Unit 1: Ch. 1, 2, 3

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What are the three styles of coaching?

1. command 2. submissive 3. cooperative

What is required in order to put a vision into action?

1. develop and maintain effective team culture --> or the way things are done on a team to create a climate for success

What is your public self?

--> the image you believe others have of you -you want others to believe certain things about you so they respect you, love you and help you meet your goals

Why is having self awareness as a coach important?

1. when your athletes see you behave with reasonable consistency they will be more likely to respond appropriately w/ consistency 2. young people seek role models 3."your athletes are much more likely to become what you are than what you want them to be"

What is your real self?

--> sum of the subjective thoughts, feelings, and needs that you see as being the authentic you -continually changing, it is healthy to strive to honestly know yourself

What is the command style of coaching?

--> the coach makes all the decisions and the athletes responsibility is to respond to the coach's commands

What is the submissive style of coaching?

--> coaches make as few decisions as possible, they provide minimal instruction and organization

What is the cooperative style of coaching?

--> coaches share decision making with the athletes, the focus is on teaching -- they recognize the responsibility to provide leadership and guidance but young people can not become responsible adults without learning to make decisions

What are society's objectives for sports?

--> primarily to help young people develop but striving for this as a long term goal, there are secondary short term objectives of winning and having fun --> other representatives of our society indicate that they value winning over development

Why is self esteem important to developing self awareness?

--> success as a coach is strongly related to your self-esteem, how you value yourself -- if you have confidence: you will help develop confidence in those around you -- if you feel worthy as a person: you will recognize worth in others

What is your ideal self?

-the person you would like to be; represents your values, your sense of right and wrong --> what you expect and demand of yourself typically based on moral principles acquired from people close to you

What are the five ?'s specific to coaching that form your self concept?

1. Why do I coach? 2. Am i coaching for the right reasons? 3. what are my goals as a coach? 4. am i a good coach? 5. what would make me a better coach?

What two major tasks are involved in developing a useful coaching philosophy?

1. develop greater self awareness 2. decide what your objectives in coaching are

What are the three selves of self concept?

1. ideal self 2. public self 3. real self

How can a coach build commitment to a dynamic team culture?

1. involve athletes in defining goals 2. give athletes responsibilities 3. demonstrate superior knowledge of the sport 4. treat athletes w/ respect

What are problems with submissive style coaching?

1. it is a choice not to lead your athletes 2. it is failure to fulfill duties as a coach

What are potential problems with cooperative style coaching?

1. it is not easy to decide how much structure will create optimal climate for athletes' development 2. requires more skill on the coaches part because choices are not always right or wrong

What are potential issues with command style coaching?

1. it may stifle motivation, an athlete may play for the praise of the coaches to avoid the wrath 2. may prevent athletes from fully enjoying the sport, accomplishments may be more credited to the coach than the athlete 3. it is not compatible with athletes first, winning second

What are 3 reasons a coach may adopt a submissive coaching style?

1. lack the competence or confidence to provide instruction and guidance 2. are unwilling or unable to devote the necessary time and effort to properly prepare 3. believe that this coaching style is best for their athletes

What are the components to developing a philosophy?

1. major objectives (the things you value and want to achieve) 2. your beliefs or principles that help you achieve your objectives

What are positive effects of a cooperative style coaching?

1. places trust in athletes 2. promotes openness, which improves communication and motivation 3. promotes athletes ability to cope w/ pressure, adapt to changing situations, exhibit discipline and focus

What are 2 ways you can increase self awareness?

1. reflecting on your own beliefs and assumptions 2. requesting feedback from other people on how they see you and how they react to you

How can team culture be effectively developed?

1. show interest in each athlete's achievement 2. show pride in team accomplishments 3. help the team play together 4. provide clear feedback about performance

What are signs that team culture is in trouble?

1. team is not playing as well as it used to be 2. assistant coaches are complaining 3. conflicts among team members 4. confusion about assignments and unclear relationships

What are six important components of team culture?

1. team tradition 2. basic operating procedures 3. management of information 4. nature of the sport 5. power, influence and status structure within the team 6. leadership style of the coach

What are the 3 major objectives of coaching?

1. to win 2. to help young people have fun 3. to help young people develop--> physically, psychologically, socially

How can life events affect coaching philosophy?

1. you hold certain beliefs and principles 2. events occur (ex. an athlete talks back of you have the opportunity to cheat) 3. you respond based on your beliefs and principles 4. you experience consequences to your actions 5. you change, adjust, or solidify your beliefs and principles

What are 3 "other" attributes of successful coaches?

1.knowledge of the sport 2. motivation to succeed 3. empathy

How do leaders acquire a vision?

1.seeking info from an appropriate source (history) and being able to analyze and interpret the information to gain insight 2. intelligence which comes from preparation --> educating oneself to out think, out plan and out teach others

What are the six actions that separate leaders from followers?

Leaders--> 1. provide direction--> they set goals by having a vision of the future 2. build a psychological and social environment that is conducive to achieving the teams goals 3. instill values, by sharing philosophy of life--> significance of having values 4. motivate members of their group to pursue the goals of the group 5. confront members of the organization when problems arise and resolve conflicts 6. communicate!

What is team culture?

an environment that is created through--> -selecting, motivating, rewarding, retaining and unifying members of your teams

How does a leader provide direction?

by focusing not on the outcome of winning or losing but on the steps that lead to winning and other goals deemed important for the team

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