Water Treatment Class B Regulations

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The prohibition on the use of lead for any plumbing in a residential or nonresidential facility connected to a public water system that monitors water for human consumption does not apply to repair of ______ _______ pipes using _______joints

repair of Cast Iron pipes using leaded joints.

Water systems must provide at least ______ removal or inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts between a point where the raw water is not subject to recontamination e surface water runoff and a point downstream before or at the first customer.


If a water system does not collect a sample for unregulated contaminant monitoring according to federal instructions for a listed contaminant, the failure must be reported to the UCMR sampling coordinator or state within ______days

7 day

The time from sample collection to initiation of the fecal coliform analysis may not exceed ______hours


Composite samples for organic compounds must be composited be the _________ within ____ days of sample collection.

Lab within 14 days

Samples collected for Nitrite-Nitrate analysis should be preserved be reducing the pH to less than _____with _______ ______ and refrigerating.

Less than 2 with sulfuric acid

_______ _________ is the best available technology for removing radium-226 and radium-228 from a water supply

Lime Softening

A small water system that has been granted a full waiver for lead and copper monitoring is required to monitor for lead and copper once every _______years

9 years

Asbestos samples are reserved by lowering the temperature to _______ degrees Celsius.

< 4 degrees Celsius

The turbidity leaving a slow sand filter must be ______NTU in 95% of the measurements collected each month.

<1.0 NTU

Water systems monitoring for lead and copper and water quality parameters must report all the results within the first _____ days following each monitoring period.

10 days

When a public water system must notify its customers under the public notification rule, it has ______ days to notify the state primacy agency of full compliance with the public notification requirements.

10 days

Large water system ( >100,000 people served ) can reduce the number of lead and copper sample sites following ______consecutive 6 month monitoring periods when all results were below the action level.

2 consecutives 6-month monitoring periods

Samples to be analyzed for total coliforms by the total coliform fermentation technique, must be kept below _______degrees Celsius during transit.

10 degrees Celsius

In order to apply for monitoring waiver, a system must have ________consecutive annual samples with non-detectable results for organic contaminants


Public water systems using ground water must collect samples for sodium every ______years at the entry point into the system

3 years

The maximum residual disinfection level goal for chlorine is _________.

4 mg/L

Systems using diatomaceous earth filtration are required to have turbidity levels _______NTU in ______% of the measurements collected each month.

<1.0 NTU in 95%

A water system monitoring corrosion control water quality parameter due to exceeding action level for lead and copper can reduce their sample frequency from every 6 months to once every ________if they maintain optimal corrosion control treatment.

Every Year

Color gives the water an unappealing appearance and indicates the ________ ________ may be present

dissolved organics

Surface water treatment plants must achieve a ________ inactivation or removal of viruses before the water reaches the first service connection


Water systems must provide at least _____ removal or inactivation of viruses between a point where the raw water is not subject to recontamination by surface water runoff and a point downstream before or at the first customer.


Water systems that collect less than _____ coliform samples each month can have 1 positive sample and remain in compliance.


A water supplier must report the failure to comply with any national primary drinking water regulation, including monitoring requirements, to the state primacy agency within _______hours of occurrence.

48 hours

A public water system that does not provide filtration must have a disinfection concentration in the distribution system, measured as total chlorine, combined chlorine, or chlorine dioxide, which cannot be undetectable in more than ______% of the samples each.

5 %

___ ________ of total coliform samples can be positive, for systems that collect 40 or more samples each month, and the system will remain in compliance.

5 percent

Water systems avoiding filtration of source water must show that the turbidity of the source water immediately before initial point of disinfection has not exceeded _____NTU in ______% of the samples analyzed in the previous 6 months

5.0 NTU in 90% of the samples

Even though it is not currently regulated an all states, the USEPA recommends water systems using groundwater as a source to collect samples for hexavalent chromium (chromium-6 ) on a ________-_______basis,


Lab analysis of pH, turbidity temperature, and residual disinfectant concentrations must be performed by a person approved by the ________.


The only time it is acceptable for a water supplier to not report analytical results to the state is when the ________ _________ performs the analyses

State Lab

Total ________samples must be collected at sites which are representative of water quality throughout the distribution system according to a written _________ __________ _________ subject to state review and revision

Total coliform samples to be collected according to a written sample siting plan

Utilities collecting samples more frequently than annually for inorganic contaminants determine MCL compliance by calculating a _________ __________ _________ at each compliance sample point.

running annual average

Systems that collect fewer than 40 total coliform samples each month are allowed _____ positive sample without violating the total coliform rule.


A public water system serving mor than ________ people must participate in the unregulated contaminated monitoring program.


The UCMR requires water systems to monitor unregulated contaminants by collecting the required samples in one continuous __________period

12 month period

A nitrate sample can be held for _____days before analysis if the sample is chlorinated and not acidified.

14 days

Lead and copper samples collected by customers at their tabs must be acidified within _____days

14 days

A water system in considered public if it as at least _____ service connections or serves _____ or more persons ______ or more days each year

15 service connections, serves 25 or more people 60 or more days each year

System that are dosing a corrosion inhibitor because they have exceeded a lead and copper action level must monitor the dosage rate of the corrosion inhibitor every _______ ________ at the distribution system entry point.

2 weeks

Repeat samples for a positive coliform sample are required to be collected within ______hours.


The MCL for Haloacetic acids is _________mg/L

0.060 mg/L

The action level for copper is ______mg/L

1.3 mg/L

Organic contaminant samples must be collected at each _______ _______ into the distribution system

Entry Point

Radionuclide samples must be collected at each ________ ________ into the distribution system.

Entry Point

Either the _______ or a ______ ______ certifies water treatment plant laboratories for the measurement of total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and heterotrophic plate counts.

USEPA or a State Agency

High levels of _______in the water will cause a milky appearance as well as an undesirable taste.


Public water systems using surface water must sample for sodium _________.


The state may decrease the quarterly organic compound monitoring requirement to________ if it has determined that the system is reliably and consistently below the maximum contaminant level.


the maximum contaminant level for bromate is _____ mg/L


A public water system serving a population greater than 3,300 must not have a disinfectant residual entering the distribution system below_____ mg/L for more than 4 hours.

.2 mg/L

A follow up sample is required if the concentration in the composite sample i greater than or equal to _________mg/L for any contaminant listed in the national primary drinking water regulations, 141.61 (a) Organic Chemicals

0.0005 mg/L

The action level for Lead is _______mg/L

0.015 mg/L

Solder or flux is considered lead free if it does not contain more than _____% lead

0.02% lead

The MCL for total Trihalomethanes is _______mg/L

0.080 mg/L

For water systems using conventional treatment or direct filtration, the turbidity level of representative samples of a system's filtered water must be less than or equal to _____NTU in at least 95% of the samples collected each month.


A tier ______ violation poses immediate risk to public health and requires a clear notification to the public within ___ _____ of learning of the violation.

A tier 1 Violation, 24 hour notification

A tier ______ violation requires the water system to notify its customers as soon as possible, but within 30 days of learning of the violation and continue _________notifications as long as the violation persists

A tier 2 violation

A tier ______ violation requires the water system to notify its customers as soon as possible, but within 12 months of learning of the violation. This may be accomplished by including the violation in the __________ ____________ report.

A tier 3 violation, consumer confidence report

Turbidity must be monitored at all _______ _________ and at all ________where water enters the distribution system in a community water system.

At all filter effluents and at all points where water enters the distribution system.

Lead and copper analysis requires a 1,000 mL ( 1 liter ) ______ _______ sample be collected from the customer's cold water tap after the water has sat idle for at least ______hours

First drawl sample, water has sat idle for at least 6 hours

When a system is allowed to reduce its organic contaminant monitoring to annually, it must collect the sample in the quarter that produced the __________ result.


Certain tests can be performed by _______ _______ ________ _______ ( person acceptable by the state ) without laboratory certification. These tests include PH, Alkalinity, turbidity, calcium, conductivity, disinfectant residual, orthophosphate, silica.

Licensed water treatment operators

A water system that is required to monitor water quality parameters because it exceeded the lead and copper action level, must measure _______every two weeks at each entry point to the distribution system

Measure pH every two weeks

Ground water system that has failed to meet the lead and copper action levels at the customer's tap must collect _________source water sample at every point to the distribution system that is representative of each well after treatment.


Surface water systems that have failed to meet the lead and copper action levels at the customers tap shall take a minimum of _____ sample after any application of treatment or in the distribution system at aa point representative of source after.


Even though it is not presently required, the USEPA recommends water systems using a surface water source to collect samples for hexavalent chromium ( chromium-6 ) ________


Water system that has detectable organic compounds listed in 141.61(a) (2) through (21) exceeding 0.0005 mg/L in any sample must monitor ________at each sampling point which resulted in detection.


Water systems that have exceeded an action level for lead or copper and have increased their corrosion control monitoring may _______ the number of sample sites if they can show optima corrosion control treatment during each of two consecutive six month periods.


If a groundwater system detects any organic compound in the chloroethylene family ( trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene and trans-1.2- dichloroethylene ) it will be required to monitor for _______ _________ on a quarterly basis.

Vinyl chloride

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