3.2 Data Representation (3.2.1. ASCII and Unicode)
how many characters can be represented in standard ASCII?
how many characters can be represented in extended ASCII
256 characters
number of bits used with unicode
how many bits in standard ASCII
7 bits
how many bits in extended ASCII
8 bits
what does ASCII stand for
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
what companies use unicode
Google, Facebook
Gives a standard code to
letters characters numbers symbols unprintable characters e.g.: backspace, delete, enter
are different fonts, sizes and colours represented by unicode?
can ASCII support other common languages
no (even the extended version can't)
problems of unicode
takes up more space
why do companies use unicode
their users use many different languages
How do computers encode characters?
using ASCII and unicode
what is unicode not used by?
word processors (e.g.: Microsoft Word)
can ASCII support the English language
can unicode support other common languages
can unicode support the English language?
is ASCII the same on all computers?