Unit 5 ap hug

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(5.11) What are some things that can destroy crops and its acess

distribution problems, lack of proper storage facilities, storms, freezez, droughts, hail

(5.10) Pollution: Fertilzers

putting chemicals into air and into soil

(5.1) Warm Mid-Latitude climate location examples and agricultural products

Location examples Southern China, Southern USA Agricultural Products: Vegetables, Fruits, Rice

(5.1) Mediterranean climate location examples and agricultural products

Location examples: California, Chile, Mediterranean Sea area Agricultural Products: Grapes, Olives, Dates

(5.1) Tropical Mid-Latitude location climate examples and agricultural products

Location examples: Equatorial Africa, Indonesia Agricultural Products: Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Cacao, Pineapple

(5.1) Sub-Tropical location climate examples and agricultural products

Location examples: Indonesia, West Indies Agricultural Products: Plantation: Rice, cotton, Toabacco

(5.1) Grasslands/ Continental Steppe climate location examples and agricultural products

Location examples: Northern Africa, Western USA, Grasslands, Mongolia Agricultural Products: Cattle Ranching, Sheep, Goats, Horses, and Camels

(5.9) Palm oil, an edible vegetable oil used in processing packaged food products, is obtained from the fruit of the oil palm tree, grown only in the tropics. Which of the following explains how global demand for palm oil has proved beneficial and detrimental for countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia

Palm oil exports provided substantial corporate profits, but the growth in the Industry resulted in heavy deforestation in both countries

(5.1) Give examples of how Human modifications can manipulate space, light, water, nutrients, and suitable temperature

Space: Clearing land so crops have more room Light: Artificial grow lights Water: Irrigation systems Nutrients: Fertilizers Suitable Temperature: Greenhouses or other buildings with a constant temperature

(5.6) Extensive Farming

less money and labor to produce its products extensive subsistence nomads, usally for the community extensive commercial-cattle ranching for profit

(5.7) How has Agribusiness has changed the agricultural labor force

mechanization and low labor costs have changed the nature of farm labor Large farms are increasingly mechanized, female participation in agriculture has declined. -Family farms cannot compete against corporate farms. -Migrant labor force used for planting and harvesting Processing plants recruit low-cost laborers -processing plants locate away from large cities to lower labor costs -many agribusiness laborers are immigrants willing to work for low wages

(5.5) Herbicides

target weeds and other invasive plants in the field -Roundup ready GMO crops control much of U.S market

(5.11) Feeding the world is hard to do

• Nearly 11% of the world's population experiences food insecurity. - That number has increased in 2020. Major causes of food insecurity include: - Food deserts - Problems with food distribution systems - Adverse weather

(5.7) How has corporate farming have caused a shift in agricultural practices

commercial farms have replaced family farms -farming in developed countries has shifted from small-scale family farms to large-scale corporate farms -corporate farms have created a complex commodity chains for the agricultural industry -technology has increased the carrying capacity of the land -agribusinesses have changed the agricultural labor force

(5.10) Draining Wetlands

draining water from a wetland to clear an area for farming; may have negative affects on the environment. Leads to polder or reclaimed land from sea or river after it gets drained for farming example: Netherlands

(5.6) Monoculture

farmers grow one type of crop at a period of time, however, they will switch the type of crop after each harvest -allows for nutrients in the soil to replenish and prevent soil depletion

(5.6) Intensive Farming

greater amount of money and labor to produce its products intensive subsistence- Women using hand labor to get crops for her family Intensive commercial- farmers market, dairy farming

(5.10) Ditches and Trenches

captures water and moving it to crops to be as productive as possible

(5.2) Dispersed Settlement

settlements are isolated and dispersed -US. gov. promoted westward expansion by giving farmers land if they agreed to farm on it

(5.5) Negative effects of the Green Revolution

-Capital-intensive farming methods led to the consolidation of factory farms and loss of family farms -more machinery meant that fewer women worked in agriculture, and their role is further marginalized -environment effects such as soil depletion, soil eroision, algae blooms, bee die-off, desertification, and more are the result of Green Revolution practices -Not all regions or countries were included. Africa still lags fars behind in agricultural production

(5.1) (Intensive Agriculture) Market Gardening

-Farms that specialize in fresh fruits and vegetables that are transported to markets -Products like grapes, lettuce, potatoes, and more are planted and harvested using migrant labor

(5.1) (Intensive Agriculture) Plantation Agriculture

-Labor intensive agricultural system that exploits cheap labor in former colonies -Coffee, Cacao, Sugar, and other cash crops are raised and sold to developed areas

(5.1) (Intensive Agriculture) Mixed Crop and Livestock

-Labor intensive system where farmers grow crops to fatten livestock for slaughter -Corn and soybeans are farmed and then fed to cattle and pigs in feedlots which are then slaughtered in labor-intensive meat packing plants

(5.1) Extensive Agricultural Systems and examples

-Low capital and labor inputs -Large plots of land that are away from population centers -characterized by low yield per acre Example- Shifting Cultivation (slash and burn), Livestock, Ranching

(5.1) Intensive Agricultural System definition and examples

-Requires large amount of labor and capital -Use small plots of land usually located near large populations -High yield per acre Example- Rice, Milk, Truck Farming

(5.1) (Extensive) Shifting Cultivation

-farmers in tropics control a large area and clear only part of it at a time to farm -Rainforest is cleared and burned, and farmers plant many different crops in the field -Soil loses its fertility after a few years, so farmers start the process over

(5.1) (Extensive) Nomadic Herding

-graze cattle, sheep, goats, and more in arid and semi-arid climates -Herders are mobile and move with their animals from pasture to pasture -Mobility means few workers, possessions, or accumulation of wealth

(5.5) Positives effects of Green Revolution

-higher yields resulted in less starvation, lower death rates and growing population in developing countries since they had enough to eat -countries like Mexico and India became exporters of food instead of importers of food -Increased production brought lower prices for food globally -Money and profits increased for universities and agricultural companies

(5.1) Which of the following best explains the importance of climate to agricultural practices? A. Midlatitude climates tend to support similar agricultural crops and practices, such as wheat farming in the United States and China. B. Agricultural crops are successful only in midlatitude climates, where any crop can be grown C. Tropical climates support plant-based agriculture, but is not successful in tropical areas.

A. Midlatitude climates tend to support similar agricultural crops and practices, such as wheat farming in the United States and China.

(5.11) Advances in agriculture spark debates about damage to the environment

Advances in biotechnology, GMOS, and aquaculture have caused: - concerns about water and soil usage, discussion about the reduction in biodiversity of plants and animals, apprehension about the use of fertilizers and pesticides, and debates over the sustainability of these modern agricultural pratices -Many people worry whether the agricultural advances of the last century have caused irreparable damage to the ecosystem

(5.10) areas where desertification is common. How is human-induced desertification usally caused?

Africa- (Sahara, Nubian, Denakil, Namib, and Kalahari), India, Southwest Asia By pastoral nomads, moving animals from one place to another eats the grass

(5.7) Why have many family farms in North America been replaced by agribusiness farms since the 1980s?

Agribusiness farms have the resources to take advantage of economies of scale

(5.7) How has agribusiness has changed the way farming is practiced

Agribusinesses have the resources to consolidate farms and buy expensive machinery -the number of farms have decreased while the size of farms has increased, today there are about 2 million farms averaging 444 acres in size, many farms are run by people who do not live on the land -Mechanization has made it easier to farm large plots of land the number of farms has consolidated and become part of integrated commodity chains serving large agribusiness

(5.7) Agricultural commodity chains

Agribusinesses often control most steps of the food production process

(5.9) Food is a major part of the global trade network.

Agricultural products are part of a global supply chain. Some countries are highly dependent on export commodities Global food distribution are affected by political relationship, infrastructure, and world trade patterns

(5.4) McCormick Reaper/ Harvester

Allowed us to bring more goods at one time

(5.8) Von Thunen Model Assumption vs Todat

Assumptions: Land was all equal, Land was flat, Single Maket, Transportation costs based on distance Today: Physical landscapes varies, Climate varies, multiple markets exist, changes to transportation, technological advancements, role of forests has changed, prupose of agricultural products has expanded

(5.3) Which of the following best explains the diffusion of plants and animals from their hearths of domestication? Animals were domesticated before plants and diffused rapidly from their hearth of domestication through contagious diffusion because they were mobile and moved easily from place to place. Domesticated plants spread through wind-borne dispersal of seeds from their original hearth, expanding slowly until a vast region was covered with new Both domesticated plants and animals spread across the globe through contagious diffusion in early years by farmers and traders, and later by relocation diffusion through European exploration and colonialism. The diffusion of plants and animals was limited to areas close to each hearth of domestication because the newly developed plants and animals could not readily adapt to different soil types. The diffusion of plants and animals was dependent on nomadic traders who traveled between agricultural villages because early farmers were sedentary and did not travel to other areas.

Both domesticated plants and animals spread across the globe through contagious diffusion in early years by farmers and traders, and later by relocation diffusion through European exploration and colonialism

Sheep production in New Zealand and poultry production in Arkansas produce food animals for human consumption. Which of the following best describes the difference in the agricultural practices and land use for these products? A.). Sheep production is an example of intensive agriculture requiring large amounts of fertilizer, whereas poultry production is an example of extensive agriculture practiced mainly in more developed countries. B.). Sheep production and poultry production are both examples of extensive agriculture practiced on large areas of land, but requiring different climates. C.). Sheep production is an example or extensive agriculture requiring large pastures, whereas poultry production is an example of intensive agriculture often practiced indoors. D.). Sheep production and poultry production are both examples of intensive agriculture practiced on small areas of land but requiring different amounts of labor and capital. E.). Sheep production is an example of extensive agriculture that is declining because of an insufficient supply of open land, whereas poultry production continues to be practiced on small areas of land.


(5.11) Agricultural chemicals hurt the environment

Chemical fertilizers and pesticides have far-reaching effects. • Chemical fertilizers pollute water and soils. - Nitrogen runoff causes algae blooms in lakes and oceans. Nitrous oxide is released into the air causing human health problems. - Fertilizers cause acidification and mineral depletion of soils. • Pesticides have detrimental effects on the environment. - Pesticide runoff pollutes human drinking water sources. - Sprayed pesticide drifts and negatively affects wildlife and beneficial insects • Pesticides create toxic soil conditions and kill beneficial microorganisms.

(5.10) Pollution: Animals, feedlots

Chicken coops and hog farmms waste ends up in the soil and water Feedlots-where livestock are concentrated in very small area and raised on hormones and hearty grains that prepare them for slaughter at a much more rapid rate than grazing; often referred to factory farms. Difficult to know what to do with their waste since not all can be natural fertilizers

(5.3) (Agricultural Hearth) Sub-Saharan Africa

Crops Cultivate: Yams, Sorgum, Coffee First Areas Diffused: Southern Africa

(5.3) (Agricultural Hearth) Central America

Crops Cultivated: Maize, Potato, Squash, Peppers First Areas Diffused: North America, and South America

(5.3) (Agricultural Hearth) East Asia

Crops Cultivated: Rice, Soybeans First Areas Diffused: Korea, Japan

(5.3) (Agricultural Hearth) Southeast Asia

Crops Cultivated: Taro, Mango, Coconut First Areas Diffused: East Indies, Inida

(5.3) (Agricultural Hearth) Fertile Crescent

Crops cultivated: Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Olives First Areas Diffused: Northern and Eastern Africa, Europe, Middle East

(5.10) Which of the following environmental problems is most associated with the African Sahel


(5.9) Some countries are dependent on export commodities

Emphasis on growing crops for export can create economic and environmental problems in developing countries -Farming in developing countries often grow luxury crops at the expense of local food crops. Food crops must be imported at higher prices -Farmers in developing countries often use poor farming practices that lead to water pollution, soil erosion, deforestation, and salinization of the soil -monocropping often leads to environmental and sustainability problems

(5.10) Terraced Farming

Examples like in countries in Vietnam, and Thailand. Usually high elevation and tropical Mountains or hilly places are transformed to be farmable to feed people, taking advanatage of square inch

(5.8) Which of the following activities is most likely to be found in the outermost zones of the Von Thunen model of agricultural land use?

Extensive grain or stock raising

(5.11) Fair trade movements benefit farmers in developing countries

Fair trade bypasses traditional multinational corporations and contracts directly with farmers. • Producers in developing countries get better prices for their goods and keep more profit. • Fair trade producers typically treat workers better and pay them more money. • Fair trade producers use more sustainable practices to produce their goods.

(5.6) Monocropping

Farmers grow the same crop each year -farmers who practice monocropping risk soil depletion due to the lack of crop rotation

(5.11) Community-supported agriculture forms local bonds between farmers and consumers

Farmers sell "shares" of their crops and products to local consumers who contract to buy the products throughout the year. • Community-supported agriculture is beneficial to farmers and consumers. - Reduces the food miles of the crops. Fewer fossil fuels burned in production and transportation. - CA producers use organic and humane methods to raise plants and animals. - CSA producers make larger profits.

(5.11) Food deserts restrict access to healthy diets

Food deserts are geographic areas where the access to affordable, healthy food options is limited due to lack of access to supermarkets. • People who live in food deserts have limited options to buy food. - Convenience stores have expensive pre-packaged items. - Fast food restaurants sell "cheap" meat and few vegetables. • People who live in food deserts have higher rates of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

(5.8) Point C of the Von Thunen Model

Forests used for building products, back then they didn't have lumber trucks so they needed to be closer to the market

(5.8) Point D of the Von Thunen Model

Grains and Field Crops lightweight, don't perish and easy to transport Require more land so its needed to be farther from the market to reduce cost

(5.11) Reduction in biodiversity of plants and animals

Green Revolution methods have led to the loss of plant varieties and types of domestic farm animals. • Number of plant varieties has decreased by nearly 90%. - Hybrid and GMO seed use is widespread among farmers. - Cloned plants like bananas or other fruit trees are susceptible to disease. - Consumption patterns have consolidated the number of plants eaten. • Number of domestic farm animal types has decreased by nearly 50%. - Industrial food production needs animals that are the same size and weight. - Diet preferences have reduced the types of animals eaten. - Growth of aquaculture has led to the production of just a few species of fish.

(5.10) Agricultural advancements have created some environmental damage

Increase in Livestock= Animal Waste Increase use of chemicals= Pollutions Expansion of Agricultural Land= Impact on Soil, Impact to water, impact of overgrazing

(5.11) Modern agricultural practices put pressure on water and soil

Irrigation of fields causes problems in semi-arid and arid lands. - Deep wells drilled for irrigation are depleting aquifers. - Irrigation projects and reservoirs have depleted rivers and streams. - Evaporation of irrigation water causes salt accumulation in the soil. • Poor agricultural practices damage soils. - Monocropping leads to the loss of soil fertility. - Deforestation and overgrazing cause soil erosion. - Use of heavy machinery can lead to compaction of soils.

(5.3) Increasing wealth has raised demand for animal protein. Demand for beef, pork, and chicken has risen as ______ get wealthier. Large ______ Corporations like McdDonalds have brought new foods.

LDCs Transnational

(5.6) Bid Rent

Land cost more expensive=closer to the market Land cost cheaper=away from the market

(5.9) Globalization had created independence between countries

Larger countries which developed agricultural areas export food products to smaller less developed agricultural countries. Example: United States, Brazil, China, and Argentina are top exporters of food Countries with climatic advantages export luxury crops to wealthy countries ex. Coffee, Sugar, Tea, and bananas are major exports for low latitude countries -Southern hemisphere countries provide food products to the Northern hemisphere during winter months

(5.8) Point E of the Von Thunen Model

Livestock and Ranching Needs so much land, so it has to be really far from market for it to be cheaper and more cost effective Animals can walk themselves to the slaughterhouses

(5.1) Cold Mid-Latitude climate location examples and agricultural products

Location examples North Central USA, Southern Canada, Eastern Europe Agricultural Products: Wheat, Barley, Livestock, Dairy Cows

(5.5) What are some new farming methods from the Green Revolution

Machinery, irrigation, and transportation made food more global new machinery: helped with planting and harvesting crops, need for human labor decreased dramatically irrigation methods: use of water became more efficient and sustainable Advances in transportation made it easier to get crops to a global market farmers got new markets to sell their crops

(5.8) Point B of the Von Thunen Model

Market Gardening and Dairy Farming, closest to market since goods are perishable, higher transporation cost since of the speed needed, also require less land to produce so it maximises profits

(5.10) Deforestation causes and effects

Might be caused by palm oil plantations, logging, grazing Impact could be greenhouse effect as well as impact the visual landscape example: Amazon rainforest, caused by commercial logging, clear for some farmland, some subsistence Another example is in Malaysia caused by palm oil demand

(5.10) In which of the following countries is terracing least likely caused by farming groups to create additional space and minimize erosion on steep slopes?


(5.4) Second Agricultural Revolution Origin and impact

Origin: Great Britain in the 18th century Connection to Industrial Revoltuion Role of loaction, importance of resources Impact: More food production, factory work, more calories consumed, increase life expectancy

(5.1) Name the 3 types of Intensive Agriculture

Plantation Agriculture, Mixed Crop and Livestock, and Market Gardening

(5.10) Consequences of Agricultural Practices: Landscape

Reasons: Topography, Climate, Culture, and Resources Impact to Landscape: Deforestation, Shifting Agriculture, Terraces, Irrigation Systems, Draining Wetlands

(5.9) Infrastructure affects global agriculture

Poor infrastructure in developing countries makes it hard to get food crops to the market -Farmers in developing countries often do not have access to roads or other forms of transportation to move their crops to markets -most transportation routes connect farmers to ports for export -Farmers grow luxury items because they can export them easily -Farmers in developed countries can ship their food products cheaply across the world -Crops from developed countries are often more plentiful and cheaper than local crops in developing countries

(5.11) Center pivot irrigation systems are often used to water crops in semi-arid areas to the United States. Which of the following is a detrimental effect directly caused by this practice?

Salinization of soil

(5.4) Technologies invented during which of the following periods explain how farmland was divided and cultivated as shown in the satellite imagfes

Second Agricultural Revolution, when land-surverying technology and mechanical plows were developed

(5.1) Name the 3 types of Extensive Agriculture

Shifting Cultivation, Nomadic Herding, and Ranching

(5.3) Give two examples of trade routes across the eastern hemisphere diffused plants and animals

Silk Road bought plants and animals to Central Asia, Middle East, and Europe Indian Ocean trade bought plants and animals to South Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Europe

(5.11) Governments, NGOS, agribusinesses, and farmers work to create sustainable agriculture

The goal of sustainable agriculture is to meet society's present agricultural needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. • Demand from consumers has led agribusinesses to use more sustainable practices. • Governments pass laws to protect the environment from air and water pollution. • International agencies and environmental organizations wage campaigns to end destructive agricultural practices.

(5.5) Between 1950 and 1990, wheat prduction in India in average pounds per acre more than tripled, which allowed India to meet its population's need for food. Which of the following best explains this change? The elimination of poverty in India's rural regions The use of genetically modified seeds The increase in microlean programs that provide farmers with credit The use of large farm factors and combine harvesters The use of improved plant hybrids and agricultural chemicals

The use of improved plant hybrids and agricultural chemicals

(5.10) Soil Salinization

Too much salt on the land makes it difficult to farm Example: Egypt, dam prevented flooding but didn't wash the salt away, making it hard to farm

(5.8) Von Thunen emphasized which of the following factors in his model of agricultural land use?

Transportation costs

(5.11) Urban households raise crops and small animals

Urban households in developing countries help alleviate food insecurity. - Urban farms are creating more sustainable cities. - Urban farms can absorb excess labor in cities. - Urban farms can be the source of health problems from dirty water. • Urban households in developed countries supplement food purchases - Urban farming is largely a leisure activity. - Urban gardens in food insecure areas bring fresh food to poor residents. Zoning laws have changed to allow small animals, like chickens, in cities.

(5.2) Metes and Bounds

Utilization of landmarks and physical features to establish boundary lines short distances and landmarks (clustered)

(5.5) Green Revolution

a movement that diffused modern agricultural farming methods to developing countries after the mid-20th century Created a higher yield plants using hybridzation and genetically modified organisms diffused chemical pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers diffused agricultural machinery and modern agricultural methods

(5.3) Columbian Exchange

after the Spanish conquered Mesoamerica and South America, they diffused plants and animals to and from the area -Maize, squash, potatoes and other crops were taken to Europe and planted -Coffee, sugar, horses, cattle, and other animals were bought to the Americas

(5.4) Steel Plow

allow us to clear more land quicker than ever before

(5.1) Specialized crops such as Mediterranean crops and tropical crops can only be grown in certain areas _______. Climatic conditions needed to grow these crops can be replicated, but not at the ____ needed to make a profit. Areas with these types of climates are often used to grow only these specialized crops at the expense of _____.

because of economies of scale. scale local food crops.

(5.5) Chemical nitrogen and phosphate

help plants grow faster -chemical fertilizers are more effective than natural fertilizers

(5.5) Pesticides

increase crop yield keep insects from destroying crops -chemical sprays on crops kill a variety of insects on food crops

(5.2) Long Lot

long strips of land that starts at river or lake with the intention of providing all landowners with equal access to the resources (soil and water) and transportation (linear)

(5.7) How has technology increased the carrying capacity of the land?

mechanization, chemicals, and transportation advances increase the amount of food brought to markets -complex machines used to plant and harvest can cover more land cheaply -intensive use of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers have increased crop yield -transportation advances can bring crops to market faster, cheaper, and in better condition

(5.1) (Extensive) Ranching

own large areas for grazing cattle and sheep to sell on the markets unsuitable for farming, so land is less expensive than farmland

(5.6) Commercial Agriculture

purpose is to focus on crops grown for profit smaller percentage of workers employed as farmers, they don't need as many because of machines, core or more developed countries use more machines high plots of land farm size larger and more productivity with less labor more connected agribusiness

(5.6) Subsistence Agriculture

purpose of crops is to provide for family/community a lot of labor required not as much output periphery or less developed countries have their population working in the field of agriculture smaller plots of land more family and community based

(5.2) Township and Range

rectangles and grid system (dispersed)

(5.2) Clustered Settlement

residents live in close proximity farmland and pasture surround the settlement share resource and community

(5.5) Hybridization

resulted in higher yields are bred to have superior characteristics -IR-36 became the most planted strain of rice in the world -Resistant to various types of insects -short growing seasons allows for doubles cropping -many different hybrids have been created to change varieties of food

(5.5) GMOS

resulted in higher yields changes the genes of a plant -allows plants to have characteristics they can't get through hybridization -most modern corn, soybeans, and cotton grown in the United States are GMOs

(5.4) Seed Drill

revolutionized us to plant as much as we can

(5.2) Linear Settlement

settlement is organized along a line

(5.6) Production of agricultural products destined primarily for direct consumption by the producer rather than for the market is called

subsistence agriculture

(5.8) Point A (all the way to the center) of the Von Thunen Model

the market/urban center-where agricultural crops are sold to the consumer

(5.9) Political relationships and trade networks affect global agriculture

thel legacy of colonialism and neocolonialism affects global agricultural systems -Agribusinesses based in developed countries often control land and crop production in developing countries -Fair trade movements have tried to promote equality for the producers of crops in developing countries -Relationships between former colonies and their mother countries make trade easier

(5.10) Irrigation

when areas are too dry, irrigation makes use to be productivity as best as possible examples: the circle things in farms effect: Countries such as Kazakhstan caused the Aral Sea to shrink, industries like fishing is effected

(5.4) Grain Elevators

where we store our goods, to make them last longer

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