US History Chapter 15: Conquering a Continent, 1860-1890

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Which city became newly integrated into the national railroad network after 1870?


What did Oglala Sioux chief Red Cloud accomplish in 1868?

He convinced the United States to withdraw troops from the Bozeman Trail.

Why did the U.S. government establish Yellowstone National Park in 1872?

The easterners worried about western overdevelopment.

As a solution to the agricultural problems of the Great Plains, in his 1879 Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States, John Wesley Powell

advocated large-scale, government-supported irrigation projects

What problem plagued homesteaders of the Great Plains in the 1880s?

lack of rain

What federal department did Congress create in 1862 to conduct research and provide advice to farmers?


Why did Democrats support lowering tariff rates after the Civil War?

Access to cheaper European goods was being restricted.

During the 1870s, what decimated the vast herds of buffalo that had roamed the Great Plains?

Animal diseases and overhunting by whites

How did the United States persuade the Japanese to open trade relations?

By wielding naval power to persuade the Japanese to sign a treaty

Which state or territory would a silver-seeking prospector most likely be attracted to in the 1850s


How did post-Civil War U.S. foreign policies regarding Latin America differ from pre-Civil War U.S. policy?

Emphasis was placed on trade over direct conquest.

Readers of Frederick Jackson Turner's essay on the frontier in American history believed that, in contrast to European nations, the United States had avoided what practice?


What explains the popularity of the Ghost Dance movement in the 1880s?

Its promise of Indian resurrection

Who was the one-armed Civil War veteran who wrote a famous book on western land conditions in 1878?

John Wesley Powell

Which issue distinguished homesteading on the plains from pioneer farming in Iowa or Oregon in the antebellum years?

Land speculation

Why was the General Mining Act of 1872 not useful in developing the West despite its generous grant of mineral resources to those who discovered them?

Large-scale operations were needed to extract many minerals. not small time pan handlers

Why were the children of the Dakotas Sioux close to starvation in the late 1850s?

Minnesota's territorial governor and Indian agents stole their provisions.

How did whites and Native peoples differ in their views toward bison on the Great Plains after the Civil War?

Native peoples valued bison meat.

Refer to the image Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West advertisement. This is Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West advertisement of 1899. Cody never called the Wild West a 'show,' placing tremendous emphasis on its allegedly authentic reenactments of events. What did the advertisement for Buffalo Bill's suggest to audiences?

Native tribes in the American West were a fierce and uncivilized race.

Through legislation such as the Homestead Act and the Morrill Act,

Republicans sought to encourage western settlement.

Which trail was a private road under army protection that served as the main route into Montana in the 1860s and 1870s?

The Bozeman Trail

What trend is evident in the three maps of South Dakota reservations?

The diminishment of lands guaranteed to the Sioux

Why did the United States switch from a bimetallic standard to a gold standard in 1873?

The discovery of immense silver deposits in the West

For the nation that mourned him, what era did the life and career of William T. Sherman seem to encompass?

The era of conquest

What was the basis for the development of the Far West of the United States?

The extraction of natural resources

Why did whites living in the West in the early 1860s undertake vigilante action against Native Americans on their own rather than relying on the federal government?

The government was preoccupied with the Civil War.

What might have been the purpose behind this photo taken by Edward S. Curtis of Piegan (Blackfeet) warriors Little Plume and his son Yellow Kidney?

The photographer wanted to portray their distinctly different culture.he hid watches and shovels

Why were Republicans so eager to fund the construction of a transcontinental railroad in the 1860s

They saw the failure to connect different regions via the railroad as one cause of the Civil War.

Why were Republicans so eager to fund the construction of a transcontinental railroad in the 1860s?

They saw the failure to connect different regions via the railroad as one cause of the Civil War.

Why did William Seward urge Congress to purchase refueling stations in the Pacific and the Caribbean

To support growing trade with Asia and Latin America

Why did William Seward urge Congress to purchase refueling stations in the Pacific and the Caribbean?

To support growing trade with Asia and Latin America

What was the status of land ownership in New Mexico and Arizona in the late 1800s?

Traditional land claims from Spanish colonial times were rejected in favor of new claims by Anglos.

How were the homesteaders who moved onto the plains from 1878 to 1886 misled?

Unusual weather led to farming success. 'rain follows the plow'

Based on the map of Indian country in the West up to 1890 and on your reading, what best explains the pattern of Indian land cessions in the West?

When whites saw an area as valuable, they forced Native Americans to cede it.

Why did the 1887 Dawes Severalty Act ultimately undermine its original intention?

Whites used its provisions to obtain the best Indian lands.

With regard to Indians, the core of President Grant's peace policy in the 1870s was


why did Seatlle and Portland boom?

because they were the gateway to the big gold rushes alaska and klondikes

Unlike most European countries, the United States decided to finance railroads through

private investors.

Based on the map of Indian country in the West up to 1890 and on your reading, what best explains the pattern of Indian land cessions in the West?

when whites saw an area as valuable, they forced Native Americans to cede it.

what ended the Long Drive of cattle from Texas to Missouri in the 1870s?


Although in the late 1800s critics decried the ways in which government spending aided the accumulation of enormous private wealth, they acknowledged that the giant railroad companies that received these funds

benefited the economy.

How did whites respond to the result of the 1876 Battle of Little Big Horn?

justified in american conquest of Indian 'savages'

Which 1876 battle was the last major Indian military victory against white encroachment on the Great Plains?

little Big Horn

What was a major difference between the settlement of the Great Plains and of mining camps and cattle ranches?

more women on the plains and farms, part of the family

Railroads built in the United States after 1870 were primarily located in

the trans-Mississippi west.

why did they believe that indian children should be educated away from the reservation?

they felt they could not be educated and trained around their families.

Railroads built in the United States after 1870 were primarily located in

trans-mississippi west

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