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Used to provide energy for most of the immediate work that the cell does and is considered as the energy currency of the cell

Inhalation and Exhalation

Ventilation includes the process of

Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Mollusca, Annelida, Arthropoda, Echinodermata and Chordata

WHAT ARE THE 9 PHYLUMS (Prince Charles Plays Needless Music And Always Eats Cucumbers)

Periosteum, Articular Cartilage, Diaphysis, Medullary Cavity , Epiphysis, Epiphyseal


axon, dendrites and cell body/soma




ZOOLOGY IS THE STUDY OF ANIMALS from zoon-animal) and logos meaning study)


Activation, Resorption , Reversal, Formation, Quiescence

WHAT are the five steps in bone remodeling

Cleaning, Reduces Friction, Protection, Absorption, Sensation, Secretion, Excretion, diffusion

WHAT are the functions of Epithelial tissues

Pseudounipolar, unipolar, bipolar, Multipolar

What are the classification of neuron based on morphology

Gastrin, Secretin, Cholecystokinin, Gastric Inhibitory peptide

What are the digestive hormones

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) / GLYCINE

What are the inhibitory neurotransmiiter

External gills Internal Gills lungs Tracheae

What are the methods of respiration ?


What are the six kingdom classifications?

aerobic cellular respiration and Anaerobic Cellular Respiration

What are the two types of Cellular Respiration

because the membrane is basically, fluid and is not rigid

Why fluid mosaic model?

epiphyseal disc/ plate

a band of HYALINE cartilage located at the end of long bones , between the epiphysis and the diaphysis and may eventually transform into a bone tissue.

plasma membrane

a bilipid layer that has a molecule that act as channels and pumps moving different molecule into and out of the cell

protosomes l; annelida, mollusca, and anthropoda

a blastophore that evolves with mouth first ex:

trypanosoma evansi

a blood parasite that can be seen in horses and ruminants that causes edema or enlargement of chest and appendages


a bony capsule that protects the entire central nervous system

Sodium potassium pump. There are 3 Na molecules and 2 K molecules, para maregulate ung charge ng cell kapag 3 K at 3 Na ang pumasok massira ang charge ng cell.

a carrier protein and an active transport that actively transport sodium ions out of a cell and potassium ions into the cell. How many Na molecules go out and How many potassium molecules go inside? bakit ganun ung number of atoms na pumapasok at lumalabas?

hyaline cartilage

a cartilage that is the source of growth in long bones and protects the joint

Neuroglia/ Glial cell

a cell in the nervous system that functions and a support and protection for neurons

ciliated flame cells; solenocytes

a cell that can be found in the ends of the nephridium. They are also called as


a certain material to help in digestion of the chicken's gizzard. This helps in breaking down the particle size of the food they have

balantidium coli

a ciliated paracite that is found within the large intestine of human and pigs. It causes balantidiasis

Class Hirudinea

a class under phylum annelida that is considered a parasite and needs a host when feeding.


a condition among dogs in which there is a complete blockage of gal-stones on the urethra

monorchid ; yesssss

a condition in which an individual would have one testicle hanging on his scrotum; is it possible for people with this condition to impregnate someone?

cryptorchidism; intraabdiminal hernia

a condition in which one or both of the testes fail to descend from the abdomen into the scrotum. What could be the reeason for this?


a connective tissue of liquid plasma and cells


a fibrous connective tissue covering the entire bone particularly the exterior.


a fibrous connective tissue that covers the spinal cord and brain

polypoid form

a form in phylum coelenterata in which it forms a colony, reproduce through budding (asexual), sedentary and its tentacles can be seen upward


a form in phylum coelenterata in which it is individual, produces sexually, mobile, has downward tentacles, dioecious, have an abundant mesoglia, and

Integrative function

a function of the nervous system in which impulses are analyzed and stored as memory

Integrative function

a function of the nervous system in which it involves the processing of the information received from the sense organs.

Motor function

a function of the nervous system that responses to the stimuli that causes muscle to contract or glands to secrete

sensory function

a function of the nervous system where there is a sense change (stimuli) both outside and within the body

bowman's capsule

a funnel-like structure that surrounds the glumerulus and collects the filtrate from the glumerulus


a gel like substance that is high in proteoglycans which provides the protective cushioning

Loose connective tissue; Areolar connective tissue

a gel-like substance with both elastic and non-elastic fibers running through the ground in many directions. This tissue is also called as?

Adrenal Gland

a gland that is situated under the cranial surface of they kidney and regulates the autonomic nervous system particularly the sympathetic NS

sweat glands (sudoriferous)

a gland that occurs everywhere (except the nipples and external genitalia) and is common among palms , soles and forehead


a hallow organ situated between the esophagus and small intestine

Glial cells/ Neuroglia

a highly branched supportive; non neuronal cells located BETWEEN neurons and DOES NOT CONDUCT IMPULSES and is only for SUPPORT and protection of neurons

Neuropeptide Y

a hormone secreted by the stomach that stimulates appetite (matakaw) and secretion o growth hormone (tataba),, decreased physical activity; and is associated with obesity


a hormone secreted by the stomach that stimulates gastric acid secretion


a hormone secreted by the stomach that stimulates secretion of gastric acid by parietal cells


a hormone secreted by the stomach that stimulates smooth muscle contraction of the stomach


a hormone secreted by the stomach that suppresses release of gastrin, CCK, secretin, motilin, GIP; lowers gastric emptying therefore doesnt feel hunger

Atrial Natriuretic Hormone; taking too much fluid, taking too much salt

a hormone that comes from the heart, this is stimulated every time there is too much blood; what are the reason for the increase in blood level


a hormone that inhibits growth releasing hormone from the pituitary gland


a hormone that is essential for electrolyte regulation particularly sodium retention , potassium excretion and water retention and eventually raises the blood pressure


a hormone that is secreted by the adrenal medulla which regulates pain


a hormone that is secreted by the adrenal medulla, this increases heart rate and blood pressure

Corticotropin-releasing hormone

a hormone that releases Adrenocorticotropic hormone release from the pituitary gland

Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone

a hormone that stimulates follicle stimulating hormone, and lutenizing hormone release from thhe pituitary gland

Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)

a hormone that stimulates growth hormone release from the pituitary gland


a hormone that stimulates prolactin release from the anterior pituitary ; inhibits/prevents glucose secretion


a hormone that stimulates the development of female sexual characteristic


a hormone that stimulates the development of male reproductive system and the male sexual characteristics

thyrotropin-releasing hormones

a hormone that stimulates thyroid-stimulating hormone; it is produced in the pituitary gland


a hormone whose function is to reduce/ inhibits blood calcium level


a keratin structure that is tough, cornified layer of the intergument covers. Its core is bone of dermal origin with its covering that is epidermal origin. It grows all year round through out the lifetime of the animal

receptor protein

a kind of protein that is essential for signal transduction

stratum lucidum (clear cells)

a layer of the skin in which the cells are dead and tightly packed; nucleis are indistinct or absent

stratum corneum (horny layer)

a layer of the skin that is composed of clear, dead, scale-like cells without nucleus

stratum spinosum (spiny layer)

a layer of the skin that is contact between cells occurs via desmosomes

stratum granulosum (granular layer)

a layer of the skin that lacks nucleus and its cytoplasm contains a keratohyaline granules


a material that contains all the biological information of an organism


a movement of a muscle that works in a wave-like motion to propel food along track. MOVEMENT FROM ORAL TO ABORAL SIDE


a muscular pump to move the blood


a muscular sphincter between uterus and the vagina

Motor neuron

a nerve cell that is attached to an internal organ such that, the organ will do what it'll do

Sensory neurons

a nerve cell that transmits impulses from a sense receptor to the brain or spinal cord. It is usually attached to a sensory organ

Motor neuron

a nerve cell that transmits impulses from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle or gland

Action potential

a neural impulse; a brief electrical charge that travels down an axon


a neuron that carries nerve impulses from one neuron to another

atrioventricular node ; pacemaker

a nodal region that causes contraction and sometimes is called that ______ for it keeps heartbeat regular

Sinoatrial node

a nodal region that initiates heartbeat near the atrium and is the PRIMARY pacemaker of the heart


a paired organ that regulates body fluid levels as a primary duty and excretion of waste as its secondary duty

fasciola/ liver fluke

a parasite that can be found on the bile duct of ruminants

Peripheral Nervous System

a part of the nervous system that consists of the nerves that connect to the brain and the spinal cord as well as the autonomic nervous system

central nervous system

a part of the nervous system that is consist of brain and the spinal cord. This is the integrating and communicating center of the body


a part of the pharynx that prevents food from entering the trachea

Posterior pituitary gland

a part of the pituitary gland that is not capable of secreting but are capable of storing and releasing hormone

quiescence phase

a phase that is not included within the cell cycle

quiescence phase

a post-mitotic phase and use to refer to both quiescent and senescent ( non-variable r damaged cell). this means MATANDA (OR AGING CELL)


a process in which ONE STRAND of DNA is being used as a template to make complementary strand of RNA


a process in which the ribs move down and in while the diaphragm domes up

P 27 (protein 27)

a protein that binds to cyclin and cdk blocking the entry to S phase. Another checkpoint aside from CDK

P53 (Protein 53)

a protein that functions to block the cell cycle whenever a DNA is damaged. It usually functions when a damage is irreparable then it will cause apoptosis of the cell

myosin filaments

a protein that has a club-shaped head that projects towards the actin filament


a protoplasm that is more liquid


a rapid automatic response to a stimulus and does not require involvement of the brain

scientific method

a series of steps that the scientists take in order to acquire , test and characterize the natural world,


a skin pigment that protects the body from UV radiations which increases the exposure to the sun

sperm host gland

a special organ within the vagina of birds where the sperm cells are being deposited


a specialized membrane protein used by water to move in and out of the cell

period of ovum

a stage in pregnancy where from the time of fertilization until the attachment of the fertilized egg of the uterine wall (FERTILIZATION-IMPLANTATION)

period of fetus

a stage in pregnancy where the embryo is complete; this extends from the end of the embryonic period or after differentiation to the birth. It is the longest period of pregnancy

Movement; peristalsis

a stage in the digestive process that propels food through the digestive system. The movement of food to the digestive system is called ?


a stage in the digestive process where there is a breakdown of food into molecular components small enough to cross the plasma membrane


a stage in the digestive process where there is a release of digestive juices (ENZYMES) in the response to a specific stimulus

Elimination; defecation

a stage in the digestive process where there is a removal of undigested food and waste. The removal of food and waste is called as


a stage in the digestive process where there there is a passage of molecules into the body's interior and their passage throughout the body

elongation of the complementary strand

a step in DNA replication where the leading strand elongates without interruption

Initiation of Replication

a step in DNA replication where there is a separation of the double helix into strands that will serve as templates by DNA helicase


a step in the translation process in which the ribosomes move along the mRNA the tRNA and transfer it to amino acid to the growing protein chain, producing the protein


a step in translation process where mRNA enters the cytoplasm and becomes associated with ribosomes.


a step in translation where amino acids are being added one-by-one


a step in transtion in which the tRNA carries a specific amino acid pair up with the mRNA codons inside the ribosome


a substance that can be seen in phylum mollusca that is responsible for the secretion of calcium carbonate for the secretion of new shell ?


a substance that contains 10% protein and 90% fluid and is considered as a connective tissue.

Excretory system

a system that regulates the chemical composition of body fluids by removing metabolic waste and retaining the amount of water, salts and nutrient


a taft of capilliaries from which the fluid leaves the circulatory system


a thick connective tissue and is the outer covering of the entire skeletal muscle is called


a thin sheet of connective tissue that covers the spongy bone

basement membrane

a thin sheet of connective tissue that separates the underlying tissues. It provides structural support for epithelium and also binds to neighboring structures

Muscle tissue

a tissue consisting of cells with fibers and which the only function is to contract

stratified epithelium

a tissue in which the top cells are flat and scaly and it may not be keratinized


a tough fibrous connective tissue membrane that covers the outside of diaphysis


a toxic thread like stinging structure that can be seen in ciliates

DNA polymerase 3

a ttype of DNA POLYMERASE enzymes that adds bases to the new DNA chain;


a type of Bacterial replication in which it produces spores. Its spores are usually resistant to heat and chemicals, after some time it would germinate forming another bacterial cell


a type of DNA replication where you must maintain the original DNA strand

Ribosomal RNA

a type of RNA that functions in polypeptide synthesis


a type of WBC granulocytes that appears to be reddish/orange / pinkish in color


a type of amoeba that are aquatic and is either planktonic or live attached by a stalk or some substrate (coral , stone / ocean floor)


a type of amoeba that is primarily a marine group and posesses reticulopodia and secretes a test that is made up of calcium carbonate


a type of amoeba that is relatively large and possess a test of long movable spines and needles or a highly sculptured or ornamented lattice


a type of animal organization in which certain animals may have an organ system and several animals have cellular grade of organization-- they do not have an organ system but they do have microorganisms within their body that functions just like an organ

germ layers

a type of animal organization in which the organs are derived

acoelomate organisms; flat worms

a type of animal that doesn't have a body cavity ex:

coelomate ; humans

a type of animal with body cavity ex:

Triploblastic; bilateral symmetry

a type of animal with three germ layers and has a _________ symmetry

diploblastic ; radial symmetry

a type of animals with two germ layers and has a ________ symmetry


a type of bacterial reproduction in which the outgrowth or bud from the parent and eventually detaches and forms a new individual

radial symmetry

a type of body symmetry that can be cut on many planes

bilateral symmetry

a type of body symmetry that can be cut on one plane

spony bone (cancellous bone)

a type of bone that can be found inside the dense bone and occurs in most bones.


a type of carbohydrates that has basic structure if a repeating sugar molecule


a type of cartilage that has numerous fibers and chondrocytes and is arranged in long columns with fibrous matrix


a type of cartilage that is devoid of perichondrium

Merkel cells

a type of cell that is associated with the sensory receptor of the skin

Aerobic Respiration

a type of cellular respiration that requires use of oxygen

No circulatory system; tape worms and faltworms

a type of circulatory system where circulatory system is absent; their body cavity usually has no lining or an enclosed fluid; examples of these are

open circulatory system

a type of circulatory system where the blood (hemolymphs) is pumped from the heart to the blood vessels; leaves the blood vessel and eneters body cavities (hemocoel) , where organs are bathed in blood or sinuses within the organs

Extracellular digestion

a type of digestion that occurs in the lumen of the digestive system , with nutrient molecules being transferred to the blood or body fluid

Hindgut (large intestine); rectum and cecum

a type of digestive system variation in which it is responsible for the digestion and absorption prior to defecation. This also includes organs like


a type of epidermis that produces main color of the skin and protects it from UV


a type of exoskeleton that is made up of polysaccharide substances and is the common exoskeleton found among insects

Filter feeders; oysters and mussle (tahong )

a type of feeder that collects all organism and particles from surrounding water. Give an example

Fluid feeders. Butterfly, mosquito

a type of feeder that pierces body of plant or animal and withdraw fluids. Give an example

Absorptive feeders , tape worms

a type of feeders that lives in the digestive track (intestine) of another animal and absorb nutrients from that animal directly into their wall meaning they do not have a mouth , or intestine. Give an example

Internal Fertilization

a type of fertilization in which males have a copulary organ to transmit sperm

Internal Fertilization

a type of fertilization that enables animals to reproduce in a terrestrial environment

Internal Fertilization

a type of fertilization that is practiced by species that lay eggs or have a period of internal embryonic development

synovial joint

a type of joint hat permits the greatest degree of flexibility and have the ends of bones covered with a connective tissue filled with joint fluid that lubricates it

cartilagenous bones

a type of joint that permits certain amount of movement

Type I fibers

a type of muscle fiber that are loaded with mitochondria, they depend on Cellular respiration for ATP production and is resistant to fatigue

Type I muscle fibers (slow twitch)

a type of muscle fibers that is rich in myoglobin (that makes the red color), responsible for posture and is also known as __________

involuntary muscle

a type of muscle that contract on their own

voluntary muscle

a type of muscle that contract with your own will

cardiac muscle

a type of muscle that forms the wall of heart, and is striated that is responsible for the contraction oof the heart that propels blood to the rest of the body

smooth muscle

a type of muscle that is arranged into sheets such that they will function as a whole

skeletal muscle

a type of muscle that may contract independently

smooth muscle

a type of muscle tissue that are spindle in shape

smooth muscle

a type of muscle tissue that are spindle in shape and contains one nucleus per cell


a type of nervous tissue that is elongated, branch process from the soma. Looking for a microscope , youll see a lot of nissl granules / ribosomes

Axon; axon hillock

a type of nervous tissue that is single, elongated, unbranched process arising from the soma/ body. Looking from a microscope its basal part or the ___________ does not contain ribosomes/ nissl granules


a type of neuron that has 1 axon and numerous dendrites originating from the cell body

bipolar neuron

a type of neuron that has 1 axon, and 1 dendrite at the opposite pole of the cell body


a type of neuron with one axon, and one dendrite fused closed to a the cell body. CAN be seen on one pole of the cell body

macro nucleus

a type of nucleus in balantidium coli that is involved in cytoplasmic activity/ control within the cell

micro nucleus

a type of nucleus that can be seen balantidium coli that is involved in the reproduction


a type of organism that has a distinct/ clear cytoplasm and has an inner granular part (see image1.jpg sa zoology/new folder)


a type of organism that has no intention to harm our cells, they only want the cell for them to reproduce because viruses cannot reproduce on their own.However, cells are getting destroyed in the process

leeches ;anterior sucker and a posterior sucker

a type of organism that has two types of sucker; namely the __________ and __________

Receptor protein

a type of protein can, attach to a a specific ligand molecule and acts as an intercellular communication system


a type of protista that contains naked or enclosed with a test that contains openings for axopodia

phylum mastigophora ; zooflagellate

a type of protoza that moves using flagella; it is also called as _________

phylum sporozoa; apicomplexa

a type of protozoa that forms spores; it is also called as ______

phylum ciliophora

a type of protozoa that moves using cilia

phylum sarcodina

a type of protozoa that moves using pseudopods


a type of replication where the new DNA strand contain one strand that is old and one that is new

sexual reproduction

a type of reproduction in which gametes could be form by the same or different individual

Ctenoid scales

a type of scale that has a characteristic that resembles a bone

Asexual reproduction

a type of sexual reproduction that involves one parent, so that the offsprings would have the same genotype with the parent. Therefore, no variation among the species.

Simple Squamous Epithelium

a type of simple tissue that form lining of cavities such as the mouth , blood vessels , heart, lungs and make up the outerlayer of the skin


a type of skeleton that is an external anatomical feature that supports and protects the softer animal's body and provides surface for attachment of muscle

Loa loa

a type of tapeworm that causes elephantiasis

unarmed tapeworm ; taenia saginata

a type of tapeworm that does not have hooks; this is also called as

Linnaean System

a type of taxonomic system by which every species is given two latin names, a genus or group name, and the species names

alternative cladistic taxonomy; cladogram

a type of taxonomic system that look for shared, derived characteristics to investigate evolutionary history such that they created a _____________

Dense connective tissue

a type of tissue whose Nuclei and fibers are aranged in parallel rows

isotonic solution; iso means same

a type of tonicity in which it has the same concentration, therefore same rate in both direction. What is the meaning of iso?

hypertonic solution

a type of tonicity that's causing a cell to shrink


a type of vascular tissue that fights the infection and are generally larger compared to RBC


a type vascular tissue that transports oxygen and carried nutrients

Foregut; esophagus and stomach

a variation of the digestive system that serves as the storage and initial stages of digestion and for swallowing the food. This is composed of organs like


ability of solution to cause cell to loose or gain water

bulk transport

ability of the cell to transport macromolecules INTO AND OUT of the cell and requires energy


able to live both on land and in water

20 angstrom , 2 nm , 2000pm

about how long is a DNA strand?

3.4 angstrom, 340 pm , 0.34 nm

about how long is the distance between each base pair of dna

22 autosomes and an X or Y chromosome

about how many autosomes are present in the body


about how many of animals does not posses a back bone/ invertebrates ?


about how many percent of Na that is presented to the renal tubule is absorbed?


absence of limb

cloacal kissing

act of copulation among birds.

seminal vesicle

adds fructose to nourish the semen and prostate gland and to promote contractions in the female


after a neuron die, they would not be replaced through mitotic process but would be replaced by a scar tissue. This scar tissue is produced by the


aligator has how many number of chromosome ?


alignment of chromosomes at the center of the cell


all multicellular organisms are now placed under the kingdom


all pubic symphysis is composed of

phosphate symporter

allow the pass of phosphate molecules with a hydrogen

Gap junction

allows movement of molecule from one cell to the other

Transport proteins

allows passage of hydrophilic substances and polar molecules including h2O


allows the movement of a compound with a corrseponding element that will move outside and is essential in the maintainance of the charges in the cell

Adipose tissue/ adipocyte

also called as fat cells, respond to the nucleus and most of the cell contains a large vacuole that stores fats


also called liquid matrix, it houses 90% H2O and 10% proteins , electrolytes , hormones oxygen and glucose


also known as "hide" , it is the inner layer of the skin that is made up of strong flexible connective tissue full of blood vessel , nerves, hair follicle, oils and sweat glands

signet ring

an adipose tissues shape is like a


an animal whose feet is attached to the head

Deuterostomes; chordata and echinodermata

an blatophore that evolves with anus first ex:


an enzyme that can be seen in the head of a sperm that plays a role in the breaking down the barrier surrounding the egg

DNA ligase

an enzyme that eventually joins the sugar-phosphate backbones of the Okazaki fragments

DNA polymerase I

an enzyme that proofreads the recently completed complementary strand

DNA polymerase

an enzyme that synthesizes new DNA by adding nucleotides to the growing strand

RNA polymerase

an enzyme that uses one of the DNA strand to make an RNA copy of that one gene


an event where neurotransmitters are being released by one axon and will be received by another neuron. BASICALLY NEURON-TO-NEURON COMMUNICATION


an evolutionary diagram that depicts the sequence of the origin of the unique derived characteristics of an animal

stratum lucidum (clear layer)

an extra layer of the skin and is only found on thick skin but is never found on thin skins


an important electrolyte for it regulates the osmotic pressure in the blood.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament

an injury that is common among athletes that usually results to a cross or torn ligament that increases the range of motion of an individual


an invagination/ opening from the surface germ layer of an embryo


an open-ended pore where the blood is drawn back towards the heart

cell cylce

an ordered set of events , culminating in cell growth and division into two daughter cell

Malpighian tubules

an organ among insects that collects water and uric acid from the surrounding hemolymphs and empty it into the gut

Intergumentary system

an organ system that protects the body from damage, comprising of skin , hair , scales , nails , sweat glands and other skin derivatives

Large intestine

an organ that is RICH in microorganism unlike the other GIT organs


an organ that is responsible for the production of the hormone testosterone


an organ that is under the influence of follicle stimulating hormone coming from anterior pituitary and secretes estrogen that is essential for the development of female sexual characteristic


an organ that manipulates food during chewing and swallowing


an organ that produces egg cells in female


an organ that produces sperm in males


an organ that secretes the hormones insulin and glucagon which regulates the blood glucose level


an organ that sends pancreatic juice which neutralizes the chyme , to the small intestine through the pancreatic duct

Sequential hermaphroditism

an organism changes sex during its life

Enterocoelomates; echinoderms and chordates

an organism in which mouth is developed first and is from mesodermal pouches of early/primitive gut. Ex are

Schizocoelomates; annelids and anthrodpods

an organism in which the mouth was developed and is from splitting of mesoderm bands in development ex are?


an organism that causes human malaria / hemolysis


an organism that consists of only one cell

Earth worms; nephrostome and nephridiopore

an organism that contains two metanephridia in their body segment; these metanephridia are

frogs or amphibians

an organism that has a paired urinary bladder


an organism that is female first and later, changes to male

Clostridium tetani

an organism that secretes toxin called tetanospasmin that stops / prevents the secretion of inhibitory neurons GABA and Glycine that causes the simultaneous contraction of opposing muscle


an organism that uses the vacuole as means of waste elimination


an organism whose body cavity is filled with fluid


an organism whose cilia are embedded in the pellicle of an animal and has trichocyst

boars (pig)

an organism with a corkscrew shaped penis


an organism with a corkscrew shaped penis

opossum (marsupials)

an organism with with a forked shaped penis

type I collagen and collagenous protein

an osteoid is comprises of


animals with five pairs of legs are known as


animals with four pairs of legs are known as


animals with three pairs of legs are known as


another hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, this plays a role in the secretion of the regulation of calcium


another type of WBC granulocyte, that contains granules that are blue in color and is essential for bacterial infection.


are a biochemical structures inside the cell that carries the trait

phylum echinodermata

are a free-living organisms that is EXCLUSIVELY in MARINE FORM, adults of this phylum are radially symmetrical while larvae are bilaterally symmetrical


are a group of signaling proteins made and released/ synthesized by host cells in response to the presence of several viruses. These are released outside the cells and will inform a non-infected cell, by use of a membrane protein. When the message is received the cell that was informed will synthesize proteins that has a tendency to degrade incoming virus. Protecting the cell.

phylum porifera

are a primitive multicellular animals with cellular grade of organization and has no organ system and can be aquatic , sedentary or solitary

ceruminous glands

are a type of apocrine gland that is located in the ear canal that produces cerumen (ear wax)to stop dust from enetring the ear and is considered modified sweat gland

mammary gland

are another specialized type that produces milk (produces milk)


are believed to have evolved from reptilian scales. Its columns of epidermal cells project into the skin initially to form an invagination.


are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart

fish scales

are called dermal scales since they are derived from the dermis


are cytoplasmic fragments of the megakaryocytes and is essential for blood clotting and coagulation

osteoprogenitor cells

are determined osteogenic PRECURSOR cells which develop into chondoblasts , osteoblast and fibroblast

Ganoid scales

are found in deep sea fishes and is usally rhomboid in shape and have an articulating peg and socket joints between them.

placoid scales; denticles

are found in sharks and rays and vary greatly in external appearance. They do not increase in size as fish grows, instead new scales are added and is responsible for the rough apperance of the shark's scales. They are also called as


are glands derivatives of the epidermis


are group of cells that has similar morphologic features and perform similar functions

transmembrane proteins

are integral protein that span the membrane ; the hydrophobic region streches amino acids , coiled into alpha helices


are lined with ciliated epithelium and mucus producing cells and exhibits a dochotomous branching system


are lining of small intestine that is folded into finger-like projections and mainly functions for absorption of nutrients

Long bones

are longer than they are wide and work as a lever. They are found on the lower and upper extremities of the body

Stratum spinosum

are made up of desosomes or desosomal membrane or spine-like structure. Maintains an attachment between cells through cell adhesion protein


are mature bone cells, they regulate the amount of calcium that is deposited in or removed from the bone matrix


are not part of the skin, it consists mainly of adipose tissues plus some areolar tissues. They stores fat and anchors the skin


are organisms that uses muscles to convert the chemical energy of atp into mechanical work

no, its their reflex response of plant everytime there's an intruder

are plants heterotropic organism? (e.g. pitcher plant)

air sacs

are plastic-like structures that may be transparent and can be found on the peritonial cavity of a bird

uropygial gland

are preen gland of birds and secretes oil and wax to waterproof feathers and bill maintenance

sweat glands

are present to collect water and various wastes from the blood stream and excrete them through the pores of the epidermis


are relatively larger but are fewer in number compared to RBC and is essential for the defense of the body. They can also squeeze through the walls o0f the blood vessels

Cytoid and Ctenoid scales

are scales found in the majority of bony fishes. Their anterior part is usually overlapped by the posterior portion of the scales in front that gives them greater flexibility because it does not cause pulling of the other scales

cardiac muscle

are seen only in the heart, and is the only muscle with branches and each of this muscle tissue contains 1-2 nucleus per cell with a cross striations


are small in number (1-10% of the lipid membrane) but is 50 % on the total weight of the cell.

sesamoid bones

are small round bony muscle masses embedded in certain tendons and may be subjected to compression and tension


are specialized to secrete specific products, it is derived by an infolding of the epidermis


are the electrochemical signals the cells used to transmit impulses


are the functional unit of the nervous system and functions only to conduct impulses and DOES NOT CONTRACT

organs of prehension, humans use their hands, cattles use their tounge, horses use their thick lips

are the organs used by the animals to acquire food. give an example...


are the small arteries that connect larger arteries with capillaries. ARE THE BRANCHES OF THE ARTERY


are the teeths that are modified in shape and size to serve specialized functions like cutting, piercing , grinding and shearing

intercalated disks

are the terminal ends of the cardiac muscle which binds and functionally couple all muscles to allow a rapid spread of stimuli for heart contraction

Ependymal cells

are the type of cells that are usually seen in the ventricle (space) found within the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord

cells of stratum granulosum, cells of stratum spinosum

are the type of skin layer that originated from the keratinocytes


are there equal proportions of purines and pyrimidines ?


are tubes connected to the outside that carry air directly to cells for gas exchange


are type of WBC that cannot be seen because they have a neutral staining granules (does not accept any strain)


are type of blood that are necessary for blood clotting

Short bones

are type of bones that is short , cube-shaped and can be found in the ankles and wrist (carpals and tarsals)

Substrate feeders. Termites and earth worms

are type of feeders that eat the material (dirt or wood) they burrow through. Give an example


are type of white blood cell that does not contain granules


are used to catch and hold prey, to crush hard shells and in some higher vertebrae to carry out the mechancal digestion in the mouth

skeletal muscle fibers

are usually elongated and cylindrical in shape and the size of its muscle fiber is the size of its entire muscle

cardiac muscle

are usually in one of two nuclei and these nuclei are located centrally. They also have a short fibers and exhibits branching


area between the membrane that houses the enzyme of the Kreb's cycle


area in the skeletal muscle where there is no myosin head and anchors the myosin

Nucleoid region

area on the cytoplasm that contains the sing;e bacterial DNA molecule.


area on the surface of the membranes, contains the enzyme for ETC

nodes of ranvier

areas in the axon that is devoid of myelin sheet

the blunt end

as the egg is being laid, which point of the egg comes first ?


as the fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tube, it starts to divide by mitosis until there is a solid ball of cells called __________

in the cytoplasm through glycosidic pathway

aside from mitochondria where can we generate ATP

Telophase II

at this point-- In females, there is only one dividing cell and the other three are polar bodies as in telophase I, the cytoplasm will be concentrated to one of the emerging cell resulting for the large cell to become and egg cell and the smaller ones will be polar bodies


attaches bone to bone , stabilizing and strengthening joints and determining the range of motion

because they are within the white blood cells that is necessary to kill the microorganism the cell has captured.

bakit di naapektuhan ng Hydrogen Peroxide ang white blood cells?

kasi foreign yung sperm/ egg cell ng different species kaya there's a possibility na atakihin yung foreign material na un ng WBC another thing is the different chromosmal number

bakit di pede ipag breed ang different species

para magsurvive, evolution = survival of the fittest

bakit kailangan mag-evolve ng isang species

because latin is "language of learned" - it is universal/ understood by all -never changing

bakit latin ang ginagamit sa taxonomical system?

because on the drug called THALIDOMIDE (used in the 1960s) , which is an anti-morning sickness drug that has a side effect of having an undeveloped limbs

bakit nagkaroon ng phocomelia?

skeletal, smooth, and cardiac

based on structure or function muscles are categorized as:


basic structural component of membrane lipid


bat has how many number of chromosome ?

by opening of the sodium channel and closing of the potassium channel. since there are sodium outside compared to the inside the electrolytes/ cation will go towards the concentration gradient, therefore sodium will move from the outside to the inside and will make the membrane more positive

before a contraction we want the membrane to become more positive how?


believed in spontaneous generation, he believed that when a dead leaf fall into a pond, it transforms into fishes.

Liver and is stored in the gall bladder

bile salts are secreted from the

it prevents the glucose molecule from coming out of the cell

binding of phosphate to glucose prevents?


binding site for calcium

prostosome and deuterostome

blastophore could evolve to

chromosome 9

blood type is related to what chromosome number?

renal artery and renal vein

blood will enter the kidney via? blood will leave via

chromosome 19

blue/green eyes is related to what chromosome number?

mineral salts

bone hardness is due to the presence of _______ in the bone matrix


bone-eating cells


bones are categorized according to their ?

developmental biology (embryology)

branch of zoology that studies how organisms grow and develop

chromosome 15

brown eye color is related to what chromosome number?

bone matrix (25 %), water (5%), inorganic material in the form of hydroxyapatite (70%)

calcified bones/ bone connective tissue contains


can be acted upon by pancreatic lipases into fatty acid and mono glyceryte and pass into the epithelial cells


can be found in the duodenum, these signals the secretion of sodium bicarbonate in the pancreas and stimulates bile secretion in the liver

gastric inhibitory peptide

can be found in the duodenum, this decreases the stomach chumming , in turn slowing the EMPTYING THE STOMACH . This also induces insulin secretion.


can be found in the duodenum, this stimulates the release of the digestive enzyme in the pancreas and stimulates the emptying of bile in the gall bladder. ONLY FUNCTIONS ON ANIMALS WITH GALL BLADDER

skeletal muscle

can be made to contract or relax by conscious control


can be seen in a closed circulatory system where it prevents backflow of blood within the blood vessel


can be seen in armed tape worm; this is provided with hooks

gynaecophoric canal

can be seen in blood fluke, this embraces the female during copulation


can be seen in coelenterata, this is a long , hollow structure used for locomotion and food capturing

No cephalization

can be seen in earthworms, this means an organism does not have a distinct head


can be seen in phylum platyhelminthes this is a loosely organized, mainly mesodermal embryonic tissue which develops into connective and skeletal tissues, including blood and lymph.


can be seen on chordates, this is a solid supporting structure on the dorsal side of the body at some stage of the life cycle

no, you can kill a bird by compressing its peritonial cavity

can you kill a bird by strangling its neck?

collar cells or chonatocytes

canals and spongcoel of a porifera is lined with....


cartilage is covered/ outline with a tissue called.


cat has how many number of chromosome ?


cattle has how many number of chromosome ?


caused by a damaged P53 gene, it allows even the damaged cells to replicate


cell structures responsible for protein synthesis


cell takes droplet of proteins into the vesicle. There is an INVAGINATION of the plasma membrane

simple columnar epithelium

cells are taller than they are wide, nucleus is closer to the base


cells take in macro-molecule by forming vesicle from the plasma membrane

Eukaryotic cells

cells that have a true nucleus and are membrane bounded


central control center that monitors internal and external conditions (including reproduction , the production of ATP) and turns on or off different genetic programs

smooth ER

channels formed are similar to RER but tubular and without ribosomes

Growth phase 1

characterize by cell growth and the cell is preparing to begin DNA replication


characterized by a double membrane which creates two areas within the organelle; the organelle that houses enzyme for krebs and the one for ETC


chemical process that occur on a living organism.


chondrocytes of the cartilage are housed with in the


chromosomes contains a ___________ that is necessary for the attachment to microtubules for migration


class hirudinea secreats this chemical that re establish blood supply and serves as an anti-coagulant and an anesthetic

pulmonary valve

closing of the tricuspid valve would trigger the opening of

chromosome 2

colon cancer is related to what chromosome number


common in coelenterata, this is a type of animal wherein there is a different type of individuals are present in a colony for different functions


common in the animal kingdom, this type of organism has both sexes. (MEANING BOTH INDIVIDUAL WILL HAVE BOTH OVARIES AND TESTES)

stratified epithelium

composed of several layers of cells and are then called compound epithelium


compound eyes in phylum arthropoda

Transmissible Venereal Tumor

condition having numerous vacuoles that causes a growing mass rising on the genital area of an animal


congenital condition in which the proximal portions of the limbs are poorly developed or absent

Intergumentary system

considered the largest organ system in the animal's body


considered to be the powerhouse of the cell; it is the place which produce energy and the storage of that energy as ATP will occur


consist mainly of nucleus and acrosome


consist of fused microtubules and is responsible for separating replicated chromosomes into the two daughter cells. Therefore essential during mitotic cell division

Axial skeleton

consists of bones that form the axis of the body, it protects the organs of the head, neck and trunk. Protecting the internal organs

muscle tissues

consists of fibers (myofibrils) that are highly specialized for active generation of force contraction

Respiratory system

consists of the airways, the lungs and the mediate movement of air into and out of the body

digestive system

consists of tube running from the mouth to the anus known as the alimentary tract / GIT and the ancillary organs

page 1 ng meiosis at mitosis

construct the meiosis process between male and female


contains a dense connective tissue made up of collagen fibers that is responsible for its elasticity and strength


contains dissolved nutrients , helps breakdown waste products and moves material around the cell


contains full number of chromosomes


contains only the half the chromosomes of the body cell


contains rigid and resistant components that fulfill a set of functional roles including excretion , sensing, support, feeding and acting as a barrier against desiccation

systole; diastole

contraction is also known as? relaxation?

No, because air could still enter the body via the spiracles

could an insect die from simply drowning it to water?


could be made up calcium carbonate or silicious spicules they are responsible for the sturdiness of the sponge, thus acting as the skeletal system of the sponge


counterpart of human stomach in birds

crypts of liberkuhn

crypts is also known as the

Cell biology

deals with biological function in the cellular level (deals with cellular process)


deals with the classification of living organism

molecular biology

deals with the interaction between various systems of a cell , including DNA RNA, and protein synthesis


degree of phatogenecity

tendons and ligaments; non elastic

dense connective tissue includes the _______ , ___________and its fibers are _______

Creatine phosphate

derives its high-energy phosphate from ATP and can donate it back to ADP to form ATP

it is made up of collagen (responsible for the strength of the skin) and elastic fibers (skin elasticity)

dermis is made up of what type of connective tissues?

acetyl choline will fuse to the membrane of an axon and eventally this charges the acetyl choline. Within muscle cells (particularly the membrane) we have a receptor for the acetyl choline that will stimulate the muscle contraction. When will it stop? the acetylcholinesterase enzyme will degrade the acetylcholine such that a contraction will stop.

describe how an acetycholinesterase works

the skeletal muscle is composed of a bundle of muscle fibers, they will contract/ react when they recieve a signal from the nervous system (action-potential). A neuromuscular junction is the site of the signal exchange. Muscle fibers are composed of many myofibrils that contains contractile unit called sarcomere which contins thick (myosin) and thin filaments (actin) giving the skeletal muscle its striated appearance. Muscle contract when these filaments slide each other. Because the actin filaments are anchored to the z line the sarcomere shortens from both sides when the actin filaments slide along the myosin. The action between the actin and mysoin is described as sliding, the myosin filament actually pulls the actin along its length. The cross bridges of the myosin filament attaches to the actin filament and exert force on them to move or the sliding filament mechanism of muscle contraction, this is where the sarcomere shorten without the thick or thin filaments changing in length. A contraction begins when a bound ATP is hydrolized into ADP + Pi, this causes the myosin head to extend and can attach to the binding site on actin forming a cross bridge. A movement called the powerstroke is triggered allowing the myosin to pull the myosin filament towards the M line therefore shortening the sarcomere. ATP and Pi are released during the power stroke the myosin remains attach to actin until a new molecule of ATP binds either freeing the myosin to either allowing it to undergone another process for more contraction or remain unattached for the muscle to relax. Action potential generated from the nerve will be passed up to the terminal part of the axon this will cause for the opening of the calcium channel and the release of calcium ions into the cytosol of the axon which cause for the vesicle containing neurotransmitter, acetylcholine to bind to the membrane and release acetyl choline through exocytosis. This acetyl choline will bind to the receptor protein of muscles, the action potential will be transmitted from the nerve to the muscle. This action potential will travel to the transverse tubules (which is atached to the sarcoplasmic reticulum) of the skeletal muscle, so therefore the action potential will travel to the neuromuscular junction into the t-tubule then into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, on the sarcoplasmic reticulum this will cause the opening of the calcium gate there by releasing calcium into the cytoplasm of the muscle cells. The muscle contractions are controlled by the actions of Calcium ions. the actin filaments are associated with regulatory protein called tropomyosin and troponin. When a muscle is relaxed tropomyosin blocks the cross bridge binding sites on actin. When calcium ion levels are high enough and ATP is present, calcium ions binds to the troponin which displaces tropomyosin exposing the troponin binding site on actin this allows myosin to attach to the binding site on actin forming a cross bridge.

describe the muscle contraction process

+\- glycosyl transferase,

determines the blood type of an organism; how does it work?

chromosome 5

diabetes is related to what chromosome number?


digest and dispose foreign particles , malfunctioning structure and worn out organelle

The cardiac cycle is basically made up of contraction and relaxation but before that there are different valves present in the heart. within the heart we have the atrioventricular valve (AV) which separates atrium from the ventricle.

discuss the cardiac cycle


diversity of life on both a large and small scale

no, birds doesnt have a sweat gland

do birds sweat?

No; Five

do phylum echinodermata have distinct brain? how many radiating nerves does this phylum have?

gawin mo lang veh.

do the diagram on how people / scientists study animals

gawin mo lang :)

do the whole activation and Krebs cycle process

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

does a dental scrapings put it on a slide and studied it under a microscope and found out that there are numerous animal-like structures moving around.


does amoebas form spores?

No, if the size of the mother bacteria is 2 microns, the offsppring of the bacteria would be 2 microns as well

does bacteria has variability?

YES, it has less amount of cells compared to that of the matrix

does bone connective tissue has less amount of cells ?


does connective tissue have more matrix than cells?

No, kasi hindi naman nagstay ang food sa esophagus in a long period of time therefore, there are few diseases where esophagus is involved

does esophagus prone to infection ?

yes, in garden snails, they usually have a structure that would be inserted in their necks. Therefore both of the snails would be fertilized. earthworms, they would lie opposite to each other

does hermaphrodite organism requires mating process? how?

yesss, though they still have to look for a shell kasi nagiincrease pa rin size nila

does hermit crab undergone ecdysis


does humans and a giraffe have the same number of cervical vertebra


does myosin move during muscle contraction ?


does phylum mollusca posses blood?

Yes. there are certain substance present on the parotid gland that prevents microbial growth

does poison gland in frogs have a certain anti microbial activity?

No,epithelial tissues is composed mainly of cells and less matrix

does the epithelial tissue consists mainly of matrix?

NO, keratohyaline granules are very specific for stratum granulosum

does the layers above and below that stratum spinosum contains keratohyaline granules

yes, because different species of animals would have a difeerent number of vertebra

does the number of spiral nerves would depend on the vertebra?


does the peristaltic motion also contributes to the propulsion of food?


dog has how many number of chromosome ?

chromosome 21

down syndrome is related to what chromosome number?

binary fission

during this asexual reproduction, the single DNA replicates and both copies attach tp the cell membrane


during this process the muscle (intercostal muscle) of the chest will contract lifting the ribs and pulling them outward.


each alveoli is surrounded by


earthworms belong to what phylum


embedded here are a variety of connecting and supporting fibers like collagen and eslatic fibers


epidermal cells that transform as they move up in the epidermis eventually forming keratin (scales)

chromosome 5

epilepsy is related to what chromosome number?

ciliated columnar epithelium

epithelial tissue that posses hair-like outgrowths , cilia on their free surface and can be found on the air passage like nose. Can also be found for uterus and fallopian tube


epithelial tissues that occurs on the interior of the body

Cenozoic era

era that is considered as the age of mammals

Mesozoic era

era where the fist mammals arises, it is the era believed to be belonged with the reptiles

growth, tissue repairs and replacement of the worn-out tissues

essentials of mitosis

because the phenotye (physical attributes) is dependent on the genotype

ex: ang nanay at tatay mo ay 5' bakit hindi ka pede maging 6'?

Robert Hooke

examined a cork from a bottle wined and chopped it into thin pieces and put it on a slide to examine

small intestine

example of an organ with simple columnar epithelium


examples of ligaments

phocidae family

examples of these are seals or organisms that has reduced limbs (flippers)


excessive activity of the thyroid gland that increases metabolism rate of a person thereby increasing the temperature inside the body as well


excurrent pores that can be seen in the spongcoel of a phylum porifera


exhibited by cells; the protoplasm has a contractile ability

gastric glands HCl and Pepsin

exocrine glands in the stomach wall that secrete gastric juice into the stomach. RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PRODUCTION OF

the DNA should first unwind and after the unwinding process the replication process will now happen. where the old strand would serve as a template in which it will form a new strand of DNA (exact copy). After the replication process it would then go to a process called transcription where one strand would serve as a template for synthesizing mRNA and the other one will act as the storage of genetic information. In synthesizing the youll replace the Thymine to Uracil. After transcription, it will now go to the cytoplasm and will go to ribosome (rRNA).After migrating to the ribosome TRANSLATION process will then occur. In the translation process we have a nucleotide called tRNA which carries amino acid and in there, there is an amino acyl side where the amino acid attaches. After the attachment of the amino acid in the amino acyl side, the tRNA will then go to the rRNA where the anticodon will be attached to the codon of the mRNA. This anticodon would then tranlate the codon of your DNA to its complementary. After that, an enzyme will form a bond to the translated amino acid and this enzyme will detach the anticodon from the codon in the ribosomes. After the detachment, it will now move to the amino acyl pool where all the RNAs are found. The translation would only stop when it reaches the stop codon. The proteins that was a product of the translation process would then be delivered to the different parts of the body

explain the Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics

at the start of the ETC , two electrons are passed from NADH to NADH dehydrogenase, coupled with this transfer there is one Hydrogen ion that is pumped out of this transfer. Next, the two electrons are then transfered to ubiquinone to cytochorme BC1 Each electrons are then passed from cytochrome BC1 to cytochrome C which accepts electron ONE AT A TIME. And ONE hydrogen ion is pumped through the surface for EACH transfer of electron THE next step is at the cytochrome oxidase which requires 4 electrons, these four electrons interact with a molecular oxygen molecule and 8 hydrogen ions. Four electrons + 4 hydrogen ion + oxygen molecule are used to create two water molecule . The other four molecule is pumped accross the membrane The other four molecules is pumped across the membrane, this series of hydrogen pumping steps creates a gradient. The potential energy on this gradient is then used by the ATP synthase to make ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate

explain the electron transport chain

The cell membrane EVAGENATES the bulk material and will be enclosed by the vesicle containing cell membrane and witth the aid of digestive enzymes the particular molecule will be digested and eventually will be discharged via exocytosis

explain the process of phagocytosis

Extracellular and the Cytoplasmic layer (where proteins can be found)

explain the two parts of plasma membrane


external rigid frameworks , such as those found in some invertebrates (insects)

termination of replication

final stage of DNA replication where gaps within the newly synthesized strands are sealed or joined together


final stage of mitosis, sister chromatid the opposite poles


follows on cell division ; there is an assimilation of protoplasm and an increase in size

maceration of the fetus or destruction of the uterus itself

for pregnants, too much oxytocin would cause

osteoprogenitor cells then there are cytokines that would develop these oteoprogenitor cells to become chindroblast which eventuallywould transform into chondrocyte

for the formation of cartilage we will be needing

calcium carbonate; siliceous

formainiferans secretes test that are primarily ____________ while radiolarian possess a test that is _______________

Telophase I

formation of new nuclear membrane (cytokinesis), in the male cell it will proceed tp Interphase II, however in the females the bigger cell is the one who will be proceeding to the interphase II and the smaller ones will degenerate forming polar bodies


formation of the cytoplaasm after the process of the cell dividing into two


forms 5% of the membrane lipid and is ONLY present on the EXTRACELLULAR LAYER . They have a carbohydrate side chains

actin filament

forms zig-zag pattern along the anchored points of the z line and is on the outer edge of the sarcomere

Pineal gland

found deed within the brain and known as the third eye as it corresponds to light and day motion


found in the membrane of a muscle; this is a neurotransmitter that is required for muscle contraction and is found inside the axon; it degrades the acetylcholine that makes the reaction stop.

articular cartilage

found on the outer surface of the epiphysis and forms a smooth surface that reduces friction

Growth phase 1, Synthesis phase, Growth phase 2 and the Mitotic Cycle

four phases of cell cycle

Compound, Facilitated, Active, Passive

four type of transport

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

function also is for protein synthesis and transports the protein that was synthesized by ribosomes provided in its structure.


function of the protoplasm in which cells divide to form identical daughter cells ; function of nucleus of the protoplasm


function of theprotoplas in which cells must get rid of the EXCRETORY WASTE

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

functions at the connective duct, this happens when you are not taking enough water which causes aquaporins to be inserted to the membrane of collecting duct so that large quantities of PURE WATER can be reabsorbed


functions in collaboration with the medulla, regulating breathing and reflex actions in response to auditory and visual stimuli


functions primarily in conducting or transferring and receive signals from all parts of the central nervous system

connective tissue

functions primarily to bind or connect together all types of cell

renal pelvis

funnel-shaped reservoir that collects the urine and passes it to the ureter


gain of electrons

External Fertilization

gametes are released into the water by each sex at the same time


gawin mo ung digaram ng animal kingdom


gawin mo ung evolutionary family tree sa page 2

nasa notebook

gawin mo ung summary ng buong glycolysis hanggang ETC (yung table)

gawin mo lang hehe

gawin mo ung table ng coelenterata sa page 9

gawin mo lang

gawin mo ung table ng phylum porifera sa page 7


gene carrying , circular DNA structures that are not involved in reproduction. It carries gene for anti-biotic resistance , and has the ability to replicate on its own.


generally, a type of cell division involving somatic cells resulting in the production of daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes as that of the parent.

Protandrous : within the sea anemone there lives a clown fish, usually there is one breeding pair and there is a non breeding pair. The breeding pairs are usually the largest among the group and dominance is based on the size. The largest among the group would be the female and the second largest would be the male. When the female dies the male will assume the function of the female. The male clownfish would become a female Protogynous: parrot fishes/ angel fishes.

give an example of a sequential hermaphroditism

Formation of Fingers and Toes, apoptosis triggers the separation of fingers

give an example of an apoptosis

-the omnivor, herbiovor, insectivor, -In pigs: the fed it with booster, starter, pre starter and finisher - in chickens they usually depends on the breed and use. Ex you have a broiler and a layer chicken; both are chicken but they have different function and different requiremnts of feed.

give an example of animal nutriology application


give an example of animals who undergone external fertilization

skull of a baby isn't fused yet, as the child is maturing there are certain bones that tends to fuse together. This type of bone formation would involve intramembranous ossification.

give an example of intramembranous ossification

hepatocytes (liver cells), Neurons, Sex cells

give an example of non proliferative cells

bacteria; E. coli the generation time is 20-30 minutes.

give an example of organisms that reproduce via asexual reproduction

-fertilization process, then forming a zygote then this will divide until it forms the organs etc (how heart develop from a zygote) -any malformation of a particular organ

give an example of the use of embryology

bones of the vertebrae and the skull

give an example pf an irregular bone

Kapag may sakit ung animals: usually animals tend to stay out of the herd In chicks: kapag nasa isang place lang sila (sa may ilaw) hindi masyadong malamig ung place. Kapag theyre all over the place, and theya are spreading their wings ibigsabihin naman naiinitan. Sa dogs, kapag kinain ung placenta ibigsabihin its avoiding the predators, kinakain niya ung placenta to remove the scent of it thus protecting the puppies

give examples of ethology

food chain on a wetland area. crocodiles living in swamps

given an example of ecology

lice on a human host, has an effect giving rise to leuikemia etc

given an example of parasitology and pathology

Proterozoic eon ; algae

gives rises to Eukaryotic fossil in the form of ___________


glucose is partially broken down into 3 carbon molecule called

cytosol ,mitochondrial matrix, and inner mitochondrial membrane (Cristae)

glycolysis occurs in? krebs cycle occurs in? and ETC occurs in?

reptalia, aves, amphibia, mammalia, and pisces

gnatosthomata is divided into class...


greatly increases area for gas exchange; this typically occurs in every animal groups including anthropods, annelids fish and amphibians


group of bacteria that does not have a cell wall, and causes pneumonia


group of cells that does not have a nucleus and membrane bound organelle

chromosome 19

hair color is related to what chromosome number?

bone modeling

happens when bone resorption and bone formation occur on a separate surfaces

cellular respiration

harvest electrons from organic compound such as glucose to make a molecule called ATP


has a primitive "nucleus" and doesn't have a nuclear membrane and the genetic material is at the nucleoid

ovoviviparous organism

have eggs that hatch as they are laid, making it look like live birth.

total collapse of the villi

having a defect crypts would lead to the


having male and female reproductive organs in the same animal

Gregor Mendel

he is the father of genetics, he is the first person to study genetics using peas


head of an adult tapeworm; can contain suckers or hooks


helps to enhance the permeability barrier property of membrane and provides stability on the membrane


high amount of hydrogen in the blood will make it ?

because the secretions of the organ will not travel via the duct. It will travel directly through the blood stream.

hormones are said to be ductless in nature, why is that so?

because hormones are rich in blood vessel, because all of the secretions should pass to the blood vessel

hormones are said to be very vascular, why is that so?

the cells secreting hormones should have these intercellular vacuole for the storage of the hormones. Ex. the pancreas responsible for the secretion of insulin and glucagon

hormones usually exist in the presence of the intercellular vacuole, why is that so


horse has how many number of chromosome ?


houses 90 % of the cell cycle

1. thyrotropin releasing hormone 2.anterior pituitary gland 3. anterior pituitary gland 4. thyroid stimulating hormone 5. thyrotropin 6. thyroid 7. thyroxine: T3 and T4 8. increase metabolic rate 9.pituitary gland or to the 10. hypothalamus 11. thyrotropin 12. T3 and T4

how are the hormone regulated? for example because of the exposure to cold, your body temperature would decrease as well, because of this the hypothalamus will secrete_____1_____ with its target organ being the _____2____, such that this _____3______ will send ________4_____ or ____5____ in which the primary target organ is ________6_____. Such that the thyroid gland will secrete_______7______ in which the main function is to_____8_____, therefore increasing the body temperature as well. As long as the temperature is reached, this will send signal to the __9___ or to the ___10___ to stop the secretion of _____11____ and this particular hormone release are stopped. thereby stopping the release of ______12____.

if an organism is provided with capsule that is very much larger in diameter compared with the bacterial cell itself it would prevent phagocytosis form happening

how can a bacterial capsule protect a bacteria from phagocytosis

CO2 + H2O <--> H2CO3 <--> H+ + HCO3-

how can a blood stabilize pH and lowers concentration? (in equation)

-through the smooth surface of the hyalinecartilage it provides sliding area which reduces friction. Ex may uric acid / acid crystals

how can a cartilage reduces friction on the joint?

by stimulating osteoclastic activity

how can a hormone increase the calcium level in the blood ?

probably because of the cancerous melanocyte-producing cell

how can a mole develop into cancer

by progressively moving forward and not in circular motion

how can a sperm cell fertilize an ovum

ex with bacillus anthrasis that is provided with capsule has more ability to cause disease compared to the bacillus anthrasis without capsules

how can capsule make a bacteria virulent?

normally, potassium (which is normally being absorbed) and hydrogen is being excreted out. But when the hydrogen ion increases resulting to the acidity of the blood, potassium / sodium resorted and Hydrogen will go out. This would produce to an acidic urine, because the hydrogen would be added to the ammonium ions and will be released through the urine

how can kidney regulate the pH of the blood

usually, the skin contains a staphyloccocus A., E.coli etc. but then again, they're not capable of causing disease unless there is a "break" on your skin. The skin basically protects the body from infectious organisms

how can the skin protect someone from bacteria?

by the time it reaches the outside environment of the skin

how can you tell if a hair is dead?

Through binary fission

how do bacteria divide?

nag spread sila ng wings to release heat from body

how do birds react on environmental temperatures

mouth, stomach , small intestine, large intestine , cecum

how do the horses digest food?

through, Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus , species

how do we classify animals

animals are being studied through scientific method

how do zoologist, veterinarians and biologists study animals?

hyaline cartilage joins bones firmly together in such a way that a certain amount of movement is still possible between them

how does a cartilage help function as a movement

fishes have a two chambered heart the atrium and the ventricle. Each pumping of atrium the blood is pushed to the ventricle and as the ventricle contracts blood is pumped onto the gills for oxygenation. The oxygenated blood from the gills would be delivered to the rest of the body.The blood that is delivered to the rest of the body would only have a low blood pressure because it willl first be delivered to the lungs before being deliverd to the rest of the body.

how does a fish circulatory works ?

because an irritant (sand), the oyster will produce calcium carbonate that would cover the irritant. This calcium carbonate would then be converted to a pearl

how does a pearl oyster produces its shell?

during expiration (exhalation), the alveolus is inflated. The alveolus would have a natural recoil tendency that during expiration the alveoli has a tendency to deflate. The deflation usually is brought about by the interaction of water molecules found inside the walls of the alveoli. Usually water molecules would have forces of attraction in which will contribute to the surface tension which will cause deflation of alveoli. Too much surface tension collapse of the alveoli, therefore there is a need to prevent it by the secretion of surfactant by type II pneumocyte.. These surrfactant woud then insert themselves into the water molecules where the hydrophilic head would be directed in the water molecules while the tail which is hydrophobic would be outside.

how does a surfactant in the alveoli works

when it contracts, blood is pumped away from the heart through its associated blood vessel called the pulmonary artery. Therefore the deoxygenated blood coming from the vena cava will go to the right atrium to the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery for oxygenation in the lungs then it will be returned to the atrium to the left ventricle and again will be pumped to the rest of the body by means of the aorta

how does a ventricle works

The RBC is containing an oxygen-carrying molecule which is the hemoglobin that increases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. Meanwhile, carbon dioxide is the main product of metabolism therefore a metabolically active site would produce large amount of carbon dioxide which would then be in contact with RBC that is highly oxygenated. When they come in contact with a tissue with a high amount of carbon dioxide the diffususion would be from the tissue (which has a high CO2 level) to the RBC (that has a high O2 level) then from RBC (Which has a high O2 level) to the tissue (With a high CO2 level).

how does alveoli gas exchange happen

the deoxygenated blood is returned to the heart by means of veins (vena cava). When the atrium contracts , blood coming from the right atrium will be pushed into the right ventricle In the case of the Left atrium, the blood will originate from the LUNGS such that oxygenated blood will be returned to the left atrium by means of pulmunary vein. As the left atrium contracts blood is pumped into the left ventricle

how does an atrium works ?

RBCs are getting manufactured in the bone marrow which is situated in the spongy tissue at the ends of long bones

how does bone participate in the manufacturing blood cells

the c-shaped cartilagenous rings in the trachea and bronchi assist in keeping those tubes open ex : sa paghinga, it will serve as a passage hole for air.

how does cartilage serves a support

the chicken will eat the food , then it will travel down to the esophagus towards to the expanded part of the esophagus which serves as the temporary storage pouch of food , this is called the Crop/ buchi. This is followed by the proventriculus , which is the portion in which chemical digestion will happen is considered as the true stomach of a chicken This is followed by the gizzard/ balun-balunan, this is the muscular stomach of the animal, it decreases the particle size of the food the chicken ingest. The gizzard would require certain material to help in digestion, they are known as the grits. The grits helps breakdown in particle size of the food that they have. After that, the food would then go to the small intestine then into the large intestine until it go to the cloaca

how does chicken digest food?

via diffusion

how does class cestoda acquire their food?

in fishes, water will enter the mouth and will leave via the gills. Water containing oxygen will move in one direction while blood will move of the opposite direction

how does countercurrent flow happens

Assuming that the RBC is coming from

how does gas exchange happen from RBC?

hyaline cartilage is responsible for the longitudinal growth of bone in the neck regions of the long bones

how does hyaline cartilage correlates to someone's growth

through the canaliculi

how does osteocytes communicate with each other

PYRUVATE + CoASH + NAD ---> NADH + ACETLY COA + CO2 producing 2 NADH or 4 ATPs plus 2 co2 and 2 NADH

how does pyruvate form to become an Acetyl CoA.? how many ATPs are formed? how many NADH are formed? hpw many CO2 are formed and how many NADH are formed

mouth, esophagus , then the four stomach/ four chamber stomach : rumen (largest part) it contains bacteria and protozoa responsible for grass digestion, reticulum, omasum and abomasum then will be heading to the small intestine then large instestine...

how does ruminants digest its foods?

when a muscle contract , the z line moves closer together, the I BAND became shorter and the A band remains the same

how does the "sliding filament works "

bone plays a part in homeostasis because it helps to maintain a constant level of calcium in the blood. 0.1 % . Calcium is necessary for muscle contraction, blood formation

how does the bone participates in the homeostasis ? how many percent of calcium is present in the blood? calcium is necessary for what?

bones protects soft and delicate organs of the body such as the brain

how does the bone protects the body

the bone tissue forms a system of lever to which the voluntary muscle move

how does the bone tissue participates in the locomotion of the body

the bone cells form a supportive framework , giving shape and rigidity to the body

how does the bone tissue supports the body

If the testis' temperature is the same as that of the body temperature, there would be a failure in spermatogenesis. So therefore, the scrotum, during summer will be loose to GIVE LOWER TEMPERATURE TO THE TESTICLES during cold nights, the scrotum WILL BE CLOSE TO THE BODY AS POSSIBLE

how does the the scrotum regulates the temperature of the testis? why is it necessary to have that kind of interaction on the testicles?

since prokaryotes doesn't have any nucleus the DNA is being transcribe within the cytoplasm such that translation occurs in the cytoplasm as well. A as the DNA is being transcribed a certain portion of RNA is already being translated. AS DNA IS BEING TRANSCRIBED, RNA IS BEING TRANSLATED AS WELL

how does translation occur in prokaryotes

because of the fluidity of the cytoplasm

how is cell division made possible?

in the cocurrent flow, the flow of blood containing oxygen is to the right, the water containing oxygen moves on the same direction as the blood. Let's say that the blood after going to the tissues may contain less amount of oxygen, the degree of saturation of oxygen is very low. Then the water containing high amount of oxygen is going the same direction but because it has a higher amount of oxygen saturation in the virtue of diffusion oxygen will move from an area of higher concentration to an area having a low oxygen content. So oxygen will diffuse from the water and the blood will be dense. BUT WILL THAT ATTAIN A SATURATION IN THE BLOOD? Yes, but with 50% saturation of the exchange gradient (ie oxygen) there will be an equilibrium at 50% saturation therefore seizes the gas exchange only containing 50% oxygen saturation Meanwhile the countercurrent flow the water and the blood moves at the opposite direction. So in this case, at an opposite direction, blood would contain a less amount of oxygen but the water, at the direction opposite to the blood would contain a high amount of oxygen. So therefore if the blood containing oxygen is around 40% and the water containing oxygen is at 50% the gas exchange would be possible as the level of saturation of oxygen on the blood goes up. At around 90% oxygen saturation in the blood, water is having a 100% oxygen saturation therefore oxygen exchange would be possible. This would result to a 100% saturation of oxygen in the blood and would be delivered to the body. COUNTERCURRENT IS MORE FAVORABLE :D IF DI MO MAGETS, LOOK FOR A PIC THEN READ IT AGAIN

how is countercurrent flow of air more efficient compared to that of the cocurrent flow of oxygen ?

ex: reason kung bakit mas mabilis ang kabayo sa kambing in medicine, the use of prosthetic legs in physics we study electricity, how the electro-chemical signals : on how information go from spinal cord to one organ

how is physics applies to biology

1 day or 24 hours and 30 min

how long does a chicken develop an egg?

some of them may reach as fast as 8 minutes to as long as a year

how long does cell cycle occur?

10 days to 2 weeks

how long does the sperm cell stay in the sperm host gland of a bird

dogs : 2 months, Pigs:114 days or 3 months 3 weeks and 3 days Cow: 9 months or 282 sheep and goat? 5 months elephant : 2 years or 640 days giraffe: 420 days

how long is the gestation period for dogs ? pigs? cow ? sheep and goat? elephants ? giraffe ?

is a muscle that has three heads or origin. TRISEPHALIC. 1 insertion

how man heads is present in triceps extensor femoris? how many insertion is present?

36/38 ATP molecules per glucose molecule depending on the cell

how many ATPs will be produced form a molecule of glucose?

one egg cell and three polar bodies

how many cells are produced in a female during meiosis

seven cervical vertebra

how many cervical vertebra does an organism contain?

three chambered heart. Two atria and one ventricle

how many chambers dies amphibian has? what are those?


how many chambers is present in the heart of a mammals and birds

23 pairs

how many chromosomes does a human have

a squid has a pair of tentacles

how many pairs of tentacles does a squid have

0.9 percent

how many percent of NaCl is present in the RBC ?

one RBC at a time because the lumen of the capillary is very smol

how many red blood cell can one capillary take?

female: larger, pointed end male: penis is longitudinal, coiled end and smaller

how to determine the sex of a phylum aschelminthes

closing of the sodium channel and opening the potassium channel

how to repolarize a cell ?

by using potassium chloride, potassium sends signals to every muscle in the body to contract. When the potassium reaches the inmate's heart, it disrupts the delicate balance of sodium and potassium ions that keep the heart beating.

how to stop all of the muscle contraction

by reciprocating the number of RBC lifespan of an organism Dogs = 0.8 or 1 % Cats = 1.4% Cows = 0.625 or 1 % horse = 0.689 or 1%

how will you determine the amount of RBC that is replaced on a daily basis ? compute the number of RBC lifespan of dogs , cats , cows and horse

no contraction; contraction

if the body has a (+) charge there will be _________ contraction, meanwhile if the body is (-) charge there will be __________


if the osteoblastic activity is favored this usally results to


if the osteoclasitc activity is favored this usually results to

thymine -15% cytosine- 35% guanine-35% because purines and pyrimidines have equal number of proportions

if there are 15% of adenine in a sequence about how many percent are thymine , cytosine and guanine? how did you derive on your answer?

ectopic pregnancy

implantation of the fertilized egg in any site (usually Fallopian tube) other than the normal uterine location

10 base pairs 34 angstrom, 3.4 nm, 3400 pm , 17500 angstrom

in a 360 turn of DNA : how many base pair are present ? how long is this 360 degree turn ? from here compute the length of the DNA having 500 base pairs

from electronegative to electropositive

in a nutshell, how would you describe the action-potential

in anerobic respiration, only 2 ATPs would be produced while in aerobic 36-38 ATP

in anearobic condition how many atps are produced? in aerobic?

from the ovary

in birds, where does the yolk originating

plasma, 55% and 45 % are the packed cell volume

in centrifugation, what is the less weighted material, and what is its percentage?

teeth , that is responsible for the mechanical breakdown of large material into smaller particle. Enzymes for the chemical breakdown of the smaller particles of food to convert it to nutrients

in digestion , the mechanical process is due to the presence of? menawhile the chemical breakdown is due to the presence of ?

osteoprogenitor cells then there are cytokines that would develop these oteoprogenitor cells to become osteoblast which eventually would transform into osteocyte

in forming the bone we will be needing

Interphase I

in meiosis, it is the phase where chromosomes replicate; chromosomes loosely packed and not visible with a microscope. Two pairs of centriole lie just outside the nucleus , next to each other


in prokaryotic bacteria it is a gel-like substance composed of water that also contains enzyme , salts , cell components and various organic substance .Devoid of organelle, only ribosomes present

osteoprogenitor cells then there are cytokines that would develop these oteoprogenitor cells to become fibroblast which eventually would transform into fibrous connective tissue

in the formation of a fibrous connective tissue we will be needing


in the reproductive part of birds, what does the magnum secretes


in the word "os cordis" what do we mean by cordis

different; same

in the word heterodont what do we mean by hetero? how about iso

open circulatory system; insects

in this type of circulatory system, the blood flows slowly as there is no blood pressure after the body leaves the blood vessel; an organism with this type of circulatory system are?

organic substances

includes proteins, carbohydrates , lipids , nucleic acids and enzymes

human respiratory system

includes the lungs , trachea and the structures in the chest that involved with moving air in and out of the lungs

endochondral bone formation

increase in length is due to continued ___________ at the end of long bones

formation of new bone on the outer surface of the cortical bone (hard bone) or an increase osteoblastic activity

increase in the circumference of a bone is made possible by

thyroid hormones

increases the over all metabolic rate, regulates growth and development as well the onset of sexual maturity


inflammation of the nasal mucosa


inner lining of the uterus

systemic respiration / gas exchange

involves the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the respiratory tract


is a common energy source of a cell

blood vessels

is a component of the circulatory system that consists of arteries , capiliaries and veins that deliver blood to all tissues


is a connective tissue layer UNDER THE EPIDERMIS and contains nerve endings, sensory receptors , capillaries and elastic fibers


is a group of protista that is unicellular , eukaryotic yhat possess flagella as an adult

rough endoplasmic reticulum

is a highly developed for protein exporting cells.


is a hormone secreted by the ovaries coming from the corpus luteum, this promotes further preparation of the uterine lining for pregnancy and prevents uterine contraction until the baby is born


is a keratin structure that is covering the jaw of a bird and is of epidermal origin

claws and talons

is a keratin structure that is curved , laterally compressed keratinized projections from the tip of the digits and is found among birds


is a keratin structure that is enlarged keratin plates found on the ends of the ungulate digits and is the external covering of the last digit on the animal's body


is a keratin structure that is keratinized epithelial cells. It protects from mechanical injury and stabilize skin for better grasping and is only found in primates


is a male gonad suspended outside the body within the scrotum

smooth muscle

is a muscle that is located in the walls of hollow internal structures such as blood vessel, stomach intestines and urinary bladder


is a muscular structure that functions to receive the penis and also as a birth canal


is a muscular tube whose muscular contractions propel food to the stomach

Nervous system

is a network of specialized cells that conduct impulses from or to areas of the body to the brain and spinal cord and within the brain

H zone

is a portion of the A band where the thick and thin filaments does not overlap


is a rigid plate like steroid ring that makes up 20 percent of the membrane lipid system. And is only present in animal cell only.

skeletal system

is a strong framework that supports the body


is a study of the evolutionary history and classification of organism in order to establish relationship in monophyletic groups


is a substance that decrease the surface tension within the alveoli to prevent alveolar collapse

endocrine system

is a system that elicits a slower response, therefore the effects are longer duration


is a type of WBC that is essential to fight viral infection and is responsible for the formation of the antibodies. It has a large nucleus almost occupying the entire cytoplasm


is a type of an external anatomical feature that supports and protects the softer animal's body and provides surface for attachments of muscle


is a type of blood that is carriers of hemoglobin and therefore function in oxygen and carbon dioxide transport

Flat bones

is a type of bone that has a broad surface for protection of organs and attachment of the muscle. Example of this is the bones of the pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle . cranial bones and the ribs. They are usually the source of bone marrow

pneumatic bones

is a type of bone that is generally being penetrated by air sacs


is a type of cell division involving reproductive cells with half the number of chromosomes as that of the parent

Type I pneumocyte cells

is a type of cell that made up the majority of the wall of alveoli and is squamous in shape

skeletal muscle

is a type of muscle that comprises a series of striped or striated thread like myofibrils

smooth muscle

is a type of muscle that contains a contractile filament but are not arranged in striated patterns that cross striations are not visible. They also contains small fibers , fusiform in shape and contains a single nucleus

smooth muscle

is a type of muscle that works involuntary and are non striated

skeletal muscle

is a type of muscle which contains 1% of the glycogen fiber

Hydrostatic skeleton

is a type of skeleton that can be seen in earth worms

goblet cells

is a unicellular gland that is scattered throughout the simple columnar epithelium and secretes mucus

yes; no

is accessory organs present in humans? in birds ?


is also produced by salivary glands, this moisten food and lubricates esophagus

cell adhesion protein

is an attachment sites to other cells or extracellular matrix or intracellular molecules ; helps maintain shape, binds cell together and aid cell movement

salivary amylase

is an enzyme that begins to breakdown starch into glucose


is an enzyme that starts protein digestion


is an integral membrane protein that is involved in the transport of many differing types of molecules /compounding molecule across the cell membrane.


is an integral membrane protein that transports a specific /single type of substrate species (charged or uncharged) across a cell membrane


is an opening in the metanephridia and is the terminal region of the earthworm

Circulatory system; cadiovascular system

is an organ system that is seen strictly as a blood distribution network; it is also known as


is an organ that sends bile to the small intestine


is an uncontrolled cell division, and is caused by a malfunction in the P53 gene


is caused by the ependymal cell, this is the result of too much accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the head


is characterized by the possession of pseudopodia and has an asymmetrical or a spherical symmetry

advantageous, because this allows the animal to use different ecological settings that means a higher chance of survival

is complete metamorphosis advantageous or disadvantageous ? why?

Appendicular skeleton

is composed of bones that anchor the appendages to the axial skeleton. This composed of the bones in the forelimbs , hindlimbs, pectoral and pelvic girdle

simple epithelium

is composed of one cell layer

non parasitic ; flagellates

is euglena parastic or non parastiic? what type of protista is euglena?

Bicarbonate ion

is found in the saliva and neutralizes acids in food


is heterozygous a hibird


is hypodermis part of the skin

keratohyaline granules

is involved in the keratin formation and associated intimately with tonofilaments. This is the reason for the granular appearance of the stratum granulosum


is it possible for a penis to reach the uterus


is lined with a multi layer of cells that are impermeable to absorption

Femoral gland

is located on the undersurfae of thigh in male lizards, this opens through the short duct passing through a spike like projection

Yes, because of the muscle spasm in the vagina

is locking mechanism possible in humans ?

Large intestine

is mostly indigestible fluid and is made up of colon, cecum and rectum

no, it has long segmented arms for movement similar to a starfish

is ophiothrix a starfish ?


is part of the neuron that is long , single , unbranched process that projects from the cell body; carries impulses away from the cell body

vascular, because it is filled up with tissue when filled with blood under parasympathetic stimulation the veins would be inhibited with blood flow therefore having an erection.

is penis mascular or vascular?


is peristalsis involuntary

Lipid bilayer

is permeable to small non polar molecules and is impermeable to ions (anion and cations) and polar molecules


is phylum platyhelminthes acoelomate?

dermal bone

is present among placoderms , it is a bony structure that develops on the skin and does not form cartilage first and then calcify


is primarily composed of compact bone and therefore provides considerable strength


is produced by the alpha cell of the pancreatic islet that causes the breakdown of glycogen into glucose


is produced by the beta cells of the pancreas in which the main function is tp cause cell to take up glucose.

cerumen (ear wax)

is produced by the ceruminous gland to stop dust from enetring the ear wax


is responsible for cell division; it is the spindle fiber that can be seen on the microscope


is responsible for cell motility and is responsible for the internal movement of the cells as well as the locomotion and muscle fiber contraction

myelin sheet

is responsible for insulating the nerves and speeds up the transmission of impulses

Microglia cells

is responsible for phagocytosis, cleaning debris and bacterial cells


is responsible for the formation of hormones ( testosterone, progesterone)

Growth Phase 1

is responsible for the preparation of the nucleotide bases


is similar to bone structure but is harde. It is located beneath the enamel and forms the walls of the third component of teeth , pulp cavity. and is of DERMAL ORIGIN

feather shaft

is the continued growth of the feather resulting to the outward projection of the skin

stratum lucidum

is the extra layer on palms and soles and is pale-straining translucent layer.


is the functional unit of the kidney


is the functional unit within the cell that extends from one z line to the next attached z line. It serves as the contractile unit of the myofibril

No, they are actually derivatives of the epidermis although they are found in the dermis

is the hair roots, sweat glands part of the dermis ?

Medullary cavity

is the hollow center of the diaphysis and is consist of red marrow which in time would be replaced by yellow marrow


is the immediate source of energy for muscle contraction

Mouth (oral cavity)

is the initial portion of of the digestive system where food is ingested , masticated and lubricated

Phylum arthropoda

is the largest among the animal kingdom, they comprise more than 75% of the animal species


is the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into particles and molecules small enough to pass into the blood stream


is the mechanics of breathing in and out


is the mixture of acid and food in thee stomach with a sludge-like consistency that is suitable for further digestion in the small intestine


is the mixture of water, mucus , enzymes , immunoglobulins and ions


is the molting of the cuticula in the anthropods and related groups and is necessary for the continuous growth of anthropods


is the most anterior portion and surrounds entrance of esophagus


is the natural cell death


is the opening outside of the body of an earthworm


is the passage of food molecules into the body cells through glycolytic pathways


is the portion in which chemical digestion will happen is considered as the true stomach of a chicken

DNA replication

is the process of copying a double stranded DNA molecule to form two double-stranded molecules

bone remodeling

is the replacement of old bone tissue by new bone tissue which mainly occurs in the adult skeleton to maintain bone mass. THIS HAPPENS ON THE SAME SIDE/SURFACE O F THE BONE


is the science of the structure and organization of living things.


is the similarities and differences in the anatomy of an organism


is the structure in the centromere where spindle fibers will attach.


is the study about the behavior of an animal


is the tendency of the molecules to move from along the concentration gradient

yes, in hypotonic solution it will not burst because of the cell wall present in the plant cells (Turgid). In hyeprtonic solution , only the internal component will shrink but the cell wall remains the same (Plasmolysis). And

is the tonicity the same in Plant cells and animal cells?

Langerhans cells

is the type of epidermis that is a macrophanges that fight off infections


is the union of egg and sperm cell to form a zygote


is usually an unconcious activity but can also be controlled consciously

Aortic valve

it a valve separating the left ventricle and the aorta


it functions for the replacement of villi through mitotic process


it has an oxidative enzyme that breakdown the hydrogen peroxide into water and hydrogen


it has qualities that recede and not observed ; abbreviated with lowercase version of the same letter as dominant

phylum chordata; notochord

it has solid supporting structure on the dorsal side of the body known as ____________


it is a convoluted outgrowth containing blood vessels covered by thin epithelial layer

mineral salts or hydroxyapatite crystals

it is a crystaline complex of calcium and phosphate

Compact bone; dense bone

it is a dense , hard and forms as the PROTECTIVE EXTERIOR portion of all bones

phylum annelida

it is a free-living terrestrial or aquatic form, with long , cylindrical and is metamerically segmented.

kingdom protoctista

it is a group of eukaryotic organism whose nucleus is surrounded by a nuclear envelope and contains platids and mitochondria

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

it is a large molecule packaged in chromosomes in the nucleus of cells, this also contains genes that direct the production of proteins


it is a large, lobed , paired ingrowths of the body wall and connects the outside by a series of tubes and small openings and is located in the chest/ thoracic cavity

law of dominance

it is a law of genetics in which in many traits one allele is dominant over the other allele. The "weaker (recessive" allele is only expressed when it is paired with another recessive allele


it is a long strand of DNA that is packed together with proteins and other kinds of molecules


it is a passive process where the lungs have a natural elasticity as they recoil from the stretch of the inhalation


it is a stinging cell that is contained within the cnidocytes that can be seen in phylum coelenterata

peritonial cavity

it is a term used for animals without diaphragm


it is a tiny-hairlike projections that are free surface of the columnar cell. They increase the surface area for absorption of nutrients in the small intestine

messenger RNA

it is a type of RNA that is being transcribed from DNA and travels to ribosome to direct polypeptide

closed circulatory system; humans

it is a type of circulatory system where blood is not free on the cavity ; it is contained within the blood vessel. They also contains cells and liquid plasma; examples of organism that has this kind of circulatory system are

Epithelium tissues

it is also the type of tissues where many glands (mammary gland, mucous gland) are formed and lines both the outside of the skin and inside of the cavities and lumen of the body


it is amphipathic and serves as a relatively impermeable barrier to passage of molecules

Spinal Cord

it is an extension of the brain consists of motor and sensory nreves in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine


it is another ill-effect of too much osteoblastic activity; there's a reduction/ obliteration on the amount of the bone marrow which supplies the RBC ;

pituitary gland

it is called the "master endocrine gland"

Lower portion of the ascending branch of the loop of henle

it is part of the loop of henle where Na and Cl is highly permeable, Urea is MODERATELY permeable, and is IMPERMEABLE to water

descending limb of the loop of henle

it is part of the loop of henle where water is highly permeable but almost completely impermeable to solutes

neurotransmitters; gap

it is produced at the synapse through electrical signals; these are secreted a the


it is responsible for the production for the urine

testicles / testis

it is responsible for the production of sperm cells

arrector pili muscle

it is responsible for the raising of hairs in the skin

Distal convoluted tubule

it is responsible for the secretion of H ions, potassium and certain drugs (waste products)


it is the actual organs that produces games


it is the attachment point of the muscle in exoskeletons


it is the basic unit of inheritance that makes up the chromosome and may exist in one form


it is the blood under the skin that gives it pinkish-hue , especially in light-colored people

Os Cordis

it is the bone that is commonly found in the heart of a ruminant

cellular respiration

it is the breakdown of organic molecules such as glucose to produce ATP

thalamus and hypothalamus

it is the center for processing information, and is located immediately below corpus callosum

Endocrine system

it is the collection of glands that secrete chemical messenger called hormones

feather follicle

it is the columns of epidermal cells in birds that projects into the skin, initally forming an invagination


it is the connection between adjacent neurons,


it is the counter part of appendix (in humans), it is the extended portion of the large intestine that contains bacteria and protozoa that is responsible for the digestion of grass

stratum basale (basal layer)

it is the deepest layer of the skin and is most active mitotically;

dichotomous branching system

it is the double branching of two primary bronchiole from trachea


it is the external genitalia of a female


it is the fusion of the venules and it carries blood from capilliaries to the heat


it is the grape like sac clusters on the bronchioles


it is the hardest substance in the body that covers the tooth surface and is of epidermal origin


it is the inactive version of pepsin, and is produced by chief or zymogenic cells


it is the internal surface of a stomach, it is a series of ridges produced by folding of the wall of an organ a


it is the internal surface of the exoskeleton that is often elaborated into a set of specialized structures

thalamus ; olfactory lobe

it is the last center where all sensory signals are processed before they are passed on to cerebrum (with exception to the sense of smell, because the are of the brain that associates with smell is __________)


it is the main arterial trunk in the body that carries blood from the heart to be distributed by branch arteries through the body.


it is the main artery leaving the heart towards the body system


it is the main pumping chamber of the heart

alkaline mucus

it is the material that is being secreted on the large intestine that protects epithelial tissue and neutralizes acids produced by bacterial metabolism

endocrine system

it is the means of communication among the different cells and organs of the body


it is the most cellular component found in the blood and is primarily composed of water, hemoglobin and organic and inorganic materials

hyaline cartilage

it is the most important cartilage for it serves as the original skeleton in the embryo from which bones develop


it is the most posterior part of the stomach and ends at the border of small intestine

Paracellular route of absorption

it is the movement between the gut lumen and the blood by passing BETWEEN epithelial cells

transcellular route of absorption

it is the movement between the gut lumen and the blood by passing THROUGH epithelial cells

countercurrent flow

it is the movement of air among fishes in which water flows over the gills in one direction while blood flows in the opposite direction through the gill capillaries, which actually maximize the actual exchange of oxygen from the surrounding medium (water) and that of the blood.

pulmonary artery

it is the only artery that carries oxygen poor blood to the lungs for oxygenation

Epidermis: Keratinocytes

it is the outermost layer of the skin; in which the basic cell type is _____________

Thick portion of the loop of henle

it is the part of the loop of henle where Na and Cl are actively pumped out of filtrate into the surrounding medium


it is the passage way for air and food.


it is the passing of characteristic from one generation to the next

Reflex arc

it is the path taken by the nerve impulse during a rapid response to a stimulus


it is the process in which muscle fibers can degrade a glycogen producing glucose 1 phosphate

osteogenesis; ossification

it is the process of bone formation and is the process also known as


it is the region of small intestine that further absorbs water , electrolytes , remaining nutrients and also bile salts


it is the region of the small intestine where nutrient digestion and absorption are largely completed

Mitotic phase

it is the remaining 10% of the cell cycle


it is the set of allele for a given organism


it is the smaller branch of a bronchi

conducting zone

it is the subdivision of a respiratory system that is everywhere from nostrils to alveoli and is reponsible for gas exchange . THIS IS WHERE THE AIR ACTAULLY PASSES THROUGH

Respiratory zone

it is the subdivision of the respiratory system where it starts from the alveoli to the capillaries where actual gas exchange will happen


it is the terminal part of the brain before it leaves / exits the foramen magnum of the skull


it is the union of two or more bones


it is the upper part of the trachea


it is the yellow/ orange pigment that is found in carrots and other plants, this pigment is evident in the areas of strati, corneum (palms and soles)

soma/ cell body

it is usually located in the brain/ spinal cord while an axon extends to the organ that it supplies


it is ventral to the cerebral hemisphere

Pituitary gland

it is ventral to the hypothalamus


it serves as an electrical insulator for nerves; receptor for nerves ,bacteria etc


it stimulates the osteoblast that causes bone resorption.

Phylum Annelida

its body wall is consist with a cuticle , epidermis and musculature with a body cavity that is a true coelom lined with epithelium


its function is to receive blood that is returning to the heart


its qualities dominate the phenotype of an organism and is abbreviated with capital letter


joints found on the limbbs , elbow , knee and phalanges


just like in feathers, it is the initial growth of epidermal cells to form the follicle , followed by an outward growth of keratinized cells to form the shaft

protozoa, algae, molds, slime

kingdom protoctista includes organisms like

citric acid cycle/ tri-carboxylic acid cycle

kreb cycle is also known as


large fluid-filled space inside the cell and is sometimes called cytosol


largest WBC , and is characterized by a kidney or thin-shaped nucleus. It fights infection that cannot be handled by other white blood cells particularly fungal infection. It has a large cytoplasm

oviparus organism

lays eggs that continue to develop after being laid and hatch later

Mitral valve / bicuspid valve. Because it contains two irregular shaped cusps or flaps that opens and closes

left atrioventricular valve is also known as the? why is it called that name ?

synaptic bulb

located at the end of the axon terminal, this releases neurotransmitters.


long, whip-like protrusion that aids in cellular locomotion. Some have numerous of this organelle


loss of electrons

chromosme 3

lung cancer is related to what chromosome number?


made up of numerous segments and these segments its eggs is discharged through feces

stratified epithelium

made up of two or more cell-thick layer.


main cell of the nervous system

G2 phase

mainly involving the production of micro-tubules which are required during the process of mitosis

plasma membrane

maintains esseential differences between cytosol and extracellular enviroment

calcium carbonate

major composition of the exoskeleton of many crustaceans; impregnated into the cuticle and make up 40 % of the cuticle that can lead to great mechanical strength


major lipid in the membrane


makes up 7% of the stomach, it secretes digestive juices where true digestion happen


makes up about 8 % of the stomach of a ruminant; it grinds certain amount of feed and facilitates to the absorption of water


makes up the outer protective layer of the skin cells and is the basic skin set and the predominant cells in the epidermis


marked by a very thick and dense chromosomes still enclosed by the nuclear envelope (bale ito ung part where chromosomes appear as tiny dots)


mature bone cells are called


may also enable damage tissue and missing limbs to be regenerated or substantially reformed

plasma membrane

may also pertain to the mitochndrial membrane and other "membrane bounded orgnaelle". It serves to protect the cell to its surrounding environment

Wala, they will use their dental pad to help the position of food.

may upper incisors ba ang ruminants?


means cellular eating (solid particle),

pseudo stratified ciliated columnar epithelium (PSCCE)

means false, this type of tissue lines the bronchi , trachea , uterine tubules and some of uterus that propels mucus or reproductive cell bh CILIARY ACTION (BASICALLY SA LAHAT NG PARTS SA LOOB NG BODY)


means the fusion of the bones

Electron Transport Chain

mechanism in which ATP are produced from the mitochondria

Spermatogenesis and oogenesis

meiotic division in male is known as ? in female it is known as?

sleeping pills

melatonin can be seen in what drug

secretory Vesicle

membrane bound organelle that contains secretions on the body such as hormones, and neurotransmitters.


membrane bound sac that plays roles in intracellular digestion and the release of cellular waste product

Lazzaro Spallanzani

modified needham's experiment : he placed the chicken broth in a flasks ,and sealed it in a vacuum. No microorganisms grew

more protection and darker skin; less protection and lighter skin

moremelanin:__________ and _____________ less melanin _________ and ____________

Adrenal Cortex

most active organ in the production of steroids plays a part in the general adaptation syndrome that occurs in situations of prolonged stress

deglutition (swallowing)

movement food from mouth through the pharynx into the esophagus and then stomach


movement of nutrients from the digestive system to the circulatory and lymphatic capillaries


movement of the solute from high to low concentration until equilibrium


movement of water, from an area of low solute concentration to high solute concentration until equilibrium


movment of macromolecule from inside going outside


movment of macromolecule from the outside to the inside


muscle layer of the uterus

Voluntary and involuntary muscles

muscle tissue are categorized as either

structure/function, and according to Innervation

muscles are categorized into

renal corpuscles and renal tubules

nephron is made up of

neuromuscular junction

neuron to muscle communication

Interphase II

no more duplication of chromosomes, it is the starting point of miotic division II


not a cell organelle but an area on the cell where microtubules are produced


not an actual mitotic phase, and is just prior to metaphase.


occur as early as embryonic development where the zygote undergone to this division forming a solid mass consisting of cells.

blood vessel to be delivered to different type of body

once nutrients would be absorbed either to the transcellular and paracellular they will go into


one of a number of different forms of a gene

Bone tissue

one of the hardest tissue of the vertebrae family

Type II pneumocytes

only a few of this type of cell is scattered on the alveoli, and is cuboidal in shape.

potassium uniporter

only potassium can pass on this type of membrane


organelle surrounded by a nuclearmembrane and has holes that helps communicate to the cytoplasm


organelle that can also be used for conjugation/mating, it is used by the bacteria to exchange fragments of plasmid DNA


organism are classified into broad categories called?


organism that is consists of many cells


organisms breaks into two or more parts each acapable of growing to become a complete individual


osteoclast digest mineral matrix (old bone / any damaged bone tissue)

chondroblast --> chondrocytes, osteoblast --> osteocytes ,

osteoprogenitor cells, depending on the condition may develop into ________ which in time would develop into


outer covering of muscle fascicle

cell wall

outer covering of the cell that protects the bacterial cell and gives it shape


outer covering of the muscle fiber


outer flattened cells composing dermal epithelium in sponges


outer layer of the skin

stratum corneum (horny cells)

outer layer of the skin is completely keratinized dead cells giving the skin its waterproof quality and is continually sloughed off

Aerobic Respiration

oxygen serves as final electron acceptor, accepting electrons that ultimately come from energy rich organic compounds (NADH and FADH2)

yung flagella niya ay nasa one side lang ng kanyang body. Opposite sa direction na pupuntahan niya ex: pupunta siya sa left ung flagella niya nasa right

pano gumagalaw yung organisms na may maraming flagella?

in ciliated columnar epithelium, we also have goblet cells. These goblet cells are secreting mucus that traps foreign particles that trap foreign particles and these foreign particles on the mucus has to be removed from the body through THE RHYTHMIC PATTERN OF THE CILIA, IT WOULD MOVE THE FOREIGN MATERIAL AT THE RATE OF 1.57 cm / minute

para san ung mga cilia sa ciliated columnar epithelium?

chromosome 4

parkinson's disease is related to what chromosome number?


part of a neuron that is a hair-like , branched projections on the cell body; used to conduct impulses towards the cell body

haversian canal

part of the bone tissue that houses the nerves and the blood vessel


part of the male reproductive organ that is responsible for copulation

prostate gland

part of the male reproductive organ that is responsible for secreting alkaline solution to neutralize urine and female system because the lumen of the female reproductive part is acidic

seminal vesicle

part of the male reproductive organ that is responsible for secretion of thick liquid to transport sperm

testis with seminiferous tubules

part of the male reproductive organ that is responsible for sperm production


part of the male reproductive organ that is responsible for the passage of sperm and urine

Cowper's gland

part of the male reproductive organ that is responsible for the secretion a thin mucus substance that lubricates penis during copulation, it also creates gelatenous plug to prevent the release of semen.


part of the male reproductive organ that is responsible for transport MATURATION and ejaculation

vas deferens

part of the male reproductive organ that is responsible for transport and ejaculation

collecting duct

part of the male reproductive organ that is responsible for transport and storage


part of the muscle that does not move during contraction. It is usally at the end of muscle towards the trunk of the body


part of the muscle that move during muscle contraction. It is found farther away from the trunk of the body

myosin head

part of the myosin filament that attaches to the actin filaments during the contraction process

cell body/ soma

part of the nervous tissue that contains nucleus and other organelle

Cell body

part of the neuron that contains nucleus and the cytoplasm


part of the sperm that contains mitochondria to provide energy


part of the sperm that provides propulsion for the motility of the spermatozoa

dorsal root

part of the spinal cord that TRANSMITS SENSORY information, this have neurons that are attached to sensory organs

Anterior horns

part of the spinal cord that transmits the MOTOR NEURON

pulp cavity

part of the teeth that contains blood vessels and nerves


part of the urinary system that is responsible for the release of urine from the kidney

asymmetrical ; spherical symmetry

pathogenic amoebas have what type of symmetry? amoebas in the bodies of water have what type of symmetry?


penile erection is under what type of autonomic nervous system


period in the cell cycle when the cell is not dividing

Jurassic period

period when first dinosaur dominate , first mammals , first birds , gymnosperm forest appear

Creataceous period

period when modern birds, modern fishes, angiosperm , climax of dinosaur domination , period ends with the extinction of dinosaurs

Hadeon Eon

period where earth's geological history began

Hadean Eon

period where the earth is formed and a molten earth started to cool and take shape


phase in the urine formation where in the proximal tubule is bordered up with millions of microvilli to reabsorb ions , nutrients and water


phase in the urine formation where larger proteins and cells remain the capilliaries


phase in the urine formation where plasma membrane is filtered from the blood by the glumerulus and discharged at the bowman's capsule


phase in the urine formation where selective reabsorption occurs in the proximal convoluted tube (mainly absorbs vitamins or important ions and most amino acids EXCEPT UREA)


phase in the urine formation where small solutes are also formed out of the blood stream with the plasma


phase in the urine formation where the descending limb of the loop permits water to pass through and is impermeable to solute


phase in the urine formation where wastes are actively secreted into the fluid in the distal convoluted tubule and absorbs water / electrolytes regulated by ADH

a biodiversity hub

philippines is considered as?


phylum annelida respirate through their

sexual reproduction

phylum arthropoda undergone on what type of reproduction


phylum arthropoda's exoskeleton is made up of this hard impermeable substance

sexual reproduction; dioecious

phylum aschelminthes reproduced via; are they dioecious or monoecious?

simple diffusion

phylum aschelminthes respirate through

sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction

phylum coelenterata reproduced via ?


phylum echinodermata has body represented by a central disc covered by ossicles with spines that is called....

sexual reproduction but some are hermaphrodite

phylum mollusca undergone what type of reproduction

sexual or asexual

phylum porifera's mode of reproduction is


place where protein molecules are synthesize from amino acid. It polymerize all the amino acids being delivered from your tRNA and are free in the cytoplasm


place where the fetus develops


plays a critical role in the structure, function m and regulation of the body's cells , tissues and organs


point at which the two chromatids are joined together. (Point of fusion)


point where nuclear membrane starts to reform.


point where the Cell cytoplasm separates and the cell pinches in the middle ultimately leading to cleavage

tight junction

prevents the movement of molecules from one cell to the other

small intestine

primary site for digestion and absorption


process of changing/ shedding of exoskeleton that is necessary for growth and forms a new larger covering


produces a rage of hormone and regulates the secretion of the pituitary gland


produces the female gametes

Eubacteria and Archeabacteria

prokaryotes is composed of kingdom...

John Tuberville Needham

proponent of spontaneous generation that tests whetheror not microorganisms appeared spontaneously after boiling

1935, Hugh Davson and James Danielli

proposed a structure of a membrane that was basically a protein sandwich with a phospholipid

1972, J. Singer and G. Nicolson

proposed that the membrane is a mosaic of proteins dispersed with the lipid bilayer with the hydrophilic regions exposed to water; Fluid Mosaic Model

active transport

protein mediated transport of molecules across the membrane against a concentration gradient (FROM LOW CONCENTRATION TO HIGH CONCENTRATION) such that this type of mechanism always requires ATP


protein molecule around which DNA is tightly coiled in chromatin

the cell consumption; are being exported out of the cell

protein synthesized on free ribosomes on the cytoplasm is for ? protein synthesized on RER is for?

peripheral protein

protein that is attached on integral protein or lipid

Integral Protein

proteins that can form channels through membrane

enzymatic protein

proteins that catalyzes the reaction at inner / outer surface of plasma membrane


protoplasm that is more gelatinous


provides a link between the nervous system and endocrine systems

connective tissue

provides a mechanical function which plays an important role in locomotion;

muscle tissue

provides motion maintainance of posture and heat production

proximal convoluted tubule

reabsorbs 75% of water , salts , glucose and amino acid (basically materials from the filtrate)

because of a defective cell adhesion protein that might migrate to different organ and from there maseseed siya sa lungs etc producing cancer dun sa lungs.

reason why cancer cells move from one organ to another


refers to the efforts to conserve population number of endemic animal species

plasma membrane

regulates the traffic of molecules and substances into and out of the cell and is selectively permeable

detecting and repairing genetic damage, and prevents uncontrollable cell division

regulation of the cell cycle is essential to the body because


relationship of pathogens and their hosts

glomerulus and bowman's capsule

renal corpuscles is made up of

Loop of hemle , proximal convoluted tubule and distal convoluted tubule

renal tubules is made up of

respiratory centers

responds to the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood


responsible for cell division during mitotic processes as well as for the cell to move

digestive system

responsible for the breakdown of food into its component parts and for the absorption and assimilation of nutrients required for energy , growth, maintainance and reproduction

Sertoli cells

responsible for the nourishment of the development spermatozoa

Schwann cells

responsible for the production of myelin sheet OUTSIDE the Central nervous system


retain a connection to stratum corneum whereby their secretions can be released at the skin surface

tricuspid valve. Because it contains three irregular shaped cusps or flaps that opens and close

right atrioventricular valve is also known as the? why is it called that name?

Break-down ng bond ng ATP na magiging ADP

saan ba galing ung aaenergy sa ATP?

sa dense bone kaya nagiging marupok (thin) ung bone

saan kumukuha ang osteocytes ng calcium sa bone kapag merong calcium deficiency ang isang tao ?


salamander has how many number of chromosome ?

Prometaphase I

same as the mitotic process but the spindle fibers from each centriole attach to one chromosome of a MATCHING pair

sa may thoracic index

san magsisimula ung upper respiratory tract?

nucleus; ribosome

san nagyayari yung transcription? san nangyayari yung translation?


science that applies the theories and methods of physics to questions of zoology

Rudolf Virchow (1858)

scientist who combined the idea of Schwann and Schleiden "all cells come from pre existing cells" formulating the cell theory. what year?

Louise Pasteur

scientist who used anearobic resperation to produce ethanol alcohol

Francesco Redi

scientists who doesn't beleived in spontaneous generation. He beleived that maggots doesn't generate from meat

parietal cells

secrete HCl

Growth Hormone

secreted at the anterior pituitary gland, this stimulates body growth by increasing the size and number of cells and sperm production of testis


secreted in the stomach ; this stimulates gastric glands to secrete pepsinogen and HCl. IS STIMULATED FOR FOOD ARRIVING IN THE STOMACH

corpus luteum

secretes progesterone


secretions from liver and pancreas used for digestion are emptied on this site of the small intestine

Adrenal Medulla

secrets adrenaline and is responsible for the "flight-fight-fright" response that prepares animal for emergencies

amoeba; Protoctista; entoplasm ; endoplasm, because of the presence of the organelles

see IMAGE1 in zool/newfolder what organism can you see'? this organism is from which kingdom? what do you call the clear part in the pic? what do you call the granular part ? why is it granular?

1. relay neuron; 2. sensory neuron; 3. motor neuron; 4. brain/ 5. spinal cord

sensory neuron is connected into a _______1_______. The ______1____ connects to _____2_____and _______3_______ and is found usually inside the ____4_____/ ____5___________

intercalated discs

serves as a boundary of each individual cardiac cells, and functionally binds all cardiac muscle such that they will contract synchronously and rhythmically


serves as passage way of food from mouth to the stomach,


serves as the muscular stomach that reduces the particle size of the feeds by grinding action of the muscle


serves as the passageway from ovaries to uterus and is the site of fertilization

gastric pits

shallow depressions that open onto the gastric surface

RNA primer

short segment of RNA used to initiate synthesis of a new strand of DNA during replication. THIS CONTAINS A URACIL


shrinking of Red blood cells


sister chromatid are captured by microtubules stemming from centrosome on opposite ends of the cell.(Nuclear membrane has already disintegrated such that spindle fibers are already attached to the sister chromatid) BALE ITO YUNG END NG PROPHASE; PARANG KUKUNIN NUNG MICROTUBULES YUNG CHROMOSOMES KAYA MAG-AALIGN SA CENTER)



urinary bladder

site where the urine is temporary stored

striations which also known as A-band or I-band (light band)

skeletal muscles are equiped with two types of striations:


skeleton of this species is especially adapted for flight; the bones are modified into light., hollow tubes penetrated by air sacs.

afferent artiole

small branch of the renal artery that CARRIES BLOOD TO the glomerus


small hairlike projections emerging from the outside cell surface assisting the bacteria in attaching to other cells and surface.


soluble electron transporter in the electron transport chain that connects the first or second complex to the third


some--not all bacteria have this organelle. It is the third protective covering of the bacteria and is made up of polysaccharides , it keeps bacteria from drying and prevents them from phagocytosis

subarachnoid space

space between the arachnoid and the pia mater


specific location of a gene on a chromosome

Metaphase I

spindle fibers will have ONE of the pairing CHROMOSME will line up on the either side of the metaphase plate

phylum mollusca; internally (inside its body)

squid belongs to what phylum ? where can you find the shell of a squid?

Synthesis phase

starts when DNA synthesis commences and ends when all of the chromosomes have been replicated (ITO NA MISMO YUNG DNA SYNTHESIS).

Adrenocrticotropic hormone

stimulates the coristcoteroid and androgen synthesis and release


stimulates the stomach muscle of the the uterus contraction during birth and let down of the milk


structural and functional unit of all living organism

uriniferous tubule

structural unit of the kidney


structures that are adapted and/or specialized for carrying one or more vital function and is always surrounded by a PROTECTIVE MEMBRANE (plasma membrane_)


structures that is associated with the skin or the intergument. Give examples


studies everything that is normal; studies the mechanical , physical and biochemical process of living organism


studies the effects of the pathogens to the hosts


studies the relationship between living things throughout the course of evolutionary history


study of abnormal processes


study of geographic distribution of animal species and the attributes of these geographical regions


study of the history and development of all life on earth based on the fossil record


study of the relationship of parasites and their hosts


study of tissues


study on the change of heritable traits of a population over successive generations as determined in the allele frequencies of genes


study the distribution and abundance of living organism and how distribution is affected by interactions between organism and their environment


substance within the cell membrane and is the "living substance" of the cell

gawin mo lamg hehehe

summarize meiosis and moitosis processes

the ovum, which is in the ovary will be delivered to the fallopian tube to meet the sperm cells. After that fertilization, this ovum (now known as a zygote) will undergone mitosis until we have a ball of cells called morula. This morulla would develop as a hollow ball of cell called the blastocyst, in time this blastocyst will be implanted onto the wall of the uterus.

summarize the development and implantation of the embryo

nasa page 3

summarize the experiment of Francesco redi

nasa page 4. His experiment remained sterile because microorganisms cannot enter the flask due to gravity

summarze the experiment of Louise pasteur. How does Louise Pasteur's experiment remained sterile?

cartilage; chondrocytes

supporting connective tissue that consist of an extensive matrix and a cell called _______________

brush border

surface of a villi that is adjacent to the lumen of the small intestine opening covered in microvilli that form top of an epithelial cell and has a network of blood vessels as well. INTESTINE IS PROVIDED BY VILLI AND EACH VILLI CELLS IS PROVIDED WITH MICROVILLI

Cell membrane

surrounds cells cytoplasm and regulates the flow of substances in and out of the cell


susequent separation of sister chromatids to opposite mitotic spindle poles

sudoriferous gland

sweat gland is also called as the

99% sweat salts antibodies metabolic wastes lactic acid and vitamin C

sweat is composed of

hemolysis (hemo- blood; lysis- breakdown)

swelling/bursting of the red blood cell


symbiotic relationship between two individuals in which one individual is benefited and the other being harmed

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

synthesized and transport lipids and steroid. It also modify and transport protein from Rough ER

circulatory system

system that contains cells that fights infection and helps stabilize the pH and ionic concentration of the body fluids


term used for an anthropod after molting. This also means fresh, pale and soft-bodied

chromosme 1

the Alzheimer's disease is related to what chromosome number?

to kill microorganism, lowers the pH of the stomach (1.5-2.5), and activates pepsinogen

the HCl fucntion is

1.sensory neuron; 2. spinal cord 3. relay neuron 4. Motor neuron 5. effector organ

the ______1_______ will be connected to a sensory organ. All of the senses of the organ will travel via sensory neuron into the _______2______, and in the ______2_______ you'll see a ____3_________. After processing the information, that information will be sent to the _______4______ which is to be attached to an ______5_____.


the ability of ab unfertilized egg to develop and hatch

muscle layer, parenchyma , epidermis and gut

the acoelomate contains

Will Hennig

the alternative cladistic taxonomy was created by


the anterior pituitary gland is also known as the

osteoid; hydroxyapatite crystals; calcium and phosphorus

the bone matrix also called as ________ is in the form of ___________ that is composed of ____________ and _________________

Anaphase I

the chromosome pairs separated ; half of the chromosome move toward one end of the cell and the other half to the other end

Metaphase II

the chromosomes align along the metaphase plate, as in metaphase I fibers from the centriole begin to pull each one of the chromosomes from both directions

Prophase I

the chromosomes pair with each other and at the same time attach to the nuclear membrane. Then a small portion of the chromosome will be cut and there will be an exchange chromosomal material between the two chromosome

heart and blood vessel

the circulatory system is also known as cardiovascular system because it is composed of

eleidin droplets

the clear appearance of the stratum lucidum is caused by

Nature of the body cavity, cellularity , symmetry and germ layer

the complexity of an animal organization is seen with reference to features like

viviparus; live bearing

the developing young spend more time within the female's reproductive tract and young are later released to survive on their own

outer cortical / compact zone

the external of a bone is made up of

archean eon

the first organic life forms developed out of the mixture of inorganic materials

to be limited due to the flow rate of blood to the body. They are not as "active" as other animals they will tire easily as well because of the lack of pressure within the body

the fish's low blood pressure makes the its activity...

synovial fluid

the fluid between the phalange that provides lubrication . LUBRICATES THE JOINT TO PREVENT FRICTION

Intracellular digestion

the food is taken into cells by phagocytosis with digestive enzyme being secreted into the phagocytic vesicle

cerebral hemispheres, Hypothalamus and Pituitary gland

the forebrain includes


the gyri is separated by

the head of a lipid is made up of choline, phosphate and glycerol

the head of a lipid is made up of

medulla oblongata and pons

the hindbrain includes


the inside of a medullary cavity is lined with

inner trabecular bone/ spongy bone

the internal of a bone is made up of

heterotrophic forms and autotrophic forms

the kingdom proctista can be seen in two different forms namely :

algal protist and animal-like protist

the kingdom proctista is subdivided into

pseudopodia , cillia and flagella

the kingdom proctista's locomotion is through

asexual and sexual

the kingdom proctista's reproduced in forms of

Law of independent assortment

the law that states that genes separate independently of one another in meiosis, this is true for two or more traits

chromosome 1; chromosome 2...

the longest chromosome is referred to as _________ and the second largest is ______________


the longest part of the small intestine (on higher mammalian classification )


the major portion of a stomach and has a mucosa that contains deep gastric glands that produce most of the gastric secretions


the male species have what type of chromosome? hoe about the female ?

-Cecum -Rumen

the microorganisms that is responsible for the conversion of indigestible components of food into forms suitable for absorption can be found : In equines and elephants? in ruminants?

sexual reproduction and bisexual reproduction

the mode of reproduction of phylum platyhelminthes is through


the muscle origin is also known as the

sphicter. Pylorus sphicter ; cardiac sphicter

the muscle that prevents the reflux of food from stomach to esophagus or to prevent direct passage from stomach to the intestine without digesting. THIS MUSCLE CONSTRICT. sphicter on the cardia is called? on the pylorus ??

pseudo stratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells that traps microorganisms...

the nasal mucosa is made up of

it moves air from the nose into the lungs

the negative pressure on the thoracic cavity is necessary because?

leading strand

the new complementary DNA strand synthesized continuously along the template strand TOWARDS the replication fork in the mandatory 5' to 3' direction

simple cuboidal epithelium

the nuclei of these cells are usually located in the center and it forms the smallest duct glands of many kidney tubes

terminator region

the nucleotide sequence at the end of a gene that signals the end of transcription


the organism is male first and changes female

Tunica Serosa

the outermost covering of the GIT and is made up of thin sheet of connective tissue responsible for the mucous appearance of the GIT

erectile tissue and distained blood vessel

the penis, contains 3 masses of ____________ with _____________ that produces erection when blood flow in the veins is inhibited

bisexual/ unisexual

the phylum annelidareproduce via


the phylum aschelminthes is at what type of animal organization?

simple diffusion

the phylum coelentera undergone repiration and secretion via

cnidocytes; nematocyst

the phylum coelenterata contains a special kind of cell called ? and this cell contains ?

intracellular and extracellular

the phylum coelenterata undergone what type of digestion

simple diffusion

the phylum porifera undergone excretion and respiration via


the phylum protozoa is now placed in kingdom


the placenta , umbillical cord and the fetal membrane is collectively known as


the posterior pituitary gland is known as

the storage of hormones vasopressin and oxytocin

the posterior portion of the pituitary gland functions only as


the process of actual release of ovum from the ovary

parenchyma, epidermis, pseudocoel and gut

the pseudocoelomate contains

internal reproductive organ and external genitalia

the reproductive system is divided into ...


the return of swallowed food into the mouth and is an inactive process

simple columnar epithelium

the rugae is covered with

miotic division II / metaphase II

the shedding of the ovum is what stage of cell replication

Carl Woese

the six kingdom system was invented by


the spiracles lead to the tracheae that branch into smaller tubes known as the..

pylorus, fundus and cardia

the stomach is anatomically divided into

reproductive biology

the study if the function of sex organ and gametes


the study of genes and their relation to heredity and the variation of offspring

Aganatha and Gnathostomata

the subphylum vertebra is divided into

oxytocin; milk let down

the sucking of breast during breast feeding triggers? what does it do?

Bone tissue

the supporting connective tissue that is composed of calcified material-- the bone matrix

thoracolumbar , because the majority of the thoracic cavity and only a few originate from the lumbar region

the sympathetic nervous system is considered to be the ___________


the tail of a lipid is made up of

Karl Vonn Linne; Carolus Linnaeus

the traditional taxonomy was created by ?

Promoting Region

the transcription will start at the

simple columnar epithelium with goblet cells, lamina propria , muscularis mucosae

the tunica mucosa is composed of ? (in order)


the vertebral column developed from segments of tissue called ?

intergumentum; covering

the word intergumentary came from the word __________ which means ____________


their respiratory organs are relatively solid structure that does not change shape and size in the same way mammalian lungs do. BASICALLY THEIR LUNGS ARE IN-EXPANDABLE


there are numerous _______ attach in the collecting duct

phylum platyhelminthes

these are bilaterally symmetrical , triploblastic (3 layers) and a true cellular animals with organ of organization. This phylum doesnt have an anus as well


these are called the bone-forming cell; they are immature cells of bone which are responsible for the production of osteon and mineralization of bone matrix or OSTEOID in the form of hydroxyapatite crystals


these are flowing extensions of a cell which are used for feeding in all members of the group and for locomotion

Phylum Mollusca

these are free- living aquatic forms (fresh water or marine) some are amphibious, and in a glandular mantle covered by a shell

phylum aschelminthes; round worms

these are mostly parasitic, their body is long, CYLINDRICAL and fusiform. They are collectively known as

platelets ; megakaryocytes

these are not a true cells but are the cytoplasmic fragments of a bigger cell called __________

eukaryotic organism

these are organisms that exhibit heterotrophic nutrition

Phylum Arthropoda

these are organisms that respirate through gills pr trachea but has many jointed appendages

phylum arthropoda

these are organisms whose nervous system serves as a nerve ring and a double ventral nerve cord.

Phylum Coelenterata

these are radially symmetrical , diploblastic multi cellular animals with tissue grade of organization and can also be aquatic , freshwater or marine solitary or colonial forms which may be free swimming and sedentary

isodont/ homodont

these are teeth that are similar with each other and is present among venomous species

hormones of the pituitary gland

these are the hormones produced by the hypothalamus

antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and Oxytocin

these are the hormones released at the posterior pituitary gland


these are the openings at the body surface that lead to the tracheae

mitochondrial DNA

these are the small amount of DNA that can be found in the mitochondria

freckles and moles

these are the small areas of concentrated melanin


these are the smallest of the blood vessel and branches from the artirioles. THIS IS THE SITE WHERE BLOOD EXCHANGE WOULD HAPPEN (either for nutrients or for gasses)

cerebral hemisphere

these are the two large lobes of the brain

atria and ventricles

these can be seen in a heart of a vertebrae (mammalian) that contains a muscular chambers

tube feet

these can be seen in phylum echinoderms and are extended and retracted by hydraulic pressure of the fluid in them and contraction of the muscle

simple squamous epithelium

these cells are relatively inactive metabolically and are associated with the DIFFUSION OF WATER electrolytes and other substances

simple cuboidal epithelium

these cells have the shape similar to a cube , meaning its width is the same size as its height

phylum aschelminthes

these have complete digestive system, consists of nerve rings and many longitudinal nerve cords and are separated with sexual dimorphism

phylum echinodermata

these organisms development is indirect (undergone metamorphosis) and shows a very high power pf regeneration (meaning once cut it has an ability to regrow)

bull, ram (sheep) and boar (baboy)

these organisms has a penis with a s shaped bend that allows it to fold when not in use

phylum chordata

these organisms has a presence of pharyngeal gill that slits at least in the embryonic stages

dogs, bears, seals, bats and rodents ; os penis

these organisms has a special bone in the penis that help maintains the erection; what's the bone called?

phylum echinodermata ; arms

these organisms have a disc that may bear extensions called _____.

phylum echinodermata

these organisms have a unique ambulacral or water vascular system with tube feet that presents the locomotion, respiration and feeding

Phylum Arthropoda

these organisms may develop to be direct or indirect; meaning they undergone metamorphosis


these type of protista are either planktonic marine or freshwater amoeba

semilunar valves; Right semilunar valve/ pulmonary valve' let semilunar valve / aortic valve

these valves separates the ventricles from its connecting artery? what do you call this kind of valve from the right? what about on the left

phylum arthropoda

they are elongated and segmented and is usually distinguished into regions like head, thorax and abdomen


they are like blueprints and carry the plans for building the cells tissues organs and bodies


they are the major pancreatic enzymes which converts protein to peptides

1925- Gorter and Grendel

they discovered that phospholipids could form bilayers in an aqueous solution. What year.

horn grooves

they indicate the age of an animal, the more of this material, the older the animal


they made up 1-10 percent of the lipid

Membrane Lipids

they make up 90-99 percent of lipids

Golgi Apparatus

they modify, and package proteins into small spherical organelle called vesicle


they originate from spinal cord/ brain and will terminate in the organ

Spinal cord

this RELAYS sensory and motor signals to the brain and is the center for many reflex actions


this also maintains normal muscle, tone, posture and balance

schistosoma Japonica ((blood fluke)

this animal is the only diomoecious animal among phylum platyhelminthes

dorsoventrally compressed

this animals involves dorsal axis and ventral axis joining together

octameric histone proteins; pair of H2A, H2B, H3 and H4

this are proteins that is made up of 4 pairs of proteins these are

Pseudocoelomate; round worms

this are the type of animals with false body cavity ex:


this bone consists of a thin layer of compact bone overlying the spongy bone and are covered with HYALINE cartilage

muscular suckers

this can be seen in scolex, which attach to the intestine so that they cannot be flushed out by the peristaltic activity but is not used for sucking nutrients

Gray matter

this can be seen in the spinal cord and is a butterfly-shaped structure composed mainly of unmyelinated nerve f ibers ,neuroglial cells and neurons

White matter

this can be seen in the spinal cord and is composed of myelinated nerve fibers and neuroglial cells (devoid of neurons)


this can be seen on a vein to prevent the backflow of the blood therefore allowing blood to move in one direction


this causes that spiny appearance of the stratum spinosum because of its intercellular bridges


this causes the reabsorption of SODIUM IONS AND WATER for individuals with low sodium level in the blood.


this cell is responsible for the transfer of nutrients to the different parts of the animals


this cell resorb or break down the bone


this characteristic of the CNS could also correspond to the intelligence of a person


this compound prevents the strong attraction forces between the water molecules by repulsing the attraction forces between molecules


this condition always results to an increase in the bone matrix but not necessarily that the strength would increase, most of the time the bone would increase in diameter and become brittle


this condition is an effect of too much growth hormones secreted in the body?


this condition is the abnormal enlargement of the extremities caused by the pituitary gland


this condition is the deficiency in growth hormone ?

Relay neuron

this connects sensory and motor neuron and is found in the brain or spinal cord


this contains bile salts which emulsify fats, making them susceptible to enzymatic breakdown and is stored in the gall bladder

medulla oblongata

this contains centers which regulates breathing, heartbeat, and vasoconstriction (blood vessel constriction); this also includes vomiting, coughing, sneezing and hiccups


this contains microorganism especially bacteria and protozoa that synthesize B complex vitamins and low quality protein into essential amino acid

autonomic nervous system

this controls the internal body function that do not require conscious thought or awareness


this coordinates motor functions located at the back of the brain below the cerebrum and appears partially separated from the cerebrum by the FOURTH VENTRICLE

DNA ligase

this creates a phosphodiester bonds between adjacent okazaki fragments

RNA primase

this creates a short RNA primer complementary to a DNA template

sliding filament model of muscle contraction

this demonstrates that during a muscle contraction the actin filament slides to the myosin


this enzyme destroys RNA primer

DNA gyrase

this enzyme relaxes the tension from unwinding

paleozoic era

this era begins with aquatic life and ends with a diverse collection of organism including insects , amphibians , plants , fishes and reptiles


this forms a protective barrier between the cells and stomach acid to prevent digestion of the pepsin in the stomach


this forms the center of the the M line in a skeletal muscle

Thyroid Gland

this gland is composed of follicles

OIL gland (sebaceous)

this gland occurs everywhere (except palms and soles) and produces sebum to soften and lubricate the hair and skin which also helps to waterproof the skin and opens the hair follicle


this happens when the blood becomes too basic therefore increasing the H+ ions


this heart sound is associated with the closure of the Semi Lunar valve


this heart sound is associated with the closure of the artioventricular valve.


this hormone enhance the reabsorption of calcium from GIT and a decrease reabsorption of calcium via urinary track


this hormone increases the water permeability in the distal portion of the convoluted tubule and collecting duct of the nephrons thus promoting water re-absorption and increasing blood volume


this hormone influences the development of sexual maturity, circadian movement and the seasonality of hibernation/ estivation of an animal


this hormone initiates milk production


this hormone is called as the pregnancy hormone because this prevents the contraction of the uterus

Adrenal Cortex Thoric Hormone "ACTH"

this hormone regulates the production of hormones in the Adrenal Cortex and is originated in the pituitary gland

Antidiuretic Hormone

this hormone stimulate the kidney tubules to absorb water

Luteinizing hormone

this hormone stimulates ovulation and the development of corpus luteum

follicle stimulating hormone

this hormone stimulates the development of the follicles of the ovaries and sperm produces by the testis

Luteinizing hormone

this hormone stimulates the secretion of testosterone by the penis


this hormone stimulates urinary contraction and milk let down


this houses the testis and as well as regulate its temperature

Inorganic Substances

this includes water and gasses like CO2 and O2

sympathetic nervous system

this increases the amount of heart and respiratory rates, the amount of blood flowing to the skeletal muscle while the amount of blood flow in the skin and gut is reduced and causes for eyes to dilute


this involves the blastocyst attaching to and in some species , completely sinking into the wall of the uterus

intramembranous ossification

this involves the replacement of connective tissue membrane sheets with bone tissue and results in the formation of flat bones (skull, clavicle and mandible)


this is a ball-shaped structure that is at the center of all cells


this is a group of tissue inbetween surface endoderm and endoderm


this is a hollow ball of cells produced by the continuous cell division and a site where all the cell concentrate


this is a jelly-like substance that can be seen in between epidermis and gastrodermis

cranial nerves

this is a nerve that is connected to the brain

spinal nerve

this is a nerve that is connected to the spinal cord


this is a oxygen carrier that can be seen in Red Blood Cells


this is a pigment that is generally found in the blood after RBC breakdown


this is a process where the male gamete is deposited in the female reproductive tract and moves towards the ovum


this is a reproductive process of mating of male and female.


this is a series of articulating sclerities

zona pellucida

this is a several layer of follicle cells and a tough membrane and can be seen in the ovum


this is a small RNA molecule that carry a specific amino acid at one end and an anticodon region that recognizes and binds mRNA at the other end

gastrovascular cavity or coelenteron

this is a spacious cavity of cnidarian's mouth


this is a step in translations where the ribosomes hits the stop codon hence ribosomes fall apart


this is a storage form of thyroid hormone


this is a thin fleshy fold that covers the visceral hump of a phylum mollusca

setae and parapodia

this is a tiny brittle like structure that can be seen in phylum annelida that aids on its locomotion

double helix

this is a two long spiral strand in which nucleotide are arranged

symmetry of the body parts

this is a type of animal organization that pertains to the arrangement of the body based on the division of the certain planes of the body


this is a type of foot seen in pelecypoda, this is characterized by having a wedge-shaped foot

armed tapeworm; taenia solium

this is a type of tapeworm with hooks ; this is also called as ?


this is a unique site where replication begins

headgut; mouth parts and the pharynx

this is a variation of the digestive enzyme, which serve for the procurement and the initial preparation and swallowing of food. This is composed of

circadian movement

this is also called as the body clock?

parasympathetic nervous system

this is an autonomic nervous system that is responsible for "rest/digest" reaction

sympathetic nervous system

this is an autonomic nervous system that is responsible for the "fight/flight" reaction

CDK (cyclin dependent Kinase)

this is an enzyme that is a major switches for the cell cycle causing the cell to move from G1 to S or G2 to M


this is an organism with one sex

circulatory system

this is considered to be the center system of all systems in the body


this is considered to be the graveyard of RBC

chonatocyte (collar cell)

this is flagellated part of the sponge that filters food molecules found in the water for digestion

Leydig cells (interstitial cells)

this is located between the tubules , and functions to secrete testosterone

Sertoli cells

this is located within the tubules; support, nourish and regulate cells that form sperm

Parasympathetic nervous system

this is made up by cranial nerves and a few spinal nerves from the sacral region and functions as a "peace maker"


this is made up of numerous nucelosome folded together

cerebrospinal fluid

this is produced by the ependymal cells

Melanocyte stimulating hormone

this is responsible for cutaneous pigmentation

corpus luteum

this is responsible for the production of a hormone called progesterone

autonomic nervous system

this is the CENTER for maintaining the homeostasis of heartbeat, blood pressure, breathing, digestion and chemical regulation

nucleus pulposis

this is the adult stage of a notochord


this is the area of the biological sciences that is devoted to identification , naming and classification of living things according to apparent COMMON CHARACTERISTICS


this is the area of vertebral column during the embryonic development


this is the basic unit of inheritance

vassa recta

this is the blood vessel that can be seen in the nephrons

brain stem

this is the center for breathing , digestive function, heartbeat and blood pressure


this is the center for control, thought and association and is the command center of all the information from peripheral nervous system


this is the combination of sugar, a base pair and a phosphate

Isthmus; 75 min or 1 hour and 15 mins

this is the constricted part of the bird oviduct and is responsible for the formation of the shell membrane ? how long does the egg stay in the isthmus ?


this is the end of resorption


this is the enlarged end of long bones. This usually meets with a second bone at a joint

aminoacyl site

this is the first binding site of the t-RNA in ribosomes


this is the formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate substances (ex. fat)


this is the functional unit of the bone

gastrodermis; endoderm

this is the inner portion of the coelenterata and is derrived from _________


this is the larvae form of phylum cnidaria


this is the long shaft of a bone

magnum; 3 hours

this is the longest paart of the oviduct of chickens? how long does the yolk/ovum stay at the magnum?

nervous system

this is the major communication system


this is the major constituent of many anthropoids such as insects spiders and some crustaceans


this is the membrane that covers the cranium


this is the most important adrenal steroids

Peristaltic motion

this is the movement where the Circular muscles contract behind bolus While circular muscles ahead of bolus relax Longitudinal muscles ahead of bolus contract Shortening adjacent segments Wave of contraction in circular muscles Forces bolus forward. THIS MOVEMENT ACT SIMULTANEOUSLY TO PUSH FOOD FROM ORAL TO AB ORAL SIDE

exuvia; ecdysone

this is the old empty exoskeleton of an anthropods or relating species and is under the control of a hormone called __________

oculomotor nerve

this is the part of the cranial nerve that is responsible for the motion of the eye

olifactory nerve

this is the part of the cranial nerve that is responsible for the sense of smell

optic nerve

this is the part of the cranial nerve that is responsible for the sight

epiphyseal plate

this is the part of the long bone that is responsible for the increase in length of our bones.


this is the place where the fat is stored that results for beer belly in man and buttocks in women


this is the process of decoding RNA into protein


this is the process of seuxual reproduction by which the animal gave birth, thereby ending the sexual reproduction

ovulation; luteinizing hormone

this is the release of mature egg cell of ova coming from the ovary; this is possible because of the

genetic code

this is the set of rules by which information encoded in genetic material is being translated into proteins by living cells


this is the sexual reproduction process by which the animal is pregnant and the fetus develops in the uterus


this is the sexual reproduction process by which the male and female gamete unites


this is the site of hair roots and the growth of hair takes place

glumerulus; small molecules like water, NaCl, glucose, hindi kasama ung malalaking particles like proteins etc

this is the site where filtration of water and solutes from the blood happen. What is the content of the filtrate?

lub dub sound

this is the sound of the heart contracting and valves opening and closing

hypothalamus and is stored at the posterior pituitary gland

this is the source of antidiuretic hormone

epidural space

this is the space between the cranium and the pia mater

subdural space

this is the space in between dura mater and arachnoid


this is the step in bone remodeling where osteoblasts become resting bone lining cell on the newly formed surface

sarcoplasmic reticulum

this is the storage of calcium ion in the muscle


this is the study of heredity


this is the surface of the brain that contains ridges


this is the term used forthe deeper valley or grooves found in the brain (deeper than gyri). EXAMPLE OF THIS IS TWO CEREBRAL HEMISPHERE


this is the visible trait the organism has

uterus/ shell grant ; 20 or more hours ; yessss

this is the where the shell is being formed inside the uterus of the bird. how long does the egg stay there? does egg pigmentation happen here ?

stratum basale

this layer of the skin is usually a single layer of keratinocytes-- epidermal cells that transform as they move up in the epidermis eventually forming keratin (scales)

Loop of Henle

this maintains the concentration gradient (electrolytes, sodium and chloride ions)

Rumen; because numerous organism including protozoa are present

this makes up 85% of the stomach of a ruminant ; its function is to break smaller food into smaller particles for fermentation . Why fermentation

Corpus callosum

this nerve connects two cerebral hemispheres that are a mirror images and are connected in the middle

Golgi Apparatus

this organelle modify and enclose the proteins from RER and SER to be transported out of the cell through EXOCYTOSIS


this organism should not be included in phylum anthropoda but scientists cannot make a separate phylum for them so they're just being place in phylum anthropoda


this organism under asexual reproduction undergo budding where a new individual grow from and then breaks off pf the parent individual


this organism under asexual reproduction undergone parthogenesis


this organism under asexual reproduction, can be cut to form new individual


this organism under asexual reproduction, can divide into 2 halves; each half grow into a separate organism

schistosoma (blood fluke)

this parasite resides in blood vessel particularly in the mesentery vessel and always mating


this part of the brain functions mainly in the muscle coordination and integrating all motor activities.

quiescence phase

this phase includes cells that do not divide unless necessary

M phase (Mitotic phase)

this phase is relatively brief and consists of karyokinesis and cytokinesis

poison gland

this produces a noxious substances involved as a defense mechanism against predators

Parathyroid gland

this produces hormones parathormone in which the primary effect is to increase the calcium level of the blood


this reduce synthesis and increase the breakdown of protein including lipolysis and gluconeogenesis


this refers to the contraction of the ventricles. AKA ventricular emptying , where the blood is emptied during contraction


this refers to the relaxation of the ventricle. AKA ventricular filling

ovarian cycle

this refers to the series of changes in the ovary during which the follicle matures , the ovum is shed and the corpus luteum is developed

monophyletic groups

this refers to the single ancestral species


this region of the brain includes the function for vision, speech , memory , thought and association

pulmonary valve / semilunar valve

this semilunar valve connects the ventricle to the pulmonary artery

Mucous gland

this serves as an aid in keeping the skin moist and is important in respiration in most reptiles

pool of creatine phosphate

this serves as the modest reservoir of ATP

chicken crop / buchi

this serves as the temporary storage pouch of food in chickens

myelin sheet

this speeds up the transmission of information on the neuron

Growth hormones

this stimulates the growth in the epiphyseal plate at the end of long bones

Thyroid stimulating hormone

this stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine which causes conversion of thyroglobulin into thyroid hormones T4 and T3

corpus sponginosum

this surrounds urethra, and during erection, this compresses the urethra

Type II pneumocytes

this type of cell functions for the production of a substance known as surfactant


this type of cell is devoid of nuclei (in mammalians)

Intracellular digestion

this type of digestion is happening on unicellular organisms like protozoa , amoeba, sponges etc.

calcium carbonate

this type of exoskeleton provides a formidable protection but is bulky and severely restrictive of movement

positive feedback

this type of feedback controls the release of the desired hormone

negative feedback

this type of feedback will stop the secretion of a particular hormone

Ingestive feeders

this type of feeder is used by a majority of animals in which they use their mouth to ingest their food.

pineal gland

this type of gland is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light

Femoral gland

this type of gland presumed to function for sexual attraction in reptiles

histone protein 1

this type of histone protein stabilized the DNA

Type II fibers (fast twitch)

this type of muscle fatigues easily and has low myoglobin (makes it white-ish color) and is the dominant in muscles used for rapid movement; it is also known as __________

Type II fibers

this type of muscle fiber has few mitochondria and is rich in glycogen.


this type of neuron has 1 body and 1 axon; developing neurons and sensory organs


this type of protein is an identity marker protein and has an attached carbohydrates in it.

Sexual reproduction

this type of reproduction results in the formation of zygote which contains a full number of choromosomes

epithelial tissue

this type of tissue holds the stratum basale of the skin layer

atrioventricular valve; right atrioventricular valve and left atrioventricular valve

this valve separates atria from ventricles; what do you call the valve separating the right atrium and ventricle? how about the left?

infundibulum; 3-4 inches in length; 15 -17 min

this will catch the ovum/yolk coming from the ovary of the chicken; what is the length of this organ?how long does the yolk/ovum stay in the infudibulum

hypotonic solution, hypertonic solution, isotonic solution

three kinds of Tonicity

G1, S , and G2

three phases that comprises the interphase

microtubules (largest) , actin filaments (smallest), intermediate filaments

three primary protein filament of cytoskeleton that helps maintain the cell shape. Which ones the largest? which ones the smallest

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

three regions in the small intestine

phagocytosis, pinocytosis, receptor-mediated endocytosis

three types of endocytosis


thus maintains homeostasis and contains center for regulating hunger , sleep, thirst temperature , water, balance, blood pressure and behavior (EMOTION LIKE LOVE). This also regulates the pituitary gland

Epithelium tissues

tissues composed of layers of the cells that line the cavities of surface of structures throughout the body

start at the renal bay, from the kidney blood will flow to the renal bay and from the renal bay it would be attached to the vena cava. The blood from vena cava would be pushed to Right Atrium passing through the tricuspid valve into to the right ventricle and blood would be pumped from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery by the pulmonary valve. Then blood would be oxygenated to the lungs, then the oxygenated blood would move to the pulmonary vein into the left atrium The blood will pass to the bicuspid valve to the left ventricle. From left ventricle the blood will pass into the aortic valve into the aorta and eventually to the renal artery.

trace the blood flow from the left kidney to the right kidney

1. kidneys: outer cortex and inner medulla 2.Renal pelvis 3. ureter 4. urinary bladder 5. urtehtra

trace the path of the mammalian urine from kidney to the urethra

renal artery ----> afferent arteriole ----> glumerulus ----> bowman's capsule (collects the filtrate) ----> proximal convoluted tubule ---> loop of henle ---> Distal convoluted tubule ---> collecting duct

trace the pathway of the urine


transfer of phosphate group to glucose. It is made possible by the enzyme Hexosekinase


transport vesicle migrates to the membrane, fuses with it and release their content


tube leading from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body

heterozygous dominant

two different genes; Aa

Tertiary (grazing mammals) Quaternary (modern humans)

two periods under cenozoic era

Intracellular digestion and extracellular digestion

two types of digestion

integral protein ; peripheral protens

two types of protein

asymmetrical animal

type of body symmetry where there is no symmetry

Irregular bones

type of bone that does not fall into the previous categories. Cannot be classified as long nor short etc .They have varied shape. size and surfaces features

Heterotrophic bone

type of bone that is classified as not part of the axial nor the appendicular skeleton.


type of cell division in which the cell divides into two complete new cells that are identical to the original one.

hyaline cartilage

type of collagen fiber that has few collagen fibers and chondrocytes appears singly-- sometimes dalawa

Facilitated diffusion

type of diffusion in which there are carrier proteins that binds the molecules and change the shape that shuttle them across membrane. Movement of solutes to an area of high solute concentration to an area of low solute concentration but with a transport protein

skeletal muscle

type of muscle that are cylindrical in shape with numerous nuclei located near the periphery. They exhibit longitudinal oarallel arrangements that are held together by connective tissue

skeletal muscle

type of muscle that is named for its location, it is striated; contains light and dark bands that are perpendicular to the long axes which allows better movement

Sexual reproduction

type of reproduction that involves the fusion of two gametes

adipose (fat tissue); lipids

type of tissie that functions as a storage for fat cells (Adipose) and contains a large vacuole which in the live cell contains _______________

hypotonic solution

type of tonicity that will cause a swell to swell

simple epithelium and the stratified epithelium

types of epithelial tissues

Placoid, Ganoid, Cycloid, Ctenoid

types of scales


under what class of phylum mollusca is a squid

DNA helicase

unwinds the helix in fornt of the DNA polymerase

ureter, urinary bladder, urethra

urinary system is made up of

collecting duct and nephrons

uriniferous tubule is made up of

cell-to-cell recognition

use to identify which cell is belonging to a particular organism. It acts as the Identity markers/ tags which enables the body to tell which cell belongs to it and which are foreign

peripheral nervous system

uses special senses to connect the body to the outside environment this is consist of nerves that are connected to the brain and the nerve that are connected to the spinal cord

antidiuretic hormone

vassopressin is also known as

reverse peristalsis

vomiting is also called as the

Sexual and asexual reproduction

whaat are the types of reproduction among animals

Reduce friction of joints, Movement, Support, Growth

what are functions of fibrocartilage

basically animals with rumen "first stomach". Like carabao , goats etc.

what are ruminants

physalia, hydra, jellyfish and obelia

what are some organism that is under pylum cnidaria/coelenterata

Protista: Algae, amoeba, paramecium, euglena Fungi

what are some unicellular kingdom under Eukaryotes

Type I muscle. and Type II muscle

what are the 2 different types of muscle fibers ?

Connective tissue, Muscular tissue, Epithelial tissues, Nervous

what are the 4 basic types of tissue

regurgitation, remastication, Reinsalviation, Reswallowing

what are the 4 process of rumination ?

Fungi, animalia, plantae, protista , and monera


ungi , animalia, plantae, protista, archeabacteria, eubacteria


Flagellated bacterium

what are the animal-like structures antoine Van Leeuwenhoek saw on his slide?

Periosteum , Endosteum, Compact zone , spongy bone

what are the basic structure of a bone

P site and A site

what are the binding sites for tRNA in ribosomes?

anatomy, morphology, biochemistry, biodiversity ,conservation , developmental biology (embryology), ecology, ethology,evolution, genetics , paleontology, parasitology and pathology, taxonomy, sistematics, Molecular biology , cell biology, physiology , reproductive biology

what are the branches of zoology

Neuron and Neuroglia/ Glial cells

what are the cells of the nervous system

-double stranded - has chains of nucleotide -has 5'-3' anti-parallel pairing - complimentary pairing

what are the characteristics of a DNA structure

guanine and adenine

what are the chemical bases under Purines

cytosine, thymine, uracil

what are the chemical bases under the pyrimidines

nucleic acid, proteins and lipids

what are the chemical components of a chromosome

-presence of hair and fur -mammary gland

what are the chief characteristics of a mammal

monotremes, marsupials, placental mammals

what are the classifications of mammals according to their means of reproduction

Matigophora, sacordina, ciliophora, sporozoa

what are the classifications of protozoa

forebrain, hindbrain, cerebellum

what are the components of a brain

blood, blood vessels, heart

what are the components of the circulatory system ?

90% H20 10% electrolytes, proteins, hormones, oxygen and glucose

what are the contents of a blood?

- Axons can be myelinated (has a myelin sheet) ; dendrites cannot be myelinated (no myelin sheet) Axons does not contain nissl granules ; dendrites has many nissl granules There is one axon per cell; there is many dendrites from branch of a cell Axons carry information OUT of the cell; dendrites carry information INTO the cell

what are the differences of axons and dendrites

osteocytes , osteoblast and osteoclast

what are the different cells that can be found in the bone

pineal gland, pituitary gland, parathyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal gland, testes, thyroid gland, ovaries

what are the different endocrine glands in the body'?

outer cortex, inner medulla and renal pelvis

what are the divisions of kidney

axial, Appendicular , Heterotropic

what are the divisions of skeleton

RNA Primase, Exonuclease, DNA helicase,DNA gryase , DNA polymerase, DNA ligase

what are the enzymes required for DNA Replication ?

keratin structures and glands

what are the epidermal derivatives of the intergument

vitamin A, D, E, K

what are the fat soluble vitamins that the skin stores?

ductless in nature, very vascular, presence of intracellular vacuole

what are the features of the endocrine system

ovaries, oviducts, uterus, cervix and vagina

what are the female reproductive system

Basophil, Eosinophil , Neutrophil, Macrophages (monocytes) and lymphocytes

what are the five types ofWBC

Erythrocytes (RBC), Leukocytes (WBC), and the platelets

what are the formed elements in the blood?

adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine

what are the four chemical bases

sphingomyelins, phosphatidylcholine are on the extracellular layer phoshphatidylserine, phosphatidyl ethanolamine are on the cytoplasmic membrane. the etnanolamine and phosphatidylserine are concentrated on the cytoplasmic side because they are negatively charged and enzymes require negative charge for a cellular activity. Phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin has larger heads because it help form the normal curvature of the cell (a polygon)

what are the four major phospholipids? which one is on the extracellular and which ones on the cytopasmic membrane? why most of the sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine are concentrated on the extracelluklar side?while phosphatidyl serine and ethnolamine are concentrated on the cytoplasmic side?

PHASE I : filtration of the bowman's capsule PHASE II : Reabsorption in the proximal tubule PHASE III: Creation of an Osmotic gradient in the loop of henle PHASE IV : Regulating water and electrolyte balance in the distal tubule and the collecting duct

what are the four phases in the urine formation

phyla. hemichordata, phyla. urochordata, phyla. cephalochordata, and vertebra

what are the four subphylum of phylum chordata

keratinocytes, melanocytes, merkel cells, langerhans

what are the four types of epidermis

manufacturing, support, protection, homeostasis , locomotion

what are the function of the bone tissue

Manufacturing RBC, Support, Protection, Homeostasis , Locomotion

what are the functions of a bone

Os penis (dogs), Os Rostri (pigs), Os Cordis (ruminants)

what are the heterotrophic bones? On what species of animals have these type of heterotrophic bone?

dopamine and enkephalin

what are the hormones being secreted at the adrenal medulla

Thyrotropin/ thyroid stimulating hormone , Adrenocorticotropin, Luteinizing hormone, Follicle stimulating hormone , prolactin and melanocyte stimulating hormone

what are the hormones produces by the anterior pituitary gland

Gastrin, Ghrelin, Neuropeptide Y, somastostain , Histamine, Endothelin

what are the hormones that are secreted in the stomach

oxytocin and vasopressin

what are the hormones that are stored and released by the posterior pituitary gland ?

helps lipid REASSEMBLE themselves (amoeba, when cut in half, the other half would have its lipid reunite sealing the cut portion forming a new amoeba), also essential in FERTILIZATION (in order for fertilization to take place this sperm cell must penetrate the egg cell to fuse on the nucleus of egg cell, if membrane of egg cell is not fluid the membrane of the egg cell will remain open and the contents of the egg cell would break out). CELLS ARE ABLE TO FUSE FORMING A GIANT CELL (MITOSIS ; to replenish dead cells and tissue formation. PHAGOCYTOSIS, forms pseudo pods or extension of the cell membrane to reach the food that is possible because of cell fluidity. MYOBLAST FORMATION, kaya lumalaki ung muscles kasi muscles tend to break and they will reform again through)

what are the importance of having the fluidity of membrane

yes, trypsin - trysinogen , chymotrypsin- chymotripsinogen and carboxypeptidase- procarboxypeptidase

what are the inactive form of digestive enzymes

Feathers, Beaks, Claws and talons, Hooves Hair, Horns, Nails

what are the keratin structures

1. Law of dominance 2. Law of segregation 3. Law of independent assortment

what are the law of genetics

stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum basale

what are the layer of the epidermis in humans

tunica mucosa, tunica submucosa, tunica muscularis, tunica serosa

what are the layers of the intestine

st. corneum, st. lucidum, st. granulosum, st. spinosum, st. basale

what are the layers of the skin (in humans)

Digest ingested materials, Receive, Mix , Store

what are the main functions of the stomach

Binary Fission, Buddin, Fragmentation, Sporilation

what are the modes of reproduction of prokaryotes

Cdk cells (cyclin dependent kinase),Protein 53 (P 53), MPF (Maturation Processing Factor), P27 (protein 27)

what are the molecules that interplay in the regulation of the cell cycle?

intercostal muscles (inner intercostal muscle and outer intercostal muscle)

what are the muscles that participates in breathing

Femoral gland, uropygial gland, mucous and poison glad

what are the non mammalian vertebrate skin glands

NADH dehydrogenase, Cytochrome BC1, cytochrome oxidase with the addition of the ATP synthase. For mobile proteins we have ubiquinone and cytochrome C. In etc we will be needing NADH and its electrons (which is the electron carriers), hydrogen ions, molecular oxygen, H2O and ADP + Pi

what are the non mobile protein molecules that participates in the Electron Transport Chain? how about the mobile? WHAT ARE THE ELECTRON CARRIERS THAT IS NEEDED IN ETC?

midgut, bladder , lungs , liver, pancreas, thyroid, parathyroid

what are the organ/s that can be formed from endoderm

muscle, connective tissues, epidermis , circulatory system , kidney , ureters, gonads , dura mater and microglia

what are the organ/s that can be formed from mesoderm

central nervous system and peripheral nervous system

what are the parts of the nervous system

Cell body/ soma, dendrites and axon

what are the parts of the neuron

-families should use suffix -idae - species is capitalized and subspecies is lowercase -genus species and subspecies should be italicized or underlined - if the same name appears the second time, genus should be abbreviated

what are the rules in naming groups

Bacillus (rod shaped) - E. coli, anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) coccus (round shape) - Staphylococcus (bunch ; bilog-bilog) leptospires -spiral shaped Vibrio (spiral shaped)

what are the shapes of bacteria?

-they are the extension from the soma -they carry electrochemical information (neurotransmitters)

what are the similarities of axon and a dendrite?

Glycogen, Creatine phosphate, cellular respiration

what are the sources of high energy phosphate to keep ATP pool filled?

movement, secretion , digestion , absorption and elimination

what are the stages of the digestive process

1.initiation of replication 2. Elongation of the complementary strand 3 . termination of replication

what are the steps in DNA replication ?

1.initiation 2. elongation 3. termination

what are the steps in translation

Glucocorticoids, Minerlocorticoids and Sex steroids

what are the steroids released at the adrenal cortex

Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

what are the steroids released at the adrenal medulla

upper and lower respiratory tract ; conducting zone and respiratory zone

what are the subdivisions of a respiratory system?

plasma membrane- sacrolema, cytoplasm- sarcoplasm, ER- sarcoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion-sarcosome

what are the terminologies used to describe myofibrils

Deoxyribose, and Nucleic acids: pyrimidines (Uracil, Thymine, and Cytosine) and purines (adenine, guanine)

what are the things required for the DNA synthesis that are being prepared on the growth phase 1

fibrous, cartilagenous ,and synovial

what are the three classification of joints

ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm

what are the three distinct germ layers

Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era, Cenozoic Era

what are the three eras in the phanerozoic eon

Sensory function Integrative function Motor function

what are the three functions of the nervous system

Oviparus, Viviparus, Ovoviviparus

what are the three general way of releasing a young

dura mater ,arachnoid and pia mater

what are the three main meninges of the cranium

Glycolysis , Krebs , ETC

what are the three metabolic processes under Aerobic Respiration

special generation (by god and acceptable by faith), extraterrestrial origin (from different planet), spontaneous origin (from non-living things, it can produce life ; abiogenesis)

what are the three origin of life? differentiate each

Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous

what are the three period under mesozoic era

melanin, carotene and hemoglobin

what are the three pigment that made up the skin color

head, visceral hump, and a foot

what are the three regions in the body of phylum mollusca

period of ovum, period of embryo, period of fetus

what are the three stages of pregnancy

osteoblast, osteoclast and osteocytes

what are the three types of bone cells that contribute to homeostasis

fibrocartilage (intervertebral disc) , elastic cartilage (ear and epiglotis) and hyaline cartilage

what are the three types of cartilage and where can we find them

Simple Squamous Epithelium, Simple cuboidal, Simple Columnae Epithelium

what are the three types of simple epithelium

olifactory nerve, optic nerve, oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, trigeminal nerve, abducens nerve , facial nerve, vestibulocochlear nerve , glossopharyngeal nerve, vasgus nerve, accessory nerve, hypoglossal nerve

what are the twelve cranial nerves

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

what are the two categories of cell

compact bone (dense bone); spongy bone ; cancellous bone )

what are the two composition of a bone? what is the other term for these bones?

origin and insertion

what are the two definite ends of a skeletal muscle

Fish scales and dermal bone

what are the two dermal scale derivatives

polypoid form and medusoid form

what are the two different forms of a phylum coelenterata

altermatove cladistic taxonomy and Linnaean taxonomy

what are the two distinct taxonomic system

anterior pituitary gland and posterior pituitary gland

what are the two divisions of the pituitary gland

pointed end and blunt end

what are the two ends of an egg

positive and negative feedback

what are the two feedback mechanism in the control of hormone release

exoskeleton and endoskeleton

what are the two forms of skeleton


what are the two genetic material ?

gill heart and systemic heart

what are the two hearts of a squid

myometrium and endometrium

what are the two layer of uterus ?

longitudinal muscles and circular muscles. They are required for the certain movement of food within the GIT

what are the two layers of smooth muscles in the small intestine (t. MUSCULARIS)? what are their purpose?

epidermis and dermis

what are the two layers of the skin

lateral drift and flip-flop

what are the two movements in lipids

Adrenal cortex and the Adrenal medulla

what are the two parts of the adrenal gland

intramembranous ossification and endochondral ossification

what are the two processes of ossification

medulla oblongata and pons ; respiratory centers

what are the two regions in the hind brain that controls respiration; they are also called as the

DNA polymerase 3 and DNA polymerase 1

what are the two types of DNA polymerase?

right atrium and Left atrium

what are the two types of atrium

sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system

what are the two types of autonomic nervous system

Hyaline cartilage and the Fibrocartilage

what are the two types of cartilage

type I pneumocyte at type II pneumocyte

what are the two types of cell that contains in the alvveoli

autosome and sex chromosome

what are the two types of chromosome

External and internal fertilization

what are the two types of fertilization

overy- females sperm-male

what are the two types of gametes? which is produced by which?

sinoatrial node and Atriventricular node

what are the two types of nodal region that initiates heart beat


what are the two types of nucleic acids

macro nucleus and micro nucleus

what are the two types of nucleus that can be found in balantidium coli

free living and parasitic

what are the two types of phylum platyhelminthes

Histones and Non-histone chromosomal proteins

what are the two types of proteins

conservative, semiconservative

what are the two types of replication

protogynous and protandrous

what are the two types of sequential hermaphroditism

Malate Aspartate Shuttle (Heart, Liver , Kidney), Glycerol Phosphate Shuttle (Brain , Skeleton)

what are the two types of shuttle in the Cellular respiration? how many ATPs are produced in ech shuttle? which organs require these shuttle?

right ventricle and the left ventricle

what are the two types of ventricle

bone and cartilage, chitin, calcium compounds and silicate

what are the types of Exoskeleton ?

Ribosomal RNA Transfer RNA Messenger RNA

what are the types of RNA

lymphocytes monocytes, Neutrophil, Basophil and Eosinophil (BENML)

what are the types of WBC/leukocytes?

coelomate, acoelomate and pseudocoelomate

what are the types of body cavity

flat bones, long bones , sesamoid bone, irregular bone, short bones

what are the types of bones

Open circulatory system, closed circulatory system and No circulatory system

what are the types of circulatory system

Absorptive feeder, Filter feeder, Fluid feeder, Ingestive Feeder, Substrate feeder

what are the types of feeders?

Sensory neurons, Motor neurons, Relay neurons

what are the types of neurons

lateral, 4th ventricle

what are the ventricles that can be seen in the brain

Bacteria, Archea and Eukarya

what are three distinct domains ?

head, midpiece and the tail

what are three parts of a sperm

kingdom Archeabacteria and Eubacteria

what are two distinct kingdoms of Monera

endocrine function (Secretion of insulin and glucagon) and exocrine function (capable of secreting enzyme: pancreatic mutases)

what are two functions of the pancreas

subcalss, infraclass, cohort and superorder

what are/is the subpart of class?

subfamily and tribe

what are/is the subpart of family


what are/is the subpart of genus


what are/is the subpart of kingdom

suborder and superfamily

what are/is the subpart of order

subphylum and superclass

what are/is the subpart of phylum ?


what are/is the subpart of species

it is because of the breakdwon of heme to bilirubin that is further reduced to urobilirubin and eventually the stercabulin that is responsible for the yellowish color of the feces

what causes the yellow-ish color of the feces?

he saw a numerous chambers that resembles a monk cell, therefore calling it cellula and in time called cells

what did Robert Hooke saw on his observation of a wine cork

animalcules/ animacules

what did antoine van leeuwenhoek called this animal-like sturctures?

all organisms are made up of cells

what did theodore Schwann and Matthias Scleiden concluded?


what do flat worm use to eliminate the waste in their body ?

keratinized cells

what do we call a dead cell; the ones without the nucleus


what do we call the point in plant cells where the internal membrane shrink due to Hypertonicity but the cell wall remains the same?

gumagalaw yung mga proteins, they have the capability from one area to another. Then this proteins are mobile.

what do we mean by " a bilayer of lipids with mobile globular protein"


what do we mean by "os" in the classification of heterotrophic bones.

empty space / anything that does not have an organ unit

what do we mean by cavity?

means that a species can be seen on a specific/ particular place only. Ex: alamid is endemic in the Philippines

what do we mean by endemic?


what do we mean by tunica?

graafian follicle

what do you call a mature follicle and is ready to reelease the ovum

invertebrates; vertebrates

what do you call organisms without backbone? with backbone?

sigmoid flexure

what do you call the "s-shaoed" bend on a penis?


what do you call the bone-forming cells / gap filler


what do you call the fusion of capillaries?


what do you call the inner layer of the blastophore?


what do you call the internal structure inside a squid


what do you call the later stage of the development of the embryo?


what do you call the monocytes that are in the tissue

obligatory taxonomy

what do you call the order of class, order, family, genus and species ?


what do you call the outermost layer of the blastophore?

caracalving; because carabaws produces caracaft

what do you call the paturation in `carabaw ? why is it called that ?


what do you call the paturation in cats ?

calfing; because cow produces calf

what do you call the paturation in cow ? why is it called that ?


what do you call the paturation in dogs ?


what do you call the paturation in goat ?


what do you call the paturation in horses ?


what do you call the paturation in pig ?

lambing; because it produces lamb

what do you call the paturation in sheep? why is it called that ?


what do you call the reproductive part of birds

diploblastic animals; ectoderm and endoderm

what do you call the type of animals having two germ layers; these are?

it is the time where the females will accept the males - estrous

what do you mean by "heat" in terms pf reproductive system? what is the other term for "heat"

they are stimulating / tropic hormones

what do you notice about the hormones of the anterior pituitary gland

most of them are "releasing" hormones

what do you notice about the hormones released by hypothalamus

above; because the adrenal gland in humans is situated above the kidney

what does " ad" in adrenal means? why?


what does "arthro" means in the word arthropods?

at the periphery ; ; Cartilage

what does "peri" in perichondrium means? What does the "chondo" in chondrocytes means?

it means worm

what does morph in morphology mean?

example, papasok si sir sa room na may dalang quiz booklet, alam na, na may quiz in animals. before you feed your animal kukunin mo yung food bowl nila which is an indication for the pet na kakain na sila

what does the center for association mean in the functions of a cerebrum

cephalo- head pods- feet

what does the cephalo and pods in cephalopods mean?

coel means cavity

what does the coel in hemocoel mean

it serves as a temporary scaffolding for the organelles. Within the cell these scaffolding holds the organelle in shape. Without the cytoskeleton, sa isang side lang ng cell ung mga organelles .

what does the cytoskeleton does?

shell membrane

what does the isthmus produces ?

magkakaroon ng blood clot doon sa nabaling site na buto. Within that blood clot we have this osteoprogenitor cells that will transform into osteoblast. So the osteoblast willsynthesize bone materials to fill the gap of the bone. In such production, there is a very large area of bone that is being formed to completely surround the broken part. There fore there would be an excess amount of bone that will be formed by the osteoblast and in the healing process, this osteolast would then be replaced by the osteoclasts, so the osteoclasts would tend to digest this extra bone such that this bone will be as much as possible return to its normal shape.

what happens during a fracture

the blood will be pumped out of the ventricle to the associated blood vessel

what happens during the contraction of the ventricle

condensation of chromosomes and sprouting of micro tubules

what happens on the M phase?

it will be recycled again forming a new ATP

what happens to the atp after being utilized to ADP + Pi ?


what holds the patella and the tibia

it is not possible, with this arrangement it wont form a normal curvature of a cell.

what if smaller heads are on the extracellular side and the bigger heads are on the cytoplasmic side

120, 70, 160, and 145 days

what if the lifespan of RBC in dogs , cats , cows and horse

this is caused by jaundice caused by bilirubin

what if your eyes are yellowing, the teeth is yellowing etc

one phospholipids on the outer layer will move on the inner layer and one phospholipid lipid on the inner layer will move on the outer layer; requires a lot of energy, not energy favorable; doesnt occur spintaneously only occur once a month.

what is a flip flop movement

magpapalit ung magkatabing lipids (may interchange in size); it happens 10^ 7 times/ second' most common movements in phospholipids

what is a lateral drift movement in lipids

group of rats

what is a rodent

a structure resembling an animal

what is an animalcules?

animal nutriology talks about the animal diet. It also talks about nutrient composition and the particle size of the feeds. The younger the animal the less crude protein etc

what is animal nutriology?

Hadean eon, Hadeon eon, Archean eon , Proterozoic eon, Phanerozoic eon,

what is order in the hisotry of life

outside the abdominal cavity; inside the abdominal cavity

what is orientation of testis in humans? in birds?

you could produce offspring at a very short time .

what is the advantage of having asexual reproduction?

all organisms are composed of one or more cells and those cells have arisen from pre-existing cells

what is the cell theory

-70mv - (-80mv)

what is the charge required energy for the sodium to enter into the cell?

blue; hemocyanin

what is the color of phylum mollusca blood? what causes its color?

receptor organ , sensory neuron, relay neuron, motor neuron, and effector organ

what is the complete reflex arch

90% lipids 10% proteins (usually at the head)

what is the composition of a surfactant

penis ; phallic organ

what is the copulary organ in humans? in birds ?

bronchus has cartilage and bronchioles do not. Usually the epithelium of bronchiole is not provided with goblet cells unlike the bronchus

what is the difference between a bronchus and a bronchiole

prokaryotes are primitive they dont have a nucleus and in eukaryotes they have nucleus bounded in a nuclear membrane and is membrane bounded organelle

what is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes

vomiting requires the force of the muscle to force the food out , regurgitation is a passive process, bigla nalang nalabas without force

what is the difference between vomiting and regurgitation

cis -hydrogens are on the same bond of the double bond

what is the difference of cis and trans double bond ?

its bidirectional, replication will go on both sides

what is the direction of replication in circular bacterias?

there is a mixing of the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. The blood that is being pumped in the rest of the body would not be saturated with oxygen because there is a mixing at the level of the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. Yes because it is still on a considerable amount of pressure

what is the disadvantage of having a three chambered heart? Is it better than the fish's circulatory system

dogs: 6 months pigs : 21 days camel: 21 days poultry: wala

what is the estrous cycle of dogs? pigs? camel? poultry?

Copulation, fertilization, gestation, parturition

what is the four sexual reproductive processes of the sexual reproduction

it connects muscle to the bone. MUSCLE TO BONE ATTACHMENT

what is the function of a tendon


what is the function of the appendix in humans

reduce the blood glucose level. People with diabetes melitus tends to have a lot of glucose inside their body but their RBCs are still starving for glucose, because they cannot enter the cells. So its a must to require insulin

what is the function of the insulin? give an example

It connects Bone to Bone. BONE TO BONE ATTACHMENT. EX. head of the femur attaches to the acetabelum

what is the function of the ligament?

the left; right reproductive part doesn't work

what is the functional reproductive part in birds ?

nasa page 1 ng intergumentary

what is the functions of the intergumentary system


what is the genotipic ratio of in dihibrid crosses


what is the hormone produced by the pineal gland

low temperature; high temperature

what is the ideal temperature for the sperm of humans? in birds?

gap junction

what is the junction that interconnects a smooth muscle


what is the largest sesamoid bone and is embedded in the tendon of the triceps femoris


what is the largest sesamoid bone in the human body and is embedded in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris at the knee


what is the main neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system

dead microorganisms that is recycled to be the main source of proteins

what is the main source of protein of cattle is ?

vitamin D came from food as well... the sunlight activates the vitamin D.

what is the main source of vitamin D

dipalmitoyl lecithin

what is the main surfactant present among mammalian cells?

urinary bladder and mammary gland

what is the main target organ of oxytocin

pituitary gland

what is the main target organ of the hypothalamus

30 %

what is the maximum contraction length of a sarcomere?


what is the mode of reproduction of phylum echinodermata?

aldosterone ; this reabsorbs sodium, chlorine and water

what is the most important mineralocorticoid? what is its function ?


what is the muscle to muscle attachment

120/80 mmHg; Systolic pressure / diastolic pressure

what is the normal blood pressure for a male human? the higher value refers to the? the lower value?


what is the organization of LIVING THINGS

epidermis; ectoderm

what is the outer portion of a coelenterata? where is it derived?

Sinoatrial node --> Atrioventricular node ---> to His fibers and Purikinjie fiber

what is the pathway of the excitation of heart from the nodal region

substrate level phophorylation

what is the process of creating ATP from Creatine phosphate


what is the role of ATP in muscle contraction

right reproductive part of birds ; because it is undeveloped

what is the rudimentary reproductive part among birds

cylindrical in shape

what is the shape of the skeletal muscle

protective covering, where blood vessel and nerves are located kapag waalng periosteum healing of a fracture would not be possible kasi walang blood supply

what is the significance of having a periosteum


what is the smallest sesamoid bones?


what is the start codon ? What is the stop codon?

the adrenal cortex

what is the target organ of the Adrenocrticotropic hormone


what is the target organ of the antidiuretic hormone

all body cells

what is the target organ of thyroid hormones?

that one could generate rats with wheat, dirty socks (soaked in water), and sweat within 17 days

what is the theory of Van Helmant with rats?

there would be a suppression/ reduction on the immune response or the accumulation of antibodies or immunoglobulins

what is the undesired effect of taking a glucocorticoids?

it is used to attach on the surface of the organ ex: epithelial tissue of the gastro intestinal track, which would later cause disease. If not for the Pili these bacterias would easily flush out

what is the use of pili in bacterias?

cellula, that means empty room

what is the word origin of cell?

in zoology we will be studying the different organ systems, from the simpliest system to the more complex

what is zoology

thymine and uracil ; two bonds

what is/ are the compliment pair of ADENINE ? how many bonds will be formed?

guanine ; 3 bonds

what is/ are the compliment pair of CYTOSINE ? how many bonds will be formed?

smooth muscle tissue

what kind of muscle tissue that is found in hollow/visceral organs such as intestine cells

phospholipid -75 % cholesterol - 20 % glycolipid - 5 %

what made up a membrane lipid?

the skin, organs of the central nervous system, muscles, GIT, pia mater, arachnoid and liver

what organ/organs are derived from the ectoderm

interstitial cells

what particular cell secretes testosterone

Triassic Period

what period does first dinosaurs appear?

mammalian RBC, reptalian and avian

what species are devoid of nucleus? what species have a nucleus

Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian

what the six period under pelaozoic era

hyaline cartilage

what type of cartilage can be seen on the trachea


what type of cell can be found in the cartilage.

simple squamous epithelium; to permit the exchange of gasseses and nutrients

what type of cell makes up the capillaries; why is it made up of that kind of cell?


what type of cell reproduction does sex cells go?

closed circulatory system

what type of circulatory system is present in phylum annelida?

open circulatory system

what type of circulatory system is present in the phylum arthropoda


what type of reproduction does amoebas undergone?

aquatic/ return to water species

what type of species undergone external fertilization

whip worm/ trichuris

what type of tape worms can be seen in dogs

epithelial tissue;

what type of tissue makes up the epidermis

simple squamous epithelium, it favors diffusion on of the gasses

what type of tlssue can be seen in the lining of the alveoli?

spherical symmetry or asymmetrical

what type/s of symmetry can be seen in amoebas?

cardiac arrest

what will happen if one part of the cardiac muscle is not beating synchronously?

your body will get calcium in the bones through osteoclast. The osteoclasts wil digest calcium in the bone that will make it soften causing osteoporosis

what will happen if you have a low calcium level in the body?

the image on the left side will retain on the left side and the image on the right side will retain on the right side

what will happen if you severe the corpus callosum

it would be oxygenated from the artery until the gas exchange would occur in the capillary then it would become deoxygenated once it passes onto the vein

what would be the flow of oxygen from artery to a vein

the "expired" RBC will be sent to the liver for destruction and eventually recycling

what would happen to the aged RBC?

Fat rich meal (faster) and carbohydrates rich meal (faster); Ingestible solids ( slowly but fast ex. gulay kangkong etc), semi solid meals ( fastest)

what would make the movement of the chyme slower? what makes the movement of the chyme

is the plasma membrane of the skeletal muscle

whatis a sarcolema


when atp runs down after deat, muscle goes into a state of _____________

Ventricle; away from the heart towards the lungs (RV) and towards the body system (LV) from the left side

when atrium contracts blood is pumped through the __________ when the ventricle contracts blood is pumped ___________


when did Matthias Schleiden concluded that all plant tissues are made up of cells?


when did antoine van leeuwenhoek discovered this "animal cules"

3.5 billion years ago, 0.5 billion years ago

when did prokaryotes arose? when did eukaryotes?


when did theodore schwann concluded that all ANIMALS are made up of cells?

when there is an accumulation of lactic acid. Lactic acid is an irritant to the muscle which makes it very painful. kapag nagexercise ka ng walang streching, kasi pag wlang streching less ang blood supply sa muscle. Kapag less blood supply less oxygen would be transferd to the muscle so thereforre glucose would metabolize in anerobic leading to the production of lactic acid.

when does muscle cramps happen? when does muscle cramps happen?

CDK (Cyclin dependent Kinase)

whenever there is damage on DNA or on growth phase 1 or from G2 to Mitotic phase this enzyme detects damage onto the chromosome that will stop cell division

at the bone marrow; it becomes yellow-ish in color because it is replaced by the adipose tissue

where are RBCs produced? what happens to the red marrow when we get older?

islet of langerhans; pancreatic acini

where are the pancreatic hormones being secreted ? where are the pancreatic enzymes being secreted?

at the mammary gland , hypodermis

where can we find adipose tissues

it is cranial to the sigmoid flexture

where can we find the testicle of a bull?

cranial to the sigmoid flexture but has an extension called urethral process

where can we find the testicle of a sheep?

at the larynx, trachea and end of long bones (TEL). Hyaline means clear

where can we found the hyaline cartilage? what do we mean by hyaline

at the edge of the cell membrane

where can we found the nucleus and cytoplasm of an adipose tissue

on the pig's snout. Because of the os rosti the pigs were able to do its "pagbubungkal" activity

where can we found the pig's os rosti? para san yung os rosti?

at the periphery just beneath the sarcolema

where can we locate the nucleus in the skeletal muscle fibers

came from greek words "pro"- before "karyon"- nut or nucleus Eu- means true "karyon"-nut or nucleus

where did the word prokaryote came from? how about the eukaryote?

mitochondrial membrane

where does electron transport chain occur

neurons of the Hypothalamus

where does the hormone coming from the posterior pituitary gland come from?

Islet of Langerhans (pancreas)

where does the insulin and glucagon come from ?


where does the myosin filament contained

outer cortex and inner medulla

where does the urine formed? (which segment of the kidney?)

tenos means bone

where does the word ctenoid came from

they interdigitates with phospholipid (sinisingit). Cholesterol prevents too much tight-packing of phospholipids while during high temperature, it prevents too much fluidity of cell membrane

where is cholesterol located?what is the significance of it?

at the ventral surface of the hypothalamus

where is the pituitary gland located ?


where the seminiferous tubules is attached and is the site of sperm maturation

vassa recta

where will the absorb nutrients from proximal convoluted tubule go?

sympathetic nervous system

which autonomic nervous system is responsible for the release of the norepinephrine (NE) (for americans) / adrenaline (for british)


which bone is used by the birds to fly

pointed end first

which end of the egg is passing the oviduct ?


which one's bigger, angstrom, nanometer or picometer

steps 1-6, in glycolysis

which part of gylcolysis is energy producing phase


which part of the skin is considered the epithelium

Steps 1-5 of glycolysis

which step in glycolysis is energy investing?


who is the proponent of the five kingdom classification system

Carl Woese

who is the proponent of the six kingdom classification

becausethey undergone the process called rumination or simply chewing the cud

why are ruminants called ruminants

cells of heart, liver and kidneys produces 38 ATPs / molecule of glucose because we have different mechanisms by which these cells are using the NADH to be utilized in th eelectron transport chain. Usually, the NADH are being generated in the cytosol so this cytosolic NADH cannot directly diffuse into the mitochondrial membrane to participate in ETC, they have to utilize one shuttle mechanism. Heart cells , liver cells etc utilize less efficient glycerol phosphate shuttle. NADH is eventually being converted to NADHO such that the cytosolic NAD will be converted to NADH2 such that it will produce 2 ATPs kaya 36 laaang. SO IN SUMMARY, IT DEPENDS ON THE SHUTTLE MECHANISM THAT THEY WILL BE UTILIZING

why are some cells of the body will produce 36 and some produce 38

because of the presence of blood supply

why are there complex structures in the dermis

to prevent self digestion / auto digestion of the pancreas

why do the digestive enzymes have to be secreted by the pancreas on its inactive form

ATP in the body is used for a muscle to contract, but when the ATP is all used up and there is no ATP left, therefore there will be no energy to relax the muscle such that the body may experience stiffening of the body or rigor mortis, because of the loss of ATP

why does a dead body become stiff

Their anterior part is usually overlapped by the posterior portion of the scales in front that gives them greater flexibility because it does not cause pulling of the other scales (tilapia, st. peters fish and milkfish)

why does fishes with Ctenoid and Cycloid scales have greater flexibility? example of this type of fishes

to be able to replenish reproductive cells

why does spermatogonia undergo mitosis?

because a particular dissolved material must circulate within the cell. Also, if the cytoplasm is not fluid the cell division would not be possible

why does the cytoplasm needs to be more fluid than the cell membrane?

because animals has the same anatomical features (tail, eyes, feet (appendages) etc. some having two fore limbs, two hi-limbs) but they differ in morphology, example the rabbit's ears are erect and the some of the dog's ears are droopy. The dogs doesnt have a huge incisors unlike the rabbit, dogs have a canine teeth. The horse and cattle, horses have 1 digits and cattles have 4 digits . Pangatlong daliri lang ung functinal sa horses.

why is anatomy is used interchangeably with morphology? give examples. Pang ilang daliri ang functional sa horses?

because in the blood there are more matrix than cells

why is blood considered as a tissue?

because it provides energy for cells that does not have a mitochondrion ex: RBC, they undergone glycolysis for the stability of the cell membrane

why is glycolysis important?

to increase the vision

why is it necessary for the pupils to dilate?

because the female and the male under fertilization will form 46 chromosomes

why is it necessary that that the product of meiosis has half the number of the product of mitosis ?

during a transplant, such that this new organ will not be attacked by your own cells through reduction of immune response

why is it that glucocorticoids is essential for organ transplant ?

because there is a blood that is leaking out of the glumerulus. Proteins leaking out from the urine

why is it that one of the symptoms of having a kidney disease is blood in the urine? another manifestation is?

The blood that is delivered to the rest of the body would only have a low blood pressure because it willl first be delivered to the lungs before being deliverd to the rest of the body, Unlike humans in which from the lungs it will return to the heart to be pump to the rest of the body under considerable pressure.

why is it that the fish's blood have a low blood pressure

because of the determination of 16SrRNA molecule (16 svedberg r RNA molecule) based on the genetic material of archeabacteria is closely related to eukaryotes.

why is it that the kingdom monera is divided into different kingdoms

because usually, this pituitary gland will secrete hormones which would target the different endocrine gland as well

why is pituitary gland considered as the master endocrine gland ?

because mucus serves as a protective blanket on the small intestine, it protects the small intestine from the acidity of the contents from the stomach

why is secretion of mucus important?

because the urethra which is the passage way for the urine and the sperm is located on the hallow surface. *sa hallow surface na rin na yon nalolocate yung urinary stones. Kaya yung urinary stones na yon blocks the expansion of the urethra and blocks the passage way of the urine kaya kapag umiihi yung mga dogs na may gal-stones it tends to be dribbling. For some instances when the blockage is complete this will lead to a condition named ANURIA, where there will be no urine that will be released on the urethra

why is the "os penis" hallow?

the phospholipid molecules are made up of phosphate heads and hydrocarbon tail. In which hydrocarbon tails are hydrophobic and the heads are hydrophilic

why is the bi-lipid layer possible

to prevent infection

why is the cervix close and only opens during birth?

because there is a degeneracy in codon, meaning there is no 1:1 correspondent

why is the codon table degenerate?

because of the high amount of blood present in the blood vessel

why is the gills red in color?

because if it will not be distirbuted the pancreas would digest itself

why is the product produced by the pancreas distributed on other parts of the body?

because all of the cells above st. basale are product of the st. basale through its mitotic ability.

why is the stratum basale most active mitotically?

because of the keratin cells present

why is the stratum corneum called (horny layer)

because they are not arranged in a striated pattern

why is the striations in the smooth muscle not visible?

because there is a cis double bond. Kinking prevents tight packing of molecules at low temperature making it fluid.

why is there a kink on the fattly acid? what is the significance of the kinking ?

people are more concerned with plants because of the spices

why was plant studied first before animals ?


within a whiteblood cell that produces hydrogen peroxide to kill bacteria


wjere does digestive enzymes come from

gawin mo lang...

write the whole glycolysis process with their enzymes :)


year where the basic component of lipids were discovered (only the structure)

because of the accumulation of Carbon dioxide which has to be eliminated in order to prevent too much acidity in the blood.

you tend to inhale faster?

yes, as we grow older all of the epiphyseal disk would transform into bone

"nauubos ba ang epiphyseal disk ?

spinal cord

********************this functions as a center providing communication between brain and the spinal nerve that leave the spinal cord

100 pm 0.1 nm

1 angstrom is equivalent to : in picometer in nanometer

Exocytosis and Endocytosis

2 types of bulk transport mechanism

Kidney, Liver, Lungs and skin

4 organs w/specific functions in excretory system:


A "false foot" or temporary bulge of cell membrane/ lateral extension of cell membrane used for feeding and movement in some protozoans. The cell membrane EVAGENATES and will be enclosed by the vesicle containing cell membrane and witth the aid of digestive enzymes the particular molecule will be digested and eventually will be discharged via exocytosis

pancreas and the biliary system

A TYPE OF DIGESTIVE VARIATION THAT secretes substances necessary for the digestion of nutrients


A condition in which both alleles for a gene are fully expressed

lagging strand

A discontinuously synthesized DNA strand that elongates by means of Okazaki fragments, each synthesized in a 5' to 3' direction AWAY from the replication fork.


A disorder caused by a thyroid gland that is slower and less productive than normal thereby, making the person fat and is dubbed as "heat seeker"


A firm, flexible coating outside the plasma membrane Cell wall + cilia


A segment is also known as a...


A specific sequence of three adjacent bases on a strand of DNA or RNA that provides genetic code information for a particular amino acid

period of embryo

A stage in pregnancy where the organs are formed in the body and is characterized by a rapid growth. This also , is the critical stage of pregnancy

period of embryo

A stage of pregnancy where it extends fro, the time of attachment to the uterine until the formation of the individual is complete,

transfer RNA

A type of RNA that transports amino acids to the ribosome for the use in building polypeptide


A type of blood that can be seenin an open circulatory system

Anaerobic Respiration

A type of cellular respiration that does not require oxygen

headgut, Foregut, Midgut, Pancreas, Biliary system and hindgut

ANATOMY OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Digestive system is best described in terms of the:

pwedeng symmetrical (most of the time), pwedeng assymetrical


Van Helmant

According to him you could generate (17 days) rats with dirty socks (soaked in water) , wheat and sweat.

Pigs (swine)

Among the set of animals the most complete set of teeth is

Midgut (small intestine)

An anatomy of the digestive system variation in which this is the principal site for the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients

RNA primase

An enzyme that creates an RNA primer for initiation of DNA replication.


An enzyme that splits dipeptides into amino acids


An organism that does not have any lungs and gills but has a tracheal system


An organism that has two different alleles for a trait


An organism that has two identical alleles for a trait


An organism that obtains organic food molecules by eating other organisms or their by-products.


Anaerobic Respiration is also known as


Are white blood cell type containing granules


BREAKDOWN OF THE NUCLEAR ENVELOPE allowing mitotic spindle to gain access to the mature kinetochores


Bead-like structure in eukaryotic chromatin, composed of a short length of DNA wrapped around a core of histone proteins

spinal nerves

CONNECTS THE SPINAL CORD to the sense organs , muscles and glands in the body


Controls bacterial growth in the oral cavity. ANTI MICROBIAL AGENT. Reason kaya inallow nila dati na i lick ng dogs ang sugat

amylase , protease , lipase

DETERMINE THE ENZYME ; ____ breaks down starch into maltose ___ breaks down proteins into small peptide fragments ___they digest lipids into alcohols , monoglycerides and fatty acid



trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase, amylases, lipases, disaccharides and dipeptidase (ARALIN MO PA SA PAGE 6)

Different enzyme that may act in the digestive processes


Do we need oxygen for glycolitic pathway?


Egg laying mammals is called

Fungi, Animalia, Plantae, Protista

Eukaryotes is composed of KINGDOM..

Simple Squamous epithelium



First existed in the Archean eon; this is considered as the oldest life form and is in in the form of _____________


Function of protoplasm that responds to stimuli ex: retinal cells in the eye responding to light


Functions of Liver and Gall bladder


Functions that are carried inside the cell; respiration on mitochondria


Helminth infection acquired from contact with water containing infected snails.

Atrial Natriuretic Hormone

Hormone that inhibits (stop) the release of aldosterone and Antidiuretic Hormone and PRODUCES DILUTED URINE

through muscle contraction , the internal pressure generated by the muscle contractions cause movement as well as maintain the shape of the animal. The wave contraction and relaxation of alternate muscle (longitudinal and circular) groups are causing the worm to move forward. When the circular muscle is relaxing it will shorten the segment however when the longitudinal muscle relaxes and the circular muscle contracts, the worm will lengthen.

How does an animal without bone moves?

via diffusion, example if a skeletal muscle cell needs an extraction of waste products (CO2), but the skeletal muscle cell needs an oxygen. The red blood cell-- coming from the lung for example, after an oxigenation-- would have a high amount of oxygen compared to that of the skeletal muscle cell such that the oxygen would be diffusing from the RBC's plasma membrane to the skeletal muscle cell. On the otherhand, the skeletal muscle cell, having high concentration of CO2 compared to the RBC-- the CO2 would diffuse to the RBC and the RBC would then go to the lungs and the CO2 from RBC would be excreted out.

How does blood deliver oxygen to the tissues? how does the blood deliver CO2 ?

24 hours; 60-90 minutes

How long does Interphase happen ? how long does t he Mitotic phase happen?

92 chromosomes from 46

How many chromosomal number are being made in the S PHASE


IT is the process in which the diaphragm moves down enlarging the chest cavity (thoracic cavity) leaving a negative pressure within the thoracic cavity

because birds are provided with air sacs, on the pertonial cavity of a bird you will find numerous air sacs which are plastic-like structures that may be transparent. They are connected to the lungs, they push air into the lungs for gas exchange

If a bird's lungs is inexpandable how can gas exchange be possible ?

iron surfactant

In a mammalian lungs, what type of surfactant is present

Telophase II

In males-- there will be four daughter cells and each has one set of chromosomes , or one half of the number of the initial cell

axon- carries impulses away from the cell body dendrites- carries process towards the cell body

In terms of function what is the difference of an axon and a dendrite ?

2 lactate + 2 ATP IN MUSCLES ORR Acetaldehyde and evntually, Ethanol +2 ATP FOR YEAST CELLS

In the absence of oxygen what is the product of Glycolysis?

because REPRODUCTIVE CELLS undergone mitosis as well, the spermatogonium is dividing through mitosis.

In the definition of mitosis "a mitosis, generally is a division involving somatic cells" why GENERALLY?

MPF (maturation-promoting factor)

Includes CDK and other cyclins that triggers progression through the cell cycle

Hemoglobin; anemia

Increases the oxygen carrying capacity of blood to 65-70%; lack of the hemoglobin will lead to

complete metamorphosis

Insect development consisting of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult


Internal rigid framework, such as those found in most vertebrates. It is found inside the body comprising the whole body system

endochondral ossification

Involves the replacement of hyaline cartilage model with bone tissue and is necessary to increase the length of the long bones

Signal transduction

Is initiated by receptor proteins; signals received by cells must be transmitted effectively into the cell to ensure an appropriate response. (TSISMIS THAT HAS BEEN SENT TO A KAPIT BAHAY)

No, but it is a part of the cell cycle

Is interphase part of the Mitotic process?


Is secreted from adrenal cortex, this favors reabsorption of SODIUM AND WATER at the distal convoluted tubule. THIS RESULTS TO THE PRODUCTION CONCENTRATED URINE


Is the study of animals


It is also called the "resting phase" with regards to cell division.


It is responsible for the formation/ synthesis of the myelin sheet INSIDE the central nervous system

seminiferous tubules

It is the functional unit of the testis, and this is the part of the testis where sperm is produced


It is the hereditary material in almost all of the organism

neuro-muscular junction

It is the site of the signal exchange between the neurvous system and the muscle. This is where the synaptic bulb of the axon terminal and muscle fiber connects

1. sarcoplasmic reticulum 2. thin actin filament 3. z disc 4. sarcomere 5. H-zone 6. I-band 7. A-band 8. I band 9. M line Yung walang number. z disc /line


wrap and cushions organs ; under the skin

Loose connective tissue's function is to _____, aside from that it can also be found ___________

Intercellular joining, Cell-to-cell recognition, Transport, Enzymatic Activity, Attachment to Cytoskeleton, Signal Transduction



Mammals whose immature offspring complete their development in an external pouch.

law of segregation

Mendelian law stating that two alleles for each trait separate during meiosis


Microtubules of cytoskeleton break down and form a mitotic spindle which will be responsible for aligning duplicated chromosomes in succeeding phases

Louise Pasteur

Modified the experiment of Spallanzani and Needham by using a gooseflask. he proved that microorganisms are present on the air that is responsible for the growth in the broth


Osteoblasts synthesize new bone matrix (GAP FILLING PHASE)

1.ostia 2. SPONGCOEL 3. osculum

PHYLUM PORIFERA FEEDING SYSYTEM Water will enter these holes through ____1_____, then water will enter its body cavity called _______2_____. Once the food from the water are taken in by the organism, water will moveout through the________3______.

zymogenic cells

Pepsinogen is produced by what type of cells


Phase where production of enzymes and enzyme requirement for the production of DNA is made


Point in the bone remodeling where Preosteoclast are stimulated and differentiate under the influence of cytokines and growth factors into mature active osteoclasts


Point of mitosis in which the centrosomes begin to separate towards the opposite poles of the cell

Aerobic Respiration

Process by which ATP is produced by cells by complete oxidation of organic compounds using oxygen

starting through the G phase, hanggang maging ready na sa cytokinesis. However proteins are formed during cell maturation (ribosomes)


1. neurotransmitters 2. gap/ synaptic gap 3. impulse 4. destroyed

SYNAPSE : Electrical impulse stimulates the production of chemical known as _____1_______, which are secreted in the ______2_______. __________1_______ diffuse accross the _______2_______ into the membrane of the next nerve cell. After the ______3__________ have been passed the chemical is ________4_________ and the synapse is ready to receive the next nerve impulse

urethral process

Seen in the ram and buck goat. A small portion of the urethra that extends past the end of the glans penis. Very narrow and can be a site for uroliths to get stuck- can be snipped off

incomplete dominance

Situation in which one allele is not completely dominant over another allele ex: roses na red and white then ung offspring nila is pink

Okazaki fragments

Small fragments of DNA produced on the LAGGING STRAND during DNA replication, joined later by DNA ligase to form a complete strand.

Prometaphase II

Spindle fibers attach to the chromosomes, similar to mitosis, fibers on the both ends attach to EACH ONE of the four chromosomes (CHROMATIDS NA DI NA CHROMOSOMES)

nasa page 3

Summarize the experiment of John Tuberville Needham

Non proliferative cells

TYPE OF CELL that remains for a long period of time before they will replicate.

Prophase II

The duplicated chromosomes and spindle fibers reappear in each new cell., this part dDOES NOT ATTACH TO THE THE NUCLEAR MEMBRANE in order to exchange information. closely resembles the mitosis process

substrate-level phosphorylation

The enzyme-catalyzed formation of ATP by direct transfer of a phosphate group to ADP from an intermediate substrate in catabolism.

robert Whittaker

The five kingdom system was invented by

receptor-mediated endocytosis

The movement of specific molecules into a cell by the inward budding (invagination) of membranous vesicles containing proteins with receptor sites specific to the molecules (ligand) being taken in; this induce the infolding of the membrane. Therefore there will be no infolding of membrane kung wlang receptor-ligand interaction

saltatory transmission

The movement of transmission impulse in the neuron is _________


The process during the action potential when sodium is rushing into the cell causing the interior to become more positive.

peptidyl site

The ribosomal site that contains the growing protein attached to a tRNA.

efferent arteriole

The small artery that carries blood AWAY from the capillaries of the glomerulus. This carries the LARGE particles (like protein) na hindi kasama sa nafiltrate ng glumerulus.


These are the descendants of the parent generation and inherit one of the two alleles from each parent

osteoprogenitor cells

These type of bone cells may act as stem cells

Ganoid scale

They are modified cosmoid scales which scales which consists of a bony basal layer , a layer of dentine and an outer layer of ganoine (an inorganic salt)

parasympathetic nervous system

This autonomic nervous system turns off excitatory functions , relaxes the body and promotes an effective digestion , stimulates defecation and urination


This elevates the blood glucose level


This hormone inhibits vitamin D activity and suppresses inflammatory or immune responses

Vertebrae circulatory system

This includes heart , which is a muscular pump that contracts and propels blood out of the body through arteries and a series of blood vessel


This is a chemical messenger secreted by the endocrine system


This is stellar (star-like in shape), and is located near the blood vessels and the nervous tissue, this supplies the nutrients required by the neuron

enamel , dentin and pulp cavity

Three main parts of teeth

collapse of the alveoli

Too much surface tension in the alveoli would cause

connective tissues including blood vessel, nerves and lymphatic vessel

Tunica Submucosa is made up of

Substrate-level phosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation

Two types of cellular respiration

Ensembles d'études connexes

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