!984 Test Review

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Why does Orwell end Part One of the novel with the Party's three slogans?

1984." In the novel, this phrase is one of the slogans of the Party. These slogans are, "War is peace / freedom is slavery [and] ignorance is strength." The Party believed that they could endlessly engage in a war to keep peace in the country.

Describe the posters of Big Brother.

A symbol that demands the citizens of Oceania to honor and love him. Orwell used Big Brother in the novel 1984 to represent totalitarian countries run by dictators.

Winstons dream

About his mother who was vaporized when he was a kid not long after his father disappeared and sees his mother holding his baby sister in her arms

What do Winston and Julia determine "would be the real betrayal

According to Winston, the ultimate betrayal would be for Julia and Winston to betray one another. ... In the Ministry of Love, Winston clings to his love for Julia. Basically make Winston stop loving Julia

Why is Winston so fatigued at the beginning of this chapter?

After a ninety-hour workweek, Winston is exhausted. In the middle of Hate Week, Oceania has switched enemies and allies in the ongoing war, heaping upon Winston a tremendous amount of work to compensate for the change.

what happens when Winston and Julia accidently meet

Are kind of cold towards each other and have no care about each other, and that they have changed after the torture

Chocolate Rations

As short a time ago as February, the Ministry of Plenty had issued a promise (a 'categorical pledge' were the official words) that there would be no reduction of the chocolate ration during 1984.

Two Minutes Hate

Daily period in which Party members of the society of Oceania must watch a film depicting the Party's enemies (notably Emmanuel Goldstein and his followers) and express their hatred for them.

Why does the Party try to control sexuality and romantic love?

Due to the oppressed views of society the government has banned sex. They view sex as something that should be between married people to produce more party members.

According to Goldstein's book, what is the inner meaning of the Party slogan: WAR IS PEACE? Provide some details.

Goldstein writes that the war never advances significantly, as no two allied nations can defeat the third. The war is simply a fact of life that enables the ruling powers to keep the masses ignorant of life in other places—the real meaning of the phrase "WAR IS PEACE."

The Chestnut Tree Café

Haunt of painters and musicians, the place seems ill omened and slightly disreputable. It is associated with those out of favor with the Party--the old leaders of the Party, before they were exposed as traitors and purged, used to gather there. The specialty of the house is gin flavored with cloves.

"Now that he had recognized himself as dead man it became important to stay alive as long as possible"

He believes that he is a dead man because of his thoughtcrimes.

Why does Winston determine that the proles are human beings?

Proles are actually human beings because they remain loyal and they actually have emotions, feelings and families.


Reality Control. The power to hold two completely contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accept both of them.

Shakespeare" on his lips?

Shakespeare definitely represents that richness of language and thought, in all its nuance and complexity, that the Party is out to destroy.

15. Why do the rocket bombs crash oftener than ever during the Hate Week preparations?

There had been a hate week song and many posters and everything were being set up during hate week.

What are some of the things Winston and Julia are willing to do to help the Brotherhood? What are they not willing to do?

They are willing to murder innocents, commit suicide to further the brotherhood but they are not willing to never see each other ever again.

What belongs to the "ancient time",

This is about his mother

How do Winston and Julia each view their situation differently?

Julia cares more about having fun and enjoying her life (her little trists with all her man-friends) than she cares about bringing down the Party. If fact, Julia thinks Winston's ideas about rebellion and his faith in the Proles is a silly waste of time. Winston is obssessed with the past (the paperweight,the old songs, books, pens, inventions) and the beauty of the way things were before the Party took over and subjected everyone to their overly controlling rules and laws. The Proles, to Winston, are an excellent example of this

What is the "unmistakable evidence of an act of falsification" that Winston "held between his fingers for as long as thirty seconds" (64)? Why does Winston write: "I understand HOW: I do not understand WHY." (68)?

This quote is referring to Jones, Rutherford, Aaronson's innocence.

"Foreigners, whether from Eurasia or from Eastasia, were a kind of strange animal. One literally never saw them except in the guise of prisoners, and even as prisoners one never got more than a momentary glimpse of them."

This quote is significant because it shows what Winston noticed about foreigners.

When does Winston first realize that O'Brien is directing his torture? Do you think that on some level he was always aware that O'Brien was an inner party member? Explain

When O'Brien comes visit him saying he "always knew". And it was only for hope

Why does Winston talk to the old man in the pub?

When Winston goes in to the pub, he wants to talk to the old man and ask him if things were better before the revolution. ... So, the short answer is that the man is too old. The party erased history.

Katherine (1984)

Winstons wife they were only married for 15 months. She hated sex and they called it their duty to the party to sleep together. Never had any children. They do not believe in marriage so they have been separated for 10 to 11 years. He call her a "human soundtrack"

Why does Julia's corruption fill Winston with wild hope? Why does he describe their sexual encounter as "a political act

Winston´s and Julia's sexual activity is a political act. Their relationship is a political act of REBELLION. They both feel oppressed by the party so the sexual activity between them allows them in way rebel because it is "unauthorised sex." They both feel frustrated in different ways because of the party and by doing this they are expressing what they feel about the party such as anger, stress and frustration. This is the way they are both coping with the situation. Julia feels in way trapped because the party doesn't allow her to have sexual relationships with any other member of the party because of this she feels the need to rebel. She feels the need to rebel because of a more personal cause

17. Discuss the significance of the décor of the room above Mr. Charrington's shop.

extinct animals could exist, tiny dark shop black kitchen.

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

he is asserting that truth exists independently of the Party's ideology.

how does o brien and Winston each define existance

how does o brien and Winston each define existance O'Brien believes what you think, it exists. Winston believes that what is being seen, is real.

What does the scene of Winston in the Chestnut Tree Café reveal about him?

that he finally gave in to the party, turned into an alcoholic and fat

What does Winston find in Room 101?

the rat cage

Provide some details from Chapter 1 of Goldstein's book, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH. What does it mean, "If one is to rule and to continue ruling, one must be able to dislocate the sense of reality."

"IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH," traces a theory of social classes throughout recent history: High Class, Middle Class, and Low Class—the Inner Party, the Outer Party, and the Proles. According to the manifesto, Eurasia was created when Russia subsumed all of Europe, Oceania was created when the United States absorbed the British Empire, and Eastasia is made up of the remaining nations

Winston Smith

A minor member of the ruling Party in near-future London, Winston Smith is a thin, frail, contemplative, intellectual, and fatalistic thirty-nine-year-old. Winston hates the totalitarian control and enforced repression that are characteristic of his government. He harbors revolutionary dreams.

How does Winston react to the first pain he suffers?

He first accepts it, but as more pain was dealt, he couldn't take it anymore.

16. Discuss Winston's changing physical condition. What is causing the changes?

He had dropped a habit of drinking gin at all hours, lost the need for it, grown fatter, various ulcers subsided, leaving brown stain on his clothes above his ankle, no impulse, to make face at telescreen.

Discuss the significance of Winston's recurring nightmare

He is front of a wall of darkness and on the other side there was an undarable thing to dreadful to be faced. Deepest feelings was always one of the self deception and did in fact know what was behind the wall, With deadly effort like wearing a piece of his own brain he could drag thing to open. Woke up without ever discovering what was behind the wall.

In what way does Winston betray Julia?

He says that when he presses a lever, the door will slide up and the rats will leap onto Winston's face and eat it. With the writhing, starving rats just inches away, Winston cracks. He screams that he wants O'Brien to subject Julia to this torture instead of him. O'Brien, satisfied by this betrayal, removes the cage.

how does Winston react to the news of victory in africa

He was extremely happy, pretending to run outside in the crowd, cheering with them

How does Winston compare his mother to the Jewish woman he had seen on the news film?

In the movie a refugee mother on a small boat in which the mother protects her son from a bomb by wrapping her arm around him and he finds similarity.


He was vanished. Morning came and he was missing from work. Few people commented on his absence. Winston noticed the messaged board and looked at the chess club committee which syme was a member and he had ceased to exist.

"If there is hope it lies in the proles." (60)? And why does the Party slogan declare, "Proles and animals are free

If there was hope, it MUST lie in the proles, because only there in those swarming disregarded masses, 85 per cent of the population of Oceania, could the force to destroy the Party ever be generated. The Party could not be overthrown from within. Its enemies, if it had any enemies, had no way of coming together or even of identifying one another.For Winston, the sheer numbers of the Proles enable them to have a shot of overcoming the power of Big Brother and the Party. Winston sees the Proles as containing the physical capacity in terms of numbers and size to overthrow the Party. For Winston, if the Proles could be made aware to understand their own strength, change would be evident:

Discuss the significance: "In this room I'm going to be a woman, not a Party comrade.

Julia's defiance of the Party is an acceptance of sexual desire and of femininity. The Party had essentially created a homogenous society where individuals dressed the same and thought the same. Julia's use of makeup and feminine clothing is a way of recapturing her womanhood both in the aesthetic and physical ways. Of course, this reclaimed identity could not be seen in public, but only in the safety of the room.

summarize the three stages od treatment at the ministry of love

Learning, Understanding, and Acceptance

Under the spreading chestnut tree I sold you and you sold me

Love is not permitted by party members. Instead, they are encouraged to turn in anyone suspect of any crime against Big Brother, thus they end up selling each other out (as Winston does later with Julia and as Rutherford, Aaronson, and Jones have done as mentioned in Part I, ch. 7) thus switching the word "loved" to "sold."

What allusion does O'Brien seem to recognize? What is Winston's last question before leaving O'Brien's house? What is O'Brien's response?

O'Brien tells them that the Brotherhood is real, that Emmanuel Goldstein exists and is alive, and leads them through a ritual song to initiate them into the order of rebellion. O'Brien gives them wine, and Winston proposes that they drink to the past. Julia leaves, and O'Brien promises to give Winston a copy of Goldstein's book, the manifesto of the revolution. O'Brien tells Winston that they might meet again one day. Winston asks if he means in the place where there is no darkness, and O'Brien confirms by repeating the phrase. O'Brien fills Winston in on the missing verses from the St. Clement's Church rhyme.

"Orthdoxy means not thinking—not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness."

Orthodoxy is essentially accepting anything Big Brother says without thinking about it. Citizens who are unable to think for themselves will never present a threat to the authoritarian government.


Other World and the beauty of the love of Julia and Winston found even though it is forbidden

compare ampleforths and parsons reactions to their arrests

Parsons was proud of his daughter for turning him and also scared; Ampleforth didn't really care and was calm

who will never be vaporized

Parsons- Survive because he is gullible Julia-Survive because he believes she is part of the thought police or and amateur spy

18. Why does Winston tell Julia she is "only a rebel from the waist downwards"

She follows all the other rules about her party except the one about sex which is the waist down.

Why does the Party care about suppressing sexual desire?

The Party was trying to kill the sex instinct, or, if it could not be killed, then to distort it and dirty it. He did not know why this was so, but it The sexual act, successfully performed, was rebellion. Desire was thoughtcrime.

Chocolate 1984

The chocolate along with Winston's regret of his past actions also symbolizes his realization that the past couldn't have been as bad as the party put it to be

why are the common criminals and political prisoners treated differently in the temporary lock up

The common criminals were more of a threat than the political prisoners

Mutability of the Past

The concept that the past had no objective reality except in records and so could be altered by big brother by being re-written for the effects of present day.

"You did not have friends nowadays, you had comrades"

There are only acquaintances , relationships between friends are destroyed. Party replaces the need for friendship

rhyme about church bells

The rhyme "Oranges and lemons" is significant to George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984 it acts as foreshadowing throughout the novel. It foreshadows that Charrington will be the one to bring down Winston. It also foreshadows the inevitability of death for those who seek knowledge.

"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past."

The slogan is an important example of the Party's technique of using false history to break down the psychological independence of its subjects.

What is the Party's ultimate goal? Compare their goal to other totalitarian governments.

The two aims of the party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independant thought. There are therefore two greatest problems that the party is concerned to solve. I can only give you one aim: absolute power.

What happens to the paperweight? What does Winston realize about the coral and what is the significance?

The window shatters, and black-clad troops pour in. They smash the paperweight, and Winston thinks about its smallness. The troops kick Winston and beat Julia. Winston becomes disoriented; he cannot tell the time on the old-fashioned clock in the room. As the troops restrain Winston, Mr. Charrington enters the room and orders someone to pick up the shards from the shattered paperweight

what month do Winston and Julia start meeting in the room above the junk shop? Address possible foreshadowing in the prole woman's song:

They begin meeting in april. The song the women singing haunts london for weeks past. Countries songs published for benefit of proles.

Describe Winston and Julia's visit to O'Brien's house.

They traveled by different routes and they were nervous to enter the house because this was the rich part of town that the inner parties members live in. Smells of rare foods and Tabasco. He turned the tele screen off and Julia and wintson were shocked they could do that but it was because he was the inner party and he can do that.

why does o brien wish to convince Winston that two plus two equals five

To see how long it takes until Winston gives in to the Part, and that's when O'Brien will know he has full control/power over him.


Uniform, of course, is to relegate everyone who wears it to just another insignificant member of the collective.

How does O'Brien finally make contact with Winston? Why does Winston have the sensation of "stepping into the dampness of a grave"

While walking through a hallway at work, Winston hears a small cough behind him. He turns and sees O'Brien, and feels that finally the day has come when he will receive a message from the Brotherhood. O'Brien begins the conversation by claiming that he knows Winston is interested in Newspeak, even vaguely referring to Syme, who was recently vaporized. O'Brien offers Winston an advance copy of the Tenth Edition of the Newspeak Dictionary and gives Winston his home address so that he can come pick up the copy. Then, as suddenly as he arrived, O'Brien is gone. Winston reflects on the interaction, believing that he is taking yet another step towards complete rebellion, and towards his own grave.

Look at the condition you are in!" (224). What does Winston's rotting body represent?

Winston argues that the Party cannot alter the stars or the universe; O'Brien answers that it could if it needed to because the only reality that matters is in the human mind, which the Party controls.


Winston enjoys sex for pleasure and wished it was that way; sex is only to make kids. 3 years ago a young woman having paint on her face. Looking to find a prostitute to sleep with.

How does Winston feel about the information he read in Goldstein's book?

Winston finally asks Julia if she is awake—she is not—and falls asleep himself. His last thought is that "sanity is not statistical."

Dark haired girl

Winston hates her but also wants to make love her, attractive, wears chastity belt might be apart of thoughtpolice

Winston's home

Winston lives in a place call Victory Mansions which is in a place called Oceania located Airstrip One in London. The name insinuates that the place at one time or another used to be beautiful. It also would have been the kind of place where people would want to live because of the name alone says greatness. However at this point it is run down with broken windows, no heat and with plumbing that does not work most of the time.

How is a feeling of foreboding established at the beginning of this chapter?

Winston looks at the woman through the window, admires her fertility, and imagines that the proles will one day give rise to a race of conscious, independent individuals who will throw off the yoke of Party control. Winston and Julia look at the woman and realize that although they are doomed, she might hold the key to the future. Both Winston and Julia say, "We are the dead," and out of the shadows a third voice interjects, "You are the dead."

How are Winston and Julia captured?

Winston realizes that Mr. Charrington's voice was the one coming from the telescreen, and that Mr. Charrington is a member of the Thought Police.

What is the significance of chocolate in Winston's memory about his mother? Why does he feel guilty?

Winston remembers that shortly after his father disappears he lived with his mother and baby sister. His mother was highly distraught and rarely spoke and held Winston for long periods of time. He demanded food even though there was barley enough to share, so he stole the chocolate from his sister and ran with it. But when he came back his mom and sister was gone.

Why does the room above Mr. Charrington's shop appeal to Winston?

Winston rents out the room above Mr. Charrington's shop for the express purpose of conducting his illicit affair with Julia. It provides for both of them a haven of relative peace and privacy away from the daily grind of state-enforced conformity. It's also a place of freedom, a rare and precious commodity at the best of times, but especially so in a society in which everyone is constantly under the watchful gaze of the Party. That little room comes to symbolize the triumph of the human spirit in the midst of systemic repression.

Starts Part two: Dark Haired Girl outside junk shop

Winston saw the dark haired girl and her arm was in a sling. They were 4 meters apart when she fell on her face and fell on her injured arm. Face turned milky yellow. More fearful than in pain. She the slipped a note in his pocket that said "I Love You"

The Parsons Family

Winston's neighbors, Mrs. Parsons asked Winston to fix her drain in the beginning of the novel, Mr. Parsons is a member of the party, turned in by his daughter at the end of the novel for thoughtcrime

What does Winston describe as one of the "horrors of the world"?

Yes it can be foreshadowing, because it can mean that they can be "ratted out", they could at some point get caught.

What is crimestop?

a necessary mental discipline for good party members in 1984. Good party members have no private emotions; they are in a state of constant enthusiasm about the goals set by the state. Even children can learn to avoid thinking any thoughts deemed dangerous by the state.



Scarlet Sash

mark of a member of the anti-sex league

what symbolic meaning can be drawn from the fact that the ministry of love has no windows and is kept artificially illuminated all the time

no hope and not knowing the time

Why does the paperweight in Mr. Charrington's shop appeal to Winston?

perweights are known to keep the paper from blowing in the breeze. I agree that the paperweight symbolizes Winston's struggle to reconnect with the past because psychological manipulation has been taking place in 1984, by the Party. ... It symbolizes the little acts of rebellion by Winston and Julia against Big Brother.

Discuss the significance of Julia "ripping off the scarlet sash of the Junior Anti-Sex League" and producing the "very unusual chocolate

ripping the sash off shows that she has changed and know she believes that she sleeps with Winston. The chocolate was dark and shiny and was wrapped very unusual. Normally dull and brown + crumbly like the smoke of a rubbish fire. Black market taste was delightful.

why doesn't the party simply liquidate rebellious members

they want them to die loving big brother

what reason does o brien give for Winston being brought to the ministry of love

to cure him from his insanity and to give in to the party

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