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Recommended serving size (tablespoons) for food

- One tablespoon for each year is recommended of solid food per year of age

Erikson: developmental task: school age

- Other people heavily influence the child's development. The child's leadership abilities and popularity depend on successfully controlling the environment - By learning to be productive, self-directing, and accepted at school and in society, the child gains a positive self-concept

Perceived loss

- Perceived loss, such as the loss of confidence or when a woman who hopes to give birth to a female child delivers a male child instead, is less obvious; are easily overlooked or misunderstood, yet the associated process of grief follows the same sequence as with losses that are considered actual or "real"

Pincer grasp

- Pincer grasps: coordination of index finger and thumb is well established - At age 8 months' old the pincer action is developed - By age 1 well established

Therapeutic play

- Play can be therapeutic and aid in the recovery process - Art allows for creative expression - Play is the work of children - Hospital playroom are used by children who do not have communicable illnesses (ex. Measles or a draining wound) - Computer games - Play is the "work" of children

School Age: social development & play preferences

- Prefer friends of their own sex and usually prefer the company of their friends of that of their brothers and sisters - Displays of affection by adult are embarrassing - Self-esteem becomes important in the developmental process - Children are evaluated according to their social contribution, such as ability to get good grades, hit home runs, or ears a "yellow belt"

Parenting the adolescent

- Reflective listening - I messages - Exploring alternatives - Natural a logical consequence

Young adult

18-35 years old

When does the posterior fontanelle close?

2-3 months

The average age when toilet training is complete is

2-3 years

Because caloric requirements are decreased in the toddler, the suggested amount of daily milk intake is

24 ounces


3-5 or 6

At what age do children begin to have refined motor skills, such as cutting with scissors?

4 years

An infant's birthweight is expected to double around the age

6 months

At what age should solid food be introduced to infants?

6 months

Dental caries can be prevented by initiating the use of fluoride after age

6 months



Around what age do infant normally begin to experience separation anxiety?



65-74 year old

middle older adults


at what age do the child's arms and hands seem to grow faster than the rest of their body

8 year old

At what age are hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills well-established and movements graceful and coordinated?

8-10 years

older adults


Which of the following indicates that a communication disorder may be present?

A 14-month-old does not babble and make sounds

At a well-baby visit, parents of a 6-month-old ask when to take the infant for the first dental visit. What is the nurse's best response?

A dental visit by 1 year of age is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

Parents of a 5-year-old tell the nurse they are concerned about their child's speech development by stating, "No one can understand him but us." What clinical classification of speech disorder​ does the nurse suspect.

Expressive language delay

Middle adult stage for Erikson

Generativity vs Stagnation

A 55-year-old man is extremely fearful of the effects of growing old. He is experiencing:


A 70-year-old woman who was recently widowed expresses a desire to go back to school and finish the degree she started before her children were born. What response is most appropriate?

Going back to school will keep you engaged and active

What would be the signal that a problem is occurring due to the perceptual process?

Letter confusion


an increase in physical size, measured in feet or meters, and pounds or kilograms

In terms of gender identity, some adults develop a concept of gender identity that includes both masculine and feminine qualities. This known as


Nurses can assist parents and children with sex education through careful listening and


which is the best example of guiding the next generation

being financially responsible


birth to 1 year

Which of the following goods inhibits iron absorption in adolescents


Breastfed babies require feeding more often because

breast milk is more easily digested than formula

which of the following nutrients is an adolescent most likely to likey to receive inadequate amounts of


In infants, fat and cholesterol aid in the development of the

central nervous system

Competitive play

children at this age start to accept competition with structured rules and highly interactive physical activity

Cooperative play

children play with each other, each taking a specific role "your mommy and I'll be daddy"

What will the nurse advise a parent to do when introducing solid foods?

introduce each new food 4-7 days apart

Parallel play differs rom group play because

involves no other playmate

A person given durable power of attorney is someone who

is an agent who makes health care decisions for a patient

which organs can be harvested for organ donation

kidney, pancreas, liver, and heart

Which of the following is a characteristic of a successful adult

learning from past experiences

Physiologic anemia can occur in infant due to

loss of maternal iron stores


peers, parents, pot alcohol cigarettes education

The coordination of index finger and thumb is called

pincer grasp

Bedtime habit should include

specific rituals



Infant: age definition

4 weeks to 1 year

which of the following statements indicate that more sex education is needed?

"I found a chat room that explains sex"

Which of the following statements, if made by an adolescent, might be cause for concern?

"my best friend is moving 3000 miles away"


• refers to the process by which information is acquired, stored, stored shared; including state of consciousness, general appearance and behavior, orientation, memory language, intelligence, perception, insight and problem-solving ability, judgment, attention span, and mood and affect • intellectual task such as thinking, remembering, perceiving, communication and calculating • people think cognitive abilities decline in old age; only some people experience deficits, and decline occurs at different times in their lives; generalizations about cognitive decline in older adults is inappropriate • intelligence and learning is possible throughout the lifetime • teaching strategies may need modification, and learning may require reinforcement because of fthe age related changes in the sense and nervous system - if you don't use it you'll lose it; its not the age its if you exercise the skills

Introducing solids to infants

- 4-7 days apart allergies apart and should be single ingredients - small amounts are offered at first (1 teaspoonful) - rice cereal should be offered first because it is less allergenic - Between 4-6 months - Delay allergenic food: fish, nuts, honey, strawberries, chocolate, and egg white, orange juice (1-year-old) - Fruit juices besides OJ is offered at age 5-6 months

School-age child/industry demonstrated by

- Accepts importance of child's peers; parents must learn to accept some rejection from child at times. Patience is needed to allow children to do for themselves, even if it takes longer. Do not do the school project for the child and provide chores for child appropriate to his or her age level. They are learning to win recognition by producing things, exploring, collecting. Learning to relate to own sex


- Accidents are still a major threat during the years form 3-5 years - May suffer injuries from a bad fall - Shoes should have rubber soles, and purchased when the tread of older shoes becomes smooth - Stairways must be kept clutter free - Toys must be sturdy and age appropriate - Do not enter the house if the door is ajar or if anything looks unusual - Do not leave the house or yard without permission - Never admit a stranger into the house - Never agree to meet with someone you met online - Never respond to messages on the computer that sounds weird - Do not display keys; keep door locked - Answer the telephone according to the parents' teaching (parents are busy, not "out") - Do not take shortcuts to school through alleys or across train tracks - Walk to and from school with friends - Never accept rides with strangers - Know how to reach a trusted adult - Follow first aid techniques taught by parents; know how to call 911 - Review fire safety rules and the route of escape; walk through the procedure with your parents - Know and obey basic safety rules

Adolescence daydreaming

- Adolescents spend a lot of time daydreaming in the solitude of their rooms or during class lectures - Normal behavior and natural; harmless - Several purposes: adolescence is a lonely age, daydreaming helps to fill the void - Daydreaming are also a valuable safety valve for the expression of strong feelings - Acting out what will be said or done in various situation prepares adolescents to interact with others so they can better cope with real situation

Daydreaming: adolescence

- Adolescents spend a lot of time daydreaming in the solitude of their rooms or during class lectures - Normal behavior and natural; harmless - Several purposes: adolescence is a lonely age, daydreaming helps to fill the void - Daydreaming are also a valuable safety valve for the expression of strong feelings - Acting out what will be said or done in various situation prepares adolescents to interact with others so they can better cope with real situation


- Although regression of bowel and bladder training is common during hospitalization, personnel often contribute to it by not taking time to investigate the child's needs - When the child reverts back to an undeveloped stage

Imaginary friends

- An imaginary friend/playmate are common and normal during the preschool period and serve many purposes, such as relief from loneliness, mastery of feats, and provision of a "scapegoat"

Erikson's stage: toddler

- Autonomy Vs Shame and Doubt - 1-3 year - Based on a continuum of trust established during infancy - Along with toddler's increasing independence and curiosity to explore the widening environment come many challenging tasks to be mastered, including toilet, training, self-feeding, and speech development - Trying out own powers of speech - Beginning acceptance of reality vs. pleasure principle

Pediatric death/fear of abandonment

- Be aware of how children view or understand death, both their own and that of others - Children are usually unaware; tell them the truth in language they can understand and be allowed to share fears, feelings and opinions; need reassurance from their nurse that they will not suffer or be abandoned and left alone

Secondary sex characteristics: female

- Become more apparent before the menarche - Fat is deposited in the hips, thighs, breasts, causing them to enlarge

Sources of stress: adolescents

- Bodies are rapidly changing - Experiencing intense sexual drives - Want to be accepted by society but not sure how to attain this goal - Questions life and tries to find a sense of identity - Adjusting to rapid physical and physiological changes - Maintain privacy - Coping with social stress and pressures - Maintaining open communications - Developing positive health care practices and lifestyle choices

Pets for allergies

- Cats are the most allergen offender; often are secreted in the saliva and by sebaceous glands onto the cat hair skin - Shar Peis, terriers, Labrador retrievers, and pit bulls - Young neutered female dogs produce fewer allergens than older unneutered males - Risks can be minimized by frequent bathing and by keeping pet outdoors or at least out of the child's bed bedroom - 3 % tannic acid spray to carpets and furniture can reduce the allergen potential of cat dander - desensitization of the child by an allergist is also an option

Safety hazard: adolescence

- Chief hazard to the adolescent is the automobile - Road and off road vehicle accidents kill and cripple adolescents - Should wear helmets when riding motorcycles, motor scooters, or motorbikes - Should learn how to swim and practice swimming safety - Accidents occur when driving in unsafe areas, using alcohol or drugs, while swimming and from unsafe jet skis

Adolescents and peer relationships

- Cliques: small, exclusive groups form; of unisex friends - Has "best friend" - Hero worship - Has adult "crushes" - Begins dating - Has need to please significant peer - Develops heterosexual peer group - Values individual relationships - Partner selection

Piaget: cognitive development stage: school age

- Concreate operations: involve logical thinking and an understanding of cause and effect


- Controlled anger reactions - Often occur during the toddler years, and parent responses reinforce to the child either the desirability or the risks involved with such behaviors - Adults make firm decisions, the problem is resolved, at least for the time being - The child feels secure - Be consistent - Tantrums are less frequent at 3-year-old - Tantrums to relieve frustrations to become a coping mechanism if they are successful

Safe snack food: toddler

- Debone fish and chicken - Avoid: popcorn, nuts, small candies, chewing gum, or large chunks of meant, such as hot dogs - If child is vomiting turn him to her side

Cephalocaudal development

- Development proceeds from head to toe

Toddlers: egocentrism

- Egocentrism: a type of thinking in which children have difficulty seeing any point of view other than their own. Because children's knowledge and understanding are restricted to their own limited experiences, misconceptions arise.

Bedtime habits

- Engage the child in quite activities before bedtime, to maintain specific ritual that signal bedtime readiness (such as story telling) - Verbal state after this story, it will be bed time." - The use of a night light, a favorite bedtime toy, or a glass of water at the bedside is an option - Attention getting behavior that results in taking the child into parents bed should be discouraged

Falls/accidental death

- Falls are the leading cause of accidental death at age 65 - Caused by a combination of an environmental factor such as wet floor or stairs and a physiological problem such as impaired vision or cognition or gait

Benefits of play

- Important to the physical, mental, emotional and social development - They use energy and develop self-confidence - Other types of play help children learn color, shapes, sizes, and texture and can teach creativity - Increases communication with other children

Piaget: cognitive stage of adolescence

- Jean Piaget: the adolescent is in the stage of formal operations and therefore has the ability to reason logically and abstractly. The adolescent is oriented toward problem solving

Masturbation: 4 yr olds

- Masturbation is common in both genders - Experiences pleasurable sensations, which lead to a repetition of the behavior - Considered harmless if child is outgoing, sociable, and not preoccupied with the activity - Child should know that masturbation is not acceptable in public, but this must be explained in a non-threating manner - Educate parents consists of assuring them that this behavior is a form of sexual curiosity and is normal and not harmful to the child

9 yr old characteristics

- More dependable, shows more interest in family activities - Assume more responsibility for personal belongs and younger siblings - They resist adult authority and do not coincide with the opinions or ideals of the group; but can accept criticism for their actions - Worries and mild compulsions are common; nervous habits, sometimes referred to as tic may appear ¬ Eye blinking, facial grimacing, and shoulder shrugging - Hand and eye coordination is well developed - Sleeps about 10 hours - Permanent teeth erupting - Competitive sports are still popular: reading. Listening to music, watching TV, playing online computer games, and texting - Boys develop muscle mass than girls as puberty approaches - Children know the date and repeat months of year in order - Can multiply and simple division and are ready for more complex math

Signs of well-nourished child

- Nearly always show steady gains in weight and height - Are alert; Have: shiny hair, no fatigue circles beneath the eyes, skin color within normal limits, flat abdomen, an erect posture, well-developed muscles, mouth and gum mucous membranes that are firm and pink (not swollen or bleeding), have no mouth or tongue lesions, teeth are erupting on schedule, generally good appetite and eliminate regularly, sleep well at night, have energy and vitality and are not irritable.

Solid food introduction guideline

- Nursing Tip: whole milk and "imitation milk" should not be given to infants until after 1-year age - Cereal and baby food should not be mixed in a bottle with formula - New solid foods should be introduced before the milk feedings to encourage the infant to try the new experience. As solid food intake increases, the amount of formula or milk should be decreased to avoid overfeeding.


100 or more age

Parent guidance: adolescence

- Reflective listening: showing you don't understand adolescent's feelings; used when adolescent "owns" problem - "I" message: communicating your feelings about how adolescent's behavior affect you; used when you own problem - Exploring alternatives: helping adolescents decide how to solve problems they own. Negotiating agreements with adolescent when you own problem - Natural and logical consequences: permitting adolescents, within limits, to decide how they will behave and allowing them to experience consequences. Natural consequences apply when adolescent owns problem. Logical consequences apply when either parent or adolescent owns problem

Bone density testing

- Regular weight-bearing exercise lay the foundation for later life - Bone density testing helps identify older women at risk for fractures and points the way to instituting preventive measures

Adolescence: self image

- Self-concept • Low self-esteem • Denial of reality • Impulsive • Impatient • Identify confusion • Positive self-image • Empathic • Independent thinker

Self-feeding: toddlers

- Serving size is 1 tablespoon of solid food per year of age - Chopped into fine pieces - Various foods are offered - Finger foods

Adolescent psychosocial milestones/developmental tasks

- Sigmund Freud: Adolescent is in genital stage, the final stage of psychosexual development; self-love (narcissism) diminishes; love for others (altruism) develops - Erik Erikson: the adolescent's main concerns are self-definition and self-esteem; the adolescent experiences an identity crisis brought on by physical (including sexual) changes and conflict about future choices and expectations of others. The adolescent must adapt to these changes and develop a new self-concept and appropriate vocational choices. The adolescent learns to understand self in relation to others' perception and expectations Jean Piaget: the adolescent is in the stage of formal

Sleep position: SIDS prevention

- Sleep on their back (supine position) - Sleep on a firm mattress

Weight prediction: toddler

- The toddler gains 1.8 to 2.7 kg (4 to 6 pounds) per year - The birth weight is quadrupled by 2.5 years of age

Offering choices- toddler

- Toddlers test their power by saying "no" frequently (called negativism) - Offering limited choices and making use of distraction can be helpful strategies in handling use of distraction can be helpful strategies in handling toddlers; too many choices can cause confusion. - Developing self-control and socially acceptable outlets for aggression and anger are important factors in the formation of personality and behavior - For example: either blue or red shirt

Weight prediction: infant

- Triples in weight at age 12 months - Doubles 6 months - Quadruples by age 2.5 - Infant that has tripled his or her birth weight at 1 year has doubled the 1-year weight by age 5 • If an infant is 20 pounds by his/her first birthday, he/she will be 40 pounds (double) on fifth birthday

Bladder training readiness

- Voluntary control of anal and urethral sphincters begins around 18 to 24 months of age - If the child wakes up dry in the morning or after naptime, it is an indication of maturity - Must be able to communicate in some fashion that they are wet or need to urinate or defecate - They must be willing to sit on the potty for several minutes at a time - Must begin when the toddler stays dry about 2 hours at time - If the toddler has gone the entire night without wetting

Solid food: toddlers

- When toddler feed themselves promotes independence; can feed themselves - When you focus on picky eaters it promotes distributions and is not as relaxing; don't force them to eat - Toddler likes finger food - Food is neutral temperature - Sweets (candy, cake, and soda) between meals should be avoided - Food chopped in fine pieces - Try to plan contrasts of colors and textures - Various food should be offered

Common adult mental health disorders

- adjustment disorder, anxiety disorders, cognitive disorders: delirium, dementia, amnesia, dissociative disroders, mental disorders resulting from general medical condtion, mood disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenia and other pschotic disorders, sexual and gender identy disorders, sleep disorders, somatoform disorders, substance-related disrorders

TTo respectfully and effectively provide health teaching to the older adult, which actions should be employed?

- ask clients to repeat message - break complex tasks into small, pertinent steps

3-4 yr olds: concept of death

- begin to wonder about death and dying - may pretend to be the hero who shoots the intruder dead - they may actually witness a situation which an animal is killed - the view of the family is important to the interpretation of this complex phenomenon acquainted with death through objects with no particular significance to them such as flowers die at the end of summer - children realize that others die but they don't relate death to themselves - parents should be casual and reassure them that people do not generally die until they have lived a long and happy life - encourage questions that will help them to accept the truth

3 yr old characteristics

- helpful and can assist in household chores - temper tantrums less frequent; less erratic - better able to direct primitive instincts - can help dress themselves, use the toilet, was their hands, and eat independently - talk in longer sentences - able to express thoughts and ask questions - play in loosely associated groups: associative play - highly imaginative play - begin to lose interest in mother and prestige of the father begins - develop romantic attachment to parent of opposite gender - identify themselves with parent of same gender - becomes angry when someone tries to take their possessions - resents being distributed during play - are sensitive and feeling are easily hurt - has fear of bodily harm - parallel play: playing independently within groups

The average pulse rate of infants under 1 year of age is

100-118 beats per min

5 yr old: safe chores

- use car seats or seat belt restraints - should not be asked to do anything that is potentially dangerous - should not carry a glass container or sharp knife to the kitchen sink - poisoning is still dangerous; children imitate sample pills - run to the house if a strange driver stops them - setting the table with plastic paper

9 yr old sleep requirement

-10 hours a night

Early adulthood leading cause of death

-Accidents are the leading cause of disability and death in this age group. Commonly result from work, vehicle, and sports accidents and from violence.

Intellectual development in the older person

-Adults to continue to grow intellectually if they use their abilities to think; people who exercise their intellects have few losses of mental ability; people who do not engage in productive mental activities may experience a decline in a intellectual performance as they age

Disengagement theory of aging

-Aging is a process in which older adults and society gradually withdraw from each other to the mutual satisfaction of both

Infants/sitting alone

-At 8 months is able to sit steady with back straight

Older adults/uncomfortable sexual intercourse

-If individuals continue to be sexually active on a regular basis, they retain the capability to respond sexually -Intercourse is difficult or uncomfortable because of vaginal dryness, suggest use of estrogen creams or water-soluble lubricants to relieve the discomfort

Democratic family function

-In this family function the adult member's functions as equal. As is often true in other types of families, children are treated with respect and recognized as individuals. Encourages joint decision making, and it recognizes supports the uniqueness of each individual member. This family pattern favors negotiation, compromise, and growth

Which age category is characterized by disorganization and children who are intense, observant, all-knowing, energetic, meddlesome, and argumentative

11-12 years


12-18 years

An infant's birth weight is 7 pounds, 8 ounces. What can the nurse project the weight to be at 6 months?

15 pounds; it doubles

Quiet time/meal time: toddlers

-Quiet time before meals provides an opportunity for the child to "wind down"

Piaget: preschool age: cognitive development stage/characteristics

-This occurs at age 4 and 7 years, intuitive thinking develops and the child begins to think logically; they see things as either good or bad; uses symbols to present objects. They use trial and error to discover and adopt new traits and characteristics. Magical thoughts are typical and believe that wishes have the power to make things happen; feels powerful and responsible for this that occur. During this stage child needs trustworthy guidance to distinguish truth from fantasy. Common fears that manifest at this stage include fear of thunder, lightening, the dark, pain abandonment

Whole milk/infants

-Whole milk should not be introduced before 1 year of age. Low fat milk should not be introduced before 2 years of age, as fat are needed to complete neurological development


-a normal progressive, age-associated loss of hearing acuity, speech intelligibility, auditory threshold, and pitch

Stages of dying Denial

-individual acts as though nothing has happened and may refuse to believe or understand loss has occurred

Growth spurts: gender differences

-the final 20% of mature height that is achieved during adolescences; usually occurs by age 18 -it commonly occurs about age 12/13 in girls


Adaption, Partnership, Growth, Affection, Resolve

A type of play that helps children communicate their feelings by drawings is called?

Art therapy

Which condition may cause the older adult to develop hypertension?


The nurse is planning a safety program for high school students. To what will the nurse relay that most accidental deaths in adolescence are related.


A mother reports that she and her husband have had one child together, but both have children from previous marriages living in their home. T​he nurse will base the care planning on what type of family?

Blended family

What type of development is the nurse assessing when an infant lift his or her head before he/she can sit?


Which developmental pattern proceeds from head to toe?

Cephalocaudal development

Most common cause of dementia

Common cause is Alzheimer's disease

Which stage of cognitive development is a 9-year-old child, in according to Piaget?

Concrete operations

Which thought process involves logical thinking for the school-age child and understand the different stages of development stages of development based on the developmental theorists?

Concrete operations

Which toy would be appropriate for a 4-year-old diagnosed with pneumonia to bring to the hospital?

Crayons and coloring book

The developmental screening test used for children under the first 6 years of life is the

Denver II

immunocompromised children are at risk of contracting illnesses spread by some type of animals because the animals cannot be screened for potential pathogens, have few vaccines, and are most likely to transmit disease. For these reasons, which animal below is the best choice of a companion for an immunocompromised child?


Older adult stage for Erikson

Ego Integrity vs Despair

An example of gross motor skill is

Hopping on one foot

A 16-year-old excitedly tells his parents that he was offered a part-time job. Which represents an effective problem-solving approach for his parents?

How do you think you will manage your school work and a job

Which condition may lead to weight gain?


The nurse discusses child-proofing the home for safety with the mother of a 9 month-old. Which statement made by the mother would indicate an unsafe behavior?

In the car, she rides in a front-facing seat; it is not allowed until 2 years or the weight limit is met.

Erikson identifies intimacy as a developmental task of adulthood. Which will occur if intimacy is not established?


A 13 year old states, "the girls in my class tower over me." What would be the nurse's most informative response?

It may seem that way because girls have a growth spurt 2 years earlier than boys

When musculoskeletal problem causes the individual to stoop forward


What instruction would the nurse include when planning anticipatory guidance for parents of a toddler?

Limit-setting should include praise

The hierarchy of basic needs was developed by


What is a unique organization of characteristics that determine an individual's pattern of behavior?


What would the nurse further investigate when assessing patterns of growth in a child?

Previous weight was in the 75 percentile, and present weight is the 25 percentile

Which developmental pattern proceeds from the center of the body outward to the extermities?

Proximodistal development

Which of the following is an effective guideline for managing toddler behavior issues?

Reward good behavior

Placing infants in the supine position helps to prevent


Removal of what helps the individual with pneumonia


A parent remarks, "My 18-month-old daughter carries her blanket around everywhere is this normal?" What is the best explanation a nurse who has an understanding of toddler development might give?

She carries her blanket because she is ritualistic

A parent comments that her adolescent daughter seems to be daydreaming a lot. What does the nurse understand this behavior to indicate regarding their daughter?

She is mentally preparing or real situations

A technique to soothe an irritable or colicky infant is to

Slowly rock the infant

Primary prevention focus

Stresses exercise to prevent cardiovascular disease, falls, and depression. Also includes recommended vaccination. - quit smoking, well balanced diet without sugar, fat or alcohol

What type of relationship parents of a 10 year old boy about the most developmentally supportive experiences for their son. What is the best experience for this child according to Erikson's theory

Successful performance in Little League

The parents of an 8-year-old tell the nurse the child wakes the household crying out during his frequent nightmares. What is the nurse's most helpful response to explain nightmares?

They are normal extension of the child's fear mutilation

A preschool-age child is asked, "why do trees have leaves?" which response would be an example of animism?

To hide behind when they are scared

What will help prevent pressure ulcers?

Turning every 2 hours

Which disease is increasing in incidence among older adults

Type 2 diabetes


a defect in vision in advancing age that involves loss of accommodation or the recession of near point caused by loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens and the ensuing change in close vision

Loss is best described as

a portion of oneself becoming no longer availble


a progressive increase in the function of the body

one characteristic of cognitive development during adolescence is the emergence of

abstract thinking

Latchkey children are those left unsupervised after school because of parents or extended family members work outside the home. They are at a higher risk of feeling isolated and subject to a higher rate of


The leading cause of death in childhood is


Developmental tasks of early adulthood

achieves independence, both financial and social, maximizes personal worth and identity, develops meaningful and satisfying social relationships, assumes responsibilities and independent decision making, learns to balance personal needs and societal expectations, accepts self and others, distinguishes physical attraction from love and permanent commitment, decides on a marriage, career, and children

the period of life from 18 to 65 years is


Euthanasia means

deliberately ending a patient's life

Passive euthanasia means

deliberately ending a patient's life


development proceeds from head to toe

The term that describes daytime wetting is


Thanatology is the study of

dying and death

Adult growth and development includes

emotional development, intellectual development, socail development

One of the best ways to promote the mastery of language in the preschool child is to

engage in interactive reading

secondary sex characteristics for girls

fat is deposited in the hips, thighs, and breast causing them to enlarge


from midline to the periphery; development proceeds from the center of the body to the periphery

The difference between grief and bereavement is

grief is a response to a loss, and bereavement is a depressed response to death

Developing intimacy in adolescence is tied to resolving one's


emancipation is critical to the establishment of


Studies have documented that after the age 7, children can be responsible for the care of a family pet and that pet

improve medical outcomes after surgery

Newborns increase cardiac output by

increasing heart rate

One of the five I's of psychosocial development during adolescence is


Stages of dying Depression

individual fells overwhelmingly lovely and withdraws from interpersonal interaction

Which of the following focuses on the young adult's ability to solve abstract problems

intellectual development

Young Adult Erikson stages

intimacy vs isolation - seeks companionship - moving toward heterosexuality -Separation from family integrating personality

An adult's religious and spiritual belief often are reexamined in the light of his or her own


Which element of the integumentary system becomes brittle and thick


A nurse would be concerned about parenting patterns when she hears parents state?

negative comments only

The visiting nurse is at home of an 88-year-old woman whose physician is concerned that she is losing weight. while performing an assessment, the nurse discovers that the client's dentures are ill-fitting and this makes eating painful. The client claimed she informed her daughter of this, but the daughter is too busy to take her to the dentist. The nurse is concerned that this is a possible sign of"



ninth gestational week to brith

An effective method of encouraging positive behavior involves

offering a reward

A guideline for amount of solid food per meal is

one tablespoon of solid food per year of age

The nurse is performing a routine physical assessment on a 25-year-old understand patient is most likel​y experiencing ​which of the following?

optimal level of functions

The nurse observed three toddlers playing side by side with dolls. Closer observation revealed that children were not interacting with one another. What type of play is this?


Parallel play

playing next to, but not with, their peers

In order for toddlers to learn how to play safely, allow them to play

pots and pans

A person who lacks the resources essential to living is


Preferred social interaction: school age

prefer the same sex friends and friends over their siblings

A common characteristic of toddlers is

preforming rituals

the skin is at risk for ___________ in the older population.

pressure ulcers

An 8-month-old infant should be able

pull to a standding position

An abnormal physical development in a child between 3 and 5 years of age would be

pulse rate of 50 beats per min

for hygienic reasons, adolescents should not share


blended family

remarriage of persons with children

What type of relationships are the preferred social interactions for the school-age child

same-sex peer groups

In the area of intimacy, young adults who are struggling with their identities are likely to

seek serial relationships

Although pet ownership may nurture a sense of responsibility and encourage socialization with shy children, which of the following is essential?

selecting an appropriate pet for the family

What tasks would be appropriate to expect of a 5-year-old

setting the table with paper plates

In the area of internal problem for adults is

single parenting

An antibiotic that stains developing teeth is


A living will is a written document

that contains the patient's wishes

What would the nurse assessing growth and development of a 2-year-old child expect to find?

the child jumps with both feet

An example of an internal developmental problem for adults is

the inability to establish a strong personal identity

"Catch up" refers to

the process by which a child who has been sick or malnourished and whose growth has slowed or stopped experiences a period of more rapid growth after recovery as the body attempts to compensate


the total way in which a person grows and develops as dictated by inheritance

The parents of a 4-year-old boy are concerned because they have noticed him frequently touching his penis. What knowledge would act as the basis for the nurse's response?

this behavior indicates a normal curiosity about sexuality

Why is it important for the nurse to perform an assessment of the five aspects of human functioning?

to provide adequate care to the patient and family who are experiencing death

A PACE interview can assist in determining if an adolescent is

using drugs or alcohol

standing in one place for long periods of type causes

venous stasis

Which behavior reported by a parent of an 18 month old toddler would the nurse report to the pedatrican as a cause for concern?

walks by holding onto furniture

An assessment of a child's nutritional status reveals the child is alert, with shiny hair, firm gums, firm mucous membranes. and regular elimination. How would this child's nutritional status be described?

well nourished

what is bereavement overload?

when someone has experienced multiple losses and is not processing them

Biologic theories explain

why the body ages

A 3-year-old child, while playing with his favorite toy in the playroom of the pediatric unit, is approached by another child who also wants to play with the same toy. What behavior will the nurse anticipate from this child?

will become angry and a physical response might ensue

A rear-facing car seat is needed for infants

younger than 1 year

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