US History 1 Chapter 4 Section 3

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Money paid for protection

midnight judges

The 16 judges that were added by the Judiciary Act of 1801 that were called this because Adams signed their appointments late on the last day of his administration.

John Marshall

American jurist and politician who served as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1801-1835) and helped establish the practice of judicial review.

Zebulon Pike

American soldier and explorer whom Pikes Peak in Colorada is named. His Pike expedition often compared to the lewis and Clark expedition, mapped much of the southern portion of the Louisianna Purchase

Louisiana Purchase

1803 purchase of the Louisiana territory from France. Made by Jefferson, this doubled the size of the US.


A Shoshone woman whose language skills and knowledge of geography helped Lewis and Clark

Judiciary Act of 1801

A law that increased the number of federal judges, allowing President John Adams to fill most of the new posts with Federalists.

William Clark

A skilled mapmaker and outdoorsman chosen to explore the Louisiana Territory

Judicial Review

Allows the court to determine the constitutionality of laws

Meriwether Lewis

Army captain appointed by President Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Territory and lands west to the Pacific Ocean and Secretary

Robert Livingston

Bought New Orleans and all the French territory west of the Mississippi River from Napoleon for 15 million dollars. He was only supposed to negotiate for a small part of New Orleans for 10 million so Jefferson was upset when he heard about Livingston's deal.


British practice of taking American sailors and forcing them into military service

Embargo of 1807

Declaration by President Thomas Jefferson that banned all American trade with Europe. As a result of the war between England and Napoleon's France, America's sea rights as a neutral power were threatened; Jefferson hoped the embargo would force England and France to respect American neutrality.

Samuel Chase

Federalist Supreme Court justice impeached by the House in 1804 but acquitted by the Senate

Essex Junto

Group of Massachusetts Federalists who met to voice their displeasure with the policies of Thomas Jefferson during Jefferson's second term, and proposed that the New England states and New York secede from the Union.


Leader of France and the person who sold Louisiana and New Orleans to United States

Barbary Pirates

Plundering pirates off the Mediterranean coast of Africa; President Thomas Jefferson's refusal to pay them tribute to protect American ships sparked an undeclared naval war with North African nations

Marbury v Madison

This case establishes the Supreme Court's power of Judicial Review

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