from overhunting -> livestock increase -> colonists' need for new land -> moving to Conn. Valley -> conflict with local tribes

Battle of Little Bighorn

whites invaded Indian's land for gold, Custer and all his men were killed, Native American's won,

Planter class

whites that owned many slaves and larger plantations; dominated economics and politics; compared themselves to aristocracy of Europe

The majority of English Puritans were religious dissenters who

wished to purify Anglican forms of worship

Compromise of 1877

withdrew federal soldiers from the South, enacted federal legislation that would help industrialization in the South, appointed Democrats to patronage positions in the South, and appointed a Democrat to the president's cabinet

In 1784, Judith Sargent Murray published an essay that promoted the idea that

women should have the same opportunity for education as men

The Seneca Falls convention of 1848 promoted

women's rights

Margaret Fuller

women's rights advocate associated w/ transcendentalism; known for exploration of the possibilities of freedom for women through her writing

Thomas Paine

wrote "Common Sense"; helped change outlook toward war

What attempts did England make to regulate its colonies between 1660 and 1700? What moved the mother country to consider regulation at this time, and how was it enforced?

Monopolize trade with colonies, Navigation Acts. Thought imperial reorganization would increase colonial profits, power of gov't, success of mercantilism. Enforced by passing laws.

General Anthony Wayne's 1794 victory over the Miami Indians led to the Treaty of Greenville in 1795, which recognized

The sovereignty of Indian nations over tribal lands

During the American Revolution, the real center of authority was

The state governments

The "starving time"

The winter of 1609-1610 when 3/4 of the English colonists in Virginia died of starvation

The Revolution had a significant effect on women's status due to

Their elevated role in politics because of their organization of boycotts

The age of the "Penny Press" was launched by the a. New York Sun b. Washington Post c. Chicago Tribune d. Philadelphia Inquirer e. Pittsburgh Courier

a. New York Sun

Rush-Bagot Agreement (1818)

agreement between GB and US that limited armament on the Great Lakes

The Americans finally went to war with Britain because they were angry over

all of the answers below

From the 1820s to 1840s, Americans became involved in trade with New Mexico by traveling along the a. Butterfield Overland Trail b. Santa Fe Trail c. Old Spanish Trail d. Mormon Trail e. Independence Trail

b. Santa Fe Trail

The Indian tribe that most successfully resisted removal was the a. Cherokee b. Seminole c. Sauk d. Creek e. Choctaw

b. Seminole

Supporters of the Populist party included large numbers of all of the following groups except a. Midwestern family farmers b. Western miners c. Eastern labor union members d. Southern tenant farmers e. former members of the Farmers' Alliances

b. Western miners

The first political party to disintegrate over the issue of slavery was the a. Federalist b. Whig c. Free-Soil d. Democratic e. Republican

b. Whig

In Congress, most of the criticism of the Mexican War came from the a. Democrats b. Whigs c. Federalists d. Republicans e. States' Rightists

b. Whigs

In 1832, Henry Clay was the presidential candidate of the a. Federalists b. National Republicans c. Democrats d. Anti-Masons e. Populists

b. National Republicans

85. The supporters of greenbacks wanted to A) raise the value of the dollar B) increase the value of debts C) inflate the currency D) keep the country on the gold standard E) decrease the amount of currency in the economy


The turmoil over the Kansas-Nebraska Act led to the creation of the a. Free Soil party b. Republican party c. Democratic party d. Whig party e. Know-Nothing party

b. Republican party

The able commanding general of the United States' forces in the Mexican War was a. Zachary Taylor b. Winfield Scott c. A. W. Domphan d. Ulysses S. Grant e. Stephen Kearny

b. Winfield Scott

Roger Taney modified the direction of his predecessor, John Marshall, by a. refusing to accept that the courts had to exercise judicial review b. accepting that private property rights must account for the general welfare c. rejecting the idea that contracts are a form of property d. hearing cases involving suits over Indian lands east of the Mississippi e. recognizing that slaves were United States citizens

b. accepting that private property rights must account for the general welfare

Spanish colonial enterprises exhibited all of the following characteristics except

missionaries were among the least successful Spanish colonial adventurers


movement by the Whigs in response to Freemasons (secret society)

to win votes for his financial plan, alexander hamilton made which of the following sentiments

proposing that the new nations capitol would be built in the upper south

Coxey's Army

protest march by unemployed workers led by Jacob Coxey in response to massive unemployment

Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck stores were the first to

provide mail-order catalogues in rural areas

Wilmot Proviso

provision attached to an appropriations bill during the Mexican War; stated that slavery would be banned in any territory won from Mexico

Because Jefferson held an enlightened citizenry as an ideal, he believed in the creation of a nationwide system of

public schools

Thomas Jefferson attempted to decrease the public debt by

reducing government spending

Henry VIII started the English Reformation because he

required a divorce in order to remarry

Mutiny [Quartering] Act (1765)

required colonists to provide housing and supplies for GB troops

The decisions of the Marshall Court established

the power of the federal government to promote economic growth

Thomas Jefferson

wrote Dec. of Independence; was short, eloquent, and to the point; 3rd prez

Herman Melville

wrote novels in 19th century; "Moby Dick"

James Fenimore Cooper

wrote novels in early 19th century; "Leatherstocking Tales"

Washington Irving

wrote short stories about society in America; leading literary figure of his day; "Sleepy Hollow" and "Rip Van Winkle"

The following pairs match Indian chiefs with the tribes that they led in resistance to the whites. The incorrect pair is A. Crazy Horse—Sioux B. Joseph—Nez Perce C. Sitting Bull—Arapaho D. Geronimo—Apache E. Little Crow—Sioux


. By the end of Reconstruction, the majority of Southern blacks A) owned their own land B) worked for wages C) were tenant farmers D) had migrated to the North E) moved to cities in the North


0. During the Civil War, the U.S. Sanitary Commission was composed of A) military personnel B) street sweepers and refuse haulers C) a volunteer nursing corps D) grave diggers and cremation technicians E) ex-slaves who served as a supply corps


21. The Confederacy financed its war effort primarily by A) borrowing B) collecting taxes C) printing paper money D) confiscating Union property E) taking loans from European powe


27. Lincoln's most successful general was A) Winfield Scott B) George B. McClellan C) Ulysses S. Grant D) Henry W. Hallack E) Irvin McDowell


28. General Ulysses S. Grant was known for his A) subtle tactical genius B) reluctance to spend lives in bloody assaults C) aggressive assault on Confederate resources D) mild mannered behavior E) defensive style of warfare


6. During Reconstruction, educational reform was promoted by all of the following groups except A) the Freedmen's Bureau B) private Northern philanthropic organizations C) Southern Democrats D) Northern Republicans E) Southern African-Americans


63. The first official definition of citizenship was included in A) the Civil Rights Act of 1866 B) President Johnson's 1867 Address to the Nation C) the Fourteenth Amendment D) the Fifteenth Amendment E) the Emancipation Proclamation


7. The difficulties of the Union war effort included A) insufficient number of soldiers B) timid, inept leadership in the White House C) extended supply lines across hostile territory D) Confederate superiority in weapons technology E) long lines of communication in enemy territory


73. Black freedmen attempted to exercise their rights by all of the following methods except A) participating in politics B) organizing their own religious groups C) striving to obtain an education D) serving as delegates to constitutional conventions E) advocating their colonization in Africa


William Berkeley

gov of Virginia; enacted friendly policies towards Indians that led to Bacon's Rebellion

Navigation Acts (1651, 1673, 1696)

governed trade between England and the colonies; colonies had to ship items exclusively to England; forbidden to trade with other countries

How was Bacon's Rebellion related to the political unrest in Virginia, and what effect did the rebellion have on the development of that colony?

it was over how they needed to defend the colony from the attacks by the Indians the effect = Berkeley's removal and the end to the attacks

Battle of Gettysburg (1863)

large and bloodiest battle in CW; July 1 to July 3; Union General George G. Meade led an army of about 90,000 men to victory against General Robert E. Lee's Confederate army of about 75,000

How did the existing Dutch settlements and institutions influence the development of New York?

large commercial rivalry, served as a "wedge" between northern and southern English colonies, provided bases for Dutch smugglers

Frederick Jackson Turner

"Frontier Thesis", humanity will progress as long as there's land to move to

Mayflower compact

1620 - The first agreement for self-government in America. It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth colony.

Pequot War

1637 conflict between MBC/Plymouth against Native Americans; eliminated Pequot tribe in New England

Alexander Hamilton

1st Secretary of Treasury; leader of Federalists; outspoken; shot and killed by Burr; created 1st National Bank

John Winthrop

1st gov of MBC; formed government and shaped legislative policies; "city upon a hill"

Martin Van Buren

AJ's closest advisors and vp for his second term; became 8th prez; Panic of 1837 occurred during his term

Frederick Douglass

African-American social reformer, writer and statesmen; escaped from slavery and became a leader of an abolitionist movemen; most famous black abolitionist

Protestants and Catholics

After the Act of Toleration in 1649, Maryland provided religious freedom for all

an excise tax and an import tax

Alexander Hamilton recommended that the federal government raise revenue through

The population increase in the cities also caused a housing shortage, which was dealt with by

All the answers below

I'm 1781, the states ratified a plan for a decentralized national government of the United States that was called the

Articles of Confederation

31. In the late 1800s, farmers on the Great Plains faced all of the following problems except A. poor fencing materials B. high land prices C. indebtedness D. lack of water E. falling crop prices

B. high land prices

The "Benevolent Empire"

Broad-ranging campaign of moral and institutional reforms inspired by evangelical Christian ideals and endorsed by upper-middle class men and women in 1820s and 1830s

In its long-running battle with the Indians, the government sought all of the following goals except A. forcing the tribes off disputed land B. stopping Indian attacks on whites C. strengthening tribal ties to allow easier negotiation with the Indians D. forcing the Indians to adopt white culture E. removing Indians to federal reservations

C. strengthening tribal ties to allow easier negotiation with the Indians

"Great Triumvirate"

Clay, Webster, and Calhoun; great politicians of their time

What impact did the Glorious Revolution have on England's North American colonies?

Colonies revived representative assemblies and prevented colonial unification which, unfortunately, led to increase in crown's potential authority b/c the uprisings has more to do with local factional & religious divisions

In the 1770s and 1780s, the powers of government were

Concentrated in the state governments

17. The Emancipation Proclamation freed A) all the slaves of the South B) only runaway slaves who had reached the North C) only the slaves of the South D) all the slaves of the South except those already under Union control E) only those slaves contributing to the Confederate war effort


68. The provisions of the Fifteenth Amendment gave the right to vote to A) Chinese B) women C) Indians D) blacks E) former Confederate leaders


Social Darwinism

Darwin's theory applied to economics, "survival of the fittest" in the market

The most important single event influencing England's decision to begin new world colonization was the

Defeat is the Spanish Armada in 1588

were well educated by the standards of their time

Delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787

special state ratifying conventions

Delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 recommended the document be ratified by

72. Republican Reconstruction governments were supported by all of the following groups except A) scalawags B) redeemers C) freedmen D) carpetbaggers E) Southern African-Americans


36. By the end of 1862, the Union had captured large parts of A) Texas B) South Carolina C) Mississippi D) Virginia E) Tennessee


47. The era of Reconstruction can best be described as A) a period of vicious and tyrannical rule of the South by the North B) a time of drastic reform C) an era of growth for the Southern middle class D) the physical rebuilding of the South E) an important first step toward civil rights


1. Many early explorers called the region of the American West between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains the A) Great Homestead B) Wild West C) Mississippi Plains D) American Breadbasket E) Great American Desert

E) Great American Desert

XYZ Affair

French officials demanded money and bribes from US officials in order for then to speak w/ French leader; lead to Quasi-War

The republican ideology of equal rights and liberty that was fundamental to the Revolution

Helped push New England states to abolish slavery in their new constitutions

When George Washington crossed the Delaware River on Christmas night, 1776, he was intent on surprising...


Who was not a British general during the American Revolution?

Horatio Gates

The historical argument about the causes of the American Revolution revolves around

Ideological and economic reasons

The 1795 Treaty of Grenville...

Led the United States to recognize the sovereignty of Indian nations


Lewis and Clark's guide during their expedition; Shoshone Indian

Horace Mann

MA legislator who favored universal public education as the means to create a population of disciplined good young citizens

The first truly universal mass-entertainment medium, which reached all areas of the country and all levels of the population, was the

Motion picture

During the 1770s and 1780s, the new American state governments

Moved toward religious freedom

During the final phase of the American Revolution, between early 1778 and late 1783, the fighting resulted in the British forces

Moving their major efforts into the south, where their forces were finally worn down and suffered a major defeat

Darwinism produced a growing concern for scientific inquiry that affected all of the following fields except


Continental System

Napoleon barred GB from trading w/ continental Europe; shut US out too; GB blockaded ports in response

During the Teddy Roosevelt administration, the White House conference on organized sports culminated in the formation of what was to become the

National College Athletic Association

The consumer economy was a major factor in the formation of one of the first political organizations in which women played a significant role, which was the

National Consumers League

How did the charter of the Massachusetts Bay Company influence the colony's first government?

Originally, eight stockholders/freemen were to meet as a general court to choose officers and adopt rules for the corp. -> a political system instead

Describe the background of the Pilgrims and their coming to America.

Pilgrims = a congregation of Separatists from the hamlet of Scrooby They wanted to create a community where they could spread their religious practices

How did the Pilgrims' experience with the Indians differ markedly from that of settlers in Virginia?

Pilgrims were friendly to the Indians. Indians taught them how to gather, hunt, and cultivate. Pilgrims marked the alliance with Thanksgiving in 1621.

The first European country to launch long ocean voyages of exploration was


"Revolution of 1800"

Thomas Jefferson's election; Republicans take power; Hamilton supports Jefferson; beginning of political change

Published in January 1776, "Common Sense" was written by...

Thomas Paine

a bill of rights would be added later, in the form of amendments

Virginia and New York ratified the Constitution of 1787 under the assumption that

members of the House of Representatives

Under the Constitution of 1787, the people would directly elect

Native Americans

Under the Constitution of 1789, the group whose legal status was LEAST recognized was

General George B. McClellan

Union commander of the armies in the east; inadequate strategists; fired twice by Lincoln; later did help win battles

As commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the a Revolutionary War, all of the following describe George Washington except

Worked to pull all of the colonies under one strong, central government

53. President Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction can best be described as A) mild B) harsh C) poorly planned D) popular with Radical Republicans E) radical


88. To intimidate and subjugate newly freed blacks during Reconstruction, Southern whites used all of the following tactics except A) whites forced the blacks into ghettos so that they could be better controlled B) whites formed secret and quasi-secret organizations that used terror to prevent the blacks from voting C) local merchants denied credit to blacks who voted Republican D) planters refused to rent land to Republican blacks E) redeemer governments encouraged the end of black suffrage


Because of the "Young America" movement, the United States considered annexing parts of a. Cuba b. Russia c. Mexico d. Panama e. Brazil

a. Cuba

The Puritan theologian Cotton Mather (after advice from his slave) came to believe that smallpox could be defeated by a. inoculation b. electric energy c. intense prayer . d. bleeding e. isolating the races

a. inoculation

The War of 1812 occurred as a result of a. the European conflict on the seas and American westward expansion b. British aggression against the American Indians c. the impressment of American sailors by the French d. the British blockade of the American east coast e. the closing of the port of New Orleans to American shipping

a. the European conflict on the seas and American westward expansion

The Columbian Exchange was:

a. the agreement that documented what Christopher Columbus would give to Spanish leaders in return for their sponsorship of his travel to the New World. b. the transatlantic flow of plants, animals, and germs that began after Christopher Columbus reached the New World. c. John Cabot's exploration of the New World, which brought more of the goods that Columbus had found back to the Old World. d. responsible for introducing corn, tomatoes and potatoes to the Americas. e. the first store in the New World, named for the man who founded it. answer-b

The major reason that western Europe engaged in explorations in the fifteenth century was

a. the desire to spread Christianity. b. to export domestic products. c. to control the oceans. d. to expand trade with the non-Christian world. e. to escape the Black Death answer=d

Pueblo Indians lived in what is now:

a. the eastern United States. b. the southwestern United States. c. Mexico. d. the northeastern United States. e. Central America. answer-b

In the 1600s, Puritan New England family structure a. was more stable than that of southern colonies b. produced children who soon grew independent of their parents c. experienced a decline in stability . d. encouraged the equality of men and women e. eliminated most premarital pregnancy

a. was more stable than that of southern colonies

25. The southern agrarian economy was dominated by a. wealthy landowners b. capitalist bankers c. independent farmers d. wealthy merchants e. slave traders

a. wealthy landowners


another name for the Anti-Federalists; against strong central government

Strict construction

belief all powers not specifically granted to federal government were reserved for the states; what Constitution did not specifically permit was forbade (Jefferson)

Utopian socialism

belief of creating a perfect society where all people worked together

Manifest Destiny

belief that Americans were destined to expand and into the West and cultivate and civilize the country from coast to coast


belief that God created the world and stepped back to let it run its course


belief that each person has direct communication with God and nature

Prohibitory Act (1775)

colonies were closed to oversea trade due to naval blockade; turned more to Patriot side

81. Grant's administration developed substantial opposition because A) he vetoed the Civil Rights Act of 1867 B) he opposed the Reconstruction policies of Congress C) he tried to destroy the party bosses and their machines D) he allowed corruption to develop in his administration E) he ordered the withdrawal of troops from the South


In the 1840s, the Oregon Country's ownership remained in dispute between the United States and a. Mexico b. Russia c. France d. Great Britain e. Canada

d. Great Britain

The Democratic Party of the late 1800's appealed most strongly to all the following except a. white Southerners b. Roman Catholics c. poorer persons d. Midwestern farmers e. most recent immigrants

d. Midwestern farmers

The United States acquired the Hawaiian Islands as a result of all the following factors except a. American citizens developed a sugar industry in the islands b. the U.S. government built a naval station there c. Americans staged a revolution to depose the native rulers d. President Cleveland sent marines to ensure that nothing stopped annexation from taking place e. the domination of the Hawaiian economy by American settlers

d. President Cleveland sent marines to ensure that nothing stopped annexation from taking place

The victorious commanding general at the Battle of San Jacinto was a. Davy Crockett b. Jim Bowie c. Andrew Jackson d. Sam Houston e. William Travis

d. Sam Houston

8. During the late 1600s and early 1700s, French settlement in North America was characterized by the a. development of manufacturing in Quebec b. decline of their fur trade with the Indians c. absence of any significant expansion of her territory d. toleration of the Indians' way of life e. lack of any effort to convert the Indians to their religion

d. toleration of the Indians' way of life

The Rush-Bagot agreement between the United States and Britain a. failed to halt the building of British forts in the West b. helped England defeat France in the Napoleonic Wars c. represented Thomas Jefferson's greatest diplomatic achievement d. ended the war of 1812 after bitter years of fighting e. provided for American-British disarmament on the Great Lakes

e. provided for American-British disarmament on the Great Lakes

As president, Jefferson's most difficult decision and challenge to his Republican ideology was his decision to a. avoid war and negotiate with the Barbary States b. retire a large proportion of the national debt because it required raising taxes from the people c. repeal the Whiskey Tax when the government needed that revenue d. reduce the size of the army and navy when America faced several threats from European nations e. purchase the Louisiana Territory because he was uncertain whether the Constitution gave him that authority

e. purchase the Louisiana Territory because he was uncertain whether the Constitution gave him that authority

House of Burgesses

first elected general assembly in the colonies; first democracy in US

Embargo Act of 1807

forbid exportation of all goods from US; hoped to weaken France and GB but hurt US

Sons of Liberty

formed in 1765 after Stamp Act; led by Sam Adams; terrorized stamp agents and burned stamps; radicals

Native American Association

formed in 1837 to combat "alien menace"; said people born in America were better than immigrants


former slave owners who opposed the Republican program in the South; staged a major counterrevolution to "redeem" the South by taking back Southern state governments

Booker T. Washington

former slave; encouraged Blacks to keep to themselves and focus on the daily tasks of survival, rather than leading a grand uprising; believed that building a strong economic base was most important at that time

American Anti-Slavery Society

founded by William Loyd Garrison; advocated the immediate abolition of slavery

Mother Ann Lee

founder of the Shakers

George Ripley

founder of the short-lived Utopian community Brook Farm

The city machine and "boss rule" were created and continued to thrive because

immigrants needed services and employment

In the mid-1800s, the reform impulse in the United States included the idea that

man is essentially good and capable of positive change


members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day; followed book of Mormon

Among the most popular formats of entertainment in antebellum America, as epitomized by P. T. Barnum, were

A) lectures

After the Civil War, a leader at a women's college remarked on improving women's educational and career opportunities by saying

"Our failures marry"


(Republicans) didn't support the Constitution; wanted smaller government based on state rights; Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, etc.

Plymouth/ Massachusetts Bay

-1620-1630 -John Winthrop [Mass Bay] (Puritans) ; William Bradford [Plymouth] (Pilgrims) -Religious freedom; trade and profit -Puritans; Congregational Church -Theocratic Society; Mayflower Compact; First Thanksgiving; 50% died the 1st winter

Connecticut Colony

-1635 -Thomas Hooker -Economic/ religious freedom from Puritans in Massachusetts -Strict Puritans (nonconformist) -Theocracy (priests rule in name of God); forced out of Massachusetts by Puritans to New Haven and Hartford

Colony of Rhode Island

-1644 -Roger Williams -Religious freedom; wanted complete separation of Church and state (from Church of England) -Religious freedom; tolerant of religions -Roger was banished from Massachusetts and was a leader for religious freedom

North Carolina Colony

-1663 (1719) -Loyal supporters of Charles II -Trade and profits; religious freedom -Tolerant of all Christian faiths -Fundamental Constitution for North Carolina in 1669 for Constructing a form of government, Established by John Locke -poor and more blue collar

South Carolina Colony

-1663 (1719) -Loyal supporters of Charles II -Trade and profits; religious freedom -Tolerant of all Christian faiths -Fundamental Constitution for South Carolina in 1669 for Constructing a form of government, Established by John Locke -wealthy and aristocratic.

New York Colony

-1664 -James II (Duke of York) leads assault to capture land that was given to him by his brother Charles II -Expansion of Great Britain colonies and trade and profits -Diverse population; tolerant of religions -New Netherlands/ New Amsterdam founded in 1626

Province of New Hampshire

-1679 -John Wheel Right -Escape for religious/ economic freedom; descent from Puritans in Massachusetts -Teachings from Anne Hutchinson is a Puritan who claimed to have religious insights from God and a feminist active role for women (Puritanish) - Fled from Puritan rule in Massachusetts

Pennsylvania Colony

-1681 -William Penn -Religious freedom / owed $$$ to Penn's father -Quakers -Charter of Liberties: written proclamation of Henry I of England from the accession of the throne regarding the treatment of people - home to many European immigrants - many democrats and anarchists (rejects hierarchies)

Delaware Colony

-1703 -William Penn -Escape Religious persecution; dissatisfaction with Pennsylvania's government -Quakers; Religious tolerance -Broke off from Pennsylvania

Georgia Colony

-1732 -James Oglethorpe -Debtor colony -Religious toleration EXCEPT Catholics -Military buffer zone between Great Britain and Spain -labor intensive agriculture -slavery was banned at the time -resentment towards other colonies

New England Colonies

-Plymouth/ Massachusetts Bay -Province of New Hampshire -Connecticut Colony -Colony of Rhode Island


1. In the 1830s and 1840s, all of the following were generally true about immigration EXCEPT (A) Most immigrants came from the British Isles and northern Europe. (B) Improvements in ship technology made the ocean voyage relatively cheap and fast. (C) The South attracted the least number of immigrants. (D) An overwhelming majority of native-born Americans welcomed the immigrants as a cheap source of labor. (E) Poorer immigrants lived in the cities while those with some money farmed in the West.


1. Which of the following statements accurately describes the Monroe Doctrine? (A) It caused an immediate change in the U.S. role in world affairs. (B) It asserted the U.S. right to send troops into the countries of Latin America to provide political stability. (C) It declared U.S. opposition to European intervention in the affairs of independent countries of the Western Hemisphere. (D) It was fully supported by the British government. (E) It established the U.S. claim to being a world power.

Why was it difficult to establish a stable society and culture in the Caribbean colonies?

1. harsh, deadly conditions 2. whites were principally interested in getting rich and no commitment to islands 3. too poor to contribute 4. lacked institutions that gave stability 5. white population = minority

In what ways were the Caribbean settlements important to the British?

1. important part of the Atlantic trading world (sugar, rum, market of goods) 2. principal source of A. slaves for mainland colonies 3. early est. plantation system -> model for mainland people

What serious difficulties did the Virginia colonists suffer from the moment they landed?

1. land was low and swampy, hot and humid in summer 2. outbreaks of malaria 3. lay within territories of local Indians

King Philip's War

1675 - A series of battles in New Hampshire between the colonists and the Wompanowogs, led by a chief known as King Philip. The war was started when the Massachusetts government tried to assert court jurisdiction over the local Indians. The colonists won with the help of the Mohawks, and this victory opened up additional Indian lands for expansion.

Valley Forge, PA

1777-8; Washington's army spent a long, cold winter here; hundreds died

Annexation of Texas

1845; Texas seceded from Mexico & declared independence in response to Mexican abolition of slavery; US annexed Texas because Southern states support slavery; North feared expansion of slavery and war with Mexico


4. The Erie Canal was significant because it (A) challenged railroads as the primary transportation system of the early 1800s (B) tied the manufacturing of the East to the farming of the West (C) was the first federally funded internal improvement (D) stimulated subsistence farming and manufacturing in the West (E) increased trade with Great Britain

James Madison

4th prez; father of Federalist party; wrote Virginia Plan

Compromise of 1850

5 laws that said CA would be a free state; formed government and popular soverigenty in land acquired from Mexico; abloished the slave trade in DC; TX paid money to relinquish disputed lands; and strict fugitive slave laws enacted

Iroquois Confederacy

5 tribes in upstate NY that formed a military defensive alliance; avoided being close with either France or GB


5. A major effect of John Marshall's Supreme Court decisions was to (A) expand federal power and limit the states' power (B) expand the states' power and limit federal power (C) declare federal laws to be unconstitutional (D) protect and enlarge the jurisdiction of state courts (E) legitimize a strict interpretation of the U.S. Constitution


5. Twenty years after the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, Congress prohibited (A) slavery in all U.S. territories (B) slave ownership by federal employees (C) immigration (D) importation of slaves into the United States (E) efforts to change naturalization laws

Headright system

50 acres of land offered to each settler who paid for themselves or others


6. Henry Clay's idea of an American System included all of the following EXCEPT (A) protective tariffs (B) internal improvements (C) state banks (D) increased trade between all sections of the country (E) federal funds for a national transportation system


6. Which of the following activities was most commonly practiced by African Americans as a means of resisting slavery in the early 1800s? (A) sitdown strike (B) legal action (C) political action (D) armed revolt (E) work slowdown

John Quincy Adams

6th prez; negotiated w/ Spain for FL; favored federal role in economics; Treaty of Abominations


7. Before the Civil War, which of the following groups of southern whites did NOT defend slavery? (A) Methodist congregations (B) farmers (C) poor whites (D) large landowners (E) mountain people


7. Which of the following is a correct statement about the United States at the beginning of the Era of Good Feelings? (A) Sectionalism had become the dominant force in the nation. (B) There were no more divisions within the ranks of the Republican party. (C) Federalists and Republicans united on an economic program of internal improvements and protective tariffs. (D) Friendliness and cooperation with Britain replaced earlier policies of hostility. (E) Nationalism strongly influenced American culture and politics.

Andrew Jackson

7th prez; well-known military leader from War of 1812; defeated GB at New Orleans; opposed to Bank of US, increased prez powers, and objected to states' right to nullify fed laws


8. Before 1860, the change that most influenced the lives of Native Americans on the Great Plains was (A) the introduction of the horse (B) the building of a transcontinental railroad (C) sectional tensions between North and South (D) immigration (E) the establishment of reservations


8. Which pair of issues aroused the most controversy in 1819 and 1820? (A) internal improvements and Latin American independence (B) slavery in Missouri and Latin American independence (C) slavery in Missouri and a financial crisis (D) Monroe's prospects for reelection and a financial crisis (E) Monroe's prospects for reelection and the protective tariff


9. Which of the following best describes changes in the American economy in the 1820s? (A) improved transportation in the West, depressed conditions in the South (B) industrialization in the Northeast, diversified farming in the South (C) improved transportation in the West, industrialization in the North (D) cotton farming in the South, depressed conditions in the North (E) railroads in all sections providing the primary stimulus for economic growth


9. Which of the following regions is INCORRECTLY paired with an economic or social characteristic? (A) Old Northwest—agriculture (B) New England—factory system (C) western frontier in 1850— tobacco farming (D) Deep South—cotton farming (E) border states—slavery

22. The greatest source of division in the South was A) the doctrine of states' rights B) disagreement over the war C) conscription exemptions D) the issue of slavery E) monetary policy


32. The death toll in the American Civil War was A) far greater than that of any other American war B) second only to the U.S. dead in World War II C) moderately high; about equal to that of the Vietnam War D) higher than that of the Revolutionary War but still moderately low E) small in comparison with previous wars


60. The purpose of the Black Codes was to A) guarantee white supremacy in the South B) protect newly freed blacks C) prevent former slaves from moving to the North D) guarantee black civil rights E) promote wider voting rights in the South


62. The first Civil Rights Act passed by Congress in 1866 A) all of the answers below B) declared blacks to be citizens of the United States C) empowered the federal government to intervene in a state's affairs to protect civil rights D) was vetoed by President Johnson E) restricted former Confederate officials' ability to hold office


5. By the early nineteenth century, the most powerful tribe in the Missouri River valley was the A) Sioux B) Arapaho C) Nez Perce D) Pueblo E) Apache

A) Sioux

Interest in colonization grew in England because of

A) A desire to compete with Spain B) almost constant religious strife C) the growth of merchant capitalism D) an increasing population and decreasing food supply E) ALL OF THE ANSWERS

The great cattle trails ran through all of the following states except A) California B) Kansas C) Oklahoma D) Texas E) Wyoming

A) California

11. To encourage settlement, the federal government passed a law that permitted settlers to buy land for small amounts of money if they lived on that land. The law was called the A) Homestead Act B) Settlement Act C) Farmers' Act D) Township Act E) Desert Land Act

A) Homestead Act

The English believed that colonies would

A) provide a place to send excess population B) offer new markets for the wool industry C) relive England of dependence on a foreign supply of natural resources D) be a place where human settlement could start anew E) ALL OF THE ANSWERS

The rise of cities also stimulated

A) the rise of profitable dairy farming

6. The weaknesses of the Plains Indians in their struggles with the white settlers included all of the following factors except A) they were not aggressive or warlike B) they were vulnerable to eastern diseases C) they usually would not work together to defeat the whites D) they had neither the economy nor the technology to stand up to a long war E) intertribal conflicts diverted their attention from white encroachment

A) they were not aggressive or warlike

13. Under the 1867 Indian Peace Commission plan, the federal government attempted to relocate the Plains Indians to A. Oklahoma and the Dakotas B. New Mexico and Arizona C. Montana and Wyoming D. Colorado and Utah E. California and Nevada

A. Oklahoma and the Dakotas

The Federalists of the 1790s believed that the United States should have A. a strong central government and a well-developed economy B. a modest central government and a predominantly rural economy C. federalized lines of authority in which the states had supreme authority over the federal government D. an equal distribution of power between the federal and state governments E. state governments with the power to protect revolutionary goals

A. a strong central government and a well-developed economy

21. The mining towns that developed between 1860 and 1890 A. all of the answers below B. were often abandoned after the mines closed C. frequently suffered from lawlessness D. were predominantly settled by men E. originally were filled with prospectors

A. all of the answers below

37. The growth of the West A. all of the answers below B. reflected the growth of the rest of the nation C. provided natural resources for industries in the East D. fulfilled a growing demand for beef in American markets E. resulted in the loss of autonomy for Native Americans

A. all of the answers below

By the late 1780s, many Americans had become dissatisfied with the weaknesses of the Confederation. The Confederation government was hampered by A. all of the answers below B. factions and instability C. an inability to deal with economic problems D. the lack of power to deal with social uprisings E. its failure to deal quickly with Shays's Rebellion

A. all of the answers below

During its first session under the new Constitution, Congress took the action of A. all of the answers below B. authorizing the creation of the executive departments C. establishing the federal lower court system D. adopting and sending to the states the Bill of Rights E. filling in gaps in the Constitution

A. all of the answers below

To protect the country from the problems of concentrated authority, the writers of the Constitution used the idea of a A. all of the answers below B. separation of powers C. system of checks and balances D. federal structure of government E. government that derived its authority from below

A. all of the answers below

White settlement of the Great Plains west of the Mississippi occurred because of A. all of the answers below B. the discovery of gold and silver deposits C. encouragement by the federal government D. the completion of the transcontinental railroad E. passage of the Homestead Act

A. all of the answers below

46. During the period in which the railroads expanded into the West, all of the following events occurred except A. both federal and state government offered incentives to railroad companies B. railroads encouraged settlement by making transportation easier and cheaper C. railway construction provided jobs for many eastern members of the middle class who were potential settlers D. railroads became important landowners E. subsidiary lines proved to be very beneficial to the West

A. both federal and state government offered incentives to railroad companies

Alexander Hamilton and James Madison joined forces in an attempt to A. call for a convention to correct the defects in the Articles of Confederation B. defend the power of the Confederation Congress to impose a tariff duty on imports C. produce a quorum in the Confederation Congress to ratify the Peace of Paris D. strengthen states' rights under the Articles of Confederation E. end slavery in the Tidewater Region

A. call for a convention to correct the defects in the Articles of Confederation

16. Farming on the Great Plains in the late 1800s consisted mainly of A. commercial operations B. sharecroppers C. communal towns D. subsistence farmers E. cotton plantations

A. commercial operations

The authors of The Federalist Papers wrote them for the purpose of A. explaining the meaning and positive qualities of the Constitution B. describing the negative effects of the Constitution upon states' rights C. promoting the concept of the Bill of Rights D. exposing the Constitution as a plan to establish a strong, tyrannical national government E. rejecting all of the ideas of the antifederalists

A. explaining the meaning and positive qualities of the Constitution

When Thomas Jefferson looked to the future, he hoped that the United States would become a country dominated by A. independent owners of small farms B. wealthy owners of large plantations C. independent owners of small shops in cities D. wealthy owners of large factories E. artisans who worked in urban centers

A. independent owners of small farms

By 1786, even those who feared a strong centralized government agreed that the Confederation needed the power to A. pass taxes B. make war C. negotiate treaties D. regulate federal lands E. sign a new peace treaty with England

A. pass taxes

34. In comparing themselves with the rest of the nation, farmers felt that they were A. receiving fewer economic and social rewards than were other groups B. useful, productive, and respected members of the community C. prospering despite a lack of respect from others D. losing respect, but gaining new opportunities for economic advancement E. on the verge of making the United States an agrarian republic

A. receiving fewer economic and social rewards than were other groups

5. Among historians, the key question about the Civil War was A) was the war inevitable? B) who started the war? C) could the South have won? D) why did the war last so long? E) what were the motives of the South?


This former vice president, was tried for attempting to establish a separate empire in the southwest

Aaron Burr

13th Amendment

Abolishes slavery except as punishment for crimes for which the person in question shall have been duly convicted

the country needed a stronger central government

At the start of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 the delegates agreed that

The Treaty of Paris included a provision that

Awarded the Americans with generous cession of land

11. Of the over two million men who served in the Union armies, the largest number were men who A) were drafted into service B) volunteered for service C) were in the army at the start of the war D) were paid a bounty to serve E) had been dedicated abolitionists


25. During the Civil War, Southern women played an especially important part A) as typists and telegraph operators B) as managers of farms and plantations C) as a supply corps for Confederate forces D) as members of auxiliary units of the armed forces E) as replacements for men in the South's light industry


48. When the Confederate armies surrendered, A) a peace treaty was signed between the North and the South officially ending the hostilities B) Lincoln would allow no formal peace treaty to be signed between the Confederate and federal governments C) each seceding state had to sign a separate peace treaty with the federal government D) only those seceding states that were still at war with the United States in 1865 had to sign a peace treaty E) Lincoln supported immediate readmission of Southern states


50. The Amendment to the Constitution that ended the practice of slavery throughout the United States was the A) Twelfth B) Thirteenth C) Fourteenth D) Fifteenth E) Sixteenth


55. Before the end of the Civil War, the Reconstruction plan advanced by Congress in opposition to Lincoln's "Ten Percent Plan" was the A) Sumner Act of 1864 B) Wade-Davis Bill C) Compromise of 1864 D) Military Reconstruction Act E) Crittenden Compromise


58. The unique feature of President Andrew Johnson's plan for Reconstruction was A) amnesty for former Republicans B) individual pardons for wealthy Southerners C) ratification of the abolition of slavery D) appointment of provisional governors E) suffrage for all male ex-slaves


59. Radical Reconstruction officially began when A) Lincoln was assassinated B) Congress reconvened in December, 1865 C) Andrew Johnson vetoed the Civil Rights Act of 1866 D) blacks were given the vote in the South E) Jefferson Davis was released from prison


64. All of the following actions by Andrew Johnson angered Congress except A) the veto of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 B) the appointment of a Southerner to the Supreme Court C) the dismissal of Secretary of War Edwin Stanton D) the veto of the Freedmen's Bureau Act E) the consistent resistance of radical Republican ideas


65. The Republican Congress responded to the establishment of Black Codes in the South by A) nominating Charles Sumner for president B) extending the life of the Freedmen's Bureau C) withdrawing Union troops from the South D) offering to back off passage of the Civil Rights Bill E) jailing governors from every Southern state


66. The former Confederate state that escaped most of Radical Reconstruction was A) Texas B) Tennessee C) Kentucky D) Florida E) Alabama


67. The Congressional Reconstruction Acts of 1867 A) formed the Freedman's Bureau B) divided the South into military districts C) excluded blacks from voting D) allowed former Confederates to hold public office E) excluded white Southerners from voting


70. When Andrew Johnson was impeached, the House had A) recessed for the summer B) accused him of a crime C) convicted him of a crime D) removed him from office E) refused to accuse him of specific wrongdoing


71. After the House impeached Andrew Johnson, his trial in the Senate ended in A) a conviction B) an acquittal C) a deadlock D) his resignation E) his removal from office


9. During the Civil War, the U.S. Congress A) passed a federal income tax amendment to the Constitution B) created a national banking system that could issue national bank notes C) granted federal lands to the states to help finance hospitals D) chartered corporations to build the first transcontinental turnpike E) refused to focus expansion in the West


The natural enemies of the ranchers included all of the following groups except A) Indians B) blacks C) sheep breeders D) farmers E) rustlers

B) blacks

The western mining industry of the late 1800s exploited large deposits of all of the following minerals except A) gold B) platinum C) silver D) copper E) quartz

B) platinum

2. In the mid-1800s, Anglo-American settlers in the Far West included all of the following groups except A) miners B) sailors C) cattle ranchers D) farmers E) sheep ranchers

B) sailors

3. The caste system of the Spanish Southwest had as its bottom group A) the Spanish B) the Indians without tribes C) mestizos D) the people of mixed race E) the Pueblos

B) the Indians without tribes

The Erie Canal revolutionized domestic markets because it permitted the

B) transfer of goods from New York to New Orleans along inland waterways

Alexander Hamilton's programs and influence led to the creation of an opposition group known as the A. Federalist party B. Republican party C. Liberty party D. Whig party E. Antifederalist party

B. Republican party

When Thomas Jefferson said, "I hold that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical," he was referring to A. the American Revolution B. Shays's Rebellion C. the Constitutional Convention D. the Whiskey Rebellion E. the Newburgh Conspiracy

B. Shays's Rebellion

33. By 1900, the majority of American farmers had become A. simple, independent people who lived close to nature B. businessmen confronted with highly unstable market conditions C. self-sufficient individuals who made many of their own supplies and grew most of their own food D. growers of cash crops that sold primarily in the United States E. leading advocates of the Socialist party

B. businessmen confronted with highly unstable market conditions

When war broke out in Europe in 1793 between France and Great Britain, the U.S. government A. took no action, instead waiting to see how the war would go B. declared the country neutral and tried to keep the country out of it C. sided with the French and declared war on Great Britain D. decided that the British were right and went to war against France E. attempted to make a protective alliance with Spain

B. declared the country neutral and tried to keep the country out of it

Most of the people who wrote the Constitution A. all of the answers below B. distrusted any concentration of political power C. were old men with many years of political experience D. represented the common men, rather than the wealthy and propertied E. were suspicious of the propertied classes

B. distrusted any concentration of political power

28. Sand Creek and the Washita River are associated with the A. cattle trails that led from Texas to Kansas B. massacre of peaceful Plains Indians C. spread of rail lines into the Far West D. use of water transportation to move cattle E. victory of the Sioux at the Battle of One Hundred Slain

B. massacre of peaceful Plains Indians

The Federalists gradually declined as a political force because they A. did not have capable leaders at a time when the country faced serious international problems B. preferred preserving political stability over protecting individual liberty C. tried to undermine popular respect for the institutions of the federal government D. refused to use the power of the government against their political opponents E. promoted a weakening of central power in the government

B. preferred preserving political stability over protecting individual liberty

29. Geronimo managed to resist the U.S. military for more than a decade by A. choosing to assimilate to white culture B. setting up effective bases in the mountains C. making an alliance with the armies of Mexico D. converting to Christianity E. capitalizing on the victory at Little Big Horn

B. setting up effective bases in the mountains

48. After the Civil War, U.S. government policy toward the western Indian tribes was to A. exterminate all of the Indians B. settle all of the Indians in two big areas C. force the Indians to accept white culture D. push the Indians over the Rocky Mountains E. allow Indians to choose new areas of settlement

B. settle all of the Indians in two big areas

One of the major differences between the Virginia and New Jersey plans for the new United States Constitution was whether A. all of the answers below B. states would have equal representation in Congress C. the national government would have the authority to levy taxes directly D. Congress would be able to regulate commerce between the states E. the president would be elected or appointed

B. states would have equal representation in Congress

45. The historian Frederick Jackson Turner argued that the frontier shaped America by A. killing off many of the most adventurous individuals B. stimulating individualism, nationalism, and democracy C. creating new opportunities for women D. producing institutions very much like those of Europe E. recreating sectional differences of the North and South

B. stimulating individualism, nationalism, and democracy

In response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison contended that state legislatures could declare federal laws unconstitutional. This view first appeared in A. the United States Constitution B. the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions C. The Federalist Papers D. the Declaration of Independence E. Pinckney's Treaty

B. the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Alexander Hamilton succeeded in persuading Congress to pass all of the parts of his financial plan except A. the national bank B. the high protective tariffs C. the assumption of state debts D. the excise tax on whiskey E. calling in bonds from wealthy speculators

B. the high protective tariffs

47. The buffalo were virtually exterminated in the 1860s and 1870s for all of the following reasons except A. the people traveling in the area needed food and supplies B. the meat industry needed meat for its eastern markets C. railroad companies hired hunters to kill buffalo D. hunters shot the animals for sport E. the clothing industry used the hides

B. the meat industry needed meat for its eastern markets

Nathanial bacon

Bacon was the leader and took over when Berkley wouldn't attack the Indians; Bacon was willing to lead not only against Indians but the govener too; This time was known as Bacon's rebellion

Fort McHenry

Baltimore fort where GB bombarded US troops; fort held and Francis Scott Key wrote "Star Spangled Banner" about it

12. The federal government aided settlement into the Great Plains region by all of the following means except A) offering settlers large areas of land at very small fees if they would live there for five years B) making it easy to establish western territorial governments C) giving cash bonuses to every settler who established residency in the new territories D) changing federal land law frequently to adjust to western circumstances E) increasing homestead allotments several times in the 1870s

C) giving cash bonuses to every settler who established residency in the new territories

The economic revolution that transformed America between 1820 and 1860 brought all of the following changes except

C) the creation of a more united country

During the 1820s and 1830s, the growth of business was assisted by all of the following developments except

C) the creation of a stable state banking system

4. The Plains tribes exhibited all of the following characteristics except A) they were dependent on the buffalo for survival B) their tribes were made up of several smaller bands, each of which had its own government council C) they were finally able to band together to fight the white man D) they were the fiercest opposition the United States had yet to face from Native Americans E) their religion was centered on a belief in the spirituality of the natural world

C) they were finally able to band together to fight the white man

To protect the nation from the "tyranny of the people,"the original U.S. Constitution provided that the people would directly elect only one part of the national government, the A. president B. Senate C. House of Representatives D. Supreme Court E. Joint chiefs of staff

C. House of Representatives

32. After the boom of the 1870s and 1880s, agriculture in the West A. went into a period of stable growth B. emerged as the main strength of the national economy C. experienced a long period of economic decline D. enjoyed a further boom until the 1910s E. changed little for the next decade

C. experienced a long period of economic decline

The Antifederalists argued that the Constitution had all of the following faults except A. it provided for a national government that was too strong B. it did not list the natural rights of its citizens C. it allowed the state governments to become a threat to the lives and property of their own citizens D. it favored the aristocratic and wealthy interests over those of the common people E. it gave taxation powers that were too broad

C. it allowed the state governments to become a threat to the lives and property of their own citizens

The purpose of the Twelfth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was to A. stop citizens of one state from suing other states in federal courts B. abolish the African slave trade C. prevent men from different parties from serving as president and vice president at the same time D. give the federal government the power to charter a national bank E. establish judicial review of legislation

C. prevent men from different parties from serving as president and vice president at the same time

The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was significant to the distribution of power because it A. gave the federal government permission to exercise some undelegated powers B. granted the president certain emergency powers C. reserved to the states and the people all powers not specifically delegated to the federal government D. provided the president with the authority to appoint a cabinet E. designated the Supreme Court as the interpreter of the Constitution

C. reserved to the states and the people all powers not specifically delegated to the federal government

The "Great Compromise" at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 resulted in all of the following agreements except A. representation in the lower house of Congress would be based on population B. each slave would be counted as three-fifths of a free person in the determination of representation and direct taxation C. the national government would be prohibited from exercising any powers not specifically granted to it D. each state would have an equal number of votes in the upper house of Congress E. an assumption that slave labor was not as productive as free labor

C. the national government would be prohibited from exercising any powers not specifically granted to it

Supporters of the Constitution enjoyed all of the following advantages except A. they were better organized than their opponents B. supporters such as Franklin and Washington were greatly admired C. their belief in a weaker central government was preferred by common citizens D. their label "Federalists" was more appealing than the name of their opponents E. leading supporters included some of the ablest political philosophers of the time

C. their belief in a weaker central government was preferred by common citizens

During the American Revolution the religious group that most improved its position was the


2. The Crittenden Compromise contained all of the following provisions except A) the preservation of slavery in Washington, D.C. B) a constitutional amendment to guarantee the continued existence of slavery in the current slave states C) the repeal of fugitive slave laws D) the reestablishment of the Missouri Compromise line E) the prohibition of slavery north of the Missouri Compromise line


3. In his first inaugural address, Lincoln laid down all the following basic principles except A) no state could leave the Union B) acts of force or violence to support secession were insurrectionary C) the government would hold federal property in the seceded states D) the institution of slavery would not be allowed to continue anywhere in the United States E) the South must not assail federal property


30. During the American Civil War, Great Britain adopted the policy of A) extending full diplomatic recognition to the Confederacy B) cooperating fully with the U.S. government C) staying completely out of the conflict D) remaining neutral, while permitting limited aid to the Confederates E) supplying the Confederacy with troops and arms


56. To many Northerners, the murder of Abraham Lincoln A) had little effect on the way that they viewed Reconstruction B) ensured that Andrew Johnson would present a radical reconstruction plan C) indicated that there were divisions within the Republican party D) seemed to indicate a large conspiracy on the part of the defeated South E) was believed to have been committed by someone other than John Wilkes Booth


61. During 1865 and 1866, Northern opinion grew hostile toward the South because of all of the following developments except A) the passage of the Black Codes B) the election of former Confederates to Congress C) the bloody race riots in several Southern cities D) the assassination of a number of Southern Republican governors E) the reluctance of Southern conventions to abolish slavery


69. The Tenure of Office Act was designed to A) protect the jobs of Congressional aides B) initiate civil service reform C) limit the number of times a Congressman could be reelected D) prohibit the president from removing cabinet members without the Senate's approval E) encourage the election of black public officials


84. The Panic of 1873 A) lasted for eight years B) affected the South more than other sections of the country C) finally ended with the recall of all greenbacks from circulation D) was the worst depression that the United States had experienced up until that time E) resulted in the election of Ulysses S. Grant


86. The Specie Resumption Act of 1875 provided that greenbacks would be A) replaced with war bonds B) inflated to help debtors C) declared illegal D) redeemed for gold certificates E) designated as currency in the South only


At the end of the Civil War, the number of cattle roaming the Texas ranges was approximately A) 250,000 B) 1 million C) 3 million D) 5 million E) 7 million

D) 5 million

The cattle kingdom of the West depended on all of the following factors except A) the railroads B) the great cattle trails C) open-range ranching D) U.S. Army protection E) the hard labor of cowboys

D) U.S. Army protection

The United States of the 1840s and 1850s saw all of the following developments except

D) a sharp decline in immigration from Europe

13. The multiracial working class in the western United States of the late 1800s A) enjoyed equal opportunities to rise to management positions B) united in common opposition to the practices of management C) had a greater social mobility than the working class of the East D) contained a higher percentage of single people than the workers in other parts of the country E) made strides forward by creating its own political parties

D) contained a higher percentage of single people than the workers in other parts of the country

All of the following statements about the lives of blacks in the North are true except

D) life in the North was hard, but at least there was no segregation

In general, women in the mining areas had all of the following characteristics except A) they often came with their husbands B) they were greatly outnumbered by men C) they had domestic duties similar to those of women in the East D) they could not find any work as wage laborers in mining towns E) they worked as prostitutes in sexually imbalanced mining communities

D) they could not find any work as wage laborers in mining towns

15. Which chief led his tribe on an incredible trek of defensive battles that covered over 1300 miles toward the Canadian border? A. Sitting Bull B. Crazy Horse C. Geronimo D. Chief Joseph E. Black Kettle

D. Chief Joseph

In the election of 1800, the man who won the presidency was A. Alexander Hamilton B. John Adams C. James Madison D. Thomas Jefferson E. George Washington

D. Thomas Jefferson

49. For legal purposes, the federal government traditionally viewed Indian tribes as A. United States citizens requiring special treatment B. noncitizens with special rights under the law C. noncitizens without any claim to land rights D. independent nations with whom treaties could be negotiated E. independent nations who were not recognized by U.S. policy

D. independent nations with whom treaties could be negotiated

In response to the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794, President Washington A. demanded that Pennsylvania call in the state militia B. suggested the Congress repeal the whiskey tax C. supported a ban on all excise taxes D. personally led an army of nearly 15,000 men into Pennsylvania E. waited for the rebellion to die down before taking action

D. personally led an army of nearly 15,000 men into Pennsylvania

50. Western historians have offered all of the following interpretations of the West except A. the West was a place of heroism, triumph, and progress B. the West was a land of oppression, greed, and failure C. the West was a place of conservatism, inheritance, and continuity D. the West was a land of terrorism, ignorance, and stagnation E. the West was a region of adventure, bravery and opportunity

D. the West was a land of terrorism, ignorance, and stagnation

For the Constitutional Convention to reach agreement on the power of the federal government to regulate commerce, the members agreed that A. a listing of individual rights would be added to the Constitution B. trade with France and England would be banned C. Congress would not be able to tax either exports or imports D. the government would not be permitted to stop the slave trade for twenty years E. the federal government would regulate foreign trade, but not interstate trade

D. the government would not be permitted to stop the slave trade for twenty years

The Constitution failed to address an issue concerning the Native Americans that would dictate their future relationship with the whites. This issue was A. the legitimacy of the treaties negotiated by the Confederacy B. regulation of commerce with the Indians C. the right of the federal government to tax the Native Americans D. tribal sovereignty over their lands E. the Indians' rights to representation in Congress

D. tribal sovereignty over their lands

49. In the aftermath of emancipation, most African-Americans wanted all of the following improvements in their lives except A) independence from white control B) legal protection of their rights C) their own cultural institutions, such as churches D) the opportunity for social advancement E) desegregated schools and fraternal societies


52. Republicans Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner urged that A) the government be lenient in dealing with the defeated South B) reconstruction should not include the right to vote for blacks C) President Johnson be given unchecked powers D) former Confederates be given blanket amnesty E) large numbers of Southern whites be disenfranchised


54. The Freedmen's Bureau eventually had all of the following powers except A) distributing food B) establishing schools C) settling labor disputes D) assisting poor whites E) creating a welfare system


6. At the outset of the war, the North enjoyed all of the following advantages except A) a much larger manpower reserve B) a more advanced industrial system C) a better transportation system D) twice as many rail lines as the South E) a stronger will to fight


79. The crop lien system that developed in the South during Reconstruction involved all of the following factors except A) it forced the farmers to rely on the growth of cash crops B) it contributed to the decline of Southern agriculture C) it featured high interest rates D) blacks worked fewer hours than they had during slavery E) it was administered primarily by country banks


The American population of the 1820s and 1830s was characterized by

E) extensive movement to towns and cities

In general, nativists believed that

E) immigrants were politically corrupt and took jobs away from U.S. citizens

The early Lowell or Waltham system used in the textile mills

E) was marked by good working conditions superior to those in England

In the mid-1800s, the social status of women included all of the following conditions except

E) women had much better access to education than in the 1700s

In the election of 1796, the man who won the presidency was A. Alexander Hamilton B. George Washington C. James Madison D. Thomas Jefferson E. John Adams

E. John Adams

The event that resulted in the Quasi War between the United States and France was the A. passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts B. French attacks on American ships C. French embargo of American goods D. repeal of Jay's Treaty E. XYZ Affair

E. XYZ Affair

By creating a federal system, the framers of the Constitution A. insured the election of John Adams B. stopped all talk about the power of states' rights C. showed that they were heavily influenced by the two-house system of Great Britain D. rejected the ideals of The Federalist Papers E. created a system of divided authority among national and state governments B

E. created a system of divided authority among national and state governments

36. The writings of Hamlin Garland expressed A. sympathy for the plight of the Sioux Indians B. a mythical respect for Buffalo Bill Cody C. discontent with the military's presence in the West D. anti-Chinese sentiments E. disillusionment with the promise of the West

E. disillusionment with the promise of the West

For the new U.S. Constitution to go into effect, it had to be ratified by A. all of the state legislatures B. a majority of the Confederation Congress C. unanimous vote in Congress D. two-thirds of the people voting in a referendum E. nine of the state ratifying conventions

E. nine of the state ratifying conventions

The men who wrote the Constitution resolved the question of sovereignty by deciding that in the United States political power rested ultimately with the A. national government B. president C. state governments D. local governments E. people

E. people

35. The economic difficulties and isolation of farm life near the turn of the century caused all of the following except A. a growing malaise among many farmers B. national political movements C. the feeling that the government favored big business D. children leaving the farm to move to the cities E. several minor rebellions similar to Shays's rebellion

E. several minor rebellions similar to Shays's rebellion

The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 resulted in A. President Adams ordering the deportation of large numbers of aliens B. the government imprisoning over fifty Republican politicians C. sharp criticism of the legislation by George Washington D. the state legislatures ruling the acts null and void E. the Federalist administration convicting ten Republicans of criticizing the government

E. the Federalist administration convicting ten Republicans of criticizing the government

24. Women in politics gained most respect and earliest suffrage in the A. northeastern cities B. Great Lakes region C. Southern plantations D. New England states E. western frontier territories

E. western frontier territories

continuation of the slave trade for twenty years

In the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a major concession to the pro-slavery delegates was the

three-fifths of a free person

In the Constitutional Convention of 1787, for the purpose of political representation, slaves were classified as

argued that the Constitution would weaked the states

In the debate over the Constitution of 1787, Antifederalist opponents to the document

all the presidential electors cast their votes for George Washington

In the first national elections in 1789

Following the American Revolution, the first state to make slavery illegal was...


In the 1770s and 1780s, the majority of Americans agreed on all of the following political assumptions except

People should enjoy equality of condition during their lives

The Battle of Yorktown most clearly demonstrated which of the following?

The significance of French to aid to the Patriot cause

Almost all of the supporters of Manifest Destiny agreed that a. Americans had a God-given right to expand their superior civilization into new territory b. the "empire of liberty" should extend into Canada and Mexico c. the United States could use force to achieve this expansion d. expansion should serve the economic interests of Americans e. the United States should annex large sections of Mexico

a. Americans had a God-given right to expand their superior civilization into new territory

In the 1857 case of Dred Scott v. Sanford, the Supreme Court ruled that a. Congress had no authority to exclude slavery from the federal territories b. former slaves could gain freedom if their owners voluntarily took them into free states or territories c. Dred Scott was entitled to freedom on a technicality, but his case was unique d. escaped slaves could apply for freedom as free persons if they evaded capture for ten years or more e. proslavery forces in Kansas had acted unconstitutionally

a. Congress had no authority to exclude slavery from the federal territories

The United States took control of part of the Samoan islands after a long dispute with a. Great Britain and Germany b. Germany and France c. France and Spain d. Spain and Great Britain e. Germany and Spain

a. Great Britain and Germany

In the 1830s, the supporters of the Whigs included all of the following groups except a. Irish and German Catholics b. wealthy northeastern industrialists and merchants c. wealthy southern planters d. western pro-commerce merchants and farmers e. anti-Masons in New York

a. Irish and German Catholics

During the election of 1856, the major candidates included a. James Buchanan b. Stephen Douglas c. James Polk d. Abraham Lincoln e. Franklin Pierce

a. James Buchanan

The most significant proponent of the "Nullification Doctrine" was a. John C. Calhoun b. Martin Van Buren c. Andrew Jackson d. John H. Eaton e. John Quincy Adams

a. John C. Calhoun

The initial migration of American settlers to Texas was encouraged by the a. Mexican government b. Catholic church c. American government d. American Colonization Society e. Liberty party

a. Mexican government

The Black Hawk War was fought between the citizens of the United States and the a. Sauk and Fox Indians b. Cherokee and Sauk Indians c. Creek and Cherokee Indians d. Fox and Creek Indians e. Sauk and Creek Indians

a. Sauk and Fox Indians

The Wilmot Proviso was continually defeated because a. Southern senators opposed its slavery prohibition as against their section's interests b. many opposed its provision to extend the Missouri Compromise line to the West Coast c. its provision for popular sovereignty in new territories angered Northerners d. it did not deal with the issue of slavery in the territories e. Northerners objected to its provisions for lower tariff rates

a. Southern senators opposed its slavery prohibition as against their section's interests

In the early 1850s, the Northern response to the Fugitive Slave Act included all of the following actions except a. States banned Southern travelers from visiting Northern cities b. Mobs freed runaway slaves held by federal authorities c. States passed laws making it difficult to enforce the federal statute d. One state court declared void the federal statute e. Citizens expressed ardent dissatisfaction with the law

a. States banned Southern travelers from visiting Northern cities

The man most responsible for getting the Compromise of 1850 through Congress was a. Stephen A. Douglas b. William H. Seward c. Jefferson Davis d. Henry Clay e. John C. Calhoun

a. Stephen A. Douglas

The "Crime against Kansas" speech resulted in the a. Sumner-Brooks affair b. Pottawatomie massacre c. sack of Lawrence d. John Brown raid e. Wilmot Proviso

a. Sumner-Brooks affair

Slavery in the South exhibited all of the following characteristics except a. The African slave trade grew larger each decade until the Civil War b. The slave population increased through natural reproduction c. Growing cotton was much easier work than growing sugar d. Masters frequently protected young slave children from hard work e. Slaves generally had better living conditions than those of Caribbean slaves

a. The African slave trade grew larger each decade until the Civil War

By the end of the 1800s, the use of pools, trusts, and holding companies by big business resulted in a. a concentration of economic power in the hands of a few b. a slowing in the growth rate of the economy c. a more even distribution of wealth d. an increase in costs of production e. a safer work environment

a. a concentration of economic power in the hands of a few

After the Webster-Hayne debates, President Andrew Jackson emphasized his support of a. a permanent federal union b. the supremacy of states' rights c. equality between state and federal power d. high federal tariffs e. the national bank.

a. a permanent federal union

Despite the common belief in "rags to riches," the power and wealth of most industrial tycoons were based on all of the following dubious practices except a. abusing the public offices to which they were elected b. ruthless maneuvering and corrupt dealing c. tapping wealthy family connections d. bribing government officials and political parties e. often using methods of vertical integration

a. abusing the public offices to which they were elected

Just before Texas became a U.S. state in 1845, Texas was a. an independent nation b. part of Mexico c. a free-labor territory d. a U.S. territory e. a jointly occupied area claimed by Mexico and England

a. an independent nation

Renewed sectional conflict in 1854 was triggered by the question of a. building a transcontinental railroad b. acquiring the territory of Cuba c. admitting New Mexico as a free state d. admitting Oregon as a slave state e. adding California as a state

a. building a transcontinental railroad

The railroad strike of 1877 indicated that a. business was becoming national rather than local in scope b. strikes tended to remain local issues, because most businesses were small and owner-operated c. management's policy of welfare capitalism was an effective means of strike prevention d. the conglomerate was replacing the corporation as the most common form of business organization e. the American Federation of Labor could succeed with collective bargaining

a. business was becoming national rather than local in scope

Popular ideas about political parties during the Jacksonian era a. changed from the idea that parties were evil and divisive to the idea that parties were essential to the success of democracy b. slowly changed from considering permanent parties as essential to represent interests in the political process to the idea that they would only divide the country c. became hostile to parties as bitter and personal campaigning hid issues from the people d. believed that party should restrict the suffrage to only property holders and keep politics an elitist activity e. returned to Washington's advice in his farewell address to avoid permanent political parties

a. changed from the idea that parties were evil and divisive to the idea that parties were essential to the success of democracy

Webster's main weakness as a presidential candidate for the Whigs was his a. close connections with rich men and big businesses b. inability to speak effectively in public c. excessive condemnation of alcoholic beverages d. support of the theory of nullification e. close ties to owners of large plantations

a. close connections with rich men and big businesses

The "Granger laws" of the 1870s sought to do which of the following? a. control railroad rates and practices to prevent discrimination against small farmers b. establish the free coinage of silver to inflate the currency c. establish a system of warehousing cooperatives to raise farm prices d. lower tariffs to allow farmers access to foreign markets e. limit the power of trusts to allow farmers cheaper farm machinery prices

a. control railroad rates and practices to prevent discrimination against small farmers

The most important crop in the South of the 1850s was a. cotton b. tobacco c. rice d. sugar e. indigo

a. cotton

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 contained all of the following provisions except a. declaring the Wilmot Proviso void b. creating two new federal territories c. repealing the antislavery provision of the Missouri Compromise d. allowing some territorial legislatures to decide the slavery issue for themselves e. creating popular sovereignty as a method of compromise

a. declaring the Wilmot Proviso void

"Five Civilized Tribes"

agrarian tribes of the South; Cherokee, Chreek, Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw

The U.S. government precipitated a crisis with Mexico by a. deploying an army in a disputed border area b. rejecting the application by Texas for annexation c. attacking the Mexican town of Monterrey d. sending federal troops to seize New Mexico e. encouraging Indian attacks on Mexico

a. deploying an army in a disputed border area

Which practice continued in the South long after it had largely vanished in the North? a. dueling b. live minstrel shows c. Shakespearean farces d. boxing e. merchant capitalism

a. dueling

The purpose of the Foraker Act of 1900 was to a. end American military rule in Puerto Rico and establish a formal colonial government b. create provisions for the governing of American Samoa c. provide guidelines for American government in the Philippines d. grant American citizenship to all Puerto Ricans e. establish guidelines for the eventual independence of the Philippines

a. end American military rule in Puerto Rico and establish a formal colonial government

In the 1830s, the supporters of the Democrats included all of the following groups except a. evangelical Protestants b. northeastern laborers and smaller merchants c. southern planters who were suspicious of industrialization d. western farmers with southern roots e. slaveholders from the South

a. evangelical Protestants

The Omaha Platform of the Populists included all of the following proposals except a. federal support for national banks b. a subtreasury system of crop warehouses c. government ownership of the railroads d. inflation of the currency e. the end of absentee land ownership

a. federal support for national banks

The Duryea brothers invented the a. first gasoline-driven motor vehicle b. first oil well c. typewriter d. record player e. electric generator

a. first gasoline-driven motor vehicle

Going into the election season of 1884, Grover Cleveland was respected for a. his consistent opposition to corrupt politicians and interest groups b. his bold stance on attaining civil rights for African Americans c. his creation of the Open Door foreign policy d. his belief that U.S. troops should be removed from the South e. his support for suffrage rights for American women

a. his consistent opposition to corrupt politicians and interest groups

John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry a. increased Southern fears of Northern hostility b. was praised by most Northerners c. had little effect on sectional tensions d. was intended as a statement against the U.S. government e. resulted in the resignation of James Buchanan

a. increased Southern fears of Northern hostility

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 declared illegal any contract, trust, or restraint of trade in a. interstate commerce b. manufacturing c. intrastate commerce d. industry e. shipping

a. interstate commerce

The outcome of the Pullman strike of 1894 indicated that the federal government would a. intervene on the side of management rather than labor b. be a fair mediator of disputes between management and labor c. intervene on the side of labor rather than management d. not intervene in disputes between management and labor e. create an agency to deal with labor-management disputes

a. intervene on the side of management rather than labor

The application for California statehood caused turmoil in Congress because a. it would upset the balance between the slave and free states in the Senate b. it would disturb the balance in the House between those who favored slavery and those who opposed it c. Democrats would allow no more slave states into the Union d. Whigs would allow no more free states into the Union e. Republicans were suspected of using the issue to gain the favor of voters

a. it would upset the balance between the slave and free states in the Senate

In general, the Populist movement was primarily supported by a. large-scale mechanized farmers b. small farmers. c. the urban middle class d. big city political machines e. corporate farming interests

a. large-scale mechanized farmers

Compared with white women in the North, white women in the South had a. less access to education b. a lower birth rate c. more access to the public d. more legal rights e. greater access to personal income

a. less access to education

The ideal of the "Southern lady" embodied which of the following characteristics? a. lives centered in the home as wives and mothers rather than as public figures b. home production such as spinning and weaving to increase family income c. little reliance on servants to do work, which demonstrated a lady's usefulness to the plantation economy d. employment outside of the home to show their capabilities and equality with men e. extensive education to illustrate refinement and culture

a. lives centered in the home as wives and mothers rather than as public figures

Grover Cleveland lost the election of 1888 partly because of the issue of a. lowering tariffs b. restricting immigration c. regulating big business d. passing civil service legislation e. supporting civil rights

a. lowering tariffs

The second wave of permanent American settlers in Oregon were mainly a. missionaries b. gold prospectors c. fur traders d. cattle ranchers e. land speculators

a. missionaries

The domestic slave trade in the period 1820-1860 a. often included the separation of families b. decreased due to a rise in the importation of African slaves c. resulted in more slaves eventually receiving their freedom d. caused a decline in the number of runaway slaves e. managed to obliterate all traces of African culture

a. often included the separation of families

Of the eligible voters, voter turnout between 1860 and 1900 averaged a. over three quarters b. only 50% c. a decline of 5% per presidential election d. just 25% e. nearly 90%

a. over three quarters

In the "Age of Jackson" coherent ideology in party politics took a secondary position to a. party loyalty, patronage, and election results b. support for sectional issues, rather than national issues c. the personality cult of presidential politics d. raising money to support national campaigns e. building congressional alliances to gain support in elections such as that in 1824

a. party loyalty, patronage, and election results

The political activity of the late 1800s can best be described by the statement that a. politicians did not address the problems caused by the rapid social and economic changes of the times b. party differences were so extreme that agreement and action were difficult c. public policy was dominated by the liberals in both the Republican and the Democratic parties d. the growing strength of conflicting interest groups severely limited the chances for effective legislation e. labor unions caused the government to pass significant reforms

a. politicians did not address the problems caused by the rapid social and economic changes of the times

When it was first created in 1887, the Interstate Commerce Commission was designed to regulate a. railroads b. monopolies c. manufacturers d. all interstate companies e. trusts

a. railroads

The Republican Party of the late 1800's appealed most strongly to all the following except a. recent European immigrants b. northern Protestants c. middle class voters d. freed southern slaves e. "old stock" citizens

a. recent European immigrants

As a result of the industrialization of the late 1800s, American workers experienced a a. rise in their standard of living b. vast improvement in working conditions c. narrowing of the gap between rich and poor d. decrease in competition for jobs e. move toward a safer work environment

a. rise in their standard of living

In the 1820s, the Mexican government invited American traders to New Mexico primarily to a. speed up the development of New Mexico b. open a trade route with the United States c. have an outlet for its excess trade goods d. promote harmony between Mexico and the United States e. extend slavery into northern Mexico

a. speed up the development of New Mexico

The greatest significance for the worker of Frederick Taylor's scientific management was a. the need for fewer skilled workers, which led to greater employer control b. increased wages for all workers from 1870 to 1900 c. forming workers into teams to make products d. government support of unions to improve worker safety e. longer hours but more fulfilling work in the factory

a. the need for fewer skilled workers, which led to greater employer control

Throughout the late 1800s and early 1900s, most Americans blamed monopolies for all of the following problems except a. the rapid decline in the standard of living b. the artificially high prices c. the highly unstable economy d. the wasteful practices of the wealthy e. the creation of an imbalance of wealth

a. the rapid decline in the standard of living

Which of the following is an example of the influence of corporate power on politics in the decades following the Civil War? a. the use of state and federal troops to protect company property during strikes b. the repeal of the Contract Labor Law to promote immigrant workers c. establishing an eight-hour day for government employees d. low tariffs to protect American jobs e. passage of stringent child-labor laws to keep children out of factories

a. the use of state and federal troops to protect company property during strikes

"The Gospel of Wealth," as advanced by Andrew Carnegie, promoted the concept that people with wealth should a. use their resources to help society b. give aid directly to the poor c. devote time to the public welfare d. donate the bulk of their wealth to religious institutions e. subsidize the construction of Protestant churches

a. use their resources to help society

Growing resistance to slavery in the cities was a result of a. white fears of insurrections by the relatively unsupervised slaves b. the shortage of housing for slave labor in rapidly growing cities c. increased manufacturing employing slaves instead of free labor d. declining demand for unskilled labor in cities e. Irish immigration to the South, which took jobs formerly held by slaves

a. white fears of insurrections by the relatively unsupervised slaves

Which one of the following is true of agriculture in Spanish America?

a. African-American slaves performed most of the labor. b. The main crops were vastly different than they had been before Spain's arrival. c. Spain introduced wheat as a crop. d. Indian slaves did the work on small-scale farms. e. Catholic priests were forbidden to be involved in farming. answer-c

Which one of the following is true about Native Americans and material wealth?

a. Chiefs were expected to share some of their goods rather than hoard them. b. Eastern Native Americans were more materialistic than those who lived west of the Mississippi. c. Wealth mattered less to them than to Europeans, but inherited social status was equally important to both peoples. d. Native Americans actually suffered more social inequality than Europeans did. e. Native Americans had no material wealth. answer-e

During American participation in the War of 1812, the best known obstructionist to administration policy was a. Daniel Webster b. James Monroe c. John C. Calhoun d. Henry Clay e. Andrew Jackson

a. Daniel Webster

The following pairs match historians who wrote on slavery with the themes that they discussed. The incorrect pair is a. David Brion Davis—emphasized the importance of economics in the development of slavery b. Oscar and Mary Handlin—showed bow the transition from servant to slave was a legal process for increasing the labor force c. George Fredrickson—contended that racism was a product of slavery d. Winthrop Jordan—argued that Europeans had long viewed people of color as inferior e. Peter Wood—maintained that legislation reflected white fears of black resistance

a. David Brion Davis—emphasized the importance of economics in the development of slavery

40. In response to the suspension of their colonial legislatures, many colonies convened new assemblies, and a collective assembly met in September 1774, under the name of the a. First Continental Congress b. United States Congress e. Committee of Safety d. Colonial Congress e. United Continental Assembly

a. First Continental Congress

Which of the following was true of Christopher Columbus?

a. He accurately calculated the circumference of the Earth to be 26,000 miles. b. He was an Italian navigator whose four voyages to the West were financed by the Spanish. c. He was the first person to believe that the Earth is round. d. He rejected offers from England and Portugal to finance his voyages. e. He received land, titles, and wealth from his discoveries and died the richest commoner in Europe. answer-b

William Lloyd Garrison alienated some of his supporters by

adopting radical positions on many issues

The labor force in colonial America included which of the following over the course of the early eighteenth century? I African slaves II Indentured servants Ill. Free labor from continental Europe IV. Women began to assume male working role V. Indians were forced to work for colonists a. I, II, III b. II, III c. I,III d. I, IV, V e. I,III, IV

a. I, II, III

Which of the following is true of Spain's explorations of the New World?

a. Individual conquistadores always traveled alone. b. Members of the Spanish parties suffered greatly from disease. c. Florida was the first region in the present-day United States that Spain colonized. d. Spain sought to forestall Portuguese incursions into the New World. e. Spain's explorations had no impact on the size of the Native American population. answer=c

How did French involvement in the fur trade change life for Native Americans?

a. It didn't; Native Americans were already hunting beaver and buffalo for their skins. b. Native Americans benefited economically but were able to avoid getting caught in European conflicts and rivalries. c. The French were willing to accept Native Americans into colonial society. d. The English and French quests for beaver pelts virtually destroyed theNative American population. e. It forced Native Americans to learn new trapping techniques that were far superior to their old ways. answer-c

The Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison was significant for which of the following reasons? a. It expanded the power of the federal judiciary by establishing its right to review whether a law was constitutional. b. It gave Marbury the right to claim his commission as a justice of the peace. c. It settled the issue of life tenure for judges. d. It established John Marshall as chief justice for the next three decades. e. It validated Madison's claim as president in the disputed election of 1808.

a. It expanded the power of the federal judiciary by establishing its right to review whether a law was constitutional.

Which of the following was NOT a technique that Spanish conquistadores used to conquer Native American empires?

a. Kidnapping a leader and holding him for ransom b. Dividing and conquering them by taking advantage of old rivalries c. Relying upon the spread of diseases, even though they may not have been introduced intentionally d. Negotiating treaties e. Using their superior military technology answer-d

During the Jeffersonian era, American education exhibited all the following characteristics except a. Many more schools became available to the poor b. The number of colleges and universities increased c. Professional education did not increase significantly d. Private institutions were more common than public e. The Republican party's commitment to public education

a. Many more schools became available to the poor

What role did religion play in the Columbus's explorations?

a. None whatsoever b. Columbus was determined to convert Native Americans to Christianity. c. Catholics in Spain and Italy supported his expeditions because they wanted to end Muslim control of the eastern trade. d. Columbus benefited from Ferdinand and Isabella's efforts to promote tolerance in Spain. e. Spain wanted Columbus to find a refuge for the Jews the king was driving out of the country. answer-c

44. No concerted efforts were made to increase English control over its empire in America during the first half of the eighteenth century because a. Parliament was focused on increasing its authority over the king b. the colonial assemblies were weakened and posed no threat to imperial authority c. rigorous enforcement of the Navigation Acts maintained a British presence in America d. there were no threats to the colonies so tight control was not necessary e. the Albany Plan of Union exercised a good deal of authority over the colonies by the British government

a. Parliament was focused on increasing its authority over the king

Which one of the following was true of French relations with Native Americans?

a. The French appropriated significant amounts of land for fur trading. b. The French were proud that they were considered tougher on Indians than their English and Spanish counterparts. c. The French sent nuns to try to Christianize the natives, because they understood that gender relations were different among Native Americans than they were among whites. d. Native Americans resented that the French had no need for their help in the fur trade. e. Jesuit missionaries tried to convert Native Americans, but gave them far more independence than did Spanish missionaries. answer-e

How did Spain justify enslaving Native Americans?

a. The Spanish believed that enslavement could liberate Native Americans from their backwardness and savagery and introduce them to Christian civilization. b. Pope Alexander VI had approved Spanish slavery but banned slavery in Portuguese holdings in the New World. c. The writings of Bartolomé de Las Casas explained that the Bible approved slavery and that therefore it was acceptable. d. If England and France were to be defeated in the quest for empire, Spain needed to take a step they had avoided, imposing slavery upon the native population. e. The Spanish actually never enslaved Native Americans; the charge that they did was simply part of the "Black Legend" spread by the English and other enemies. answer-a

Which of the following is not true of the Spanish conquistadores?

a. They conquered two major empires in the Americas and greatly increased the wealth and power of Spain. b. They succeeded in part because smallpox decimated the Indian population. c. They led huge armies of 50,000 to 100,000 well-trained Europeans. d. They destroyed religious items of the native people. e. They searched unsuccessfully for fabulous golden cities in North America. answer-c

In 1519, who became the first European explorer to encounter the Aztec empire?

a. Vasco da Gama b.Ferdinand Magellan c. John Cabot d. Hernán Cortés e. Francisco Pizzaro answer-d

19. After 1763, the British imperial design changed from emphasizing trade to a. acquiring land, population, and imperial splendor b. promoting electoral democracy c. supporting the expansion of colonial manufacturing d. abandoning colonies that were losing money e. eliminating all colonial taxes

a. acquiring land, population, and imperial splendor

26. During the 1760s and 1770s, the political program that angered the Americans most was the British effort to take away local control over a. appropriating money for local government b. appointing the colonial governor c. approving the choice of military commanders d. negotiating treaties with the Indians e. regulating slavery in the South

a. appropriating money for local government

Andrew Jackson gained national stature during the War of 1812 a. as commander of troops at the Battle of New Orleans b. for leading the successful invasion of Canada at the beginning of the war c. for successfully defending Baltimore from attack at Fort McHenry d. for slowing the British attack on Washington and keeping several public buildings from being burned e. as commander of troops that defeated the British at the Battle of Lake Erie

a. as commander of troops at the Battle of New Orleans

The Spanish system of labor control that allowed a person to exploit the native labor force for a certain period of time was called

a. bandeirante. b. encomienda. c. casa grande d. hacienda. e. requerimiento. answer-b

By the early eighteenth century, Africans in North America a. began more commonly to be seen as inferior by whites b were still viewed as indentured servants, rather than as slaves c. lived mostly in cities on the northeastern seaboard d. experienced more humane treatment in slave codes e. refused to have children who would be born into servitude

a. began more commonly to be seen as inferior by whites

The Spanish justified their claim to land in the New World through all of the following EXCEPT:

a. believing that their culture was superior to that of the Indians. b. violence. c. a missionary zeal. d. a decree from the Pope. e. defeating the English fleet in 1588. answer-e

The early civilizations of America were basically _______ age cultures.

a. bronze b. stone c. wood d. iron e. agricultural answer- b

The Great Awakening of the 1700s a. came in response to a decline in religious piety b. depended exclusively on powerful evangelists from England c. healed the divisions that had grown up between existing congregations d. achieved its greatest success in northern cities e. had little impact in the colonies

a. came in response to a decline in religious piety

Bartolomé de Las Casas argued that Indians:

a. could be enslaved because they lacked true religion. b. were more akin to beasts than humans. c. should overthrow their cruel Spanish masters and reestablish the Inca and Aztec empires. d. were treated well by the Spanish. e. should enjoy "all guarantees of liberty and justice" as subjects of Spain. answer-e

The Making of New World Slavery, by Robin Blackburn stressed a theme of a. economic advantages of slavery b. moral bankruptcy of slavery c. the Christian duty to civilize the African d. abolition e. racism perpetuated by Parliament

a. economic advantages of slavery

A consequence for America as a result of the Treaty of Ghent was a. further westward expansion by white settlers as Indian defenses weakened b. creation of an Indian buffer state in the Northwest c. British renunciation of its impressment policy d. cession of large parts of Canada to the United States e. a military alliance with France

a. further westward expansion by white settlers as Indian defenses weakened

The transatlantic flow of people and goods such as corn, potatoes, horses, and sugar cane is called:

a. globalization. b. the Columbian Exchange. c. the Great Circuit. d. the Atlantic system. e. trade. answer-b

Before the arrival of Columbus, Native North Americans:

a. had elaborate trade networks. b. were entirely agricultural and rural. c. from all regions of the continent were very similar in their political and religious beliefs. d. always lived in small family units. e. lived only in coastal areas. answer=c

The Pueblo Indians encountered by the Spanish in the sixteenth century:

a. had engaged in settled village life only briefly before the Spanish arrived. b. had been almost completely isolated from any other people before the Spanish arrived. c. used irrigation systems to aid their agricultural production. d. were called mound builders for the burial mounds they created. e. created a vast empire that included control of the Incas. answer-c

The Spanish empire in America:

a. included most of the populated part of the New World but few of its natural resources, making the empire rich in people but poor economically. b. paled in comparison with the ancient Roman Empire. c. was, unlike the French and English New World empires, a mostly urban civilization. d. was centered in Lima, Peru. e. allowed religious freedom and therefore attracted colonists from throughout Europe answer-c

Overall, the Second Great Awakening resulted in a. increased belief in salvation attained through faith and good works b. the growth of "rational theology" c. a greater number of male converts than female converts d. renewed acceptance of the doctrine of predestination e. less active piety and an acceptance of the rational religions

a. increased belief in salvation attained through faith and good works

One of the most prestigious positions in the American sports spectrum for an African-American in the early nineteenth century was as a. jockey or trainer in horse racing b. professional football player c. professional boxer d. player in segregated baseball leagues e. golfer in integrated leagues

a. jockey or trainer in horse racing

Alarmed by the destructiveness of the conquistadores, the Spanish crown replaced them with a more stable system of government headed by:

a. lawyers and bureaucrats. b. bishops of the Catholic Church. c. landed wealthy elite. d. elected local officials. e. entrepreneurs. answer=a

15. William Pitt transformed the effort in America doing all following except war by ofthe a. leading the British troops in battle b. planning military strategy c. impressing colonists into the army d appointing commanders in the field e. relaxing some colonial policies

a. leading the British troops in battle

Indian societies in North America:

a. made little distinction between gender roles b. tended to divide tasks according to gender. c. put women in important political positions d. did not allow women to exercise any control over social or economic matters answer-b

The basis for the Industrial Revolution during the Republican era lay in the a. manufacture of textiles in New England factories b. use of steam power to run factories cheaply c. transportation of finished goods via Robert Fulton's newly perfected steamboat d. opening of the Mississippi Valley to manufacturing with the purchase of Louisiana e. growth of major cities along the eastern seaboard

a. manufacture of textiles in New England factories

51. British North American colonists accepted the Navigation Act duties before the Sugar Act because a. mercantilism was the accepted economic policy of the time b. the Sugar Act raised the rates on sugar and molasses to unprecedented levels c. the Navigation Acts were external, not internal taxes d. the purpose of the Sugar Act was to regulate trade, not to raise revenue e. the Navigation Acts did not impact the colonies

a. mercantilism was the accepted economic policy of the time

The beginning of the American Industrial Revolution during the early 1800s resulted from all of the following developments except a. monetary assistance from the federal government to new factories b. technological advances imported from England c. the appearance of better transportation systems d. new inventions such as the cotton gin e. the development of advanced steam engines

a. monetary assistance from the federal government to new factories

In the 1750s, the relationship between the British Empire and the American colonies was characterized by a. most Americans believing that the benefits of the empire far outweigh the costs b. the British strictly enforcing colonial trade regulations c. most Americans objecting to their membership in the British Empire d. the British constantly intervening in American affairs e most cities experiencing anti-British Demonstrations

a. most Americans believing that the benefits of the empire far outweigh the costs

The era of exploration contributed to world progress by

a. promoting peaceful and friendly relations between different ethnic groups. b. spreading technology. c. bringing previously isolated societies into contact with other nations and cultures. d. promoting religious toleration and ending the persecution of non-Christians around the globe. e. all of the above. answer-c

Medical care in early colonial America a. revealed that there was little use of the scientific method b. featured a renewed commitment to sanitary work conditions c. rejected the practices of humoralism d. managed to establish health care in most remote rural areas e. put an end to the practice of bleeding

a. revealed that there was little use of the scientific method

Both the Aztec and Inca empires were:

a. rural and poor. b. small in population, but sophisticated in infrastructure. c. large, wealthy, and sophisticated. d. large in geographic size, but sparsely populated. e. rural, with few impressive buildings. answer-c

The "rational theologies" of the early 1800s emphasized a. scientific attitudes b. a commitment to established religion c. the sanctity of the Trinity d. the belief that the fate of a human being is predetermined e. support for the ideas of John Wesley

a. scientific attitudes

New France was characterized by:

a. severe conflict between French settlers and the Indians. b. a well-defined line between Indian society and French society. c. more peaceful European-Indian relations than existed in New Spain. d. a Protestant missionary zeal to convert the Indians. e. its lack of devastating epidemics. answer-c

Most European Christians viewed the Indians as

a. subhuman, soulless devil worshippers. b. innocent, childlike people who should be treated kindly. c. sophisticated people who were morally and ethically superior to the inhabitants of Asia and Europe. d. descendants of the ancient survivors of the lost continent of Atlantis. e. one of the lost tribes of Israel. answer-a

Between 1785 and 1815, the Indians of the Northwest and Canada allied themselves with the British because a. the British historically limited western expansion into Indian lands b. the Americans had cut off all communication and trade with those tribes c. there had been relentless fighting between the Americans and the tribes since the Battle of Fallen Timbers d. the British promised them the return of all lost lands west of the Appalachian Mountains e. the Americans massacred hundreds of Indians in Canada

a. the British historically limited western expansion into Indian lands

Before the arrival of the Europeans, the Indian societies of the Americas

a. were all primitive, nomadic hunters and gatherers. b. were democratic cultures in which all members, including women, could vote. c. used bronze and iron for tools and weapons. d. had all developed a written language. e. were Stone Age cultures answer-e

During Jefferson's administration, Native Americans a. were offered a choice of assimilation or moving west of the Mississippi b. were treated humanely and fairly, although moved farther west c. were placed on small reservations in their natural locale d. were protected by the federal government from white encroachment upon their territories e. were allowed to stay on their traditional hunting grounds

a. were offered a choice of assimilation or moving west of the Mississippi

During the 1800s, members of the temperance movement agreed almost unanimously that

abstinence should promote the moral self-improvement of individuals

The results of the 1900 presidential election support the conclusion that a. imperialism played a role of little significance, as Americans seemed more interested in other issues b. Bryan's efforts to spark debate on imperialism backfired, as Americans demonstrated clear support for McKinley's policies c. the American people were evenly divided on the question of imperialism d. voters offered a sharp protest against American imperialism e. both major parties were united behind support for American imperialism

b. Bryan's efforts to spark debate on imperialism backfired, as Americans demonstrated clear support for McKinley's policies

The oldest political party in the United States is the a. Whig party b. Democratic party c. Federalist party d. National Republican party e. Populist party

b. Democratic party

The political concept that a "single tax" on land would destroy monopolies, distribute wealth more equally, and eliminate poverty was authored by a. Daniel De Leon b. Henry George c. Edward Bellamy d. Russell Conwell e. Herbert Spencer

b. Henry George

What was the impact of the Platt Amendment? a. It incorporated Puerto Rico into the United States. b. It gave the United States virtual control over Cuba. c. It provided for the independence of the Philippines. d. It declared that the United States would not annex Cuba. e. It led to the annexation of Hawaii.

b. It gave the United States virtual control over Cuba.

The theory of nullification was based on the writings of a. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton b. James Madison and Thomas Jefferson c. John Adams and James Madison d. Alexander Hamilton and John Adams e. James Madison and Alexander Hamilton

b. James Madison and Thomas Jefferson

The main reason for the Texas Revolution was a. Mexico was determined to drive all Americans out of Texas b. Mexico had become a dictatorship c. failure of James Polk to pursue expansion d. the United States' desire to gain control of the territory of Mexico e. the Texans' desire to overthrow the government of Mexico

b. Mexico had become a dictatorship

In the late 1850s, Abraham Lincoln argued that slavery should be a. protected in the slave states and in all territories b. allowed to continue in the slave states, but prohibited in all territories c. gradually abolished everywhere, with a definite timetable and compensation for the owners d. immediately abolished throughout the nation e. regarded as a necessary evil in the West

b. allowed to continue in the slave states, but prohibited in all territories

The Haymarket Square Riot of 1886 was a. the outcome of a nationwide strike by the Knights of Labor against the railroads b. an indication to many members of the public that labor was riddled with radicals c. an isolated incident that did not affect most people's opinion of unions d. the result of President Cleveland sending in federal troops to break up a strike e. the cause of increased popularity for the Knights of Labor

b. an indication to many members of the public that labor was riddled with radicals

To defeat Van Buren and the Democrats in the election of 1840, the Whigs a. accused Van Buren of being aristocratic b. attacked Jackson's idea of democracy c. emphasized the superiority of their ideology d. presented themselves as the party of business e. expressed that slavery was an immoral practice

b. attacked Jackson's idea of democrac

During the late 1800s, the federal government had a reputation for a. creating conflicts b. being very active in reform movements c. being concerned with international affairs d. being stronger than most national governments e. doing very little to ease growing problems

b. being very active in reform movements

The election of 1840 is considered by many to be a modern election campaign for the reason that a. there were only two candidates running for president b. both parties worked at getting their candidate elected c. the parties designed their campaigns and candidates to appeal to the common man d. William Henry Harrison was a famous Indian fighter and military hero e. William Henry Harrison was the first candidate from the West

b. both parties worked at getting their candidate elected

The purpose of the Bessemer-Kelly process was to a. increase the percentage of gold extracted from the poorer ores b. burn the impurities out of iron by blowing air through it c. increase the speed on assembly lines d. refine oil for use as a lubricant e. create plastics from petroleum by-products

b. burn the impurities out of iron by blowing air through it

Railroads contributed to the economic growth of the United States in all of the following ways except a. by providing mass transportation b. by encouraging diversified control of the transportation industries c. by increasing access to distant sources of raw materials d. by providing access to previously inaccessible markets e. by promoting investment in construction businesses

b. by encouraging diversified control of the transportation industries

A holding company is a form of consolidation in which a a. small group of trustees control the stock of a number of corporations b. central corporate body formally purchases the stocks of various corporations c. number of companies share markets through informal arrangements d. large company is formed by the merger of corporations in unrelated industries e. governmental agency regulates large corporations

b. central corporate body formally purchases the stocks of various corporations

Andrew Jackson and his followers believed that the United States needed to a. create a totally egalitarian society b. challenge the power of the eastern elites c. confront sectional differences over slavery d. put an end to the existence of slavery e. strengthen the power of the federal government

b. challenge the power of the eastern elites

Jacob S. Coxey's army of unemployed Americans marched to Washington to demand that the federal government a. outlaw minor political parties b. create jobs for the unemployed c. lower the salaries of government employees d. deflate the currency e. close down the national bank

b. create jobs for the unemployed

In choosing Indian removal, white society of the 1830s was rejecting the concept of a. establishing Indian reservations b. creating a shared world with the Indians c. segregating Indian and white societies d. treating the territories as virgin land e. engaging in warfare with Indians

b. creating a shared world with the Indians

The westward journey to the West Coast in the 1840s could be best characterized as a. relatively easy and safe. b. dangerous and strenuous c. disease free and relatively short d. dangerous because of Indian attack e. unsuccessful at reaching the West

b. dangerous and strenuous

Van Buren responded to the Panic of 1837 with the idea of the independent treasury, which was a. a system of depositing money in select independent banks b. designed to keep government funds out of private banks c. helpful to people wanting to borrow money d. popular with Whigs and conservative Democrats e. intended to bolster the interests of small planters

b. designed to keep government funds out of private banks

The main reason business leaders looked to establish monopolies in their industries was to a. have sufficient wealth and power to bribe government officials b. eliminate excessive competition, which made markets unstable c. promote competition and free-enterprise capitalism d. gain wealth that could later be used to help the poor e. prove that the principles of Social Darwinism were true

b. eliminate excessive competition, which made markets unstable

During Andrew Jackson's presidency, the common people gained political power through all of the following means except a. creation of national nominating conventions b. enfranchisement of women and free blacks c. elimination of property qualifications for voting d. increase in opportunity to hold political office e. challenge of entrenched office holders

b. enfranchisement of women and free blacks

From 1820 to 1860, the slave population a. decreased dramatically b. experienced a huge increase in the lower South c. increased, but only in the upper South d. experienced a decrease on cotton plantations e. remained close to population figures of the 1700s

b. experienced a huge increase in the lower South

The purpose of the Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883 was to a. establish the first racial quotas for government jobs b. fill some government jobs on the basis of competitive examinations c. ensure that appointments to government jobs were approved by Congress d. declare illegal the system of city political machines and boss rule e. create a board of appeals for labor disputes

b. fill some government jobs on the basis of competitive examinations

John Jacob Astor's main business on the Northwest Pacific coast involved a. lumbering the vast forests b. fur trapping and trading c. fishing in the Northwest Pacific waters d. trading cattle hides with the resident Spanish settlers e. trading with the Russians who migrated from Alaska

b. fur trapping and trading

The crisis of the 1890s was caused by all of the following developments except a. severe economic depression b. government regulation of business c. labor unrest and violence d. lack of action by the major political parties e. the rigid conservatism of Grover Cleveland

b. government regulation of business

Russell H. Conwell's lecture "Acres of Diamonds" advanced the idea that a. millionaires had a social responsibility to share their wealth b. great wealth was available to any industrious worker c. most wealthy men had inherited their money d. Darwin's theory about natural selection was a farce e. Christianity demanded compassion for the poor

b. great wealth was available to any industrious worker

The development of the North and the South differed in that the South a. did not expand to the West b. had fewer cities c. used more wage labor d. became less agricultural e. did not participate in international commerce

b. had fewer cities

Grover Cleveland obtained the repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act because a. the Southern and Western wings of the Democratic party pressured Congress to repeal the act b. he believed that the gold drain from the treasury threatened the nation's financial stability c. most Americans saw "free silver" as a cure-all for the nation's financial instability d. it had resulted in $100 million in silver flowing into the treasury e. the Republican party had attempted to impeach him

b. he believed that the gold drain from the treasury threatened the nation's financial stability

Martin Van Buren lost the 1844 Democratic party nomination for president because a. many Democrats decided that he could not beat Henry Clay b. he did not favor the immediate annexation of Texas c. he was mistrusted by northern Democrats d. he believed that the United States should risk war with Great Britain to get Oregon e. many Democrats were not willing to risk war with Mexico to annex Texas

b. he did not favor the immediate annexation of Texas

Popular sovereignty failed in Kansas because of a. voter apathy b. illegal voting by Missouri residents c. the failure to clearly identify the key issues d. a lack of regional interest in slavery e. voter fraud by Free Soil elements

b. illegal voting by Missouri residents

The Bank of the United States benefited the U.S. economy by fulfilling all of the following except a. giving the states control of interest rates b. issuing bank notes c. holding government funds d. restraining policies of state banks e. providing credit to growing enterprises

b. issuing bank notes

Although historians disagree as to their interpretations of Populism, the movement was significant because a. it led to successful radical movements in the early 1900s b. it was one of the few third-party movements to gain national influence c. the activists of the party were responsible for the success of the first McKinley administration d. it helped to elect a president at the peak of its power e. it revealed the economic weakness of the Northeastern elite

b. it was one of the few third-party movements to gain national influence

One problem the Whig party faced in the 1830s was a. the public's belief that it had caused the Panic of 1837 b. its failure to unify behind one of the party's able candidates c. the growing unpopularity of Martin Van Buren d. its failure to draw the support of Evangelical Protestants e. the unpopularity of its stance on Indian removal policies

b. its failure to unify behind one of the party's able candidates

According to some scholars, the material conditions of slaves in the South a. were better than those of Southern yeomen farmers b. may have been better than those of Northern industrial workers c. were about the same as those of European industrial workers d. were worse than those for slaves in the Caribbean e. depended largely on each state's regulatory laws

b. may have been better than those of Northern industrial workers

In late-nineteenth-century America, unions had difficulty prospering because a. workers saw no reason to organize because their wages were rising b. middle-class values heralded individualism and private property, and unions were seen as a threat to these c. immigrant laborers belonged to unions in their home countries, and would not join American unions d. Union tactics and strikes were too radical for most workers e. the federal government established an eight-hour day for public projects and employees

b. middle-class values heralded individualism and private property, and unions were seen as a threat to these

All of the following were survival mechanisms for slaves except a. music in which spirituals mixed faith with hope and lamentation b. miscegenation, which made the master and slave relationship more complex c. pidgin, which made it harder for masters to understand slaves d. religion, which included Christianity, African religions, and voodoo e. kinship networks that replaced the nuclear slave family

b. miscegenation, which made the master and slave relationship more complex

During the fighting of the Spanish-American War, a. American troops had experienced commanders b. more American fighting men died of disease than were killed in action c. regular army units did more of the fighting than did National Guard units d. the U.S. Army conducted a competent and efficient mobilization e. Spain won many battles to prolong the war

b. more American fighting men died of disease than were killed in action

Some historians maintain that conditions for Northern factory workers were worse than those of slaves for the reason that a. slaves had a lower mortality rate than Southern whites b. planters had an economic incentive to keep their slaves healthy c. some slaves had a relatively easy life doing domestic chores in the plantation household d. children did not work in factories but they were used regularly for all kinds of slave labor e. slaves were plentiful and some Northern factories hired slave labor to work in the mills

b. planters had an economic incentive to keep their slaves healthy

In the late 1800s, most Americans engaged in political activity because of their a. commitment to democracy in the workplace b. regional, ethnic, or religious sentiments c. interest in particular issues d. stands on matters of public policy e. party affiliations

b. regional, ethnic, or religious sentiments

The inauguration of Andrew Jackson in 1829 was significant because it a. ended the tradition of raucous inaugural celebrations b. signified the empowerment of a heretofore disenfranchised class of Americans c. reaffirmed the control of the political elite d. indicated harmony between the southern and northern regions of the United States e. symbolized a return to traditional upper-class values

b. signified the empowerment of a heretofore disenfranchised class of Americans

In the election of 1852, the Whig party lost the chance for victory when it split over the issue of a. temperance b. slavery c. tariffs d. territorial expansion e. the Mexican War

b. slavery

During the late 1850s, the Free Laborites of the North came to believe in all of the following ideas except a. the perfect society was one of small-scale capitalism that allowed everyone a chance at upward mobility b. slavery was such a moral evil that it must be abolished quickly c. Southern society was so backward that it constituted a threat to democracy and individualism d. the South was engaged in a conspiracy to extend slavery throughout the nation e. the existence of slavery endangered the rights of whites to own property

b. slavery was such a moral evil that it must be abolished quickly

In the late 1800s, the "new" immigrants to eastern cities tended to come from a. northern and western Europe b. southern and eastern Europe c. Central and Latin America d. China and Southeast Asia e. South America and Asia

b. southern and eastern Europe

During the late 1800s, the function of the president was to a. use his position as leader of both his party and the nation to control Congress b. spend much of his time making political appointments c. persuade Congress to agree on the subjects under debate and make the government's position clear to the press d. suggest legislation to Congress and mediate the conflicts between the two political parties e. create major fiscal and military policies

b. spend much of his time making political appointments

The Supreme Court eventually overturned the Granger Laws of the 1870s on grounds that a. in the absence of federal regulation, the states had the right to regulate interstate commerce b. state regulation of freight rates was an unconstitutional attempt to control interstate commerce c. only Congress had the right to control commerce within a state d. a corporation was not a "person" under the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment e. trusts and monopolies could not challenge federal authority

b. state regulation of freight rates was an unconstitutional attempt to control interstate commerce

The American Federation of Labor (AFL) advocated a. child labor laws b. strikes c. social chaos d. the abolition of capitalism e. prohibition of alcohol

b. strikes

The growth of cotton as the major crop for the South was enhanced by the a. thriving condition of the tobacco industry b. success of a new variety of cotton c. stabilization of the cotton market d. concentration of the industry in only a few states e. decline in the use of slave labor

b. success of a new variety of cotton

The main issue in James K. Polk's 1844 presidential campaign was his commitment to a. increasing the tariff b. territorial expansion of the United States c. reducing the cost of Western land d. rechartering the Bank of the United States e. resolving sectional differences

b. territorial expansion of the United States

During the late 1800s, the only significant form of federal assistance to individuals was a. the old-age benefit b. the Civil War veterans' pension c. health care for the poor d. support for widows and orphans e. Social Security for retired workers

b. the Civil War veterans' pension

Martin Van Buren won the election of 1836 because he was able to capitalize on a. his opposition to Andrew Jackson's financial policies b. the Whig party's inability to unify across regional lines c. the public's dissatisfaction with the economic depression d. his support for nullification during the tariff wars e. the belief that the Whigs had masterminded the "Corrupt Bargain"

b. the Whig party's inability to unify across regional lines

The immediate causes of the Panic of 1837 included all of the following except a. a presidential order requiring federal land be paid for in specie b. the easy credit policies of the Bank of the United States c. the withdrawal of federal funds from state banks d. the removal of foreign money from United States banks e. a succession of crop failures

b. the easy credit policies of the Bank of the United States

The "Crime of '73" refers to a. the government's intervention in labor disputes b. the government's discontinuing the coinage of silver c. the government's unwillingness to pursue antitrust actions d. the Supreme Court's overturning of the Granger laws e. the government's policy of purchasing silver

b. the government's discontinuing the coinage of silver

The shipping of iron ore was made easier by a. the strict regulation of foreign trade b. the invention of the steam engine c. the use of paddle riverboats on the Great Lakes d. the protectionist policies of the Knights of Labor e. the nationalization of the railway system

b. the invention of the steam engine

The California Gold Rush resulted in all of the following developments except a. the influx of over 200,000 people into the region b. the kidnapping of thousands of Chinese to serve as workers c. the forcing of thousands of Indians to serve as indentured laborers d. the pressuring of the federal government to create an effective government for the area e. the spreading of publicity throughout the world

b. the kidnapping of thousands of Chinese to serve as workers

Labor made few real gains during the last decades of the 1800s because of all the following circumstances except a. labor did not succeed in organizing a significant number of workers b. the unions were comprised of primarily unskilled workers c. the American workforce was too mobile d. tensions existed among different ethnic and racial groups e. several key strikes did not go well for workers

b. the unions were comprised of primarily unskilled workers

Some Americans were opposed to the Mexican War because a. pacifism was growing in the United States throughout the nineteenth century b. they claimed Polk deliberately had staged circumstances to start conflict c. they believed it would not further the cause of Manifest Destiny d. America was already at war with England over Oregon e. they did not think the massacre at the Alamo was a good reason to fight

b. they claimed Polk deliberately had staged circumstances to start conflict

The slave codes did all of the following things except a. prohibiting slaves from having legal rights b. trying to protect slaves from abuses by their masters c. requiring the courts to take action against only major crimes d. setting harsh punishments for crimes by slaves e. restricting congregation of slaves

b. trying to protect slaves from abuses by their masters

The new method of management called "Taylorism" led directly to all of the following techniques except a. the assembly line b. vertical integration c. scientific management d. mass production e. subdivision of labor

b. vertical integration

Andrew Jackson vetoed the Maysville Road Bill because the road would have a. been a federal internal improvement b. violated states' rights c. been used in the slave trade d. improved western transportation e. been mainly a single-state project

b. violated states' rights

Although 38 state legislatures passed child labor laws in the late 1800s, these laws generally proved ineffective because the majority of children a. were employed in interstate commerce and thus protected by federal law b. were employed in agriculture, which was usually exempt from the laws c. were employed in factories and mines d. lived in states without any child labor laws e. already were protected by labor unions

b. were employed in agriculture, which was usually exempt from the laws

In the Philippine War of 1898 to 1902, the United States a. easily put down the insurrection of a small minority of Filipino people b. with great difficulty suppressed a full-scale revolt that the majority of the Filipino people supported c. defended the islands against the attempt of the former Spanish rulers to retake them d. protected the inhabitants from the efforts of the Japanese to take over the islands e. emerged as freedom fighters in the minds of most Filipinos

b. with great difficulty suppressed a full-scale revolt that the majority of the Filipino people supported

Despite earlier efforts to settle the issue, the slavery question became a major issue in the 1840s and 1850s because the a. U.S. Supreme Court had a Northern majority b. nation was expanding to the West c. presidents of the era were all from the North d. evangelists of the Second Awakening raised the issue frequently e. existing political parties needed an issue that would unite their members

b. nation was expanding to the West

In the English colonies of North America, the group that had the least access to education was a. Native Americans b. African slaves c. white women d. white men e. middle-class artisans

b. African slaves

America went to war in 1812 for all of the following reasons except a. the British navy policy of impressment of American sailors b. America's refusal to pay tribute to the Barbary States for safe passage in the Mediterranean for American ships c. British actions to incite Indians to attack American settlements in the Indiana Territory d. British trade policy blockading European trade with America e. the war hawks' demands for war to address western issues

b. America's refusal to pay tribute to the Barbary States for safe passage in the Mediterranean for American ships

The American desire for Florida led to a desire for war with a. France b. Britain c. Spain d. Canada e. Mexico

b. Britain

In the Jeffersonian era, American literary figures who contributed to the rise of cultural nationalism included all the following people except a. Noah Webster b. Samuel Slater c. Washington Irving d. Mercy Otis Warren e. Charles Brockden Brown

b. Samuel Slater

The 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison is significant for all of the following reasons except a. The Supreme Court ruled federal legislation unconstitutional b. The Supreme Court forced a member of the executive branch to conform to federal law c. Chief Justice John Marshall continued to be the dominant figure on the Supreme Court d. The Supreme Court moved toward establishing itself as the equal of the executive and legislative branches of government e. The Supreme Court ruled that the legislature could not regulate the judiciary

b. The Supreme Court forced a member of the executive branch to conform to federal law

18. The French and Indian War had all ofthe following effects on the postwarworld except a. The war made the British very unhappy with colonial contributions to the war effort b. The war convinced British authorities that they needed to give the colonists more control over their own affairs c. The American soldiers a profound contempt for the attitudes and behavior of war gave British regulars d. The led to a gradual decline in the power of the Indians war e. The war caused a decline in the power ofthe Ohio Valley Indians

b. The war convinced British authorities that they needed to give the colonists more control

All of the following were effects of the invention of the cotton gin except a. a strengthening of the textile industry in the North b. a decrease in the use of slave labor in the Deep South c. an increase in industrialism in the North d. a transformation of economic life in the South e. an increase in the export of cotton from the United States

b. a decrease in the use of slave labor in the Deep South

52. The actions of corrupt and overbearing customs officials were highlighted most clearly in the a. Boston Massacre because the British troops were stationed in Boston to protect customs officials b. burning of the Gaspee because customs officials had antagonized Rhode Island merchants by their abuse of authority c. enforcement of the Stamp Act with its ridiculously high duty on imported sugar and molasses d. Continental Association, which was formed to publicize the unjust actions of customs collectors e. Boston Port Act, in which the customs officials ordered the port closed because of the smuggling of goods on which duties were not paid

b. burning of the Gaspee because customs officials had antagonized Rhode Island merchants by their abuse of authority

0. One of the developments that led to the French and Indian War was a. the decision of the Iroquois to abandon their alliance with the British b. continued expansion ofFrench and English settlements c. George Washington's attack on and victory over the French at Ft Necessity d the alliances between the British and the Hurons and the French and the Iroquois e. land disputes over the cultivation oftobacco

b. continued expansion ofFrench and English settlements

46. The change in William Pitt's strategy that finally led to victory in the French and Indian War was a. confiscation of goods from colonists without compensation b. devoting more financial resources and soldiers to the war in America c. reorganization of the colonial militia so that it better integrated with British regulars d. the forced enlistment of colonial soldiers in areas where fighting with the French was taking place e. encouraging the colonies to unite in the formation of a single fighting force supported by uniform taxes throughout the colonies

b. devoting more financial resources and soldiers to the war in America

In the immediate years after the Glorious Revolution of 1688, the British government a. repealed the Navigation Acts b. eased its control over the American colonies c. sent troops to quell street demonstrations in Boston d. ended governmental role for the House of Lords e. Did not allow the king to make royal appointments

b. eased its control over the American colonies

In reality, Jefferson accomplished the Republican ambition of a. increasing and strengthening the federal bureaucracy b. limiting the power of the federal government c. decreasing the emphasis on farming d. creating a system of universal education e. restricting the growth of industries and cities

b. limiting the power of the federal government

During the early 1800s, the profession that normally required college training was a. engineering b. minister c. lawyer d. doctor e. teacher

b. minister

39. In response to the Coercive Acts, the colonists took all of the following actions except a. organizing bands of vigilantes to make sure colonists cooperated with the resistance to the British b. passing a plan for a colonial union under British authority c. gathering delegates from most of the colonies in an assembly to consider common action against the British d. preparing for military defense against possible British attack e. women's groups extending their organized boycotts

b. passing a plan for a colonial union under British authority

The Jefferson administration asserted greater control of the judiciary system by a. removing John Marshall as the Chief Justice b. proposing an amendment to deny the Supreme Court the power to nullify acts of Congress c. repealing the Judiciary Act of 1801 d. adding more members to the Supreme Court e. removing many judges who promoted Federalist policies

b. proposing an amendment to deny the Supreme Court the power to nullify acts of Congress

13. During the French and Indian War, colonial forces were engaged in a. preventing a French invasion ofnortheastern cities b. protecting western settlements against Indian raids c. defeating the Iroquois in the north d. attacking Spanish forts to the south e defending Tidewater Virginia from the French navy

b. protecting western settlements against Indian raids

The Second Great Awakening produced which of the following? a. strong support for the secular theologies of the American Enlightenment b. rebellion by some slaves who acted on the egalitarian message of the revivals c. an end to open-air camp meetings and a return to traditional, but enthusiastic services d. acceptance of Christianity by Indian tribes and their acquiescence to white demands for assimilation e. a return to the strict theology of the Puritan religion with its rejection of good works as a means to salvation

b. rebellion by some slaves who acted on the egalitarian message of the revivals

Thomas Jefferson attempted to decrease the public debt by a. increasing excise taxes b. reducing government spending c. raising import duties d. freezing the size of the army e. increasing the size of the military

b. reducing government spending

The most common form of resistance by slaves to the masters' wishes was a. armed rebellion b. running away c. buying their freedom d. attacking the overseer e. organized protests

b. running away

Religious toleration developed in America because a. Puritans who fled persecution in England and migrated to America for religious freedom offered it to others b. so many immigrants with different religious backgrounds settled in America it was impossible to impose a single religion c. the king included it as one of the liberties contained in the colonies' charters d. Native American religious were pervasive and had to be accepted by all the colonies e. most of the English settlers were Quakers who were both pacifists and very tolerant of others

b. so many immigrants with different religious backgrounds settled in America it was impossible to impose a single religion

During the early 1800s, the Republicans gained control of all aspects of the government except a. the bureaucracy b. the judicial branch c. the executive branch d. the legislative branch e. the presidency

b. the judicial branch

27. Although the financial burden imposed by the Stamp Act of 1765 was small, it antagonized and unified the colonies against the British government more so than had the Sugar Act of 1764 because a. people bought more stamps than sugar b. the new tax was blatantly designed to produce revenue, and it fell on all the colonists regardless of colony or class e. the postage rates were already extremely high d. the "New York Resolves" created the impression that the most populous colony was more militant than it really was e. the revenue would be collected in the form of a duty tax

b. the new tax was blatantly designed to produce revenue, and it fell on all the colonists regardless of colony or class

16. During the French and Indian war, the last major occurrence in Americawas a. the fall of Quebec b. the surrender ofMontreal c. the capture of Fort Duquesne d the French defeat at Louisburg e. the establishment of Fort Necessity

b. the surrender ofMontreal

37. Protests of the Tea Act differed from earlier responses to British laws in that a. colonial women refused to become involved in the boycott b. the tea boycott mobilized large segments of the population c. resistance to the act failed to generate mass support d. most believed the Tea Act was necessary to the prevention of smuggling e. the boycott failed to include members of the merchant class

b. the tea boycott mobilized large segments of the population

In both England and the United States, the Industrial Revolution began in a. the mining industry b. the textile industry c. the coal industry d. the shipbuilding industry e. the iron industry

b. the textile industry

25. After 1763, Americans began to feel a common bond against the British because of all the following common grievances except a. the closing of the West to land speculation and fur trading b. the underrepresentation of western counties in the colonial assemblies c. the raising of taxes on many colonial goods d. the economic depression that followed the end of the war e. the establishment of new vice-admiralty courts

b. the underrepresentation of western counties in the colonial assemblies

Colonial cities displayed all of the following characteristics except a. they developed trade and industry b. they had residents who were roughly equal in wealth c. they were the center for new ideas d. they experienced many social problems e. they had populations under 50,000 people

b. they had residents who were roughly equal in wealth

Nathaniel Bacon

backcountry farmer; angry about policies towards Indians; led rebellion against Indians and colonial government

In the final phase of the American Revolution, (1778-1781), the British...

badly overestimated the support of American Loyalists.


based on their ecstatic dances that were a part of worship; believed that God had a male and female component and that Ann Lee was the female component

Battle of Antietam (1862)

battle in Maryland that ended Lee's first invasion of the North; bloodiest day in the war; led to the Emancipation Proclamation

"Cavalier" image

belief that Southerners had that they were based on traditional values of chivalry, leisure, and elegance

Loose construction

belief that what the Constitution did not specifically permit was not forbade; implied powers (Hamilton)

"Cult of Domesticity"

belief that women had a unique position to teach moral and religious instruction in the homes but avoid rough world of politics

Noah Webster

believed students should be educated as patriots; American Spelling Book and American Dictionary of the English Language

During the 1880s, when Southern blacks immigrated to the cities,

black women found work more often than did black men

The speech that made William Jennings Bryan the Democratic nominee for president in 1896 climaxed with the famous words a. "no man can earn a million dollars honestly" b. "we demand that big business give the people a square deal" c. "you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold" d. "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a better deal for the American farmer" e. "we need to raise more hell and less corn"

c. "you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold"

Which of the following best characterizes the American economic impact on Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii? a. American occupation produced a balanced economy. b. American occupation created a rising standard of living in each area. c. American occupation led to almost exclusive dependence on the United States. d. American influence led to industrialization and modernization in each area. e. American occupation had little significant economic impact.

c. American occupation led to almost exclusive dependence on the United States.

The steel industry of the late 1800s prospered in all of the following states except a. Pennsylvania b. Michigan c. Arkansas d. Alabama e. Ohio

c. Arkansas

In 1849 and 1850, Congress was thrown into turmoil by the statehood application of a. Texas b. Kansas c. California d. New Mexico e. Nebraska

c. California

When the question of Kansas reached Congress in 1857 and 1858, the Democratic president urged that a. the territory hold new elections because of the evident fraud in earlier votes b. Congress accept the free-state legislature of Topeka as the valid one c. Congress admit the state to the Union under the proslavery Lecompton constitution d. military officials arrange a ceasefire between the two sides in the dispute e. the territory should merge with Nebraska as a free-labor state

c. Congress admit the state to the Union under the proslavery Lecompton constitution

Which of the following best characterizes the role of the popular American press in the period leading up to the Spanish-American War? a. It promoted balanced and informed debate over events in Cuba. b. It opposed potential American involvement in the conflict between Spain and Cuba. c. It emphasized Spanish atrocities in Cuba to help inflame American public opinion. d. It took little interest in events in Cuba. e. It emphasized the atrocities committed by Cuban rebels.

c. It emphasized Spanish atrocities in Cuba to help inflame American public opinion.

The United States annexed Texas during the presidency of a. Andrew Jackson b. Martin Van Buren c. John Tyler d. James K. Polk e. Franklin Pierce

c. John Tyler

By 1820 concentration of slaves followed cotton production in all of the following states except a. Florida b. South Carolina c. Kentucky d. Virginia e. Georgia

c. Kentucky

Texas fought for its independence from Mexico because a. Mexico no longer wanted a territory largely peopled by United States exiles b. settlers there claimed Texas was part of the Louisiana Purchase c. Mexico's government tried to impose stricter control over its provinces in the 1830s d. a state of civil war existed between American settlers and native Mexicans in Texas e. Mexico wanted to legalize slavery in Texas

c. Mexico's government tried to impose stricter control over its provinces in the 1830s

Since the Civil War, a wide variety of historical interpretations of slavery have appeared. The following pairs match authors with the themes of their books. The incorrect pair is a. Eugene Genovese—slaves, developed a significant culture of their own b. Kenneth Stampp—slavery was a harsh system, with slaves held as prisoners c. Robert Fogel and Stanley Engemen—slavery was not economically beneficial, and was very harsh d. Ulrich B. Phillips—slavery was a benign institution, and slaves often acted childlike e. Stanley Elkins—slavery caused physical and psychological damage

c. Robert Fogel and Stanley Engemen—slavery was not economically beneficial, and was very harsh

Populist party leaders of the early 1890s included all of the following people except a. Tom Watson b. Mary Elizabeth Lease c. William Jennings Bryan d. Leonidas J. Polk e. James B. Weaver

c. William Jennings Bryan

The economic boom before 1837 exhibited all of the following characteristics except a. an increase in land speculation b. an increase in the construction of canals and railroads c. a decrease in the price of domestic products d. an increase in readily available credit e. a surplus of funds in the national treasury

c. a decrease in the price of domestic products

The Boxer Rebellion of 1900 came to an end when a. the Chinese Army suppressed all secret societies, including the Boxers b. all foreign powers agreed to stop interfering in internal Chinese affairs c. a multinational armed force rescued the foreign diplomats trapped in Peking by the Boxers d. the Japanese Army attacked China, and the Boxers joined other Chinese in defending their country e. the United States expressed support for the Boxers

c. a multinational armed force rescued the foreign diplomats trapped in Peking by the Boxers

In the Ostend Manifesto, American diplomats called for American a. support of the Hungarian Revolution against Austria b. diplomatic relations and trade with Japan c. annexation of Cuba, by force if necessary d. annexation of the kingdom of Hawaii e. rejecting of the Wilmot Proviso

c. annexation of Cuba, by force if necessary

From the 1830s onward, the general position of white Southerners on the issue of slavery a. became more flexible as abolitionist arguments gained followers in the South b. turned gradually in the direction of eventual emancipation c. became increasingly sensitive and rigid in defense of the slave labor system d. remained about the same as it had been in earlier decades e. caused riots in many Southern cities

c. became increasingly sensitive and rigid in defense of the slave labor system

The Compromise of 1850 a. passed easily with the endorsement of Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and Daniel Webster b. finally became law only after President Taylor endorsed it c. became law after Senator Douglas maneuvered it through Congress d. failed to pass because of the opposition of powerful senators e. succeeded at eliminating sectional enmity

c. became law after Senator Douglas maneuvered it through Congress

The Rough Riders were a. Cuban-Americans who supported a free Cuba b. commanded by Arthur MacArthur c. involved in bold, reckless charges during the fighting in Cuba d. a cavalry regiment in the regular army e. military officers trained at West Point

c. involved in bold, reckless charges during the fighting in Cuba

The Knights of Labor was a. a fraternal organization that sought short-term benefits for labor, such as shorter working hours and pay increases b. highly selective in its membership and refused admission to women and blacks c. by definition open to anyone who "toiled" d. an extremely powerful labor union whose membership reached over 1 million by 1920 e. a union that emphasized traditional values and collective bargaining

c. by definition open to anyone who "toiled"

During the 1850s, a. politicians continued to ignore the issue of slavery b. Americans were uplifted by the peaceful entry of Kansas to the Union c. compromises regarding slavery gave way to bitter divisiveness d. the Republican party declined in popularity in the North e. presidential performance was strong and decisive

c. compromises regarding slavery gave way to bitter divisiveness

The Charles River Bridge case of 1837 dealt with the issue of a. corporate law b. state taxation c. contract rights d. illegal monopolies e. slave trading

c. contract rights

In the mid-1880s, many members of the public wanted federal antitrust regulation because a. big corporations were always able to lobby against and defeat state regulation b. the federal government prohibited state regulation of interstate corporations c. corporations could move to states that offered special protection to them d. interstate corporations could afford to pay state fines and continue to operate as they wanted e. there was a general consensus for the redistribution of wealth

c. corporations could move to states that offered special protection to them

In the antebellum era, the South never developed a significant industrial economy because a. there was no way to raise sufficient capital in the South for industry b. the rural Southern home production satisfied all the needs for manufactured goods c. cotton prices were high and provided adequate incentives for Southerners to continue investment in that sector d. there were not enough natural resources to support industry in the Southern states e. the capitalistic and inquisitive nature of Southern society was better suited to a plantation economy

c. cotton prices were high and provided adequate incentives for Southerners to continue investment in that sector

The Homestead strike of 1892 was significant to the future of American labor because it a. was a successful strike by the United Mine Workers and caused a vast increase in its membership b. influenced Congress to pass a bill on labor's right to collective bargaining c. crippled the power of the steel workers to unionize d. was the last successful case of management's use of violence to break a strike e. showed that a cooperative strike could succeed

c. crippled the power of the steel workers to unionize

Andrew Carnegie rose "from rags to riches" by a. concentrating on only one aspect of his industry b. diversifying his investments among many industries c. cutting costs and prices for his products d. using political pull to get government subsidies e. refusing to hire any union laborers

c. cutting costs and prices for his products

After the Dorr Rebellion in the early 1840s, the state government of Rhode Island a. accepted John Dorr as its governor b. accepted the Dorrite constitution c. drafted a new, more democratic, constitution d. decided to let women vote in state elections e. executed John Dorr

c. drafted a new, more democratic, constitution

In the 1890s, Spain and the United States gradually moved toward war over Cuba for all of the following reasons except a. a change in U.S. tariff policy hurt the Cuban economy and made the Cuban people ready for revolt b. when the Cuban revolt broke out, the American press printed sensational, one-sided stories about it c. during the Cuban revolt, the Spanish committed numerous atrocities, whereas the Cubans usually behaved humanely d. Cubans living in the United States popularized their side of the revolt with the American people e. sensationalized press coverage stirred a fervor for war

c. during the Cuban revolt, the Spanish committed numerous atrocities, whereas the Cubans usually behaved humanely

As settlement rapidly pushed into the Southwest during the 1840s and 1850s, plantations a. in the lower South relied less on slave labor and reinstituted indentured servitude b. in the lower South smuggled a large number of slaves to the United States from the Caribbean to work the new lands c. from the upper South sold slaves to the lower South to maintain their profits d. in South Carolina gave up rice cultivation entirely because slaves did not have adequate skills e. in the lower South were small and used fewer slaves than the large plantations of the upper South

c. from the upper South sold slaves to the lower South to maintain their profits

The first permanent American settlers in Oregon were mainly a. missionaries b. gold prospectors c. fur traders d. cattle ranchers e. members of the army

c. fur traders

The "Erie War" of 1868 involved a form of corruption in which businessmen a. bribed federal government officials to override antitrust legislation b. bribed railroad officials to obtain reduced freight rates c. gave payoffs to members of the state legislature in return for their support of favorable legislation d. used violence against labor unions to break strikes e. created a monopoly for shipping companies on the Great Lakes

c. gave payoffs to members of the state legislature in return for their support of favorable legislation

In Edward Bellamy's novel Looking Backward, "nationalism" is defined as a. devotion to one's country b. excessive, narrow, and militant patriotism c. government control and distribution of economic resources d. a rigid, one-party political system e. military control of foreign lands

c. government control and distribution of economic resources

To reduce the influence of the Bank of the United States, Roger Taney followed the policy of a. allowing states to tax the bank's branches b. forcing the bank to call in all its outstanding loans c. gradually moving federal funds into state banks d. canceling the bank's charter before it expired e. issuing a warrant for the arrest of Nicholas Biddle

c. gradually moving federal funds into state banks

The initial development of the steel industry was most significantly aided by the a. development of city skyscrapers b. emergence of the petroleum industry c. invention of Bessemer and open-hearth processes d. rapid expansion of the railroads e. significant increase in defense spending

c. invention of Bessemer and open-hearth processes

The Populist party ceased to be a separate political party when a. the Republicans defeated it in 1892 b. its party leader died shortly after the election campaign of 1896 c. it nominated the same presidential candidate as the Democrats in the election of 1896 d. it lost again in the election of 1900 e. it made an alliance with the Republicans in 1896

c. it nominated the same presidential candidate as the Democrats in the election of 1896

The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 was essentially ineffective for the first twenty years after its passage because a. it did not permit the breaking up of the largest monopolies b. the members of the Interstate Commerce Commission were antibusiness c. it was haphazardly enforced and was narrowly interpreted by the courts d. the Supreme Court ruled that if a corporation were engaged in manufacturing then it was not subject to law e. American voters rejected its basic philosophy

c. it was haphazardly enforced and was narrowly interpreted by the courts

During the last half of the 1800s, the dramatic industrial growth of the United States was caused by all of the following factors except a. an abundance of raw materials b. new steel production techniques c. low tariffs on imports d. a large labor force e. an expanding domestic market

c. low tariffs on imports

During the late 1840s and early 1850s, the addition of new territory into the United States affected the sectional disagreements over slavery by a. changing them very little b. calming them considerably c. making them much worse d. settling them once and for all e. establishing an atmosphere of consensus

c. making them much worse

Women became a greater part of the industrial labor force in post-Civil War America because a. opportunities opened up that were previously unavailable b. working conditions in factories improved so owners believed it to be safe for females c. many working-class families needed more than one income to survive d. they could compete against low-paid immigrant labor better than men e. the Victorian ideal of the "cult of domesticity" was declining

c. many working-class families needed more than one income to survive

The Reform Darwinism of men like Lester Frank Ward argued that a. men can reach their highest potential only if society allows them to develop without interference b. Christian values require people to provide services to the less fortunate c. men can control their future by using government to wipe out poverty by adjusting the environment to their needs d. species change gradually over long periods of time by the survival of the fittest members of each species e. workers would prosper in a workplace where labor was subdivided

c. men can control their future by using government to wipe out poverty by adjusting the environment to their needs

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, currency inflation developed in the United States as a result of a. the adoption of bimetallism b. the rapid growth of industrial production c. newly discovered gold deposits and mining techniques d. a change in tariff levels e. large amounts of funds being spent on relief for the poor

c. newly discovered gold deposits and mining techniques

The Platt Amendment, incorporated into the Cuban constitution, gave Cuba a. full independence b. economic independence c. nominal political independence d. an American colonial government e. an equal partnership with American interests

c. nominal political independence

The philosophy of Social Darwinism promoted the idea that a. societies become extinct when leaders become dictators b. left to itself, society would decay c. only the fittest individuals survived in a free marketplace d. the natural course of social evolution dictated the need for government intervention e. wealthy industrialists needed to make charitable donations

c. only the fittest individuals survived in a free marketplace

President John Tyler's diplomatic measures included a. the annexation of Texas from Spain b. settling the boundary with Canada from the Great Lakes to the Pacific Ocean c. opening diplomatic relations with China and gaining trading rights there d. ending the underground slave trade with African nations e. the peaceful evacuation of the Seminole tribe from Florida

c. opening diplomatic relations with China and gaining trading rights there

The Farmers' Alliances had an intense dislike for all of the following groups in society except a. furnishing merchants b. large corporations c. politically active women d. financial institutions e. Northeastern banks

c. politically active women

The Populist ideology rejected the idea of a. dismantling monopolies and trusts b. saving capitalism and industrialization c. preserving a laissez-faire system of economics d. creating a graduated income tax e. subtreasury crop warehouses

c. preserving a laissez-faire system of economics

By the 1850s, the South had large numbers of a. manufacturing plants b. banks c. professional people d. canals and turnpikes e. textile factories

c. professional people

Stephen Douglas's intention in introducing the Kansas-Nebraska bill seems to have been to a. strengthen his chances for reelection to the Senate b. permanently settle the conflict over slavery in the territories c. promote the construction of a Midwestern transcontinental railroad d. win national attention as the basis for a future presidential campaign e. express his support for the new Republican party

c. promote the construction of a Midwestern transcontinental railroad

The greatest unifying force in the South was a. cotton b. plantations c. race d. slavery e. class

c. race

Before the democratization of the 1820s and 1830s, states restricted the influence of the ordinary citizen in politics by all of the following methods except a. selecting presidential electors in legislatures b. placing property requirements on voters c. restricting voting to members of a specific church d. requiring voters to be taxpayers e. having legislators represent property rather than people

c. restricting voting to members of a specific church

Throughout his adult life, William Jennings Bryan served as a powerful symbol of a. urban, Catholic, middleclass America b. urban, ethnic, working-class America c. rural, Protestant, middle-class America d. urban, Catholic, upper-class America e. rural, Protestant, upper-class America

c. rural, Protestant, middle-class America

Even though divided by a large gap in income and wealth, Southern plain folk were linked to the planter aristocracy a. because life on small family farms was not very different from large plantations b. because there was considerable social mobility and many small farmers rose into the ranks of the planter class c. since race and kinship ties linked the two groups d. for the reason that few participated in politics so despite economic differences, they could agree on issues e. because many hill country farmers supported the social hierarchy that characterized their region

c. since race and kinship ties linked the two groups

South Carolina nullified which of the following in 1832? a. internal improvements b. charter of the Bank of the United States c. tariff d. fugitive slave law e. spoils system

c. tariff

In arguing for their policies, the new American expansionists of the late 1800s offered all of the following economic and social reasons except a. the United States would soon need to find new sources for the natural resources that it was rapidly using up b. the United States needed to acquire new overseas markets for its products c. the United States needed to find new sources of immigrants who would work in its factories for low wages d. the United States needed an aggressive foreign policy to take people's minds off internal problems and frustrations e. the United States needed to expand due to the "closing of the frontier"

c. the United States needed to find new sources of immigrants who would work in its factories for low wages

The Grange declined in power in the 1870s because of a. the defeat of the Southern Alliance and the rise of the Northwestern Alliance b. the decline in farm prices and the creation of the federal surplus warehouse c. the defeat of the Granger laws and the political inexperience of its leaders d. the decline in interstate rates and the effectiveness of the "subtreasury system" e. the rise of socialism in the South and West

c. the defeat of the Granger laws and the political inexperience of its leaders

All of the following contributed to the growth of industry in late nineteenth-century America except a. technological innovation such as the Bessemer furnace b. a growing number of laborers fueled by immigration c. the growth in canal mileage to transport raw materials and finished goods d. government policies that supported commerce and industry e. the discovery and exploitation of natural resources

c. the growth in canal mileage to transport raw materials and finished goods

The Pendleton Act of 1883 dealt with which of the following issues? a. the free coinage of silver b. the government's ability to control trusts c. the reform of the nation's civil service d. he protective tariff e. the government's ability to control railroad rates

c. the reform of the nation's civil service

The Webster-Hayne debates began over one issue but quickly switched to another. They switched from a. the tariff of 1828 to national power b. national power to the sale of public lands c. the sale of public lands to states' rights d. states' rights to the tariff of 1828 e. the tariff of 1828 to the sale of public lands

c. the sale of public lands to states' rights

After the Civil War, the emergence of the modern corporation was aided by all of the following developments except a. the legal concept of limited liability b. the selling of stock to the public c. the success of pool arrangements among various companies d. the rise of the middle manager e. new managerial techniques

c. the success of pool arrangements among various companies

William Jennings Bryan wanted the U.S. Senate to ratify the peace treaty with Spain because a. the United States would be able to build naval bases in the new territories b. he hoped to become governor of one of the territories c. the war would be over, and the Democrats could make Republican imperialism a campaign issue d. he believed that the inhabitants of the territories would be better off under U.S. protection e. the acquisition of sugar plantations would bolster the U.S. economy

c. the war would be over, and the Democrats could make Republican imperialism a campaign issue

The black soldiers who fought in the Spanish-American War faced all of the following problems except a. the U.S. Army kept them in segregated units b. the people of the South treated them poorly while the troops were training there c. they experienced difficulties in combat because most of them had never been under fire before d. the fully integrated Cuban rebel forces that they fought beside reinforced their sense of racial injustice e. strict segregation of facilities when the soldiers trained in the South

c. they experienced difficulties in combat because most of them had never been under fire before

____ 21. In the mid-1800s, many westerners favored Indian removal for all of the following reasons except a. to put distance between the two cultures' living areas b. to help end frontier violence c. to preserve the American Indians' independent status d. to open up new lands for white settlers e. to break tribal ties to valuable lands

c. to preserve the American Indians' independent status

In the political battles of the late 1800s, the Stalwarts and the Half-Breeds were a. groups who favored civil service reform b. the nicknames of the rival Republican and Democratic political machines c. two rival factions within the Republican party who fought over political patronage d. the nicknames of the conservative and liberal wings of the Democratic party e. opposing sides regarding the future of Reconstruction

c. two rival factions within the Republican party who fought over political patronage

Political party loyalties of the late 1800s tended to remain stable because a. economic issues divided the electorate into well-organized opposing groups B)voting participation was low and political change slow b. only one political party garnered any substantial support c. voting patterns were determined by vague cultural inclinations d. few significant economic or social changes took place, and thus few political issues developed

c. voting patterns were determined by vague cultural inclinations

The steel industry emerged in a. New York City b. the Appalachian Mountains c. western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio d. the Chesapeake Bay region e. western Maryland and eastern Virginia

c. western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio

During the entire time of the Atlantic slave trade, European and colonial slavers transported from Africa to the Americas about a. 3 million Africans b. 7 million Africans c. 11 million Africans d. 15 million Africans e. 23 million Africans

c. 11 million Africans

Bill of Rights

first 10 amendments; guaranteed certain rights to all American citizens in all circumstances; Anti-Federalists' idea

30. The Stamp Act crisis brought the colonies to the brink of war with the British, but the crisis subsided largely because a. colonial leaders were unable to organize significant protests b. England could not afford another costly war c. English merchants, hurt by the colonial boycott, asked Parliament to repeal the act d. the colonies were militarily too powerful for Britain to fight e. the colonial petitions persuaded Britain to rethink its position

c. English merchants, hurt by the colonial boycott, asked Parliament to repeal the act

During the War of 1812, the United States achieved victory at all of the following locations except a. Put-In-Bay b. Horseshoe Bend c. Fort Dearborn d. Plattsburg e. New Orleans

c. Fort Dearborn

50. At the conclusion of the Stamp Act Crisis, Parliament reasserted its authority to legislate for the colonies "in all cases whatsoever" in the a. Coercive Acts b. Declaratory Act c. Mutiny Act d. Regulator Movement e. Proclamation of 1763

c. Mutiny Act

By the beginning of the eighteenth century, some Americans were growing troubled by a. the lack of fertile soil in the Middle Colonies b. a huge increase in Catholic immigration from Ireland c. an apparent decline in religious piety in their society d. the overwhelming amount of new taxes imposed by Britain e. a decline in the colonial population that reduced the labor pool

c. an apparent decline in religious piety in their society

The immediate effect of the Embargo Act in 1807 was a. that Britain stopped all trade with the United States b. that the United States stopped trade with both Britain and France because they seized American ships c. an economic depression in the United States when all foreign trade stopped d. the end of all trade between the United States and its western territories until Indian hostilities ceased e. economic prosperity as American industry grew to replace trading losses

c. an economic depression in the United States when all foreign trade stopped

"New lights" during the Great Awakening a. pushed for a renewal of traditional Puritan religion b. embraced and combined scientific discoveries with religion c. challenged traditional authority and divided congregations d. appealed mostly to old men and few women e. opposed the message of itinerant preachers such as George Whitefleld

c. challenged traditional authority and divided congregations

The British increased their use of impressment because they a. were angry about America's new alliance with the Shawnee Indians b. believed President Adams favored France in his foreign policy c. claimed America employed British deserters in the U.S. navy d. believed that American sailors were spying for the French navy e. believed President Jefferson had ordered an invasion of Great Britain

c. claimed America employed British deserters in the U.S. navy

After the first few decades of settlement in British North America a. mortality remained high and immigration provided what little population growth there was b. the trend was for colonies to convert from royal colonies to charter colonies c. conflicts with Indians continued as settlers pushed westward and settled on lands claimed by Indians d. conflicts decreased because settlers came to accept the practice of buying land from the Indians e. the ratio of men to women remained extremely unbalanced as women continued to avoid settling in the wild American colonies

c. conflicts with Indians continued as settlers pushed westward and settled on lands claimed by Indians

34. Following the "Boston Massacre" of 1770, Samuel Adams stirred up public outrage and then helped to create a committee of a. vigilance b. military training c. correspondence d. revolution e. public safety

c. correspondence

43. Alcohol and its consumption in the American colonies in 1770 was a. restricted to beer and wine b. strictly illegal by English law c. craved by American colonists and drunkenness was common d. restricted to private homes e. nonexistent in cities

c. craved by American colonists and drunkenness was common

As an individual, President Thomas Jefferson a. loved to host lavish government social affairs b. was uninterested in the intellectual world c. displayed excellent political skills d. had few talents e. possessed little intelligence

c. displayed excellent political skills

The Jefferson administration took all of the following actions except a. reducing the amount of government expenditures b. eliminating some government jobs c. eliminating the national debt d. encouraging the sale of western lands e. cutting the size of the army and navy

c. eliminating the national debt

Tecumseh wanted to accomplish all of the following objectives except a. ending white movement into Indian tribal areas b. reclaiming the whole Northwest area c. forcing all whites back across the Appalachian Mountains d. uniting all of the Mississippi valley tribes e. asserting that Harrison's treaties were not legitimate

c. forcing all whites back across the Appalachian Mountains

17. By agreeing to the Peace ofParis, the French did all of the following except a transferring Canada to Great Britain b. ceding New Orleans to the Spanish c. gaining territory in India d. giving up all claims in mainland North America e. accepting large territorial gains for Britain

c. gaining territory in India

President Jefferson was reluctant to accept the treaty for purchasing the Louisiana Territory because a. the purchase price was too high b. he feared that the Senate would embarrass him by rejecting the treaty c. he doubted that he had constitutional authority for such a purchase d. his secretary of state recommended that the treaty be scrapped e. he saw no economic potential in the new territory

c. he doubted that he had constitutional authority for such a purchase

In 1800, education for African-Americans was most available a. in Jefferson's University of Virginia b. in remote rural areas c. in a few northern segregated schools d. through benevolent slave masters e. for all African-Americans in church

c. in a few northern segregated schools

28. The Stamp Act Congress of 1765 petitioned the king and the Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act because a. the tax gave London merchants an unfair advantage in the colonial trade b. the price of the stamps was more than the colonists could afford c. it believed that only the colonial assemblies could place taxes on the colonies d. the method of selling the stamps was unworkable e. they believed that external taxes were intrinsically unfair

c. it believed that only the colonial assemblies could place taxes on the colonies

In the mid 1770s, the relationship between the British Empire and the American colonies was characterized a. most Americans being happy with their membership in the empire b. the British tying to continue the policies of the last hundred years c. most Americans becoming disillusioned with the empire d the British growing like the Americans in their ideas and institutions more e most Americans taking loyalty oaths to the Crown

c. most Americans becoming disillusioned with the empire

During the Jeffersonian era, American education exhibited the characteristic of a. males and females being granted a free public education until the age of twelve b. most states creating a system of free public schools c. private institutions dominating the educational system d. nearly one-half of the white male population gaining access to a college education e. African-Americans finally receiving equal opportunity

c. private institutions dominating the educational system

During Jefferson's administration, the city of Washington was best described as a a. large urban area on the verge of becoming a great and majestic capital b. place that only members of Congress considered home c. raw provincial village whose population increased steadily but slowly d. poorly designed city that had only a limited ability to grow e. a cultural center for the arts and sciences

c. raw provincial village whose population increased steadily but slowly

The Republican vision of America as proposed by Thomas Jefferson included the ideal of a diversified and complex economy b. large and powerful federal government c. society of sturdy, independent farmers d. an urbanized nation with cities to rival those of Europe e. sole emphasis on education of the elite

c. society of sturdy, independent farmers

35. Americans of the 1770s based their opposition to the British on all of the following ideas except a. government should be distributed among several elements of society, not concentrated in a single center b. taxes should be levied on people only if they participated in the process c. sovereignty should be indivisible, with only a single, ultimate authority in a country d. people should resist the government if it oppressed them, and they had the right to overthrow the government if necessary e. a belief that people needed safeguards against abusive power

c. sovereignty should be indivisible, with only a single, ultimate authority in a country

48. Which of the following was the first to signal a change in British policy to the American colonists? a. the Townshend Duties b. the Tea Act c. the Proclamation of 1763 d. the Coercive Acts e. the appointment of Thomas Hutchinson as Massachusetts Governor

c. the Proclamation of 1763

The intellectual products of the rational skepticism of the late 1700s included all the following except a. the philosophy of deism b. the idea of universalism c. the Second Great Awakening d. attacks on religious superstition e. the rejection of the idea of the Holy Trinity

c. the Second Great Awakening

49. The declaration from the Stamp Act Congress "That the people of these colonies are not, and from their local circumstances cannot be, represented in the House of Commons. . ." was based on a repudiation of a. the theory that the king could not legislate for his subjects in overseas colonies b. John Locke's ideology of the rights of Englishmen c. the idea of virtual representation in the British Empire as a whole d. the idea that only the colonial assemblies could impose taxes on their respective colonies e. the colonial governors' authority to veto laws passed in the colonial assemblies

c. the idea of virtual representation in the British Empire as a whole

36. One result of the Boston massacre was a. the death of over 50 Americans b. the withdrawal of British troops from colonial cities c. the incident became a symbol of British oppression d. the resignation of Charles Townshend e. the incident resulted in a jail sentence for Thomas Hutchinson

c. the incident became a symbol of British oppression

During the reigns of George I and George II, a. the prime minister and the cabinet became virtually powerless b the executive power ofthe king increased markedly c. the prime minister and the cabinet became the true executives d English-born kings regained the monarchy e. Americans called for armed rebellion

c. the prime minister and the cabinet became the true executives

The increasing value of scientific knowledge in the American colonies was reflected in all of the following developments except a. the inoculation for smallpox b. American memberships in the Royal Society of London c. the rise of religious denominationalism d. amateur scientific experiments e colleges establishing chairs in the natural sciences

c. the rise of religious denominationalism

The popular early American leisure activity of horse racing a. became the main form of recreation for the common man b. was restricted primarily to the New England area c. was mostly reserved for fairly affluent gentlemen d. never grew to organized status e. was far less popular than baseball and football

c. was mostly reserved for fairly affluent gentlemen

The Federalist Papers

collection of essays written by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison; explained how new government/constitution would work; wanted to convince NY to ratify

Captain John Smith

colonial leader said "if you don't work you don't eat"; rigid discipline and agricultural cultivation for Jamestown

Conciliatory Propositions

colonies would tax themselves at GB's command; Lord North's idea; came too late

In the early antislavery movement of the 1810s and 1820s, the most common plan called for the

colonization of freed slaves in Africa

Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)

combated the rampant monopolies, kept businesses in check

Stephen Austin

commander during TX Rev.; founded the first settlement of Americans in Texas; helped win at San Jacinto

In 1828, the only state not to choose its presidential electors by popular vote was a. Ohio b. Rhode Island c. Pennsylvania d. South Carolina e. Tennessee.

d. South Carolina

Cotton came to dominate the Southern economy for all of the following reasons except a. tobacco prices were unstable and declining b. sugar growers had to compete with established Caribbean sugar plantations c. the growing textile industry increased the demand for cotton d. Southern textile factories switched from wool to cotton e. short-staple cotton was hardy and technology made it easier to process

d. Southern textile factories switched from wool to cotton

What was the purpose of the Open Door Notes? a. They sought to promote American economic interests in Latin America. b. They served as a warning to Great Britain against interference in the Western Hemisphere. c. They sought to divide Samoa among Germany, Great Britain, and the United States. d. They sought to allow the United States equal access to trade with China. e. They sought to provide the United States with territorial control of the Philippines.

d. They sought to allow the United States equal access to trade with China.

By 1860 cotton production had increased along with concentration of slaves in all states except a. Alabama and Georgia b. North and South Carolina c. Arkansas and Mississippi d. Virginia and Tennessee e. Louisiana and Mississippi

d. Virginia and Tennessee

The "bank war" of the 1830s was to a large extent a. a battle of decisive Southern business interests b. responsible for the death of the Whig Party c. the end of Henry Clay's political career d. a personal struggle for power between Andrew Jackson and Nicholas Biddle e. an example of Jackson's tendency to favor the elite

d. a personal struggle for power between Andrew Jackson and Nicholas Biddle

Lyceums were established as a. places of refuge for runaway slaves b. meeting houses for nativist political parties c. traveling religious revivals d. a place for men and women to educate themselves about issues e. a venue for citizens to view the growth of American military technology

d. a place for men and women to educate themselves about issues

The Wilson-Gorman Tariff of 1894 was significant because it contained a. a large increase in the general tariff b. a moderate increase in the general tariff c. virtually no change in the general tariff d. a substantial decrease in the general tariff e. major concessions to supporters of tariff reduction

d. a substantial decrease in the general tariff

As an alternative to Social Darwinism, Henry George's 1879 book Progress and Poverty proposed a. fraternal cooperation to replace competition b. the creation of a socialist utopia c. a new social order based upon a workers' army d. a tax on land that would distribute wealth more equitably e. a violent revolution against capitalism

d. a tax on land that would distribute wealth more equitably

The provisions of the Compromise of 1850 included a. abolishing fugitive slave laws b. admitting California as a slave state c. prohibiting slavery in New Mexico territory d. abolishing the slave trade in the District of Columbia e. ending slavery in all new territories

d. abolishing the slave trade in the District of Columbia

The first McKinley administration focused on an issue that most Republicans could agree on, and the result was a. international treaties on bimetallism b. a reduction in the income tax c. a large increase in the minting of silver coins d. an increase in the level of tariffs e. a decline in selling goods in foreign markets

d. an increase in the level of tariffs

During the 1840s, President James K. Polk antagonized sectional interests by a. raising tariffs b. vetoing internal improvement bills c. proposing the abolition of slavery in the territories d. appearing to treat Texas as more important than Oregon e. instigating war with Mexico

d. appearing to treat Texas as more important than Oregon

In response to South Carolina's vote to nullify the tariffs of 1828 and 1832, President Andrew Jackson took all of the following actions except a. winning approval of the Force Bill b. strengthening federal forts in South Carolina c. sending a warship of the United States Navy to Charleston harbor d. arresting John C. Calhoun e. ordering several revenue ships into Charleston harbor

d. arresting John C. Calhoun

An instrument that had its origins in Africa is the a. violin b. bass guitar c. cello d. banjo e. metal flute

d. banjo

The president of the Bank of the United States responded to Andrew Jackson's attempts to kill the bank by a. doing nothing b. establishing an easy credit policy c. selling gold reserves at discount rates d. calling in loans and raising interest rates e. suing the federal government for violation of its charter

d. calling in loans and raising interest rates

The slave system was characterized by a. generally good conditions for slaves b. prison-like conditions for most slaves c. a uniformly applied set of stern but fair slave codes d. considerable variety in the conditions under which slaves lived e. a concentration of labor in the Upper South

d. considerable variety in the conditions under which slaves lived

Most migrants traveled to the West Coast by a. clipper ship b. stage coach c. rail line d. covered wagon e. horseback

d. covered wagon

The Pan-American Congress of 1889 resulted in the a. peaceful resolution of imperial claims in Cuba b. creation of an inter-American customs union c. establishment of arbitration procedures to resolve hemispheric disputes d. creation of an agency that distributed information to member American nations e. trade agreements that were mutually beneficial

d. creation of an agency that distributed information to member American nations

Advocates of Manifest Destiny claimed the motive for territorial expansion was to a. achieve a political balance between North and South b. secure new resources and markets for the United States c. settle the issue of slavery in the West d. extend American liberty to new territories e. ensure that no foreign powers gained territory in North America

d. extend American liberty to new territories

Southerners considered slavery incompatible with city life because they a. feared possible educational opportunities for slaves in the cities b. were suspicious of a union between slaves and poor white laborers c. could not find employment for slaves there d. feared possible slave conspiracies and insurrection e. believed that slaves would not work without supervision

d. feared possible slave conspiracies and insurrection

The Whig Party that arose during Jackson's administrations a. supported Jackson's strong stand on states' rights as long as it did not conflict with federal authority b. believed in equality of opportunity and equal protection for all citizens c. held that patronage had no place in politics and that government positions should be above party d. had a nationalist outlook and opposed Jackson's exercise of power as being tyrannical e believed in the Republican program of Jefferson with its vision of an America of independent farmers

d. had a nationalist outlook and opposed Jackson's exercise of power as being tyrannical

The combining of a number of firms engaged in the same business, such as the merging of many different petroleum drilling companies into one company, is an example of a. diversification b. amortization c. vertical integration d. horizontal integration e. Taylorism

d. horizontal integration

Small farmers in the South possessed all of the following characteristics except a. a close relationship with their slaves b. ownership of few, if any, slaves c. limited access to educational opportunity d. independence from the plantation system e. low prospects for social mobility

d. independence from the plantation system

The U.S. war effort in Cuba suffered from all of the following problems except a. a shortage of modern rifles and ammunition b. heavy, cold-weather uniforms in a hot climate c. inadequate medicine and food d. lack of popular support e. poor racial relations in the U.S. Army

d. lack of popular support

The educational and oratorical brainchild of Josiah Holbrook was a movement called a. university b. compendium c. colloquium d. lyceum e. gymnasium

d. lyceum

During the election of 1860, the Democratic party a. dissolved b. lost most of the elections for senators and representatives c. split into a Northern and a Southern faction d. managed to draw what was left of the Whig party into its ranks e. dominated voting strength in the Northeast

d. managed to draw what was left of the Whig party into its ranks

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo included all the following provisions except a. Mexico ceding New Mexico to the United States b. Mexico acknowledging the Rio Grande as the border c. the United States agreeing to pay Mexico $15 million d. the United States retaining transit rights across Mexico e. Mexico ceding California to the United States

d. the United States retaining transit rights across Mexico

In the 1870s, efforts by the labor unions to gain bargaining power were unsuccessful primarily because a. labor unions were not willing to use active forms of resistance such as strikes b. most unions tended to organize by industry instead of crafts and thus reduced their total membership c. many of the union leaders accepted payoffs from management d. many Americans feared the tactics of the unions and considered them too radical e. the Socialist party was favored by most workers

d. many Americans feared the tactics of the unions and considered them too radical

The "Southern lady" of the mid-1800s was taught to a. insist on her husband's fidelity b. participate in reform movements c. question traditional morality d. obey her husband in all matters e. voice her opinion in public

d. obey her husband in all matters

The coining of silver stopped in 1873 because a. the mining of silver became prohibitively expensive b. silver reserves were nearly depleted c. Congress wanted to inflate the currency d. owners of silver were not interested in selling to the government e. the price of silver had greatly decreased

d. owners of silver were not interested in selling to the government

In the late 1800s, the American laborers faced all of the following hardships except a. working long hours b. having little job security c. having no workmen's compensation d. paying high taxes on their wages e. facing dangerous working conditions

d. paying high taxes on their wages

The election of 1884 was typical of national contests in the late 1800s because of its emphasis on a. public issues rather than personalities b. change rather than stability c. abilities rather than party loyalty d. personalities rather than policies e. capitalism and socialism

d. personalities rather than policies

The Bank of the United States performed all of the following functions except a. ensuring that small state banks followed sound financial policies b. issuing reliable bank notes that served as legal tender c. servicing as a depository for funds from the federal government d. promoting land speculation and rapid growth financed by state banks e. providing credit for new business enterprises

d. promoting land speculation and rapid growth financed by state banks

When Jackson heard Marshall's decision in the case between Georgia and the Cherokees (Worcester v. Georgia), he a. attacked the decision but enforced it b. supported the decision but decided that the federal government had no way to enforce it c. submitted a new removal bill d. refused to enforce the decision e. argued that the decision did not go far enough

d. refused to enforce the decision

In practice, before the Civil War slave codes a. instituted a rigid caste system with little flexibility for slaves b. were designed to regulate only the behavior of slaves c. allowed marriage between slaves but not mixed-race marriages d. regulated the behavior of both blacks and whites with respect to each other e. kept any slaves from learning to read and write, and from owning property

d. regulated the behavior of both blacks and whites with respect to each other

Andrew Jackson fit into the new concept of the political party by a. decreasing the power of the presidency b. always supporting states' rights c. having no clear, distinct theory of government d. removing large numbers of entrenched officeholders e. opening the franchise to all taxpayers

d. removing large numbers of entrenched officeholders

Henry George believed that the great inequality between rich and poor during the Industrial Revolution was a result of a. the survival of the fittest, which gave wealth to those who deserved it b. the "Gospel of Wealth," where God determined who was rich and poor c. the idea of the self-made man who had the opportunity to get ahead and become wealthy d. rising land values that made owners wealthy at the expense of society e. man's own plan for how society should be shaped

d. rising land values that made owners wealthy at the expense of society

Slaves developed their own African-American versions of all of the following cultural forms except a. language b. music c. religion d. school e. family relations

d. school

In its efforts to help workers, the American Federation of Labor sought a. the acceptance of women into the labor force b. unions organized by industry, with unskilled workers included c. national legislation regarding collective bargaining d. short-term gains such as pay increases, the eight-hour day, and improved working conditions e. the gradual evolution of cooperative socialism

d. short-term gains such as pay increases, the eight-hour day, and improved working conditions

Social Darwinism is the a. biological theory that species change gradually over long periods of time because only those members who can adapt to nature survive b. sociological theory that humans can survive best by cooperating with one another to help all survive c. reform movement that holds that Christian values require people to provide needed services to the less fortunate d. sociological theory that humans can progress only if left free to compete with one another, with the finest surviving and the unfit perishing e. economic philosophy of capitalism controlled by governmental regulation

d. sociological theory that humans can progress only if left free to compete with one another, with the finest surviving and the unfit perishing

"Bleeding Kansas" gained its reputation for violence because of the a. U.S. Army's vicious tactics while driving the Indians out of the territory b. general lawlessness of cowtowns like Dodge City and Abilene c. actions of various bandit gangs that roamed the territory before the arrival of federal marshals d. sporadic warfare between settlers on opposing sides in the battle over the slavery issue e. fierce Indian raids on new settlements of whites

d. sporadic warfare between settlers on opposing sides in the battle over the slavery issue

After the Civil War, the growth of railroads was aided by a. horizontal integration b. a lack of monopolies in the industry c. strong government regulation of the industry d. subsidies from local, state, and federal governments e. group ownership between workers and owners

d. subsidies from local, state, and federal governments

The most important legislation passed during the Van Buren administration was the a. specie circular b. preemption bill c. ten-hour-workday bill d. subtreasury system bill e. nullification code

d. subtreasury system bill

Panic of 1873

first global depression brought about by industrial capitalism; was caused by too many railroads and factories being formed than existing markets could bear and the over-loaning by banks to those projects, causing bank failures

Characteristics of slave families included a. domination by the male members b. the failure to establish nuclear families c. an absence of African cultural influences d. the breakup of families due to the slave trade e. independence when it came to providing food and clothing

d. the breakup of families due to the slave trade

The Pullman strike of 1894 broke new ground in labor-management relations because a. workers used violence and destroyed company property b. armed Pinkerton detectives were used to keep strikers from entering the factory c. the Illinois governor authorized the use of National Guard troops to stop the strike d. the federal government became involved by sending troops, and issuing an injunction e. police were killed in a riot in Haymarket Square

d. the federal government became involved by sending troops, and issuing an injunction

Historians have offered all of the following positive interpretations of Populism except a. its members were victims of economic distress caused by drought and debt b. its members tried to offer a democratic alternative to the control of America by corporate capitalism c. the movement struggled to save agricultural America from the devouring jaws of industrial America d. the movement was the forerunner of the civil rights movement of fifty years later e. its brief success provided a critique of contemporary capitalism

d. the movement was the forerunner of the civil rights movement of fifty years later

Jackson believed the executive branch superseded all other authority in the federal government because a. states could declare any laws passed by Congress null and void within their state b. the president's veto power could stop any bill from becoming law c. the judiciary had no power of enforcement so its rulings were not important d. the president was the only federal official that all citizens could vote for e. federal law was the supreme law of the land

d. the president was the only federal official that all citizens could vote for

One of the major problems that caused the Panic of 1893 was that a. farm prices were rising rapidly b. the banking system was under national control c. the segments of the economy were too independent of each other d. the railroads expanded too rapidly e. Grover Cleveland spent massively on social programs

d. the railroads expanded too rapidly

In Jacksonian America, the Democratic Party's philosophy was based on all of the following ideas except a. the elimination of the influence of the privileged b. the protection of social and economic mobility c. the promotion of political opportunities for white males d. the stimulation of the economy by the federal government e. the celebration of the common man

d. the stimulation of the economy by the federal government

The philosophy of Social Darwinism appealed to some American businessmen because it justified their belief that a. the law of competition was detrimental to economic law b. government assistance to big business was justified c. labor unions were important partners in a profitable business d. their business tactics were legitimate e. the "invisible hand" would provide prosperity for all

d. their business tactics were legitimate

Slaves often disliked serving as household servants on large plantations for all of the following reasons except a. they were isolated from their fellow slaves b. they lacked privacy from the watchful eyes of the master's family c. they received punishments more than did other slaves d. they were more likely to be sold to the owners of other plantations e. they were especially vulnerable to sexual abuse

d. they were more likely to be sold to the owners of other plantations

The American public opposed the large corporations and their misuse of power on the grounds that they were a. slowing industrial expansion b. advancing opportunity only to the immigrant c. failing to emphasize individualism d. threatening Republican society e. encouraging too much competition

d. threatening Republican society

The result of the Specie Circular for the American economy was a. to loosen credit and create a boom in the public land market b. reduce the amount of specie in circulation and make people rely on paper money c. end the use of paper money to settle debts in the financial markets d. to tighten credit and create a financial panic e. to retire the public debt by using revenue from public land sales

d. to tighten credit and create a financial panic

The greatest disadvantage for crops that competed with cotton was that the other crops a. had no foreign market b. needed more extensive processing than cotton c. made no profits in the domestic market d. were limited by soil and climate conditions e. did not show a profit for the growers

d. were limited by soil and climate conditions

Puritan theologian Jonathan Edwards strayed from Puritan orthodoxy in his belief that a. few would be saved and individuals could do nothing to affect their salvation b. salvation was available to all and easy to gain c. God and ministers shared power to save sinners d. God's power was absolute, but one could work toward salvation although it was difficult to gain e. bishops could determine who in the congregation would be saved

d. God's power was absolute, but one could work toward salvation although it was difficult to gain

22. The Proclamation of 1763 was supported by a. New England merchants b. Scots-Irish farmers c. southern planters d. Indians e. frontiersmen

d. Indians

The group that did not begin to immigrate to the Americas in large numbers during the late 1600s and early l700s was the a. French Huguenots b. English Quakers c. German Protestants d. Italian Catholics e. Scottish Presbyterians

d. Italian Catholics

The most influential of the War Hawks were a. Henry Clay and James Monroe b. James Monroe and Daniel Webster c. Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun d. John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay e. James Monroe and John C. Calhoun

d. John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay

One of the first American colleges to have no theological faculty was a. Harvard b. William and Mary c. College of New Jersey (Princeton) d. King's College (Columbia) e. Yale.

d. King's College (Columbia)

Many early American literary figures a. wrote stories about horror and deviant behavior b. provided criticism of European cultures c. portrayed the weaknesses of American political leaders d. glorified the virtues of American people and American culture e. gave a realistic and unemotional evaluation of the events of American history

d. glorified the virtues of American people and American culture

Historians might contend that Jefferson's characterization of his election as the Revolution of 1800 was incorrect for which of the following reasons? a. Growth in this period expanded the ideal of a simple rural and agrarian republic. b. The size and the power of the federal government dramatically decreased under the Republican presidents. c. The national debt grew rather than decreased in size. d. The nation's cities and commercial economy were growing and becoming more important. e. The army and navy grew in size and the government was more prone to look to military rather than diplomatic solutions.

d. The nation's cities and commercial economy were growing and becoming more important.

The acknowledged leader of American literature in the early 1700s, the man who created such characters as Rip van Winkle and Ichabod Crane, was a. Jedidiah Morse b. Noah Webster c. Joel Barlow d. Washington Irving e. Charles Brockden Brown

d. Washington Irving

The rise of commerce in the English colonies was aided by a. abundant amounts of specie b. strictly enforced laws of trade c. standardized currency d. a group of adventurous entrepreneurs e. an organized system of trade

d. a group of adventurous entrepreneurs

The Second Great Awakening resulted in all of the following developments except a. an increased membership in the churches embracing revivalism b. active participation by women who flocked to revivals in large numbers c. an acceleration of the growth of new Protestant sects d. a renewal of belief in the idea of predestination e. the emergence of black preachers who became important leaders of the slave communities

d. a renewal of belief in the idea of predestination

23. In its attempts to stop the flow of colonists into the Ohio valley, the Proclamation of 1763 was a. totally successful until withdrawn by the British b. supported by colonists on the frontier c. successful for a few years, but then gradually lost its impact d. almost completely without impact e. ignored for a few years until the British rigidly enforced it

d. almost completely without impact

The Continental system was designed to a. create a European economic community b. close the British Isles to French trade c. bar American ships from the Mediterranean d. close the European continent to British trade e. annex the United States to Canada

d. close the European continent to British trade

32. The Mutiny (Quartering) Act of 1765 was resented by the colonists because a. they could now be prosecuted on mutiny charges for refusing to provide quarters for troops b. they were required to quarter troops who served no purpose other than to oppress them c. some colonies were exempt from the law's provisions d. colonial contributions of lodging and supplies for British troops were made mandatory e. they had never quartered troops in the past

d. colonial contributions of lodging and supplies for British troops were made mandatory

In American Slavery, American Freedom, Edmund S. Morgan suggested that the a. American colonies were new in creating a permanent condition of servitude b. black man was treated as equal to the white man c. blacks were better suited to the difficult task of rice planting d. colonists did not originally intend to create permanent human bondage e idea of slavery was an integral part of Western culture

d. colonists did not originally intend to create permanent human bondage

21. In his policy toward the American colonies, Prime Minister George Grenville maintained that the colonists should be a. allowed to take a greater share in governing themselves b. treated fairly, as his brother-in-law, William Pitt, had suggested e. taxed less than in the past d. compelled to pay part of the cost of administering and defending the empire e. urged to extend slavery into New England

d. compelled to pay part of the cost of administering and defending the empire

Between 1804 and 1807, the expeditions of Lewis and Clark and Zebulon Pike had all of the following successes except a. exploring the Northwest to the Pacific Ocean b. exploring the Southwest to present-day Colorado c. providing extensive records of the geography of the area west of the Mississippi d. convincing many Americans that the land between the Missouri and the Rockies was highly fertile e. investigating prospects for trade with the Indians

d. convincing many Americans that the land between the Missouri and the Rockies was highly fertile

8. Chinese who lived in the western United States worked in all of the following occupations except A) owners of small businesses B) members of criminal gangs C) laborers on the transcontinental railroads D) developers of gold mining corporations E) miners in the gold industry

d. developers of gold mining corporations

Which of the following was a primary role of education for children in the New Republic? a. training in religion to serve as ministers in various denominations during the Second Great Awakening b. technical education for operatives to work in the growing manufacturing sector, especially textiles c. education for women to become midwives and assistants to doctors d. education to create a nation of virtuous citizens to make political decisions e. teaching reading so that children would be able to read the Bible

d. education to create a nation of virtuous citizens to make political decisions

31. During his years as Chancellor of the Exchequer, Charles Townshend persuaded Parliament to pass all of the following measures except a. disbanding the New York assembly b. imposing a series of new external taxes c. creating an effective ant smuggling board d. establishing new agents to enforce the Stamp Act e. addressing the challenge of enforcing the Mutiny Act

d. establishing new agents to enforce the Stamp Act

In the 1600s, the high sex ratio of men to women in the Chesapeake meant that a. premarital sexual relationships were rare throughout the region b. women generally married at a much older age than men c. the birth rate was low d. females had much latitude in the choice of husbands e. females enjoyed less freedom than women in New England

d. females had much latitude in the choice of husbands

In religious matters, each of the colonies a. was loyal to the Church of England b. refused any notions of religious toleration c. was dominated by one of the Protestant faiths d. had a variety of different churches existing side by side e. chose to practice religious toleration for idealistic reasons

d. had a variety of different churches existing side by side

Aaron Burr's trial for treason ended in a. his conviction, following which he was sentenced to a long prison term b. a hung jury, with the government deciding not to retry him because the government believed it would not get a conviction c. his acquittal, because he was clearly innocent d. his acquittal, because the judge imposed strict standards of evidence that the government could not meet e. his conviction, which was hailed as a victory for the Jefferson administration

d. his acquittal, because the judge imposed strict standards of evidence that the government could not meet

In the late 1600s, the element of society in the English colonies that caused the greatest social unrest was a. the middle class b. African slaves e. dissatisfied Puritans d. indentured servants e aristocratic landowners

d. indentured servants

The Jefferson administration abolished the revenue source of a. customs duties b. internal trade c. sale of western lands d. internal taxes e. income tax

d. internal taxes

Slavery in the plantation system a. was harsh without exception and allowed few freedoms b did not specify that offspring of relationships between white masters and slave women would be slaves c provided labor for a majority of plantations and farms in the South d. provided for some flexibility and some slaves were able buy their freedom e. trained slaves only for domestic work or field work in gangs

d. provided for some flexibility and some slaves were able buy their freedom

38. In response to Boston's opposition to the Tea Act of 1773, the British Parliament decided to a. take no action against the city b. order the arrest of John Hancock e. try the people who organized the Boston Tea Party d. punish all of Boston and all of Massachusetts e. hold all of the American colonies responsible for Boston

d. punish all of Boston and all of Massachusetts

Jefferson sought to make his victory in the election of 1800 a "revolution" by a. attempting to crush the Federalist party with repressive legislation b. repudiating completely the policies and programs of the Federalists c. refusing to expand the territorial limits of the United States d. reducing drastically the size and power of the national government e. instigating a military showdown with Great Britain

d. reducing drastically the size and power of the national government

In general, plantations in the American South can be described as a. non-productive b. relatively large estates c. controlling the markets for their products d. self-contained communities e. located only in Virginia

d. self-contained communities

During the late 1600s, the system of indentured servitude became less popular because a. English orphans and paupers were shipped to Australia instead b large plantations became less common, thus decreasing the need of indentured servants c there was a lack of African-American laborers d. the English birth rate declined e. the English economy fell on hard times

d. the English birth rate declined

24. After 1763, the new imperial program of Prime Minister George Grenville included all of the following revenue-producing measures except a. the Mutiny Act of 1765, requiring colonists to assist in maintaining the army b. the Sugar Act of 1764, raising the duty on sugar c. the Stamp Act of 1765, taxing most printed documents d. the Molasses Act of 1764, increasing the duty on molasses e. the Currency Act of 1764, restricting the printing of colonial money

d. the Molasses Act of 1764, increasing the duty on molasses

One example of dangerous medical treatment during the early 1800s was a. the refusal of Benjamin Rush to teach anatomy b. the refusal of physicians to supervise child births c. American scientists being completely unaware of the scientific method d. the continued use of bleeding as a method of healing e. doctors being unable to study medicine with established practitioners

d. the continued use of bleeding as a method of healing

From 1800 to 1820, major changes in the United States transportation system included all the following except a. the development of a large merchant marine b. the invention and spread of steamboats c. the expansion of domestic shipping d. the growth of a large railroad network e. the building of turnpikes

d. the growth of a large railroad networ

In the 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court ruled that a. state governments could not impose taxes b. an act of Congress had exceeded its constitutional authority c. a state law was unconstitutional d. the judicial branch could not interfere with the powers of Congress e. the executive branch must comply with an order of the Court

d. the judicial branch could not interfere with the powers of Congress

President Jefferson initially tried to purchase the city of New Orleans because a. the citizens of Louisiana sought annexation by the United States b. French troops had occupied New Orleans c. England was on the verge of purchasing the city d. the port of New Orleans had been closed to western farmers e. the French seized American citizens and illegally held them prisoner

d. the port of New Orleans had been closed to western farmers

After Harrison's death, the office of president was taken over by a. Daniel Webster b. Henry Clay c. John C. Calhoun d. James Polk e. John Tyler

e. John Tyler

The economy of the northern colonies exhibited all of the following characteristics except a. they had a more diverse agriculture than that of the southern colonies b. they had a wide range of industrial activities of modest scale c. they had several thriving extractive industries d. they had highly successful manufacturing concerns protected by English law e. they often engaged in a certain amount of industry at home

d. they had highly successful manufacturing concerns protected by English law

45. A major reason for the French construction of fortresses in the Ohio Valley in the mid eighteenth century was a. its desire to protect French farmers settled in the area from the English b. ongoing wars with the Iroquois and other Indian nations because of French encroachment on Indian lands c. tension between the French merchant aristocracy on the coast and French settlers inland d. to counter rising English influence when the Iroquois granted them trading concessions e. to protect overzealous Jesuit priests undertaking a new campaign to convert the natives to Catholicism

d. to counter rising English influence when the Iroquois granted them trading concessions

Roughly one-fourth of indentures in the Chesapeake were a. English royalty b. males c. Puritan Separatists d. women e. of African descent

d. women


derogatory name used by Southerners as a name for Southern whites who supported Reconstruction; took advantage of Reconstruction Laws of 1867


derogatory term applied to Northerners who migrated south during the Reconstruction to take advantage of opportunities to advance their own fortunes by buying up land from desperate Southerners and by manipulating new black voters to obtain lucrative government contracts

Between 1500 and 1600, the reasons that the Spanish traveled to the Americas included all of the following motives except

destroying large English colonies in South America

The prominent eighteenth-century essayist Judith Sargent Murray placed her greatest emphasis on the right of women to...


The colonial population changed during the first half of the eighteenth century for all of the following reasons except a. the flow of slaves from both Africa and the Caribbean increased b. Huguenots emigrated from France to escape persecution c. German Protestants left Germany for Pennsylvania d. Scots-Irish arrived and settled close to the frontier e the number of indentured servants from England increased as the English economy declined

e the number of indentured servants from England increased as the English economy declined

20. After the French and Indian War, the British Empire faced all of the following problems except a. huge new lands that it had to decide how to use b. huge war debts that it had to find a way to pay c. conflict with the colonists over westward expansion d a new king whose personality made governing the empire very difficult e wartime government leaders who remained in power despite knowing little about peacetime governing

e wartime government leaders who remained in power despite knowing little about peacetime governing

Which statement would most likely have been said by a supporter of nullification? "The Cherokees have a right to live on land they have long inhabited." b. "The Bank of the United States is essential to a healthy economy." c. "The Whig party provides the only voice for the common man." d. "The Virginia Dynasty must be defeated in the name of democracy." e. "The states can choose to ignore laws they feel are unconstitutional."

e. "The states can choose to ignore laws they feel are unconstitutional."

Free coinage of silver was supported by all of the following groups except a. silver-mine owners b. Southern farmers c. small farmers d. Western Democrats e. Eastern Republicans

e. Eastern Republicans

According to President Polk, war with Mexico began when a. the United States annexed Texas, and Mexico declared war b. Santa Anna brutally captured and killed the defenders of the Alamo c. American troops crossed the Rio Grande and attacked Mexican troops d. Mexican and American troops ran into each other on foraging missions e. Mexican troops crossed the Rio Grande and attacked American troops

e. Mexican troops crossed the Rio Grande and attacked American troops

During the election of 1860, all of the following events occurred except a. The Democratic party split into Northern and Southern wings and ran opposing candidates b. The Republican party ran an exciting campaign, but only in the North c. The nation voted largely along sectional lines d. A new party appeared that tried to hold the union together by avoiding the slavery issue e. No one received a majority of the electoral votes, so the U.S. House selected Lincoln as the next president

e. No one received a majority of the electoral votes, so the U.S. House selected Lincoln as the next president

Herbert Spencer argued that society as a whole, and business in particular, benefited when the weak were eliminated and the strongest and fittest were left to prosper. This theory is called a. the Gospel of Wealth b. the "sink or swim" theory c. evolution d. scientific management e. Social Darwinism

e. Social Darwinism

Looking at the overall economy of the United States before 1860 a. the Southern economy was becoming less connected to the national economy because of its use of slave labor in agriculture b. the Southern transportation system kept Southern produce largely out of Northern markets c. Southern cotton had a relatively minor impact on exports as a whole d. Northerners were apprehensive about their growing dependence on Southern cotton for economic prosperity e. Southerners feared economic colonialism, with the Northern economy becoming their master

e. Southerners feared economic colonialism, with the Northern economy becoming their master

The United States was finally pushed into war with Spain by all of the following developments except a. the American press printed a private letter of the Spanish ambassador that insulted the U.S. president b. an American battleship blew up in the harbor of Havana, Cuba c. Spain refused to negotiate with the Cuban rebels d. Cubans living in America stirred up support for a war e. Spain ignored U.S. diplomatic requests in regard to Cuba

e. Spain ignored U.S. diplomatic requests in regard to Cuba

The assassination of James A. Garfield occurred as a result of the conflict between a. Catholics and Protestants b. natives and immigrants c. Northerners and Southerners d. urban areas and rural areas e. Stalwarts and Half-Breeds

e. Stalwarts and Half-Breeds

During the late 1830s and early 1840s, diplomatic relations with Great Britain were tense for all of the following reasons except a. The British freed American slaves who managed to reach a British port b. America arrested and charged a Canadian with murder in the Caroline affair c. The Aroostook War broke out between Canadians and Americans d. The British killed an American who was involved in a Canadian revolt e. The British refused to allow the United States access to Far Eastern trade

e. The British refused to allow the United States access to Far Eastern trade

When John Brown raided Harper's Ferry, all of the following events occurred except a. The state of Virginia executed Brown for treason b. Southerners decided that many Northerners were determined to destroy slavery in the Southern states c. Some abolitionists glorified Brown as a saint d. Lives were lost among Brown's raiders e. The U.S. military refused to stop Brown

e. The U.S. military refused to stop Brown

Many non-slave owning whites in the South were tied to the slave system by all of the following circumstances except a. They depended on the plantations for economic favors b. They often relied on planters for credit c. They were often related by blood to wealthy slaveowners d. They shared the Southern belief in white racial superiority e. They feared the terrorist tactics that plantation owners used

e. They feared the terrorist tactics that plantation owners used

The creation of a second party system in the 1830s produced competition between the a. Democrats and Federalists b. Federalists and Republicans c. Republicans and Whigs d. Democrats and Republicans e. Whigs and Democrats

e. Whigs and Democrats

The proposal for popular sovereignty called for deciding the issue of slavery in the territories through a. Constitutional amendment b. direct national referendum c. a vote in both houses of Congress d. executive order e. a popular vote by the residents of each territory

e. a popular vote by the residents of each territory

John D. Rockefeller and other captains of industry engaged in the attempt to create monopolies through all of the following methods except a. pools b. consolidation c. trusts d. holding companies e. conglomerates

e. conglomerates

. The philosophy of the Whig party supported a. decrease in federal government power b. growth of the slave economy c. use of fewer technological advances d. reduction in the number of business charters e. control of westward expansion

e. control of westward expansion

The Southern planter class a. constituted the majority of the population b. had occupied its position of wealth and power for generations c. did not dirty its hands by involving itself in the day-to-day affairs of business d. lived in modest middle class homes e. dominated the political, economic, and social life of the region

e. dominated the political, economic, and social life of the region

. The Grange attempted to counteract economic hardships by its a. forming a third national political party b. demanding the destruction of the national bank c. establishing banks that would serve the needs of farmers d. persuading the federal government to lower the tariff on agricultural goods e. forming market cooperatives and attempting to curb the monopolistic practices of warehouses

e. forming market cooperatives and attempting to curb the monopolistic practices of warehouses

Over the course of the late nineteenth century, immigration to the United States a. came mainly from Mexico, Canada, and Asia b. shifted from southern and eastern Europe to northern Europe c. included more Chinese as restrictions on immigration from that country ended d. slowed as conditions for workers in American factories deteriorated e. increasingly came from southern and eastern Europe

e. increasingly came from southern and eastern Europe

Comstock Lode

first major discovery of silver in US in Nevada

The theory of nullification is based on the principle that a. a majority of states may declare a federal law unconstitutional b. the U.S. Congress cannot enact trade regulations c. the Supreme Court may declare legislation unconstitutional d. the U.S. Congress may declare a state law unconstitutional e. individual states may declare federal laws unconstitutional

e. individual states may declare federal laws unconstitutional

During the presidency of Andrew Jackson, the "spoils system" was used to replace a. the majority of federal officeholders b. one out of two federal officeholders c. one out of three federal officeholders d. one of three Supreme Court justices e. one out of five federal officeholders

e. one out of five federal officeholders

The Wilmot Proviso that prohibited slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico a. was quickly passed by Congress b. never came to a vote in Congress c. received the support of President Polk d. passed the Senate but lost in the House e. passed the House but lost in the Senate

e. passed the House but lost in the Senate

The least common form of black resistance to slavery was a. trying to escape b. performing tasks improperly c. refusing to work hard d. losing or breaking tools e. revolting against masters

e. revolting against masters

During the middle of the nineteenth century, a spirited topic at lyceums was a. tariff wars b. campaign finance reform c. temperance d. military spending e. slavery

e. slavery

Andrew Carnegie became the major supplier of a. oil by using vertical integration to gain control of that industry b. coal by using horizontal integration to monopolize coal mines c. meatpacking by controlling railroads that serviced Chicago d. sewing machines by holding the patent for a mechanical sewing machine e. steel by using vertical integration to control all aspects of its manufacture

e. steel by using vertical integration to control all aspects of its manufacture

Because of the Republican passage of a high protective tariff in 1890, the next two national elections resulted in a. overwhelming victories for the Republicans b. close Republican victories c. disputed outcomes d. close losses to the Democrats e. substantial victories by the Democrats

e. substantial victories by the Democrats

All of the following are characteristics of the party system that included the Whigs and the Democrats except a. Whigs adopted Anti-Freemasonry to soften criticism of them as aristocratic b. Democrats emphasized states' rights and limited federal government c. large planters and farmers, and substantial merchants and manufacturers, tended to be Whigs d. recent Irish and German Catholics favored the Democratic Party e. supporters of agriculture and small-scale commercial enterprises favored Whigs

e. supporters of agriculture and small-scale commercial enterprises favored Whigs

Significant conflict arose between Jackson and his cabinet over a. the spoils system b. his office appointments c. the Kitchen Cabinet d. Indian removal policies e. the Eaton affair

e. the Eaton affair

The idea that a rich person should be merely a trustee of wealth and should seek to use those funds for the good of the community is known as a. socialism b. progressivism c. Social Darwinism d. Taylorism e. the Gospel of Wealth

e. the Gospel of Wealth

In 1900, the nation that had the third largest naval force was a. Great Britain b. France c. Italy d. Germany e. the United States

e. the United States

Jackson supported removal of the Indians from their traditional lands east of the Mississippi to a. allow Indians to assimilate with whites in more settled eastern areas b. civilize the Indians so that they could come to learn to live with white Americans c. separate the two groups because the Indian and white civilizations would compete with one another d. reservations in the Mississippi Valley where they could pursue their nomadic lifestyle e. the West because Indians could not be civilized and interaction with white society would destroy white society

e. the West because Indians could not be civilized and interaction with white society would destroy white society

One effect of Nat Turner's rebellion was a. the U.S. Senate's call for an end to slavery b. the establishment of mediation boards to hear slaves' complaints c. the creation of antislavery societies throughout the lower South d. the victory of the Whig party in the election of 1840 e. the decline in the number of slaves freed in the South

e. the decline in the number of slaves freed in the South

The increased employment of women and children in industry was due to a. rising numbers of women and children in the country b. the passage of federal legislation that permitted the practice c. the increased size of the average American family d. an increase in women's rights e. the decreasing need for skilled labor in the factories

e. the decreasing need for skilled labor in the factories

When the Compromise of 1850 finally passed, it included all of the following provisions except a. a strong Fugitive Slave Act b. the admission of California as a free state c. the abolition of the slave trade in Washington, D.C d. the formation of territorial governments in former Mexican territory e. the exclusion of slavery from all parts of the Mexican Cession

e. the exclusion of slavery from all parts of the Mexican Cession

Historians have offered all of the following negative interpretations of Populism except a. its members were socially rootless and geographically isolated b. its members were bigoted, ignorant, anti-Semitic, and anti-intellectual c. the movement failed to recruit members in urban, working-class areas d. the movement rested on a romanticized and obsolete vision of the role of farmers in America e. the movement created an extreme political atmosphere that led indirectly to the new imperialism

e. the movement created an extreme political atmosphere that led indirectly to the new imperialism

One of the primary beliefs of the Farmers' Alliances was that a. individual competition was the most efficient means of determining fair farm prices b. the ratio of gold and silver should be 18 to 1 c. the gold standard was essential to rural prosperity d. the railroads should be under state, not federal, control e. too much power was in the hands of a few corporations and financial institutions

e. too much power was in the hands of a few corporations and financial institutions

Indian Removal Act of 1830

federal government wanted to push tribes further west; Supreme Court sided w/ Indians but was unable to enforce rulings; many tribes forcefully relocated

In the election campaign of 1844, Henry Clay a. urged the immediate annexation of Texas b. denounced the proposed annexation of Texas c. suggested selling Texas to Great Britain or France d. called for war with Mexico e. tried to avoid the issue of Texas

e. tried to avoid the issue of Texas

America's most famous almanac, Poor Richard's Almanac, was published by a. Cotton Mather b. George Whitefield c. Thomas Jefferson d. Jonathan Edwards e. Benjamin Franklin

e. Benjamin Franklin

42. After the first day of fighting in the American Revolution, a. the British army had gained two easy victories b. John Hancock called for peace talks c. George Washington accepted the surrender of Major Pitcairn d. France voted to send troops to aid the colonists e. Britain had lost over twice as many men as the colonists had

e. Britain had lost over twice as many men as the colonists had

The three groups who fought in the Seven Years' War were a. France, Spain, and Britain b. Britain, Spain, and the Iroquois c. Spain, the Huron, France d. France, Spain, and the Iroquois e. Britain, France, and the Iroquois

e. Britain, France, and the Iroquois

All of the following are true about the transport of African slaves except a. African chieftains sometimes sold their enemies into slavery b. Female slaves were often victims of rape and other sexual abuse c. The horrors of the "middle passage" included dark, dirty ships d. The deaths of slaves were seen by some captains as inevitable e. Conditions varied little from ship to ship

e. Conditions varied little from ship to ship

All of the following groups were active in the slave trade in large numbers except a. Portuguese seamen b. Dutch navigators c. African chieftains d. English seamen e. Italian seamen

e. Italian seamen

The American who least subscribed to the ideas of the Enlightenment was a. Benjamin Franklin b. Thomas Jefferson c. James Madison d. Thomas Paine e. Jonathan Edwards

e. Jonathan Edwards

41. The first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired in Massachusetts at a. Bunker Hill b. Cambridge c. Boston d. Monmouth e. Lexington

e. Lexington

The witchcraft hysteria in Salem and Other New England towns was a. the result of an economic downturn b. aimed solely at West Indian immigrants c. the result of a belief thought to be merely superstition d. focused mainly on young girls in the towns e. a reflection of the highly religious character of these societies

e. a reflection of the highly religious character of these societies

7. When the United States began to govern Hispanic New Mexico, it created a territorial government composed of A) a mixture of Hispanics and Indians B) a mix of Anglos, Hispanics, and a few Indians C) a combination of whites and mulattoes D) a mixture of Anglos and Hispanics E) almost exclusively Anglo-Americans

e. almost exclusively Anglo-Americans

The treaty that ended the War of 1812 resulted in a. an alliance between the United States and Indians of the old Northwest Territory b. Britain's loss of the Florida territory c. a British renunciation of impressment d. major territorial concessions by the British e. an end to the fighting and a decision to settle other disputes by arbitration

e. an end to the fighting and a decision to settle other disputes by arbitration

Governor William Harrison severely damaged the influence of Tecumseh and the Prophet by a. winning the Battle of Horseshoe Bend b. forcibly moving them south of the Northwest Territory c. destroying their hunting grounds d. creating an alliance between the United States and Britain e. driving the Indians out of Prophetstown

e. driving the Indians out of Prophetstown

In an attempt to build a New World empire, Napoleon Bonaparte took all the following actions except a. pressuring the Spanish into secretly giving Louisiana to France b. sending an army to put down a slave revolt in Santo Domingo c. putting pressure on trade relations in New Orleans d. arranging for an armed force to move into Louisiana e. giving assistance to the Indians who were raiding the frontier areas of the United States

e. giving assistance to the Indians who were raiding the frontier areas of the United States

The Navigation Acts a. helped the colonial economy by supporting shipbuilding and protecting trade from foreign competition b. had more significance for trade on the frontier than on the coast c. had a greater impact on coastwise trade in British North America than on its Atlantic trade d. were irksome because of the great number of customs officials stationed in the colonies e. hurt colonial trade by limiting trade excessively

e. hurt colonial trade by limiting trade excessively

The Chesapeake-Leopard incident highlighted the American-British dispute concerning a. the embargo b. the "orders in council" c. the "Continental policy" d. peaceable coercion e. impressment

e. impressment

In South Carolina during the early 1740s, a new staple crop was a. tobacco b. rice c. barley d. wheat e. indigo

e. indigo

Appointments to the position of royal governor, customs collector, or naval officer were usually a. awarded on the basis of merit b. based on military rank c given to colonial residents d. based on the religion of the applicant e. made as a result of bribery or favoritism

e. made as a result of bribery or favoritism

All of the following were exports from the colonies either to Europe or Africa except a. fish b. rum c. sugar molasses d. tobacco e. manufactured goods

e. manufactured goods

In the early 1800s, women were a. mostly trained in Europe b. commonly encouraged to join the professional fields c. frequently admitted to secondary schools d. occasionally admitted to colleges and universities e. often educated to be better wives and mothers

e. often educated to be better wives and mothers

Civil Rights Act of 1875

federal law enacted during the Reconstruction Era that guaranteed African Americans equal treatment in public accommodations, public transportation, and prohibited exclusion from jury service

Homestead Act (1862)

federal law promoting westward expansion by allotting 160 acres of free public land to individual settlers

47. As a result of the French and Indian War a. the colonies were more dependent on Britain because they relied on English soldiers for protection b. the French agreed to stay within the boundaries of Louisiana and Canada and not incite Indians to attack western British settlements c. the French and the Indians agreed to a peace that lasted until the Revolutionary War d. the British regarded Americans as loyal subjects, good soldiers in the cause, and strong financial supporters of the war e. the colonists resented British interference in local affairs, and American militia noted marked differences between themselves and their English brethren

e. the colonists resented British interference in local affairs, and American militia noted marked differences between themselves and their English brethren

In domestic political terms the War of 1812 ushered in a period of a. bitter party rivalry between the Federalists and Republicans over the issue of federal power b. growing popular support for Federalist candidates who opposed the war with England c. a growing number of slave states relative to free states as new slave states were formed in the Louisiana Territory d. the emergence of a new nativist party that opposed any attempts at trade or alliance with England e. the end of Federalist support and influence, resulting in little partisan strife

e. the end of Federalist support and influence, resulting in little partisan strife

9. In California, anti-Chinese sentiment grew to the point that A) the federal government deported many Chinese B) the state government banned anti-Chinese political parties C) the state government passed a special income tax on Chinese only D) the local governments required Chinese to live separately in Chinatowns E) the federal government prohibited any further Chinese immigration into the country

e. the federal government prohibited any further Chinese immigration into the country

11. The effects of Queen Anne's War in the colonies included a. a brief outburst of war between the colonists and Britain b. the surrender of the city of Boston to the French c. a huge loss of land to the control of France d the signing of an alliance between the colonists and the Iroquois e. the outbreak of border conflicts with both France and Spain

e. the outbreak of border conflicts with both France and Spain

Kansas-Nebraska Act

ended peace established by Compromise of 1850; was proposed by Stephen A. Douglas; repealed the Missouri Compromise; enforced popular sovereignty upon the new territories

Judiciary Act of 1789

established federal district court in each state and three circuit courts to hear appeals from the districts, w/ Supreme Court having final say; 6 Justices on SC

Pinckney's Treaty (1795)

established friendship between US and Spain; allowed US ships to use Miss River and New Orleans Port under Spanish control

Second Bank of the US

established in 1816; more money than 1st; allowed to dominate state banks

Boston Massacre

event where 5 colonists were killed by GB troops; sparked rebellion in the colonies; major propaganda

Appomattox Court House

famous as the site where the surrender of the Confederate Army under Robert E. Lee to Ulysses S. Grant took place on April 9, 1865

Shays' Rebellion

farmers were angered b/c they were losing their land b/c of high taxes; rioted in MA in 1787; demanded paper money, tax relief, and postponing debts; crushed by added urgency for new Constitution

Panic of 1819

first major financial crisis; widespread foreclosures, bank failings, unemployment, and a slump in agriculture/manufacturing; lasted 6 years; mostly due to rapid expansion w/o control after War of 1812

American Temperance Society

first national organization to protest the abuse of alcohol; demanded the "total" abstinence; led by women

Tariff of 1816

first protective tariff in US history; shielded New England manufactures from influx of GB good s after War of 1812

Lexington and Concord

first spark of Rev.; April 18, 1775; GB troops sent to Concord to stop ammunition build-up; colonists were prepared and first shots fired on April 19th in Lexington


first successful colony; Virginia; 1607; almost destroyed numerous times

Joseph Smith

founder/leader of Mormonism; wrote the Book of Mormon; claimed it was translation from a gold plate that an angel named Moroni showed him

Emancipation Proclamation

freed slaves in the rebellious and border states, but not in Union

Tea Act (1773)

gave East India Tea Co. a monopoly on tea trade in colonies; they didn't have to pay a tax on tea

Declaration on the Causes of Necessity of Taking Up Arms

gave two alternatives for what was to happen- unconditional submission to tyranny or fighting for rights and freedoms

General Ulysses S. Grant

general and the 18th prez; achieved fame as the leading Union general in CW; strong and strategic

General Robert E. Lee

general of the Confederate troops; prosperous in many battles; defeated at Antietam when he retreated across the Potomac; defeated at Gettysburg by Meade's troops, leading to surrender to Ulysses

Nathaniel Greene

general under Washington; divided troops into small, fast groups; avoided open showdowns; crushed GB

California Gold Rush

gold was discovered by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in CA; news spread, resulting in some 300,000 men, women, and children coming to CA between 1848-52

General Zachary Taylor

military leader in Mexican-American War and 12th prez; sent Polk to lead army against Mexico at Rio Grande and was defeated

Stono Rebellion

largest slave revolt; 100 slaves seized weapons and killed several whites in SC; quickly crushed and most executed

Morrill Land Grant College Act (1862)

law passed by Congress in July 1862 awarding proceeds from the sale of public lands to the states for the establishment of agricultural and mechanical colleges (Cornell)

Panic of 1837

lots of loans were called in and people were unable to pay, so banks failed; unemployment grew; lasted for 5 years; VB did nothing

Great Compromise of 1787

lower house based on population; upper house equal; both must pass laws

Jacob Riis's 1890 book How the Other Half Lives shocked middleclass Americans with its sensational description of

lower-class slums

"Bleeding Kansas"

sequence of violent events involving abolitionists and pro-Slavery groups that took place in Kanas where voting under popular sovereignty was taking place; strained the relations of the North and South, making civil war imminent

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