World History Unit 7 Test Review
'Kiva' is a Hopi word used to refer to specialized round and rectangular rooms in modern Pueblos. Modern kivas are used by men's ceremonial associations. Archeologists assume that ancient kivas served similar functions. Chacoan kivas are round, usually semi-subterranean, and built into great houses.
Key similarities between the Incas and Aztecs
-Both lacked: work animals, metal tools, wheels -Both still developed: centralized governments & armies -and both conquered other empires -Both ended when: conquered by the Spanish
Prince Henry the Navigator
-Brought together mapmakers, mathematicians, and astronomers to study navigation -Paid for explorers' expeditions -1st one to suggest sailing to India by going around Africa
What was the Emperors job in the Inca Empire?
-Emperor closely controlled the lives of common people -Owned all land and carefully regulated the growing & distribution of food -Farmers used step terraces on hillsides -Part of all crops after every harvest went to emperor as taxes
How did religion affect Aztec culture?
-Live human sacrifices were needed to keep the gods happy -Aztec artists decorated temple-pyramids with scenes of gods or battles -Religion moved them to engage in war and sacrifice
How far did the Aztec empire stretch?
-Stretched from Mexico to the border of Guatemala -Stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean
What happened to slaves when they arrived in America?
-When slaves arrived in the Americas, they were sold at auctions -Used as laborers, seen only as a unit for profit -Viewed as valuable property/things, NOT people
How many Africans were taken from their society's?
About 12.5 million Africans taken from their societies
What is Fur trade in North America?
Actual hunting, trapping, processing, and transporting of animals/furs done by Native Americans Brought them to European coastal settlements or trading posts Europeans then sold the furs abroad In return for the furs, Europeans gave Native Americans: guns, blankets, metal tools, rum, and brandy
Afonso I
Afonso I, also called Afonso Henriques, nicknamed the Conqueror by the Portuguese, and El-Bortukali and Ibn-Arrink or Ibn Arrinq by the Moors whom he fought, was the first king of Portugal
Why did Europeans NOT try to capture African slaves on their own?
Africans could defend themselves so Europeans needed to trade with African leaders to get people
Aztec Empire capital
How was Aztec rule different from Inca rule
Aztec was ruled by an Emperor whose main purpose was to lead in the wars. The local rulers and conquered people had to pay tax to the Aztec. Inca was ruled by Sapa Inca, the emperor who had absolute power. This emperor was also the empire's religious leader
Cahokia was the largest and most influential urban settlement of the Mississippian culture, which developed advanced societies across much of what is now the central and southeastern United States, beginning more than 1,000 years before European contact
Where was most of the Silver sent to?
China, people could now purchase goods with silver
What did Christopher Columbus do?
Columbus sailed from Spain in 1492, Planned to reach India by heading west across the Atlantic, Landed on the Bahamas, but thought he found India, Explored the islands in the area, Returned to Spain as a hero, Made 3 more voyages before he died
How did The Aztecs conquer other Empires?
Conquered people had to pay tribute (taxes) in the form of: food, clothing, raw materials, prisoners for sacrifice, jewelry, military supplies, rubber balls, etc
Inca empire capital
Christopher Columbus
Discovered America and thought it was India.
Bartholomew Diaz
Discovered the southern tip of Africa (Cape of Good Hope), proved ships could reach Asia by going around Africa
Sapa Inca
Emperor of the Inca Empire
How far did the Inca Empire stretch?
Empire stretched about 2500 miles along the Andes
What started European exploration
European explorers searched for a better trade route to Asia, Wanted gold, luxury goods, glory, and to spread Christianity
Who supported the voyages of Christopher Columbus
Ferdinand & Isabella backed the voyages of Christopher Columbus
First major civilization in Mexico
Vasco da Gama
First to find a water route to Asia -- first to round the tip of Africa to India
Former capital of the Inca Empire in Peru
Francisco Pizarro
Francisco Pizarro González was a Spanish conquistador, best known for his expeditions that led to the Spanish conquest of Peru. Born in Trujillo, Spain to a poor family, Pizarro chose to pursue fortune and adventure in the New World
What did Ferdinand Magellan do?
He headed west from Spain and reached a narrow passageway at the tip of South America, named the strait of Magellan and after 4 months he reached the Philippines and was killed, his crew returned after 3 years. First person to circumnavigate the globe.
Ferdinand Magellan
In 1520 Ferdinand Magellan discovered the channel linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, between the mainland tip of South America and Tierra del Fuego island.
Inca Empire sun god
John Cabot
John Cabot was an Italian navigator and explorer. His 1497 voyage to the coast of North America under the commission of Henry VII of England is the earliest-known European exploration of coastal North America since the Norse visits to Vinland in the eleventh century
Gun-Slave Cycle
Kingdoms in West Africa captured slaves and delivered them to the coast, where they were traded to the Europeans for guns, which could be used to capture more slaves. This eventually caused economic problems for these kingdoms because there was less people to work for them.
Matteo Ricci
Matteo Ricci, was an Italian Jesuit priest and one of the founding figures of the Jesuit China missions. He created the Kunyu Wanguo Quantu, a 1602 map of the world written in Chinese characters. He is considered a Servant of God by the Catholic Church
Maya stelae (singular stela) are monuments that were fashioned by the Maya civilization of ancient Mesoamerica. They consist of tall, sculpted stone shafts and are often associated with low circular stones referred to as altars, although their actual function is uncertain
Mesa Verde
Mesa Verde National Park is in southwest Colorado. It's known for its well-preserved Ancestral Puebloan cliff dwellings, notably the huge Cliff Palace. The Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum has exhibits on the ancient Native American culture. Mesa Top Loop Road winds past archaeological sites and overlooks, including Sun Point Overlook with panoramic canyon views. Petroglyph Point Trail has several rock carvings
Mesoamerica is a historical and important region and cultural area in southern North America and most of Central America. It extends from approximately central Mexico through Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and northern Costa Rica
Mestizo is a racial classification used to refer to a person of a combined European and Indigenous American ancestry. The term was used as an ethnic/racial category for mixed-race castas that evolved during the Spanish Empire
Where were the Aztecs located?
Mexico (Tenochititlan, Valley Of Mexico)
Valley of Mexico
Mexico city is located there, The Valley of Mexico is a highlands plateau in central Mexico roughly coterminous with present-day Mexico City and the eastern half of the State of Mexico. Surrounded by mountains and volcanoes, the Valley of Mexico was a centre for several pre-Columbian civilizations, including Teotihuacan, the Toltec, and the Aztec
The middle passage
Middle leg of the "Triangular Trade" pattern Miserable journey -Packed tightly together -Chained together -Many suffocated or died of disease (1 in 6) -Some committed suicide or went on hunger strikes
Nazca is a city and system of valleys on the southern coast of Peru. It is also the name of the largest existing town in the Nazca Province. The name is derived from the Nazca culture, which flourished in the area between 100 BC and AD 800
What is the origin of atlantic slavery?
Origins lie in the Mediterranean where Europeans first established sugar plantations
Osei Tutu
Osei Kofi Tutu I was one of the founders of the Ashanti Empire, aided by Okomfo Anokye, his Chief Priest and distant relative. The Asante are an Akan ethnic group of West Africa. Osei Tutu led an alliance of Asante states against the regional hegemon, the Denkyira, completely defeating them
Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui
Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui was the ninth Sapa Inca of the Kingdom of Cusco which he transformed into the Inca Empire. Most archaeologists now believe that the famous Inca site of Machu Picchu was built as an estate for Pachacuti. In Quechua Pachakutiq means "reformer of the world", and Yupanki means "with hon
Where were the Incas located?
Peru (Andes Mountains)
First country to venture into the Atlantic
Portugal was the 1st country to venture into the Atlantic Ocean looking for a route to Asia
Pueblo Pueblo is a city in Colorado. The Historic Arkansas Riverwalk is an urban development, with boat rides, public art and events. The project commemorates the river's original location, before it was diverted in the wake of a 1921 flood. El Pueblo History Museum has a recreated 1840s trading post and artifacts tracing the city's past. To the west, Lake Pueblo State Park is a popular fishing, boating and camping spot
Pueblo is a city in Colorado. The Historic Arkansas Riverwalk is an urban development, with boat rides, public art and events. The project commemorates the river's original location, before it was diverted in the wake of a 1921 flood. El Pueblo History Museum has a recreated 1840s trading post and artifacts tracing the city's past. To the west, Lake Pueblo State Park is a popular fishing, boating and camping spot TERM ENGLISH
How did the Inca Empire conquer?
Raided other tribes and slowly built a large empire
How did Japan use it's silver?
Shoguns used it to defeat feudal lords and unify Japan, developed a Market based economy, all silver stayed in Japan, renewed Japans forests
Where did most African slaves come from?
Slave trade drew mainly on the societies of West Africa
Why did Europeans capture Africans instead of Slavic people?
Slavic-peoples are no longer available, Native Americans quickly died off from European diseases
Original slaves on Mediterranean plantations
Slavic-speaking people from the Black Sea region
Hernan Cortes
Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés (c. 1485-1547) is best known for conquering the Aztecs and claiming Mexico on behalf of Spain. Cortés (full name Don Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro Altamirano, Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca) first served as a soldier in an expedition of Cuba led by Diego Velázquez in 1511
What was silver used to buy?
Spices in Southeast Asia and Slaves from Africa
Difference between Aztec and Inca Empire
Strong central government, local rulers had to report to Inca emperor Unlike the Aztec Empire, which had no centralized government or complex administration
Teotihuacan is a vast Mexican archaeological complex northeast of Mexico City. Running down the middle of the site, which was once a flourishing pre-Columbian city, is the Avenue of the Dead. It links the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Sun, the latter two with panoramic views from their summits. Artifacts in the Museum of Teotihuacan Culture, on-site, include pottery and bones
Dutch east India company
The Dutch East India Company, officially the United East India Company, was a multinational corporation founded by a government-directed consolidation of several rival Dutch trading companies in the early 17th century. It is believed to be the largest company to ever have existed in recorded history
Iroquois League a
The Iroquois or Haudenosaunee are an Iroquoian indigenous confederacy in northeast North America. They were known during the colonial years to the French as the Iroquois League, and later as the Iroquois Confederacy. The English called them the Five Nations, comprising the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Senec
difference between The Line Of Demarcation and The Treaty Of Tordesillas
The Line of Demarcation said that Spain got everything to the West of the line that the Pope had determined would divide Spain and Portugal's land in the New World. The Treaty of Tordesillas formalized Portugal's claim to Brazil.
The Moche civilization flourished in northern Peru with its capital near present-day Moche, Trujillo, Peru from about 100 to 700 AD
Treaty of Tordesillas
The Treaty of Tordesillas, signed in Tordesillas, Spain on 7 June 1494, and authenticated in Setúbal, Portugal, divided the newly-discovered lands outside Europe between the Portuguese Empire and the Spanish Empire, along a meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands, off the west coast of Africa
The Wari were a Middle Horizon civilization that flourished in the south-central Andes and coastal area of modern-day Peru, from about 500 to 1000 AD. Wari, as the former capital city was called, is located 11 km north-east of the modern city of Ayacucho, Peru
The ayllu, a family clan, is the traditional form of a community in the Andes, especially among Quechuas and Aymaras. They are an indigenous local government model across the Andes region of South America, particularly in Bolivia and Peru
Why did Africa become the primary source for slave labor
They were good workers, easy to capture and Slavic people and Natives were gone or very few. Africans weren't Christian and were skilled farmers. Immune to European disease.
How did the Aztecs organize their hierarchy?
Top: The Emperor Lower: Nobility Lower: Commoners Lower: Serfs Lower: Slaves
Two groups working together
How was Spain impacted by Silver
Wealth and power was brought to Spain, supported the Spanish Empire, too much silver went into Spain causing inflation causing Spain to weaken and loose power.
Zheng He
Zheng He (Chinese: 鄭和; 1371 - 1433 or 1435) was a Chinese mariner, explorer, diplomat, fleet admiral, and court eunuch during China's early Ming dynasty. Zheng commanded expeditionary treasure voyages to Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, Western Asia, and East Africa from 1405 to 1433
a large artificial bank of soil, especially one used as a fortification
Line of Demarcation
a line drawn by the Pope down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean -Spain had control of lands west of the line -Portugal had control of lands east of it -Line moved much further west with the signing of the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) = gave Portugal control of Brazil & Spain got the rest of South America
a person of mixed European and black descent, especially in the Caribbean
a person who draws or produces maps
a ruler exercising authority in a colony on behalf of a sovereign
a supreme ruler, especially a monarch
an ancient Inca device for recording information, consisting of variously colored threads knotted in different ways
an opulent ceremonial feast at which possessions are given away or destroyed to display wealth or enhance prestige
extinct, pre-Columbian civilization, named for Chavín de Huántar, the principal archaeological site at which its artifacts have been found. The culture developed in the northern Andean highlands of Peru from 900 BCE to 200 BCE. It extended its influence to other civilizations along the coast
payment made periodically by one state or ruler to another, especially as a sign of dependence, a gift used to show respect
Where were rich silver deposits found?
rich silver deposits discovered in Bolivia and Japan
small, stationary, artificial island built on a freshwater lake for agricultural purposes. Chinampan was the ancient name for the southwestern region of the Valley of Mexico, the region of Xochimilco, and it was there that the technique was—and is still—most widely used
What crop was associated with slavery?
ruined ancient city near Lake Titicaca in western Bolivia. Dominating the ruins, once the seat of the pre-Columbian Tiwanaku culture, are the Akapana pyramid and a semi-subterranean temple with carved images of human heads. Nearby Kalasasaya is an open temple with stone monoliths and the huge Gate of the Sun arch. The Museo del Sitio de Tiwanaku displays artifacts excavated from the site