5-3 Guided Reading Questions

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What steps did Napoleon take in order to improve the economy? (select all that apply) a) took land from the nobles and church b) established a national banking system c) steady supply of tax money d) set up an efficient method of tax collection

established a national banking system steady supply of tax money set up an efficient method of tax collection

Napoleon quickly took the title of _____________ and assumed the powers of a dictator. a) first consul b) king c) prime minister d) president

first consul

The destruction of the French fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar had two major results: ____________. (select 2 answers) a) forced Napoleon to give up his plans of invading Britain b) inspired other countries to declare war on France c) ensured the supremacy of the British navy for the next 100 years d) Napoleon abdicated soon after

forced Napoleon to give up his plans of invading Britain ensured the supremacy of the British navy for the next 100 years

How did Napoleon affect France? (select all that apply) a) he created the Napoleonic Code b) expanded suffrage (voting) c) ensured rights to property and education for more citizens d) allowed women to vote

he created the Napoleonic Code expanded suffrage (voting) ensured rights to property and education for more citizens

What happened in Saint Domingue (now called Haiti) in 1791? a) The United States bought it for $15 million. b) Napoleon's coronation ushered in a new time of peace for France. c) insurrection of enslaved Africans under the leadership of Toussaint Louverture d) Napoleon was very upset at the Pope for not crowning him.

insurrection of enslaved Africans under the leadership of Toussaint Louverture

In November 1799, Napoleon's troops surrounded the national legislature and drove out most of its members; dissolved the Directory; and in it's place _____________________________________. a) established a Parliamentary system b) elected a President c) brought back the king d) they established a group of three consuls, headed by Napoleon.

they established a group of three consuls, headed by Napoleon.

In only four years, from _________________, Napoleon rose from a relatively obscure position as an officer in the French army to become Emperor of France. a) 1795 to 1799 b) 1789 to 1793 c) 1790 to 1794 d) 1794 to 1798

1795 to 1799

How long did it take the Grand Army to cover the distance between the Russian border and Moscow? a) 5 months b) 2 months c) 4 months d) 3 months

3 months

After Austria, Prussia, and Russia signed peace treaties, France's only major enemy left undefeated was the great naval power, _____________________. a) Britain b) China c) United States d) Spain


Which 3 countries declared war on France in 1799? (select 3 answers) a) Britain b) Austria c) Prussia d) Russia

Britain Austria Russia

Napoleon's enemies were quick to take advantage of his weakness. Which countries joined forces against France? (select all that apply) a) Sweden b) Austria c) Britain d) Prussia e) United States f) Russia

Britain Russia Prussia Sweden Austria

In April 1814, he accepted the terms of surrender and gave up his throne. The victors gave Napoleon a small pension and exiled, or banished, him to _______, a tiny island off the Italian coast. a) Waterloo b) Versailles c) Corsica d) Elba


What steps did Napoleon take to end corruption and inefficiency in government? (select all that apply) a) Graduates were appointed to public office on the basis of merit rather than family connections. b) he set up lycées, or government-run public schools opened to male students of all backgrounds c) he brought back the old system that allowed only nobles to become high officials d) he dismissed corrupt officials

Graduates were appointed to public office on the basis of merit rather than family connections. he set up lycées, or government-run public schools opened to male students of all backgrounds he dismissed corrupt officials

What was Napoleon's objective in instituting the Continental System? a) a group of people united by some common feature, forming part of a larger group b) any of the world's main continuous expanses of land c) Napoleon intended it to destroy Great Britain's commercial and industrial economy. d) a group of people gathered together in one place for a common purpose

Napoleon intended it to destroy Great Britain's commercial and industrial economy.

What were the results of the Peninsular War? a) Strengthened France's grip over Portugal b) Ensured other countries followed Napoleon's commands c) Napoleon lost about 300,000 men during this Peninsular War, weakening the French Empire. d) Cemented Napoleon's rule over all of Europe

Napoleon lost about 300,000 men during this Peninsular War, weakening the French Empire.

What did Napoleon do to gain the support of the Church as well as the majority of the French people? a) Napoleon signed a concordat, or agreement, with Pope Pius VII, recognizing the influence of the Church b) set up an efficient method of tax collection c) he dismissed corrupt officials d) established a national banking system

Napoleon signed a concordat, or agreement, with Pope Pius VII, recognizing the influence of the Church

What is the definition of blockade? a)a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something b) a forcible closing of ports c) a group of people gathered together in one place for a common purpose d) withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest

a forcible closing of ports

What is guerrilla warfare? a) Horse-based warfare b) the use of hit-and-run tactics by small, mobile groups c) the use of large, huge armies d) Conventional warfare

the use of hit-and-run tactics by small, mobile groups

What does it mean to abdicate? a) vote of the people b) a forcible closing of ports c) to step down from power, (of a monarch) renounce one's throne d) the use of hit-and-run tactics

to step down from power, (of a monarch) renounce one's throne

What is the definition of plebiscite? a) a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government b) vote of the people c) the elected head of a republic d) the revival of art and literature

vote of the people

Why did Napoleon attack Russia in 1812? a) Napoleon wanted to conquer Russia b) The French and the Russians had a long history of warfare c) Napoleon to conquer the rest of Europe d) Russia defied the Continental System by selling grain to Britain

Russia defied the Continental System by selling grain to Britain

Why was it a mistake for Napoleon to stay in Moscow until mid-October? a) Russia's cold, freezing winter devastated Napoleon's Grand Army—only 10,000 soldiers were left to fight b) The British attacked France during this time c) Napoleon's wife died while he was away d) Russia wasn't going to give in

Russia's cold, freezing winter devastated Napoleon's Grand Army—only 10,000 soldiers were left to fight

In addition to the lands of the French Empire, Napoleon also controlled numerous supposedly independent countries. These included______________. The rulers of these countries were Napoleon's puppets; some, in fact, were members of his family. (select all that apply) a) a number of German kingdoms in b) Central Europe. c) Portugal d) Spain e) the Grand Duchy of Warsaw

Spain the Grand Duchy of Warsaw a number of German kingdoms in Central Europe.

In his efforts to extend the French Empire and crush Great Britain, Napoleon made three disastrous mistakes. What were they? a) The Peninsular War b) The Continental System c) The Louisiana Purchase d) The Invasion of Russia

The Peninsular War The Continental System The Invasion of Russia

What event happened that allowed Napoleon Bonaparte to become the hero of the hour and was hailed throughout Paris as the savior of the French republic? a) In 1795, Napoleon defeated the Austrians and Prussians b) In 1795, Napoleon defeated the the Ottoman Empire c) In 1795, Napoleon defeated the forces of Austria and the Kingdom of Sardinia d) In 1795, Napoleon defeated the royalist rebels attacking National Convention

In 1795, Napoleon defeated the royalist rebels attacking National Convention

Where was Napoleon Bonaparte born? a) Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769 in Lyon, France. b) Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769 in Paris, France. c) Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769 on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. d) Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769 in Marseille, France.

Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769 on the Mediterranean island of Corsica.

What is the definition of coup d'état? a) a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government b) the revival of art and literature c) a supreme ruler, especially a monarch d) vote of the people

a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government

People who had at first welcomed the French as their liberators now felt abused by a foreign conqueror. Like the Spanish guerrillas, Germans and Italians and other conquered peoples turned against the French. In Spain and elsewhere, nationalism, or ________________________, was becoming a powerful weapon against Napoleon. a) the use of hit-and-run tactics b) a forcible closing of ports c) loyalty to one's own country d) vote of the people

loyalty to one's own country

Although the Napoleonic Code established some Enlightenment principles; however, it actually limited liberty and promoted order and authority over individual rights. What rights were were restricted under the Napoleonic Code? (select all that apply) a) right to equal pay b) restricted freedom of the press c)restored slavery in the French colonies of the Caribbean d) women lost most of their rights of citizenship restricted freedom of speech

restricted freedom of speech restricted freedom of the press restored slavery in the French colonies of the Caribbean women lost most of their rights of citizenship

How did Napoleon affect other countries? (select all that apply) a) sparked nationalist feelings across Europe b) helped create a united Germany c) doubled the size of the United States d) spread French culture

sparked nationalist feelings across Europe helped create a united Germany doubled the size of the United States

During the first decade of the 1800s, Napoleon's victories had given him mastery over most of Europe. By 1812, the only areas of Europe free from Napoleon's control were ____________________. (select all that apply) a) Spain b) the Ottoman Empire c) Sweden d) Portugal e) Britain

the Ottoman Empire Sweden Portugal Britain

In what year did the Directory appoint Napoleon to lead a French army against the forces of Austria and the Kingdom of Sardinia? a) 1795 b) 1796 c) 1797 d) 1794


What Enlightenment principles did the Napoleonic Code established? (select all that apply) a) Religious toleration b) Women won equal rights and the right to vote c) Abolition of feudalism d) Equality of all male citizens before the law

Abolition of feudalism Equality of all male citizens before the law Religious toleration

What was the significance of the Haitian Revolution? a) The United States joined the Haitians fight for their independence. b) Great Britain aided the Haitians. c) The French crushed the Haitian's hopes of independence. d) After the failure to keep Saint Domingue, Napoleon decided to cut his losses in the Americas by selling all of the Louisiana Territory to the United States (doubling it's size).

After the failure to keep Saint Domingue, Napoleon decided to cut his losses in the Americas by selling all of the Louisiana Territory to the United States (doubling it's size).

In an effort to get Portugal to accept the Continental System, he sent an invasion force through Spain. The Spanish people protested this action. In response, ______________________, a) Napoleon declared war on Spain. b) Napoleon withdrew his troops. c) Napoleon removed the Spanish king and put his own brother, Joseph, on the throne. d) Napoleon called for a meeting of the Estates-General.

Napoleon removed the Spanish king and put his own brother, Joseph, on the throne.

On December 2, 1804, in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, Napoleon took the crown from the pope and placed it on his own head. What was the significance of his action? a) Napoleon was very upset at the Pope for not crowning him. b) Napoleon's coronation ushered in a new time of peace for France. c) Napoleon signaled that he was more powerful than the Church, which had traditionally crowned the rulers of France. d) The Pope didn't want to crown Napoleon.

Napoleon signaled that he was more powerful than the Church, which had traditionally crowned the rulers of France.

What is scorched-earth policy? a) This involved burning grain fields and slaughtering livestock so as to leave nothing for the enemy to eat. b) the use of hit-and-run tactics c) loyalty to one's own country d) a forcible closing of ports

This involved burning grain fields and slaughtering livestock so as to leave nothing for the enemy to eat.

How did the Spanish people react to Napoleon removing the Spanish king and putting his brother on the throne? a) The Spanish people rejoiced b) This outraged the Spanish people and inflamed their nationalistic feelings. c) The Spanish people hated their king d) The Spanish people accepted Napoleon's rule

This outraged the Spanish people and inflamed their nationalistic feelings.

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