US History Ch 19 and Ch 20

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how did Warren Court rulings expand the rights of people accused of crimes

-illegally seized evidence cannot be used in court -courts must provide legal counsel to poor -suspect must be read rights before questioning

What type of music emerged in the 1950s?

Rock n Roll- electronic instruments added to traditional blues music

what is the 1964 tax cut

it lowers federal defecit

Beasts or beatniks

lived nonconformist lives and cared little for material goods

What is planned obsolescence?

marketing strategy which encourages consumers to purchase more goods while manufacturers purposely designed products to become obsolete in a short time.

What is mass media?

means of communication that reach large audiences

flexible response

military strategy which resulted in increased defense spending to boost military forces

What is the termination policy?

new approach in which eliminated federal economic support , discontinued the reservation system, and distributed tribal lands among individual Native Americans;a dismal failure

What did the immigration act of 1965 do?

opened the door for many non-european immigrants to settle in the US by ending quotas based on nationality


proved hospital insurance and low cost medical insurance for almost every American age 65 or older

What was the ruling of "Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka"?

public schools should be racially integrated

How did radio stations help African American performers gain wide audiences?

radio counters mass popularity of television by targeting specialized audiences

What are the contributions to the size of baby boom generation?

reunion of families after war, decreasing marriage age, desirability of large families, confidence in continued economic prosperity, advances in medicine

Brown vs. Board of Education

ruled school segregation unconstitutional

How did radio, TV, and movies contribute to the rise of rock n roll?

spread rock n roll music to public places and every part of the country

Why did auto sales surge in 1950s?

suburban living made owning a car a necessity

What helped the advertising age to prosper?

television and the encouragement of spendings

How did the emergence of television affect American culture in 1940s and 1950s?

television led to the golden age of television entertainment and boomed the advertising and entertainment industries

Who is the foreign policy expert?


What is the National Housing Act of 1949?

An urban renewal solution called for tearing down rundown neighborhoods and constructing low income housing

How was family redefined?

Changes in gender roles led to high divorce rate; women supported families, paid bills, and made important household decisions

What were the two huge challenges faced by Truman?

Dealing with the rising threat of communism & restoring the American economy to a strong footing

Political rivals in 1960 election

Democratic nominee from Massachusetts John F. Kennedy Republican: Richard E. Nixon

How was the housing crisis solved?

Developers used efficient assembly line methods to mass produce houses

What was the impact of the GI Bill?

GI Bill guaranteed veterans a year's unemployment benefits while they looked for jobs and offered low interest

What was President Eisenhower's style of governing?

He approached "dynamic conservatism" and believed the government should not be involved with desegregaton

Kennedy's effort to stimulate economy

Kennedy pushed for defecit spending

What is the New Frontier

Kennedy's vision of progress that offered Congress proposals to provide medical care for the aged

Who won the 1964 election

Lyndon Baines Johnson by a landslide

How did Eisenhower took the lead over Truman in the 1952 election?

Many felt that the country needed a change after two decades of Democratic leadership

When was the Bay of Pigs Invasion?

March 1960

What was the Longoria incident?

Mexican American Longoria was killed in Philippines in WWII but undertaker in Texas refused to let Longoria family use his funeral home because of their race

How did Mexican Americans and Native Americans work to increase their political participation?

Mexicans established the Unity League of California; Native Americans established the National Congress of American

When was the assasination of John F. Kennedy

November 22, 1963

When did the Cuban Missile Crisis occurs?

October 1962

Who are the Dixiecrats?

Southern delegates to the national convention who opposed civil rights and sought to protect "the Southern way of life" against government

How was the assassin of John F. Kennedy discovered?

The Warren Commission discovered that the murderer was Oswald and he was part of a conspiracy

What effects did white flights have on American cities?

The cities lost people and businesses along with the property and income taxes they paid; urban poor suffered

How did Truman use his executive power to advance civil rights?

Truman led the Dixiecrats to form the States' Rights Democratic Party- platform as public housing, federal aid to education, higher minimum wage, extended Social Security coverage

What was US's attempt to stop the flow of illegal migrants?

US launched Operation Wetback- find illegal aliens and return them to Mexico

Who is Fidel Castro

a communist of Cuba and welcomed aid from the USSR

What is a franchise?

a company that offers similar products or services in many locations; the right sold to an individual Ex: McDonalds

What is the Berlin wall?

a concrete wall topped with barbed wire that severed the city in two

What is a conglomerate?

a major corporation that includes a number of smaller companies in unrelated industries Ex: International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT)

Who are the Peace Corps

a program of volunteer assistance to the developing nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America

What is Truman's Fair Deal?

an extension of Roosevelt's New Deal- proposals for a nationwide system of compulsory health insurance and a crop-subsidy system to provide a steady income for farmers

Warren Court

banned state sanctioned prayer in public schools and declared state required loyalty oaths unconstitutional

Describe the Limited Test ban Treaty

barred nuclear testing in the atmosphere

Bureau of Indian Affairs

began a voluntary relocation program to help Native Americans resettle in cities

Who is Rosa Parks?

black seamstress who refused to give up her bus seat to a white man; sparked a boycott of the entire bus system

What is consumerism?

buying material goods

What was Dr. Jonas Salk's impact on baby boomers?

developed a vaccine for the crippling disease poliomyelitis

Hot line

direct phone line between White House and Kremlin

the 1964 civil rights act prohibited what?

discrimination and allows enforcement

What did the Alliance for Progress offer

economic and technical assistance to Latin american countries

What did the Indian Reorganization Act mandated in changes?

economic, cultural, political

What helped the economy recover?

economy boomed as demands of goods and services outstripped the supply; increased production created new jobs

The beat movement

expressed the social and literary nonconformity of artists and poets

What did Medicaid accomplish

extended health insurance to welfare recipients

What did African American leaders consider as their priorities?

federal antilynching law, abolition of the poll tax as a voting requirement, establishment of a permanent body to prevent racial discrimination in hiring

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

government agency that regulates and licenses television, telephone, telegraph, radio, and other communication industries

Why were poor people unable to find decent housing, despite the building boom in 1950?

housing shortages and unwelcoming atmosphere

what was the cause of the economy spurs?

the Massive tax cuts

Who is Lyndon Baines Johnson?

the Vice president of John F. Kennedy who became president

Kennedy surrounded himself with a team of advisors called?

the best and the brightest

What is Catholicism?

the faith, practice, and church order of the Roman Catholic Church

Who is Yuri A. Gagarin?

the first man in space in 1961

What was the effect of automania?

the interstate highway system was created

What allowed Mexican braceros (hired hands) to enter US to harvest crop?

the shortage of agricultural laborers when US entered WWII

Kennedy's success in the debate launched a new era in American politics called?

the television age

What is reapportionment?

the way in which states redraw election districts based on the changing number of people in them

What is the purpose of the Economic opportunity act

to create a head start program for underprivileged preschoolers

What were the economic crisis?

unemployment increased, inflation, goods shortages, low wages

What is the baby boom?

unprecedented population explosion as soldiers returned from WWII and settled into family life

How did women's roles and opportunities differ in 1950s?

women's career opportunities tended to be limited to fields such as nursing, teaching, and office support; women earned less than men; increasing numbers attended four year colleges

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