US Expansion and Imperialism

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Define foreign-policy

A plan of action concerning a nations relations with other countries over a period of time

What did Alfred T Mahan think was the key to a strong trade and why

A powerful navy that would control the world sea lines and protect the US access to foregin markets

Define spears of influence

Areas were other nations have control

Spheres of influence

Areas where one nation has economic and political control over another

Why did US Secretary of State William Seward want the US to purchase the Russian colony of Alaska

He favored US expansion and it also was a steppingstone to Asia for trade

After the Spanish surrendered in Cuba American troops invaded blank and quickly brought the island under US control

Puerto Rico

As a result of the Spanish-American War this former Spanish colony was annexed by the US; in 1900 the Foraker Act set up a government with a US appointed governor; in 1917 the people of this island were made US citizens; this island is still owned by, and remains a territory of, the US

Puerto Rico

Transcontinental railroad

Rail line that spans the continent connecting the eastern and western coasts

In 1895 Cubans rows up again and Spain began a policy of blank, the first movement of large numbers of people into detention camps for military or political reasons


In 1911 a blank broke out in Mexico. Wilson tried to stay neutral however as Huerta's dictatorship grew more brutal he authorize the sale of arms to Huerta's is the rival Venustiano Carranza


What was the name of the Chinese secret society that was formed to come back for an influence in China

Righteous and harmoniousfists

Define isolationist

Someone who is against expansion

Define expansionist

Someone who is for expansion

On April 11, 1898 President McKinley declared war with blank


During the Spanish-American war it took a battleship it blank months to travel from San Francisco to Cuba

Two or more

Panama Canal

US built 50-mile passage that connected the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, via the Caribbean Sea; opened in 194. Provided for faster movement of US naval forces and faster trade

Indian Reorganization Act

began to reverse some of the programs of the Dawes Act; provided funds for tribes to purchase new land; offered government recognition of tribal constitutions; and replaced prohibitions on Native American languages and customs


building empires by imposing political and economic control over peoples around the world

Figure out whether the following is a cause or effect of expansion overseas: western frontier closes


Americans had blank invested in Cuban rice and sugar, plantations, railroads and iron mines

$50 million

What was the purchase price of Alaska

$7.2 million

Give some arguments for isolationism

*could hurt american democracy *viewed native americans as backwards *not ready for new territories *native americans would not be given an equal status *slavery would be re-born *need more money for more miltary and navy bases *could lead to war *already powerful

Give some arguments in support of expansion

*duty of US to spread democracy *new territories *god given right to expand westward *extending civilization *US would have more world power *new places to trade from * spread Christianity *new raw materials

Impact of westward expansion on Native Americans summarize

*took all of their land *native Americans were forced out of their culture *also forced out of appearance and belief *children were thrown into Native American schools to try and get them to assimilate faster

Roosevelt try to deal with Colombian the Latin American country that control Panama by offering blank million dollars in cash and $250,000 yearly rent. This officer was turned down.


How long did the canal take to build? Between what years was the canal built? What was the cost

10 years, 1904 to 1914, $375 million

In 1916 a Mexican rebel general Francesco poncho Villa crossed into New Mexico raided and burned the town of Columbus killing blank Americans


What year was Alaska acquired and what was its benefit

1867, it was a steppingstone to Asia for trade

What year was some mullah acquired and what was its benefit

1889, to set up coal stations

Spanish-American WAr

1898 conflict that trabsformed that US into a major world power; US acquired the colonies of Puerto Rico , the Philippines the Pacific islands of Guam and wake and established a protectorate over cuba

What year was Puerto Rico, Philippines and the islands of Guam and wake acquired? And what was the benefit

1898, more naval bases and more training opportunities

Open Door Policy

1899 US declaration that all nations should have the right to trade with China on an equal basis

For how long had Japan blocked outside trade and buried foreigners from entering or leaving Japan

250 years

How did US planters respond to in Liliuokalani 1893

50 US Marines to overthrow queen and set up call American government

What happened on February 15, 1898

A great explosion sank the main and killed 260 men

Platt Amendment

Addition the US forced Cuba to make to their new constitution, giving Cuba "semi-independence" by limiting their power to make treaties and borrow money, allowed for American intervention in Cuba and granted the US a naval base at Guantanamo Bay

Nicknamed seawards folly because many American thought it was a frozen wasteland; purchased from Russia in 1867 for $7.2 million; secretary of state Seaword hoped it would be a steppingstone for trade with Asia and the Pacific; gold was discovered there in 1897


What was the goal of the US open door policy

All nations wanted to trade with China on an equal basis

Many Americans wanted the United States to become involved and oust that Spanish because

American investments in Cuba and economic reasons

Yellow journalism fed blank against Spain through the daily barrage of blank

American outrage and horror stories

Why did Americans believe it was their divine duty to spread Christian values and Western civilization around the world

Because people of the Angelo Saxton foreign race were superior to the lesser race

What other countries were vying for Samoa in 1889 and what prevented a fight over the island at that time

Britain and Germany

One theater Roosevelt became president in 1901 he was determined to build a blank through the Isthmus of Panama because it was only about 50 miles wide


The US recognized the new nation of Panama and Panama agreed to let the US build a blank


Figure out whether the following is a cause or effect of expansion overseas: US industry needs to acquire raw materials


Figure out whether the following is a cause or effect of expansion overseas: US industry needs to find new markets in which to sell its products


Figure out whether the following is a cause or effect of expansion overseas: European nations acquire overseas colonies and compete for resources and markets


Figure out whether the following is a cause or effect of expansion overseas: some in the US want to spread American culture to other parts of the world


Carved into spears of influence by Europeans and the Japanese; the US pursued on open door policy so that all nations could continue to trade freely with this nation; resenting foreign interference in the country a group called the boxers launched an unsuccessful rebellion against foreign intruders



Committed to obtaining for one bases and territories buy any means necessary

Dawes Act

Congress passed this law hoping to improve Native American life by ending their wandering and to assimilate them into American culture by trying to turn them into farmers; it also set up boarding schools to make Native American children more like other Americans

What happened on July 7, 1898

Congress voted to make Hawaii part of US

During a failed rebellion against Spain in 1895, the Spanish government began a policy of reconstruction, forcing rebels into detention camps where 20000 died; the US had over 50 million dollars in investments there and was worried that political instability could compromise theses investments; was the location of the explosion of the Maine and the charge of the Rough Riders up San Juan Hill; became an independent nation in 1898 asa result of the Spanish-American War; in 1902 the US government forced the addition of the Platt Amendment to this nations constitution making it a protectorate of the US


What were the three tasks of building the canal

Cut through mountain, Dam a river, erect canals giant locks

Dominican republic had overdue blank to European nations


In In blank Spain and the United States signed a peace treaty. Spain excepted Cuban independence and granted Puerto Rico the Philippines and the Pacific Islands of Guam and wake to the United States and return the United States paid Spain blank

December 1898, $20 million

Roosevelt quoted an old west African pro verb, speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far. He wanted the world to know that if the blank fail the United States would not hesitate to use blank forces to protect its interests

Diplomacy military

Figure out whether the following is a cause or effect of expansion overseas: US builds the Panama Canal


Figure out whether the following is a cause or effect of expansion overseas: US gains control of territories in the Carribean and the Pacific


Figure out whether the following is a cause or effect of expansion overseas: US issues the open door policy, which allows all nations to trade with China


Figure out whether the following is a cause or effect of expansion overseas: US navy grows in size and power to protect US boarders and growing overseas holdings


Figure out whether the following is a cause or effect of expansion overseas: US sends troops to Latin America protect its interests


As other nations carved up spears of influence in China what did the US fear would happen

Exclusion from Chinese trade

A blank is an independent country whose policies are controlled by an outside power


Foraker Act

Federal law that granted limited self-rule to Puerto-Rico under US appointed governor

Cuba is located 90 miles off the coast of blank and had been under a blank rule since Columbus arrived in 1492 the Cubans began an uprising in 1868 because why

Flordia, Spanish, they were sick of Spain's harsh rule

The blank set up a government in Puerto Rico with the US appointed governor and limited self-rule. Puerto Ricans were made blank in 1917

Foraker Act, citizens

What country did the US end up splitting Samoa with in 1899


What were two things that US leaders feared the US would be shut out of it did not act quickly to expand overseas

Global markets and denied raw materials

Define manifest destiny

God given right to expand westward

Two smalls South Pacific islands that were granted to the US at the end of the Spanish American war

Guam and wake

Many Americans criticized Roosevelt's role in the revolt and his blank

Gunboat diplomacy

First settlers came by canoe from the other Pacific Islands in the 600s; location minute idea as a refueling station and the military and outpost in the pacific; American missionaries arrived in the 1820s; other Americans came with her to a stab Lish sugar plantations; in 1891 Queen Liliuokalani refuse to recognize the 1887 Constitution (that American planters had forced her brother King Kalakaua to sign) and was forced from power by the same planters; was officially annexed by the US in 1889 and became a state in 1959


In 1914 a minor incident brought the US and Mexico to blank


Had closed itself awesome trade with the outside world for about 250 years; in the early 1850s Commodore Perry impressed this nation's leaders by sailing into a major bay with US warships; signed a treaty to begin trading with the US in 1854; faced with the technology and power of the US this nation set out to transform its feudal society into a modern industrial nation


What was the result of the boxer rebellion

Killed thousands and stopped rebellion

In early 1898 fighting broke out in Hanover Cuba. President McKinley ordered the battleship Maine to Havana harbor to protect American blank and blank

Lives and poverty

Roosevelt sent blank to the Dominican republic and assumed responsibility for the debts


Other than its natural beauty what were two reasons why the United States wanted to gain control of Hawaii

Military and commercial outpost of the Pacific

What were two main groups of Americans to settle in Hawaii after 1820

Missionaries and explorers

The US a pointed this new nation when it broke away from Columbia in 1903; in return for the support the US was granted the right to build operate control and protect a canal that connected the Atlantic to the Pacific and made it unnecessary for the US ships to travel 14,000 miles around South America; digging through the mountains, mudslides, tropical sun, heavy rains,and yellow fever and malaria were all problems engineers and workers phased when building the canal


On November 3, 1903 the people of panama rebelled against Columbia. American forces stopped Colombian troops from reaching blank and Panama declared itself Republic of Panama

Panama city

Roosevelt secretly let the blank know the US would help if they claimed independence


To free themselves of Spanish rule the people of this chain of islands helped the US drive the Spanish out in 1898; feeling betrayed when the US decided to keep them as a colony, the people of these islands fought and lost a war for independence against the US; would not become an independent nation until 1946


The US for a war with the blank where 4000 Americans and blank Filipinos were killed. The fighting ended in 1901 and the Philippines did not gain independence until 1946

Philppines, 20000

The blank was in addition to the new Cuban constitution that limited Cuba's power to make treaties and borrow money it gave the US the right to intervene in Cuban affairs and keep a naval base in Guantánamo Bay

Platt Amendment

Big Stick Policy

President Roosevelt's philosophy that if diplomacy failed, the US would not hesitate to use military force to protect its interests around the world

Dollar Diplomacy

President Taft's policy based on the idea that economic ties were the best way to expand American influence around the world

List and explain three causes for American imperialism

Promoting economic growth, spreading American values, encouraged expansionism

The Roughriders led by blank was a cavalry unit that became famous through it successful charge San Juan Hill where right Wegmans and black recommends fat shoulder to shoulder on mindful of race and color and mindful only other comment duty as Americans


Roosevelt steps in and issues the blank which established the right of the US to act as an exercise and an international police

Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe doctrine

US, Germany and Great Britain competed for control of this area; in 1899 if you claim a refueling/coaling station shared by the US and Germany missionaries shop to spread Christianity there


Conditions in the camps included blank and blank and as a result about 200,000 Cubans died

Scarce food supply and poor sanitation

William Seward

Secretary of state who negotiated the US purchase of the Russian colony of Alaska in 1867 for 7.2 million dollars

What did queen Liliuokalani do in 1891 when she came to power upon the death of her brother

She succeeded him and refused to recognize the new constitution

Define Monroe doctrine

Telling European countries to stay out of the Americas

Yellow journalism

The use of sensational stories and headlines by the media

Supported the Panamanian revolution against Columbia in order to secure the right to build a canal across that isthmus of Pamina; promoter of the big stick approach to foreign-policy that stress with a diplomacy failed The US would not hesitate to use military force to protect his interest; his big stick policy was used to justify intervention in Latin American countries countries such as the Dominican republic and Mexico

Theodore Roosevelt

Why were US steamship companies and the U.S. Navy interested in Samoa a chain of islands in the South Pacific

To set up stations for coal

How many of the people of Latin American intervention in their nations that was a result of foreign policies such as the big stick policy, dollar diplomacy, and moral diplomacy?

They felt resentful most of the time but sometimes they were grateful

What happened in 1897 that changed Americans opinion about Alaska

They found gold

What was an important long-term effect for Japan as a result of Perry's visit

They realized that they needed to get better equipment and step up their game

Why were many Americans initially opposed to the purchase of Alaska

They saw it as a frozen wasteland

What was Japan's immediate reaction to the above and what did the Japanese and then do the following year 1854

They sign the treaty opening Japan for trade

What did American planters for is the Hawaiian King Kalakaua to do in 1887

To except a new constitution that gave them great influence

What was the goal of the United States president Fillmore in 1853 when he sent a squadron of heavy on the US warships commanded by commodore Matthew Perry to Japan

To get trading right with Japan

Asked Congress for a declaration of war against Spain in 1898 after two months of stories in the yellow press had convinced many Americans that the Spanish had found or torpedoed the Maine; assassinated in 1901

William McKinley

Promoter of the dollar diplomacy foreign policy that was based on the in idea of the economic ties and military intervention what's the best way to expand American influence; the extending to reduce intervention this policy actually lead to as many military interventions in Latin America as did the big stick policy

William Taft

The US have pursued Villa into Mexico after 11 months Wilson ordered Pershing to blank without capturing Villa


Promoter of the moral diplomacy approach to foreign-policy that the US should commend imperialism and should instead try to support and nurture a democracy around the world with the goals of spreading democracy and promoting peace; ironically this policy lead to more military intervention in Latin America then did either dollar diplomacy or the big stick policy, just the opposite of what was intended

Woodrow Wilson

Boxer Rebellion

failed 1900 uprising of Chinese citizens who wished to expel European and Japanese foreigners who had carved up China into spheres of influence


policy of avoiding involvement in other countries' affairs

Moral Diplomacy

president Wilson's foreign policy system that held that support should be give only to countries whose ethical beliefs are comparable to that of the US

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

re-assertion of US leadership of the western hemisphere with the goalstill being the prevention of european nations becoming too powerful in latin America; Roosevelt extended the Monroe Doctrine to justify US military intervention LatinAmerica to preserve law and order

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