unit 9 learning curve

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Thirteen-year-old Erin and her mother were in a car accident. Her mother was fine, but Erin had a cut on her forehead. When the attractive EMT came over to her, Erin would be most likely to say:

"Don't look at me. I must look terrible."

Max and Aaron are identical twins. This means that at conception, sperm fertilized _____ egg(s).


For the first time in her life, Margaret has little sexual desire. She is not alarmed as this is common in others around her age. What age range is Margaret likely in?


James walks into the gas station to pre-pay for his gas. It seems like everyone pauses and looks at him. He is now aware that he is the only African-American male in the store. Being _____ is his social identity.

African American

Jerry is a star basketball player on the high school team. He is very tall. He is also very popular with both boys and girls. John is more likely to experiment with _____.

Alcohol, sex

Terminally ill and bereaved people do not go through predictable stages of grief such as denial before


Why is it that older people account for fewer than 10% of all automobile crashes when they have a slower reaction time and attend less to other vehicles on the road when compared to younger adults?

Because they drive less than younger adults

Angela is 60 years old and is slightly overweight. Which of the following is her physician likely to recommend?

Become more physically active.

Mark thinks that language development over the life span requires a slow but steady shaping process. His belief is most directly relevant to the issue of _____ or stages.

Continuity or stages

Clay is hiding under his blanket so that he is invisible. He believes that if he cannot see his parents they cannot see him. Clay is demonstrating:


Three-year old Sam is talking to his grandmother on the phone. He says, "Look what I got today." Sam is displaying _____.


Maura just celebrated her 25th anniversary at the company and was given a gold watch. She felt that her gold watch was just a meaningless trinket and was glad that she balanced her work with family life. According to the psychologist _____, Maura is in the stage of development called generativity vs. stagnation.


Compared to younger people, older people are more likely to self-report that they are _____ with their lives.


At 19, Celia is beginning to plan for her future. She no longer lives for the moment. She wants to become a doctor, so she knows she has buckle down in school. What is probably happening to Celia?

Her frontal lobes are growing.

Kerry's grandmother is in her early eighties and is beginning to seem frail. Which of the following is she likely to notice about her abilities?

Her hearing, distance perception, and sense of smell are diminishing.

Hussein is concerned because he cannot remember events before he was about 4 years old. What is the most likely cause for this infantile amnesia?

His hippocampus was not developed enough.

Jake is a 3-month-old baby who has become habituated to his puppet head. He will probably look at it _____ frequently now.


Makayla is a 10-week old infant who is extremely fussy at the moment. Makayla is being cared for by one of her mother's friends while her mother does some grocery shopping. Her mother's friend has fed the baby, changed the baby's diaper, and has rocked the baby but nothing seems to calm Makayla. When Makayla's mother returns she sees how fussy the baby is, picks her up, and talks to the baby. Makayla immediately stops crying. Makayla has recognized which of the following about her mother?

Makayla can recognize all of these of her mother

Which of the following provides evidence AGAINST the idea that our development is mostly continuous?

Our brain goes through growth spurts that correspond roughly with Jean Piaget's stages.

Critics have argued that Kohlberg's _____ stage is culturally defined because it seems to appear in individualistic nations more so than collectivistic nations.


Babies should be put to sleep on their backs to prevent:


Which cultures currently have the greatest gender equity?

Scandinavian and Australia

Anthony has signed up for a horticulture class. When he walks in the classroom on the first day he realizes that everyone else in the class, including the teacher, are women. He is aware of his _____.

Social identity

Those who emphasize continuity over stages would choose which of the following as an example?

Students learn new facts about history from taking a school course.

Kendra is a 20-month-old baby who is still crawling. She has not started to walk yet. What would her pediatrician likely say to her mother?

This is actually rare as most babies are walking by the time they are 15 months of age.

Lee is an 8-month-old infant who is already walking and even running around his house. What would his pediatrician likely say to Lee's parents?

This is actually rare as most babies do not start walking until around their first birthday.

Charlie has high blood pressure and diabetes. His physician has prescribed medications to treat his conditions. However, Charlie often forgets to take his medication. What could he do to help remember to take his medication on time?

Write a note to himself

Mark is seventeen years old and drinks heavily. His father keeps alcohol in the house and is gone most of the time leaving Mark with the opportunity to drink, which he does. Which of the following is Mark likely to experience as an adult?


Tommy was at the park with his father and excitedly pointed to the squirrel and exclaimed, "Kitty, kitty." His father pointed out that this was a squirrel, not a kitty. This best illustrates the process of _____.


Teen impulsivity is to frontal lobe development, as old age bluntness is to frontal lobe _____.


Monique is nine years old and is going through her adolescent growth spurt. What is she likely to experience next in terms of pubertal development?


Marcus is the son of a teenage mother. She could not handle taking care of him and put him up for adoption when he was 4 weeks old. Marcus was placed in a foster home where he was abused. He was never adopted. It is most likely that Marcus will:

become an abusive parent with aggressive tendencies.

Teen impulsivity is to frontal lobe development, as old age _____ is to frontal lobe atrophy.


Five-year-old Otto complained to his mom that the pizza was not big enough. Otto's mom cut the pizza into smaller slices, thus making Otto happy, as he believed the pizza had become larger. Otto lacks the concept of _____.


Mark thinks that language development over the life span requires a slow but steady shaping process. His belief is most directly relevant to the issue of _____ or stages.


Mark thinks that language development over the life span requires a slow but steady shaping process. His belief is most directly relevant to the issue of:

continuity or stage development.

Max is 17 years old. He has decided to help out at Buddy Ball this summer. He will help disabled children play baseball. Max knows that this will look good on his college applications. Max is probably in the _____ stage of moral development.


Boris was raised in a Russian orphanage where he was given minimal care. At age 6, he was adopted by a loving American family. As he matures, it is likely that Boris will:

display anxiety.

Mike is watching a Disney movie with his son, Jason. Jason likes the movie so much that he becomes excited and stands in front of the TV. Mike asks Jason to move so that he can see the TV. Jason doesn't move. Jason is demonstrating _____.


Malcolm was contemplating dropping out of high school when he was asked to enroll in a volunteer program. Every week he worked in a local daycare center, helping the children with their projects. The children appreciated his help. After a few months, it is likely that Malcolm will:

feel better about himself and not drop out.

Denise has just given birth to a 6-pound baby girl. Her infant's head is small and slightly disproportioned. Denise did drink alcohol while she was pregnant, although it is not clear how much or how often she drank. It is possible that the infant has:

fetal alcohol syndrome.

An unarmed 18-year-old African-American man was on his way to college when he engaged in an altercation with a police officer. The ending result was the police officer shot and killed him. Sean is a 19-year-old African-American man who is disgusted about what just took place in his neighborhood. He decides to show off his frustration by joining in riots taking place in his neighborhood. Sean is in Piaget's _____ stage of development.

formal operational

An unarmed 18-year-old African-American man was on his way to college when he engaged in an altercation with a police officer. The ending result was the police officer shot and killed him. Sean is a 19-year-old African-American man who is disgusted about what just took place in his neighborhood. He decides to show off his frustration by joining in riots taking place in his neighborhood. Sean is in which of the following stages of development according to Piaget's theory?

formal operational

Following the death of a local teenager, Melissa came to believe that the teen had been profiled as a potential threat because he was an African-American youth. She decided to join in the protests and actively engaged in public demonstrations in her community and high school. Melissa has entered the _____ stage of cognitive development according to Piaget.

formal operational

Children start to gain control over their attention beginning in preschool. This control is related to a growth spurt in the _____ lobe.


Marcia has the intense desire to create a mentoring program at her company. According to Erik Erikson, she is likely experiencing the_____versus stagnation stage.


Julia was born in France. For the first 3 years of her life, she spoke both French and English. Then she moved to the United States. From age 3 on, she only spoke English. Now, as a high school student, Julia will study French. It is most likely that she will:

have less difficulty with the French accent.

Ten-year old Marie is sad. She is crying. Her older brother Paul looks at her and then continues watching TV. Paul may be showing signs of:

impaired theory of mind.

Lanae is three years old and her favorite book is "Are You My Mother," a short story about a baby bird who hatches while his mother is away. The baby bird then leaves the nest in search of his mother. The baby bird follows the first thing he sees. When he is told that it is not his mother he then begins to follow the second thing he sees and so on. _____ is an attachment concept that is an aspect of this story.


Dianne feels overwhelmed. She helps her adult daughter regularly with finances and caring for her grandchildren. But she also is the primary caregiver of both her aging mother and her father-in-law. She feels like she never has a minute to herself. Dianne can be referred to as being:

in the sandwich generation.

According to Erik Erikson, older adults can most effectively cope with the prospect of their own death if they have achieved a sense of _____.


Jenny has a great job, a cat named Jake, and 31 candles on her birthday cake. She is worried about finding the "right man." She frequently spends nights alone and knows she is not getting any younger. According to Erik Erikson, most likely Jenny is struggling with _____ issues.


Anthony has signed up for a horticulture class. When he walks in the classroom on the first day he realizes that everyone else in the class, including the teacher, are women. Being _____ is his social identity. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Christian


Chanice is twelve years old. When she woke up this morning she notices blood on her bed. This has never happened before. Chanice is experiencing which of the following?


Adrianne is elated. She hasn't gotten her period in over a year. She doesn't have to worry about an unintended pregnancy either. She feels liberated. Adrianne is probably experiencing _____.


Men do not experience anything equivalent to _____; that is, they do not experience a cessation in fertility or a sharp drop in hormones.


Which of the following is a biological factor that helps people flourish in later life?

no genetic predisposition to early cognitive or physical decline

Ty's parents divorced when he was 5. His father moved out of state, and his mother is kept busy with trying to keep a roof over their heads. Ty is now 13 and has been getting into some minor troubles with school and with the law. Despite this, his mother still allows Ty to come and go as he wishes. She rarely, if ever, punishes him, and gives in to whatever he wants. She feels guilty about the divorce and his absent father. Ty's mother has a(n) _____ parenting style.


Jeannette is in her mid-seventies and she is in remarkably good health. If she were to worry about getting sick, she should probably worry most about _____.


Paul thinks he should obey his teachers only if they are carefully watching him. Lawrence Kohlberg would suggest that Paul demonstrates a(n) _____ morality.


Puberty is the period of sexual maturation in which a person becomes capable of _____.


Dianne feels overwhelmed. She helps her adult daughter regularly with finances and caring for her grandchildren. But she also is the primary caregiver of both her aging mother and her father-in-law. She feels like she never has a minute to herself. Dianne can be referred to as being in the _____ generation.


Every time 2-year old Rosa goes near the stove, her mother stops her and says, "No, hot!" Rosa's mother is providing her with a _____ to help her internalize.


Cross- _____ studies are studies in which people of different ages are compared with one another.


The National Institute of Mental Health is conducting a study on older adults (50 to 75 years of age) regarding memory and response time in relation to timed tasks. They are bringing in all age groups at once to compare the differences. This is a(n) cross-_____ study.


Three-year-old Adam happily explores the attractive toys located in the dentist's waiting room while his mother is in the room. However, if she briefly leaves he will be distressed. When she returns, he will go to her for reassurance. Then he will continue to play and periodically go to her side for brief moments. Adam most clearly displays signs of _____ attachment.


John is a star basketball player on the high school team. He is very tall. He is also very popular with both boys and girls. John is more likely to be:

sexually active.

Stephanie is 33 years old. She has a full-time career and is not married. She does not have any children. Stephanie's grandmother keeps asking her when she will get married and have children, insisting that Stephanie should be married and a mother by now. She also insists that Stephanie should not focus on her career because once she is married she should not be working. Stephanie's grandmother is referring to the _____ of her generation.

social clock

Questions about the extent to which maladaptive habits learned in childhood can be overcome in adulthood are most directly relevant to the issues of:

stability or change.

Piaget's stages of cognitive development are to _____ as Kohlberg's levels of moral thinking are to a _____.

steps; ladder

Martin was 25 years old when he moved to a new city. It is highly likely that when Martin is in late adulthood this will be a visible memory of his. This is because older adults tend to remember things that happened during their _____ and twenties well.


Concerning the stability and change developmental issue, our _____ is more predictable than our social attitudes.


A pregnant woman was recently arrested for using heroin. She is addicted to heroin and there is a risk that her fetus will be born a heroin addict as well. Heroin is clearly a _____ for the fetus.


Brenda has suffered from epilepsy all her life. She takes Trileptal to control her seizures. Recently she found out she was pregnant with her first child. She read that her medication is a Category C medication, meaning the benefits may outweigh the risks. However, no adequate studies have been performed on the medication for pregnant women. While she was excited to be pregnant, she was concerned about continuing to take the medication. She asked her doctor whether Trileptal was a _____.


Reggie is in his mid-fifties. Reggie can expect that he will experience a gradual decrease in _____.


Gabriel recently signed up for a Web site that reunites one with former classmates from grade school. He is curious to see if many of his former friends still look and act the same. Research on stability and change would predict:

that some things about his friends will be the same while other aspects will be quite different.

Fran's life is more hectic than ever. She is 55 years old and works full-time. Her son just graduated from college, but since he can't find a job, he moved back home. Her mother is getting frail and she is thinking about putting her in an assisted living facility. Fran is experiencing:

the tugs of the sandwich generation.

Couples today are______ as likely to divorce than couples 50 years ago


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