World Civ Unit 3 - Democratic Revolutions

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Thermidorian Reaction

Robespierre says he has a new list of traitors, is arrested, tries to kill himself, then is executed, ending the Reign

The Declaration of the Rights of Man

first constitution of France, foundation for modern French constitution, adopted by National Assembly

National Assembly

group established by 3rd estate to be the voice and government of the people

Louis XVI's execution

guillotined so the revolution can live

civil service system

hiring government workers on the basis of open, competitive examinations and merit rather than class (schooling to raise good politicians)

Battle for Philadelphia

important American city lost to the British

essay: What is the Reign of Terror? Why did it begin? What were its goals? How did it end? Was it successful?

intro: during French rev, began to protect the rev from its enemies thesis: not successful bc became enemy of rev p1: GOALS: eliminate enemies (created many more, textbook 2006 says priests, peasants, rebels), outlined enemies (Law of Suspects Sept 1793--royalty, loyalists, ppl who opposed rev), church was enemy, shopowners/farmers targeted (Decree Against Profiteers July 1793--goal bring down price of bread), foreign enemies (Austria and Britain--goal make war better) p2: COSTS: suspended constitution, Decree (punishment doesn't match crime), Law of S (lots of people enemies, killing their own ppl), Rights of Man 1789 (freedom speech, cruel and unusual, fair trial), innocents killed (rights and lives (85% peasants)--tree boy, Danton (a former rev leader), peasants) p3: RATIONALE: rev vs const gov, less laws binding rev gov bc war, rights will be given back in const gov, rev gov = brand new so nothing to compare to, tyrants don't explain themselves, Terror = necessary (establish stable foundations of gov, kill "enemies of the people"), Thermidorian Reaction conclusion: bread prices down, war better, enemies eliminated

St. Helena

where Napoleon spent the last of his days in exile

Valley Forge

where Washington's troops camp in the winter of 1779-80, Friedrich von Steuben trains them, 25% die

storming the Bastille

rebels try to get ammo from inside the Bastille, kill and behead guards and tear down prison, seen as start of French Revolution


resisted change during revolution

Treaty of Paris

said America was free and independent


said the only legitimate rulers of Europe are the hereditary monarchies, debated at Congress of Vienna

Lexington and Concord

shot heard 'round the world, opening of hostilities

Intolerable Acts

shuts Boston down, quartering act, no local government (punishment for protests like Boston Tea Party)

Reign of Terror

started by Committee of Public Safety, goal was to eliminate all enemies of revolution and then give people power back, de-Christianization, suspended constitution, conscription

Townshend Acts

tax on glass, paper, lead, and tea

old regime

the monarchy and old feudal ways of doing things

Battle of Saratoga

turning point for Americans, gained French support

Tea Act

universal tax on tea, led to Boston Tea Party


very popular French general, political leader, and emperor

short answer: What mistakes led to the collapse of Napoleon's empire?

-continental system: continental Europe not allowed to trade with Britain (biggest exporter), unpopular and ignored, can't be enforced (Britain has better boats), hurts French economy, Napoleon goes crazy -peninsular war: N attacks Spain and Portugal for not listening, ultimately wins but at a heavy price (lots of men die from disease, loses finest officers and soldiers, BUT does install his brother as king) -invasion of Russia: N invades Russia for not listening, extreme summer and lack of supplies weakens army, seizes Moscow but Tzar waits him out, forced to retreat and defeated by 6th coalition, N exiled

the three estates

1st (clergy, 1%), 2nd (nobility, 2%), 3rd (everyone else, 97%)

Estates General

3 chamber body of government with representatives from each class

Tennis Court Oath

3rd estate gets together and decides they're the voice of the people and that they're not going to stop meeting until they have a constitution

Battle of Bunker Hill

Americans held their own for a while, major British casualties, eventually Americans had to flee, first major battle of revolution

Charles Cornwallis

British general defeated at Yorktown

General Burgoyne

British general whose slow progress to Saratoga ended in disaster

Battle of Long Island (New York)

British victory, colonists outnumbered, almost the end of the conflict but fog covered colonist retreat

war with Austria

France declares war on Austria for trying to give total power back to Louis


French monarch who was restored to the throne by the allies before and after Napoleon's exile


Jacobins and Sans-culottes, believed in a full revolution (abolish slavery, women's suffrage), take control of France

Battle of Waterloo

Napoleon defeated after 100 days and exiled to St. Helena

Battle of Leipzig

Napoleon defeated by 6th coalition, army torn apart

Saint Domingue (Haiti)

Napoleon gives up trying to crush their rebellion, slave revolt ended in abolition of slavery

Peninsular War

Napoleon invades Spain and Portugal and goes to war because they ignore Continental System, eventually wins but at a huge cost, installs his brother as king of Spain

Louisiana Purchase

Napoleon needed cash for boats, so sold territory to Thomas Jefferson and doubled the size of the U.S.

continental system

Napoleon says none of continental Europe can trade with Britain, very unpopular, people ignore him

the 100 days

Napoleon sneaks away from exile and rules France again for 100 days

Battle of Trafalgar

Napoleon's first major defeat, Spanish and French navy crushed by British fleets

invasion of Russia

Napoleon's most famous mistake, Russian winter killed his troops and forced him to finally retreat, leading to his downfall

Battle of Austerlitz

Napoleon's most famous victory, beat Russia and Austria

collapse of New Spain

Peninsular War and removing the royals destabilizes New Spain, along with weaker economies than English and French colonies

Boston Tea Party

Sons of Liberty led colonists in dumping British tea into harbor in protest of taxes

Simon Bolivar

Venezuelan statesman who led the revolt of South American colonies against Spanish rule

Concert of Europe

agreement between all European countries to work together to stamp out any democratic revolutions


battle that ended the Revolutionary War

Boston Massacre

first bloodshed of American Revolution, redcoats killed 5 people in 1770

George Washington

commander in chief of military

Nathanael Greene

commander of Southern colonist forces, "fighting Quaker"

September Massacres

commoners storm prisons full of nobles and royalty and kill them all out of fear that they were conspiring with Austria


corrupt five-man executive body created to replace COPS, overthrown by Napoleon

Battle of Trenton

crossing the Delaware, almost no American casualties, boosted morale on Christmas Day

Napoleonic Code

equality and citizenship under the law (for men), religious freedom, less women's rights, brought back slavery

Stamp Act

first attempt to put a direct tax on the colonies, taxed printed goods

essay: What motivated the American colonists to declare independence from Great Britain? How does the American Declaration of Independence justify separation? How consistent is that document with the evidence studied?

intro: rising tensions, tyrannical Britain, fearful colonists, Stamp Townshend Tea Intolerable Acts thesis: legitimate fear for the loss of their freedoms and rights motivated them p1: IDEALOGICAL: Bernard Bailyn, rev was about ideas and legit fears, B.W.'s public letter 1765 (protest stamp act, tax without rep = against everything they stand for, future gens will thank them for fighting back, about ideals), 1st Cont Cong (life, liberty, happy; foundation of gov is rep, so colonists gov themselves but now Brit says no), Common Sense (monarchs = ignorant, Am and Br don't share interests or wars, our own gov is natural right) p2: PROPAGANDA: Howard Zinn, Dec didn't mean what it said (no rights for marginalized), wasn't rlly revolutionary, Abby and John (Abby wants real rev, John never intended to give women rights), anonymous letter (not everyone's on board, needed a rallying point), Interpretations of American History 2009 (South motivated by self-interest, not ideals) p3: AMERICA'S BEST INTEREST: ideas still U.S. foundations, slavery doesn't invalidate Founders' ideas, self-interest always a motivator (dedicating your life), really U.S.'s best interest to split (not pulled into British wars, no pointless enemies, tiny island across sea ruled by ignorant monarch), Declaration = to officially split in best interest (keep ideas and help themselves)

Louis XVI

king during French Revolution, unfit to rule, he and Marie were executed

limited (constitutional) monarchy

king still has power but is kept in check by constitution and Parliament that must be consulted before doing anything

Maximilien Robespierre

leader of the Jacobins and COPS, his execution ended the Reign of Terror

Congress of Vienna

meeting of European rulers, established a system by which the balance of power would be maintained, liberal revolutions would be repressed

Continental Congress

meeting of colonial representatives


no extreme political views, wanted some change

Committee of Public Safety

oligarchy led by Robespierre that ruled during the Reign of Terror, fixed bread prices, suspended legal rights, led De-Christianization

Olive Branch Petition

one last attempt where the 2nd Continental Congress asked King George III to lower taxes

national bank

one of Napoleon's reforms, issues currency, manages debts, collects taxes, widely successful and improves France's financial situation

Friedrich von Steuben

one of the finest drill sergeants on the planet, hired by Washington


people living in the new world Spanish colonies but born in Spain

Marquis de Lafayette and the French

petitioned the king to let him raise his own money to help America, major general for colonial army


pro-British control colonists


pro-independence colonists

Common Sense

pro-revolutionary pamphlet written by Thomas Paine


radical leading voice of the Assembly, led by Robespierre, ruled during Reign of Terror


radicals on the ground leading the mobs, wore loose pants instead of the aristocrats' knee-length pants

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