Unit 2 Chapter 8 Cog Psych.

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extreme vividness of a memory does not mean it is accurate

A lesson to be learned from the research on flashbulb memories is that

more often than the normal distractors

According to the predictions of the False Memory experiment, how often should participants remember the special/related distractors?

false memory

An individual is undergoing therapy under the guidance of a psychiatrist. After weeks of discussing their unhappy childhood the individual begins to experience flashbacks of instances of intense ridicule from other children when she was young. The psychiatrist later finds out that these instances never actually occurred. This individual was experiencing a ________.

constructive nature of memory

Bartlett's experiment in which English participants were asked to recall the "War of the Ghosts" story that was taken from the French Indian culture illustrated the

Graduating from college at age 22

Extrapolating from the cultural life script hypothesis, which of the following events would be easiest to recall?

adolescence and young adulthood

For most adults over age 40, the reminiscence bump describes enhanced memory for

cultural expectations

In the "War of the Ghosts" experiment, participants' reproductions contained inaccuracies based on


In the experiment in which participants sat in an office and then were asked to remember what they saw in the office, participants "remembered" some things, like books, that weren't actually there. This experiment illustrates the effect of _____ on memory.


Jackie went to the grocery store to pick up yogurt, bread, and apples. First, she picked up a hand basket for carrying her groceries, and then she searched the store. After finding what she needed, she stood in a check-out line. Then, the cashier put her items in a plastic bag, and soon after, Jackie left the store. As readers of this event, we understand that Jackie paid for the groceries, even though it wasn't mentioned, because we are relying on a grocery store _____.

even if they are told to ignore the postevent information

Lindsay's misinformation effect experiment, in which participants were given a memory test about a sequence of slides showing a maintenance man stealing money and a computer, showed that participants are influenced by MPI

respond yes/old to a new face.

One of the four indices that can be used to assess recognition memory (e.g., in the Facial Recognition experiment) is false alarm. Which of the following is an example of false alarm?

when viewing a lineup, an eyewitness's confidence in her choice of the suspect can be increased by an authority's confirmation of her choice, even when the choice is wrong.

Research on eyewitness testimony reveals that

the presence of a weapon hinders memory for other parts of the event

Stanny and Johnson's "weapons focus" experiment, investigating memory for crime scenes, found that


Unconscious plagiarism of the work of others is known as

source misattribution

The "wedding reception" false memory experiment shows that false memories can be explained as a product of familiarity and

Falsely recognize a previously seen foil as the target face in a later memory test.

The background information of the Facial Recognition experiment describes source monitoring error as one of the possible reasons for false recognition. Which of the following is the best example of a source monitoring error?

source misattributions

The experiment for which people were asked to make fame judgments for both famous and non-famous names (and for which Sebastian Weissdorf was one of the names to be remembered) illustrated the effect of _____ on memory.

narrative rehearsal hypothesis

The idea that we remember life events better because we encounter the information over and over in what we read, see on TV, and talk about with other people is called the

after the event

The misinformation effect occurs when a person's memory for an event is modified by misleading information presented

the same participants remembering some information at longer and longer intervals after learning the information.

The repeated reproduction technique used in memory studies involves

What people recall or recognize is a re-creation of the original experience.

What does it mean that memory is reconstructive rather than reproductive?

It is easily influenced by contextual information.

Which of the following best describes a person's memory for any given event?

A sequential lineup increases the chance that the witness compares each person in the lineup to his or her memory of the event.

Which of the following statements is true of police lineups?

Although eyewitness testimony is often faulty, people who have just viewed a videotape of a crime are quite accurate at picking the "perpetrator" from a lineup.

Which statement below is NOT true, based on the results of memory research?

failing to elaboratively rehearse these kinds of events due to fear

Your text's discussion of eyewitness testimony illustrates that this type of memory is frequently influenced by all of the following EXCEPT

Retroactive interference

____ occurs when more recent learning impairs memory for something that happened further back in the past.

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