Which bone articulates with what?

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ala on lateral sacrum articulate with the hip bones to form sacro-iliac joints


only cranial bone that articulates with every other cranial bone

Carpal(hand bones)

scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, hamate, capitate, trapezoid, trapezium


-Articulates with scapula, ulna, and radius. - head of humerus articulates with glenoid cavity of scapula -distal end (trochlea) articulates w/ ulna @ trochlear notch (makes hinge) -distal end (capitulum) articulates w/ head of radius -distal end (olecranon fossa) articulates with olecranon process of ulna when forearm extends


-Articulates with sternum and scapula -Clavicle articulates with the manubrium of the sternum and laterally (acromial end) with acromion of scapula.


-articulates with all other facial bones except mandible -zygomatic processes of maxilla articulate with zygomatic bone (laterally)


-articulates with hip bone, patella, and tibia. -acetabulum of hip bone(os coxa) articulates with the head of femur.


-articulates with the fibula, femur, and talus. -medial condyle on tibia articulates with condyles on femur, articulates with talus distally

coronal suture

-between frontal and parietal -runs from lateral side of skull to midline on both sides

lambdoid suture

-between occipital and parietal

squamous suture

-between parietal and temporal -on lateral sides of the skull

thoracic V.

-transverse processes: the ribs are going to articulate at this point


-Articulates with clavicle and humerus -Scapula (acromion) articulates with clavicle (acromial end) at the acromioclavicular joint (posteriorly) -glenoid fossa articulates with humerus to form shoulder joint (glenohumeral joint) (lateral)

ossa coxae (ilium, ishium, pubis)

-acetabulum(composed of all 3 pelvic bones) is the lateral socket where the head of the femur articulates to form hip joints -2 hip bones articulate anteriorly at the public symphysis


-articulate with fibula superior (superior tibiofibular joint) and inferior (inferior tibiofibular joint) by interosseous membrane -tibia (distal end flattened) articulates with talus at ankle (helps create ankle joint- medial malleolus projects to form ankle bone) -medial and lateral condyles articulate with condyles of femur at knee


-articulate with the vertebra @ the head and tubercle -head as 2 facets: one facet articulates with the body of "its" vertebra; one articulates on the body of the vertebra superior to it -tubercle articulates with a facet on the transverse process of the vertebrae


-articulates with clavicles, ribs, costal cartilages


-condyle articulates with the temporal bone to form the temporomandibular joint(TMJ- both sides of jaw) -mandibular symphysis is where the 2 halves of the body join to form the chin (mental protuberance)


-condyles are the region where the skull articulates with the vertebral column (atlas)


-crista galli attaches to cribiform plates; separates nasal cavity from brain, site of attachment for duramater (membrane covering brain) -cribriform plate helps form the roof of nasal cavities; foramina(little holes) allow passage of olfactory nerves into brain


-dens articulate with atlas, allows rotational movement (shaking head no)

metacarpals and phalanges

-5 digits, #1-5 thumb to pinky -each digit has one metacarpal -digits 2-5 have 3 phalangles: proximal, middle, distal -digit 1 (pollex) has 2 phalanges: proximal and distal


-7 tarsal bones -5 small metatarsals -14 phalanges -hallux (doesn't have middle phalanx- only proximal and distal) -3 phalanges for each digit, ordered proximal, middle, distal


-articulates with tibia and fibula superiorly and calcaneous (heel) inferiorly -achilles tendon attaches to posterior surface and enables extension of the foot

sagittal suture

-between parietal along the midline of the skull


-head on superior end, lateral malleolus in inferior end (helps form ankle bone) -articulates with talus and tibia


-sacrum articulates with hip bones of pelvis, passes weight to appendicular skeleton -vertebrae articulate at superior and inferior articular processes and facets

pelvis ("hip bones" or ossa coxae, sacrum, coccyx)

-strong attachment to axial skeleton at the sacroiliac joint (very stable) -less freedom of movement comp to pelvic girdle


-the condyle of the mandible articulates with temporal bone at the mandibular fossa (temporomandibular joint)


-the head of the femur is carried on a neck that angles laterally to join the shaft -head articulates with acetabulum of pelvis -lateral and medial condyles articulate with the tibia -patella articulates with the femur at the condyles that are separated anteriorly by a patellar surface


articulates with femur -articulates with lateral and medial condyles of the femur


articulates with humerus, radius, and carpal bones. -trochlear notch of ulna articulates with trochlea of humerus -radial head articulates with radial notch of ulna (proximally)


articulates with occipital condyles, allows flexion/extension of head (nodding yes)


articulates with tibia and talus -head of fibula articulates with lateral condyle of tibia.


articulates with ulna, humerus, and carpal bones. -head of radius articulates with the capitulum of the humerus -radial head articulates with radial notch of ulna (proximal radioulnar joint)= forms pivot point

Tarsal(foot bones)

calcaneus, talus, navicular, first, second, third cuneiform, cuboid

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